Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1929.
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Lilian J Redstone, 'Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1452', in Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows(London, 1929), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].
Lilian J Redstone, 'Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1452', in Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows(London, 1929), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,
Lilian J Redstone. "Appendix: Inventory of church goods, 1452". Survey of London: Volume 12, the Parish of All Hallows Barking, Part I: the Church of All Hallows. (London, 1929), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.
In this section
This endenture made the xvj. day of October The yere of Our Lord. mcccclij. and the yere of the regne of Kyng Henry sixte. xxxjti. betwene John Ereth John Wyllaston and Robert Caterton wardeynes of the goodes of the chirche of Alhalowen Berkyng of London on that oon partie, and John Hobbes and William Payn clerkes of the saide chirche on that other partie. witnesseth That the seid John Hobbes and William Payn clerkes knowelech and graunten him by this present endenture to have receyued of the seide wardeynes the forseid. xvj. day October in the seide chirche the goodes and ornamentes after writen and perteynyng to the seide chirche the which goodes and ornamentes the foreseid clerkes shall sikerly and saufly kepe withynne the same chirche to the vse and profit there off as long as they there shall continue in seruice so that what tyme here after it happe the seid John and William clerkes to be duly warned by the seid wardeynes or her successoures wardeynes of the forseid chirche for the tyme beyng. to yelde and deliuere the same goodes and ornamentes to the forseid wardeynes or her successors that thanne the seid clerkes shall make deliuerance of the same goodes and ornamentes frely without any delay.
First .ij. good newe masse bokes.
Item .ij. olde masse bokes.
Item .j. masse boke lent to the chapell.
Item .iij. grayelles newe.
Item .ij. grayelles olde not Sales b[er]y.
Item .j. antiphonere newe.
Item .ij. olde antiphoners of olde Salesbery vse.
Item j antiphonere newe with all his legendes.
Item .j. boke for the dexte for principall dayes for matens.
Item .j. collectary boke.
Item .j. venite boke.
Item .j. boke with ympnes noted.
Item .ij. legendes Temporum et Sanctorum newe.
Item j Epistolary boke newe bounden.
Item .ij. processionaries.
Item .j. processionarie and .j. manuell bounden to geder.
Item a good newe manuell.
Item j ordinall boke.
Item another ordinall in quayers of the yifte of John Mason.
Item .ij. sauters covered with rede lether.
Item .j. boke cheyned in the quere called Pupilla.
Item .ij. quaieres of the story of seint Anne.
Item a resurreccion of siluer and ouergilt with a birell for the sacrament weying of troye weght .iiij lb. vj. vnces.
Item j coupe of siluer for the sacrement weying of troye xvj vnces.
Item a crismatorie of siluer weying largely xvj vnces and more.
Item j. senser of siluer weying .iij. lb. ij. vnces dj troye.
Item .ij. basyns of siluer weying .iiij. lb. xj vnces dj. tr[oy]e.
Item .j. shippe of siluer with a spone .x. vnces dj q[uar]t[er] tr[oy]e.
Item .ij. candelstikkes of siluer .j. lb. ij unces. iij. q[uar]t[ers].
Item .j. crosse of siluer enameled wt the fote of siluer weying .v. lb. ij vnces, di tree and all with ynne.
Item .j crosse plated with siluer and the fote of coper weying in all wt ye tree wyth ynne. iiij. lb. viij vnces. tro[ye].
Item .j pix for the sacrement hangying in the canopee aboue the high auter weying .vj. vnces tro[ye].
Item .j. grete chalys siluer and ouergilt called Knolles chalys. iiij. lb. iij. vnces dj.
Item .j. chalys marked wt a l[ett]re of A. weying j. lb. tro[ye].
Item j chalys wt. B. ix vnces. di.
Item .j. chalys wt. C. xi vnces. iij q[uar]t[ers].
Item j. chalys wt D. j. lb. iij q[uar]t[ers].
Item j. chalys wt E. j. lb. j. vnce dj and dj q[uar]t[er].
Item j. chalys wt F. of the yifte of Thomas Attemille .j. lb. v. vnces. j. q[uar]t[er].
Item a chalys wt G. x vnces. iij. q[uar]t[ers]. dj.
Item .j. chalys wt H. .j. lb. scarse.
Item a senser of coper and ouergilt.
Item .j. crosse of coper and ouergilt.
Item .ij. crosse shaftes peynted that on wt gold and that other wt siluer.
Item .ij. standard candelstikkes of laton before the high auter.
Item j. myddel peire candelstikkes of laton for weddynges.
Item iij lasse peire candelstikkes of laton for small tapers.
Item j candelstik of laton marked wt an hewet.
