Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.
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D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'Index of Persons - J', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane( London, 1987), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/j [accessed 17 September 2024].
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'Index of Persons - J', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane( London, 1987), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/j.
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding. "Index of Persons - J". Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. (London, 1987), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/j.
JACKMAN (Jackeman, Jakeman), see also SPAKEMAN
-, Jakeman (Jackman, Jackeman, Spakeman), Richard (fl. 1520, d. c.1534). St. Mary Colechurch 6-7?; St. Olave Old Jewry 1B (r)
-, Jackeman, William (fl. 1558, d. 1562), cit. & ironmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 3A (r), 19F-G (s)
JACKSON (Jakson, Jaxon, Johson)
-, Jackson, Arthur (fl. 1601-19), cit. & clothworker, ?h. of Mirable, ?f. of John (fl. 1624-31). St. Pancras Soper Lane 15B (r)
-, Jackson, Christopher (fl. <1517). St. Olave Old Jewry 1E (r)
-, Jackson, John (fl. 1624-31), ?s. of Arthur. St. Pancras Soper Lane 15B (r)
-, Jackson, John (fl. 1649-56), merchant tailor. 95/D-F, J-L
-, Jackson, Mrs. Mirable (fl. 1619-c.1624), ?wid. of Arthur. St. Pancras Soper Lane 15B
-, Jaxon, Robert (fl. 1582). St. Mary le Bow 43
-, Jackson, (Mr.) Robert (fl. 1665-6), tailor. St. Pancras Soper Lane 17B (r)
-, Jackson (Johson), Samuel (fl. 1666-71), pewterer, s. of Thomas. St. Mary Colechurch 21C (r), E-F
-, Jackson, Thomas (fl. 1638, d. 1680), cit. & pewterer, colonel, f. of Samuel. St. Mary Colechurch 21E-F (r)
-, Jakson (Jackson), William (fl. 1516), pewterer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8 (s)
JACOB (Jacobbe)
-, Jacob (Jacobbe), Giles (fl. 1555, d. c.1580), cit. & merchant tailor, f. of Robert, ?Giles & ?Sebright. St. Mary Colechurch 29-31 (r), 35 (r)
-, Jacob, Giles (fl. 1590), ?s. of Giles, br. of Robert & Sebright, nephew of Robert & Hugh OFFLEY. St. Mary Colechurch 32
-, ~, ~, assigns of (fl. 1582-5). St. Mary Colechurch 29-31
-, Jacob, Dr. Robert (fl. 1585-6, d. by 1590), doctor of physic, s. of Giles, br. of Giles & Sebright, nephew of Robert & Hugh OFFLEY. St. Mary Colechurch 32
-, Jacob, Sebright (fl. 1590-5), ?s. of Giles, br. of Robert & Giles, nephew of Robert & Hugh OFFLEY. St. Mary Colechurch 32
-, Jacob, William (fl. 1619, d. c.1628), cit & draper. St. Mary Colechurch 12 (r)
Jakeman, see JACKMAN
-, Jakes, John (fl. 1482-5), cit. & draper. 11/10; St. Mary le Bow 14
Jakson, see JACKSON
-, James the pepperer (piperarius) (fl. c.1300-6). 11/11 (r?); 81/D
Possibly identical with James le PEVERER
-, James of Warwick (fl. c.1246), Jew. 95/8-12 (r)
-, James of Worcester (fl. <1294), cit. St. Mary le Bow 8
-, James, Arnold (fl. 1587-1604), of parish of St. Mary Matfelon, of East Smithfield, of Wapping, beer-brewer, 2nd s. of Roger, h. of Mary, prob. f. of Valentine. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8, 14-15
-, ~, ~, Mary w. of (fl. 1601). St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15
-, James, David (fl. >1666), cit. & haberdasher. St. Mary Colechurch 24A-C
-, James, Edward (fl. 1611-12), cit. & grocer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A
-, James, John (fl. 1623, d. 1642), of Braughing (Herts.), gent., s. of Mary, prob. s. of Valentine, h. of Anne. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, ~, ~, Anne w. of (fl. 1641-2). St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, ~, ~, executor of, see Henry GARRARD
-, James, Mary (fl. 1641-2), prob. wid. of Valentine, m. of John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, James, Robert (fl. 1422x41, d. by 1454), esq. 11/6
-, James (Jeames), Roger (fl. 1571-87), beer-brewer, f. of Arnold. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8, 14-15
-, James, Valentine (fl. 1608-9), prob. s. of Arnold, prob. h. of Mary. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, Jancy, Richard (fl. 1464), chaplain. St. Mary Colechurch 26, 32B?
