Warrant Book: April 1712, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 26, 1712. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.

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'Warrant Book: April 1712, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 26, 1712, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1954), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol26/pp222-239 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Book: April 1712, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 26, 1712. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1954), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol26/pp222-239.

"Warrant Book: April 1712, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 26, 1712. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1954), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol26/pp222-239.


April 1712

April 1. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney General or Solicitor General for a great seal to determine and revoke the existing Wine Licence Commission to Thomas Lake (since deceased), John Harwood, Robert Lowndes, Thomas Goodall and William Congreve and in place thereof to constitute the following as Commissioners, Managers and Agents for granting Wine Licences, viz. Robert Lowndes, William Congreve, John Wyndham, George Scott and John Floyer: with 200l. a year salary each. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 188.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Charles Blunt, Paymaster of the orders in the Two Million Adventure, to pay and apply the sum of 11,902l. 15s. 7d. (which came into the Exchequer before 1711 Sept. 29 on the Duties granted for said Adventure) to the satisfying of principal only of the tickets of said Adventure: in accordance with the opinion of the Attorney General with which Treasurer Oxford concurs.
Prefixing: statement of opinion by Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, on the petition of said Blunt as under date March 31, supra, p. 221, "I am of opinion the intent of the Parliament was that the moneys that came in (for the Duties granted) on or before Michaelmas should be immediately paid to discharge so much of the principal moneys: and moneys being in the Exchequer no interest was or could be due for that sum: and therefore the first tickets must have the 11,902l. 15s. 7d. and no interest." Money Book XXI, p. 477.
Same by same to Spencer Compton to pay 10l. to Anthony Dagley for Gelano Mahony as royal bounty to the said Mahony.
100l. to Col. Philip Howard as same. Ibid., p. 479.
Money order for 50l. to Col. John Pearne for 1712 Lady day quarter's allowance as Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat. Order Book VIII, p. 167.
Same for 500l. to Robert Lowther for one quarter to 22 March last as Captain General and Governor in Chief of Barbados and several other islands and places in America.
50l. to Walter Hamilton for 1712 Lady day quarter as Lieutenant Governor of Nevis.
50l. to Michael Lambert for same as Lieutenant Governor of St. Christopher. Ibid., pp. 167–8.
Letter of direction for 750l. to William, Earl of Dartmouth, Secretary of State: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XXI, p. 245.
April 1. William Lowndes to the Clerk of the Peace [for Co. Middlesex] to enquire of the Justices before whom Dorothy Hughs was convicted at Hicks Hall 23 May 1710 for keeping a disorderly house if they have any objection to remitting her three fines of 5l. each, she being prisoner in Newgate and in a very miserable and poor condition. Out Letters (General) XVI, p. 160.
Same to the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts] to report on Robert Walpole's report as late Secretary of War on the memorial of Peter Hartopp and Henry Hatley, joint Deputy Paymasters of the Forces that went on the Expedition under the Earl of Rivers in 1706. Is there any reason for increasing the allowance at first settled on them by the Establishment of that Expedition ? Ibid., p. 161.
Same to same. In your report touching the bills drawn on account of the late Expedition to Canada it is represented that many of the stores which were put under the care of Mr. Nettmaker, a Commissary, are brought back and laid up in warehouses which (besides the charge of keeping) will grow useless and valueless if not speedily disposed. The Lord Treasurer directs you to survey same, their quality and condition and report how they may be disposed of to the Queen's best advantage. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Harley. What is the most proper way to satisfy the 279l. 8s. 0d. due to Sir John Gibson, Lieut. Governor of Portsmouth, on his accounts for fire and candle for that Garrison in 1689, 1690 and 1691 ? Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Capt. John Paul, Commander of her Majesty's ship Hastings, shewing that Henry Twyford and Henry Alderman have laid false information against him in relation to running great quantities of uncustomed goods to the value of 2,268l. and praying that same may be examined by the Attorney General. Reference Book IX, p. 57.
Same to [Mr. Manley] the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Frances Addison, widow of Thomas Addison, shewing that her husband discovered four messuages in the Savoy demised to Popish uses and was at great expense in defending the Crown title thereto and his petition for a grant was favourably reported on by the [then] Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]: therefore praying a lease thereof or that the 925l. 5s. 10d. owing to her said late husband may be paid to her. (In the margin: a fresh reference dated 1714 May 6 hereof to Mr. Pendarves, present Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Mr. Manley having made no report thereon.) Ibid., p. 58.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to allow in account to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets anno 1709, the sum of 205l 4s. 10d. for incidents for two years ended 1710 Sept. 29.
Prefixing: said Harley's report on the bill for said incidents. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 389.
Same by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the scite of the Castle of Exeter in order to a lease thereof for 99 years to Sir Edmund Prideaux and 24 other gentlemen, detailed, certified by the Clerks of the Peace of Co. Devon to be nominated by the Justices of Peace of said county to be the trustees of said lease in behalf of the county: on surrender of the lease in being of the herbage of said Castle.
