Deeds: A.9001 - A.9100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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'Deeds: A.9001 - A.9100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1902), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: A.9001 - A.9100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1902), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: A.9001 - A.9100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1902), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

A.9001 - A.9100

[Warw.] A. 9001. Feoffment by Felicia de Herdewyke, daughter of Thomas atte Hall (de aula) of Merston, widow, to her daughter Agnes, of a messuage in Herdewyk, which Geoffrey le Webbe formerly held with 4½ a. land there, described; rent, 1d.; with reversion to herself if the said Agnes died without issue. Witnesses:—Sir Roger . . ., vicar of the church of Herdewyke and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] A. 9002. Release by Henry de Brytwalton of Herdewyk Priour to William son of Richard Collen of the same and Agnes his wife, his sister, of his right in a messuage and land there, as the charter of feoffment of his mother Felicia to her more fully declared; rent, a rose at Midsummer. Seal.
Leic. Wilts. A. 9003. Release by John, son of John de Olneye, knight (militis), to William de la Plaunk, knight, of his right in the manors of Cumpton and Cleybrok, in the counties of Wiltes and Leycestre. 20 February, . . . . Edward III. Seal.
[Leic.] [Wilts.] A. 9004. Bond by John, son of John de Olneye, knight, to William de la Plaunk, knight, in 300l. due at Haversham at Michaelmas next. Witnesses:—Roger de Tyringham and Philip de Aylesbury, knights, and others (named). Haversham, 20 February, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Leic.] [Wilts.] A. 9005. Indenture of even date, being the defeasance of the above bond, to secure quiet possession by the said William, as against the said John and his heirs, of the manors of Cumpton and Cleybrok. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 9006. Release by William de Polgrun to Philip . . . of the lands &c. which Robert Tresela, John Bacheler and John Lostri . . . with the rents and services of Benedict Kerris, Robert Walter and John Hilka for tenements they held of him in Breweny, with the service he the said William used to do for a tenement he held in the town of Breweny. St. Paul, Monday before St. Luke the Evangelist, 1362.
[Cumb.] A. 9007. Letter of attorney by Richard, chaplain of Dreg, to Nicholas, rector of Egremond, to deliver seisin to Thomas de Anisthwaith, of the manor of Anisthwaith, which he and the said Nicholas jointly had by the feoffment of the said Thomas, between Esk and Doden, according to a charter for life they had made to him thereof. Saturday, the eve of St. Andrew, 28 Edward III.
[Linc.] A. 9008. Letter of attorney by William Taliur of Beltesford and William de Leghorn to John de Northorp of Hagworthyngham, chaplain, to deliver seisin to Henry de Stayns of Aswardby of the lands &c. which they had by the feoffment of Robert Scarp in Aswardby. Beltesford, Sunday after the Epiphany, 1362.
[Chesh.] A. 9009. Feoffment by Robert Kel to Roger Throstle of Maglisfeld of a salt-pan (salinam) in Middlewich, which he bought of Richard Mereylun; rent, 1d. at Midsummer; consideration, 24s. Witnesses: Sir Richard de Wilbirham and others (named).
[Cornw.] A. 9010. Confirmation by John, lord of Trenevet, to Robert Clerk (clerico) of Tregeminion, of the lands which Richard Scarlat and Ralph English (Anglicus) formerly held there by the gift made to them by William son of Richard his grandfather of Halat, &c., for this Robert gave him 30s. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Tregod and others (named). Trenevet, Monday after the Epiphany, 8 Edward I.
[Norf.] A. 9011. Feoffment by William Skeet, the elder, and Robert Rok of Matelasc to Roger Barfot and Margaret his wife of Wikemere, of a messuage in Matelasc, boundaries described. Wickemere, Monday before St. Barna- bas the Apostle, 6 Richard II. At foot, Radulphus Dickes; endorsed with memorandum, that the within written tenement was sur-charged at the court of Bodham Halle in Wykemere, held there Saturday after the Nativity of the B.V.M., 8 Richard II, with three 'wardon peryz' yearly at Christmas, by reason of its acquisition by the within named Roger, native of the lord, who survived the within named Margaret.
Warw. A. 9012. Bond by John Broun of Baddesley,co. Warwick, 'gentilman,' to William Catesby, knight, in 100l., due at All Saints next, conditioned for his standing to the award of Richard Byngham, knight, J.K.B., and of William Laken his fellow judge, in the matter at variance between him and the said Catesby and Thomas Palmer, touching lands in Lapworth, late belonging to John Broun of the same. 27 October, 5 Edward IV. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 9013. Release by Thomas Petecru of Brongolow, of his right in land in Nanssawson on the road from St. Ladock to Treworyan, to Walter Tretherf. Brongolow, Monday after St. Peter the Apostle, 14 Edward II.