-, Jane, Mr. (fl. 1638). 11/5 (r)
Jarvis, see GERVEYS
Jaxon, see JACKSON
-, Jaye, Robert (fl. 1615), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 43
Jeames, Roger, see Roger JAMES
-, Jeanes, Mr (Thomas) (fl. 1628-48). St. Mary Colechurch 32
-, Jefferies, John (fl. c.1654). 95/8
-, Jenene, John (fl. <1673), h. of Rachel. St. Mary Colechurch 24D
-, ~, ~, Rachel w. of, see Rachel da. of Sir Thomas CAMBELL
Jenin, John, see John JURIN
Jenken alias Johnson, John, see John JOHNSON
-, Jenkyns, William (fl. 15C), keeper of king's arras & tapestry. 95/8-12
-, Jenkinson, Robert (fl. <1609). St. Mary le Bow 12
JENNEWAY (Jenoway)
-, Jenneway, Christopher (fl. 1604), cit. & skinner, ?f. of John. St. Olave Old Jewry 1A (r)
-, Jenoway, John (fl. 1633-55), cit. & skinner. St. Olave Old Jewry 1B (r)
JENNEY (Genny)
-, Jenney (Genny), Edmund (fl. <1489-94). St. Mary Colechurch 11, 35
-, Jenney, Richard (fl. 1633). 95/6-7C (r)
JENNINGS (Jennyns, Jenyng, Jenyns), see also GENYNGS, JENENE, JENIN
-, Jenyns, Stephen (fl. 1502-5). St. Pancras Soper Lane 29, 36, 37
-, Jenyns (Jennyns, Jenyng), Thomas (fl. 1544-74), cit. & girdler. 95/13-15; St. Pancras Soper Lane 12 (r), 23 (r)
-, Jennings, Thomas (fl. 1641), esq. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, Jenor, Robert (fl. 1638). 132 1A2 (r)
-, Jepe, Richard (fl. 1399, d. c.1429), cit. & freeman, rector of All Hallows Honey Lane. 11/3, 8, 9A, 10
-, Jerveys, Jervys, see GERVEYS
-, Jesson, Thomas (fl. 1668-9), prob. s. of Mrs Alice FLETCHER. St. Mary Colechurch 29-31
the Jew, see ABRAHAM s. of etc.
