Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1694

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1694', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington( [s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1694', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington( [s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1694". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington([s.l.], 2004), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

January 1694

January 1. Monday (New Years Day) I went to church; the Almes men with me; they dined with me also Blake; they went past 2. I went to G.Mainwaring; there was 2 Gerards, Ratcliffe, some women &c. I stayd not, came home; I sent for Frances he gave me & G.Mainwaring an account of Nicolson, Genny, Philips, conversant whith those soldyers that comitted the late robery; Davyes, Ormes & Cooper came, I gave them 2 shillings; Wright brought me againe our Retorne to the Mandamus & a copy of it in English; sister Sidney supt with us.

2. Tuesday, Cranck came agen from Dep[uty] Recorder; brought word he was coming; past 11 I went to the Assembly in the Penthouse; put the Citty seale to our Returne to the Mandamus; retorned neare 2. William[iam] Mainwaring, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Johnson, Cratchley &c. some of theire wifes & others dined with us; I went to the Penthouse past 4 (about the late robery) sent Nicolson [fo. 168r] January 2 & Philips to the Northgate; went thence to Andersons past 9. went home at 11.

3. Wednesday, went to the Penthouse at 12, retorned (at 2 crossed outI) past 2. Streete. G.Mainwaring & Lloyd dined with me; went away past 4. Nixon came back from Utkington.

4. Thursday, the coachman went to Peele (with Shales) about the sheep; Samuell Eaton, his father & father in law Whitley came past 11 about sealing a lease of Moldsworth; dined with me ; also Thomas Whitley & Crosse; 4 of the Almes women dined in the next roome; I gave them 10 s. ; they all parted before 3. Griffith came with a load of coles from Aston; Houseman went in the evening to Soughhall & Shotwick; Alderman Streete came past 5. stayd not. I went to the Ship past 6. there was Streete, G.Mainwaring, Mercer, Coker, Morgan & Parry; Coker & Mercer went first; the rest parted after 10.

5. Friday, Griffith came with coles (2 loads); Danold trimmed me; I dined with Mrs James, Hunt, G.Mainwaring, Anderson (Johnson interl), theire wifes, Charlotte & severall other women, grandaughters, Kenrick &c. with us; we parted past 4; at 7 I went to G.Mainwaring, there was Angell, his cosen, William Mainwaring Blake, Warburton; supt Angell & cosen went past 9. I past 10.

6. Satorday. Brereton was with me about corne &c. I went to the Penthouse about 12, retorned at 2. Streete, Williamson. G.Mainwaring, Coker & Mercer dined with us (Dr Nigton came after diner interl); past 4 I went agen to the Penthouse to a Collation (left by one Batho) Dr Gorge came to us. we went to the Ship; there was Gorge, Streete, G.Mainwaring; then came in Blake, Paris, Bigs & Murray; we parted before 10, Cadwalader brought 2 does.

7. Sonday, I was not at church; Gorge, Shirley,G.Mainwaring; Bellamy & Thomas Whitley dined with us; parted past 2. before 7 Gorge, & Shirley came agen (with Lieutenant Jackson) they supt with us; then came G.Mainwaring; parted at 10 (the coachman went to see his frind interl).

8. Monday, Cratchley came to acquainte me with Mr Thomas's death; Francis came about the man that was robd; Lightfoote & Holland about the herriot & Lightfoote paid some money in part of his bond; they & Richard Lightfoote dined with me. Streete came after diner; stayd 1/2 houer; Jefson came about the serjeant's place; Adams came with Wright & Lewes about a statute merchant; I went past 6 to the Ship, Streete & Coker came to me; then Mercer, we parted at 9; Broster came from Dyssert.

9. Tuesday, Parnell brought me a Bill of Mr Warburton's for acceptance. Kenrick came to speake about the serjeants place; we dined alone; G.Mainwaring came past 2. stayd not; I went to the funerall of Mr Thomason (G.Mainwaring with me) past 5. it was not ended till 8. G.Mainwaring went home with me; Cratchley came to us; parted at 10.

10. Wednesday, Strong came with some money (10 li) in further part of his debt; cosen Brereton of Whitchurch brought me a letter from her sonne; the officers of the Regiment & those of the Castle dined with me, parted at 4. then I went to the Comitte of Revenue at the Penthouse; stayd till past 6. went then to Bells; there was Hand, Kinaston, Meoles, Murray, Cratchley, Comberback, Jackson, Salisbury, G.Mainwaring Bell &c. we parted at 9. Alderman Barnes came with his fathers rent; Coxon brought me a doe.

