
Displaying 151 - 160 of 339
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1670
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Zwelferi Animadversiones Booksellers Boone, merchant Boore, Edw. Booth, Thos. Borchloon, Johannes Borde, Phil. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles I
… Exeter Dean's Court, Westminster, document dated from De Boore, De Cawne, Captain and company "Decenzie," Sir Matthew …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
Displaying 151 - 160 of 339