A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: May (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp287-303 [accessed 16 February 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: May (4 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp287-303.
"State Papers, 1657: May (4 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp287-303.
In this section
May (4 of 6)
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 139.
May it please your honor,
Upon fryday last, in the afternoon, I received yours of May 4/14th, and with it that
of Apryl 26th: next morning I sett foorth, reached Compiegne, and had audience
that evening; but it being very late, and the cardinal a bedd, I had not opportunity to
informe myself thoroughly in the particulars mentioned in your honor's. His eminence
appeared to be much exasperatted against the Dutch, and gave me small hopes of any accomodatione with them: his words, as I remember, were to this purpose; If England
(whom they confithered as their equall) had done them such ane injury as the Dutch have
done, they would have demanded restitutione of his majestie's shipps so unjustly taken,
before they would have entred into any treaty about other differences: they had much
more reason to expect that satisfactione from the Hollanders, for whom they had done
many good offices, and whom they would not willingly own to be their equalls, tho' it
seemed the Dutch looked upon themselves as their betters. At all tyms before, when he
spoak of their differences with the Dutch, he offered, that his highnes should be judge between them; but this last tym, as he did not deny his former offers that way, so he did
not renew them.
When I mentioned his highnes's readinesse to joyn with France in councells and endeavors for remooving the empyre from the house of Austria, he said, as yett he had no further thoughts in that businesse, than how to remoove the empyre from the family it was in. When I answered, I could not see that faisible, except when the electors were sollicited against the house of Austria, some other prince were proposed to them as fitter and more advantagios for the common good of the German princes; after some pause he said, If the Swede could be disengadged from his warr with the Poles, he would be content he were elected: and then, seeming to recollect himselfe, told me, there being 5 of the 8 electors Popish, he did not see it probable they would elect a Protestant. I did not find the tyme seasonable to presse him further, either in the Dutch businesse or this. He gave me at parting new assurances, that, by the blessing of God, they should be able to performe their part of the treatty. And when I waited upon mr. Turein at Amiens, I had the same from him. Mr. Turein assurs me, that the French army for Flanders (besydes the English forces) will consist of 30000 men effective, whereof half the number are horsemen. I have settled the businesse of the march of your forces thus; they take place of all the regiments of the army, save the two old regiments of guards; and care will be had, that there shall be no occasione to dispute it with them, because their infanterie will alwayes march in two brigads at least; and when the army is rang'd in battle, the one will have the right wing, and the other the left.
Upon wednesday morning I aryved at Bowlogne, where I found 3000 of your forces landed. Yesterday there came nine companies more, under the command of lieutenantcolonell Fennick. This day sir John Reinolds is expected with the rest. This morning they have made a review of the whole forces that are ashoare, and pay them half a month's pay. The officers, it seems, expected 3 months pay advanced; but I have satisfied them, that if they had gott their desyers in that, it would have proved prejudiciall to their regiments; for their soldiers would have debauched the mony, and afterwards would have suffered great wants. As I passed by every company this morning, I assured them of his highnes's care of them, and that he had commanded me to waite upon this court for no other end than to serve them, in seeing all conditions punctually performed to them; and after I had bidd them welcome into France, they received me with acclamations, and throwing up their caps, and prayed for his highnes. I have spent so much tyme amongst them this morning, as I feare this must be sent in all the confusione it's now in.
Both the officers and soldiers take a little strange with the French quarters, because they find no contry-people in the villages. A little tyme will lett them see it's the custome heare for the pesants to desert their houses, when soldiers come amongst them. I make it my business heare, to answer all their little scruples, and to cause redresse, as much as is possible at present, all their just grievances. They tell me, they have contracted for coatts and shoes; the money dew for them must be abated by the month of the soldiers pay. With regard to their present subsistence, so soon as I have met with sir John Reinolds and the rest of the colonells, I shall take a memoire of all their desyers, and goe to court with it, and shall endeavour to put their businesse in the best posture I can; after which I must beg leave to goe back to Paris for some small tyme, to the end I may put my own private affaires in some order, which at present are in greatter confusione then I dare make known: for tho' I have drawen bills upon my brother for very considerable summs, yet I have left that place so far in their debt, as if my wys and children were not empauned their, I should have no thoghts of returning.
Your forces already landed are cryed up by all that have seen them for the bravest men, that ever were in the French service: their reputatione is so great, that the court maketh a jorney hither expressly to see them. I have been earnest with the cardinall, to retard the king's aryvall hear, 'till such tym as the whole 6000 be landed, and fitted for his majestie's view.
Marshall de Grammont and mr. de Lion are appoynted embassadors for Germany; the embassie is to be performed in great lustre and state: they are, as it's sayd, to cary very considerable summs with them, to be distributed as they shall see cause. The cardinall told me, he would court that people in a shower of gold. I pray God the successe of that embassie may answer the high expectations all men heare have concerning it. Sir, the cardinall told me at Compiegn, that the Dutch embassador had writt to his masters, that I had given him very great assurances, that his highness would resent the injurys done to them by the French, and would take them under his protectione. The Dutch embassador, at a visitt he gave me two dayes before I left Paris, told me, he was informed, that I had given the cardinall assurances, that his highness would break with his masters, so soone as he see their was no more hops of accommodating their differences with the French. I did to each of them clear my self of both theise aspersiones.
I have just now received a letter from his eminence, wherein he presseth with much earnestnesse the march of that part of your forces already landed. Mr. Turein is with his army betwixt Aire and St. Omer, and ready to attacque one of the places formerly mentioned; but finds them in that posture at present he dare not prosecute that design; and theirfore is about to make a diversion. I have in my answer to the cardinall's acquainted him with the impossibility of getting theise troops to march, before their commanders in chief, and the rest of the forces not yet come, doe aryve, &c. I have promised, that immediately after the landing of the whole forces, they will be ready to march, and obey all orders they shall after that tym receive.
I humbly beg pardon for all the disorders in this, and the continuance of your kindnesse
and protection for,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Boulogne, May 15/25th 1657.
His majestie came yesternight to Montreville, within seven leagues of this.
Commissioner Pells to the states-general.
Vol. l. p. 145.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, here in Dantzick some enterprize being undertaken against Wissel-hoost,
in regard some information was given, that the horse and several of the guns were
removed out of it; thereupon most of this garrison, together with the Polish foot and
dragoons quartered here in the suburbs, making in all a body of 5000 men, provided
with all things necessary for such a design, upon the 23th of May they begun their march,
and are very busy at present to take the Hoost, or at least the sort on this side of the Weissel, hoping thereby to hinder and to open the stopping of the Weissel, whereby the
Swedes hope to make this harbour unnavigable; the success whereof is daily expected.
Dantzick, 26th May 1657. [N. S.]
C. Pells.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 130.
Right honorable,
My last was of the 12th present from Hamburg; the followinge night I arrived
heere, where I have a ship of this place ready to transport me to Riga. The
wynd is at present hopefull, but not full enough to put off to sea; if it come to serve us, noe
tyme shall be lost, though I proceed under the greatest discouragements, that ever publick
minister did, as you very well knowe. All letters agree, that the treaty at Copenhagen
is broke off re insecta; and they write from Dantzick, that 1600 of the imperiall forces
are entred Poland on the part of kinge Casimer. All men expect the Dane and Swede
will be shortly in open hostility; and most judge that the great duke will take part with
the enemyes of the kinge of Sweden; though some write, he hath been abused by the
Pole in their late diet, and therefore inclynes to have peace with the crowne of Sweden.
I shall hope the best, and doe my endeavour, when God shall bringe me to Riga; hopinge your honor will remember me in the needfull in my negotiation, that I may receive
the letter of credit you promised; and that, if his highness accept of kingship, I may have
new credentials hasted after me to Riga against the returne come from the great duke, if
I cannot have them before. How he will understand the character of orator, I knowe
not; though it sufficiently appeares by his former sendinge and accepting of publick ministers under the very same terme, that he accompts it above that of resident. If he entertayne the mediation, I shall endeavour to make that expression ply to the best advantage
on both sides, as supposinge I am to understand it was for that end, to leave a liberty of
enlarginge or abatinge, as the great duke shall please to use me, if I goe unto him, tho'
I could wish it's explanation had accompanied it in the credentiall letters. I accompt of
myselfe noe otherwise than resident for his highnes with the greate duke, as it's exprest in
my instructions; but I am doubtfull he will put another construction upon the word orator, for the premised reason.