-, Jewell, Hugh (fl. 1611). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A
-, Jewett, Thomas, br.-in-law of William WALL, see his s., Thomas JEWETT
-, Jewett, Thomas (fl. 1656-7), s. of Thomas Jewett. 95/18A
Joan da. of Henry s. of ? William s. of Emma, see under EMMA
-, Joce the Jew (Joce s. of David) (fl. <1215), f. of Floria. 95/13-15
-, ~, Floria da. of (fl. early 13C). 95/13-15
-, Joce of Canterbury (fl. c.1246), Jew. 95/8-12 (r)
-, Joce of Oxford (fl. c.1246), Jew. 95/8-12 (r)
Joceus s. of Peter Serlon, see SERLON
-, Joes, Edmund (fl. <1471-2). St. Mary le Bow 33 (r)
le Joevene, see PEYTEVIN
-, John s. of Arnulf s. of Alutus, see under ALUTUS
-, John s. of Baldwin, see BALDWIN
-, John s. of Geoffrey, see John FITZGEOFFREY
-, John s. of Peter, see PETER
-, John s. of Richard, see RICHARD
-, John s. of Roger, see ROGER
-, John, Michael s. of (fl. late 12C-early 13C), br. of Ralph. St. Mary le Bow 1 (ref. to), 3
-, ~, ~, Richard s. of (fl. c>1216-58). St. Mary le Bow 1-5
-, ~, Ralph s. of (fl. c.1200). St. Mary le Bow 24
-, John le Blund (Blound), see BLOUNTE
-, John le Brun, see John Braz s. of Adam (BRAS)
-, John le Burgin', see BURGUIGNUN
-, John abbot of Westminster, see John EASTNEY
-, John apprentice of Bartholomew Arnald (ARNOLD) (fl. 1349). St. Mary le Bow 42
-, John apprentice of William FORESTER sen. (fl. 1350-1). St. Mary le Bow 42
-, John, chaplain of St. Michael le Querne (fl. 1324), keeper of altar of St. Mary. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24B
-, John the clerk s. of Richard s. of Robert (fl. 1243-4), uncle of Maud de BREDESTRETE, br. of William FRERE. St. Pancras Soper Lane 26
-, John the clerk (fl. <1317), girdler?, master of Nicholas de CHALNEYE. St. Mary le Bow 32 (r)
-, John valettus of William Hervi, see William Hervi (HERVEY), John servant (valettus) of
-, John of Canterbury (fl. 1281-<1294), pepperer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 22
-, John of St. Edmund (fl. 1290), h. of Grace. St. Pancras Soper Lane 7F (s)
-, ~, ~, Grace w. of (fl. 1290). St. Pancras Soper Lane 7F
-, John of St. Mary (fl. 1289-90), canon of St. Paul's. 81/D
-, John the Welshman (wallensis) (fl. c.1220). St. Mary Colechurch 11-12
-, John of Winchester (fl. c.1250). 11/8-9
JOHNS (Johnes)
-, Johns, David (fl. 1516-21), mercer, br. of Hugh, nephew of Morgan WILLIAMS. St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B (r)
-, Johns, David (fl. 1548), baker. 95/6-7 (r)
-, Johns, Hugh (fl. 1516), br. of David, nephew of Morgan WILLIAMS. St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, Johnes, John (fl. 1646-66), mercer, mar. Grace wid. of Richard Hynd (HINDE). St. Mary Colechurch 19E-G (s)
-, Johns, William (fl. 1508), cit. & mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, Johnson, Alan (fl. 1488), coppersmith. St. Mary le Bow 43
-, Johnson, Gabriel (Gabriell) (fl. 1598, d. >1620), cit. & merchant tailor. St. Pancras Soper Lane 23 (r)
-, Johnson, George (fl. 1558). St. Mary Colechurch 12 (r)
-, Johnson, George (fl. 1634). 95/6-7B
-, Johnson, John alias Jenken (fl. 1535-44). St. Mary le Bow 6 (r)
-, Johnson, John (fl. 1614), ?f. of Robert. St. Mary le Bow 34
-, Johnson, Richard (fl. 1666). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1B (r)
-, Johnson, Robert (fl. 1541, d. by ?1550), tallow chandler. 11/10; St. Mary Colechurch 8-9?