Prefixing: report by said Surveyor General on the petition of the said Justices of Peace for same. The rent of 10l. per an. is accounted the improved value of the herbage, "the same and the Castle Ditches and Castle Close having anciently been all leased at 35s. per an. rent: and since this 10l. a year for the herbage hath been reserved no fine hath been set on any leases granted thereof. In the old leases of the said herbage the Castle itself was, as it is at this time, reserved for the public use of the Crown and county for holding the Assizes and Sessions therein, but it is now intended to make it more commodious for the said uses on obtaining this [new] term. The trustees as above were appointed by the Justices at a late Quarter Sessions agreeable to the Act of Parliament of last session [9 Anne, c. 24]. There should be a proviso in the new lease "that if at any time during the term the Castle of Exeter shall be thought necessary for the good of the Government to be garrisoned and made defensible that power shall be reserved and remain in her Majesty." Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 390.
April 2. Royal sign manual for 1,000,000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad: towards the charge of our Armies or Forces consisting either of Foreign or Subject Troops that are or shall be under his pay for the year 1712 and for and towards the Queen's proportion of subsidies upon treaties with the Allies. (Money warrant dated April 3 hereon.) (Money order dated April 3 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 179. Order Book VIII, p. 166.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Auditor of the Receipt, the Clerk of the Pells &c. to set apart, reserve and apply the 29,381l. 12s. 2¼d. overplus money as at Lady day last of the fond settled and appropriated by the Act of 4 Anne [4–5 Anne, c. 18], (for paying 184,242l. 14s. 0d. per an. in annuities purchased anno 1706) for and towards making good the fond for paying and discharging the annuities not exceeding 72,187l. 10s. 0d. per an. purchased on the Act of 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 2], for the service of 1707: such transfer of overplus funds from the 1706 annuities fund to the 1707 annuities fund being directed by the said last named Act.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the said surplus as at 25 March 1712. Money Book XXI, p. 477.
Money warrant for 24,337l. 19s. 9½d. to the Bank of England for 1712 March 25 quarter on the allowance of 3 per cent. for circulating Exchequer Bills to a total of 3,257,612l. 10s. 0d. as follows: and is to be satisfied by 2,230l. 11s. 8½d. arisen between 1711–12 March 8 and March 25 on the Two Thirds Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage applicable to this service and the remaining 22,107l. 8s. 1d. out of Exchequer Bills to be made forth by the Auditor of the Receipt and dated March 25 last.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt, of the Exchequer Bills circulated by the Bank during said quarter:
£ s. d.
[3% allowance thereon]
on 3,219,512l. 10s. 0d. circulated 1711 Dec. 25 to 1712 March 25 24,146 6 10½
on 4,000l. issued Jan. 12 last for discharge of interest: 73 days 24 0 0
on 24,100l. issued Jan. 18 last for circulation: 67 days 132 14
on 5,000l. issued Jan. 31 last for discharge of interest: 54 days 22 3 10
on 5,000l. issued Feb. 23 for discharging interest: 31 days 12 14
£24,337 19
(Money order dated April 9 hereon.) Ibid., p. 478. Order Book VIII, p. 171.
April 2. Letter of direction for 197l. 8s. 0d. to Mr. Johnson for [two years on] the city impost [of wines for the officers et al. of the Corporation of the city of London]: out of Civil List moneys: see supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXV, p. 426, under date 1711 Aug. 29. Disposition Book XXI, p. 245.
Same for 2,210l. 4s. 9d. to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1712; and is to be paid over to Col. William Kerr's Regiment of Dragoons on account of their pay. Ibid., p. 246.
Same for 150,000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: 60,000l. thereof out of loans as above and 90,000l. out of loans to be made on said Land Tax by Sir John Lambert, Edward Gibbon and Richard Hoare: the said 150,000l. to be paid over to said Lambert et al. in satisfaction of their bills given for the service of the Forces in Flanders, whereof 50,000l. were given Jan. 18 last at 10 guilders 10 stivers; 50,000l. on Jan. 29 last at 10 guilders 8 stivers; and 50,000l. on Feb. 1 last at the like rate. The security of 180,000l. of South Sea Stock deposited with him, Lambert, is hereupon to be transferred back to said Brydges. Ibid., pp. 246–7.
April 3. Money warrant for 50l. 3s. 9d. to Philip Ryley for half a year to 1712 Lady day on his fee or salary of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day as a Serjeant at Arms. (Letter of direction dated April 30 for 50l.) Money Book XXI, p. 479. Disposition Book XXI, p. 259.
Same for 42l. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College for one year to 1711 Xmas on their perpetuity. (Letter of direction dated May 12 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 508. Disposition Book XXI, p. 263.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Commissioners for Hides enclosing the Customs Commissioners' report concerning Customs officers making out debentures for drawbacks on Duties on hides exported. Please draft a clause to be inserted in some Act of Parliament this Session for remedy of the matters complained of and send it hither for my Lord Treasurer's perusal [see supra, p. 204]. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 162.
April 3,
16, 19, 23,
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Medcalfe as collector of Bridgwater port loco William Cornish, who relinquishes same.
Griffith Evan as a tidesman in the superior list, London port, loco John Guest, deceased.