I shall not detayne you, beinge myselfe in hast to goe on board the ship; but from
Riga (God sendinge me thither in safety) shall give the here-omitted; remayninge
Lubeck, 16th May 1657.
Your honor's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
I hope my bill of 1200 l. is paid, with the former 400 l. otherwise I shall be wounded in my credit.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 153.
Honored sir,
I Make bold to give you the trouble, to desire you will please to stand our friend to
gett us fower thousand pounds out of the forfeited estates, for the workes of Leith,
to which purpose I desire you will move his highnesse, that hee will bee pleased to signe
this inclosed order; for truly this worke will bee of more consequence, for keeping this
country in peace, then all the rest: and if wee had this 4000 l. wee should make itt defensible this summer. I have likewise (according to his highnesse command) sent you here
inclosed some letters, concerning some officers in this country that are Quakers, which
have been written unto mee, by way of complaint against them, from the places where
they have been quartred, that his highnesse may give such order therin, as he shall thinke
fitt. The letters are indorsed on the back-side, by which you may know what officers
they concerne, and what their carriage has bin. I remayne
Dalkeith, 16 May 1657.
Your very humble servant,
George Monck.
Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 132.
Right honorable,
My last was from Lubeck yesterday: I am now shipinge myselfe heere for Riga; and
if the wynd favour us (which at present is but bare to get out of the harbour) wee
shall this night put to sea, my desire beinge to use all possible expedition, the negotiation
requiringe it. I have not yet my this weeke's letters from England, soe know not whether
my bill of 1200 l. be paid, and a letter of credit sent, as your honor promised; but hope
shall shortly be satisfyed touchinge those and other particulars formerly writ of. This
corner affourdeth nothinge worth your notice or truble, but that I heere have it from a
ship lately come from Coppenhagen, that in the Sound the kinge of Denmarke's ships of
warre have lately seized three great Swedish merchant-ships coming from Portugall; soe as
the warre is begun betwixt those kings; and all conclude the imperial armye and great
duke are confederat with the Dane and Pole. At Riga shall knowe more of that.
I am
Your honor's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Trauemonde, 17th May 1657.
The Senate of Lubeck have been very civill to me. I hope you will remember the unworthy dealing of the Senate at Hamburgh, in which they persisted to my departure, soe as I could not take leave of them.
Extract inclosed in a letter of Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France.
Read, 28th May 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. l. p. 158.
The ships Regina and Chasseur were let and set forth by some gentlemen well known here at Paris, who undertook (without any charge to the king) to transport soldiers for his majesty from Provence to Via-Reggia in Italy, there to land the same, and by the way to play the pirates with the commissions of the duke of Vendosme; which commission had this clause in it, according to the arrest of the council of the king, taken on the 30th of October 1656, that is, provided they abstain from taking of Venetian, English, Genoa, and Hans-towns ships and goods. Now this is as much and so generally understood, as if it had been said, You may play the pirates against all the ships and goods of the subjects and inhabitants of the United Netherlands; against which, and no others, you are to practise the rigour of that rule, unfree ship, unfree goods; unfree goods, unfree ship. These commissions, without doubt, the vice-admiral de Ruyter found on board the said ships, when he took them. If your lordship desireth a list of the names of those that set forth the said ships, it may be had.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 160.
May it please your honor,
Since my last I have spent most of my tyme in taking away the little differences, that
did aryse betwixt the officers of your forces, and those, that are appointed by the king
to waite upon them. Their being unacquainted together did occasion more little mistakes
at first, then I hope shall fall out for a greatt whyle hereafter. Sir John Reinolds is aryv'd,
and the troopes are in very good dispositione. I hope the Lord will make them instrumentall to keep up the reputatione of their natione. They begin their march to-morrow.
Next morning his majestie and the whole court doth see them: after I have waited upon
them that lenth, I shall return with the court to Amiens.
Sir, I received a letter from his eminence yesternight, wherein he complained, that the retardment of the march of our forces did very much obstruct their designes against the enemy; and did insinuatt, that both England and France will be loosers by it. I have by an expresse this evening advertised him of sir John's arivall, and that the forces under his command begin their march to-morrow. I hope to make it appear to him at meeting, that never more diligence and care was used in a businesse of so greatt weight; and since his highnesse hath (even before their ratificatione of the treaty) performed so punctually and generously all that he is liable to, I shall lay before him how much they are obliged both in honor and conscience, to goe about the fulfilling of their part of it.
I was a little amazed to find most of the forces, that came last, bring armes along with them: I thoght their instructions had been to have left them at Dover. It is in one respect fallen out not much amisse, for the French have not heare above 2100 armes ready. I shall cause shipp all the spare arms they have beyond 4000; and for one thousand, that will be over (his highnesse being obliged to furnish three thousand) shall make some agreement with the cardinall for their pryce. Their is no other colonells aryved here, save colonell Lillistone and colonell Alsope: it will not be amisse to order the others comming over as soon as is possible. Sir John Reinolds and some of the other officers seemed to expect, that his highnesse should allow them 3 pence per day for each soldier, as additionall pay. I have shewn them how little probability there is for any such thing. They expect also, that his highnesse will pay for the cloathes and shoes, and alledge his highnesse promise for it. I did propose the deducting so much by the month of every soldier, till such time as the thinges contracted for were satisfyed; but if his highnesse think fitt to pay the mony, it will be much the shorter way, and I have nothing to say against it, tho' I dare not say much for it.
So long as it shall please his highnesse to continue my stay heare, I shall endeavour, that the capitulatione in relatione to their pay be precifely kept, and shall fathfully subserve all their other interests; and in particular shall be carefull, that the generall shall have all respect and encouragement given him as to a person of extraordinary meritt, whom I am oblydged to serve both by dewty and inclinatione.
Sir, mr. Peiton had not the civilities from me at parting I intended for him; my departing from Paris was soe abrupt, as I had not opportunity for it. At my retorn I shall
write to a countryman of myne, who is a worthy person, and a professor in the university of Saumur; he will give me a constant account both of his personall caryadge and
his progresse in his studdyes. I know sometyms he hath been accustomed to take gen
tlemen in pension. I have desyred mr. Pinville to put him to it; and if mr. Peilon be
settled their, I dare answer, that he shall be carefully lookt too upon all accounts. If my
good fortune would affoord me the opportunity of serving your honor in greatter thinges,
I should be ready to witnesse with how perfect a zeale I ame, may it please your honor,
Bologne, May 28/18 1657.
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
I have recieved the ratificatione sent by mr. Walker, and hope to send you theirs in a very short tyme.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Suppose your lordship hath an account of our proceedings here at large from other
hands, and that all which I can write wil be but repetition. H. H. hath refused the
title of kinge, after the parlament hath twice pressed hym to it by their speaker, and once
by a committee of parlament. To-morrow there is to be a conference with hym upon
the same subject, when the same answere is expected; and what issue will follow thereupon,
I knowe noe body that doth foresee. The parlament are very much troubled at this refusall, and some others are as much pleased; but I will not trouble your lordship any further upon this occasion at this tyme. It hath pleased God in this very conjuncture of
tyme, to bringe to light and prevent the designes of some of the fist-monarchy-men, who
had resolved to have risen in armes upon thursday-night last. They had prepared their
standard, armes, amunition, and all other thinges fitt for an insurrection, and should have
randevouzed at Mile-End-Greene; but about 2 or 3 hours before their randevouz, hearing
of about 20 of the cheife of them in one house together, they were surprized with their
standard and armes, and 500 of their declarations, one whereof I heerewith send unto you,
which is a new government, plainely discoveringe the principles of their whole party, and
what wee are to expect from them. There is nothing else, which hath occurred this weeke.
I remeyne
Whitehall, [18 May 1657.]
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, esq.
