Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.
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D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'Index of Persons - K', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane( London, 1987), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/k [accessed 17 September 2024].
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding, 'Index of Persons - K', in Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane( London, 1987), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/k.
D J Keene, Vanessa Harding. "Index of Persons - K". Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. (London, 1987), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/london-gazetteer-pre-fire/k.
-, Kaisere, Thomas (fl. c.1250). 95/16-18 (r)
Kantabr', see CANTEBRIG
Kari, see CARY
Karkek, Mrs. Eleanor, see Eleanor WHALLEY
Kay, see KEYS
LE KAYERE (Kayer, Keyere)
-, le Kayer (le Kayere, Keyere), Richard (fl. 1279, d. c.1290), h. of Alice, uncle of Isabel, godf. of John le Bokeler (BUKELER). St. Pancras Soper Lane 19
Possibly identical with Richard de Kay (KEYS)
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of (fl. 1290-9), later mar. Adam le FURBOUR. St. Pancras Soper Lane 19
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1290). St. Pancras Soper Lane 19
-, ~, ~, Isabel niece of, see ISABEL niece of Richard le Kayere
-, le Kayere, Walter (fl. c.1254). St. Pancras Soper Lane 19
Kays, see KEYS
DE KAYTON (Cayton)
-, de Kayton (Cayton), Robert (fl. 1360-5), h. of Reyne. Next to 95/5B & 7; St. Mary Colechurch 8, 9C-E
-, ~, ~, Reyne w. of (fl. 1360). Next to 95/5B
Keale, see KEELE
-, Kebyll, Henry (fl. 1503, d. c.1515), aldm. St. Mary le Bow 38-40
KEELE (Keale, Kele, Keyle)
-, Keele, John (fl. 1649), prob. h. of Mary. 95/5K (r)
-, Keele, Mary (fl. 1666), wid. prob of John. 95/5K
-, Keale (Kele, Keyle), Thomas (fl. c.1490-c.1536), cit. & mercer, merchant of the Staple, apprentice of William IPSWELL. 11/5 (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 1B (r)
-, Keer, Robert (fl. 1549-50). 11/1
-, Kelby, Humphrey (fl. <1666). 11/5 (r)
Kele, see KEELE
DE KELESEY (Keleseye, Kelleseye)
-, de Kelesey, R. (fl. >1279-81). St. Mary le Bow 33B
Possibly identical with Robert de Keleseye (KELESEY)
-, de Keleseye (Kelesey, Kelleseye), Robert (fl. 1303, d. 1336), cit., aldm., bailiff of prior of Canterbury's estate, h. of Juliana, f. of Thomas. 81/C-E; 95/17-18; St. Mary le Bow 33A, 33B (s), 42, 43 (s); St. Mary Colechurch 11-12; St. Pancras Soper Lane 27 (s)
Possibly identical with R. KELESEY
-, ~, ~, Juliana w. of (fl. 1336). St. Mary le Bow 42
-, Keleseye, Robert (fl. 1365), draper, executor of Thomas ROMEYN. 11/6; St. Mary le Bow 24C (r?)
-, de Keleseye, Sir Thomas (fl. 1328, d. 1375), cit. & clerk, chaplain, rector of Uherst, s. of Robert (fl. 1303). 81/C; St. Mary le Bow 33A, 33B, 43; St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1375). 81/C; St. Mary le Bow 43; St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, Kelk, John (fl. 1549-50), haberdasher. St. Mary le Bow 24D, 24E (r)
le Kellere, la Keller, see le CALLERE
la Keller, Maud, see Maud ?wid. of William le CALLERE
de Kelleseye, see KELESEYE
de Kelleshulle, see KELSHULL
KELOM (Kellom, Killom, Kyllam)
-, Kelom, Joan (fl. 1426), da. of Martin, sis. of Robert. 95/1
-, Kyllam, John (d. by 1421), cit. & grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 17
-, Killom (Kellom), Martin (fl. 1396-1425), cit. & mercer, f. of Joan & Robert. 95/1; St. Mary le Bow 21-2; St. Mary Colechurch 2
-, Kelom, Robert (fl. 1426), s. of Martin, br. of Joan. 95/1
KELSHULL (de Kelleshulle)
-, Kelshull, Laurence (fl. 1394, d. by 1406), chaplain. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9D
-, de Kelleshulle, William (fl. 1279-80). St. Mary le Bow 33B (s)
Kely, see KEYS
de Kelyngworth, see KILLINGWORTH
KENDALL (Kendale)
-, Kendall, John (fl. c.1468), pewterer. St. Mary Colechurch 22; 135 2
-, Kendale, John (fl. 1483-5), king's secretary. 95/8-12
-, Kendale, Robert (fl. <1433). St. Mary le Bow 34
-, Kendale, Thomas (fl. >1485-?1510). St. Mary Colechurch 26, 27, or 28
-, Kene, Richard (fl. 1363). 11/10
-, de Kent, Avice (fl. 1306). St. Mary le Bow 1-5?
