Deeds: C.5601 - C.5700

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Deeds: C.5601 - C.5700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1915), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.5601 - C.5700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.5601 - C.5700". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.5601 - C.5700

[Leic.] C. 5601. Grant by . . . . de Herdeby and Alice his wife to Thomas son of Roger styled 'de . . . . of the same of a toft in Herdeby. Fragment of one seal.
Norfolk. C. 5602. Grant by Robert Neweman of Southreppys, late of Framyngham [Earls], to Henry Heydon, Richard Southwell, esquires, and William Neweman, his son and heir, and William's heirs and assigns of all his land, &c. with all his goods, &c. in Southreppys, Thorpmarket, Antyngham, Gu[nt]on, Framyngham Earls (comitis), Framyngham Pygot, Hameryngale, Biskelee, Kirby Bebon (sic), Bramerton and Yelverton, co. Norfolk, and elsewhere. 27 October, 17 Edward IV.
[Kent.] C. 5603. Grant by John Stace and Thomas Bengekyn of Sarr in the Isle of Thanet to Hamon Tibi of the parish of Monketon, in the Isle aforesaid, of 1a. land in the parish of Monketon by Gorestrete, situate as described, which they had by the gift of Robert Tristram, the younger, of the parish of St. Giles in the Isle aforesaid. 28 April, 15 Henry VI.
[Suffolk.] C. 5604. Quitclaim by Beatrice relict of Alan Edrych of Weybrede to Isabel her daughter.of her right by way of dower or inheritance in a piece of land in the parish of Weybrede, situate as described. Weybrede, the day of St. Thomas the Archbishop, 1 Edward II.
[Suffolk.] C. 5605. Grant by Hugh Houel of Westone to Peter Jay of Weybrede of a messuage with five pieces of land and two pieces of meadow in the town of Weybrede which Robert Jadde formerly held to farm of Sir Hugh Houel. his father, for life, situate as described. Sunday before St. Nicholas, 46 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 5606. Grant by Nicholas de Baddebury to William de Mora, and Agnes his wife of 1a. meadow in 'la Yethe,' which is called 'Levedy acre,' extending upon the highway on the east; to hold to them and William's heirs and assigns. Witnesses:—John de Horputte, John de Ponte, Henry le Sauser and others (named).
[Herts.] C. 5607. Grant by John . . . . of Dunstapl' to John Fisher (pischatori) of Dunstapl' of 1a. in the field of Kenesworth; rent, to the chief lord, 3d. and to him a clove at Easter; for this John gave him 20s. in gersum. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed, Carta Johannis Maydus . . . .
[Warw.] C. 5608. Grant by Adam de la Lee of Sheldon to William Notyng his brother of all his land, &c. in the town and fee of Sheldon, except the house wherein he is resident; also of the reversion of the dower which Margery atte Lee, his aunt (matertera) holds there. Witnesses:— Adam de Boryate and others (named). Friday after St. Matthew, 19 Edward III. Cf. C. 1732.
Berks.] C. 5609. Grant by John Houchild of Harewell to Richard Brounz, Thomas his brother, and Richard Wydehay of Harewell, of 1a. land in Westhakebourn in 'le Longe Londe.' Witnesses:—John Walrond and others (named). Tuesday after St. James the Apostle 35 Edward III.
[Hants.] C. 5610. Copy of an inspeximus by Henry III of a charter of Henry I to Hyde Abbey of the churches of Kingsclere and Alton. [Charter Roll Calendar, Vol. II. p. 148.]
[Sussex.] C. 5611. Quitclaim by Godfrey de Alkesburne to Gamelin ate Watere of his right in 6d. rent of the 7d. which he used to receive yearly from the said Gamelin in respect of the tenement which was Robert le Longhe's in Horsham. Michaelmas, 16 Edward II.
[Bedford.] C. 5612. Grant by Nicholas son of William de Wybsnade to Richard Malyn and Joan his wife of part of his messuage in Wybsnade. The feast of the Assumption . . . . Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 5613. Grant by John son of Richard de Wel[de] of High Lauffare to Sir Humphrey de Waledene, knight, of a croft called 'Sefenacre' in Lauffare Maudeleyne, and a close to the croft belonging. 10 February, 19 Edward II.
[Dorset.] C. 5614. Grant by Roger Keys, canon of [Exeter] to William Olyver of Brideport of land, &c., and a moiety of the ferry of Smalmouth, which together with William de la Pole, marquess of Suffolk (Marko Suff') Thomas . . . . Suddeley, knight, James Ormond, knight, William Boeff, John . . . . . he had by the gift of the said William Olyver, in Brydeport. Witnesses:—Robert Burgh, one of the bailiffs of Brideport, John . . . . . Brideport, Wednesday before the feast of . . . . ., 3 [Edward] IV.
[Chester.] C. 5615. Grant by Robert son of William de Bulkylegh to Robert his son, of all the land which William, lord of Al[sacher] [demised to him] in the town of Alsacher and afterwards, in his seisin, by writing quit- claimed to him; to hold to the said Robert for the term of his life (ad totam vitam meam) by service of 40s. yearly; saving to him and his tenants common of pasture therein. Alsacher, Thursday . . . ., 16 Edward III.
[Oxford.] C. 5616. Grant by Gilbert de Boulebec, knight, to Adam son of Walter de Hed[e]nham, for his service and forty marks in gersum beforehand of a virgate of land with a messuage in Kinguseye, pasture for six beasts in the pasture called . . ., 2a. meadow in the meadow called 'Inmede' and . . . . 5d. rent which John son of Reynold used to pay for a virgate of land there; rent, . . . . at Easter.