-, Johnson, Robert (fl. 1593, d. 1626), cit. & grocer, aldm., ?s. of John, ?f. of Martha. St. Mary le Bow 34 (s), 36A1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 38A
-, ~, ~, Martha ?da. of, see Martha w. of Timothy MIDDLETON
-, Johnson, William (fl. 1619-32), of Walthamstow (Essex), gent., h. of Elizabeth. St. Mary le Bow 11B2 (s)
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of, see Elizabeth w. of John HALL
Johson, Samuel see Samuel JACKSON
JOLIPACE (Jolipas)
-, Jolipace (Jolipas), Henry (fl. 1393-1429, d. by 1439), clerk, chaplain. St. Mary le Bow 31; St. Mary Colechurch 8, 9C-E, 17; St. Pancras Soper Lane 16
Jolypas, Henry, see Henry JOLIPACE
JONES (Joanes, Jounes)
-, Jones, Ann (fl. 1609), w. of Roger?. St. Mary le Bow 22
-, Jones, Edward (fl. 1605-13), mercer. 81/C (r)
-, Jounes, Francis (fl. 1608-?22), ?haberdasher, ?kt. 95/2 (r)
-, Jones, Henry (fl. 1552), gent. St. Pancras Soper Lane 29, 36A1
-, Jones, Inigo (fl. 1638), surveyor of the king's works. St. Mary Colechurch 0 (ref. to)
-, Jones (Joanes), Ridteh (fl. 1612). St. Mary Colechurch 24B (r)
Possibly identical with Mr RIDD?
-, Jones, Roger (fl. 1597, d. c.1609), merchant tailor, h. of Anne. St. Mary le Bow 1, 11B (r), 22 (r)
-, ~, ~, Anne w. of, see Ann JONES
-, Jones, William (fl. 1573). St. Mary le Bow 30 (r)
-, Jones, William (fl. 1665), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 1
-, Jordan, see Jordan s. of Jordan de Cornhell (CORNHILL)
-, Jordan, Nicholas (fl. 1617). St. Mary Colechurch 22; 132 24-5
Jounes, see JONES
-, Joyce, Thomas (fl. 1661). St. Mary le Bow 24C (r)
-, Joye, John, cit. & tallow chandler, see Denise wid. of
-, ~, ~, Denise wid. of (fl. 1433). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28
JOYNER (Joimer, Joinier, Joiner)
-, Joyner, William (fl. 1212-42, d. by 1247-8), cit. 11/4 (r), 5; 111/1
-, Judde, John (fl. 1519, d. c.1537), of London, gent., h. of Alice. St. Mary Colechurch 16 (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 29 (s), 36A1
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of (fl. 1530). St. Mary Colechurch 16
Possibly identical with Alice w. of John BLAGGE
-, Jumper, Christine (fl. 1651-2). 11/8B
-, Jumper, Matthew (fl. 1651-66), cit. & leatherseller. 11/8B
-, Jumper, Thomas (fl. 1631-c.1643), gent. 11/8B (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 38B
-, Jumper, William (fl.1618-28). 11/5 (r)
-, Junon, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Pancras Soper Lane 16
Possibly identical with John Junyon (JURIN)
Junyon, John, see John JURIN
-, Jures, Mother - (fl. 1611). St. Pancras Soper Lane 38A (r)
JURIN (Jenin, Junyon, Jurion)
-, Junyon (Jenin, Jurion, Jurin), John (fl. 1638, d. 1678x80), merchant, dyer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 16A (r)
-, Jurin, Peter (fl. 1666), merchant. St. Mary le Bow 23A (r)
-, Justice, Hugh (fl. 1647), gent., h. of Mary. St. Mary le Bow 23C
-, ~, ~, Mary w. of, see Mary LOCK
-, Justice, John (fl. 1429), of Tunstall. 11/6
-, Justice, William (fl. 1627, d. 1675), cit. & haberdasher. 95/3B (r), 6-7AC
-, Justice, William (fl. 1647), merchant tailor. 81/C (r)
-, Juvenal, William (fl. c.1216-17), f. of Abel. St. Mary le Bow 19
-, ~, ~, Maud da. of (fl. c.1260), mar. Alexander de BEMFELD. St. Mary Colechurch 1
-, ~, ~, Abel s. of (fl. c.1216). St. Mary le Bow 19
Possibly identical with ABEL the goldsmith