Note of abbreviations

A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1989.

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'Note of abbreviations', in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds, ed. A P M Wright, C P Lewis (London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Note of abbreviations', in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Edited by A P M Wright, C P Lewis (London, 1989), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

"Note of abbreviations". A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds. Ed. A P M Wright, C P Lewis (London, 1989), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.


Among the abbreviations and short titles used, the following may require elucidation:

A.-S. Anglo-Saxon
Abbrev. Plac. (Rec. Com.) Placitorum Abbreviatio, ed. G. Rose and W. Illingworth (Record Commission, 1811)
Abbrev. Rot. Orig. (Rec. Com.) Rotulorum Originalium Abbreviatio, temp. Hen. III, Edw. I & II, ed. H. Playford (Record Commission, 1805)
acct. account
Acts of P.C. Acts of the Privy Council of England (H.M.S.O. 1890-1964)
Add. Ch., MS. Additional Charter, Manuscript
Agric. Agriculture, Agricultural
Alum. Cantab. to 1751; 1752-1900 Alumni Cantabrigienses, a Biographical List to 1900, comp. J. Venn and J. A. Venn, Part I, to 1751; Part II, 1752-1900 (Camb. 1922-54)
Alum. Oxon. 1500-1714; 1715-1886 Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714; 1715-1886, ed. J. Foster (Oxford, 1888-92)
Antiq. Antiquaries, Antiquities
App. Appendix
Arch. Archaeology, Archaeological
Assizes at Camb. 1260 W. M. Palmer, The Assizes held at Cambridge, A.D. 1260 (Linton, 1930)
B.L. British Library
Bentham, Hist. Ely J. Bentham, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, 673-1771 (2nd edn. Norwich, 1812)
Bd. of Educ., List 21 Board of Education, Public Elementary Schools, and Certified Efficient Schools in England (except Monmouthshire), (1908-38)
Bk. of Fees The Book of Fees (H.M.S.O. 1920-31)
Black, Cambs. Educ. Rec. Guide to Education Records in the County Record Office, Cambridge, comp. A. Black (Camb. 1972)
Blomefield, Collect. Cantab. F. Blomefield, Collectanea Cantabrigiensia (Norwich, 1750)
Bodl. Bodleian Library
bp. bishop
Burke, Land. Gent. J. Burke, and others, Landed Gentry
C.A.S. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Publications (including 8vo series, 4to series, and 4to new series)
C.C.C. Mun. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Muniments
C.J. Journals of the House of Commons
C.L.R.O. City of London Record Office
C.R.O. Cambridgeshire Record Office (references which begin with the letter Q are to Quarter Sessions records)
C.R.O., Hunt. Cambridgeshire Record Office, Huntingdon branch
C.U.A. Cambridge University Archives
C.U.L. Cambridge University Library (references which begin with the letters CC are to records deposited by the Church Commissioners)
Cal. Chart. R. Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1903-27)
Cal. Close Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1892-1963)
Cal. Cttee. for Compounding Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, etc. (H.M.S.O. 1889-92)
Cal. Fine R. Calendar of the Fine Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1911-62)
Cal. Inq. Misc. Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery), preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1916-68)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1904-74)
Cal. Inq. p.m., Hen. VII Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, Henry VII (H.M.S.O. 1898-1955)
Cal. Lib. R. Calendar of the Liberate Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1910-64)
Cal. Papal Pets. Calendar of Papal Registers: Petitions to the Pope (H.M.S.O. 1896)
Cal. Papal Reg. Calendar of Papal Registers: Papal Letters (H.M.S.O. and Irish MSS. Com. 1893-1986)
Cal. Pat. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1891-1986)
Cal. S.P. Dom. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series (H.M.S.O. 1856-1972)
Camb. Cambridge
Camb. Chron. Cambridge Chronicle (1744-1934)
Camb. Ind. Press Cambridge Independent Press (1807-1934), and (from 1934) Cambridge Independent Press and Chronicle
Camb. Region (1938) The Cambridge Region, ed. H. C. Darby (Camb. 1938)
Camb. Univ. Doc. (1852) Documents relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge (H.M.S.O. 1852)
Cambs. Cambridgeshire
Cambs. Ch. Goods, temp. Edw. VI Inventories of Cambridgeshire Church Goods, temp. Edward VI, ed. J. J. Muskett (reprinted from East Anglian, n.s. vols. vi-x [1895-1904])
Cambs. Colln. Cambridgeshire Collection, in Cambridge City Library
Cambs. Episc. Visit. 1638-65, ed. Palmer Episcopal Visitation Returns for Cambridgeshire, 1638-65, ed. W. M. Palmer (Camb. 1930)
Cambs. Fines, ed. Palmer Feet of Fines for Cambridgeshire, Hen. VII to Elizabeth, ed. W. M. Palmer (Norwich, n.d.) (reprinted from East Anglian, n.s. vols. vi-ix [1895-1902])
Cambs. Lay Subsidy, 1327 Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely, Lay Subsidy for the Year 1327, ed. C. H. Evelyn-White (reprinted from East Anglian, n.s. vols. x-xii [1903-8])
Cambs. Village Doc. Documents relating to Cambridgeshire Villages, ed. W. M. Palmer and H. W. Saunders, parts i-vi (Camb. n.d.)