-, ~, ~, da. of (fl. 1306). St. Mary le Bow 1-5?
-, de Kent, Henry (fl. <1304). St. Mary le Bow 3
-, Kent, John, see John s. of Robert de KENT
-, de Kent, Richard (fl. 1283), chandler (unctarius). St. Mary Colechurch 14 (s)
-, de Kent, Robert (d. 1322), cordwainer, h. of Maud, f. of John & William. 95/18 (r)
-, ~, ~, Maud w. of (fl. 1322). 95/18
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1322). 95/18
-, ~, ~, William s. of (fl. 1322). 95/18
-, de Kent, Thomas (fl. 1358), cit. & draper. 95/5A; St. Mary le Bow 10
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan da. of Richard de BERKYNG
-, de Kent, William (fl. 1410), cit. & skinner. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38
-, Kent, William (fl. 1589-90). St. Mary Colechurch 18 (s)
-, Kenton, John (fl. 1434). St. Pancras Soper Lane 36 (r)
-, Kentwode, John (fl. 1422x41, d. by 1454), of Berkshire. 11/6
-, Kentwode, Master Reginald (fl. 1422x41, d. by 1454), dean of St. Paul's. 11/6
-, de Kenylworth, John (fl. 1345). St. Mary Colechurch 32A
Possibly identical with John de KILLINGWORTH?
-, Ker, Petronilla (fl. 1388). St. Pancras Soper Lane 23 (r?)
KERE (Kery)
-, Kere (Kery), Thomas (fl. 1571-4). St. Mary Colechurch 26F (r)
Kerkeke, see CARKEKE
Kery, see KERE
-, de Kestevene, Thomas (fl. 1330-9), cit. & armourer, f. of William. St. Mary Colechurch 6
-, ~, ~, William s. of (fl. 1354). St. Mary Colechurch 6
Possibly identical with William de KESTEVENE
-, de Kestevene, William (fl. 1338), tailor, see
St. Mary Colechurch 14-15
Possibly identical with William s. of Thomas de KESTEVENE
-, Ketel, Gilbert (fl. 1234-5). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1
-, Ketel, Peter (fl. <c.1218-22, d. by 1260), f. of Thomas. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1, 5B?
-, ~, ~, Thomas s. of (fl. <1234). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1
KETERICH (Keteriche)
-, Keteriche, Guy (fl. 1459). 95/17
-, Keterich, Richard (fl. <1437), grocer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, Ketley, Thomas (fl. 1604), cit. & leatherseller. 95/5D-F, K-L
-, Keu, John (fl. 1333), apprentice of John de PAMPESWORTH, hosier (calligar'). St. Mary le Bow 3 (s)
-, Kevill, Thomas (fl. 1495), serjeant-at-law. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9B
Key, see KEYS
le Keyere, Richard, see Richard le KAYERE
-, Keyling, William (fl. 1666), draper. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9-10B (r)
KEYS (Kay(s), Key)
-, Kays, George (fl. 1662-3). St. Pancras Soper Lane 21 (r)
-, Keys, Henry (fl. 1415), clerk. St. Mary Colechurch 2
-, Keys, James (fl. 1469-75). 95/5M (r)
-, de Kay (Key), Richard (fl. <1286). St. Pancras Soper Lane 17?