John Pill as a landwaiter, Plymouth port, loco John Voysey, deceased.
Daniel Chubb as a tidesman, Bristol port, loco Joseph Williams, who has quitted.
William Hull (a tidesman in the inferior list, London port) as a same in the superior list, Ibid. loco Thomas Rowe, deceased.
Hen. Strudwick to succeed said Hull in the inferior list.
William White, preferred from the inferior to the superior list of tidesmen, London port, loco Thomas Frazer, deceased.
Roger Dawson to succeed White in the inferior list.
William Wadman as a tidesman at Hull loco Edward Fenn, deceased.
Jonathan Smith as a tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco William Skinner, who has quitted. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 405, 406, 410, 412.
April 3. Treasury reference to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, of the petition of Col. Charles Douglas, son of Sir William Douglas, shewing that in consideration of his father's great losses and services to the Crown the Queen (at the prayer of his said father) "transferred" to him 547l. 10s. 0d. per an. for the maintenance of his father and himself till recompense of the said losses could be made, "but upon his application to the Paymaster of the Forces at home to pay him pursuant to her Majesty's warrant he refused, saying the House of Commons had struck off part of the contingent money for the service of North Britain and that he ought to apply to her Majesty for a new warrant ": therefore prays a new warrant for the support of his father and family, having no other dependence. Reference Book IX, p. 57.
April 4. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 40,000l. to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: as imprest for the services of the Works. (Money warrant dated April 10 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 9.) (Money order dated April 15 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 180. Money Book XXI, p. 487. Order Book VIII, p. 176.
Same dormant to Spencer Compton to establish and pay the following pensions and annual bounties as from 1711 Xmas: viz.
Frances Ireland and Jane Ireland, each 50l. 100
Robert Paltock 40
Lucy, relict of Edward Howard, Esq., deceased 60
Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 180.
Royal sign manual for 1,237l. 10s. 0d. to John Drummond, Esq., 1,200l. thereof for so much by him expended by the Queen's command for special services relating to the war; and the remaining 37l. 10s. 0d. for Exchequer and other fees thereon. (Money warrant dated April 7 hereon.) (Money order dated April 9 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 181. Order Book VIII, p. 173. Disposition Book XXI, p. 256.
April 4. Money warrant for 3,386l. 10s. 2d. to John Williams, agent to her Majesty's printers, for paper and printing Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Forms of Prayer, speeches and other things delivered by the said printers from 1710 Sept. 29 to 1711 Sept. 29 to the Archbishop of Canterbury and divers public Offices and for stationery wares for the service of the two Houses of Parliament. (Money order dated April 6 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 480. Order Book VIII, p. 181.
[?]. [Allowance by Treasurer Oxford of the] salary bill, detailed, of the Salt Office for 1712 March 25 quarter: total 1,142l. 10s. 0d. Money Book XXI, pp. 480–1.
April 4. Money warrant for 500l. to John, Earl of Stair, late Envoy Extraordinary to Augustus II., King of Poland, for a bill of extraordinaries 1709 Dec. 6 to 1710–11 March 17 in the said service.
Appending: said bill as allowed by Secretary the Duke of Queens-berry 16 April 1711 "as being within the Regulation":
£ s. d.
for postage of letters 233 4 6
for newspapers and Intelligence 125 0 0
for stationery ware 66 13 4
for expresses 75 2 2
£500 0 0
(Money order dated April 7 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 7 hereon for satisfying same by a loan to be made by said Earl on credit of her Majesty's tin.) Ibid., p. 482. Order Book VIII, p. 170. Disposition Book XXI, p. 250.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Auditor of the Receipt et al. to transfer the overplus as at Lady day of the (Fund for Annuities anno 1706 and the like of the) Fund for Annuities anno 1707 to the Fond for Annuities anno 1708 in accordance with the Act of 6 Anne, c. 39, to wit the Act for 40,000l. Annuities for the service of the year 1708.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt. At Lady day last there remained in the Receipt of the Exchequer of the Fonds settled and appropriated by the Act of 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 2], for 72,187l. 10s. 0d. per an. annuities purchased anno 1707 the sum of 33,771l. 9s. 10¼d. as an overplus of the said Fonds (thus distinguished, overplus of the Annuity Fond anno 1706, 29,381l. 12s. 2¼d.; overplus of the Annuity Fond anno 1707, 4,389l. 17s. 8d.; making together 33,771l. 9s. 10¼d.) as over and above [after] satisfying all the said annuities and charges of paying and accounting for the same: which said overplus money is applicable to the payment of the said 40,000l. annuities purchased anno 1708. Money Book XXI, p. 485.
Letter of direction for 133,833l. 0s. 3d. to Charles Cæsar, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans to be made by himself on credit of the Land Tax anno 1712, "the tallies and orders for the said loans and all interest accruing thereon from the dates [thereof respectively] being intended to be assigned over to the South Sea Company "for payment of the interest to said Company for last March 25 quarter.