Endorsed: Reles de Nansousyn.
[Norf.] A. 9014. Feoffment by Roger de Huntingefeud to Hugh de Lucham of 15a. land in Scerninge which Hugh's father William held of his father William de Huntingefeud; rent, 9s.; consideration, 50s. Witnesses:—Sir John and Sir Seyer de Huntingefeud and others (named). Equestrian seal, effaced.
[Cornw.] A. 9015. Feoffment by Richard Bloyou, lord of Tredewy, to Wynan the leech (medico) of Seppestal, as the water divides between the land of William de Ba and Seppestal, &c.; rent, a pair of white gloves or ½d. at Michaelmas for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas Lercedeckne (Archidiacono) and others (named).
[Camb.] A. 9016. Feoffment by John Aungere, the elder, Henry Aylmere and John Lenton to Richard Dyke, of land called 'Croftlond,' the manor of the prior of Bernewell on the west, &c.; which land they had by the demise of Robert Rolfe son of Richard Rolfe. Berton, 10 April, 19 Henry VII. Seals.
[Bedf.] A. 9017. Feoffment by Alan de Hyde (Hida) to Henry . . . . . and Sibyl (Sibil') his wife, for 11s. of . . . . in autumn and one cock and one hen, which Simon Tabbe used to render to him yearly for a messuage and . . . . . in the town of Brambelhanger; rent, a rose at Midsummer for all service. Witnesses:—John de Lumbur,' John de Ramerugge, and others (named). Luyton, Friday in Whitsun week, 18 Edward [I].
[Warw.] A. 9018. Feoffment by William de Arderne in Rodburne to Richard Kent of Kynguston in the parish of Chesturton, of land in Kynguston viz. the virgate which Robert de Kyngustone, knight, gave in frank marriage with Alice William's mother; rent, 8s. 3d. yearly; for this Richard gave him 6 marks beforehand. Copy.
[Warw.] A. 9019. Release by Agnes, daughter of Iseult Nurse (Isolde nutricis), late the wife of John de Whitchirche, widow, to Thomas Lovekyn of Schreueleye, of her dower, in a messuage, &c., formerly belonging to her said mother, Iseult 'le Norice,' which the said Thomas had by the feoffment of her said husband. Monday after the Purification, 15 Edward II.
[Linc.] A. 9020. Indenture of demise by master Roger de Aswardby, rector of Irtlyngburgh, to Robert son of William son of Thomas de Langton next Partenay and Cicely his wife, and Thomas their son, for their lives in survivorship, by 4s. rent, of land in Langton, which he had by the feoffment of William Fychet of Sausthorp. Michaelmas day, 46 Edward III.
[Linc.] A. 9021. Release by Thomas de Leverington, rector of the church of Hottefeld, to Roger de Cobeldik, of his right in 10l. rent granted him by the said Roger out of the manor of Clayangre, and of all arrears due from John de Bristowe. Witnesses:—Roger, rector of the church of Frampton, and others (named). The manor of Clayangre, Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin 27 Edward III.
[Devon.] A. 9022. Writing under the seals, apparently, of John Stephenes and lord Bonevyle, reciting that the said John Stephenes son and heir of [Thomas] Stephenes by Avis daughter of Hugh W . . ., entered as cousin and heir of Maud Werinore on the lands &c. of the said Maud within the parish of Mor[ebath] in the hundred of Baunton, and being seised thereof accordingly enfeoffed Thomas Courtenaye, earl of Devon, James, lord de Audeley, Humphrey Stafford, knight, William Bonevyle, knight, William Stafford, esquire, Robert Coker, esquire, and Thomas Baylly; and that the said Bonevyle having survived his co-feoffees was solely seised of the premises; now, at the request of the said John Stephenes, who had attained a great age, he, by the name of William, lord Bonvyle of Chuton, reenfeoffed the said John thereof. Copy. Paper.
[Cumb.] A. 9023. Feoffment by Richard de Hodeleston son of Sir Richard de Hodeleston to Sir William de Bedale, chaplain, and Thomas de Dutton, of his land &c. in Hyton in Botyll in Caupeland. Hyton, Friday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 39 Edward III.
[Somerset.] A. 9024. Letter of attorney by John Sydenham, esquire, to John Walker and John Childcote, to receive seisin from John 'at Combe' and Alice his wife, of land &c. in Weste Combe in the parish of Brompton Raef. 12 May, 22 Henry VI.