Possibly identical with Richard le Kayer (KAYERE)
Kidderminster, see KYDERMINSTER
KILBORNE (de Kylbourne)
-, de Kylbourne, Andrew (fl. 1364, d. 1371-2), carpenter, h. of Isabel. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9D
-, ~, ~, Isabel w. of, see Isabel SPOT
-, Kilborne, Isaac (fl. 1610-22), mercer. 11/8A5 (r)
-, DE KILLINGWORTH (Kelyngworth, Kilyngworth, Kyllyngworth)
-, de Kilyngworth (Kelyngworth, Kyllyngworth), John (fl. 1351, d. 1357), cit. & draper, master of Thomas, h. of Alice, f. of Richard. St. Mary le Bow 1, 23A (s), 24, 39 (s?); St. Mary Colechurch 26C
Possibly identical with John de KENYLWORTH
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of, see Alice w. of William de Mymmes (MIMMES)
-, ~, ~, Richard s. of (fl. 1355-78), cit. & draper, s. of Alice, h. of Katharine. St. Mary le Bow 24; St. Mary Colechurch 25C-D, 32A
-, ~, ~, ~, Katharine w. of (fl. 1378). St. Mary Colechurch 32A
-, ~, ~, Thomas apprentice of (fl. 1355). St. Mary le Bow 24
Killom, see KELOM
KING (le Kinge, Kyng)
-, King, Dr., see John KING
-, King, Mr. (fl. 1633-8). St. Pancras Soper Lane 30-2
Possibly identical with Stephen KING
-, King, Mr. (fl. 1637), vintner. St. Mary Colechurch 3B (r)
-, King, Mrs. (fl. 1642). St. Pancras Soper Lane 30?, 31-2
-, King, Allen (fl. 1651-2). St. Mary Colechurch 21B (r)
-, King, Edward (fl. 1654), cit. & merchant tailor. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38A
-, King, Ezekias (fl. 1671), h. of Elizabeth BACKHOUSE, f. of William. 11/3
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of, see Elizabeth BACKHOUSE
-, Kyng, Henry (fl. 1391-7), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14, 16
-, King, (Dr.) John (fl. >1638-68), doctor of physic. 132 1B1, 2A-B
-, King, Maurice (fl. 1666), silkman. St. Mary le Bow 35F (r)
-, King, Peter (fl. 1666), attorney. 95/5L (r)
-, Kyng, Richard (fl. 1495-1512), grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 22 (r); 132 2?
-, le Kyng, Simon (fl. <1333), h. of Margaret. St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, ~, ~, Margaret wid. of (fl. 1333). St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, King (Kinge, Kyng), Stephen (fl. 1633, d. c.1640-1), cit. & scrivener. St. Pancras Soper Lane 30-2 (r)
-, Kyng, William (fl. 1378-92), cit. St. Mary le Bow 5
-, Kyng, William (?recte Knyght) (fl. 1534-5). St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2
Possibly identical with William Knyght (KNIGHT)
-, King, William (fl. 1671), s. of Ezekias & Elizabeth. 11/3
KINGESTON (Kyngeston, Kyngiston)
-, Kyngeston, Alexander (fl. 1430-63). 11/5
-, Kyngiston (Kingeston), John (fl. 1484-8), pointmaker. 95/4A (r), 5E (r)
-, Kyngeston, Robert (fl. >1404), grocer. 11/1B (r)
-, Kyngeston, Robert (fl. 1440), vintner. St. Mary le Bow 40
KINGMAN (Kyngman)
-, Kyngman (Kingman), William (d. c.1396), of 'le Hole Bole', cit. & vintner, h. of Alice. 11/8 (r)
-, ~, ~, Alice wid. of (fl. 1396-1401), later mar. Thomas BAREW. 11/8
-, Kinsman, Edmund (fl. c.1630-7), mason. St. Mary le Bow 0 (ref. to); St. Mary Colechurch 0 (ref. to)
-, Kinsman, Joseph (fl. c.1640-1), plasterer. St. Mary Colechurch 0 (ref. to)
KIRKEBY (Kyrkby, Kyrkeby)