Likewise 65,000l. to James Brydges out of like loans to be made by himself to be registered next and immediately after the above loans by the Navy Treasurer: and is to be reserved in said Brydges' hands for use of the Forces as the Lord Treasurer shall direct: the interest on the tallies of said loans being hereby to commence from the dates [thereof]. Disposition Book XXI, p. 248.
April 4. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Navy Treasurer. On your memorial of this day the Lord Treasurer agrees that you pay over and apply to the Victualling 10,000l. out of the undisposed residue of the 50,000l. lent to you by the Bank on March 28 last: and is to be for carrying on the New Course of that [Victualling] Office to the end of March last. Ibid., p. 249.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to levy and bring into the Exchequer the arrears on [the farm rent of] the Duties on prizage wines due to the Crown from the late husband of Lady Katherine Paul according to a report from the Attorney General on her petition. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 162.
William Lowndes to same enclosing an anonymous letter [missing] sent to the Lord Treasurer by [way of] the Penny Post about some abuses committed in the way of trade. Ibid., p. 163.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to pay the Civil List of Scotland for 1712 Lady day quarter to a total of 4,973l. 8s. 11d.
Prefixing: said Civil List, being the same as that of Jan. 12 last, supra, p. 113, save that no payment to John Law, her Majesty's Almoner, appears here. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 307–9.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners, Scotland, to pay the salary bill of the Customs, Scotland (not detailed), for said quarter. Ibid., p. 310.
Same by same to same to appoint Lewis Hay as Comptroller and Surveyor of Customs at Prestonpans loco Miles Tounson, suspended for fraudulent practices.
Philip Orfeur as landwaiter and searcher Ibid. loco Edward Hall, suspended for same.
John Hamilton as collector Ibid. loco James Cathcart, who declines the service. Ibid.
April 5. Money warrant for 20l. to William Andrews, clerk, as royal bounty for the charges of his passage to America, "being pitched upon by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts to go and reside among the Sachems and instruct those poor people." (Money order dated April 7 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 30 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 482. Order Book VIII, p. 165. Disposition Book XXI, p. 259.
Same for 1712 Lady day quarter to the Bedchamber as follow, viz.:
500l. to Elizabeth. Duchess of Somerset, as Groom of the Stole and First Lady of the Bedchamber.
250l. each to the Ladies of the Bedchamber, viz. Anne Charlotte, Lady Fretchville; Jane, Countess of Rochester; Mary, Duchess of Ormonde; Frances, Countess of Scarborough; Rachel, Duchess of Devon; Lady Katherine Hyde; Juliana, Countess Dowager of Burlington; Anne, Countess of Sunderland; and Ann, Countess of Abingdon.
125l. each to the Women of the Bedchamber, Isabella Harts-tongue, Lady Masham, Beata Danvers, Agnata Cooper, Margaret Fielding and Alice Hill.
75l. each to the Maids of Honour, Jane Kingdon, Jane War-burton, Ann Wyvill, Mary Forrester, Susanna Yelverton.
(Money orders dated April 12 hereon.) (Letters of direction dated May 23 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 483. Order Book VIII, p. 174. Disposition Book XXI, p. 266.
April 5. Same for 150l. to Thomas Coke for same quarter on his allowance or salary as Vice Chamberlain of the Household. (Money order and letter of direction, ut supra.) Money Book XXI, p. 483. Order Book VIII, p. 174. Disposition Book XXI, p. 266.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Spencer Compton to pay 150l. to Thomas Parks as royal bounty. Money Book XXI, p. 485.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petitions [missing] of Sir Ambrose Crowley, kt., and Charles Brander, merchant, for release of the ships Content, True Love and Prince William from quarantine; two of them being laden with iron, pitch and tar for her Majesty's service. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 162.
Treasury reference to the Secretary at War and Mr. Brydges of the petition of Brigadier Alexander Grant praying to be allowed 4l. per man for the several men [of his Regiment] turned over to complete other Regiments and to have their subsistence paid to the time of the other Regiments in Great Britain to enable the Officers (who have recruited their Companies) to pay the Regiment's debts, which is now to be recalled from Scotland. Reference Book IX, p. 59.
Letters patent by Treasurer Oxford appointing Bernard Hutchins to be Paymaster of the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1711 [as by the Act 9 Anne, c. 6]: with the salary of 500l. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 391–2.
Warrant by same to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against John Osborne et al., sureties of Robert Brown, late Receiver General [of Taxes] for part of Norfolk. Ibid.
Subscription by same for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated March 5 last to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the provision of Bibles, Common Prayer Books and other necessaries, detailed, for her Majesty's Chapels at St. James's, Kensington, Hampton Court, Windsor Private Chapel: to be delivered to Mr. Lucas, Keeper of the Closet: to an estimate of 420l. (including one large folio Bible and Prayer Book for the Queen's seat in the Closet at St. James's; 12 Prayer Books in 8° for the front of the four side seats; 48 ditto plain bound for the Queen's lodgings there; damask carpets for the desks; damask cushions &c. for Windsor). Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 397.
April 5. Subscription by Treasurer Oxford for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the provision of 20 yards of narrow Macklin lace for the Queen: to an estimate of 20l. Ibid., p. 327.
