Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1700s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1700s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell, British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1700s [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1700s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell, British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1700s.

"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1700s". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell, British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1700s.

In this section

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Saint Clement. Ref.110 BA1/1/188/77 (1700)

8o Octobris 1700
Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the
county of Worcester assembled in sessions.

Wee whose hands are hereto subscribed being the churchwardens
and overseers of the poore and other inhabitants of the parish of
Saint Clement lyeing part in the county of Worcester and part in the
city of Worcester doe hereby humbly certifie that William Glocester
David Jones and James Hall doe severally sell ale in that part
of our parish that lyes in the county of Worcester (but whether with
or without licence wee know not) and that they severally keepe
very disorderly houses and sell ale frequently on the Lords [day?]
and doe entertaine and keepe persons of very badd and evill
conversacion and reputacion in their houses and are a [verie?]
great disturbeance to the neighbourhood and that the [illegible]
severall houses are soe neere the liberties of the city of [Worcester?]
that wee hope your worshipps will be of opinion with us that [there?]
is noe need of alehouses there, and therefore humbly
desire that the said three persons may be suppressed for
selling any more ale there and wee will humbly pray etc

  • Henry Moosall

  • William Smith

  • Church wardines
  • Thomas Shewringe

  • Nicholas [Fayting?]

  • Thomas Reynoldes

  • Henry Giles

  • William Walker

  • Henry Taylor

  • Richard Williams

  • James Hamond

The parishioners of Berrow. Ref.110 BA1/1/189/42 (1701)

We whose names are hereunto subscribed parisho
parishoners of Berrow, within this county,
humbly desire that whereas Master Edmund
Cowcher and John Cox of the said parish being
overseers of the poor for the last year did
collect from the parish the summe of fifty pounds
a greater summe then ever was collected, and
have given no account of the parish, but have
brought us four pounds nine shillings and four
pence more in debt, that an order of sessions
may be granted to bring the said Cowcher
and Cox before a justice of justices of the
peace to give a fair account and full satisfacion
to the parish in witness whereof we have
put our hands this 28th of Aprill 1701


I have not seen
any account of the
overseers for the last
year, nor did they
appear on the day
appointed to give in
the accounts to the parish
witness my hand

  • [Thomas Parsons?] minister

  • Edmund Wodly

  • Churchwardens

  • William Morley

  • E Giffes

  • Thomas Bale

  • William Peynton

  • William South

  • Richard Peynton

  • William Beale

  • Edward Tomkings

  • Edward Clarke

Inhabitants of Berrow on behalf of Henry Poole. Ref.110 BA1/1/191/32 (1701)

Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe testify that Henry Poole of the Berrowe in the county
of Worcester yeoman is a man of a good honest reputation and behaves himself very civilly towards
his neighbours and all others is nott given to suits quarrells fightings breakings of the Kings peace
or any disturbance whatsoever butt lives like an honest and good neighbour and subject amongst
all his neighbours and all other the Kings subjects and we doe further certify that we did not ever
hear that the said Henry Poole was ever concerned in any quarrells or disturbances of the Kings
majesties peace till lately informed against by one James Eckley of the same parish of the Berrowe
whose informacions and prosecutions against the said Henry Poole wee doe beleive are false
and malitious the said James Eckley being a man of an ill name and reputation very often
drunk with ale and other liquors and generally given to quarrells fightings disturbances and
breakings of the Kinges majesties peace as appears by a very late instance of his cutting downe
a sign pole and a hedge belonging to William Long victualer on purpose to provoake the said
William Long to break the peace he being bound to keep the peace by the said James Eckley's
false information (as we beleive) [illegible]
[illegible] Witness our hands

  • [Bridgis?] Nanfan

  • Thomas Parsons

  • William Beale

  • Francis Rudge

  • Richard Teynton

  • William Morley

  • Thomas Beale

  • Richard Fisher

  • John Moore

  • Thomas Clarke

  • Paul Thackwell

  • William [South?]