11. Thursday, Barnes spoke of changing a life in his lease; he retorned past 11. Houseman went to Moldsworth to give Eaton livery & seasin of the tenement he hath leased; no company at diner but sister Sidney & Thomas Whitley; at 2 I went to G.Mainwaring; Gerard was with him; I retorned in 1/2 houer; past 6 John & G.Mainwaring went to Nicols; there was Coker, Edwards, Streete, Blake, Mercer, Morgan, Burrow, Deane &c. we parted at 9.

12. Friday G.Mainwaring;, Streete & Blake came about 10. stayd not. Key dined with me; Coker came past 2 about a Bill; then G.Mainwaring went presently; Sefton came about the serjeants place. Minshall came about his tenement at Bechin; G.Mainwaring & Cratchley came before 9. stayd till 10.

13.Satorday,went to the Penthouse at 12; retorned at 2; Streete, G.Mainwaring, Kinaston, Comberbach, Williamson. Lloyd, Recorder & Sidney dined with us; after diner came Fernehagh, then Angell. all parted before 5. Carington came with things from Peele; Johnson came past 9, stayd awhile; the Stewards of the Bakers came.

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January 14. Sonday, I was not at church; we dined without company; after diner came G.Mainwaring, stayd not; Kate Whitley supt with us; Morgan came after supper, went at 10; Nixon went to Huson, retorned at night 15. Monday, went to the Penthouse past 11. then to the Court. retorned 1/2 houer past 2 Recorder, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Ince, Ewards. Lloyd, Williamson, 2 Sheriffs, Comberbach, Parry, Adams (Morgan interl) Norbery dined with us; parted about 5, the coachman went to Bechin, retorned past 2 Bingley & Sefton came in the evening about the serjeants place; past 7 I went (with daughters &c.) & supt at G.Mainwarings; there was also Johnson & Dermott (a seaman) Cratchley came after supper; I left them at 11.

16. Tuesday, Mr Bruen's man came from his master & mistresse to know how we did, & Dr[........].Parson of Hawerden, & Bret, came after diner. they did eate some meate, drank a bottle of wine & went at 3. Basnet & 3 more came about a wrangling ? businesse; I was busy & sent them to another Justice of Peace; in the evening (past 8) I went to G.Mainwarings; there was Johnson, James Mainwaring &c. I came home 1/2 houer past 9.

17. Wednesday, I went to the Penthouse before 12, retorned about 3. Streete, Lloyd, Williamson, Comberbach, Adams, 2 Warminghams dined with me; past 4 came Jackson; all went before 5. Palin, Fisher & Hughes were with me but stayd not long.

18, Thursday, Parry came to me to excuse him from being surveyor; Comberbach came to take his leave, being going to London; the Deane came to see me. Coker came for money (200 li interl) to retorne by Bills; Davyes came for a passe; about 2 came Richardson to complaine of abuses done him by the Army Officers. I told him I would acquainte the Commander with it & endeavour to doe him right. G.Mainwaring came to us; we soone parted; past 6 I went to Ned Burrows; there were G.Mainwaring, Edwards, Lloyd, Cratchley, Morall, Deane, Basnet, Roberts, Recorder &c. we parted before 10.

19. Friday, Rimmer came past 12 to get off from being surveyor; Key dined with us; John Hussey came after diner; then G.Mainwaring. dranck but stayd not; in the evening came Blake & Murray about Richardson's complainte against Ensigne Wiseman; they promised to meete in the Penthouse tomorow; G.Mainwaring came past 9. stayd not.

20.Satorday, I went to the Penthouse past 11. retorned 1/2 houer past 3. Streete, G.Mainwaring, (Cratchley interl), Lloyd, Edwards & Adams dined wit us; G.Mainwaring & Cratchley (& Adams interl) went before 5; the rest stayd; Ince came about 6. then Wilcox, Johnson about the discourse with Dr Gorge; Wilcox denyed it; Jonson sayd he was with them all the while but did not heare; they stayd till past 9. Cadwalader brought a doe.

21. Sonday, was not at church; Sidney dined with us; after diner came G.Mainwaring stayd not; noe company all day; after supper came G.Mainwaring & Cratchley, parted past 9. Huson went home.

22. Monday, Adams brought some papers to me; sister Lloyd, Sidney & a strange woman that came with a complainte dined with us; Moses Danal over ? accounts; Danold trimmed me; Captain Breson came to see me, also G.Mainwaring; Sefton came about the serjeant's place. Hand & Treasurer Cratchley about Citty concernes; past 4, I went to the Penthouse about Mr Jones his legacy, to the severall companyes; past 6 I went Mr William's house; there was Streete, Edwards, Lloyd, Hand, 2 Treasurers, 2 Sheriffs, Parry, Sparks, Radford &c. we found Burrows & Dr Treston & the colourer there, we parted at 9.