Item j candelstik of laton wt a nose for morowe masse.
Item .ij. halywater stoppes of laton wt a sprynkell of laton.
Item .vj. cruettes of pewter.
Item .j. potell pot of pewter for lampe oyle.
Item an hole sute of vestimentes of blak and grene wt iij. copes sewyinge.
Item j. sute of rede cloth of gold that is to saye: chesible ij. tunicles .iij. aubes iij. amytes with the stoles and fanons and .j. cope of the same sute.
Item j vestiment of blu baudekyn the ground p[ur]pill wt blu libardes for preest deken and subdeken.
Item j. vestiment of grene that is to seye: j chesible .j. awbe and ij. tunicles.
Item .j. singell vestiment hole for the preest of blak silk.
Item .j. singell vestiment of white silk wt a crucifix be hynde in the chesibill.
Item j. singell vestiment of blu baudekyn wt j olde cope of the same sute.
Item .j. vestiment of grene baudekyn and ij tunicles of the same sute.
Item j. feriall vestiment of grene veluet striped wt rede.
Item j. feriall vestiment of russet wt lyons rampand.
Item j. feriall vestiment of olde cloth of gold the ground grene.
Item j. singell vestiment of rede and grene wt lyons of gold.
Item .j. vestiment of baudekyn the grounde p[ur]pil wt roses and blue cranes.
Item .j. singell vestiment of olde clothe of golde rede.
Item j singell vestiment of rede for Good Friday.
Item j singell vestiment for the preest of white bustian wt .j. cope and .ij. tunicles of the same.
(fn. 1) Item a singell vestiment of blak worsted.
Item j singell vestiment of russet damask longyng to the auter of seint Steph[e]n.
Item to the same auter another vestiment of blu baudekyn wt an hewet in the parure.
Item j. vestiment of white fustian for lenten.
Item j. ferial vestiment of white russet rayed for lenten.
Item j cope of rede silk wt lyons of gold.
Item .j. cope of white cloth of gold.
Item .j. cope of rede veluet embrouded wt conduytes.
Item .j. cope of blak silk old and perused
Item .ij. litell copes of grene for children.
Item .ij. clothes of gold of the gifte of the galymen.
(fn. 2) Item parures of cloth of gold for an awbe and an amyte.
Item for the high auter aboue and benethe that is to seye; front and contrefront of rede satyn wt .j. frontell of rede cloth of gold and ij. curtynes of rede tartaryn.
Item for the same auter front and contrefr[ont] of white tartaryn pouderd wt blu garters and j frontell of the same wt .ij. curtynes of white tartaryn.
Item to the same auter front and contrefront of rede cloth of gold wt a frontell of grene silk.
Item for the same auter front and contre[front] of blu steyned wt ij. curtynes steyned wt angels.
Item .iiij. towelles for the same auter conteynyng euery pece .iiij. elles in lengthe.
Item .iiij. towelles sewed vppon the frontels euery pece cont[eynyng] .iiij. elles.
Item j olde autercloth of the same lengthe.
Item .j. olde frontel of blu silk for the high auter.
Item .j. olde frontel of silk for the same auter grene yelowe and rede.
Item for our lady auter a countrefrount of tartaryn grene and white wt .ij. curteyns of the same and j frontell of blu silk wt j towell sowed therto.
Item to the Trinitee auter .j front and contre[front] of white steyned wt briddes of gold wt .ij. curtyns steyned.
Item for the small auters .v. frontelles of diuerse sortes that is to seye; one wt bokels of gold steyned / Another of blu steyned wt roses of gold Another of grene and rede wt floures of gold the iiije of white cloth of gold and the v. wt apostels hedes steyned.
Item .ij. curteyns of grene steyned wt angels and white roses.
Item .ij. curteyns of grene steyned wt a W crowned and a marchantes mark.
Item for the high auter one olde steyned cloth of blu.
Item for seint Steph[e]n auter front contrefr[ont] and frontell of silk raies white wt garters and ij curtynes of silk.
Item to the same auter front and ij curtynes steyned white and al aboue ij clothes steyned oon grene and another white.
Item for the same auter ij frontes j. contrefr[ont] and ij curtynes of white steyned wt the passion for lenten.
Item iij olde countrefrontes of diuerse sortes steyned for small auters.
Item for lente .j. veill of white lynnen cloth and xvij peces grete and smale for the auters and to hele the ymages in lenten tyme.
Item of cloth steyned wt the passion for the rode in lenten.
Item of longe cloth steyned hangyng before the rode lofte.
Item j blak cloth of silk longyng to the lampe light for pore men.
