Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.
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'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: [1620-1640]', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].
'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: [1620-1640]', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,
"Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: [1620-1640]". Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.
In this section
- Ann ap Thomas, a poor servant. WJ/SR/NS/002B/001 ([1620-1640])
- Henry Pettingall. WJ/SR/NS/002B/002 ([1620-1640])
- John Joanes, a very poor man. WJ/SR/NS/002B/003 ([1620-1640])
- Thomas Carter. WJ/SR/NS/002B/004 ([1620-1640])
- Alice Whitmore, widow. WJ/SR/NS/002B/006 ([1620-1640])
- Joane Clarke. WJ/SR/NS/002B/007 ([1620-1640])
- Ann Ayliffe, servant. WJ/SR/NS/002B/008 ([1620-1640])
- William [...], a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/009 ([1620-1640])
- Anne Cage. WJ/SR/NS/002B/010 ([1620-1640])
- Elenor Hughes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/011 ([1620-1640])
- John Loade, Symon Lawrance, Thomas Gould and others of the Rayn'd deere yard in St Clement Danes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/013 ([1620-1640])
- Winifrid Harris. WJ/SR/NS/002B/016 ([1620-1640])
- Joane West and Mary West. WJ/SR/NS/002B/017 ([1620-1640])
- John Tranter. WJ/SR/NS/002B/018 ([1620-1640])
- William Feann and William Busby, two poor servants. WJ/SR/NS/002B/019 ([1620-1640])
- George Allen. WJ/SR/NS/002B/020 ([1620-1640])
- Suzan Hurst, a distressed prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/021 ([1620-1640])
- John Griffith. WJ/SR/NS/002B/022 ([1620-1640])
- Thomas Brickert of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/002B/023 ([1620-1640])
- Richard Bucknell, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/024 ([1620-1640])
- John Dikes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/025 ([1620-1640])
- Richard Johnson, a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/026 ([1620-1640])
- Arthur Davies. WJ/SR/NS/002B/027 ([1620-1640])
- Alice Kellam, wife of Richard Kellam. WJ/SR/NS/002B/028 ([1620-1640])
- Ellin Kelly. WJ/SR/NS/002B/029 ([1620-1640])
- Edward Smyth. WJ/SR/NS/002B/030 ([1620-1640])
- Ellen Hewes, wife of Hugh Hewes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/031 ([1620-1640])
- Richard Beck, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/032 ([1620-1640])
- Leonard Braford. WJ/SR/NS/002B/033 ([1620-1640])
- Christopher Maner, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/036 ([1620-1640])
- Robert Sawcemore of St Martins in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/002B/037 ([1620-1640])
- Teage Mackmohan and Hugh Clancye, prisoners in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/038 ([1620-1640])
- William Crapper. WJ/SR/NS/002B/039 ([1620-1640])
- Thomas Harrison, vintner in Drury Lane, with many of his neighbours. WJ/SR/NS/002B/040 ([1620-1640])
- James Duffe, late constable. WJ/SR/NS/002B/041 ([1620-1640])
- Humfrey Crosse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/042 ([1620-1640])
- William Bishopp of Westminster and Elizabeth Nucum. WJ/SR/NS/002B/043 ([1620-1640])
- Katherne Norris, widow. WJ/SR/NS/002B/045 ([1620-1640])
- John Davis. WJ/SR/NS/002B/046 ([1620-1640])
- Steeven Hopgood, a poor maimed and bedridd man. WJ/SR/NS/002B/048 ([1620-1640])
- William Creiton, a poor stranger in the prison at the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/049 ([1620-1640])
- Margarett Lewes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/050 ([1620-1640])
- Jane Feildby, wife of Clement Feildby. WJ/SR/NS/002B/051 ([1620-1640])
- Willyam Coliber and Edward Hudson. WJ/SR/NS/002B/052 ([1620-1640])
- Bridgett Buttler, wife of William Butler. WJ/SR/NS/002B/012 (1636-1640)
- Robert Wright and Lettice his wife. WJ/SR/NS/002B/014 (1636-1640)
- Richard Fletchware and Ann Waters, prisoners in the house of correction. WJ/SR/NS/002B/015 (1636-1640)
- Ellinor Nicholson. WJ/SR/NS/002B/034 (1636-1640)
- Elizabeth Kempe, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/035 (1636-1640)
- Robert Cotton and David Welch, water men, prisoners in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/044 (1636-1640)
Ann ap Thomas, a poor servant. WJ/SR/NS/002B/001 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Justices of the worshipfull Bench
The humble peticion of Ann ap Thomas
a poore servant to Mr Fennell.
Most humbly sheweth. Whereas Elizabeth Totnam
wyddow a milkwoman and Elizabeth her daughter
have from tyme to tyme abused and beaten your poore
petitioner and doe still threaten to contynue the same abuse
soe that shee cannot goe aboute her mistress buisines for
them in quiett but is in dayly danger and feare of her
life by their unjust malice.
For that the younger Elizabeth is bound over here before
your worships at the instant, Shee humbly prayeth
shee may be still bound over. And the petitioner
shall dayly pray for your worships happines.
Henry Pettingall. WJ/SR/NS/002B/002 ([1620-1640])
To the right Worshipps the Justices of the Cittie and
Liberties of Westminster here assembled.
The humble peticion of Henry Pettingall
Sheweth, whereas one William Wolfe about the 19th. of
September last causelesly conceivinge an inveterate malice
against your petitioner and his wife came unto your petitioners house and in
most vile base and unneighbourly fashion called your petitioners
wife both whoorle and bawde to the great disgrace of your
petitioners And in these followinge cunninge and revylinge words said,
If thou art a whore as thou art a whore, I will not call the
whoore, and that if thou wert a bawde as thou art an old bawde
I would not call the bawde. And also most raylingly and
undecently said his wife was a whoore, and whereas they
had carted one lately in St. Giles, ere longe he would
have the cart brought for her, And as touching your
petitioner himselfe the said Wolfe did bid pull in his
head least his hornes would not lett him, to the greate
discharge disgrace and example of evill
Now for that the said Wolfe notwithstanding these abuses hath
not onely caused his wife to be bound ober to this sessions
but also hath arrested your petitioner att the comen lawe,
albeyt he and his wife hath receyved these exorbitant
His humble suite is that his wife being now
sicke and ready to answere for her selfe, shee may
be called, And that these wrongs complayned
of may be redressed according to your worshipps
worthy discreccions.
John Joanes, a very poor man. WJ/SR/NS/002B/003 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Sir Thomas Wilson knight
The humble peticion of John Joanes a very
poore man.
Most humbly sheweth That it pleased your worshipfull att the
suite of one George Fessey of St Martynes touching
a quarrell to bynd your petitioner over to appeare att this
quarter Sessions of the peace here houlden, for which
your worshipp was pleased to take his owne bayle and
in obedience whereunto he doth humble appeare,
But now forasmuch as the poore petitioners wife is very
sicke, and the petitioner hath nothing but his dayly labours
to maynteyne himselfe wife and children,
His most humbly suite is that your worshipfull wilbe
pleased to be a meanes that the petitioner may
be called and that yow would be a meanes
that he may be discharged
And he will ever pray for your worshipfull.
Thomas Carter. WJ/SR/NS/002B/004 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipful the Justices of Peace
for the Citty and libertyes of Westminster
The humble peticion of Thomas Carter
Sheweth that your petitioner the last quarter Sessions preferred
an indictement against one Sara Morris, who then was not
to be found, but your petitioner enjoyned to finde her out and
to prosecute against her, this presente Sessions.