My lord,
I Shall not by this post have any occasion to trouble you longe. The parlament hath at
length agreed with his highnesse to alter the title of kinge to that of protector. They
did it this day, and have referred it to a comittee, to consider how to circumscribe that office, it beinge a new office, which the lawes knowe not; and the comittee have this day
spent some tyme in the debate thereof, where some new difficulties arise. It was moved,
that the protector might be enabled to exercise the governement accordinge to the petition and advice, and the lawes, as fully as the kinge might have done, and noe otherwise.
This is excepted to as much as kingship itselfe, although it was told us in the debate, that
let but the name be abated, and a reference fit to the kingly power should be most welcome; but now its otherwise. However, I beleeve this will be accomodated by one
meanes or other: and this is all the account I can can give your lordship of our affaires
The 6000 men are landed in France, and soe is sir John Reynolds too by this tyme,
as I suppose. He went from Dover yesterday-morneing. The men are cryed up for
the best body of foot, which ever were in the French service. I trust the presence of God
will be with them, and then they will doe their countrye honour and service. Wee have
noe other newes from any forreine parts worth the troublinge your lordship with; and
therefore will only further at this tyme begge leave to signe me
Whitehall, 19 May 1657.
Your lordship's most humble andmost faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
The enclosed is a petition lately brought to the parlament by some of the officers. The names are not rightly set downe in this print. Major Swallow and major Ellison did not signe the petition. It is now printed with a postscript; and the interest of a commonwealth is much talkt of now. There is course takeinge here to suppresse this, and in Scotland; and the same care is desired by your lordship in Ireland, if any of them should be sent thither.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 162.
Right honorable,
I Have not this foure posts written you for want of subject. The present serves to give
your honnor notice, that yesterday arrived a barke of this place from Seveta-Vecha,
which bringes advice, that five gallyes of Malta going to joyne with the pope's gallies to
assist the Venetians against the grand signior, are perisht in a storme at sea, and hardly
any men saved; which loss is very sensible to the people of this country, in regard the
Turks coarsaires will dayly encrease, and by consequent take many vessels of this place.
The king of France makes use of all the Dutch ships that are heare seized on, to carry
souldiers into Italy to the duke of Modena, cardinal Mazarin's kinsman. The 4 Spanish
ships are againe set out of Trapano, and will undoubtedly much prejudice our English
ships, that trade towards the Levant. So for present I most humbly take leave, and remayne,
Marseille, 29 May 1657. [N. S.]
Right honorable,
Your honnor's most obedient servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 163.
Honored sir,
I Received your letter, by which I understand his highnesse has denied the acceptance of
the government under the title of king; but I hope he will bee ready to accept of
it by the title of protector; and that God will direct the hearts of those in the parlament
to offer it to him uppon those termes. For truely I thinke, all honest men desire, that his
highnesse and the parlament may come to some settlement in this businesse; for otherwise unlesse the cheife magistrate and the parlament agree, wee shall never be able to carry
on our worke safely or chearfullie, and soe my prayers shall bee to Almighty God to direct them to that end. For newes heere wee have none, onely I heare, but I cannot tell
you for certaine, that major-general Wm. Drummond is landed in the Hills. I have sent
out a partie of Highlanders to take him, and I beleeve we shall either take him, or else
hee will suddenly depart again. I could wish the parlament would agree upon the assessment, being our former order will be out the last of June, and wee must goe about the
middle of June to prepare our businesse for the next six months assessment; and if wee have
it not by that tyme, it will disorder our businesse very much; and if you please to put
your helping hand to that businesse, you will very much oblige
Dalkeith, 19 May 1657.
Your very humble servant,
George Monck.
An intercepted letter of col. Lilburne to Luke Robinson, esq; at Pickeing in Yorkshire.
Vol. l. p. 195.
This day the house have voted his highnes to be protector insteed of king, and referred it to a committee to bound, limit, and circumstantiate him; and the committee has spent this whole afternoone about the debate of these thinges, and riss
without a question; for the lawyers and that party are soe affected with kingship, that
they will not be satisfyed without a limbe of the branch; but many others strongly opposing of it will bring it to some good issue at last, I hope, in some measure to satisfy
honest men, especially if the substance of the petition give them satisfaction. Things
are at such a stand, I can get nothing done in mr. Peckett's busines, but my lord
Strickland desired mee to send you this inclosed. I must intreate you to desire captaine
Strangewayes to inquire privately, how major Goodericke carryes himselfe at his being
now in the country, for I heare hee's much a new royalist, and is supposed will make his
observations upon the souldiery in the North, by trying their tempers. There is something
more then ordinary in his coming downe at this time, and I desire you to instruct capt.
Strangewayes thus much, and to give notice privately to the officers and souldiers to beware of him; and if 'twere also hinted to my lord Lambert's regiment, it would not be
amisse, if you know capt. Strangewayes (as I presume he is) to be against kingship. I
had rather put this trouble upon him, because he is both faithfull and prudent, if he pleases
to communicate it to some officers with naming mee, and give me some account of it,
wil be very acceptable. The question of changeing the name of king to protector was
carryed almost 3 to one. You are much desired here; and it is believed you might be
very helpfull at this tyme, the house being likely to sit to perfect several business.
19 May 1657.
I am yours,
R. L.
I heare capt. Ayly is arrested, but I hope there will be an act of indemnity for him.
For Luke Robinson.
Mr. R. Manley to mr. James Upton from Dantzick.
Vol. l. p. 167.
Dear brother,
I See there is no way to oblige you to write, but by being silent; yet when your letters,
like my rent-dayes come, 'tis so slowly, and such a huge way about, that I dare not
show them for newes. Certaynly Mastricht is not in the way to Prussia; yet they are
welcome, and so would the cloth bee to, which wil be as far from Hambourg as from
England; let it rather, but with the other ingredients, be sent by mr. Fitty of London,
to mr. Cock at Dantzick, and I shall have it safely delivered. Last weeke the Dantzickers, with betwixt 3 and 4000 men, made an attempt upon the Hooft, but fruitlesse:
their goeing out was as pompous as their retreat obscure; after the loss of some few officers, viz. 2 lieutenants and 30 or 40 soldiers, which were sent upon an assault, they
thinkeing it was not good to oppinatre it longer there, faced about, and went home; but (as
they say) with still drum; and indeed it was tyme; for pr. Adolph Soltsbach, Dona, and
Vander-Linden, being entered the fort, and succors hastening from all parts, they might
otherwise have been obliged to stay agaynst their wills. Out of Poland, that since the
conjonction of Ragotzky with the Swedes, they have bin in chase of the Poles, and
dislodging them near Lublin, forced them to part for a tyme. Charnecki and his mirmidons passed the Wyssell at Warsaw, and Sapiha, Lubormiski, and Poloski, with their
people the Buc at Kamieniec; from thence they went to Bresse in Lituania; but being
followed close by the enemie, will be obliged to fight or expose that considerable place,
which wee held to be besieged already, as you had it in my last. If this be not enough,
which is all the truth I know, I will send you the prints by the next. In the meane time
farewell, and love yours eternally,
Conigsb. 30 May 1657. [N. S.]
T. Smith.
Let Fr. knowe I received his, and will write to hm by the next, amplissima forma. I am in the crisis of my fortune.
The Dutch embassadors in Denmark to the states-general.
Vol. l. p. 165.
My lord,
The resident of Sweden departed from hence on saturday last, the 26th instant, for
Elseneur, to go from thence for Helmstadt; yet since his departure the embassador
of the duke of Brandenburgh hath used very earnest endeavours, to the end there might be
no open rupture between them; and that his majesty of Denmark would be pleased
to make overture of such particular conditions, wherein the satisfaction and assurance demanded by him do consist, by that means to make an introduction for the re-assuring of
the treaties, with large promises of essicacious offices, which this lord the duke would
employ, that his majesty might receive satisfaction from the king of Sweden. But there
was roundly answered to it, that the business is not in such terms, that his majesty will or
can resolve to make any overture to any further treaties; that if so be any thing were
proposed on the side of Sweden, it should be considered; but withal he must know, that
his majesty will not understand to make any separate accommodation with the king of Sweden, but that he did aim at a general peace upon the East-sea, and the re-establishment
of the affairs in Prussia to their former state. And that upon these terms, the king of
Denmark is willing to hearken to a peace.