-, Kyrkby (Kirkeby), John (fl. c.1401). St. Mary Colechurch 32A
-, Kyrkeby, John (fl. <1512), cit. & merchant tailor. 95/13 (r)
-, Kyrkeby, John (fl. 1542-3). St. Olave Old Jewry 1E (r)
-, Kyrkeby, Richard (fl. 1455), cit. & grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 11 (r)
-, Kyrkeby, Robert (fl. 1373, d. by 1397), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 14
-, Kyrkby, William (fl. 1434, d. by 1463), clerk. St. Pancras Soper Lane 37
-, Kirketon, William (fl. 1450-1), mercer. 81/D
-, Knette, William (fl. 1523), tallow chandler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8 (s)
KNIGHT (Knyght, Knyghte)
-, Knyght, - (fl. c.1550). St. Pancras Soper Lane 23 (r)
-, Knight, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 27 (r)
-, Knight, Mr. (fl. 1664). St. Mary le Bow 27
Possibly identical with John KNIGHT (fl. <1666)
-, Knight, Elizabeth (fl. 1666), wid. St. Mary le Bow 23B (r)
-, Knight, Francis (fl. 1649-70), esq., cit. & fishmonger. 11/10B (r); St. Mary le Bow 27
-, Knight, John (fl. 1408-33, d. by 1449), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14; St. Mary Colechurch 25, 29-32A
-, Knight, John (fl. 1615), cit. & haberdasher. St. Mary le Bow 12
-, Knight, John (fl. 1620). St. Mary le Bow 37-41 (r)
-, Knight, (Mr.) John (fl. c.1666). St. Mary Colechurch 14 (r)
-, Knyght, Ralph, see Elizabeth da. of
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth da. of (fl. 1329). St. Pancras Soper Lane 10
-, Knyght, William (fl. 1312), cit. & girdler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9C
-, Knyghte (Knight), William (fl. 1522-38), chandler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 18 (r), 21-2
Possibly identical with William KING
KNOLLES (Knowelles)
-, Knolles, Robert (fl. 1375, d. 1407), kt., h. of Custancia. St. Mary le Bow 34
-, ~, ~, Custancia w. of (fl. 1375). St. Mary le Bow 34
-, Knolles, Robert (fl. 1442-c.1490), esq., s. of Thomas Knolles jun., h. of Elizabeth. 11/0, 8A; 95/6-7
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of (fl. 1446-c.1490). 11/8A
-, Knolles, Thomas (fl. 1397-1409, d. by 1449), cit. & grocer. St. Mary le Bow 4, 28, 31; St. Mary Colechurch 16; St. Pancras Soper Lane 36
-, Knolles, Thomas sen. (fl. 1406, d. 1435-6), cit. & grocer, f. of Thomas jun. 11/8A-B
-, Knolles, Thomas jun. (fl. 1427, d. 1446), cit. & grocer, s. of Thomas sen., f. of Robert. 11/0, 8A-B; 95/6-7; St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 10, 18, 21-2
-, ~, ~, Robert s. of, see Robert KNOLLES
-, Knowelles (Knolles), Thomas (fl. 1547), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 15
-, de Knopwed, John (fl. <1330, d. 1340-1), cit. & mercer, h. of Rose. St. Mary Colechurch 1?; St. Pancras Soper Lane 0 (ref. to), 28-9, 39
-, ~, ~, executor of (fl. 1349), ?Giles SPENCER. St. Mary Colechurch 1?; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, ~, ~, Rose w. of (fl. 1336, d. 1348). St. Mary Colechurch 1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 0 (ref. to), 28-9, 39
-, Knott, John (fl. c.1663-76), cit. & innholder. 11/5, 8C
-, Knottford(e), John (fl. 1527-31). St. Olave Old Jewry 1B (r)
-, Knottinglee, John (fl. 1409), cit. & mercer. St. Mary le Bow 15, 16
Knowelles, see KNOLLES