Camd. Soc. Camden Society
Camden, Brit. (1806) W. Camden, Britannia, with additions by R. Gough (1806)
Cant. & York Soc. Canterbury and York Society
Cassey's Dir. Cambs. History, Topography and Directory of Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, publ. R. Cassey [1864]
Cat. Anct. D. Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1890-1915)
Cath. Rec. Soc. Catholic Record Society
Char. Com. Charity Commission
Char. DigestCambs. 1863-4 General Digest of Endowed Charities, H.C. 433 (1867-8), lii (II)
Char. Don. Abstract of Returns relative to Charitable Donations for the Benefit of Poor Persons, H.C. 511 (1816), xvi
Chron. Chronicle(s)
Church Com. Church Commissioners
chwdn. churchwarden
Close R. Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1902-15)
Coll. College
Com. Commission, Commissioners
Complete Peerage G. E. C[okayne] and others, The Complete Peerage (2nd edn. 1910-59)
Compton Census, ed. Whiteman The Compton Census of 1676, ed. A. Whiteman (1986)
Cooper, Annals of Camb. C. H. and J. W. Cooper, Annals of Cambridge (Camb. 1846-1908)
Cooper, Athenae Cantab. corr. C. H. and T. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses (Camb. 1858-61) correspondence
Crockford Crockford's Clerical Directory
Crowland Cart. Cartulary of Crowland Abbey, once called Wrest Park Cartulary, in the possession of the Gentlemen's Society of Spalding [examined on microfilm]
ct. court
Cur. Reg. R. Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1922-79)
D.N.B. Dictionary of National Biography
D.o.E. list Department of the Environment, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest, District of South Cambridgeshire (1984)
Dict. Business Biog. Dictionary of Business Biography, ed. D. J. Jeremy (1986-8)
Dir. Directory, Directories
Doc. Document(s)
Dugdale, Mon. W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley and others (1817-30)
E.D.C. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Muniments, deposited in Cambridge University Library
E.D.R. Ely Diocesan Records, deposited in Cambridge University Library
E.D.R. Ely Diocesan Remembrancer (1886-1916)
East Anglian, n.s. The East Anglian, new series, ed. C. H. Evelyn-White (1886-1910)
Eccl. Top. Eng. J. H. Parker, The Ecclesiastical and Architectural Topography of England (1848-55)
Econ. Economic
Educ. Eng. Abstract Education Enquiry Abstract, H.C. 62 (1835), xli
Educ. of Poor Digest Digest of Returns to the Select Committee on Education of the Poor, H.C. 224 (1819), ix (I)
Ely Episc. Rec. ed. Gibbons Ely Episcopal Records, ed. A. Gibbons (Lincoln, 1891)
Emden, Biog. Reg. Univ. Camb.; Oxon. A. B. Emden, Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to A.D. 1500 (Camb. 1963); of Oxford to A.D. 1500 (Oxford, 1957-9); of Oxford, 1500-40 (Oxford, 1974)
Ex. e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.) Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, Hen. III, ed. C. Roberts (Record Commission, 1835-6)
Farrer, Feud. Cambs. W. Farrer, Feudal Cambridgeshire (Camb. 1920)
Fen Stanton Rec. ed. Underhill Records of the Church of Christ gathered at Fen Stanton, 1644-1729, ed. E. B. Underhill (Hanserd Knollys Soc. 1854)
Feud. Aids Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1899-1920)
Fox, Arch. Camb. Region C. F. Fox, Archaeology of the Cambridge Region (Camb. 1923)
G.R.O. General Register Office
Gardner's Dir. Cambs. (1851) History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Cambridgeshire, publ. Rob. Gardner (Peterborough, 1851)
G.E.C. Baronetage G. E. C[okayne], Complete Baronetage (1900-9)
Geol. Surv. Geological Survey
Glebe Returns, 1887 Return of Glebe Lands in England and Wales, H.C. 307 (1887), lxiv
Gooch, Agric. of Cambs. W. Gooch, General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cambridge (Bd. of Agric. 1813)
H.C. House of Commons
H.L. House of Lords
H.M.S.O. Her (His) Majesty's Stationery Office
Hampson, Poverty in Cambs. E. M. Hampson, The Treatment of Poverty in Cambridgeshire, 1597-1834 (Camb. 1934)
Harl. Soc. Harleian Society
Hart, Early Charters of E. Eng. C. R. Hart, Early Charters of Eastern England (Leicester, 1966)
Hatton's Bk. of Seals Sir Christopher Hatton's Book of Seals, ed. L. C. Loyd and D. M. Stenton (Oxford, 1950)
Hist. MSS. Com. Historical Manuscripts Commission
Hist. Parl., Commons History of Parliament, The House of Commons
Hodgson, Queen Anne's Bounty C. Hodgson, An Account of the Augmentation of Small Livings by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne (2nd edn. with supplement to 1863, 1844 and 1864)
Inq. Non. (Rec. Com.) Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, ed. G. Vanderzee (Record Commission, 1807)
Jnl. Journal
Kelly's Dir. Cambs. Kelly's Directory of Cambridgeshire (1847 and later edns.)
