Appendix: Private Act, 23 Henry VIII c.33

Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1930.

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'Appendix: Private Act, 23 Henry VIII c.33', in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox, Philip Norman (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Appendix: Private Act, 23 Henry VIII c.33', in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I. Edited by Montagu H Cox, Philip Norman (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Appendix: Private Act, 23 Henry VIII c.33". Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I. Ed. Montagu H Cox, Philip Norman (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

In this section


Le Roy Le Vult.


Because that it is notified and declared to this the Kyngs most [Preamble honourable Court of Parlement that according to the mutuall condescent and aggrement heretofore had and concluded betwene the Kyngs highnesse on the one part and the Reverend father John Islyp Abbott of the monastery of Seynt Petyr of Westm' and the Priour and Covent of the same Monastery on the other part certeyn persones undernamed bey seised in their demeane as of fee to thuse of our seid sovereygne lorde the Kyng and of his heyres & assignes by the feffement of the seid Abbot Pryour and Covent of the seid monastery of and in certeyn mesuages houses Cotags landys and tenements with their appurtenances sett lying and beyng in the towne and felds of Westm' and in the parisshe of seynt Margarete of Westm' and elswere in the countie of middelsex as by a dede or Charter of that feffement made by the seid Abbott Pryour and Covent evidently appereth AND that the same Abbott Pryour and Covent at this present tyme bey seised in their demeane as of fee to thuse of them and of their Successors for ever of the gyfte and grawnt of our seid sovereigne lorde the Kyng to them made by his lettres Patentts for and in recompence and satisfaction of the premisses specified in the seid dede or Charter of feffement made by the seid Abbot Priour & Covent of and in the Syte Circute and precynct of the late monastery or Pryory of seynt Margaret the vyrgyn of Powghley with thappurtenaunces sett lying& beyng in the Countie of Berkshire and of and in dyvers maners lands tenements advowsons and other heredytamentts and comodyties lying and beying in the seid Countie of Berkshire and in the Counties of Wylteshire and Southhampton and in the seid Countie of Middelsex THE tenores of which seid dede or Charter made by the seid Abbott Pryour and Covent And of the seid lettres patentts made by our seid sovereigne lorde the kyng manyfestly herafter ensue and folowe in every worde and worde by worde as they be made formed and transacted betwene the seid parties.

[Beginnin of the Charter.]

OMNIBUS Christi fidelibus ad quos … Johannis Islypp Abbas [Beginnin monasterij sancti Petri Westm' ac eiusdem monasterij Prior& Conventus of the Salutem in dominp sempiternam Sciatis nos prefatos Abbatem Priorem et Charler.] Conventum unanimis assensu … totius Capituli nostri … dedisse … Roberto Norwych militi Capitalili Justiciario domini Regis de Banco Ricardo Lyster militi Capitali Baroni de Scaccario nostro Willelmo Pawlet militi Thome Audeley Servienti domini Regis ad legem& Baldewino Malett Solicitatori domini Regis

[Petty Calais.]; East side of King Street.]

Quoddam magnum mesuagium sive tenementum vulgariter nuncupatum [Petty Pety Caleys Ac omnia mesuagia Domos Orrea Stabula Columbaria Pomeria Calais.] Gardina Stagna Piscaria Aquas fossata terras Prata& Pasturas cum omnibus & singulis suis pertinentibus quoquo modo eidem magno mesuagio … spectantibus … sive ad idem mesuagium adiacentibus seu cum eodem mesuagio antehec tempora ad firmam dimissis … Situata … infra dictamvillam Westm'…

Necnon omnia illa mesuagia Cotagia tenementa& Gardina situata … in Orientali parte Strate vulgariter nuncupate the Kyngs Strete infra dictam villam Westm' … extendentem a quadam Aleia … ibidem vocata Lamb Alley alias nuncupata Lamblane usque ad barras situatas in predicta Regia Strata iuxta manerium domini Regis ibidem vocatum Yorke Place Ac etiam omnia illa mesuagia Cotagia tenementa Gardina terras& Vasta nuper in tenura Johannis Henburye situata … in dicta orientali parte predicte Alte Regie vie ducentis a quodam Crofto sive Pecia terre vulgariter nuncupata Scotlande usque ad capellam beate marie de Rouncedevall prope Crucem nuncupatam Charingcrosse

[West side of Street.]

Necnon omnia illa mesuagia Cotagia tenementa gardina terras & Vasta iacentia … in Occidentali parte predicte Strate vocate the Kyngs strete extendentia a quodam magno mesuagio sive Domo Pandoxatorio vulgariter nuncupato the Axe in longitudine per predictam occidentalem partem usque ad& ultra dictam Crucem vocatam Charingcrosse

[Charing Cross to St. James's and thence to Petty Calais]

Et etiam omnia alia terras tenementa& vasta iacentia ex parte Australi Alte Regie strate ducentis a predicta Cruce vocata Charingcrosse usque ad hospitale sancti Jacobi in Campo Ac etiam omnia illa alia terras& prata iacentia iuxta& inter terras nuper pertinentes predicto hospitali sancti Jacobi ex parte Australi eiusdem hospitalis et sic a predicto hospitali ex parte Australi Alte Regie vie extendentia versus Occidentem usque Crucem vocatam Eycrosse et ab eadem cruce divertend' [&] exten' versus Austrum per Altam Regiam viam tendentem versus villam Westm' usque ad pontem lapideum vocatum Eybrige& deinde in longitudine pper predictam altam Regiam viam ducentem versus& ad predictam villam Westm' usque ad Australem partem terre ibidem vocate Rosamunds et sic deinde in longitudine per predictam Australem partem predicte terre vocate Rosamunds versus orientem directe usque ad terram nuper parcellam predicti magni mesuagij sive tenementi vocat i Pety Caleis et eidem magno mesuagio … pertinentem continentia in toto per estimationem Quater viginti Acras terre sive plus sive minus.