Item .iiij. olde steyned clothes that is to seye; one wt the salutacion of our lady. Another wt the ymages of seynt John Baptist and seynt Petre/ and ij other wt roses of gold. / And j curtyne of grene wt roses of gold.
Item vij auterclothes good and badde to ley vppon the smale auters of lynnen cloth.
Item .j. longe towell for houselyng on Esterday cont[aining] xiij elles large.
Item j other towell cont[aining] in lengthe vj elles di. large.
Item j towell cont[aining] v. elles.
Item j towell cont[aining] .iij. elles.
Item j towell cont[aining] .iiij. elles.
Item .iiij. smale towels.
Item j olde veill of blu and yelowe.
Item j cloth of blu tapesserie to lye a fore the high auter.
Item ij olde steyned clothes / j. olde cope of white p[er]used / and iij. olde frontels for the small auters p[er]used.
Item ij longe ridels of blue steyned and rynged for both sides of the quere.
Item for the sepulcre ij longe peces of blu velewet embrouded wt sterres of gold of cipres / iiij quarters and .ij. smale peces of the same sute / and .ij. clothes hangers of blue tartaryn wt sterres of gold.
Item iiij kerchiefs of plesaunce for the same.
Item j celor steyned with the Trinitee for the sepulcre.
Item .x. corporasses wt casses and j casse voide.
Item .xij. pilowes of silk.
Item .iij kerchiefs of lawne fyne ech of an hole plice of the yifte of dame Margerie Haydok.
Item .j. banner of white tartaryn newe wt an ymage of oure lady.
Item .j. pynnon of tartaryn wt a rede lyon.
Item .iiij. baners of silk of diuerse sortes.
Item .xvij. baners olde of diuerse sortes.
Item xij pensels of Ostritch feders.
Item .j. miter for seynt Nicholas bisshop.
Item .ij. newe surplys and .ij. olde surplys.
Item .j. superaltare of marbell.
Item .j. litel iron panne to fetch fyre.
Item .j. spruce cheste bound wt yron.
Item .ij. longe coffres in the chauncill and j longe coffre in the chirch be nethe to fore our lady auter for torches.
Item iiij newe torches and .iij. other good torches litel worn or spended.
Item .j. ladder of .xxvij. ronges.
And it is accorded betwene the seid parties that in cas that any of the seid goodes or ornamentes be aliened or lost in defaute of the seid clerkes they abidying in office wt ynne the seide chirche; that thanne the seide clerkes graunten by this present endenture to paye and content resonably for thoo goodes and ornamentes so in her defaut aliened or lost.
In witness of the which thing to these present endentures the parties aboueseid eche to other have put to her seles And for more seurtee on the party of the seid William Payn clerk of all couenantes above writen on his party well and truly to be performed Simond Strete citesein and groser of London to this present endenture hath sette to his seel Yeuen at London in the parissh aboueseid the day and yere aboue writen.
[Added in another hand.]
Item a manuell wt a colectory the gyfte off sir Thom[as] Vyrlry (fn. 3) late vycary / wt ij surplyses slevyd to the vse of the qwere and a lytell autercloth of grene tartron wt rayes wyith and blak.
[On a smaller piece of vellum attached.]
The newe missall with the claspes of siluer and gilt—of the yifte of Nicholl Brymmesgrove sumtyme vicare of Berkyng.
Another good missall newe—of the yifte of dame Margery Welton.
Item a Resureccion of siluer and gilt—of the yifte of the seid dame Margery.
Item a crismatory of silver—of the yifte of the seid dame Margery.
Item a pix of siluer hangyng in the canopee—of the yifte of the seid dame Margery.
Item a front of rede cloth of gold for the high auter embrouded wt the Trinitee—of the yifte of the seid dame Margery.
Item ij candelstikkes of siluer of the yifte of the Galymen.
Item the crosse plated with siluer and the fote of coper—of the yifte of the Galymen.
Item ij chalys marked vppon the patyns that oon wt B and tht other with D—of the yifte of the Galymen.
Item an hole sute of vestimentes blak and grene—of the yifte of Symkyn Hugh.
Item the sute of rede cloth of gold—of the yifte of Sir Robert Knolles knyght.
Item j singell vestiment of blak worsted—of the yifte of Sir William Tillyng chauntry preest.
Item the frount countrefrount of rede satyn and ij curtynes of rede tartaryn for the high auter—of the yifte of John Pontrell.
Item j frount and countrefrount of white tartaryn wt garters and ij curtyns of white tartaryn for the high auter of the yifte of .J. Croke.
Item j baner of white tartaryn wt an ymage of our lady—of the yifte of the Galymen.
No 1 A deed from the clergy to the church wardens concerning the ornaments mass books etc belonging to the church dated 16th October 1452.