The said Sara is here present in Court being
brought in by your petitioners industry and your peticioner hath
with his witnesses attended ever since att this Sessions
began to give evidence against the said Sara.
And therefore most humbly praies
she may be called that your petitioners may be
discharged of his attendance and she punished
according to her demeritts
And he will ever pray etc.
Alice Whitmore, widow. WJ/SR/NS/002B/006 ([1620-1640])
To the right honorable worshipfull, and others
the Comissioners for the Sewers.
The humble peticion of Alice Whitmore
Humbly sheweth that your peticioners late husband Owen
Whitmore deceased attended yow here in this Courte and done
yow all services to his uttermost indevoures for the space of eight
yeres, for the which he hath had very litle recompense as (not
unknowne to dyvers of your worships) and your peticoner by his decease
with fowre children exposed to greate misery and want.
Therefore she most humbly beseecheth your worships to
in comiseracion of your peticoners poore estate) to
vouchsafe her your benevolences to the releife of
her and her poore children: And she will ever
pray for your happinesses
Joane Clarke. WJ/SR/NS/002B/007 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the Cittie and Liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Joane Clarke
Humblie shewing, that her husband William Clarke hath and still doth trulie paie all manner
of church duties whatsoever hath bin desired to the uttermost penny; hath beene double assessed
for the poore by the vestrie; all breifes, and other assessmentes for soldiers and otherwise
hath lodged and dietted soldiers in his howse at his owne charges, being forced by the
constables, paved as much ground as lieth before his doore; and paieth money towardes the
repaire of his Majesties highwaies abroad.
Maie it please your worshipps your petitioners husband is one of the Posts of his Majesties Packettes for
forraigne partes, as appeareth by his orders and escuthion here readie; and two of his fellowes
are nowe sent awaie for Spaine with his Majesties Packettes to the lord Ambassador; and hee
looketh everie houre to bee sent awaie himself; In regard of which service, the parish of
St Martin hath ever formerlie spared him of watching and warding: Untill nowe
hee was presented and warned to appeare before your worshipps.
The petitioner humblie prayeth your good worshipps that shee maie not bee putt
to that charge and damage, in the absence of her husband, shee
being a poore woman, and her husband endangering his life in his
Majesties service.
And shee shall dailie praie for your worships healthes.
Ann Ayliffe, servant. WJ/SR/NS/002B/008 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the
worshipfull Bench.
The humble peticion of Ann Ayliffe
servant to Mr Nicholas Blake.
Sheweth. That your petitioner comeinge into the hall
just nowe, uppon an errand to her mistris said Margarett
Cheney did assault and beate your petitioner and will excepte shee and will beate
will her againe, excepte shee will witnes whats shee
would have her doe.
All which shee leaves to your worships conside-
William [...], a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/009 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the Sessions holden
for the countie and libertie of Westminster.
The [illegible] peticion of William Fo[illegible] a poore
prissoner in the gatthowse at Westminister
Sheweth unto your worships that whereas your poore
peticioner beinge a poore trades man and a stranger in this
contrey: was by the faulce accusation of a calumnious
woman, committed to prisson by Doctor Bayttes for the gettinge
of her with childe: your poore peticioner standinge upon his Justi-
fication, doth humbly beseeche that his cause may be consi-
dered, in respect of his wronge and hinderance and the
quit overthrowe of his credit induringe three quarters of a
yeares imprissoment; not havinge on penie to reeleeve
him selfe withall: as to Mr Weekes is well knowen: Therefore
he humbly intreates your worships fortherance, and charitable
consideration for his inlargment.
And he as dutie bindes him shall
ever pray for your worships hapines.
Anne Cage. WJ/SR/NS/002B/010 ([1620-1640])
To the right Worshipfull his Majesties
Justices of the peace for Westminster
in the Countie of Middlesex
The humble peticion of Anne Cage
That your peticioner hath endured theise seaven
weekes ymprisonment being charged to have broken
open the house of Alexander Guitton esquire
and to have taken divers thinges out of the
same house which your peticoner denies and
will make it appeare before your worships
Shee humbly desires your worships to be
pleased to call her before you to examine
the cause, and to suffer any punishment
if she be found faultie, or otherwise your
peticioner maye be discharged upon reasonable
bayle being never questioned before
And shall daylie pray for your
worships health and prosperity.
Elenor Hughes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/011 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipful the Justices of Peace for
the Citty and Liberty of westminster.
The humble peticion of Elenor Hughes
Sheweth that the petitioner indicted one Franncis
Mullett for assaulting and pinching your petitioner
in the church which bill the petitioner is informed
is found: yet so it is that the said Mullett and
Mr Snelling since abuses and geeres your petitioner
saying she is hanged upon the file, and
otherwise abuses her.
Most humbly therefore she beseeche
your worships to doe her right against the said
Mullett, or not be offended with your
petitioner if she take any other course
to help herselfe.
And she will ever pray
for your worships
John Loade, Symon Lawrance, Thomas Gould and others of the Rayn'd deere yard in St Clement Danes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/013 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices for the Cittie and Liberties
of Westminster
The humble peticion of John Loade, Symon Lawrance
Thomas Gould and the rest of the inhabitantes in the Rayn'd
deere yard in the parish of Sainte Clement Danes.
Humblie shewing,
That your peticioners haveing dwelt manie yeares in the Rayn'd deere or Row-buck
Yard neere Drury Lane, in the parish of St Clement Danes, where for dyvers
yeares past hath ben a foote way for passengers from the feildes into Drury Lane
aforesaid. Nowe soe it is that the auncient watercourse there (by reason of certeyne
new erections and buildinges) being stopt, the inhabitantes there are much annoyed
and theire houses like to be drowned, soe that passengers are not now able to travell
that way as heretofore, nor the inhabitantes to come out of their doores for water,
to the greate prejudice and hinderance not onlie of your peticioners whoe payeth a
greate Rentes but alsoe other the inhabitants there.
May it therefore please your worships to appoynt certeyne honest and indifferent
men to view the same and to enquire thereof. And to certifie your worships
where and in whome the fault resteth that some such speedy course may
be taken by your worships for reformacion thereof As to your worships in youre
wisdomes shall seeme agreeable to justice. And your petitioners with the rest
of the inhabitantes there shalbe bound daylie to praie etc.
Winifrid Harris. WJ/SR/NS/002B/016 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace
for the Cittie of Westminster and Liberties thereof.
The humble peticion of Winifrid Harris
Humbly sheweth, Whereas one Jane Hewett wife of Paule Hewett
of St Martins in the Feildes did heretofore threaten and much wrong and abuse
your petitioner for which shee was bound to keepe the peace and still standeth and soe
Nevertheles the said Jane Hewet ever since hath and still doth most
malitiously and causlesly persecute your petitioner with most cruell raylinges and
threatening speeches, calling her French whore and setting on others
to doe the like as shee goeth about her occasions of busines for her maintenance
and livelyhood; and shee the said Jane hath of late threatened your petitioner to her face
and sent her word by others that shee will cutt of her nose when ever shee
cann meet with her, And in pursuance of her malitious intencions
shee doth dayly incite and hire boyes to abuse your petitioner in evill wordes and
to throwe stones att her as shee walketh in the streetes the said Jane
Hewet haveing most commonly a brickbatt in her hand to throwe at your
petitioner and giving boyes perswading and inciting divers boyes to doe the
same by her example as your Soe as your petitioner is in dayly feare and danger
of her life, For redress whereof shee humbly appealeth to your
Humbly beseecheth your worshipps for Godes cause to comiserate
your petitioners distressed case, and to take such order for her releife
and safety of her life as in your wisdomes shalbe thought meet
And your petitioner shall ever pray for your worshipps etc.