[Lincoln.] C. 5617. Grant by John Stopehyll and John Welton of Estrasyn to Robert Chamberlayn of Grayngham, William Ounby, John Cade the elder, and Thomas Schopys of Estrasyn, of a messuage in Estrasyn, situate as described, which they had by the gift of Thomas Bonette, late vicar of Estrasyn, and Eve Dowe, together with Master Richard Davison late rector of Belesby and John Awke. Thursday [after] the Conception of the Blessed Virgin, 26 Henry VI. Fragments of seal.
Devon. C. 5618. Grant by John Boya to Roger Cadatrewe of a messuage and all his land in Overa Cadatrewe, with 'housbote, haybote, falbote, et furbote,' to be taken in the manor of Spychewyke, as his principal charter thereof more fully witnesses, rendering to the chief lords the services due; also grant of the homage, rents, and services of Adam Cauntr' and John son of Hamel Countr', in respect of their lands and tenements in Cadatrewe. Witnesses:—William de Grendon, Richard Foterel, Adam de Cadatreu, John Countr', Roger Countr'. Cadatrewe, Tuesday after (in sene) the Epiphany, 35 Edward III. Seal. Cf. C. 4428, 5479.
[Chester.] C. 5619. Bond by Alexander Hurel and Richard de Trafford, rector of Chedle, to William de Venables, lord of Neubold, in 100l. at Michaelmas, 1313, if it so happen that, before the feast of St. Peter's Chains in the same year, they shall not have acknowledged a debt to him of 40l. in the earl's exchequer at Chester, to be paid him within a full year from the date hereof, on account of the marriage of Alexander's daughter, Mary, according to the form of the agree- ment between them and the said William. Dated at Neubold, Wednesday the Translation of St. Martin, in the above year.
[Dorset.] C. 5620. Grant by Philip Perci of Buudihc to Nicholas, lord of Cottelegh, of one acre and one perch of land in the furlong of 'Stapelweye' which lies on the east of Motweia (Motweie) next Stapelweie besides (preter) 3½a. land; to hold, &c. for a mark which Nicholas paid him beforehand; rent, a rose at Midsummer for all service save royal service as much as belongs to so much free land in the manor of Cotteleigh.
[Kent.] C. 5621. Quitclaim by William Rokke of Hevere to . . . . of the same of his right in a way which he claimed to have as his right to his lands called 'Schermanesland.' Hevere, the feast of St. Mary . . . ., 11 [Edward] IV.
[Suffolk.] C. 5622. Grant by John Swyft of the parish of Weybrede to Richard son of William dil Wod of the same and Joan his wife, for their services of a piece of land in the parish beforesaid between land of the abbot and convent of Sybetone, &c. Monday the morrow of Souls, 3 Edward II.
Bucks. Oxford. C. 5623. Copy on paper of:—
(1) Grant by A. B. the dean and the canons of Lincoln at the desire of Thomas bishop of Lincoln to William Stonor, knight, of the office of steward of the lordships of Thame [and] Dorchestr', co. Oxford, Wobourne and Tynghurst, co. Bucks; to hold to him and the heirs of his body, receiving for their fee or wage 6l. 20d. from the issues of the said manors by the hands of the receivers or bailiffs, with leave to appoint deputies in the said office.
Bucks. (2) Indenture made 6 December, 19 Edward IV, between William Stonore, knight, of the one part, and Thomas Streteley of the other, witnessing that Thomas for a certain sum 'aforhand payd' has sold to William all the woods of the 'half maner of Bosmere callet Stretelespart' growing in the parishes of Falley, Hameldon and Tyrfeld, 'appultrez, peretrez, crabtrez and all wode of the assise of x inche,' &c; bond by Thomas in 10l. for performance of covenants. English.
[Somers.] C. 5624. Indenture being the defeasance of a statute merchant dated at Salisbury, Saturday after St. Peter's Chair, 30 Edward III, whereby John son and heir of John de Wyke of Milton, co. Somerset, is bound to John de Edyngdon of co. Wilts, in 666l. 13s. 4d., to wit, if the said John de Wyke make to the said John de Edyngdon a sufficient security of the manor of Norton Hautevill before the feast of St. Philip and St. James next, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, quietly and absolutely after the death of Egelina, John's mother, the statute to be void. Salisbury, Thursday after St. Peter's Chair in the year abovesaid. Fragment of one seal.
[Lincoln.] C. 5625. Grant by Henry son of Ralph Ripun of Herlaustun to John the chaplain of Herlaustun son of Roger Hemming of Newbo and his heirs of his father and mother begotten or his assigns of a selion of arable in the west territory of Herlaustun, viz. in 'West inham' abutting on the capital selion of Alan son of William of Denton, &c.; rent, ¼d. at Midsummer for all service; for this John gave him 5s. before- hand. Witnesses:—Thomas de Blankeney dwelling (manente) in Herlaustun, and others (named). Fragment of one seal.
C. 5626. Grant by William son of Clemencia de Aston to Adam son of Henry Wrine for 9s. beforehand of 2a. land in the territory of Aston, one in the lower and one in the upper field; rent, 2d. for all service. Witnesses:—Guy de Assarto, and others (named). Cf. C. 3743.
[Notts.] C. 5627. Letter of attorney by Payn de Vylers, knight, and Isabel his wife to William son of Geoffrey de Westhorp of Kynalton to receive seisin of all that part of the manor of Wodeburgh and of the service of Margery late the wife of . . . de Cray for a third part of the said manor which she holds for life by the livery of Sir Thomas Stuffyn, chaplain, as the charter of the said Sir Thomas made to them thereof witnesses. Berecotes, Monday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 1327. Cf. C. 3350.