[Cornw.] A. 9025. Counterpart of demise for twenty years by Roger Hewys and John Nanskylly to James Nycoll of Tryskaywe of their toll called in Cornish 'toll weyll' in the tin mine of Retalek, wherein William Jamys and others of the parish of Perranuthno (Sancti Pierani in Uthna) were then working; rent 2d. at Michaelmas yearly. July 31, 22 Henry VII.
[Linc.] A. 9026. Feoffment by Thomas son of Adam son of William de Bagenderby to his brother William, of his land in Bagenderby.
[Cornw.] A. 9027. Feoffment by John de Trenewed, chaplain, to Reginald de la Medesole of a messuage in La Medesole. Witness:—Sir Stephen de Bello Prato and others (named). Sunday, the morrow of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 31 Edward I.
[York, W. R.] A. 9028. Letter of attorney by Robert Wolf of Wakefeld to William Willeson of Wakefeld to deliver seisin to Sir John de Undirwode, chaplain, dwelling in Wakefeld, of land &c. in Neutonfeld, Neutonengs and 'le Morecroft.' Tuesday before St. Mary Magdalen, 3 Richard II.
Endorsed: Neutonyngges and Moyrcroft . . .
A. 9029. Letter of attorney, apparently, by H. . ., earl of . . ., to John . . . and . . . . . ., merchants, to receive a pension granted to him by King Edward [III]. London . . . . Fragment of seal of arms.
Bedf. Warw. A. 9030. Release by John son of John Boteler of Eyton to his father of his right in the manor and advowson of Wluardyngton, and in lands &c. in the hamlets of Hay and Gorcote in the parish of Stodeley, Lilyngton, Warwyk, Norton, Tonworth, Clareton and Langeley, co. Warwick, and Ocley, Clopphom and Relye, co. Bedford, all which his said father held as tenant by the curtesy for term of life of the inheritance of Joan his mother. Witnesses:—John de Skotyltorp, abbot of Croxton and others (named). Sproxton, Sunday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 3 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] A. 9031. Release by John de Bisshopesdon, knight, to Hugh de Braundeston and Cristina his wife of a rent of 6 marks part of a rent of 16 marks and twenty cartloads of underwood (busci) due to him for the manor of Lappeworth and lands in Bispewode which he had demised to them for forty years. Thorndon, Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, 11 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Heref.] A. 9032. Feoffment by Juliana Kember, Thomas . . . . of Webbeley and Richard Smyth his brother to Richard Milleson and John Smyth brother of . . . ., of a burgage in Webbeley, a chamber wherein the said Juliana then dwelt excepted, to hold for the life of the said Juliana, by 8s. rent, with remainder after her decease to Emma [late the] wife of Walter Kember her son and Walter son of the said Walter in tail, with remainder in default to Richard Kember brother of the said Walter the younger in tail, with remainder in default to the said Richard Milleson and John Smyth for sale and disposal in works of charity for the souls of Stephen Kember and Alice his wife, Richard Kember, chaplain, and the said Juliana. Dated at W[ebbeley], . . . . after the Purification, 10 Henry VI.
N'hamp. A. 9033. Grant by Agnes Ynglond of Welton, widow, to Richard Ynglond her younger son, of the same, of all her goods &c. in Welton or elsewhere. 4 March, 4 Henry VII.
[Warw.] A. 9034. General release by Sarah late the wife of Simon de la Heth of Toneworth, and Reginald, Roger and John, her sons by the said Simon, to John son of Walter Broun of Toneworth, and Edith his wife, and Henry Waters of Toneworth. Sunday after the Assumption, 18 Edward III.
N'hamp. A. 9035. Indenture of demise by Thomas Porter of Solihull, co. Warrewyc, esquire, to Richard Ascheby and Rose his wife and John his son, for the term of his, Thomas', life, of land in Zellurtofte and Kelmersch, at 6s. rent and by suit of court twice a year. Solyhull, 24 May, 4 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[York, W.R.] A. 9036. Letter of attorney by John son of Richard Seele, of Fourneys to Robert Erle of Wakefeld the younger and Hugh Bailie to receive of seisin of lands &c. in Wakefeld, Sandale and Crigeleston, which he claimed as his right of inheritance against (devers) the earl of Cambridge, his lord, after the death of Thomas Seele his cousin according to the form of the letters of the said earl directed to Robert de Morton the earl's steward. Wakefeld, 1 July, 50 Edward III. French. Seal.