Joane West and Mary West. WJ/SR/NS/002B/017 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the worshipfull Bench
The humble peticon of Joane West and Mary West.
Sheweth: That one Edward Sheppard did bynde over your
petitioners before Justice Hulbeard to appeare at this Sessions
Joane for stealing of silver spoones, and certaine goodes, and
Mary your other petitioner for receiveing of them. And your petitioners
have attended theis 2 dayes, and he doth not prosequute them
But sayes hee will punish them in making them attend here
But hee will bringe them to Hickes Hall.
That it is on meere malice that he prosequutes them,
Therefore the petitioners humbly pray your worships to graunt
a warrant that hee may be brought in, to bringe him
his accusacion against them (if hee have any), and they
doubt not but they shall acquitt their selves
easily, And will ever pray for your worships.
John Tranter. WJ/SR/NS/002B/018 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace for the Citty and
Liberties of westminster
The humble peticion of John Tranter
Humbly sheweth, That about 3 quarters of a yeare since in Longditch where the petitioner liveth, there happened
a braule, which drew a great multitude of people together, among which your petitioner was one, and alsoe one
Walter Rancklyn who being exceeding drunk, and the hurly burly very great, had his legg there
unfortunatly broken: for which in regard those who did the hurt, are imprest and gone to the seas,
and that the petitioner had no hand therein, yet hath he byn theis three Sessions bound over, and noe
indictment framed against him.
Now in respect he is a very poore man hath a great charge of wife and children which by
reason of the hard tymes he is scarce able to mainteyne, hath byn much troubled in this
buisnes, and that the said Rancklyn maliciously and presumptuously giveth out, that
if he can have noe justice heer, he will have it ellswhere, and although your petitioner bee
not able to give him any satisfaccion, and that he doth not certainly know that your petitioner
hurt him, yett he will keepe his bones in prison till they rott, which will undoe your
petitioner his poore wife and children: He therefore most humbly beseecheth your worships
favor, to vouchsafe him release from the said rancklyns unjust prosecucion
And as most bound he will ever pray for your worships
William Feann and William Busby, two poor servants. WJ/SR/NS/002B/019 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Stewart, Justices, Burgisses
and others assistance assembled at the Sessions Court
The humble peticion of William Feann and William Busby
two poore servauntes belonginge to Mr Stephen Smith Fishmonger
in the Strand
Most humbly sheweth That whereas they were committed by Sir William Slingsby
knight into prison for some offence committed, they are most humbly and hartily
sorry for their offence.
And doe most humbly beseech your worshipps to have pitty upon the
poore, and to take their harty sorrowinge for their offence into
your mercyes and thereupon to mittigate their falt and to forgive
them, at least that your worshipps will accept of bayle for their
And your petitioners will ever pray for your worshipps etc.
George Allen. WJ/SR/NS/002B/020 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Sir Gregory Fennor knight
and the rest of the Justices of your worshipfull Bench
The humble peticion of George Allen
Sheweth. That your petitioner havinge longe since byn arrested upon
execucion by one Roumford a bayliffe, the execucion bearinge date
the first of Easter Terme last past, and the said Rumford havinge
kept your petitioner at his howse, ever since the first Sunday in Lent untill
after Midsomer, hath now putt your petitioner into the Gatehowse by vertue of
the same warrant this very day
The premisses considered your petitioners humble suite is, That your worships
wilbe pleased to view the certificate annexed, and to take some
order for his enlargement having spente all his meanes already
in durance, that his poore wife and children may be releived, and
not left on the parish.
And he shall dayly pray for your worships happines.
Suzan Hurst, a distressed prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/021 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Mr Recorder and other
his Majesties Justices of the Peace att this
present Session assembled.
The humble peticion of Suzan Hurst
a distressed Prisoner in the Gathouse.
Humbly praies, That whereas she is prosecuted by one
Mr. Frost, supposing the petitioner to have taken a dyamond
sett in gould from his person, and one Mr Coffin being a
wittnesse for the prosecutor. that Mr Coffin may certify
your worships upon his oath whether the said Mr Frost came
unto him to knowe where and in what company, he was
when he lost his said jewell which she humbly hopes will
argue he is unable to aver and approve his causles and
malicious prosecucion accusacion of the petitioners guilt touching
the same.
For which your good worships charitable and equitable favour:
She shalbe ever bound to pray for your y
worships sempiterne felicities.
John Griffith. WJ/SR/NS/002B/022 ([1620-1640])
To the Right worshipfull Mr Herbert, and the rest of his Majesties
Justices for the Cittie of Westminster:
The humble peticion of John Griffith:
That about two moneths before Michaelmas last your peticioner and three of Mr
Blackes men videlicit James Flake, Maukum, and Simon haveing beene
together at one Mr Merrittes in St Martins Lane, and partinge from thence
the said James Flake, Maukum and Simon would would bringe your peticioner
to his owne howse at St Gyles in the Feildes, the Maukum, and
Simon goeing before, being darke in the eveninge, were sett uppon by
three men, twoo of them haveing drawne swordes, the third haveinge
a crabtree cudgell, whose name was Richard Emmes as your petitioner
remembreth. your peticioner and the said James Flake following and perceivinge
their freindes to bee sett uppon in that manner, used their best indeavors to
to assist them against (as they conceived) theise feloniouse persons, whereupon twoo of
them runn awaye, which bredd a greate jealousie in your petitioner that they were noe honest
men, and thereupon your petitioner drewe the said Richard Emmes noleus volens to Herberts house
then cunstable at St Martins Lane ende, the said cunstable being at the Goate
almost over agaynst his owne howse, would not come to see the peace kept; being sent
for by your peticioner, but suffered your peticioner to strive there for the space of one whole
hower with the said Richard Emmes to deteyne him untill the cunstable came, it being
your petitioners intencion the said Richard Emmes should have beene carried belof before some of
his Majesties Justices of the peace to have beene examined of his misdemeanoure, but the
said cunstable comeing, drew your petitioner by the coller to the Cadg Cadge and there put
him in the stockes untill 10: of the clocke the next daye then being carried before Mr
Justice Howard whoe was wronge informed by the said Richard Emmes caused your petitioner to
be bound over to the next Sessions, where your petitioner did appeare accordingly, but the said
Emmes never came in against your petitioner, but the said cunstable caused your petitioner to be bound over agayne
upon his unjust informacion, without to his said Richard Emmes the said James Flake your petitioners freind
being likewyse bound over for cutting of the fingers of the said Richard Emmes, but before the
Sessions the said James Flake agreed with the said Richard Emmes for his hurte, and withdrewe his
recognizance, leaveing your petitioner to paye the bloodshedd which hee the said James Flake made, all which premisses
considred, your peticioner humblie referreth himselfe to your worships consideracion, desieringe
to be released of the said recognizance And prayeing for our worships in health longe
to continewe etc.
Thomas Brickert of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/002B/023 ([1620-1640])
To the right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace, for the
Cittie and Liberties of Westminster now sitting upon the Bench.
The humble peticion of Thomas Brickert
of the parish of St Martin in the Feildes.
Humbly sheweth, That one Martha Sackwell (late servant
unto the Ladey Powis) was gotten with child by Thomas Hemings
fellowes in the howse with her, insomuch that she hath layen
in your poore petitioners howse theis two moneths.