[Leic.] C. 5628. Grant by William son of William son of Ralph of Herdebi to Henry de Herdebi, chaplain, of four selions of arable in the territory of Herdebi, with ½a. meadow, to wit, in the south field, situate as described; rent, ½d. at Midsummer for all service. Witnesses:—Walter Bellard of Herdeby, and others (named).
[N'humb.] C. 5629. Chirograph indented being a grant by John de Swyneburn to Robert de Swyneburn his son for Robert's homage and service of all his land &c. of Capelleshey, Stiwardschele and Huritlawe, in the tenement of 'le Huntland,' and of Slaggiforde in the tenement of Knaresdall; to hold to the said Robert and the heirs of his body successively from heir to heir, without any alienation thereof or any part thereof to be made in time to come, doing the king's foreign service therefor and to him and his heirs the twentieth part of the service of a knight for multures, pannages, suits of court and all other services, &c. Witnesses:—John de Scutelington, William de Swethorp, Adam de Charleton, Hugh Russell of Symundeburn, Richard de Thirlewall, Nicholas de Tho[rn]grafton, Robert de le Walton.
[Herts.] C. 5630. Grant by John Vif to Gilbert de Greinvill, of a rent of 3s. in the borough of Berchamest', to wit, from that tenement which lies between the tenement which was of Ellis Ful[k]ing and a way which is called 'Tropineleslane' and abuts on the stream (filum aque) and on the great street of the borough; to hold in fee and heredity, &c.; rent, a clove (clavem cerofiri) at Easter and 14d. as his attorney, to the chief lord of the fee at the terms appointed in the borough.
[Leic.] C. 5631. Grant by Adam son of Henry de Herdeby to Sir Henry styled of Ebirston, priest, his heirs and assigns, of the moiety of a selion on Long Horreberne &c. and other land [in Herdeby] situate as described. Witnesses:—William Belart of Herdeby, and others (named).
[Lincoln.] C. 5632. Grant by William son of William Petit of Lekeburne to William the tailor (cissori) of Calthorp and Maud his wife and William's heirs and assigns of 1½a. arable in the territory of Lekeburn, situate as described; rent, a peppercorn. Seal.
[Hants.] C. 5633. Grant by William de Mersse to John Hundeshayward and Maud his wife for their homage and service of 1½a. arable in the field of Penitone Grefteyn whereof one acre lies between the land of Henry le Marchand, &c. and the half-acre lies between the land of Hawis de Busemerhale which she holds of the fee of Busemerehale, &c. and one end both of the acre and of the half-acre abuts on the highway from Penitone Meysi to Tangelee &c.; for this they gave him 20s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Sir William le Dun, knight, Robert de Harnhulle, Henry de Foxcote, Robert Durdent, William Londoniar, the clerk, and others (named). Seal, chipped.
[Warw.] C. 5634. Grant by Roger de Gard[ino] of Solihull to Sir Robert his brother, chaplain, of all his land &c. in Solihull. Sunday the Finding of the Holy Cross, 19 Edward II.
[Bedford.] C. 5635. Grant by William de Somerford to Margaret late the wife of Reynold Joce for her service and for 7s. beforehand in gersum of ½a. land in the field of Buston on 'Piristub' abutting on 'le port wey,' &c.
[Flint.] C. 5636. Grant by William de Kirkeby to John de Haselwall with Nichola his daughter in free marriage of all his land of Haurthin which Roger steward of the earl of Chester gave him for his homage and service; doing the service thereto belonging, viz. 1lb. pepper at Midsummer; if he cannot warrant the land he will give John 5 marks within two years after Michaelmas, the year of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr the third. Witnesses:—Sir H. abbot of Chester, Philip de Orreby, justice of Chester, Geoffrey de Dutton, and others (named).
[Chester.] C. 5637. Demise, Whit Sunday, 5 Edward III, by Henry de Blakerode, citizen of Chester, to Richard son of Simon de Newton of a messuage with buildings thereon and two bovates of arable in the town and territory of Hasilwall, which he holds in fee and heredity of Ralph lord of Hasilwall in chief by service of a pair of gloves yearly for all service; to hold, with fishery, &c. to the said Richard, his wife and children for six years from date, rendering 26s. 8d. yearly, doing the foreign services from which he cannot be free nor can make the said Richard or his free; if Richard die within the term he shall have Richard's second best beast, or 6s. 8d., &c. Witnesses:—Ralph lord of Hasilwall, and others (named).
Surrey. C. 5638. Grant by John Drynkwater of Pecham in the parish of Camerwelle to Roger Godewyn of Pecham of a garden and a half- acre of land in Pecham lying dispersed, situate as described, 20 January, 4 Henry IV.
[Radnor.] C. 5639. Grant by Walter Tomkyns of Boreware to Richard Tomkyns his son and John Holle of Barlenton the elder of two messuages with a parcel of meadow called 'Kyllynyorde' and 'Kyllyn Medowe,' in the town of Boreware and in the fee of the same, within the lordship of the castle of Radenour between 'le heye' of John Hoby, &c. which together with William Holle of Boreware, since deceased, he had by the gift of William Paynot. The feast of St. Leonard in the month of November, 31 Henry VI.