  • Edmund Wodley

  • Edward Tomkins

  • William Peynton

  • John Coxe

  • John Jordan

  • James Davis

  • William [Woodley?]

  • John Phillips

  • Edmond Cowcher

Inhabitants of the parish of Kings Norton. Ref.110 BA1/1/194/128 (1703)

To the worshipfull justices of the peace for the county
of Worcester att the sessions held att Worcester the
12th day of January 1702

We whose names are underwritten inhabitants in
or neare the parrish of Kings Norton in the county
of Worcester doe humbly desire that the [illegible] house
of Thomas Holmes of Hedley-Yeild in the parish afforesaid
may be used as a meeting place for religious worship
for prottestant dissenters and that a certificate of
the same may be given accordingly

  • Major Newey

  • Williame Greves

  • Thomas Kettle

  • Thomas Newey

  • John Chambers

  • Thomas [Meale?]

  • Samuel Kettle

  • John Harvey

  • John Harison

Samuel Windle. Ref.110 BA1/1/194/139 (1701)

I Samuell Wilndle doth humbly
desire this honorable bench to grant
me a lycence for the word of God to be
preached by the decenting protestant precher
in my dwelling house in Inckburow

  • Thomas Hunt

  • Willam [Barkar?]

  • Samuel Windle

William Russell, Thomas Hulls, Richard Sorrill and Henry Avy. Ref.110 BA1/1/194/140 (1701)

For Worcester shire

Wee intend if God willing to keepe a publike
meeting for the worship of God at the house of
Mary Hayward in Aston Magna and
wee desier to have it recorded
according to the actt of Parliment

  • William Russell

  • Thomas Hulls

  • Richard Sorrill

  • [Henry Avy?]

  • [illegible]

Lett there be a licence according
to the prayer of their peticion

Inhabitants of Tenbrey. Ref.110 BA1/1/192/42 (1702)

The right worshipfull his majesties justices
of the peace at the sessions held at Worcester
the 13th day of January 1701

We whose names are underwritten inhabi
tantes in or neare [Tenbrey?] in the county
of Worcester doe humbly pray that
the dwelling house of Master Peter Payton in the towne of Tembeery may
be recorded as a place sett a part for
religious worship according to a late act
of Parliment and [illegible] allso humbly
pray that the same may be certified accord-

  • William Hooper

  • Thomas Cupper

  • William Maybury

  • Peeter Payton

Joseph Stokes. Ref.110 BA1/1/194/67 (1702)

Wigorn sessions

The petition of Joseph [illegible]
said county to her [majesties?] [illegible]
for the said county at the [general?] [illegible]
of the peace holden at [Worcester?] [illegible]
county upon the 14 day of [J...?] [illegible]

The said petioner humbly desireth that [illegible]
in the said Joseph dwelleth in Dudley [illegible]
appointed and entred amongst the [re...?] [illegible]
court for a house appointed for [religio...?] [illegible]
for protestants dissenting from the [church of?]
England according to an act of [Parliament?] [illegible]
case made and provided

  • Joseph [Stokes?]

Joseph Stokes. Ref.110 BA1/1/194/68 (1702)

Wigorn sessions

The petition of Joseph [Stokes?] [illegible]
county to hir majesties [justices?] [illegible]
the generall quarter sessions [illegible]
at Worcester for the said [county?] [illegible]
day of July anno domini 1702

The said petitioner humbly [desireth?] [illegible]
lately erected upon the land of Edward [illegible]
Dudley in the said county may be [illegible]
recorded in the records of the said [illegible]
house for meeting of protestant [dissenters?] [illegible]
religious worship according to a [late?] [illegible]
Parliament in that case made and [illegible]

  • Joseph [Stokes?]