Now for that the said Martha Sackwell is ready to lye
downe, and for that your petitioner knoweth not how to bee paid
for her moneths lying in, Hee therefore humbly praieth your
worships to take order with the said Thomas Hemings
(before hee bee released from his recognizance) for to pay
for her lying in, in the tyme of this moneth. And that
your Worships would bee pleased to sett downe what hee
shall receave for the same.
And hee shall daily pray for your
Richard Bucknell, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/024 ([1620-1640])
To his Majesties Justices appoynted for the Cessions
of the Cittye and libertye of Westminster:
The humble peticion of Richard Bucknell
prissoner in the Gate house
Sheweth that whereas your petitioner being a pore inhabitant
of this Cittie, was committed from the Court house because he re
fused to aske a woeman forgivenes, the which submission althoughe
in the doing thereof, had bene no great satisfaction either to the
partie or to the Court, Yet in the doing thereof to an insulting
woeman of an unquiet spirritt, She should thereby have procu
red great prejudice to his peace, Whereuppon it pleasde the
Court then to committ your pore petitioner, where in the Gate house
he lieth in distresse and being a trades man is hindered from
labor, whereby he getteth his lyving, soe that his wife and he may
perishe yf your worshipps doe not speedely relieve him.
He most humblye beseecheth that yt would please the Worshippfull
Court for his enlargement, to take to condideracion
his poore estate and not to give order for his present
releasement, And he shall dayly pray for your
worshipps long life and happines.
John Dikes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/025 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the Citty and Liberty of Westminster
The humble peticion of John Dikes
Humbly sheweth That your peticioner by order of this Worshipfull bench
was enjoyned not to keepe victualinge in the place where hee
now dwelleth neere the Spittle at Knightsbridge which order not being
by him performed by reason of the hardnes of the times and the
extreame poverty of him his wife and childe not having any
meanes of livelihood, He was therefore about 2 moneths sithence
committed to the prison of the Gatehouse where he lay 3 daies,
and before he was enlarged it cost him 26s 8d for which his wife
was constreyned to sell and pawne his goodes. And then he was
bound by recognizance to appeare and answer at the Sessions
Forasmuch as your petitioner is an extreame poore man and
his wife greate with childe, expecting every hower to be
delivered, And for that he hath not sold any drink since
his committment, And what he sold before was but a very
small quantity, and under one Lewes Harris the master
of the house.
Your petitioners humble suite therefore is, That your
Worships wilbe pleased to discharge him of the said
recognizance, and of his fyne for selling of
of drink contrary to the said order he being
utterly unable to pay the same.
And hee shalbe daily bound to pray
for your Worships.
Richard Johnson, a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/026 ([1620-1640])
To the right worship the Justices of the
Cittie of Westminster
The humble peticion of Richard Johnson
a poore prisoner in the Gatehouse
Whereas about sixe weekes agoe your peticoner was committed
to prison by Mr Justice Man, for what just cause he knoweth not
unles it were for that he was in company the house where a man was
slayne, and soe your peticioner hath remayned in prison ever since
since, to the greate greife of his frendes and utter undoeing of
himself, he being noe wayes accessory or guiltie of the said
In tender consideracion whereof may it please your
worships even for Godes cause to call your peticioner before
yow, and being noe just cause against him, that he may
be freed of his imprisonment.
And he shall daily pray etc.
Arthur Davies. WJ/SR/NS/002B/027 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of
the peace for the Citty and liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Elizabeth Arthur Davies.
Humblie sheweth,
That your worships were pleased to comitt your petitioner to the prison of the
Gatehowse where he remaynes to his great greife, haveing a
wife and 3 small children to mayntaine, and his wife now great
with the 4th.
May it please your worships your petitioner is heartilie sorrowe that anie
offence was given, whereby hee deserved comittment being a very
poore man, and noe waies able to raise monyes to pay fees,
and his staie there will occasion his wife and children to bee
a burthen to the parish where he liveth.
Most humblie beseecheth your worships to take his poore and
misserable estate into consideracion and vouchsafe
your favour and give order for his release
without paying fees.
And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.
Alice Kellam, wife of Richard Kellam. WJ/SR/NS/002B/028 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull his Majesties of the Peace
for the Cittie and Liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Alice Kellam wife
of Richard Kellam
Most humblie shewing, that your petitioner upon the informacion of William Langston
was bound over to this Sessions; upon the death of said Langstons
wife; your petitioner appeared yesterdaie accordinglie; and was then bound
over till the next Sessions, albeit there was none presented against
her. The jurie who enquired of the death of the said Langstons wife
have given in theire verdict that shee died a naturall death, without being
hurt wounded or bruised; as the Coroner (now present) can testifie;
and as the searchers also found after her death; And for that
the said William Langston will not by any meanes and anie waie charge
the petitioner for the death of his wife, and was onlie sett on, and is
hartilie sorrie for what hee hath donne against your petitioner;
And for that your petitioner and her husband are verie poore and not able
to beare the charge of her fees of binding over
Shee most humblie beseecheth your good worshipps to bee favorablie
pleased, (the premisses dulie considered) to release your petitioner
of her recognizance.
And shee and her husband shall ever praie etc.
Ellin Kelly. WJ/SR/NS/002B/029 ([1620-1640])
[illegible]rpfull the Justices of Peace
[illegible]bertyes of Westminster.
[illegible]on of Ellin Kelly.
Hu[illigeble] your good Worships for Godes sake to
take pi[illegible] extreme miserie, shee being now
prisoner in the Gatehouse for want of bayle, uppon
untrue suggestions meerely of malice from some
malignant people having noe shew of reason
inducing thereunto.
That your worships will be pleased to call her to
answeare to those their objections which shee
yet doth not, nor can certainely know, shee
being a poore desolate woman without any
comfort. And shee will ever praie for
your worships long life and everlasting happines.
Edward Smyth. WJ/SR/NS/002B/030 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Sir Thomas Wilson Knight and others
the worshipfull Justices of his Majesties peace for the Citty and
Liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Edward Smyth.
Humbly shewinge, That your suplicant beinge lately apprentice unto
one George Smyth a watchmaker in the parish of St. Martins
in the Feildes, who had with your petitioner in liew of learinge his trade
and preferment the somme of 12li. beinge all the meanes left him
by his parentes longe since deceased, and havinge left 12: children
the greatest parte very younge and unprovided for.
But so it is, please it your worshipfulls That the said George Smyth, about
2: yeares and a halfe since after your petitioners comeing to his service)
did most cruelly intreate and abuse your poore supplicant, beatinge
him causelesly and sufferinge others to doe the like, Whereupon
your petitioner about Christmas last departed his service, Since which time
your said petitioner neither by mediacion of freindes nor due submission
can noe way prevayle with his said master any way to provide
for hym, or els to restore any parte of his said money backe
agayne, whereby he might provide some other service but now
beinge destitute of all meanes is likely utterly to be undone
and spend his tyme in misery.
He therefore humbly prayeth your worships to take the same
in your serious considerations, and comiseratinge the petitioners
distressed estate, To be pleased to commaund by order of the
Court his said master either to take him agayne into his
service Or els to allowe him such part of his money
backe agayne as your worshipfulls shall thinke fitt and
expedient, for his present releife and preferment
to other place, For which he will dayly pray for
your worshipps.