[Salop.] C. 5640. Grant and confirmation by Thomas Carbonel to John 'in la Lone' of Burford of four parcels of land in Burford and Overton, which John had by the gift of Hugh, Thomas's father, for life; rent 12d.; with remainder after John's decease to William de Lugwardyn and Parnel (Pernelle) his wife for the term of their lives, with remainder to John, William's son, for life. Witnesses:—Roger de Ledewich, and others (named). Thursday after St. James the Apostle, 19 Edward III. French.
[Somers.] C. 5641. Grant by John de Keynesham to John de Bitewode of a messuage in the borough of Wyncaulton, situate as described; rent to the chief lords, 1d. at Michaelmas. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 19 Edward III.
[Bedford.] C. 5642. Grant by William le Kingesman to William son of Torald for his homage and service of 1½a. arable in the fields of Buston and 1r. meadow, situate as described; rent to him and his heirs, 1d. at Easter, and for foreign service of the king, whether more or less, ¾d.; for this William gave him 25s. in gersum. Witnesses:— Ranulf de la Hulle, John Torald, Robert Joce, Ranulf de Thornecote, Fulk le Moyn (monacho), and others (named). Seal.
[Bucks.] C. 5643. Grant by Adam de Buterfeld of Woghburne to Thomas de Buterfeld his brother of Burnham and Juliana Thomas's wife of a cottage with curtilage in the town of Burnham at 'Wodelonde,' which he had by their gift, and it lies between land of William Hardyng and the tenement late of German 'le Schepherde'; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Thomas. Witnesses:—Thomas de Burton, Robert ate Sloo, and others (named). 'La Wodelonde in Burnham,' Sunday after St. Philip and St. James, 5 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 5644. Quitclaim by Alice late the wife of Alexander Wodekoc of Solyhull to Henry Lonot of the same of her right in those lands and tenements which Henry had by the feoffment of John Wodekoc the younger in Solyhull. Solyhull, Wednesday after St. Valentine, 22 Edward III.
[Oxford.] C. 5645. Grant by John Osebern of Ocle to Peter de la Pole of Sydenham for 12s. beforehand, of 1a. arable in the field of Chynnore in 'la Sterte,' situate as described; rent, a rose at Midsummer. Witnesses:—John le Loreng, Adam Young (Juven'), Roger Schorberd, Hugh Vivian, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 5646. Grant by John son and heir of Stepher Amour late of Chelm[esford] to John Nele of Springfeld the elder and John Nele of the same, medio, and John Nele of the same the younger of a hoppet (hopeta) of pasture [in] Springfeld, between a meadow and a pightel (pitellum) late of William Prentys, abutting on [the road] from Mulshammell to Sandfordmell, &c. with a way anciently had and used and to the said hoppet belonging; which hoppet descended to him inter alia by hereditary right. Springfeld . . . 3 [Edward IV].
[Bucks.] C. 5647. Indenture between John Buktot, &c. and Margaret late the wife of Philip Buktot witnessing that John has granted to her a yearly rent of 4l. 15s. in name of dower [for lands in Little] Policote and for lands and tenements in Asschyndon and for a moiety of the wood called 'Boketot Wode'; to be received for her life half yearly, with leave in default to distrain in his said manor of Little (parva) Policote. Cherdesley, Saturday after St. Bartholomew, 21 Richard II. Copy. Paper.
[Bucks.] C. 5648. Quitclaim by Richard Cherley, parochial chaplain of the church of Asschyndon, to John Buketot, chaplain, of his right in all those lands &c., pastures, a wood called 'Buketotes Wode' and all their appurtenances, in the par[ish] of . . ., which John Barton the younger and he had by the gift and feoffment of . . . [St. John] before the Latin Gate, 20 Richard II. Copy. Paper.
[Bucks.] C. 5649. Quitclaim by Margaret late the wife of Philip Buketot and Isabel late the wife of John Amcotes, in their widowhood, to . . ., clerk, of their rights in [land, &c.] meadows, &c. and wood called 'Buketotes Wode' in Bernewode in the towns and fields of . . ., Asschyndon, Wynchyndon, 14 Henry VI. Copy. Paper.
Oxford. C. 5650. Bond by Thomas Stonore, esquire, late sheriff of co. Oxford, to Master Thomas Kent, secondary in the office of the Privy Seal of the king and clerk of the King's Council, in 13l. 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas next. 13 February, 33 Henry VI. Cancelled by cuts. Receipt endorsed for 10l. paid 7 June, 33 Henry VI, in the presence of John Durham.
Heref. C. 5651. Grant by Miles son of Henry de Monyton to Richard le Taylur of Monyton and Alice his wife for their lives of the easement of a way in the town of Monyton, between his messuage and theirs. Witnesses:—John Stoppard, Walter Weornard, John de la Chaumbr', and others (named).
Herts. C. 5652. Quitclaim by Roger son of Peter de Wywelestorne to William de la Sale of Draytone of his right in 1a. arable which Isa[bel] . . . cote held of him in name of dower, viz. ½a. in the east field of Tiscote in 'Wydeforlo[ng]' and ½a. in the west field in 'Burwynescroft,' &c. Saturday in Easter week, 3 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Ralph lord of Merston, and others (named).
[Cumberland.] C. 5653. Quitclaim by Sarah daughter of David de Holgil to John son of Arnald de Hoton Jon of her right in a messuage and 3a. land which formerly were her father's in Penreddok in Hoton Jon. Witnesses:—Robert de Barton, John de Hotonruf, Robert de Tympauron, John de Whytbergh, John de Penreddok, William de Bamfpton]. Penreth, Tuesday before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 17 Edward II, A.C. 1323. Endorsed, Penruddok.