[Berks.] A. 9037. Feoffment by Edward Clerk of Friddelesham, 'husbonde- man,' to William Norreis, knight, John Norreis, esquire, John Carleton, William Lynacre, and Thomas Blewet, of tenements &c. in New Street (Novo Vico), Reding, on the south side of it, between the tenement of Henry Justice &c.; which descended to him on the death of Thomas Clerk, 'draper' of Reding, his uncle. Witnesses:—Stephen Dunster, then mayor of Reding, and others (named). 21 February, 15 Edward IV. Seal.
[Somerset.] A. 9038. Feoffment by William Gyan to William de Andredesye in frank marriage with Hawys his daughter, of a messuage and 10 a. arable in Dunnewere in the manor of Northpertone; rent, 1d. yearly at Easter for all service.
[Devon.] A. 9039. Release by Walter de Mortone son and heir of Robert de Morton and Denise (Dyonisie) his wife to Robert de Whyton, 'skynnere,' of his right in a tenement wherein the said Robert dwelt in the prebend of 'la Heghis,' with 12d. yearly rent due from the said tenement, which tenement Walter Ingement formerly held of the said Robert his father, extending in length from the highway leading from Exeter toward Couwyk &c., together with a moiety of the dower of Alice, late the wife of John de Bernevyle in the manor of Couwyk and in the prebend of 'la Heghes.' Witnesses:—Henry de Norton, then steward of 'la Heghis,' and others (named). Dated at 'la Heghes,' Monday the feast of St. Edmund the king and martyr, 14 Edward III.
[Warw.] A. 9040. Demise by John son and heir of Henry de Lodbrok, knight, to Sir Robert de Daventre, knight, for life, of 5 marks rent from land &c. in Herburbury. Thursday the feast of St. Boneface the Bishop, 19 Edward II.
[Warw.] A. 9041. Feoffment by John son and heir of John Raulyn of Magna Derset to Joan Raulyn his mother of the rent of a rose from a messuage &c. which Ida le Chapman and Alice Raulyn held for the term of their lives, with the reversion of 2s. 6d. rent after the death of the said Ida, and the reversion of the said messuage after the death of the said Alice. Thursday before St. Michael, 14 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] A. 9042. Letter of attorney by William Sutton, prior of Newsted (Novo Loco) by Staumford, to William Overton, to deliver seisin to John Catesby, of the wood called 'Newestedwode' otherwise called 'Falhamwode.' 2 June, 13 Henry VI. Fragments of conventual seal.
[Cornw.] A. 9043. Release by Andrew de [C]ardin[an] to Roger de Ca[rmynou] of land in Lenmargh and Brounewic Vighan, which Philip Poucin sold him; for this Roger gave him 14 marks. Witnesses:—Sir Robert son of William, and others (named). Endorsed, Lenmargh and Bornewyc.
Warw. A. 9044. Grant by Richard Draper of Warrewyk to John Catesby of Ayssheby St. Legers, co. Northampton, William Lee, of co. Oxford, Walter son of John de Netherkote, co. Warrewyk, and John Draper of Warrewyk his, Richard's, son, of all his goods in the county of Warrewyk and elsewhere. Witnesses:—John Bole, master of the Gild of the Holy Trinity and St. George of Warrewyk and others (named). Warrewyk, the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 3 Henry V.
[Cornw.] A. 9045. Defeasance of a feoffment made by Oliver Carmenou to master Robert de Polhoraman and Michael Duraunt, of land and rents in Eglosros, Ardevero, Comgaer, and Nansheher, viz. that they shall re- enfeoff him thereof on payment of 4l. on the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, or within the octave, at Tavistock. Eglosros, Friday after St. Scolastica the Virgin, A.D. 1310.
[N'hamp.] A. 9046. (1.) Feoffment by John Malore of Welton to Simon Wrytht of Cranesle, chaplain, of lands in Welton, formerly John Mareschal's, and of the reversion of land there expectant on the decease of John Wolf, vicar of Welton. Wednesday after the Circumcision, 10 Henry IV.
(2.) Feoffment by Hanna Reve, late wife of Richard Reve of Hakelyng- ton, sister and heir of Simon Wryght of Cranesle, chaplain, widow, to William Welton of Norhampton, 'mynstrall,' and John Othehillof Welton, of lands, &c. in Welton, which descended to her on her said brother's decease, and which he had by feoffment of John Malore of the same. . . . ., 1 Henry VI. Copies on one paper.
[N'hamp.] A. 9047. Letter of attorney by Ralph Roy, vicar of Herbury, to William Broke, rector of Lodbrok, to deliver seisin of land in Asscheby Leger to Emma, late the wife of John de Catesby. Thursday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 7 Henry IV. Seal.