Ellen Hewes, wife of Hugh Hewes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/031 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipful the Justices of Peace for the
Citty and Liberty of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Ellen Hewes wife of
Hugh Hewes
Sheweth: that the petitioner by one Frauncis Mullett hath for
the space of 3 yeres last past ben severall tymes assaulted
and abused not only with base and opprobrious wordes
but also ben spitt on by her, and not above two monethes
since she the said Frauncis prest into a pewe where the
petitioner sate in the church and there in the tyme of devine
prayer so pincht and abused your petitioner that she was
black and sore in her armes for a long tyme after which
she manifested to the churchwardens.
Most humbly therefore she beseecheth your
worships to right her according to your wisdomes
for her future lyving in peace: And she
will ever pray for your worships.
Richard Beck, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/032 ([1620-1640])
To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the
Peace, now assembled att their Sessions
holden for the Cittie and Liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Richard Beck, now
prisoner in the Gate house,
Whereas your worships petitioner is unjustly taxed for
certaine barbors instrumentes which he lawfully
bought: But upon his tryall had not his witnes
ready to prove the cause, whereupon your petitioner is
now convicted although ignorant of any evell
in the fact. For your petitioner can sufficiently prove
by sundry credible witnesses, that the party of
whome he bought the same pretended they were given
him by his brother that dyed att sea: and that
they were proferred to others aswell as your petitioner 3
daies aforesaid; under the same pretence.
Humbly desireth your good worshipps (the premisses
considered) that yow would be pleased to examine
such witnesses as your petitioner can produce herein
for his defence; that his life be not wrongfully
taken away
And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.
Leonard Braford. WJ/SR/NS/002B/033 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the worshipfull Bench
The humble peticion of Leonard Braford
Most humbly sheweth That there was a silver and gilte
cupp taken out of your petitioners howse, and the petitioner makinge
search for the same, found it in the handes of Elizabeth
Thomas, and the petitioner did then bringe her before Mr
Lyde, who did bynde her over into the Sessions, where
shee appeared, aand was by the worshipfull Bench comitted
to the custody of the Keeper of the Gatehowse, and
by what meanes (the petitioner knoweth not) she made an
That the Keeper of the Gatehowse Mr Wickes the Bayliffe hath the cupp
in his custody, and albeit the petitioner hath brought
a writt of restitution of the same from the Courte
at Hickes hall, yett Mr Wickes, deteyeneth the same,
and will not deliver it to your petitioner although he proceeded
as farr as he could by course of lawe
He therefore most humbly prayeth your
worships to be pleased to give Mr Wickes
direction for delivery thereof to the petitioner
and he shall pray for your worships.
Christopher Maner, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/036 ([1620-1640])
To the worshipfull Mr Glyn: esquire: one of his Majesties Justices of
peace: for the County of Middlesex: And Citty and Liberty
of Westminster:
The humble peticon of Christopher Maner prisoner
in the Gatehouse
Humbly sheweth that whereas your power peticoner
beinge committed by Justice Hooker about the
goods of the right worshipfull Sir Edward Littleton
which goodes your power peticoner is altogether innocent
of: And can prove the time and place where hee
was: when the said goodes were stolne:
Nevertheless: (Right worshipfull) your power
peticoner hath laine this 8 weeke in very
extreame misery: haveinge nothinge to keepe
him alive. but his share of the scraps of the
Wherefore (Noble Sir) his humble
suite is. that hee may have his cloke which
Justice Hooker detaines from him, for noe
cause, but to aggravate your power peticoners
misery: for your peticoner hath proved the
cloke to bee his owne before Justice Hooker
and soe most humbly beseechinge your worship
to stand his friend. herein: otherwise your power
peticoner shall starve:
And your power peticoner shall dayly:
pray etc.
Robert Sawcemore of St Martins in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/002B/037 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of Peace
and Quoram for the Cittie and liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Robert Sawcemore of St Martins in the Feildes
Sheweth, That about 2 monethes since, the maid servaunt of one Elizabeth Louch came to the petitioner, and required of him
to make a key and brought a print thereof in doe; And the petitioner requireinge, the reason thereof; she affirmed that the
key was lost, and that her mistress had given order for the same.
That the peticioner forbore makeinge thereof untill the next morneinge; at which tyme shee brought the key itselfe;
And by the same patterne the peticoner made a newe key; but your supplicant doubtinge of her honesty would not deliver it
and thereupon shee brought him to severall places; And at length hee discovered her dwellinge; and demaundinge of a
neighbour, dwellinge neere her mistress, of the maids carriage; the mistress was thereupon acquainted; And the said
Mistress Louch receaved the key and gave the petitioner xiid. for the same; with some beare and thancked him for his care;
And Mistress Louch afterwards came to the petitioner and acknowledged her love to him further for his care; All which the petitioner
can justifie. Yet nevertheless Mistress Louch hath thereupon bound the petitioner to answere at this Quarter Sessions.
That your supplicant hath allwaies and still doth remaine in good repute amongst his neighbours, and that he did nothinge
but with the approbacion of Mistress Louch.
Hee humbly prayeth your worshipps to take consideracion hereof; And be thereupon
pleased, that by your worthy favour hee may be discharged. And hee shall ever
pray for your worshipps
Teage Mackmohan and Hugh Clancye, prisoners in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/038 ([1620-1640])
To the Right worshippfull the Recorder and
the Justices of the Bench for the
Libertie of Westminster
The peticion of Teage Mackmohan and
Hugh Clancye prisoners in the
Most humblie sheweth unto your Worshipps That
Whereas your poore peticioners uppon a false
informacion alleaged before your Worshipps for certaine
misdemeanors supposed by them to be comitted
for which they were fined this daie to paie
each of them the summe of tenn powndes
and being unable to satisfie the same or
the least parte thereof are committed by your
Worshipps to the Gatehowse: where, in
respect they have neither money nor
freindes to supplie their wantes are like
to perishe in great misery
In tender consideracion whereof your poore
peticioners most humblie beseech your Worshipps
to mitigate the said fynes: whereby
they maie be able to seeke some redresse
for their speedie enlargement without the
which they must needes perishe in great
extremitye. And your poore peticioners
(as in dewtie bownd) will daily pray
to god as your Worshipps in health and prosperitie
long to continew.
William Crapper. WJ/SR/NS/002B/039 ([1620-1640])
[illegible] the [illegible]ght worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the
Peace for the Cittie, and liberties of Westm[illegible].
The humble peticion of William Crapper
[illegible] on this day 3 weekes lett a horse to a man and a weoman
[illegible] he knowes not) from Gravesend to Rochester
according to the custom of that countrie) but retorned, at
th'end of Gravesend towards London with the horse, whether
your petitioner suddainelie rpaired, and layd waite in many places
and searcht the tole booke at Smythfeild, where noe such
horse was registered, but yesterday understanding that hee
the horse remayned in the custodie of Thomas Sparkes your
[illegible] petitioner repaired unto him, and demaunded his horse, but
the said Sparks refuseth to deliver him saying he bought
him in his owne howse and there paid for him, but never
as yet entered him in the tole booke.
May it please your worships your petitioner hath bene at great charge
in often coming from Gravesend to London of purpose
to make search and enquiry, which hath much prejudiced
him; Wherefore and for that hee is a verie poore
man, and noe freindes or acquaintance in towne,
most humblie beseecheth your worships ymediatlie to give
warrant that the said Thomas Sparkes may bee brought
before your worships and your petitioner receave such satisfaccion
as your worships in your grave wisdome shalbee thought
And hee shall pray etc.