[Notts.] C. 5654. Demise, 6 December, 18 Henry VII, by John Ormonde esquire, and Joan his wife to John Hyne of Weston and Robert Breykenall of Marneham of 'on pastur called the Lyng Close within the lordship of Marneham,' for twelve years; rent, 5 marks. English.
[Chester.] C. 5655. Grant by David son of Madoc of Bradelewe to William the miller (molendinario) of a messuage late of Richard the knight (militis) with five butts of land lying next it; also of an assart called 'Lenildeslewe' in the said town of Bradelewe for 4½ marks which William gave him beforehand; with all commons and easements of the town of Bradeleg', with liberty to take brushwood for fencing the said lands within his fields, with 'housbould' and 'heybould' from his wood of 'Castelwode,' &c.; rent, 1d. at the feast of St. Oswald the King for all service. Witnesses:—William de Bykerton, Philip de Eggerton, John de Larketon, Hova son of Yorvard, William de Stocton, Richard Balle, William the clerk. Seal with legend, s . daved . [f'.] madoci. Endorsed, David Rechamsone.
[Kent.] C. 5656. Grant by Thomas Lytley, citizen and grocer of London, to Thomas Bledlowe, citizen and grocer of London, and Thomas Cotys, of co. Kent, gentleman, of those three messuages, 320a. land, 3a. meadow, 40a. pasture, 12a. wood, 7s. 7d. rent and rent of four hens and sixty eggs in Chellesfeld, Orpyngton and St. Mary Cray (Cray beate Marie) which he had by the gift of Joan Purchace, widow. St. Mary Cray, 23 June, 38 Henry VI. Witnesses:—Robert Asshley, Walter 'a Stabill,' and others (named).
C. 5657. Grant, demise and quitclaim by Robert Pych to Adam son of Adam de Mora of all the croft with messuage, hedges, trees and all other appurtenances and all his right therein, doing therefore yearly to Adam de Mora, Adam's father, from whom he held it, the service and rent due therefor, to wit 6d., half at Michaelmas and half at St. Mary in March; for which grant and quitclaim Adam son of Adam de Mora gave him two marks. Witnesses:—G. lord of Berga, Robert Keys, Robert the clerk, Jurdan del Eye, Th. de Monte, Walter Alard, Alexander Possel.
[Salop.] C. 5658. Demise by Roger prior of the hospital of the Holy Trinity of Brugge[north] and the brethren of the same to Roger de Leghton of the same and Joan his wife for their lives of their curtilage in 'le Spitelstret' between the curtilages of Felicia de Caldebrok, Roger Snel, &c.; rent, 2s. Witnesses:—John Rondulph and Robert Bergham, bailiffs of Bruggenorthe, and others (named). Monday the feast of the Purification, 18 Edward III, beginning.
[Bedford.] C. 5659. Grant by John le Spenser to Robert son of Henry Pertcsoyl of Thornecote for his service and for 14s. beforehand in gersum of 1a. land in the field of Buston on 'Padewrthe' situate as described; rent, 1d. at St. Mary in March. Witnesses:—Roger Joce, William Valerian, Richard Juel, Henry de Thornecote, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 5660. Grant by Roger ate Lane of Rikelinge and Alice his wife to Adam le Chareman of Rikelinge for bis service of a messuage, containing 1r. land, and 2a. 3r. land, with houses, buildings, hedges and ditches in Rikeling between the messuage and land of the prior of Berdene, &c. abutting on the highway (regiam stratam) from Neuport to Storteford, &c. Witnesses:— . . . la Veele and Robert de Beause, knights, Richard de Bolitone, and others (named). Friday after St. Faith, 22 Edward I.
[Notts.] C. 5661. Chirograph indented, in the year of King Edward the fourth at the feast of Michaelmas this agreement was made between Agnes daughter of William Marshal (Marescalli) of Radeclif upon Trent, of the one part, and William styled le Moyne (dictum Monach') of Karleton of the other, to wit, that she has demised to him the bovate of land which Richard Wadel of Karleton held of her in the same town with the whole croft and with all the appurtenances to the said bovate belonging, except the toft which the said Richard Wadel held, and with the whole meadow to the said bovate belonging, for twelve years from date; rent, 7s. 6d. Witnesses:—William de Radeclif, clerk, Walter Marescall, of the same, Geoffrey de Jorz of the same, William de Besagus of Karleton, William de Buly of the same.
[Kent.] C. 5662. Grant by Stephen Arnyld of Godyntone to Richard de Godyntone and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Richard of 4a. arable in Godyntone in a croft called 'Hale'; also of 2a. arable in a croft there called 'Longecroft,' situate as described. Chelesfeld, Wednesday the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 7 Edward III. Seal, effaced.
[Oxford.] C. 5663. Grant by Isabel relict of Adam Franchum of Sideham, widow, to Peter Delapole of Sideham and Emma his wife their heirs and assigns of her right in ½d. rent in which Robert de Winslowe, shepherd (bercarius), and his heirs were bound yearly to her and her heirs for a part of her messuage which she sold to Robert; also ½d. rent in which Nicholas de Bertone of Thame was bound to her for 1a. of her land which he bought of her in the town of Sideham. Witnesses:— Ralph Grimbaud, Nicholas Bussard, and others (named). The said 1d. of rent is payable at Michaelmas yearly.
[Kent.] C. 5664. Grant by Levina daughter of . . . Hadman to Sir Richard Court . . . of a curtilage with houses and garden of the inheritance of her said father in the parish of Tunbregge, for 7s. which he gave her beforehand; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—Richard de Hadlo, Walter son of Baldwin the Converse (converso), and others (named).