L.J. Journals of the House of Lords
L. & I. Soc. List and Index Society series
L. & P. Hen. VIII Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII (H.M.S.O. 1864-1932)
Lamb. Pal. MS. COMM. Lambeth Palace Library, Ecclesiastical Records of the Commonwealth
Le Neve, Fasti J. Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae (University of London, Inst. Hist. Research, 1962 and later)
Leland, Itin. ed. Toulmin Smith Itinerary of John Leland, ed. L. Toulmin Smith (1907-10)
Liber de Bernewelle Liber Memorandorum Ecclesie de Bernewelle, ed. J. W. Clark (Camb. 1907)
Liber Elien. (Camd. 3rd ser. xciii) Liber Eliensis, ed. E. O. Blake (Camden 3rd series, xciii, 1962)
List & Index Soc. vol. 189 Home Office Acreage Returns, 1801, Part I, Beds. to Isle of Wight (List & Index Soc. vol. 189)
Lond. Gaz. London Gazette
Lysons, Cambs. D. and S. Lysons, Magna Britannia, vol. ii, part i: Cambridgeshire (1808)
M.H.L.G. list Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Provisional List of Buildings of Architectural or Historical Interest, Cambridgeshire, surveyed 1957
Magd. Coll. Mun. Magdalene College, Cambridge, Muniments
man. manor, manorial
Miller, Ely E. Miller, The Abbey and Bishopric of Ely (Camb. 1951)
min. minute
Mon. Inscr. Cambs. Monumental Inscriptions and Coats of Arms from Cambridgeshire, ed. W. M. Palmer (Camb. 1932)
Mun. Muniments
N.M.R. National Monuments Register
Nat. Soc. Inquiry, 1846-7 Results of the Returns made to the General Inquiry made by the National Society, 1846-7 (1849)
Nutter, Cambs. Baptists B. Nutter, The Story of the Cambridge Baptists [Camb. 1911]
O.S. Ordnance Survey
Orig. Rec. of Early Nonconf. ed. Turner Original Records of Early Nonconformity, ed. G. L. Turner (1911-14)
P.N. Cambs. (E.P.N.S.) P. H. Reaney, The Place-Names of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely (English Place-Name Society, vol. xix, Camb. 1943)
P.R.O. Public Record Office
Page, Crowland F. M. Page, The Estates of Crowland Abbey (Camb. 1934)
Palmer, Cambs. in 16th cent. W. M. Palmer, Cambridgeshire in the 16th Century (a fragment) (Camb. 1935)
Palmer, John Layer W. M. Palmer, John Layer, 1586-1640, of Shepreth (C.A.S. 8vo ser. liv, Camb. 1935)
Palmer, Wm. Cole W. M. Palmer, William Cole of Milton (Camb. 1935)
par. parish
parl. parliamentary
Pat. R. Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1900-3)
Pemb. Coll. Mun. Pembroke College, Cambridge, Muniments
Pevsner, Cambs. N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Cambridgeshire (2nd edn. 1970)
Pipe R. Pipe Roll
Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.) Placita de Quo Warranto, ed. W. Illingworth and J. Caley (Record Commission, 1818)
Poor Law Abstract, 1804 Abstract of Returns Relative to the Expense and Maintenance of the Poor (printed by order of the House of Commons, 1804)
Poor Law Abstract, 1818 Abstract of Returns to Orders of the House of Commons Relative to Assessments for Relief of the Poor, H.C. 82 (1818), xix
Poor Law Com. 1st Rep. First Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, H.C. 500 (1835), xxxv
Poor Law Com. 2nd Rep. Second Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, H.C. 595 (1836), xxix (1)
Poor Rate Returns, 1816-21; 1822-4; 1825-9; 1830-4 Reports from the Select Committee on Poor Rate Returns, 1816-21, H.C. 556, App. (1822), v; 1822-4, H.C. 334, Suppl. App. (1825), iv; 1825-9, H.C. 83 (1830-1), xi; 1830-4, H.C. 444 (1835), xlvii
Porter, Cambs. Customs E. Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (1969)
Proc. Proceedings
Proc. C.A.S. Proceedings of the Cambridgeshire Antiquarian Society (from 1859) (including vols. i-vi for 1859-88, styled Cambridge Antiquarian Communications)
Queens' Coll. Mun. Queens' College, Cambridge, Muniments, deposited in Cambridge University Library
R.C.H.M. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England)
Raftis, Ramsey J. A. Raftis, The Estates of Ramsey Abbey (Toronto, 1957)
Ravensdale, Liable to Floods J. R. Ravensdale, Liable to Floods (Camb. 1972)
Rec. Record, Records
Red Bk. Exch. (Rolls Ser.) Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. H. Hall (Rolls Series, 1896)
Reg. Register
Reg. Regum Anglo-Norm. Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum 1066-1154, ed. H. W. C. Davies and others (1913-69)