Thomas Harrison, vintner in Drury Lane, with many of his neighbours. WJ/SR/NS/002B/040 ([1620-1640])
To the right wworshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace
for the City and Liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Thomas Harrison vintner in
Drury Lane, with many more of the rest of his neibours
Sheweth That whereas on Christofer Thwaytes and Mary his wife, being of
most lewde behaviour and a greate distur of their neibours, (not only
by keeping ill order, and misdemaynor in their howse who sell tobacco
and drinck, without lycense, but also by their, lewed, and diobollicall
usage of your petitioner and his neibours by exclamacion, publiquelie in
the street, with wordes not seemlie to be related to this honorable Bench
as by a certificate hereunto annexed may appeare.
me stand
Therefore most humblie prayeth That your worshipps wilbe
pleased to graunt your warrant, for the present apprehension
of the said Christopher and Mary Thwaites, that they be
brought before your worshipps to such thinges as wilbe objected against
them: And your petitioners will ever pray for your worships healthes
with all happines.
Nemo mortalu'
James Duffe, late constable. WJ/SR/NS/002B/041 ([1620-1640])
To the right Worshipfull the Steward and the rest of his
Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Middlesex
now assembled
The humble peticion of James Duffe
late constable
That your petitioner on the 24th. of January last beeing commaunded
by Justice Howard to have all such visited persons within his ward to
the Pesthouse your petitioners wife in obedience thereof (your petitioner haveing
some speciall occasion, to bee absent at the present) obteyned another constable
to supplie the service and she goeing along to see it performed, one
William Armestronges wife fell upon her and beate her, besides giveing
her manie base and ill speeches, And your petitioner comeing in the intrime
and questioning the cause thereof, shee gave him as badd languadge
and tore his clothes, whereupon hee endeavoured to bring her before Justice
Howard to answeare the same, And goeing along the said William Armestrong
comeing after hee more grosely abused your petitioner both in base language and
gave him severall blowes.
That inasmuch as your petitioner according to his duty in his
place did nothing else but what hee was commaunded, and
that both hee and his wife have receaved thus much wrong
in the'execution of his service, Hee humbly craves this
Worshipfull bench to take the ill example thereof into your serious
consideracion and to be pleased to take some course herein
for his satisfaccion, Otherwise it will be a discouraginge
to all His Majesties officers to execute any service that
shalbe comaunded.
Humfrey Crosse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/042 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of Peaace now sitting on
the Bench.
The humble peticion of Humfrey Crosse
Humbly sheweth that where one Thomas Newton a recusant now prisoner in the Gatehouse, being
about 4 or 5 yeares since a prisoner in the Marshalsey), protesting greate love and freindshipp
unto your petitioner came often unto his shopp, and still seduced him from his obedience to his
Majesty, and his religion, and after much perswasion, seing your petitioner gave little eare to it, he brought
your petitioner many papist bookes for his more seducing: whereat, and his much importunacy your
petitioner grew somewhat angred, and aggreived, and tould him hee would make him and his plottes
knowne: Newton perceiving thus that your petitioner could by noe meanes be seduced by him
and fearing your petitioner should disclose his doings and purposes, came many tymes to your
petitioners shopp with his rapier drawne, and one tyme in the night, hee came and knockt at
your petitioners doore with his rapier drawne, and your petitioner answering him, hee would have broken
open his doore and murdred your petitioner (as he afterwardes said) if he had come in, at which tumult
Mr Weekes his man, came and apprehended him, and thereuppon was committed to the Gatehouse
where he yet remayneth: but hath still persistedh in his malicious practises against
your petitioner, for oftentymes your petitioner going about his affayres he hath pulled greate
stones from of the Gatehouse, and threw them at your petitioner, as he passed by him, soe
that hee hath byn much indangered, and when your petitioner came to worke in the
Gatehouse he with his complices sett uppon your petitioner and if Nicholas Weekes had not
byn present your petitioner thinketh hee had byn there murdered: and yet not content with all
this he hath soe farre abused your petitioner in wordes that noe man is able to indure
them: and yet uppon complaynt hath bownd your petitioner over to this Sessions, and
uppon seeketh alsoe to arrest your petitioner
He therefore humbly praieth for that your petitioner hath byn from tyme to
tyme abused, by him and is now wrongfully accused, without any
just proofe, and that he intended the utter undoing of your petitioner, and
still persisteth therein, knowing by reason of his ymprisonment your petitioner can
have noe proceedinges of lawe agaynst him: Your worships would be
pleased to discharge him of his recognizance, and take such order
for his quiett hereafter as you in your wisdomes shall thinke most
fitt And he shall pray etc.
William Bishopp of Westminster and Elizabeth Nucum. WJ/SR/NS/002B/043 ([1620-1640])
To the Right Worshipp the Kings
Majesties Justics of Peace for the
Countie of Middlesex
The humble petticion of William Bishopp of Westminster
and Elizabeth Nucum against G George
Isoppleman of Westminster aforesaid gentleman
Shewing that your petticioner Elizabeth Nucum being a
single woman and liveing in service with one Mr John
Atlee in King streete in Westminster the said Isopplman
being then unmarried and a bachellor liveing in a house
nere unto the place where she dwelt made a faire shewe
and promiss unto your petticioner Elizabeth to marrie with
her and by collor thereof drew your petticioner to come unto
his house where he wronged and abused her and haveing
gooten her with child very dishonestly married himselfe
unto another woman thereby hath utterly undone her
and left your pettitioner destitute of all meanes to sustein
her alive, insoemuch that your petticioner had beged and
laid in the streete If that your other petticioner William
Bishopp who maried your petticioners sister had not taken
your petticioner into his house shee had perrished and to his
great charge and impoverishment keep her with meate
drincke and logeing both before and sence your petticioner
was delivered of the child gotten by the said Isoppleman
which is 45 weekes and your petticioner William Bishopp a
poore man and haveing no meanes to maintaine himselfe
his wife and too children but onely his labour and is not
able to keepe your petticioner Ellizabeth any longer soe that
shee being sicke and weake and not able to gett her liveing
by her labour or service she is likely to begg or lie in the
streets your petticioner therefore humblie beseecheth your
Worshipps will be pleased to make some order that the said
Isoppleman may be bound not onely to discharge the
parish of the child but also to allow your petticioner
William Bishopp for the time she hath bene keept at
his charges and also to allow your distressed petticioner
Elizabeth somewhat to releive [illegible] her in her miserie
as unto your Worshipps shasll seme expedient and your poore
petticioner shall as in dutie bound allways pray for
your Worshipps.
Katherne Norris, widow. WJ/SR/NS/002B/045 ([1620-1640])
To the Right worshipfull the Justices of the benche for
the sessions of the Cittie of Westminster
The humble petition of Katherne
Norris widowe: whose husband was
kilde by Christopher Troughton
and Captain [Blank] Talbott
My humble shewt to the benche is I may have
a certificatt of ther inditment fownd agaynste
Troughton in this Court, that your petitioner maye
petition the Lord Heighe Steward for good ball
for Troughtons apparaunce at the Verge or for
his committinge to saffe custodie or for a procedendo
and your petitioner is informed: as the jurye hathe found
it: Troughton is not baleable: And your petitioner dothe
farther prayes that she maye have a warint from
this Court for the liberties of Westminster for the
apprehention of Captin [Blank] Talbott:
And your petitioner will ever praye
for your worships all.