[Notts.] C. 5665. Demise by John de Cokefeud, knight, to Giliana de Basigfeud of that toft with buildings which he bought of Henry son of Stephen de Watenhou, which she held of the said Henry; to hold all the days of her life; rent, 20d. Witnesses:—William de Belewe, Robert de [K]inmarleg, William son of the parson of Notehale, and others (named).
[Leic.] C. 5666. Grant by Henry Putrel with the assent of his son and heir of a virgate of land in the territory of Howes to Adam son of [Roger de Herdc]by, for his homage and service, that virgate, to wit, which Gilbert the clerk held; rent, 8s. Witnesses:—Gerard de Fanecurt, Robert Arraby, Roger son of the steward (senescalli), and others (named).
[Derby.] C. 5667. Grant for his life by Herbert Snaw to Robert le Vavassur of two bovates of land in Macwrthe which he received (accepi) with Maud his wife, in free marriage; warranty for his life. Witnesses:— Thomas de . . ., . . . de . . . vil, Robert de Piro, knights, Henry de Mora, Ralph de Halum, and others (named).
[Notts.] C. 5668. Quitclaim by Robert le Botiller of Schegbroc to Sir Robert de Stretleya of his right in a rent of 5s. which Robert used to pay him yearly for the whole land and the whole tenement which Robert held of him in all places. Witnesses:—Sir Adam de Everingham, Sir William Darel, Sir John de Everingham, Sir Walter le Flemecg. Sir William de Leyrton, Richard de Lassceles, Ralph de Karleton, Geoffrey the clerk of Stretleya, and others (named).
[Staff.] C. 5669. Grant by John Symcokkes of Fynsphathe to John Whattecroft and Richard Hunte, chaplains, of two parcels of land in the fee of West Bromwych, situate as described. Sunday the feast of St. . . . 13 Edward IV.
[Bedford]. C. 5670. Grant by John Oliver of Beston to Roger de Thornecot of 1a. land in the field of . . . abutting on the highway from 'Padeworth to Caldecot.' Witnesses:—John la Zouch, and others (named). Beston, . . . 9 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 5671. Grant by Thomas Loveryk of Sandwich to Edmund atte Welle of Sarre in the Isle of Thanet of a tenement and 1½a. land lying dispersed in Sarre. 9 January, 2 Henry V.
[N'hamp.] C. 5672. Indenture notifying that, 10 Edward [I], it was so agreed between Robert son of Ralph de Orlingber of the one part, and Master Reynold, rector of the church of Cranesl', guardian of the son and heir of Simon de Cranesl', of the other, to wit, Robert granted and demised to Master Reynold a half-virgate of land in the field of Cranesl', with two messuages in the same town and a virgate of land in the field of Orlingber, which (quas) the said Robert had in right of his ward (nomine warde sue) by the death of Simon de Cranesl', as he asserted, which virgate of land Robert de Lotrington, rector of the church of Orlingber, formerly held to farm of the said Robert till the full age of the heir of Simon de Cranesl', and 5s. rent in the town of Orlingber, to wit, from Henry Pastey at Palm Sunday; to hold till the full age of the heir of Simon de Cranesl'; if the heir of Simon, or any in his name, move question or plea against Robert concerning any land which Robert holds in right (nomine) of ward or escheat as he asserts, after Simon's death, Master Reynold covenants to restore the said lands and rent, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Stephen Rabas, Sir Nicholas de Wimal', William de Sancto Germano, Henry de Sancto Mauro, Walter de Esserbi, Richard de Loges, Roger de Ysham, the clerk.
[Berks.] C. 5673. Grant by Margaret daughter of William Russel, widow, to Hugh Morel son of Robert Morel for his service of four 'rugges' of land in 'Brodecrofte' which lie between this land and land which was of William de Cheldefeud; to hold with the whole pasture which she had or could have with all his beasts; rent, ½d. at Michaelmas for all service; for this he gave her 10s. in gersum beforehand. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Punsard, Hugh de Cumbrewelle, Hugh de Godingeflod, William de Sandun, Richard de Helma, Peter son of the clerk, John the clerk.
[Warw.] C. 5674. Writing by John Mollesley of Bilston and Gerard Ryngeley of Tebynton, lords of Blythe, notifying that they have inspected the charters of John Baggeslough touching a moor with all other the lands and tenements which he holds of them within the lordship of Blythe and within the fee of Shustoke; also that they have quitclaimed all actions against William Baggeslough, son and heir of John Baggeslough, by reason of custody, ward or marriage, heriot or relief or otherwise, except their rents as in his charter is contained. The feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 19 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 5675. Grant by H . . . of Hatfeld Regis to Roger son of Stephen of a piece of land in Hatfelde Regis at the rent of a rose only. Sunday after Ash Wednesday, 17 Edward II. Endorsed, Parcella tenementi de Dawes.
Essex. C. 5676. Quitclaim by Richard Hayward son of Thomas Heyward late of Haveryng atte Boure to Walter Strangman and Agnes his wife, William Thursby of Romford in the town of Haveryng and William Mynmowth, servant of the said Walter, of his right in a garden in Romford, between the cottages of Richard Walker and Thomas Tyler, the highway from Brendewode to London and Katharine Otteley's land called Westfeld, which Thomas Hayward, his father, John atte Asshe and John Fache, since deceased, had by the gift of John Onger, Nicholas Onger, clerk, John Hydon, John Watte, John Webbe and William Newman. 7 May, 38 Henry VI.