The inhabitants of Grafton Fliford in support of George Payne. Ref.110 BA1/1/196/18 (1702)

To the right worshipfull her majesties justices of the peace
at their generall quarter sessions to be holden for the
county of Worcester the sixth of this instant October

Humbly sheweth

That George Hayns of our parish of Grafton Fliford is a
very poor man and not able to pay rent for a house to
dwell in (he haveing a wife and four small children) and
that the said George Hayns not long since did put up a
petition to the right honourable the Earl of Coventry with all
our names that are hereunto subscribed to the said petition
to desire his lordship to grant the said Hayns leave to sett
him up a little cottage house upon his waste which his lordship
was pleased very willingly to grant and sent his baylife
over and alotted him out a small plot of ground for his house
and for a little garden and now the poor man haveing by
[illegible] of his neighbours sett him up a
[illegible] opposed and disturbed only by
[illegible] our said parrish wee therefore
[illegible] [...fe?] doe humbly beg that the honourable
[illegible] [to?] grant their order that the poor man
[illegible] [...etly?] enjoy that poor being

  • George Harris rector

  • Robert Baker

  • John Jones

  • William Hanson

  • William George constable

  • George Fincher chirch wardin

  • Richard Fincher chirch warden

  • George Fincher overseer

  • John Rushall overseer

Elizabeth Gandy of Grimley. Ref.110 BA1/1/200/65 (1702)


To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for
the said county

[The?] humble peticion of Elizabeth Gandy of the parish of Grimley
humbly shewing

That your poore peticioner being brought into a vexsatious
suite att law by John Pardoe of Greene Street in the parish
of Hallow in the said county the said John Pardoe haveing
prevailed upon your poore peticioner to carry on the said suite
in her own name against her sister Magdalen Branfeild
and not haveing a good and right cause was forced to lett the
same dropp and proceed noe further, and now all the charges
of law is to be paid by your poore peticioner; and she
haveing not wherewithall to pay charges neither to maintaine
her selfe and family humbly prays this honourable court to take
into consideracion her abuse and her poore condicion and to allow
her some assistance out of her said parish as to your worshipps
shall seeme meet and convenient and your poore peticioner
shall ever pray etc.

  • Elizabeth Gandy

Edward Fewtrell of Hollow. Ref.110 BA1/1/200/67 (1702)


To the right worshipfull her majesties justices of peace
for county of Worcester

The petition of Edward Fewtrell of the parish of Hollow
humbly sheweth, that about two yeares ago Elizabeth
Allen a poore parish child was by the officers of the parish
placed on Master Alderman Swifts estate of 200 pounds a yeare
but he haveing agreed with his tenants to discharge them
of all taxes and burdens, his brother Master Charles Swift
who then then lookt after his business, seet the child to be
to be kept by your petitioner at 18 pence a week, and was paid
for a yeare and six weeks by him and Master Alderman, but after
refused leaveing the child upon your petitioner who kept it
one and thirty weeks without pay, which comes to 2 pounds - 6 shillings - 6 pence
your petitioner humbly prays that you would order the said
Master Swift to pay the said money to your petitioner whoe is a disabled
man for worke; lives upon the wast, is in debt; and poverty; and hee
will ever pray for you.

The freeholders and other inhabitants of Northfield. Ref.110 BA1/1/201/51 (1702)

Wigorn sessions

To her majesties justices of the peise at their
generall quarter sessions of the peace held for
the county aforesaid

The humble petition of the freeholders and others inhabitants
of the parish of Northfield in the county aforesaid whose
names are subscribed

Humbly sheweth

That George Wilcox a poor inhabitant of our said parish
haveing heretofore lived in good repute among us is now reduced
to great necessity and destitute of an habitation and haveing
obtained leave of the lord of the mannour of Northfeild and
Weely for the erecting of a cotage within the said mannour doe
hereby humbly desire that this honourable bench will be pleased
to grant an order for the erecting a cotage according to
the said certificate

And your petitioners shall pray etc

  • Thomas Austin

  • William Greene

  • Thomas Wagstaff

  • John Austin

  • Edward Walldron

  • Humfrey Welch

  • William Best

  • Wido Foxall

  • Thomas Fiddian

  • John Bellany

  • [.ar.?] Geest her mark
  • Henry Hinckley

  • John Austin

  • Jacob Fisher

  • William Shane

  • Thomas Kettle

  • Thomas Silke

  • Edward [Curtler?]