KNOWESLEE (Knouslee)
-, Knoweslee (Knouslee), Richard (fl. 1374-91), executor of Thomas de Macchyng (MATCHING). 11/9A; St. Mary le Bow 5
-, Knyf, John (alias Gyrdelere) (fl. 1363-79), ?girdler, f. of John. St. Mary le Bow 33A
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1394), of Bucks, formerly cit. & freeman. St. Mary le Bow 33A
-, Knyvesworth, George (fl. <1489-90). St. Mary le Bow 27 (r)
-, Knyvett, Anthony (fl. 1596). Next to St. Mary le Bow 7
la Koyfere, Alice, see Alice w. of Robert SEVENHOD
Kohus, John, see John CUSSH
-, Krykenase, John (fl. 1247-8). St. Mary le Bow 37-41 (s)
KYDERMINSTER (Kedemenstre, Kydeminster, Kydermenestre, Kytermenestre)
-, de Kydermenestre, Annabel (fl. 1297-1305, d. by ?1309), wid. of Robert, m. of Agnes, ?Geoffrey, & Maud. St. Mary le Bow 1, 3
-, de Kydermenestre (Kedemenstre, Kydeminster, Kytermenestre), Robert (fl. c.1286, d. c.1297), late cit. & hosier (calligarius, chauser), h. of Annabel. St. Mary le Bow 1 (r) 2 (ref. to), 3
-, ~, ~, Agnes da. of (fl. 1304, d. 1363), & da. of Annabel, sis. of Maud, w. of Elyas le TONDOUR, Thomas de Kydermenstre (alias Manchestre?), & Stephen atte GROVE, m. of Isabel. St. Mary le Bow 1A, 3
-, ~, ~, ~, Isabel da. of (fl. 1339), w. of John atte Grene (GREEN). St. Mary le Bow 1A-B, 3
-, ~, ~, Annabel w. of, see Annabel de Kydermenestre (KYDERMINSTER)
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. c.1309). St. Mary le Bow 1
-, ~, ~, Geoffrey s. of (fl. 1297), ?br. of Agnes & Maud. St. Mary le Bow 1
-, ~, ~, heirs of (fl. 1299-1315). St. Mary le Bow 2. See Maud da. of
-, ~, ~, Maud da. of (fl. 1304-39), da. of Annabel, sis. of Agnes. w. of John NEEL. St. Mary le Bow 1B, 2, 3
-, de Kydermenestre (?recte Manchestre), Thomas (fl. 1304-21), h. of Agnes. St. Mary le Bow 1A, 3
-, ~, ~, Agnes w. of, see Agnes da. of Robert de Kydermenstre (KYDERMINSTER)
Kyllyngworth, see KILLINGWORTH
Kyllam, see KELOM
-, de Kymbene, William (fl. 1391x7, d. by 1403). St. Mary le Bow 16
Kyng, see KING
Kyngeston, see KINGESTON
-, de Kyngessuttone, Richard, called Godchep (fl. 1317-19), cit. & mercer, h. of Margery da. of Jordan GODCHEP. St. Mary le Bow 32
Kyngiston, see KINGESTON
Kyngman, see KINGMAN
-, Kyng(s)son, Barnard (fl. 1531-3). St. Mary Colechurch 22 (r); 132 2?
-, Kynton, Walter (fl. 1379-89, d. by 1405). St. Mary Colechurch 16; St. Pancras Soper Lane 36
-, de Kynyngham, Master Thomas (fl. 1334). St. Mary le Bow 23
-, Kyppyng, Thomas (fl. 1477), cit. & draper. 11/12
-, Kyriel, William (fl. 1388), cit. & tanner. St. Mary le Bow 42 (s)
Kyrkby, see KIRKEBY
Kyrketon, see KIRKETON
Kyrkeby, see KIRKEBY
-, Kyrton, Thomas (fl. 1468, d. c.1490), of London, gent. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2
DE KYSLYNGBURY (Kislyngbury, Kyselyngbury)
-, de Kyselyngbury (Kislyngbury, Kyslyngbury), Richard (fl. 1333, d. 1361), hosier, (caligarius), cit. & draper, sen., h. of Alice. St. Mary le Bow 1, 2, 3, 13 (r)
-, ~, ~, Alice wid. of (fl. 1361-1407), later mar. Edmund SALLE. St. Mary le Bow 1, 2, 3, 13
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1361-3). St. Mary le Bow 1. See also William Bisshop (BISHOP) & John HORWODE jun.
-, Kytson, Thomas (fl. 1528-30). Next to 11/5