[Heref.] C. 5677. Grant by Nicholas Mervin to Adam de la Kalue, clerk, of 3d. land in Pikelmers in the territory of Welinton, for two marks paid beforehand; rent, 1lb. cummin at Michaelmas. Witnesses:— John Mael, Roger Mervin, Walter Restod, and others (named).
[York, W.R.] C. 5678. Grant by Simon Scheberd of Brereley to William son of Richard de Oxppryng of all the lands, &c. with buildings which formerly were John Godeayre's in Brereley, with certain exceptions. Witnesses:—John de Tongge, Thomas Belle of Cotheworthe, and others (named). Monday after the feast of Corpus Christi, 1379.
[Derby.] C. 5679. Grant by Roger de Draycote, clerk, to Nicholas de Kyrkeby, his yeoman (garcioni), for his homage and service of a toft with croft which Walter called 'Panfot' formerly held of him in Brediston; to hold in fee and heredity; rent, 12d. for all service save foreign service. Witnesses:—Martin son of Nicholas de Weremundiswrth, Simon [Pouger] [of] [W]yvillistorp, William Pouger of the same, Richard de Draycot in Brediston. William his brother in the same, and others (named).
[Chester.] C. 5680. Quitclaim by Hamo son of Sir Geoffrey de Dotton to Roger de Dotton of all his land of Tymperleg' and Yhevale, which he had by the gift of Sir Geoffrey de Dottone, his father. Witnesses:— Sir Richard de Mascy and Sir Peter de Dotton, knights, Robert de Mascy of Sale, Henry de Trafford, and others (named).
Middx. C. 5681. Demise by John Kyrkeby, citizen of London, to Richard Osbarn, Thomas Glemesford, Roger atte Hacche and John Silham, citizens of the same, executors of the testament of Peter atte Hethe, executor of the testament of William Potenham, citizen and girdler of the same city, of 11 marks rent from three shops in the lane of St. Lawrence in the Jewry, which they had by the gift of William Palmer and John Bryan; to receive from Easter next for eleven years; he has put them in seisin by 6d. London, 6 March, 21 Richard II.
[Kent.] C. 5682. Grant by William Gerlond of Westerham to Thomas Harry of Bradstede of all that part of a messuage with chambers and a kitchen over built and a garden adjacent which he had by the gift of William Baker of Westerham in the parish and borough of Bradstede abutting on the highway from Sundryssh to Westerham, &c. 1 May, 3 Henry VI.
[Notts.] C. 5683. Grant by Stephen de Bilbourg dwelling (manens) in Watenhou, to Robert son of Walter de Stretle of 4a. land in the territory of Watenhou lying in a place called 'Derthewey'; to hold for his life; rent, a rose at Midsummer for all service, with remainder to John son of the said Robert, his heirs and assigns. Witnesses:— Robert lord of Watenhou, Stephen Ruffy of the same, Robert de Kinmardeley, and others (named).
[Staff.] C. 5684. Grant by Nicholas Schert to Hugh son of William de B . . . of a curtilage and of rent due from Thomas Kene. Endorsed, Niclaus Schert, Madelegh'.
[Kent.] C. 5685. Grant by Roger de Cleygate to Roger de Warham, clerk, of all his land of Colemanneshod, to wit, which he bought of Benet the clerk (clerico) and a croft in Colemanneshod which he bought of Jordan de Orreo, and all his wood which he had of Bartholomew and Hugh le Cupere, to wit, which lies between land of Walter the Converse and Robert the clerk; rent, three peppercorns at Michaelmas saving the service of the chief lords and the king's service, as much as belongs to so much land of the same fee; for this Roger gave him 20s. in gersum. Witnesses:—John de Curton, and others (named). Endorsed, Tonebregg'.
[Notts.] C. 5686. Quitclaim by Roger Hemming of Notingham to Hugh le Flaming of the same of his right in 3a. arable on 'la . . .' in the field of Notingham, situate as described; for this Hugh gave him 40s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Richard de Brademere, bailiff of Notingham, and others (named).
[Herts.] C. 5687. Grant by Thomas Harlham of the parish of Aldenham to Thomas Pamflon and William Schel of St. Albans of a messuage in the parish of Idelstr' abutting on 'Cheppervyle Strete,' &c. The day of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 12 Henry IV.
[Hants.] C. 5688. Grant by Richard son and heir of Simon de Terstewud to Edmund le Brug, of the under-written liberty, to wit, of ingress and egress with beasts and carts through a way where Edmund's ancestors went by the grace of his ancestors, to wit, 'la Burilane' from Edmund's meadow called 'Ruzeny' to Canwelmor, at a yearly rent of 6d. Seal damaged.
[Suff.] C. 5689. Grant by John de Scheltun to God and St. Mary and All Saints and his chapel of St. Andrew in his manor of Stradebroc for his soul and the souls of his predecessors in free alms of a messuage in the town of Stradebroc called 'Phykessaee Phyctel' between arable belonging to the said chapel, &c. abutting on the common pasture called 'Phykessaegrene' and the field called 'Schurstochae.' Wit- nesses:—Sir Richard de Brewse, Sir Thomas Charle, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 5690. Grant by Richard de Pykeden master of the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhampton and the brethren of the same to Roger Kene of Norhampton, farrier (ferratori), for service done them of their house in 'Gropecuntelane,' Norhampton, between the tenements of Thomas Patrik and John son of Robert son of Matthew to hold to him his heirs and assigns except (sine) religious house or Jewry; rent, ½ mark, &c. Witnesses:—John le Megr', mayor of Norhampton, Richard de Sancto Neoto and Osbert de Crouthorp, bailiffs, William le Pessoner, Henry Trank, and others (named).