The three Swedish ships detained in the Sound are brought before this city, and the Swedish seamen are yet in custody. The Hollanders, 38 in number, are kept in the service of this crown.
Copenhagen, 30 May 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from col. Bamfylde, from Paris.
Vol. l. p. 169.
Above a month since I advertised you of a resolution taken here to send mareschall
de Gramont and mons. de Leonne, ambassadors to the diet in Germany. This
is to let you knowe, that they are very speedily to begin theyr journey thither; they are
first to visit the several electors, and others of the most considerable princes and states of
the empire, and then to Stratsburgh, where tis yet intended the diet shall be held. The
French and all the Protestant princes will endeavour to set up the duke of Saxonie in competition with the house of Austria, not soe much caringe whether he has the empire, as
to bring the election to the determination of the sworde, and to fasten him to theyr party; which if the business comes to that, tyme and the success of the warr will conferr
that dignity on him, that becomes moste powerfull. In fine, Germany is like to be the
scean of the greatest business at this tyme depending in Christendome, and the result of
this diet to produce the greatest changes, that have for a longe tyme happened; where tis
reasonable to beleeve, it will be expedient for you to have some person either publickly or
privately, which may be able to give you a perfect and fresh account of all the secret
designes, as well as publique transactions of that place. If you shoulde employe thither
any person of quality in a publique capacity, I should be glad to way te on him, and
would serve him faithfully; but I beleeve the expedition will be too apparently hazardous for any very considerable person's undertakinge; and if you send any privately, by
which you may be best informed, mons. la Marine is very well with mons. de Gramont,
can way te on him thither, by which meanes, and by the interest he has already in the duke
of Brandenburgh's court, and by the augmentation thereof by letters he can have to him,
he will undoubtedly be able to render you a very satisfactory account of that undertakeing,
if you thinke fit to trust him in it; and that his parts and fidelity may bear any proportion to the oppertunityes he will have of makeing a very considerable inspection into
the affayres of those parts. What his abillityes are, you can best judge; for his fidelity I
can say noe more then he himselfe has done upon severall occasions. Your resolutions in
this particular would be knowne with all speed, that he may prepare himselfe for the
journey with mons. de Gramont. I intend shortly to be at Callaice, with a resolution to
serve under sir John Reynolds, in the condition of a private soldier, if that favour may be
graunted, in case you thinke mee not capable of any other employment; and if you please
to direct your answer to this (if you are pleased to returne any) in my own name, chez
mons. de la Force a l'enseigne de la cyrene a Callaice, it will finde me there by wednesday next,
by God's permission, that being the place most proper for me to receive your speedy
commands touching this affayre; or in case, that you have utterly abandoned me, to repayre to the army, and take what lot God has determined for me, whoe am ready to embrace an honest death, rather then lead a miserable life, or to have recourse to any unworthy meanes to amend the condition of
Sir, your moste humble, moste faithfull,
and moste obedient servant,
Jo. Bamfylde.
Wednesday, May 30, stilo loci, 1657.
The superscription,
For mr. Mathew Bonnell, marchant, at the signe
of the Harrowe in Tems-street, London.
Steele, Lord-chancellor of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 204.
Mr. secretary,
I Received your last, and fully concurre with you in judging it to bee our wisdome and
duty to rest satisfyed in the good pleasure of God, as to the great affaire in agitation, it
being certainly true (whatever some have dreamt touching Divine providence, that it should
bee constant only about thinges above, and if belowe, yet about the species, and
not individuals of beings) that all thinges, with their circumstances, are foreseene and
ordered by him. What more contingent or unregarded then whether a sparrow light
upon a bough or the ground; yet this we are tolde, to put all out of question, comes
not to passe without the providence of God; only it is herin to bee acknowledged, that
the order and government of the first cause doth not by its determination so determine the
actings of the second, as to abolishe or hinder the nature of the will, which is to bee free;
necessitating it noe otherwise in such operations then the understanding doth, whose dic
tates it necessarily, but not compulsively, followes; without takeing in which consideration
wee should be involved in many difficulties, how wee could with submission to the will and
providence of God meekely beare with the dissent of judgments in thinges once transacted,
or without sin bee disatisfyed with any such thing as to men; and it would otherwise bee
hard to obviate the cavills of the Jesuits, who alledge, that by our asserting the infallibility of decrees, wee goe about to deny the necessity of humane lawes, rewards, and punishments, and all occasions of prayse and disprayse of men: but I crave your pardon for
stepping so unnecessarily into this subject, as being the product rather of a desire to meete
with myne own weaknes therein, then of any neede I judge it to bee of to yourselfe. Sir.
I have one thing more to give you trouble by. I thinke the councell either to his highnes
imediately, or to yourselfe, to bee imparted, have upon occasion represented the difficulties they are sometimes under betwixt their own trust and duty, and the honour and
tendernes they are to beare to his highnes commands, exprest to them in letters relating
to the disposing of things otherwise engaged by acts, ordinances, or otherwise, which I
confesse is difficult to avoyde alwayes, without a narrow inspection into those lawes and
instructions that concerne this land, or some general proviso in the directions sent hither:
but supposing the matter to bee as it should, I only represent it as a thing worthy your circumspection, that the manner bee observed, viz. to come still in such cases under the privy-seale or signett as the cas may require: but a word being, I beleeve, sufficient to give
you thereby an intimation only, I shall not neede to say more; but with my respects presented, I subscribe myselfe
Dublin, May 20, 1657.
Your affectionate freind and servant,
Wm. Steele.
A letter from a gentleman in Argyleshire to the governor of Dunstaffnage.
Vol. li. p. 74.
Upon the 24th of April the meeteing betwixt my lord Argyle and very many of his
freinds was kept (at Inverraray) where my lord Argyle told his freinds, that one
end of the meeteing was to see them together, after his long absence from them. Hee
mentioned a great summe of money, which he sayeth must be payed by this shyre, to make
good the English losses, which they susteyned in this shyre in the yeare 1652; and said, that
he had an order from my lord generall Monck and the councill, that the money should
be raised by this shyre in the manner as the sesse is raised. Some of the gentlemen, who
were present, opposed my lord Argyle in it; as the laird of Glennechay and the laird of
Cawdell, who said, they opposed that business, which was acted against the English;
and that their owne lands did suffer by those persons, who committed the fact against the
English; and that there was no reason, why they should be rankt amongst the guilty, to
make good what wrong they had don; but my lord Argyle told them, that they were
to pay with the rest, and therefore willed them to make ready the money.
Sir, you will heare of this busines from some of the gentlemen themselves, who are not willing to be numbred amongst the guilty; and if my lord generall Monck were fully acquainted with the bad preparative, that this may tend to in after-times, in makeing the guiltless equal in suffering with the guilty, who broke out upon all occasions, it's believed, that my lord generall Monck would not give liberty, that such bad instruments should receive soe much encouragement to breake out againe, seeing they can make themselves rich by that meanes, when those, that are peaceably disposed are brought into poverty; besides hazarding to undergoe the displeasureing of theire chiefs. Sir, as for my lord Argyle's many meeteings, which he hath appoynted with the several clanns, you may knowe, that his lordshipp hath much money owing him by those people, which he is to meete withall; and as for the meeteing he is to have with the ministers, his lordshipp is one of our ruleing elders. Sir, I shall tell you my thoughts of my lord Argyle; hee is one, that will not shew by his own actings, what his minde is, as to the government of these nations; therefore you must knowe him, by the actions of his near relations.
I shall mention one thing to you, which is observable, that since my lord Argyle came into the country, those gentlemen of his freinds, who are justices of the peace, and formerly were verry diligent in their office, doth not act any thing at all, but rather seeme as though they would let the authority fall. Another thing to be noted is, that since my lord Argyle came, the justices of peace in this shyre have not kept the last quartersessions, which was to be holden at Inverraray the first tuesday in May. I have bene with the laird of Achinbreck, who is something sickly; I have sounded him all I can, and I find him to be verry peaceably disposed; he lives privately in Killmichell. I pray you burne this letter, and let me be knowne by none, who remaines, &c.