April 7. Money warrant for 374l. to Isaac D'Alais, appointed by her Majesty to reside at the Court of Hanover to carry on the correspondence from that Court until the arrival of another Minister: being his ordinary of 20s. a day from 1709 Dec. 22 (the day he was last paid) to 1710 Dec. 31, from which day his allowance of 40s. a day as her Majesty's Secretary to the said Court commences. (Money order dated April 16 hereon.)
716l. to same for 358 days 1711–11 Jan. 1 to 1711 Dec. 25 on his abovesaid ordinary as Secretary at the Court of Hanover. Money Book XXI, p. 487. Order Book VIII, pp. 179–80.
Same for 730l. to Henry Davenant for one year to 1710 Dec. 25 on his ordinary of 40s. a day as her Majesty's Secretary at Frankfurt. (Money order dated April 16 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 488. Order Book VIII, p. 179.
Same for payment of the fee of 4l. each to George Watts, deceased, late First Secondary in the Queen's Remembrancer's Office, and Francis Butler, Second Secondary there, to wit from 1707 Xmas (the date to which they were last paid) to 1711 Xmas. Money Book XXI, p. 508.
Letter of direction for 1,000l. to Henry St. John, Secretary of State: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XXI, p. 249.
J. Taylour (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to the Commissioners for Taxes. The Lord Treasurer directs you to attend at the Treasury every Friday about noon, till such time as he shall direct to the contrary. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 163.
William Lowndes to [the Comptrollers of Army Accounts] to report on the report from the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance on the petition of the Marquis of Montandre praying removal of the charge of 765l. 12s. 0d. charged on his Regiment for arms delivered out of the Tower of London and deducted out of the arrears of the Captains of said Regiment; and that same may be allowed by her Majesty: the Duke of Ormonde having laid said petition before my Lord Treasurer. Ibid.
J. Taylour to Lord Lansdown [Secretary at War] to prepare a royal warrant for paying 40,899l. 19s. 1d. for the enclosed contracts [missing] (which the Lord Treasurer desires you to peruse and check) made with Messrs. Vanderkaa and Castagno for bread and bread waggons for her Majesty's Forces in Flanders in the ensuing campaign. Ibid., p. 164.
April 7. Same to the Excise Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer approves your report of March 31 last on the petition of the merchants exporters of hops from England to Ireland; and directs you to draft a clause to be inserted in some Act to relieve the exporters of hops from the difficulties they complain of. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to deliver up John Woosley's (Woolsey's) bonds as surety in 1694 for William Hawson for 49l. 7s. 6d. of tobacco Duties and in 1699 and 1700 for Mr. Partie of Newcastle for 282l. 19s. 11d. for same; on his paying the principal remaining due thereon and the charges of prosecution, but without paying interest thereon: Woolsey being in very mean circumstances and serves Samuel Shepeard (a considerable merchant of London) as an accountant for his ships at an ordinary salary and has a wife and three children to maintain.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the case. Out Letters (Customs) XV. pp. 408–9.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Stephen Scot, Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, praying the salary of his said post from the death of his father-in-law, Major Lane, to the date of his own appointment. Reference Book IX, p. 58.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests of the petition of the Treasurer of the Chamber for 731l. 12s. 3d. for services not strictly within the rule of the Establishment of that Office:
and likewise the petition of John Holbech, clerk in the said Office, for 100l. for two years' salary as such. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to repay to John McPhedries (Macfadries), merchant, 313l. 13s. 5¼d., being the Spanish Duty which he paid in Scotland in shipping off wines from Dumfries for Liverpool, being part of a cargo of wines which he imported at Dumfries in August 1708 in the Loyal Union prize, himself master, paying all Duties thereon at importation as Spanish wines and of which he re-shipped on the 13th of the same month 60 half pipe on the ship Rose of Glasgow, Thomas Hill master, for Liverpool by coast coquet, but at Liverpool George Tarvin, one of the landwaiters, seized same as French and appraised same at 838l. 9s. 6d., whereupon McPhedries procured a writ of delivery on giving security to answer the value if condemned; and the cause was tried in the Exchequer in July 1709: the same having been condemned he has in July 1710 paid to her Majesty the full value of the appraisement: and it is thereupon the opinion of the Customs Commissioners, England, and the Customs Commissioners, Scotland, that he should be repaid the sum which he paid for said Spanish Duties.
Prefixing: separate reports by the two sets of [Customs] Commissioners on the case. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 310–14.
Subscription by same for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Master of the Jewel House for 200 ounces of gilt plate to the Duke of Atholl as a gift from her Majesty on the christening of his child: to an estimate of 100l. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 327.
The like by Treasurer Oxford for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Master of the Jewel House for 70 ounces of gilt plate to Ja. Eckersell, Clerk of the Kitchen, as a gift from her Majesty at the christening of his child. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 327.
April 8. J. Taylour [to the Navy Commissioners] to make forth a bill on the Navy Treasurer for 6,000l. to Sir Roger Mostyn, Paymaster of the Marine Regiments, as imprest for the subsistence of the Marines on shore, and to be applied towards clearing debts contracted in quarters: said sum is to be assigned for payment out of the undisposed residue of the 50,000l. lent by the Bank of England to the Navy Treasurer March 28 last. Disposition Book XXI, p. 247.