London. A. 9048. Grant by Thomas Gryme of Seete, co. Salop, for his life, to Lewis Talbot, knight, John Wenlok, esquire, and Richard Gryme, of 50s. rent from a tenement in London in the street called 'le Royall,' next the church called 'Whityngtons Colage,' which he, with others, had by the feoffment of William Morys of London, fishmonger. He put them in full seisin of the said rent by payment of 6d. Dated Tuesday after St. Hilary the Bishop, 34 Henry VI. Seal.
[Lanc.] A. 9049. Acquittance by Isabel, late the wife of William Sharp, to Richard de Coupland, for 5 marks in part of 20 marks, for the payment of which he stood bound to her in 20l. Dalton in Fourneys, the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 14 Richard II.
[Heref.] A. 9050. Counterpart of demise by William de Frome, John de Norton, Thomas de Wormesle, John le Graunt, Richard Morwys and William Hod, to Sir John Brounes and Sir John de Chabbenor, chaplains, for the term of their lives, of all the lands and tenements in Hynton within the manor of Norton whereof the said chaplains had enfeoffed them, with reversion after the said chaplains decease to themselves. Webbele, Thurs- day after St. Mark the Evangelist, 26 Edward III.
[Cornw.] A. 9051. Feoffment by Alan de Dunstanvill to Richard son of Gilbert (Gill'), of the land of Trewarneil; rent, 5s. with a reasonable aid; consideration, 40s.
[Salop.] A. 9052. Feoffment by William le Milleward of Much (magna) Wenlok and John le Porter of the same to John Barbour of Wenlok and Joan his wife, of a tenement &c. in Denenoe which they had by the feoffment of the said Joan. Denenoe, Thursday before the Purification, 20 Richard II.
Endorsed: Carte de Dene.
[Warw.] A. 9053. Indenture of demise by William Lucy, 'squier,' to Robert Mason of Haseley, miller, of Charlecote 'watur mylle' for nine years at 8l. rent. 17 October, 2 Richard III. English.
[Linc.] A. 9054. Acquittance by Alexander, abbot of [Barlinges] to . . . Eston, receiver of the chamber of Queen Philippa, for twenty . . ., 22 Edward III, in part of fifty . . . yearly to the use of their church till the lawful age of John son and heir of Sir John . . . . Barlynges, 8 October . . . .
[Cornw.] A. 9055. Feoffment by Stephen de Trejagu son of Sir John de Trejagu, knight, to John de Nauntyan, Ralph Coulyng, and Robert Berson, of his land of Scoria with his wood of Bargudul and his moor there. Truru Marchee, Saturday after the octave of the Holy Trinity, 4 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 9056. Release by Henry Canoun of Russlepe to Robert Ravenig of Herefeld of his right in lands &c. he held of the said Robert in Herefeld. Sunday after the Apostles Peter and Paul, 3 Edward II.
[Notts.] A. 9057. Bond by John Cokkefeld of Nuthalle, esquire, to Richard Wentworth, esquire, in 25l. at Easter next. The Purification, 25 Henry VI.
[Norf.] A. 9058. Confirmation, apparently, by . . . . of Walter de B[ra]denham, knight (militis), to John son of Roger le Fleming of Shipeden, of land bought of William, and of Adam son of William, de Bosco, lying dispersed in Shipeden. Fragment.
[Cornw.] A. 9059. Indenture, being a feoffment by Simon Smith (faber) of 'la Medysol' to Walter son of Anora of the same of a house and land there next the road from Medysole to Trurue &c., rent for the first twelve years of 1d. and thereafter . . . . Monday after St. Scolastica the Virgin, 10 Edward II.
Staff. A. 9060. Bond by John Hurst of Little Barre, co. Stafford, yeoman, to Richard Broke of Ruysshale, in 40l. at Easter next. 14 January, 17 Henry VI. Seal.
[N'hamp.] A. 9061. Feoffment by Mabel late the wife of William Ketelberen of Weleton to Geoffrey Hereberd of 3 roods land in Welton which she had by the demise of Robert atte Hill (de Hul) of the same; rent 1 lb. of wax to the church of St. Martin, before the altar of St. Mary, for all service.
Berks. A. 9062. Release by William Jefferey of Wellis, co. Somerset, to John Langham of Redyng, co. Berks, 'iremonger,' of his right in three tenements in the borough of Redyng in 'le Newstrete,' which he had jointly with the said John by the feoffment of William Edmundes late of Wellis aforesaid, deceased. Redyng, 3 June, 1485.