May 20, 1657.
Capt. Greg. Butler to the protector.
May it please your highnes,
It is my fortune to bee made unhappy, through the want of power to call the commissioners of prize-goods to an account in these parts, especially those of Barbadoes,
who have greatly cheated your highnesse; but at last it is my good fortune to meete with
three men that were at a shipp lost by the Spaniards in the east side of the gulse, which
shipp had in her to the value of 3 or 4 millions of money sunke in 6 fathome water. The
last summer the Spaniards with two frigots weighed part of the said treasure, but had not
time to save the major part, being beaten of by a storme. Therefore havinge now three
men that can directly goe to the said wracke, I tooke this boldnesse to hire a ship to carry
me to the generall, where I hope to receive a man of war to goe to the said wracke,
where I am confident to meete the Spaniard endeavouringe to secure the remainder and
their arms; this beinge the season, as my intelligence informs me, who was an agent in
the last summer worke, and now imployed by me. Esquire Marsh presents his duty to
your highnesse, who hath sustained much reproach for want of your highnesse's commission
for this place. Whatever commands your highnesse please to injoyne me, may be sent to
Jamaica, where though I am unworthy, yet shall rest
Christophers, May 21, 1657.
Your highnesse's most obedient servant,
Greg. Butler.
Commissioner Pells to the states-general.
Dantzick, 31 May 1657. [N. S.]
Vol.l. p.171.
H. and M. lords,
That which I advised in my former of the 28th of March, as if general Gonsweisly were fallen into Courland, doth not continue, but that he came something
near the frontiers of it, passing towards Lysland, and where he was to join with some
troops of Muscovia. To the progress of the prince Ragotsky no certain credit is yet given
here: the last letters from the secretary of this city in the Polish court do make little mention of him, but that the Tartars do offer it, if so be the said Ragotsky doth march
any further into the country, that they will go against him with all their power for the
service of Poland.
The king of Sweden is upon the march with a flying body of horse, to go and join with Ragotsky, who is said to be marching towards Cracow.
Answer of the states-general to a paper of mons. de Thou, the French embassador in Holland.
Les seigneurs estats generaux des Provinces Unies ayants mis es mains de leur deputés pour les conferences avec le sieur ambassadeur de Thou un escrit, presenté de sa part au president de leur assemblée le 25 de ce mois, ils en ont examiné soigneusement le contenu, & jugeants, que saute de quelques salutaires expedients, il soit à craindre que les mesintelligences arrivés entre la France & cest estat deviennent incurables, & qu'il est à propos de reformer l'ancienne bonne amitie, correspondence, & alliance, qui ont esté si long-temps cultivées curieusement de part & d'autre, ne croient rien de plus efficace pour les fins susdittes, que les remedes suivants, à scavoir qu'entre le susdit sieur ambassadeur, au nom du roy très Chrestien d'une part, & lesdits deputés au nom des seigneurs estats generaux de l'autre, il soit convenu & arresté en la meilleure forme, & sous le bon plaisir & approbation à chacun de son maistre & superieurs;
En premier lieu, que toutes sentences données & arrests pronuncés en France, & tous mandements y obtenus de sa majesté & de son conseil, au profit des sujets & inhabitants des Provinces Unies, au fait de leur vaisseaux emmenez & biens pris, qui n'ont esté suivis jusques à cest heure d'aucun effect, soient executés & faits obeir reellement, & comme il appartient en bonne justice, & cela dans le terme de deux mois pour tout dilay, apres que la poursuite en aura esté faite deuement de la part des interessez.
Secondement, que bonne & prompte justice & accomplissement d'icelle soit administrée ausdits sujets & inhabitants, es causes & proces de pareille nature, qui sont encore indecis, & à l'esgard desquels aucuns mandements de sa majesté n'ont pas encore esté obstenus, le tout selon & suivant les regles du traité de marine conclu entre la France & cet estat, le 18 d'Avril 1646. & prolongé par l'edit de sa majesté susdit du 30 du mois de May 1651. & cela par des juges non-interessez es dittes causes directement ou indirectement, dont ils auront à se purger, avant qu'ils entrent en l'examen d'icelles par des serments solemnels.
Tiercement, à fui de prevenir & obvenir à tous inconvenients à l'avenir, qu'il soit fait un reglement sur le sait du commerce & de la marine, suffisant & valide, entre la couronne de France & lesdittes Provinces Unies, estant necessaire que pour tel effect soient arrestez & signez par ledit sieur ambassadeur & lesdits deputez des seigneurs estats generaux, du moins sous l'agreation à chacun à ses maistres, les articles cy-joints, tous pris & tirés de plusieurs traittés, ordonnances, & autres actes precedents; & si d'avanture ledit sieur ambassadeur me se trouve pas encore assez autorisé pour pouvoir conclure & signer un traité formal de commerce & de marine, & qu'il fallut un intervalle considerable de temps pour en adjuster tous les points, il sera expedient, pour les raisons susalleguées, & pour empescher que des incidents nouveaux ne troublent plus la tranquillité & le repos publique, qu'on regle cependant le fait susdit du commerce & de la marine, sur le pied & selon la teneur du traité fait entre sa majesté & les villes Hanseatiques, le 5 du mois de May en l'an 1655. de maniere que l'on se servira de ces articles provisionellement, & par forme d'interim, jusques à ce que l'on se soit entendu sur un traité de marine accomply & conditionné selon les commoditez de l'une & l'autre nation.
Quatriesmement, que tous les vaisseaux pris, emmenez, & arrestez le 28 de Fevrier dernier, & du depuis par les uns & les autres, comme aussy tous ceux, qui pourroient estre pris, emmenez & arrestez encore jusques à ce que l'on ait executé reciproquement ces points, seront relachez, & promptement restituez, avec toutes leurs dependances & appendences, & que par consequent sera levée aussy la saisie, qui a esté faite en France, & en ces Provinces Unies, sur les biens & effects, tant de l'un & l'autre estats, que de leurs subjects & inhabitans.
Quant à la clause contenue dans l'escrit susdit du sieur ambassadeur, qui fait mention d'un renouvellement d'alliance, les deputés des susdits seigneurs estats generaux declarent, que le chemin y estant preparé par les moyens & expedients icy specifiez, & dont l'importance & la necessité no souffrent point de remise, leurs superieurs estre portez de coeur & d'affection d'entrer en affaire, d'y recevoir des propositions, d'y en faire de leur costé & de travailler sans relasche jusques à l'accomplissement d'une oeuvre si salutaire & souhaité avec passion. Fait à la Haye, le 31 May 1657. [N. S.]
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. l. p. 177.
May it please your honor,
Yours of the 18-28th April came to my hands yesterday about 12 o'clock, as we
were upon our march neare Montreuile. The court removed from it 2 houres before,
for the accomodation's sake of the English forces. The king (by the captain of his guards,
whom he sent to welcom them) told me, he could pass no greater compliment upon his
highness subjects, then to trust them with so important a place at their first arryval. The
cardinal hath caused send to their quarters of this night wyne, beere, and other provisions for their officers, upon his own expense, and hath some officers of his own house
waiting upon sir John Reinolds, who keep him a free table. In breif, they expresse so
extraordinary a kyndnesse for them, as when I reflect upon their carriage towards other
troops, from whom also they expect most considerable services, I ame tempted to be
jealos their may something lurk at bottome of so much caresse, which I doe not yett
thoroughly understand. A troop of the king's guards of horse waite upon your forces, and
march by generall Reinold's order. Mr. Touchepritt, a mareschall de camp, and a
confident of his eminence, is their conductor.
After my arryvall here yesternight, I had ane audience, which lasted till it was past 12 o'clock at night. I proposed ane additione of theise officers mentioned in your last, as also some additional pay to the serjeants, corporalls, and drumms; which after some debate was agreed unto, with this provisione, that the pay to the field-officers be reduced to that establishment made by his highness; a copy whereof is here inclosed, as I received it from the generall, and the cardinall will add to what will be gained that way as much as shall compleat the whole pay of all the officers demanded, according to the rates in that establishment, and the list I received yesterday. If any more be got, it will be with much insisting upon my part, and reluctancy upon theirs; howsoever I shall not spare my pains in it, so soone as I know its your honor's pleasure I press ane addition of the whole, without allowing any of the forementioned deductions.