Letter of direction for 17,656l. 13s. 1½d. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1712: and is upon account for the service of the Forces under his pay. Ibid.
Same for 752l. 3s. 9d. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance: out of loans ut supra: and is intended for land service of the Office of Ordnance and to be applied to answer two thirds of the bills as below drawn by William Hawys, who went Commissary for the Train of Artillery in the late Expedition to Canada, "and for which he is accountable": the said bills being drawn payable as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
11 July 1711 to Thomas Blesco in three bills 914 5 8
16 July 1711 to Benjamin Edmonds 114 0 0
15 July 1711 to William Portress 100 0 0
£1,128 5 8
Ibid., p. 249.
Same for 12,847l. 16s. 4d. to the Navy Treasurer: out of loans as above: for services, ut supra, p. 26. Ibid., p. 250.
Same for the issue by way of application of the residue of the Land Tax credit anno 1712: being for the issue of 251,700l. 11s. 5½d. ("or such other sum as together with the loans made or transferred to the Land Tax for the year 1712 shall complete 1,880,000l., being the whole of the credit given [by Parliament] thereupon"): the issue to be by or in the form of loans to be made by the several payees as follows on credit of said tax: viz.
£ s. d.
to Charles Cæsar, Treasurer of the Navy:
the orders for which loans are to be drawn without interest 56,700 0 0
to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: interest for this sum is to commence from the dates of the tallies 58,300 0 0
to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: with interest from the dates of the tallies 60,000 0 0
to Harry Mordaunt, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance: with interest from the dates of the tallies 20,000 0 0
to James Brydges: with interest from the dates of the tallies ("or such other sum" &c. as above) 56,700 11
£251,700 11
Ibid., p. 251.
April 8. J. Taylour (in the absence of the Secretaries of the Treasury) to Lord Fitz Hardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 105l. to Joseph Smith, one of her Majesty's Messengers [of the Chamber] in Ordinary: he being appointed to attend the Duke of Ormonde, Captain General of her Majesty's Forces in Flanders, in the ensuing campaign: being 60l. for his travelling charges due in the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber and 45l. for one year's salary to Xmas last. Ibid., p. 252.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report (on the enclosed order of the Queen in Council) whether the several places in the Baltic (from which ships coming were ordered to perform quarantine) are free from the plague. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 164.
Same to same to send to the Treasury Chamber the papers found in the Manila ship in order to their being opened before the Lord Treasurer. Ibid., p. 165.
Same to James Brydges to report on Mr. Beaumont's case touching the difficulties and hardships he lies under in his forage contracts for want of money to carry on the same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Burchett to lay before the Admiralty Lords the application for payment of several bills of exchange drawn by Sir Hovenden Walker, when in the West Indies, on the Navy Commissioners and Victualling Commissioners. My Lord Treasurer is informed that the moneys so taken up have not been accounted for and therefore desires the Admiralty to order him [Walker] to account forthwith to the Navy and Victualling according to the method of their respective Offices. (A like letter to the Board of Ordnance.) Ibid., p. 166.
Treasury reference to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of Bernard Hutchins proposing his securities, detailed, in 5,000l. for his place as Paymaster of the 1711 Lottery [for 1,500,000l. as by the Act 9 Anne, c. 6]. Reference Book IX, p. 58.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Elizabeth Wilde shewing that her husband has been a close prisoner in the Poultry Compter for seven months for Customs due from John Goodwin of London, merchant, insolvent, for whom her husband was security for near 20,000l.; and by his confinement he is deprived of all means of subsisting and reduced to a desperate and distracted condition. Reference Book IX, p. 60.
April 8. Instrument by Treasurer Oxford granting power to Nehemiah Arnold, Humphry Brent, Thomas Cornwallis and Christopher Tilson to make forth orders in lieu of tickets of the 1711 Lottery [for 1,500,000l. as by the Act 9 Anne, c. 6] and to treat and agree for the stationery for same and generally to carry on all matters relating thereto, giving to the Lord Treasurer every 28 days an account of their proceedings: and further requiring the persons who were appointed to be Managers and Directors of the said Lottery to deliver to the said Arnold et al. all the tickets, books and papers now in their possession. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 399–401].
April 9. For the privy seal of this date concerning South Sea Stock for the public, see supra, pp. 185–188.
William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges touching your memorial for a very great sum to be paid on this side to answer stoppages from the Regiments in Spain and Portugal for sundry services of the said Regiments. The Lord Treasurer directs you to separate the said demand and to lay before him only so much as is due and may be paid to Officers for their subsistence who are actually here, though the Regiments and Companies they belong to are in Spain or Portugal. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 165.