[Warw.] A. 9063. Feoffment by Thomas Wilie of Bulkynton to William Sweyn of the same and Agnes his wife and her heirs and assigns of land at the end of his garden formerly taken in from the croft. Palm Sunday, 15 Edward II.
[N'hamp.] A. 9064. Feoffment by Thomas de Baskervilla to Simon son of Simon de Heliden and his heirs of his part of the messuage by Stocwelle, which Peter the chaplain held; rent of 1 lb. of cummin or 2d.
[York, W.R.] A. 9065. Feoffment by John son of John de Mora to Henry called Hod of Wakefeud of ½ a. land lying on 'le Sourlandes' in two pieces; rent, ½d. Witnesses:—Richard de Heydon then steward of the earl of Warenne and others (named).
[Warw.] A. 9066. Counterpart of demise, made Michaelmas, 3 Edward IV, by John Stanbyry, bishop of Hereford, William Catesby, knight, and others to John Deyster of Henley in Arden, of a field in Belledesert called 'Jeuynsfeld,' for twenty years, at 9s. rent, &c. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 9067. Feoffment by Ranulph de Lanesende to Sir Fulk Basset, of his marsh between the two 'Walflez' in the parish of Alethorn; rent, 10s. at Easter and 10s. at Michaelmas; consideration, 20 marks. Witnesses, Sir Philip Basset and Sir Lawrence de Samphord, knights, and others (named).
[Warw.] A. 9068. Feoffment by Thomas Brome of Lapworth to Robert Brome and Parnel his wife, of his lands, &c. in Lapworth, with remainder in default of issue to himself and his right heirs. Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 5 Edward II. Copy.
[N'hamp.] A. 9069. Feoffment by John de Cammays to John de Kirkeby of the manor and advowson of Cotherstok and the mills of Pireho with their suits, all of which Sir William Paynel, who enfeoffed the said John de Kirkeby thereof, had by his gift and feoffment. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh son of Otho, Sir Robert son of John, Sir Thomas de Weyland, Sir Roger de Northwode, Sir John de Luvetot, Sir John de Cobeham, Sir Nicholas de Stapelton, Sir Thomas de Chaunceus and Sir William de Beyvile, knights, and others (named). London, Sunday the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in June, 1280, 9 Edward I.
[Warw.] A. 9070. Indenture, being the defeasance of a feoffment made by Thomas Wandak of Schoteswell to Sir William de Bereford and Margaret his wife and the heirs of William, of land &c. in Schoteswell, viz. on payment of 10l. in the church of Schoteswell on the Purification next. Saturday after Midsummer, 9 Edward II.
[N'hamp.] A. 9071. Feoffment by William Perkyns of Welton to William Igyngton of the same and Joan his wife, daughter of him the said William Perkyns, of a messuage &c. there, between the tenement of David Owen, knight, &c. which descended to him on the death of Agnes Perkyns his mother. 20 April, 14 Henry VII. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 9072. Acknowledgment by Joceus de Antreuon that he held of Thomas Peticru of Bronwolou and Alice his wife a messuage, &c. in Bedou which he had by the gift of William son and heir of Robert de Bedou, and which he had held of William de Treuall, by the services underwritten, viz. by homage and fealty and 4s. 4d. rent at Michaelmas and Easter to the said Thomas and Alice and the heirs of Thomas for ever, and by doing suit of their court at Trederf; for which lands and tenements he had done homage and fealty to the said Thomas. Truru, Wednesday the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin, 4 Edward II.
[Cornw.] A. 9073. Indenture, being the defeasance of a grant by Thomas Eton of Penryn alias Prouest to John de Cheyndut of Melynsy of 20s. rent, viz. on payment by the said Thomas of 8l. within the two years then next, viz. 4l. in the first year by quarterly payments and the like in the second year. Launceston, Tuesday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 7 Richard II.
N'hamp. A. 9074. Feoffment by John Watford son and heir of Thomas Wat- ford and Thomas Watford son and heir of the said John, to William Catesby, knight, of Olthorp, William Catesby of the same, Thomas Kebeell and Everard [Fyldyng], of a messuage, &c. in Great Creton; attorneys to deliver seisin . . . . . att Woode and John Wattes of Est Haddon. Witnesses:—William Harington and Walter Mawntell, knights and others (named). 1 April, 18 Edward IV.
[Cornw.] A. 9075. Feoffment by Alan Bosvorveth and Joan his wife to John Power alias John Benet of Marghasiow and Joan his wife, of a close called 'Park Penleden'; rent, 3s. 4d. and 20d. for a relief; with reversion in default of their issue to Alan and his heirs. Marghasiow, 11 May, 19 Henry VI.