The cardinall hath caused to provyde some fourscore tents for the officers of our forces, and hath oblydged those of this towne to furnish them at that rate they call the king's, which is not above half or third part their worth; so that a tent fit for a captain will be had for some 10 shillings. He hath also condescended to advance 30000 livres, to the end they may make up their equipages here and at Amiens; and hath appointed barks here to carry their sick soldiers and baggage to Amiens be water. The advance of the money will be of good advantage to the officers; and their care of the weak and sick will be no little encouradgment to the soldiers.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Having settled thus all things relating to the entertainment of the soldiers, I told his eminence, that the rumors I heard of their having besieged Cambray, was the principle cause of my coming up to court in such hast, and of my importuning him with my vissitt so late; and after that, in as sensible terms as I could, expressed my regraitts for their having engadged themselves in an affair of that importance without precommunicating their intentions. He replyed, it was true Cambray was besieged, and that in some sence they seemed in so doing not to answer what they were bound too by the treaty; but hoped his highness (when the businesse was right understood) would approve of their proceedings; and so in a long discourse held forth how impossible it was to have done any good upon Dunkirk, so long as the army of Flanders was in the posture they then were in. M. Turene had orders to attempt Dunkirk upon any terms, that were possible, but had found it wholly infaisible at that time: This siege would oblige those of Flanders to draw to a body after which time, if they posted themselves so that Turene might have any encouragement to prosecute the design upon Dunkirk, the army of France should quit the present siege, and besiege Dunkirk.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
In my return I endeavoured to let him see the little cause I had to be satisfied with professions and promises of that nature, and concluded that their attachment to a siege of such consequence to them, and which I did foresee would consume so much time, was news, that would be so ill resented with you, as I was in doubt whether I durst send them; and did plainly tell him, that if your forces had not been quartered at Montruil, where their lying still might give jealousie, that we had base designs, I would have advised generall Reinolds to have left the 3000 men raised by his highness, till such time as I had new orders from you concerning their dispose. He did not seem to be unsatisfied with any thing I said; but told me, when his highness knew him better, he would have greater confidence in him; and with great asseverations protested, that once this campaigne he should make good their part of the treaty, or loose his army in the endeavoring it. When I was ready to take leave, he would needs have me stay and supp; which I could not well refuse, it being the first time I had that honor offered me. At supper (he having told me none were about him save such who were equally his) after some generall discourse concerning his highness's refusall of the tytle of a king, I acquainted him with my receipt of the ratificatione of the treaty, and said withall, that his highness had not only done it in words, but in deeds. He answered, that he durst not contend with his highness in any thing, much less in generosity, which was so naturall to him; but hoped to follow so great and good example as near as was possible. Their ratification was ready, and should be exchanged for mine at Amyens by count Brienne; and himself should neither enjoy peace nor comfort in any thing, till all his majesty's obligations therein were punctually performed.
Sir, I know not how these short hints I am forced to give you of my caryage will be approved of; but I may say, (as in the Lord's sight) that my apprehensione least my weaknesses and mistakes may bring disadvantages to the nation's and his highness's interests, (and so occasion his just repentance of the caracters of his favor he hath been pleased to honor me with) doth keep me in such continuall fears and troubles, as I have not many tymes the free use of those comforts, that are common to the generallity of men.
This morning his eminence signified his desires to see me by the captaine of his guards. When I waited upon him, he earnestly pressed my going back to the forces, to the end I might accomodate some little differences, that were betwixt their officers and those appointed by the king to conduct them. They are of so little importance, as I shall not trouble your honor with them, but shall endeavour to take them away without any further noise; and after this I made bold to ask him, how their affairs stood with the Dutch? He hopes things will come to agreement, and desires his highness's mediation for it: his majesty is most willing to submit all differences with the Dutch to his highness's arbitration: for his own part (the king's honor being saved by the restitution of the two ships taken) he will oblydge himself afterwards to take off the seizure, to satisfy all that is lost by it, save that of time and mercatts to execute all these arrests, for want of execution whereof the Dutch lay out so much. He is also willing to regulate their vissiting the Dutch shipps, and I think he may be perswaded to quite that priviledge wholly, if that be the particular stuck upon; but how farr this last will be for the interest of the trade of England, I dare not take upon me to judge.
This morning, when I parted from the cardinall, he offered me a very fine calasse and
6 horses, which I refused, telling him I was oblydged, by my being so great a begger for
others, not to be troublesome that way to him for myself. I am now ready to take poast
for Ree, where your forces quarter this night; and since I shall be necessitated to give
you a new trouble from thence, shall make no appology for the length of this you now receive from,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
William Lockhart.
Abaville, May the last, new styl, 1657.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy, le 26e May 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. l. p. 147.
Ace matin l'ambassadeur de France a fait exhiber ce memoire, dans lequel il s'explique un peu plus d'avantage qu'il n'avoit fait dans la conference. On a mis cela entre les mains de commissaires. Mais pour encore on ne trouve nulle satisfaction en cela: car on ne veut pas traiter de la marine conjontement.
L'on a fait lire un concept traité de marine qu'on desire avec la France.
Il y a eu instance faite de la part des deputes & envoyés des electeurs & princes alliés, pour avoir response sur leur dernier proposé du 9 Avril. Mais la Zeelande & Frise se sont grandement opposé à cela, disant n'avoir point d'ordre à cela, si que rien encore n'est resolu sur cela.
Le conte de Witgensteyn est renvoyé encoré à l'admiraute pour l'employ qu'il desire.
Les Bewinthebbers de la compaignie d'Ostende ont escrit aux estats generaux la nouvelle de la prinse du fort Columbe en Zeylon.
Dimanche, le 27e ditto.
Il y a eu requeste de marchands d'Amsterdam complaignants un leur navire venant de Canarie avec de l'argent avoir este prins par les Anglois, suppliants lettre de recommendation au sieur ambassadeur Nieuport; ce qui est accordé.
Les lettres responsives à l'electeur de Baviere & celuy de Heydelberg sont allées.
Au premier (outre le titre de deurluchtigen, hoochgebooren, keurvorst) on met lieve vrient, ende besonder lieve, & dans le texte: de Heer, den heeren, &c. Et en-bas de mesme: & puis, de staten generael, &c. sans U goede vrienden, on chose semblable. Car ainsy avoit-il escrit à cest estat, & an sieur colonel Wylich, un des envoyés des electeurs & princes alliés sera dit par familiarité par quelq'un de l'estat, qu'autre fois ledit electeur veuille donne icy le deu titre.
A l'electeur de Heydelberg, qui a donné besonder lieve heeren ende vrienden, on a rendu, besonder lieve heer ende vrient.
La princesse de Tarente a demandé libre exportation de son bagage avec beaucoup de ballots; la Hollande le difficulte.
L'ambassadeur de France a fait donner aujourd'huy un autre memoire, corrigeant aucunement le premier, lequel il a redemandé.
Lundy, le 28e ditto.
A ce matin la Hollande a derechef poussé l'affaire de la saisie des biens & navires Francoises par mer, & qu'il soit escrit aux provinces defectueuses, à sin de se conformer avec la Hollande: disant estre une honte d'avoir une si brave flotte & de n'en faire rien: qu'on abuse la liberalité du bon peuple, contribuant à une flotte pour ne rien faire; qu'on commence à faire icy comme l'on fit contre l'Angleterre, à favoir perdre le temps, pendant lequel l'Angleterre se rendoit fort; & que par ce moyen on laisse aussy la France se fortifier, (pendant qu'icy on delibere) comme l'Angleterre fit de mesme.
La Zeelande & Overyssel principalement sont pour la France.
L'on concevra à une response sur le memoire dernier de l'ambassadeur de Thou; & demain sera conference separée sur cela.