23. Tuesday, Billings came about his encroachment in Bridge Streete; the constables came about a poore cripple retorned to agen notwithstanding our passe for his going to Ireland; Streete & Davyes came about a prentise listed by the officers; I sent Houseman with Davyes to speake to Lieutenant Murray about it; Huson came this morning;(Sidney dined with us interl); past 2 came a lottery man to shew me a new grant for his lottery but I told him he must expect no assistance or countenance from me; then came Jones, one of the Revenue Collectors; then 2 constables about poore passengers sent to them that they could not hyer horses nor carts to carry them, being cripples to the next constables towards the sea coast; Adams came (at 9) about a fine; & Pack to get my hand to a recommendation of a poore man (whose house was burnt) to charity; about 7 came Lloyd of Place Madock (with Hughes & Jones) went before 8. at 9 I went to G.Mainwaring, his son & Jones were with him; I came home at 10 [fo. 169r] January 24, Wednesday Hall & Mouson came to me about the Rood Dee. Treasurer Cratchley came about Wilcox & Philips; a French refugie about going for Ireland; I went to the Penthouse about 12, retorned 1/2 houer past one; G.Mainwaring, Kinaston, Morgan, Lloyd of Place Madock, Hughes & Jones dined with me; parted neare 4, Bolton & Fletcher came about money they owe me; Griffith came with 2 loads of coles; about 8 came Deane & Wright, then Johnston; parted 1/2 houer past 2.

25. Thursday, Huson & Morgan went to Colesell farme &c, Nixon to Llueny; Bolton & Fletcher to acqainte me how they were robd (the last night) by soldyers; Key & Eaton dined with me; then came Wilson about Brombrow; Fletcher came againe &c. past 4 I went to Deane's Coffee house, at the doore I met Captain Paris, Murrey, Bigs & Jackson (they went in with me interl); there was in the roome Johnson, Dean, Denteith & 2 or more; there came Lloyd & Edwards & Adams to take the examination of Bolton & Fletcher of theire being robd; neare 7 I went (with Lloyd & Edwards) to my Porters; there came to us Hales & Smith, Mainwaring Murray, Sparks, Deane & Griffith; we parted neare 10.

26. Friday, Streete was with me about Davyes apprentise; then Murray about the same businesse & Paris to acquainte me that the prisoner (for the last robery) had made his escape; Bellis dined with me & Sidney; after diner came Hand, they went before 3. then came Llee; stayd an houer; Crosby & Allison came to get me speake to the Treasurers not to sue them; Gill & Clare came about threshing corne &c. Danal & Kempe came in the evening about theire accounts; neare 7 came Captain Blake; then Potter & a man & woman with a complainte; went before 8. about 9 came Cratchley, stayd till 10.

27. Satorday, Danold trimmd me; I went to the Penthouse past 11. retorned (before the rest) past 1. Lee of Booth, his wife & neece, Mrs Warburton, Streete & G.Mainwaring dined with us; past 4 Adams came but stayd not, we parted about 5 Arnot came, retorned past 6.

28. Sonday. I was not at church; no company at diner; about 5 came Streete about some money Roger owes a frind of his; stayd not; past 8 came Parry; then G.Mainwaring; went before 10.

29. Monday, Griffith went with his carts to Bechin; Morgan came to witnesse writings, I sent to Mr Lewes about my son's businesse; Sefton came about the serjeants place; Woodson & Yates with a prentise to get up his indentures; Morgan, Bellamy & Thomas Whitley dined with me; went before 3. Coxon's wife brought me a doe; Mr Booth came to see me past 4. stayd 1/2 houer; then came Hand & Johnson, went past 6; then I went to the Ship, there was G.Mainwaring, Cratchley, Pemberton & a master of a ship; Cratchley left us; then came Swan (a man belonging to the Lead furnace) we parted past 9.

30. Tuesday, Winstanley came with Ling, Sounds & Blake to shew me his orders to march & to desire carts & horses to be pressed &c. Adams came to have orders about it. Gray came but stayd not; I & daughters went to the Bars about 5. supt there before 7 I went to the Feathers; there was Edwards, Lloyd, Kinaston, Huet, Deane, Recorder, (Blake awhile) parted before 10.

31. Wednesday, I went to the Penthouse past 10. took coach for Peele before 11 with Marriott & Morgan & Parry; came there before 1; Huson was there; retorned to Chester past 7. alighted at Salisbury's house (Parry with me) there was Streete, Lloyd, Edwards, 2 Sheriffs, Dutton, Bell; we parted before 10.