[Cornw.] A. 9076. Indenture, being a feoffment by John Recher the elder and John Recher the younger to Robert Weryng of 10s. rent from their messuages, &c. in Michelbodwhydek and Southcern; the feoffment to be vacated by their payment to him in one sum, at the end of any quarter, of 5 marks 9s. 2d. Alternon, Sunday after St. Ann mother of Mary, 13 Henry VI.
[Chesh.] A. 9077. Demise for two years by Richard de Vernon and Hugh le Moun, chaplains, to Richard de Bulkylegh, of the lands &c. they had in Whatecroft by the feoffment of Nicholas de Vernon, knight; rent 100s. Witnesses:—Richard de Vernon, brother of Ralph de Vernon, knight, and others (named). Monday before Whitsuntide, 11 Richard II. Fragments of seals.
[Cumb.] A. 9078. Letter of attorney by Gilbert de Hothwait to John de Stanelaw to receive the lands &c. of Santon and Botil in Coupland which were given in marriage to Richard son of Richard de Coupland, lord of Boulton in Fourneys and to his, Gilbert's, daughter Margaret wife of the said Richard. Hothuait, All Saints day, 28 Edward [III]. French.
[Heref.] A. 9079. Indenture, being a grant by William de Barton and John Louteley of Webbeley to Richard le Drenchere of the same and Agnes his wife, for life, of a tenement there which they had by his feoffment and which descended to him on the death of John his father, with remainder after his and her decease to Roger le Glovere of Webbeleye and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Roger, &c. The feast of St. Ethelbert the King, 8 Richard II.
[Warw.] A. 9080. Indenture between the abbot, William, and convent of Lylleshull of the one part and Robert de Kytton, chaplain, and William Mabotun of Derset of the other, being the defeasance of a writing obligatory in 20 marks wherein the said Robert and William stood bound to the said abbot and convent, viz. that it should be void on payment of 11 marks yearly at Farneburgh for the farm of the rectory there at the terms contained in a certain indenture thereof made between them. Lylleshull, the Purification, 39 Edward III.
[Lanc.] A. 9081. Feoffment by John son of Ranulf de Ditton to Alan son of Alan le Norreys of a moiety of the land which Alan le Norreys father of the said Alan formerly had to farm of the said Ranulf father of the said John for his homage and service, viz. in Ditton marsh; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Holond, Sir Peter de Wyndul, John de Ditton, Stephen de Ditton, Robert de Bolde, Richard del Sawe.
[Cornw.] A. 9082. Feoffment by Otho Penhesken (?) of Tregoni to Peter Guylgyer [?] of [Helleston] and . . . his wife, of . . . . situate in the town of . . . . Dated at [Helleston] burgh, Michaelmas, 13 Richard II. Damaged.
[Cornw.] A. 9083. Feoffment by Miranda . . . . to Walter de . . . and Eleanor . . . . . . of a messuage and a place . . . . [in] . . . . of St. Gluvias (Gliviati) . . . . Witnesses:—Peter Hervi, Richard Pencod, Bartholomew le Senechal, . . . . . Dated at Penryn Borough, Sunday before . . . ., 9 Edward III.
N'hamp. A. 9084. General release by Thomas Andrew of Charwelton, co. Northampton, the elder, to William Catesby, esquire. 19 March, 2 Richard III.
[Sussex.] A. 9085. Feoffment by William de Scirele to Roger de la Stone, of part of his land between the highway from Snitforde and the fee of William Pessun; rent, 6d.; for this Roger gave him 18d. beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:—John de Craule, Geoffrey de Burle, Robert de Burstewe, William de Warleye, and others (named).
[Surrey.] A. 9086. Indenture made in the manor of Banstede, co. Surrey, the last (le darrein) day of September, 27 Edward III, whereby John Cok, treasurer of the queen Philippa, delivered to John de Wortyngg, bailiff of the said queen in her said manor of Banstede, to the said Queen's use, upon the surrender of John de Eston, late farmer of the said manor of goods, &c. (detailed) appraised before Thomas de Frowyk, lieutenant of the Queen's steward, on the oath of John de Portenhale and others (named). French. Faded.
[Warw.] A. 9087. Counterpart of demise, the feast of the Purification, 2 Edward IV, by John Stanbyry, bishop of Hereford and others, to Thomas and John sons of 'Laurance' Blythe of Henley, of a close in Beldesert called the manor of Lymseys and another close there called Penkes, except a grove therein 'as it aperyth by a dyk made abought hyt of olde tyme,' to hold from the said feast for the term of forty years; rent, 12s. and 24s. respectively, &c. English. Seals.