Rep. Report
31st Rep. Com. Char. Thirty-first Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire Concerning Charities (the Brougham Commission), H.C. 103 (1837-8), xxiv
Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Ecclesiastical Revenues of England and Wales [67], H.C. (1835), xxii
1st Rep. Com. Employment in Agric. First Report of the Commissioners on the Employment of Children, Young Persons, and Women in Agriculture [4068], H.C. (1867-8), xvii
Rep. Com. Poor Laws Report from the Commissioners for Inquiring into the Administration of the Poor Laws, H.C. 44 (1834), xxviii, xxx-xxxiv (last 5 vols. have pages numbered with letters a, b, c, d, e respectively)
Rep. Com. Univ. Income Report of the Commissioners on the Property and Income of the Universities, vol. iii [C. 856-II], H.C. (1873), xxxvii (3)
Rep. H.L. Cttee. on Poor Laws Report from the Committee of the House of Lords on the State of the Poor Laws, H.C. 227 (1831), viii
Rolls Ser. Rolls Series
Rot. Chart. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Chartarum, 1199-1216, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Commission, 1837)
Rot. Cur. Reg. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Curiae Regis, 6 Richard I to 1 John, ed. F. Palgrave (Record Commission, 1812-18)
Rot. de Ob. et Fin. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Hund. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. III & Edw. I, ed. W. Illingworth and J. Caley (Record Commission, 1812-18)
Rot. Lib. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli de Liberate, regnante Johanne, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Commission, 1844)
Rot. Litt. Claus (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, 1204-27, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Commission, 1833-44)
Rot. Litt. Pat. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, 1201-16, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Parl. Rotuli Parliamentorum [1783]
Rot. Selecti (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Selecti, ed. J. Hunter (Record Commission, 1834)
St. Cath.'s Coll. Mun. St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, Muniments
St. John's Coll. Mun. St. John's College, Cambridge, Muniments
Sanders, Eng. Baronies I. J. Sanders, English Baronies, 1086-1327 (Oxford, 1960)
Selden Soc. Selden Society
Spufford, Contrasting Communities M. Spufford, Contrasting Communities: English Villagers in the 16th and 17th Centuries (Camb. 1974)
Suppl. Supplement(ary)
Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.) Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglie et Wallie auctoritate P. Nicholai IV circa A.D. 1291, ed. S. Ayscough and J. Caley (Record Commission, 1801)
Tice, Methodism in Cambs. F. Tice, History of Methodism in Cambridgeshire (1966)
Tithe Returns, 1887 Return of the Tithes commuted and apportioned under the Acts for Commutation of Tithes, H.C. 214 (1887), lxiv
Trans. Transactions
Trans. C.H.A.S. Transactions of the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society (1900-50)
Trin. Coll. Mun. Trinity College, Cambridge, Muniments
V.C.H. Victoria County History
Val. of Norwich, ed. Lunt The Valuation of Norwich, ed. W. E. Lunt (Oxford, 1926)
Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.) Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII, ed. J. Caley and J. Hunter (Record Commission, 1810-34)
Vancouver, Agric. in Cambs. C. Vancouver, General View of the Agriculture in the County of Cambridge (Bd. of Agric. 1794)
Visit. Visitation
W. Suff. R.O. Suffolk Record Office, Bury St. Edmunds branch
Wedgwood, Hist. Parl. 1439-1509, Biog. J. C. Wedgwood, History of Parliament, Biographies of Members of the Commons House, 1439-1509 (H.M.S.O. 1936)
Wells, Bedf. Level S. Wells, The History of the Drainage of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level (1828-30)
Westlake, Par. Guilds of Med. Eng. H. F. Westlake, The Parish Guilds of Mediaeval England (1919)
Williamson, Trade Tokens E. C. Williamson, Trade Tokens issued in the 17th century (2nd edn. New York, 1977)
Willis, Cathedrals B. Willis, Survey of the Cathedrals (1742)
Y.A.S. Yorkshire Archaeological Society