[Pomfrett's Close.]

Ac unum Clausum nuper in tenura Johannis Pomfrett iam defuncti continens per estimationem viginti duas Acras terre iacentes in Parochia sancte Margarete Westm' …


Exceptis semper et nobis prefatisAbbati Priori& Conventui Successoribus& assignatis nostris onnino reservatis Aqueductu& Cursu Aqueductus ad monasterium nostrum predictum venientis et discendentis Ac iacentis … in terris& sub terrisin predictis mesuagiis Cotagiis tenementis Gardinis terris& Vastis iacentibus& existentibus in predicta Occidentali parte redicte strate vocate the Kyngs strete et in omnibus aliis tercis & vastisiacentibus ex parte Australi predicte Alte Regie Vie ducentis a predicta Cruce vocata Charingcrosse usque predictum hospitale sancti Jacobi Ac in predictis omnibus aliis terris& pratis iacentibus iuxtis& inter terras nuper pertinentes predicto hospitali sancti Jacobi ex parte Australi eiusdem hospitalis et sic a predicto hospitali ex parte Australi Alte Regie vie extendentibus versus Occidentem usque Crucem vocatam Eycrosse& ab eadem Cruce divertendo& extenden' versus Austrum per altam Regiam viam tendentem versus villam Westm' usque pontem ibidem vocatum Eybridge et deinde in longitudine per predictam Altam viam ducentem versus& ad predictam villam Westm' usque Australem partem terre ibidem vocate Rosamunds versus Orientem Et sic deinde in longitudine per predictam Australem partem predicte terre vocate Rosamunds versus orientem directe usque ad terram nuper parcellam predicti magni mesuagij sive tenementi vocati Pety Caleis& eidem magno mesuagio … pertinentem Necnon in predicto Clauso nuper in tenura Johannis Pomfrett et in qualibet parcella earundem quam liberis ingressu& egressu in terris& pratis predictis Ad cursum Aqueductus& Aqueductum predictum Ac illos pro defectibus & impedimentis in eisdem Cursu … scrutandum fodiendum …aperiendum …& Recoperiendum Ac cursum … illum& inde pipas plumbeas ligneas aut luteas& cetera eidem Aqueductui sub terram et in terre ibidem iacentia … pertinentia …prout necesse fuerit de tempore in tempus … quotiens & quando nobis …oportuna videbit reperandum

[Appointment of attorneys.]

HABENDUM& tenendum predictum magnum mesuagium; Exceptis preexceptis prefatis Roberto Ricardo Willelmo Thome et Baldewino hered &assignatis suis imperpetuum ad opus& usum domini Regis nunc heredum & assignatorum …& ad voluntatem eiusdem Domini Regis inde per implendum si voluntatem inde fecerit SCIATIS nos insuper … fecisse … locoque nostro posuisse Dilectos nobis Willelmum Middleton& Willelmum Russell nostros veros … Attornatos ad intrandum in predicta mesuagia terras tenementa Clausum et cetera premissa … Et ad deliberandum vice et nominibus nostris prefatis Roberto Ricardo Willelmo Thome& Baldewino ac eorum uni vel pluribus pre ies omnibus plenam possessionem …de & in eisdem mesuagiisterris … habendum … iuxta formam … huius presentis Carte nostre …

[Conclusion of Charter, etc.]

IN CUIUS REI …Datum quinto die Septembris Anno regni domini henrici Octavi … vicesimo tercio HENRICUL OCTAVUS dei gratia … OMNIBUS ad quos … Salutem CUM dilecti nobis …Johannes Islippe Abbas monasterii …Westm' … per Cartam suam indentatam cuius datum est quinto die septembris Anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio dederint … Roberto Norwyche militi capitali Justiciario nostro de Banco Ricardo Lyster militi Capitali Baroni de Scaccario nostro Willelmo Paulte militi Thome Awdeley servienti domini Regis ad legem& Baldewino Malett Solicitatori nostro quoddam magnum mesuagium [etc. as above] … NOS IGITUR … in Recompensationem …dedimus … predictis nunc Abbati … Situm … nuper monasterii … sancte margarete virginis de Powghley … [etc.] … TESTE me ipso apud Chelsehith vicesimo tercio die Decembris Anno regni nostri vicesimo tercio …

[Conclusion of Act.]

BE IT THERFORE ordeyned …by auctorytie of this present parlement that the seid Abbott …shall peacebly have … and enioy … all and singler the premisses specyfied … in the seid lettres patentts …Savyng to every persone … other than to our seid sovereigne lorde the kyng his heyres … all such right title … and interest as they … had before the makyng of this Act in or to the premisses … specyfied … in the seid lettres patentts … AND ferthermore be it ordeyned … by auctoryte of this present parlement that the seid persones to whom the seid dede or Charter is made by the seid Abbott … shall stande and be seised in their demeane as of fee to thuse of our seid sovereigne lorde the kyng his heyres and assignes … of and in all the seid mesuags lands … specyfied in the seid dede … made by the seid Abbott … Savyng to every persone … other then to the seid Abbott … all suche right title … and interest as they … had before the makyng of this Act in or to the premisses … specyfied … in the seid dede …