[Cornw.] A. 9088. Counterpart indenture being a feoffment by Lawrence . . . . to William his son and Elizabeth daughter of . . . . . in Tregemynyon in the parish of St. Keverne . . . . heirs of his body lawfully begotten. Witnesses:—John Reskemmer . . . . . June, 4 Henry VII. Seals.
[Cornw.] A. 9089. Feoffment by William de Botrell to John de Trenbethou of ½ a. land in Lannanta, situate on the south next the place of Peter de Godrewy, with liberty of buying and selling all manner merchandise in the free borough of Lannanta . . . . the port of Lannanta . . . . Witnesses:— . . . . de Trewynnard . . . . . . . Dated at . . . Trewython, 26 [Edward I].
[N'hamp.] A. 9090. Feoffment by Seggwynus Maulore to Simon Maulore, his son and heir, of all his land of Weleton. Witnesses:—Sir Simon de Tropp, then vicar, and others (named).
A. 9091. General release by John White of Fynchley, co. Middlesex, clerk, to John Stone of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, 'yoman,' 11 October, 11 Henry VII. Note at foot.—John Whit delivered this writing as his deed by the hands of John Chauncy, 5 November in the above year, for 12s. paid by Thomas Stokes.
[Warw.] A. 9092. Release by John Spaldene of Myneworthe to Parnel, Maud, Emma and Joan, daughters and heirs of John Kook of Crodworthe, of his right in a selion of land in the field towards Mineworth. The first Sunday after Easter, 6 Henry V.
[N'hamp.] A. 9093. Feoffment by Richard son of William Craunforde of Yelvertoft to Henry de Cotesbrok of Eltingdone, of 2 roods of land in 'le Portweye' next land of Peter de Pydigton. Thursday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 35 Edward III.
Heref. A. 9094. Letter of attorney by Thomas ap Philip Vaghan and Thomas de la Hay the elder to Roger Slogh of Dorston to deliver seisin to David Wynston of Hynton in Stradull, co. Hereford, of lands they had by his gift and feoffment in Hynton aforesaid. Aberleveny, 20 December, 8 Henry V.
[Warw.] A. 9095. Release by John Frankeleyn of Nether Nortone, son and heir of Agnes Taylor of Henleye in Hardem, to dame Rose Monfort of Codbarowe, of his right in the tenements in Henleye formerly John Taylor's, which John Forner then held. Tuesday after Michaelmas, 1 Richard II.
[Lincoln.] A. 9096. Chirograph, indented, made Midsummer 1273, being a demise by Hugh de Nevill of Bekeby to Roger de Croxtun, clerk, of six quarters of corn yearly for ten years to be received from Richard the miller of Bernetteby for the mill which he held in Bekeby of the said Hugh. Witnesses:—Sir William Wacelin, rector of the church of Bekeby, and others (named).
[Warw.] A. 9097. Release by William Dastyn of Magna Derset to William le Clerk of Geydon and Joan his wife and his heirs, of his right in a half virgate of meadow in Southende and Herdewyk in the said Derset, which they had by the demise of Thomas Dastyn, chaplain. Geydon, Friday before St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 17 Edward III. Endorsed, De prato Dastyn et tenementis in le Newelonde.
Leic. N'hamp. A. 9098. Release by William, lord Lovell and de Holand, Thomas Grene and Nicholas Bowet, knights, Thomas Byllyng and Roger Margery to William Tresham and Robert Isham, of their right in the lands, &c. in West Haddon, co. Northampton, and in Houghton on the Hill, co. Leicestre, which they had, jointly with the said William and Robert, and with Thomas Wydevyll, William Carvell, John Owdeby, John Adam, William Stanley and John Cosyn, since deceased, by the gift of William, lord la Zouche and Saymour. 31 March, 28 Henry VI. Three seals remaining.
Suff. A. 9099. Bond by Simon Osteler alias Ive of Chevyngton, co. Suffolk, 'husbondeman,' to Robert Arnebour', esquire, in 10 marks, due at the feast of All Saints next. 20 August, 16 Henry VI.
[Hants.] A. 9100. Letter of attorney by William son and heir of Richard Balfote to Simon Longe to deliver seisin to John Beyre, John Gunter, esquire, John Holte, John Pewell and William Bell, of his lands, &c. in the parish of Farlington. Farlington, 4 December, 36 Henry VI. Seal, cracked.