[Herts.] C. 5691. Quitclaim by Astrilda daughter of Walter de Belendene of Bettelawe to Astrilda daughter of William le Freman 'del Aldewyk' of her right in all the land, &c. which the said Astrilda had by the gift of Thomas son of Walter de Wald', viz. la. meadow and by the grant of William son of Henry de Bettelawe, a half-acre arable. Saturday after St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 16 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—John lord of Putteham, Ralph lord of Merstone, Walter his son, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 5692. Grant by William son of William de Stalham, knight (militis), to Robert his brother for life of his messuage in the town of Irstede; to hold of him and his heirs, doing for him the service due to the abbot of St. Benet of Hulme; rent, to him and his heirs 1lb. cummin for all service; saving his mill . . .; for this Robert released to him his right in 18a. land which were of Alice de Stalham, their sister lying in Scroutebi. Witnesses:—Eustace de Wrzestede and others (named). Dated the fourth day 12 Edward [I].
[Sussex.] C. 5693. Quitclaim by William Shulflegh son and heir of John de Shulflegh to James . . . of his right in all the land, &c. which were of Alice his mother in 'le Rogheye' in the parish of Horsham. Thursday the feast of Innocents, 42 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
London. C. 5694. Grant by Peter Huchon, citizen and girdler of London, to Master Richard Luke, clerk, Ralph Kemp, mercer, Edward Gower, esquire, and Thomas Randes of all the land, &c. in the city of London, which together with Thomas . . . and William Tounlond, citizens and mercers of London, and William Moill, since deceased, he had by the gift of Robert Osbarn . . . of Thomas Osbarne and Alice his wife. Thomas Coke, being [mayor of Lo]ndon, and John [Hampton] and Bartholomew James, sheriffs. Witnesses:—John Stokton, alder- man of London, and others (named). 25 April, 3 [Edward IV].
[Heref.] C. 5695. Charter of Henry III giving to Reynold son of Peter for faithful service lands, &c. in Thurkeleston, Hocle and Aumeleye, late of Roger Pychard, enemy and rebel, who adhered to Simon de Monte Forti, late earl of Leicester; to hold to him and his heirs of chief lords, provided they be not of the demesne of the crown; if they exceed the value of 200l. of land, what is over to remain to the king, &c. Witnesses:—W. bishop of Bath and Wells, Hugh le Bygod, Roger Mortimer (de Mortuo Mari), Roger de Clifford, Roger de Leyburn, Robert Walerand, William Belet, Ralph de Bakepuz, Peter de Champ vent, Bartholomew Bygod. Westminster, 3 December, 50 Henry III. Not on Charter Roll, which is imperfect for year.
Wilts. C. 5696. Assignment by Thomas cardinal priest of St. Ciriac in thermis, archbishop of Canterbury, John abbot of Malmesbury, John Willughby, knight, Richard Haute, esquire, John Phelip, clerk, and John Mermyn of Marleburgh to Joan late the wife of George Darell, knight, of their manor of Axford by Ramesbury, co. Wilts, two parts of all underwood and coppices within the same excepted; which manor they together with Richard Chapeleyn, since deceased, had by the gift of the said George; in name of her dower of all land, &c. in the said county, her dower in the manor of Lytelcote and her dower of all the woods and underwoods within the manors of Knyghton and Thrope by Ramesbury excepted; rendering therefor yearly to them 40s. Witnesses:—Roger Tocotes, knight, John Wroughton and Henry Longe, esquires. 8 January, 14 Edward IV.
N'hamp. C. 5697. Licence to Nicholas Motte, parson of Swynesheved, and others, to enfeoff Thomas la Warre, clerk, of the manor and advowson of Wakirley, co. Northampton, and the manor of Middelton, co. Sussex (as in Patent Roll Calendar under date); and for Thomas la Warre, after seisin had, to give the same to Thomas bishop of Durham, John Henege, Richard Lumbard, clerk, and Richard Fryth, the said Nicholas and John Overton. 3 July, 2 Henry V. Fragment. Cf. Pat. Roll, 2 Hen. V, pt. I, m. 14.
[Bucks.] C. 5698. Grant by Maud daughter of Richard del Broc of Cestresham to Walter son of John de Everesholt, carpenter, in free marriage with Rose daughter of Hugh atte Strete (ad Stratam) of Cestresham, of all that half-virgate of land which Richard del Broc, her father gave her in free marriage, with her whole half wood, with her capital messuage; rent, to the chief lords 12d. at Michaelmas for all service, save foreign service of the king. Witnesses:—Sir John de Wedon, knight, Richard de Charderugg, and others (named).
[Bucks.] C. 5699. Grant by Philip (ego Ph'us) de Ayllesbury to John Jacob of Wengrave of a messuage, 9a. land, 3r. meadow in Wengrave for life; rent, 12s.; with remainder after John's decease to Richard son and heir of John and the heirs of Richard's body, to hold, &c. for the said 12s. rent, with remainder in default of Richard's issue to the said Philip (Phio) his heirs or assigns (assignatis suis). Witnesses:— John Aignel, and others (named). Aldebury, Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas, 20 Edward III.
Kent. C. 5700. Conveyance by John Mundy, vicar of Bexele, co. Kent, Richard Aldulf, of Tunbregge, John teyherst, of Tunbregge, the younger, and William Dykere, of Tunbregge, to Richard Heyward, of a messuage with small garden adjacent in Tunbregge, in 'Cherche lane,' situate as described, which they had by the gift of William . . . ., late vicar of Tunbregge. Thursday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 33 Henry VI. Fragments of seals.