J. Taylour (in the absence of Treasury Secretaries) to the Navy Commissioners to send the Lord Treasurer an account of all the money that has been paid for præmiums for naval stores imported from the Plantations since the passing of the Act [3–4 Anne, c. 9, and clause 35 of 8 Anne, c. 14] for allowing thereof. Ibid.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts to report on the Earl of Clarendon's memorial, referred to you some time since, concerning money due from Mr. Thrales for the subsistence of the Independent Company at New York when his Lordship was Governor there. Ibid., p. 166.
Same to the Excise Commissioners enclosing a letter [missing] subscribed Robert Finch offering a proposal for the improvement of the revenues of Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners enclosing a letter [missing] from Thomas Russell, distributor of Stamps for Co. Suffolk, praying to be continued therein. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the petition of Israel Feilding, some time Comptroller and Commissary General of Provisions, praying stay of process [on his accounts] in regard some of his vouchers are mislaid. Reference Book IX, p. 58.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the security, detailed, of Bernard Hutchins in 5,000l. as Paymaster of the 1711 Lottery [for 1,500,000l.]: the same being reported sufficient by Francis Butler, Second Secondary [in the Queen's Remembrancer's Office]. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 395.
April 9. Allowance by same of the list of charities and bounties payable in Scotland, to wit (1) persons entitled to charitable pensions by privy seals or by letters from her Majesty, and (2) persons on the Charity Roll before the Union and thought fit to be continued: all for the half year ended 1711 Dec. 25; total 1,000l.
Prefixing: said list dated 1711–12 Feb. 26 certified by the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. As compared with the previous half year's list, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXV, pp. 375–6. under date 18 July 1711 the present list shows the following changes: Names in the previous list but now omitted: Margaret Denniston, 3l.: William Graham, 3l.; Hannah Livingston, 30l.; Sir John Whitford's spouse, 5l., appears now as Rebecca Lockhart, wife of Sir John Whitford; Margaret Cotterell now appears as Margaret Colvill: and the following new names appear: Mrs. Blair, 2l.; Mrs. Barbara Spence, 3l. 5s. 0d.; Mrs. Barbara Campbell, 5l.; Agnes Thomson, 1l.; Katherine Stewart, 1l.; Mrs. Ann McClean, by her Majesty's warrant, 10l.; and Mr. Francis is described as a poor minister. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 315–19.
Same by same of the salary bill, detailed, of the officers of Excise, Candles and Hides for Scotland for 1712 Lady day quarter: totals respectively 1,139l. 11s. 8¼d.; 26l. 5s. 0d.; 281l. 5s. 0d.; full total 1,447l. 1s. 8¼d. Ibid., pp. 320–1.
Same by same of the incidents bill, detailed, for the said three Offices for same quarter: total [combined] 398l. 10s. 0½d. Ibid., p. 322.
William Blathwayt, as Auditor of the Plantations, to William Lowndes proposing Mr. Alain Gilbert to be Receiver of the Casual Revenue in the Leeward Islands. In my representation in Oct. last on the Plantation revenues I noted the vacancy of the said Receivership and also proposed said Gilbert, now residing at Antigua, as fully qualified to fill that vacancy. As the ships are now on departure for those parts I again put you in mind thereof. Out Letters (Plantation Auditor) III, p. 71.
April 10. Royal warrant to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's annual pensions and bounties, to pay to James Howard the 120l. a year which is payable to his father, Col. Philip Howard, under the present Establishment [of the Queen's said pensions and bounties]; it having been hitherto applied for the support of said son, and his father having prayed that it may hereafter be paid to the said son. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 181.
Same dated St. James's to the Attorney General and Solicitor General for a great seal containing an indenture of conveyance to be made by Mr. John Evelyn of Wotton, Co. Surrey; Anthony Philips of the Redhouse in Deptford, brewer; William Twyford of London, gent.; John Fromantiel of London, gent., and John Strickland of Greenwich, Kent., of some ground to be laid into her Majesty's dockyard at Deptford, to wit a piece of land abutting on the Thames and on a field called the Ten Acres or Little Crane Meadow (whereof the said piece is part) from the paled fence of the Redhouse Wharf to the Queen's Yard Gate, being 485 foot in front, and also in front from the wall of the Redhouse to the said Queen's Yard Gate, 489 foot, and from the Water Gate to the extent of the declivity of the Bank which is within two foot of the edge of the Rill of the meadow called Little Crane Meadow to the said Water Gate towards the Thames, 220 foot, and containing in all 2½ acres lying in the parish of Deptford, alias West Greenwich: reserving to the said Evelyn for his mansion house called Says Court a way or passage 24 feet in breadth leading from the Thames up the Stairs and Water Gate over the premises towards the said Mansion house and with a reservation of a right to the said Evelyn, his tenants and occupiers of the Redhouses aforesaid to enter upon the premises (upon notice) for repairing the buildings of the Redhouses abutting on the premises and for opening and shutting the trunk of the drain or sluice leading from Little Crane Meadow by the wall of the Redhouses into the Thames for letting out or bringing in the water at the sluice thereto belonging as often as need shall be: the consideration to be 1,500l. to John Evelyn, 550l. to said Philips, Twyford and Fromantiel and 5s. to John Strickland: all notwithstanding any act made by the said John Evelyn or by John Evelyn, deceased, his father, or John Evelyn, deceased, his grandfather, or by George Evelyn of Wotton or Richard Evelyn of Epsom. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, pp. 182–6.
