Vatican Regesta 546: 1473-1477

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 13, 1471-1484. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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'Vatican Regesta 546: 1473-1477', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 13, 1471-1484, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'Vatican Regesta 546: 1473-1477', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 13, 1471-1484. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"Vatican Regesta 546: 1473-1477". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 13, 1471-1484. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.

In this section

Calendar of Selections From Papal Regesta.

Vol. XIII.

Vatican Regesta, Vol. DXLVI.

Bullarum Secretarum Lib. I. Tom. I.
2 Sixtus IV. (fn. 1)
6 Id. Feb.
(8 Feb.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 20r.)
Confirmation, motu proprio, of the union by William, bishop of Sidon, (fn. 2) and Thomas Caundour, then official of Rochester, doctor of decrees, (fn. 3) commissaries of John, bishop of Chichester, of the [alien] priory of Sele alias Sela, O.S.B., in the diocese of Chichester, wherein only the prior and a monk have for several years been living, together with its anciently united parish churches of Old Shorham and New Shorham in the said diocese, to the President and Scholars of the College of Scholars of the Blessed Mary Magdalen in the University of Oxford, and their successors; the said union having been made with the consent of William, bishop of Winchester, patron of the said priory and founder of the said college, (fn. 4) the dean and chapter of Chichester, the archdeacon of Lewes, and Richard Grigg, the said monk. Upon the said prior's resignation or death etc., the President and Scholars may take possession of both priory and churches, reserving a yearly pension of 6 marks and 5 shillings sterling for the chaplain of Holy Cross and St. Augustine in the [cathedral] church of Chichester, which has been wont to be paid from the fruits etc. of the said priory, and also the customary dues of the said archdeacon, all of which is more fully contained in certain public instruments. Ad perp. rei mem. Ex injuncto nobis. [In the margin: Februarii. 2¼ pp.]
13 Kal. Sept.
(19 Aug.)
(f. 30d.)
To Leonard Grifo, bishop of Gubbio, the pope's secretary. (fn. 1)Motu proprio grant in commendam for life to him, who is also a continual member of the pope's household, of the deanery of Wells, a major elective dignity with cure, value 1000 gold florins of the Camera, void and reserved (in virtue of the pope's general reservation of all major cathedral dignities) by the death, without the Roman court, of William Wytham sive Haytell; with mandate executory hereby to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Lincoln and Tarazona (Tirasonen.), and dispensation to hold it together with the said church of Gubbio, etc. Personam tuam. (Gratis de mandato domini nostri pape.) [In the margin: Septembris. 3 pp.]
5 Sixtus IV.
9 Kal. June.
(24 May.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 217r.)
To John, abbot of St. Mary's, Abingdon, (Abendonie), O.S.B., in the diocese of Salisbury, master in theology, nuncio and commissary of the pope and the apostolic see to the realm of England, to Wales and to Ireland, and to the islands adjacent. Faculites, in furtherance of the mission recently committed to him by the pope for the purpose of preaching the indulgence of the Jubilee year in the said realm etc., to grant absolution, dispensation, rehabilitation, etc., in cases of extortion by usury or otherwise, non-payment of tithes, heresy and schism, adultery, marriages contracted within the forbidden degrees, ordination of illegitimate persons and holding of two compatible benefices, ordination per saltum or before the lawful age, the study of law or medicine by prohibited persons, non-fasting by the aged, etc. Cum nos nuper. [5 pp.]
6 Sixtus IV.
3 Id. March.
(13 March.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 218v.) (fn. 2)
To John, abbot of [St. Mary's], Abingdon, [O.S.B.], in the above diocese, master in theology, nuncio and commissary of the pope to the realm of England, to the principality of Wales, and to the island of Ireland, and to the places adjacent. (fn. 3) Renewal of the faculties granted to him as nuncio and commissary, as above, with the power of a legate de latere: notwithstanding the pope's recent general revocation, by his letters ‘Ad fut. rei mem. Apostolice sedis providentia,’ dated at St. Peter's, Rome, 1476[–7], Prid. Kal. Feb. (31 Jan.) anno 6, of the faculties of nuncios and commissaries and collectors. Sic decet Romanum pontificem. [3 pp.]


  • 1. Reg. DXLVI. contains bulls of the 1st, 2nd and later years of Sixtus iv. The ‘Vatican’ Registers of that pope are thus not numbered in order of chronology. The first of the series might appropriately have been, from the chronological point of view, the Register numbered DLI. See below, p. 10, note.
  • 2. William Westecarre became bishop of Sidon in 1457 (Cal. Papal Lett., xi, pp. xxix and 57).
  • 3. He occurs passim in the Patent Rolls, e.g. Cal. 1467–77, pp. 307, etc.
  • 4. viz. circ. 1459 (Monasticon, iv, p. 668).
  • 5. domestico secretario nostro. The name of ‘L. Grifo’ occurs frequently in this capacity in the margin of the bulls in the Registers. Apparently he did not get possession of the deanery; see Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, vol. I, p. 152.
  • 6. The foliation numbers are very confused at about this point.
  • 7. There are thus differences between this and the preceding address.