John Davis. WJ/SR/NS/002B/046 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfulles his Majestyes Justices of
peas peace for the cyttie of Westminster
The humble petition of John Davis
Humbly shewing your poore petitioner was formerly
commaunded not to sell nor utter beare or ale, though
he had a licence, and performed all dewtyes of an
honest man. which he did obay untill it he made his
humble complaint at a court day, and had leave
to utter that beare which he had in his celler which is
but a smale quantety, and now for that is layed
in prison by your worshipps commaunded.
Your poore petitioners humble seute is, that beeing
he had leave to utter that smale quantety without
further licence, your good worships will commiserate
his cause, and graunt him his release out of prison
and yf it may stand with your good pleasures that he
may utter that beare that now leyes uppon his hand
which otherwise will prove his undoeing he haveing
had many losses, beeing charged with wife and
smale children and through infirmety not able
to take greate paynes. Soe shall I be bound to
pray for the preservation of your worshipps healthes etc.
Steeven Hopgood, a poor maimed and bedridd man. WJ/SR/NS/002B/048 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull Sir Gregorie Fenner knight and
the rest of the worshipfull Justices for the libertie of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Steeven Hopgood a poore mayhmed
and bedridd man.
That one Edwarde Robertes nowe Constable of the parish of St Martins
in the Feildes (being a man of a factious turbulent and evill disposicion)
your peticioner being an aged man of about .70. yeeres old and verie
poore his cheefest meanes of livelihood for maynteynance of himselfe his
pore wife and childeren) being gott by keepeing of swyne and reareing of yonge
piggs) your peticioner haveing a good breed sowe and .12. younge piggs
sucking of her, (by which your peticioner hoped to make good gaine and profitt)
The said Robertes maliciously (without any cause) gott your peticioners saide
sowe, and putt her into a close stye of his with twoe greate boares which he had
for the space of a wholl daye which boares soe rent and toare the said sowe
as shee was utterlie spoiled and almost killed and Robertes not therewith
content did toward the evening hale the said sowe to the pound and the
peticioner meeteing him by the waye demaunded his sowe and offered
Robertes satisfaccion for any trespasse shee had done But Robertes not only
refused to release the sowe but alsoe in a violent manner with his
staffe did knocke your petitioner downe and did then alsoe beate kick and wounde
your peticioner on his head neck belly and other partes of his bodie, soe as your
peticioner hath ever since languished in greate and yminent danger of his
life the surgeons under whoes hands he hath long beene) giveing outt that
his bodie is burssen and your peticioner incureable. Whereby your petitioner his
pore wife and childeren are utterly undon and all theire piggs dead and the sow
nott like to be ever recovered So as your peticioner by the said Robertes inhuman
cruelty is in danger to loose his life and his wife and childeren to starve for
want of liveliehood
The peticioners humble suite therefore ys that your worshipps
will be pleased to take the premisses into consideracion and to
take such course for your peticioners releefe therein against the said
Edward Robertes as he maye be compelled to give satisfaccion for
the grate wronges and injuryes donne unto your peticioner by him
your peticioner beeing poore and maihmed by him and notable to wager
lawe against him.
And your peticioner shall daylie pray for your good worships
William Creiton, a poor stranger in the prison at the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/049 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshippfull his Majestyes Justices of the
peace for the Libertyes of the City of Westminster this
present Session.
The humble peticion of William Creiton a poor stranger in great
myseryes lyeing here in the prison at the Gatehowse.
That your petitioner hath ben a captive here 15 weeks and hath suffred
punnishments insufferable for his suspected transgression, for which he
was committed to this place by your worshipps command the last Sessions; Your
petitioner is very penitent for the same fault, as all the prisoners here in
the Lower Warde can dispose by his dayly conversation, and whereas
your worshipps thought it fitting before he might be inlarged, that a fine of
66li. 13s 4d shold be satisfyed for his offence, your poor petitioner (god knowes)
is not able so much as to purchase his liberty (in case nothing els were
layd against him, but the fees of the howse which the keepers of the
prison can testify) so much is your petitioner being a stranger, and having no
freinds in this land, destitute of all meanes, or ability whatsoever.
For as much as your petitioner hath discovered all the truth of these
things to your worshipps, as also his want of meanes to tender the
fine aforesaid for his enlargment:
May it please your worshipps therfore weighing the premises out of
your accustomed compassions to be pleased to remitte to your petitioner
this fine of 66li 13s 4d, which he is never able to satisfye, but
must here of necessity rotte, and sterve in all distresse, and misery.
So shall your worshipps poor petitioner as in all duty
be bound to pray for all your worshipps
long and happy dayes etc.
Margarett Lewes. WJ/SR/NS/002B/050 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the worshipfull
The humble peticion of Margarett Lewes.
Sheweth. That one John Stimson, unfortunately falling
into the acquayntance of your petitioner with his faire and
blandulous speeches soe farr overcame your petitioner that
he gott her with childe. And hee is bound over to the
Sessions for the same.
Nowe your petitioner hath a moneth to come of her reckoninge
and the said Stimson hath put in security to secure the
parish from the child, and intendes to have his recogni-
zance dischardged, and neither to pay for your petitioners
lyinge in, nor give her any satisfaction for the great
charg wronge he hath done her; in betraying her virginity
to his luste and did contracte before witnesses to marry
her, but since hath marryed another.
Shee humbly prayeth That hee may be contynued
still bound over, till shee be delivered, and thath
hee may be tyed to make such provision for your
poore petitioner as your worships in your judgmentes shall
thinke fitt.
For which shee shall ever pray for your
worships happines.
Jane Feildby, wife of Clement Feildby. WJ/SR/NS/002B/051 ([1620-1640])
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the Peace for
the Cittye and Liberties of Westminster assembled.
The humble peticion of Jane Feildby the wife of
Clement Feildby.
Sheweth That whereas about St. James tyde last, one Margarett
Empson, beinge a person of no habitacion or abode, neither can give
any good accompt of her conversacon, att the fayre tyme went from
booth to booth with a box under her arme, of purpose to intrapp
(as if it should seeme some) with her knavery, but missinge her purpose
she repayred unto a coach house in the place called the Dukes Yard nere
to the Muse, where with other of her companions she fell a drinkinge
and left her said box remote a good way from the place at a doore
of a certayne roome which the petitioner used to place her coales and
water in.
That about xi of the clocke att the night your petitioner havinge washed
all that day repayred to the sayd rome about some occasions, where
fynding this box and seeing no body neere hand to demaund or
clayme yt, your petitioner shoved it into her roome with her foote, and
there lett it remayne unto the morning, it never being demaunded.
Now forasmuch as one Frances Corbett and Mary Johnson being
weoman of very lewd behaviour, and envying your petitioners prosperitie
your petitioner conceiveth that it was combyned amonge them of purpose
to taxe and abuse the petitioner for the box never being demaunded, but
they cunningly and secreetely havinge opened a board and havinge
sene it in the petitioners one of them accuseth the other, which your petitioner
seinge and hearinge, out of an inconsiderate anger, did forcibly
breake the box in sunder, it beinge open before and no thinge
therein but an old petticoate and wastcoate not worth taking
upp as may be seene.
For doying whereof the said Margarett Empson by warrant from
Sir Thomas Wilson hath bound your petitioner to appeare att this
Sessions and to answere,
Wherefore she humbly prayeth your worships to consider
the premisses, and forasmuch as the truth thereof will
playnely she humbly prayeth to be discharged.
For which she will dayly etc.