  • [TF?]

  • Thomas [Corkr?]

  • John Greene

  • Richard Guest

  • Thomas Guest

William Hooper, Thomas Cupper, William Maybury, Benjamin Millingchamp, John Hill, John Stary and other inhabitants of Tenbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/195/22 (1703)

To the worshipfull justices of the peace at the
quarter sessions held at Worcester the 13th
day of July in 1703

The humble petition of William Hooper, Thomas Cupper,
William Maybury Benjamin Millingchamp John
Hill John Stary and divers other inhabbitants in
or near Tenbury in the county of Worcester; prayeing
that the house of Peter Daytons cituated in the sayd towne
of Tenbury, may be certified as a place set apart
for religiouse worship, for protestant dissenters
according to the Act of Tolleration

And your petitioners shall ever

  • William Hooper

  • Thomas Cupper

  • William Mayberry

  • Benjamin Millinchamp

  • John [Hill?]

  • John Stary

The inhabitants of the parish of Abberley. Ref.110 BA1/1/196/32 (1703)

To the worshipfull her majesties justices of the peace for
the county of Worcester, the humble petition of the inhabitants of
the parish of Abberley in the said countey


That whereas Christopher Broadhouse (of our parish) or his wife do sell
ale, cyder and strong-waters: and Francis Morley, or his wife (of the said
parish) do sell ale and cyder upon the Lord's day, and at other unseasonable
times; by which means some people are kept from church, and many quarrels
have happened; the youth and other poor labourers are in danger of being
utterly undon. And whereas the foresaid Christopher Broadhouse, Francis
Morley and their wives, have been often admonished and advised to leave those
illegal courses, and to keep better orders; yet they still persist in their pernicious
practices. May it therefore please the worshipful bench of justices
now met at the quarter-sessions, to give such directions, as may enable
us, effectually to suppress, and hinder their selling any of the above mentioned

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc:

Written and subscribed
this sixth day of April

  • Patrick Gordon rector.

  • Thomas Bury

  • Thomas Brasier

  • Thomas Hay

  • Thomas Evans

  • John Stedman

  • Richard Bury

Inhabitants of Little Wittley. Ref.110 BA1/1/198/43 (1704)

To the worshipfull the justices of the peace of the
county of Worsester at the generall quarter sessions of the
[peace?] holden for the said county of Worsester upon Tuesday
the 11th day of July 1704:

We whose names are hereunto subscribed inhabitantes
in and about Littelle Wittley in the said county
doe desire that the house of Mary Greene widdow
in Littell Wittly aforesaid called by the name
of the New [illegible] House may be licenced for a
place for divine worship for protestant desenters
desenting from the Church of England acording
to an acte of Parliment in that behalfe made:
and youre petitioners shall ever pray for you

  • Joseph Morley

  • George Griffith

  • William Southall

  • Joseph White

  • Joseph Lowbridge

John Sparry. Ref.110 BA1/1/198/44 (1704)

To the worshipfull the justices of the
peace of the county of Worcester at the generall
quarter sessions of the peace holden for the said
county of Worcester upon Tuesday the 11th of July 1704

John Sparry doth humbly petition that the house wherein
he now dwelleth in, in Madeley in the parish of Bell-
-Broughton in the said county may be licensed for a
place for divine worship for protestant dissenters
(dissenting from the Church of England) according to an
act of Parliament in that behalf made, and your
petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • John Hancox

  • John Malpas

  • Joseph Lowbridge

Inhabitants of Bishampton. Ref.110 BA1/1/204/38 (1705)

To the justices of the peace for the county of Worcester
at the generall quarter sessions held the 2nd of the month
called October 1705