A la princesse de Tarente on accordera le transport libre, avec recherche, s'il y a merchandises.
Les deputés de la ville de Munster ont presenté memoire, sur laquelle demain il y aura conference: on sera examiner leur proposition, & le contra-memoire du sieur Wylich, envoyé de l'evesque.
Mardy, le 29e ditto.
Le raet-pensionaire, ayant esté à Amsterdam, revint hier; aussy-tost à ce matin les deputés à l'affaire de France commis furent assemblé, pour former une response, dont le principal point sera, qu'on desire, qu'avant toute chose le roy donnera à cet estat le traité de marine, fait avec les villes Hanseatiques l'an 1655. & quant à une nouvelle alliance d'estat, ou de desension, l'on commencera à entrer en conference, pour y travailler incessamment.
Avec cela on desire, que justice soit faite de la Lande, comme d'un pirate & assassin; car on dit, qu'il a assassiné, quasi de sang froid, un maistre de navire de Horn.
Il y a aussy en conference sur l'affaire des deputés de Munster; aux quels par une resolution honorable on declarera la bonne inclination de l'estat, pour les admettre dans l'alliance avec les villes Hanseatiques, mais qu'il faut, que cela passe premierement par les provinces.
Mecredy, le 30e May.
Encore aujourd'huy a esté fort espluchée la matiere litigieuse, qu'on à a demesler avec la France: du concept de la response on à osté la demande de sair punir la Lande, mais on en parlera de bouche, item de la demande de dommage & interest.
Mais on demandera l'execution des arrests & sentences desja donnés. Item qu'on fera justice des procés non encore decidés. Item un bon reglement de la marine, & provisionellement ce que le roy concede aux villes Hanseatiques.
Le sieur raet-pensionaire a declaré l'intention de la Hollande estre de ne rien relascher; anis de mettre en execution la saisie des navires & biens Francois; ne se fier point sur la parole de l'ambassadeur, de ne rendre pas elusoire la commission de Ruyter, &c.
Sur cela on a autorisé les deputés, de traiter avec l'ambassadeur, mais sous rapport & approbation des estats generaux.
Il y a en un concept de response à donner aux deputés de Munster, qui est encore sursise.
Jeudy, le 31e ditto.
Enfin fust aujourd'huy conclu la response, qui sera donnée à l'ambassadeur de France, sur son dernier memoire du 25 May, & sur cela il y a eu conference avec ledit ambassadeur cet aprés-diner à 2 heures, pour luy dire encore de bouche diverses choses, qui servent à l'explication & à la justification de ce que cet estat fait.
Le resident de Sweede a presenté un memoire plaintif de ce qu' à Amsterdam on leve & equippe pour Dennemark contre la Sweede. Il y a apparence, qu'on requerera la Hollande de s'informer, & a y donner ordre. Quoy que cela ne signifiera guere. Mais la deliberation sur l'affaire de France a absorbé tout le temps, si qu'on n'a rien conclu dans les autres choses que dans celles de France.
Vendredy, le 1e Juin.
Je puis tesmoigner, que l'assemblée des estats generaux a entendu avec une joye nonpareille la victoire que le prince de Condé à en pour l'Espaigne, contre les Francois, ayant secouru ou prevenu le siege de Cambray.
Aujourd'huy est rapporté de la conference, qu'on a tenu hier avec l'ambassadeur de France, qui en effect n'a esté qu'un discours pour justifier la response, qu'on luy a donné par escrit; demandant outre cela de bouche la punition de la Lande & Dignaq, &c. L'ambassadeur à dit qu'il examincroit ledit escrit; mais preallablement dit, qu'il ne pouvoit rien asseurer ny promettre des 2 premieres points, & que des autres se parleroit quand on traiteroit. Il parloit, que le terme à luy presigé commencoit fort à s'expirer, approcheant le temps de son depart; pourtant requerant autre satisfaction. Cependant il dit a voir receu lettres, mentionants d'autres, qu'il n'avoit pas receu, les presupposants estre perdues: ce qu'il imputoit à l'infidelité du poste icy, dependants du conte Taxis: dit estre informé, que le sieur Richard, secretaire de l'ambassade de Spaigne, ordinairement se trouvoit chez le maistre de poste, lors que le courier arrivoit, & qu'alors il visitoit tous les pacquets.
La Hollande continue à parler haute, & à menacer, ne voulant pas plier, desirant d' emporter sa pretention de haute luite. Ou a demandé par escrit ce que l'ambassadeur à declaré sur quoy il n'a rien dit; mais ou le luy a demandé encore par l'agent.
Le point de la revocation du sieur de Nieuport est overgenoomen par ceux de Zeelande.
La response à donner aux deputez de Munster, après quelque petite correction, est. arresté.
Embassador Nieuport to Ruysch.
1 June 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. l. p. 203.
I See yet no likelihood of concluding the marine treaty; it is still alledged, that the
council of state is busied about the great business, which doth concern the welfare and
peace of this government, so that the lords commissioners have no time to confer with me
upon this subject: but all this is but delay to me. I am told, that the lord protector hath
certain news, that de Ruyter hath sent some ships to the Canaries, to fetch home the silver.
They do verily believe here, that some ships of war are equipping at Amsterdam for the
service of the king of Spain against this state. They are not satisfied, when I tell them,
that they are misinformed; they say, it is an ordinary reply, that they know the inclina
tion of the government of the United Provinces. I am told, that the protector hath a
great design in hand, and that it is resolved to equip all the ships that are seviceable,
which can be had, and send them to sea with all speed. It is not known where they are
to be employed: those, that seem to know something, conceive they are to be employed
against Flanders, in favour of France, or that they are to be wholly at their service; others say, they are to serve the Swede against Denmark. The lord protector is not pleased
that Holland doth assist the king of Denmark against Sweden; it is said he will write to
the states upon this subject.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to Ruysch.
Vol. l. p. 211.
My lord,
With the last post I received their H. and M. L. letters and act of resolution of the
13th of the last month of May, according to which I will regulate myself.
The copies of the letters of their H.and M. L. embassador in England sent unto me are of very great importance unto me at present, in regard great endeavours are made to give quite other impressions to the prejudice of their H. and M. L. state.
The lord Lockhart, embassador of England, went suddenly from hence a while since to the court; so that his lordship sent to make his excuse, why he could not come to take leave of me in person.
Concerning the lord embassador of Venice, I have well understood their H. and M. L. good intention; his lordship was gone into the country for a few days, and came back yesterday, which was a very great day of devotion. As soon as I have opportunity I will speak to his lordship, in conformity to the instruction given me. Here inclosed I send you a perfect list of the persons interested in the equipage of the two royal ships, the Regina and the Chasseur; I will endeavour to get the names of the rest.
Here inclosed I also send you a copy of the register of the Netherland ships and goods taken by the French (especially in the Mediterranean-sea) for the judging and restoring whereof, arrests of the council of the king or marine council are obtained, beginning with the ship called St. John, Barent Corder master, anno 1649, and ending anno 1650, for the releasing whereof, being fifty two in number, I have used many endeavours for these seven years, which I have resided here, and all in vain.
By the next post I will send you some more lists concerning several other ships belonging to the United Netherlands, taken by the king's ships Regina and Chasseur, and also concerning the affairs in general.
Paris, 1 June 1657. [N. S.]
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Sir, I beseech you to take the truble of unciphering the inclosed noat your self.
Vol. l. p. 178.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
May it please your honor,
I AM not able to tell you, how much disorder and irresolution the rout at Cambray hath
occasioned. When I waited upon his eminency this day, and told him, that accidents of
that nature were not to be evited, and that little losse of reputatione they had sustained might
easily be recovered, his answer to me was so misterios, as I doe not know what to make
of it; only I fear he hath some jealousie of Turenne; which if true, will certainly very
much obstruct all the designs of this campagne.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
When I propounded to him the attempt of Dunkirk, he said he could resolve of nothing, till he had met with mons. Turein and mareshall la Ferté (who beginns now to be spoake of advantagiosly). The court is to be at Peron upon thursday next, where the two mareshalls are to meet them. The cardinal hath promised, that I shall be a witnesse their to the sincerity of his intentions, and pretended, that if the design upon Dunkirk can be effected, he shall account their misfortune before Cambray a greatt mercy.