Willyam Coliber and Edward Hudson. WJ/SR/NS/002B/052 ([1620-1640])
To the Right Worshipfull Mr Doctor Grant
the humble peticion of Willyam
Coliber and Edward Hudson
Humble shewing unto your (Worship) that whearas
your pore peticinor named William Coliber is inforced
to complaine against one Mistris Fookes midwife for
the abusinge of my wife in hir labour and the
murderinge of my child as she hir selfe confessed
for the sayd and did justifie that if I had not
had soe maynie pratlinge gossepes at his labour I
should have had a live child.
Your above named pettinor Edward Hudsone
have as much cause to complayne against the sayd
midwife as any other for she spoyled my wife by hir
extreames and haith undone me for above six yeares since
she [illegible] used hir according as she listed which haith brought
hir to great weakenes and me to much misserie which
we which is boath our undoinges all which we leave to
your (worships) consideration
Ther ar more profes of hir bucherlie mynd
as [illegible] maye be proved by the sister of one Mistris
Shepard departed which was in childbed under hir hand at the time of hir labor hir sister and
hir other sayth which was at hir labor thinketh] that
she was the onlye cause of hir death for she used hir
extreamelie and not like a midwife as may be related
unto your (Worship)
Ther is allsoe more profes of hir bassenes as may
apeare by the death of on Mistris Hartlie wife to one
Robbert Hartlie who died allso [illegible] in child berth for the nurse
that kept hir at that present justefhieth and saith that
she verielie thinketh that she was the onlie cause of
hir death ther ar many others that will speake
against hir and saye It she is to not fit to have
her place
- Susan Waker
- Elizebeth Waker Cotterrell
Bridgett Buttler, wife of William Butler. WJ/SR/NS/002B/012 (1636-1640)
To the right worshipfull John Glynn Esquire Steward
and the rest of the Justices of the worshipfull Bench
The humble peticion of Bridgett Buttler
wife of William Butler.
Sheweth. That your petitioner being beaten kicked and abused by William
Flood th'elder and William the younger, soe that shee miscarryed
of a child, and is at the present soe dangerous ill, soe that shee
doth altogeather dispaire both of health and life.
Shee humbly prayeth. That the life of a subject (though poore
may be regarded by your worships) and that her wittnesses, whoe
are ready to verify her great sufferinges) may be examined,
And that they may be bound over to their good behaviour,
her wittnesses, and her sekfe being threatned by them.
And they shall ever pray for your worships
Robert Wright and Lettice his wife. WJ/SR/NS/002B/014 (1636-1640)
To the right worshipfull John Glynn Esquire Steward
and the rest of the Justices of the worshipfull Bench
The humble peticion of Robert Wright and Lettice
his wife.
Sheweth. That your petitioner and his poore wife have suffred imprisonment
theis 5 weekes and upwardes, where they have byn constrayned
to sell and pawene all they had to releive them to the utter
undoeing of their selves, and 3 children.
That your petitioners relived out of imprison by your worships com-
maund and did deliver to Cuthbert xs. 4d. for his fees
intending it for the liberty for himselfe and his wife It
being all the money he could provide and was constrayned
to pawne his cloake for it.
The petitioner humbly prayeth your worships to be pleased to
comiserate their wretched estates, and to give order
that his wife may be freed from longer bondage other-
wise the petitioner wife and children are utterly ruinated
And the petitioner shall ever pray etc.
Richard Fletchware and Ann Waters, prisoners in the house of correction. WJ/SR/NS/002B/015 (1636-1640)
To the right worshipfull John Glynn esquire Steward of
Westminster and the rest of the Justices of the worshipfull
The humble peticion of Richard Fletchware and
Ann Waters prisoners in the howse of correction
Sheweth That your poore distressed petitioners were comitted
by Mr Justice Hooker, where they lye in miserable captivity,
havinge contynued theis sixe weekes in durance, th'one beinge
lame and sore wounded, and is like to perish for wante of
convenient looking to, th'other havinge a poore childe that
is ready to starve.
They humbly pray your worships (even for Christes sake) to
graunt them their liberty, that they perisdh not, by
their longer restraint.
And they shall (on their bended knees) dayly pray
for your worships happines.
Ellinor Nicholson. WJ/SR/NS/002B/034 (1636-1640)
To the right worshipfull John Glynn Esquire Steward of
Westminster and the rest of the Justices of the
Worshipfull Bench.
The humble peticion of Ellinor Nicholson.
Sheweth. That your petitioner is most unjustly and malitiously
indicted at this Sessions by one Jone Banes, whoe for
a longe tyme hath byn malitiously bente to doe your petitioner
a mischeiffe, and hath often vowed either to hange your petitioner or
to be the death of her.
That the indictment is for stealing a shirt 2 yeares since,
and never questioned till now.
That she doth not onely threaten your petitioners ruine and
death. But the death of others, that come with your petitioner to
testify their knowledge in the buissines.
The petitioner humbly desires noe more favour, but that her
wittnesses may be heard to declare the truth. And
your petitioner doubteth not, but that God will make
her innocency appeare before your worships And that
then your petitioner uppon the apparance of her innocency
before your worships may be freed togeather with her
witnesses from herafter molestacions
And she shall ever pray for your worships
Elizabeth Kempe, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/035 (1636-1640)
To the Right Worshipfull Mr Glinn and the rest of
his Majestys Justices of Peace Assembled to this present Quarter
The humble petition of Elizabeth Kempe prisoner in the
Humblie Sheweth unto your worships that your poore petitionere hath
endewered irkesom imprisomnent more then 6 weekes by
the comitment of John Hooker esquire for that your petitioner was suspected
to have caried one gowne one peticoate and one wraught
waskote of one Phebe Hills to preserve for her; in regard her
husband was afraid the goods would be strayned for debtt
which goods the said Phebe can prove wheare she bought
them, and the parties weare with her yesterday.
The premisses consithered
Your poore petitioner humbly beseecheth your worship, for the
lords sake to pity her and her 3 smale children, Takeing
some order for her inlargement, That shee and
her smale children perish nott.
And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray
for your worships present prosperity and eternall hapines.
Robert Cotton and David Welch, water men, prisoners in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/044 (1636-1640)
To the Right worshipfull Mr Glyne Esquir on of his Majesties Justises of
the peace and to the rest of the worshipfull Bench
The humble petion of Robert Cotton and David
Welch watter men, nowe prisoners in the Gatehouse
Most humblie
Sheweth that your petioners beinge at Puttney and waytinge for
a farre there came three woemen whoe agreed with your petioners
to bringe them to Kings Bridge at Westminster whoe brought
them theier and then demaunded their money that they
had agreed for whereuppon they said that if your petioners
would goe to the Dogge tavern they would give your petitioners
their money and when your petioners came they desired them
to tary and drincke with them where uppon when one
of your petioners had dricked hee wents to looke after his
boat thinckinge that his felow would come to him but
seinge that hee came not to him hee went backe to call
him where uppon your pettioner when hee came to
call his fellow had his hatt taken from him and not
knoweinge their in tents in soe doinge desired to have
his hatt agayne where uppon on of the drawers giveinge
your pettioner evell [illegible] words and after hee with moore of
the drawers fell uppon your pettioners and did beat them and
locked the dores uppon them and on Mr Smith one of
the constables of Westminster beinge in the house brought
your pettioners to the Gatehouse although they had the wroung
Therfore your petioners most humble sut is to this worshipfull
Bench that your worshipps wilbee pleased to comizeratt
their destressed estate and in regard of their wroungs
to sett them att liberty
And as duty bound they shall dayly pray.