We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being inhabitantes
in or neer Bishampton in the county of Worcester, doe humbly
request, that you would please to lisence the house of [Richard?]
Kinman of Bishampton, for a meeting place, for religious
worship, for the people called quakers, which will much
obleidge your well wishing friends

  • Richard Kinman

  • John Aleigh

Inhabitants of Bromsgrove. Ref.110 BA1/1/204/39 (1705)

To the worshipfull justices of the peace at the sessions
held at Worcester the 2d day of October 1705

We whose names are underwritten inhabitants
in the towne or parish of Bromsgrove in
the county of Worcester doe humbly pray this
worshipfull bench that the now dwelling
houses of James Tompson and William Tilt
may be certified as places for religious worship
by protestant dissenters and your petitioners
shall ever pray

  • Abell Payton

  • John Lilly

  • Caleb Tilt

  • James Thompson

  • William Tilt

  • Richard Knight

Inhabitants of Whiston in the parish of Clayns. Ref.110 BA1/1/205/52 (1706)

To the right worshipfull justices of the peace at
the quarter sessions held at Worcester
the 15th day of January 1705/6

Wee whose names are underwritten inhabi-
-tants in or near the tytheing of Whiston
in the parish of Clayns and county of Worcester
doe humbly pray this worshipfull bench that
the dwelling house of Thomas Flower in
the said tything of Whiston may be cer-
-tified as a house to be used by protestant
dissenters for the worship of God according to
the Act of Tolleration.

  • Thomas Flower

  • Thomas Finchet

  • Charles Blackmore

  • Joseph Finchett

Inhabitants of Chaddesly Corbett and Hartlebury. Ref.110 BA1/1/207/35 (1707)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace
for the county of Worcester assembled together at the
generall quarter sessions of the peace held at the towne
hall in of the city of Worcester on Tuesday the two and
twentieth day of Aprill anno domini 1707

Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed being inhabitants in or neare
the parishes of Chadgsly Corbett and Hartlebury in the county aforesaid
doe humbly desire that the dwelling house of Thomas Tayler gentleman
in the parish of Hartlebury aforesaid and also the dwelling house of
John Tayler gentleman in the said parish of Chadgsly Corbett may be
licensed certified as places set apart for religious worship by a congregation
of protestant dissenters from the Church of England according to the statutes in that case made and

  • Thomas [Taylers?]

  • Edward Butler

  • John Bellamy

  • John Williams

  • William Kendrick

  • John [Taylers?]

John Nichols of Kings Norton. Ref.110 BA1/1/210/76 (1709)

January 11 1708/9

John Nichols of the parish of Kings Norton in
the county of Worcester humbly certifieth this
worshipfull bench that a new erected house of
Edward Dawks [in?] the said parish of Kings Norton
is set appart for the religious worship of a
congregation of protestant dessenters and humbly
prays the same may be recorded

  • John Nickoll

Anthony Mumford of Henlye, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/215/64 (1709)

To the right worshipfull the
Queens justices of the peac for the [shire?]
and countey of Worcester

[The humble?] petition of Anthony Mumford
of the parish of Henlye in the county abovesaid

Most humbely sheweth that your poore petitioners
2 children one of them aflicted with the
kings evill: his wife allso sick and theyr wants
are very great having no way to subsist your
petitioner has no way to make provision for
them for want of work: he is very willing to
labour for them to keep them from being
burdensom but has no way to do it he
having but now and then adayes work which
will not by them alittle bread to [sufise?] them
your poore petitioner most humbely begs you to
be pleased to consider theyr poore condition and
that you would please to order the officers of
the said parish to order some work amongstt
the people belong to the said parish and your poore
petitioner shall as [he?] is bound allwayes pray for
your worships

Ordered by this court that the officers of Hindlip
do sett Anthony Mountford to work for his
maintenance or allow him [weekly?] [illegible]
Per curiam.