Your forces stay 3 or 4 dayes at Abeville, to refresh themselvs, where they are quartered not above 2 or 3 in a house; they have 12 waggons allowed them for the carying of their baggage, when they march, and have indeed unusuall favors granted them. I tell his eminence, that the good usage of these troops is not all, that his highness expects from him; and, that except the more materiall part of the treaty be kept, his highness's service will requyer their presence els where.
This day the cardinall sent for count Brienne, to the end the ratifications of the treaty might be enterchanged. When he came, he told him, he thought it had been his eminencies pleasure, that it should be sent to their ambassador at London, and theirfore had done it. The cardinall seemed to be ill satisfied with him, but I believe it was not done without his knowledge. The best remedy could be found was, that your honor should pitch upon a day, with consent of the French ambassador, upon which he should deliver you his majesty's ratificatione, and I his highness's to count Brienne. Before I deliver yours, I shall take out an act under the great-seale, which shall settle and secure the pay of the regiments, according to those rates that were last aggreed unto.
I have taken this oppertunity to goe to Paris, where I shall not stay above two nights,
and (if please God) shall meet the court at Peron. I doe not troble you with any account of the particulars concerning the king of Hungary, who is more a Spanyard then
his father was; he hath sent Hatsfeld into Silesia against the Swede, and Ragotsky, and
endeavours to take of the Brandeborger, and to engadge the Muscovitt and the Dane against the Swede. The French ambassador hath orders to informe you of these things at
large, and therefore I shall beg leave to kisse your hands in that submission, which becometh,
Amiens, June 1 1657. [N. S.]
May it please your honor,
Your honor's most humble and obedient servant,
Will Lockhart.
To his most serene highness the lord protector of the common-wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, &c.
Vol. li. p. 1.
The subscribed extraordinary embassador of the lords the states-general of the United Provinces having received a letter from the chief magistrates of the city of Amsterdam, who assure him, that several of the most considerable merchants and citizens of the said city have declared and remonstrated unto them, that they have lately put aboard the ship The Morning-Star, the master Claes Willemsen of Amsterdam aforesaid, for their own account and adventure, at St. Cruz in the islands of the Canaries, several wares and merchandizes, belonging unto them as their proper goods, and that notwithstanding the said ship in her return homewards hath been seized at sea by an English frigate, whereof captain Baker is commander, and brought up into Milford-haven in Wales.
The which being likewise confirmed by certain informations from the master Claes Willemsen, and other persons having been abroad in the said ship, when the same was seized and brought up as aforesaid, that no prohibited goods, or such as do belong to any enemies of the common-wealth of England are aboard of the same ship, but on the contrary, that both ship and lading do belong to the said merchants of Amsterdam, except such goods in the said ship as are fraughted and laden aboard therein by a merchant of Genoa, who cometh as a passenger with his own merchandizes towards Amsterdam aforesaid:
The said embassador doth beseech most instantly, that it may please his most serene highness to order, that the said ship and lading may be forthwith released, and suffered to prosecute her intended voyage homewards, without putting the same to the costs and inconveniencies of a further process or suit at law; considering also the great loss, which the interested in the said ship and goods have already suffered by the said seizure and detention.
Given this 22 May/1 June 1657.
Will. Nicupoon.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. l. p. 135.
My lord,
As soon as I received yesterday their H. and M. L. letter and resolution of the 23d
of May last, I presently endeavoured to find an opportunity to speak with the
lord secretary of state; but in regard his honour had sprained his foot, and was somewhat
indisposed, he desired to be excused; and therefore this morning, understanding his indisposition was still such, that I could not speak with him, I sent to know, whether it would
be convenient for his highness to admit me to a private audience; and the same being appointed me by five of the clock, I first communicated to his highness the contents of
their H. and M. L. resolution concerning the transporting of the Spanish silver from the
Canaries; and also, his highness having with him the president Laurence, and the lord
Strickland, I did assure them, that de Ruyter hath no order to bring the Spanish silver
from the said Canaries; and that their H. and M. L. had writ to the college of the ad
miralties at Amsterdam, that their lordships should write to the said vice-admiral de
Ruyter, that he should not suffer or permit, that any silver or other merchandizes to be laden in his ships of war. The lord protector said, that he could expect no less from the
wisdom and justice of their H. and M. L. that he also on his part would always endeavour
to prevent all that at any time should be undertaken by any of this nation to the prejudice
of their H. and M. L. or against their subjects. I replied, that I had lately assured their
H. and M. L. so much; but that there were some men found, who endeavour'd to make
some other impressions; that in France they relied upon a good number of English ships
to their assistance, to be employed by them against the United Netherlands; and that I had
understood of several persons here at London, that some of the famous pirates of this nation, who with private commissions did formerly commit many excesses against the good
inhabitants of the United Netherlands, were again busy to equip ships of war, therewith
to go with French commissions against the said inhabitants; and I named one capt. Green,
who is said to set forth a ship at Weymouth of 30 guns; and one capt. Charles, who, as I
was told, was already gone to sea with a ship of 15 or 16 guns, and 150 men on board
her; and, that some said he had a French commission, others said he had a Swedish commission, and some said he had both. The lord protector declared, that he knew not in
the least of the said equipage; that he, at my request, had long since forborn to grant any
commissions, and had called in all particular commissions; that he very well knew they
were disaffected persons, who had no other intentions and designs but to plunder; that he
therefore could not think fit to grant any such commissions, as (said he, these present lords
could bear witness, and desired them to give order, that enquiry be made after the equipage of the two said ships, whereof I had made particular mention; and therein being
fallen into discourse about the differences between France and the state of the United Netherlands, his highness said, that he but this very day had given strict order, that there
should be writ once more, in very serious terms, to the lord embassador Lockhart, that
he should not sail to communicate with their H. and M. L. embassador at Paris, in what
manner he should be best able to contribute any thing in the court of France for the removing of the said differences; and assured me, that he heartily desired, that the same
might be pacified and taken up, and the ancient amity re-established thereupon. I took
occasion to assure his highness, that their H. and M. L. desired nothing more, than that
the same might be done upon reasonable and honourable terms, and that they did highly
esteem of the amity of England and France, and that they did in truth seek and endeavour
nothing but peace and friendship. The lord protector answered, that he would yet further consult with the council what could be done more for the removing of the said differences; that the three nations were situated so near to each other, and the commerce thereof
so constituted, that the divisions, in case of continuance, would be also prejudicial to this
state and nation. I also, upon this occasion, thought fit to signify to the lord protector,
that the ship The Morning-Star of Amsterdam, Claes Willemsen master, in her voyage
home, laden with several commodities at St. Cruz in the Canary-islands, for the account
and adventure of merchants of Amsterdam aforesaid, was taken by an English frigat, and
brought into Milford-harbour in Wales, to the great damage and inconveniency of the
interested, and against all right and reason. His highness made answer, that he had not
heard the least mention made of any such ship; and asked the said lords, whether the
council had any notice of it? and both of them declared, they knew nothing of it. Thereupon said his highness to the lord president, that he should send for the commissioners of
the admiralty into the council. I delivered to his highness a written memorandum concerning the said ship, to have the same discharged; and he was pleased to assure me,
that the said ship should be speedily releas'd, and that I might rely upon it. I will, by
God's assistance, make further instance at the council to get the same releas'd, in regard
she is richly laden, and is of consequence at this time.
My lord,
W. Nieuport.
Westminster, 1 June 1657. [N. S.]
Commissioner Pells to the states-general.
Vol. l. p. 219.
H. and M. lords,
There is nothing more to be advised from these parts than what is to be seen in the
enclosed printed relation, the contents whereof being copied out of the most considerablest letters from the Polish court, to which I refer my self for brevity sake.
His majesty of Sweden is shortly expected at Elbing. Of the Muscovite designs is as yet no certainty; the most likelihood however is, that they will march this summer against Lysland and Prussia.
H. and M. lords,
P. Pells.
Dantzick, 2 June. [N. S.]