April 10. Royal sign manual for 842l. 6s. 6¼d. to Francis, Visct. Ryalton, late Cofferer of the Household; being to complete what incurred and became due in the Cofferer's Office to the end of March 1711. (Money warrant dated April 15 hereon.) (Money order dated April 16 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated April 19 hereon.) Ibid., p. 187. Order Book VIII, p. 177. Disposition Book XXI, p. 258.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 314,141l. 14s. 5¾d. to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: as imprest and as in full (together with 200,000l. as by the royal sign manual of Dec. 22 last) of the 514,141l. 14s. 5¾d. voted by the House of Commons March 19 last for maintaining the Guards and Garrisons in Great Britain and for payment of the Invalids for the year 1712; that is to say 468,830l. 15s. 10d. for the Horse, Foot and Dragoons in Great Britain and nine Independent Companies; 14,410l. 18s. 7¾d. for the pay of the General Officers; 7,500l. for Contingencies and 23,400l. for the pay of the Garrisons in Great Britain. (The privy seal hereon is dated April 25.) (Money order dated May 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 190. Order Book VIII, p. 187.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Arthur Maynwaring [one of the Auditors of Imprests] to allow in account to William Roberts, Paymaster of her Majesty's Works at Windsor, the sum of 224l. 1s. 8d. for his incidents for the two years ended 1708 Sept. 29.
Appending: bill of said incidents with Maynwaring's report thereon. Money Book XXI, p. 486. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 393.
Approval by same of the form of the Orders which are to be exchanged for the Tickets delivered out in the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1711, viz. as follows:
No. 500.
John Doe, Esq. Ordered the 31 day of March 1712 by virtue of the Act of 9 Anne, c. 6, for said Lottery that out of the Duties and sums of money by the said Act granted there be paid to John Doe of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Co. Middlesex, his executors &c. the principal sum of 7,790l. together with 6 per cent. interest by half yearly payments at Lady day and Michaelmas until the said principal sum shall come in Course to be paid according to the said Act; the first of the said payments to begin and be made for the half year due and ended at Lady day past 1712: which said principal sum is the amount of the chances upon 100 tickets delivered up by the said John Doe and cancelled: the said 100 tickets being part of the 1,000 tickets beginning No. 100,001 and ending 150,000 which happened to fall within its Course of payment. 7,790l. principal money, the annual interest whereof is 466l. 16s. 0d.
Let this order be executed in all things according to the tenour thereof.
Examined: registered: the tickets cancelled and this order certified by us Chr. Tilson, N. Arnold, H. Brent, T. Cornwallis.
Order Book VIII, p. 172.
April 10. J. Taylour (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to the Navy Treasurer to apply the 6,092l. 8s. 7½d. remaining undisposed in your hands of the 50,000l. lent to you by the Bank of England March 28 last to satisfy tickets demanded by [or in accordance with] Act of Parliament and payable in the month of March last and to answer several deficiencies on the head of Wages [in accordance with clause 30 of the Act 9 Anne, c. 15, for the South Sea Company]. Disposition Book XXI, p. 252.
Same to the Transport Commissioners to report on the enclosed accounts and papers [missing] relating to moneys claimed on bills of exchange for transporting the French Garrison from Annapolis to La Rochelle in 1710. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 167.
Same to James Brydges to report on the petition of several poor widows whose husbands belonged to the Detachment of Foot Guards in Spain and other private men thereof praying to be paid an arrear of subsistence from 1705 June 24 to 1706 July 22 as certified by Brigadier Russell, Commander of the said Detachment. Ibid.
C[hristopher] Tilson (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to Lord Halifax [Auditor of the Receipt]. The Act [9 Anne, c. 6] for the 1711 Lottery provides that the sums payable on the Lottery shall be paid in or near the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster. My Lord Treasurer has constituted Bernard Hutchins to be Paymaster thereof. Please assign to him some convenient place for an Office in or near the Receipt [of the Exchequer] "to make his said payments in: that so the great sums remaining in the Exchequer to pay principal and interest on the Lottery Tickets may be issued to the persons to whom it belongs without delay." Out Letters (General) XX, p. 168.
April 10. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to pay Stephen Scot from 1710 Oct. 22 to 1711–12 March 17 on the allowance of 100l. per an. as Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, he having performed the duty thereof from the death of Edward Lane 1710 Oct. 22, but being only established therein by the Lord Treasurer's warrant March 17 last.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' report on said Scot's petition. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 405–6.
Same by same to the Queen's Remembrancer for the enlargement of George and Joseph Newell from Newgate prison under extents long since issued in aid of Geo. Dixon, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Somerset: security to be first given in 5,000l. for their surrender when required.
Prefixing: report by the Commissioners of Taxes on the petition of said George and Joseph Newell setting out the proposed securities for such surrender. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 338–40.
Royal warrant dated St. James's [to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to pay 600l. to William Burgh, Accomptant General of Ireland, as reward for his extraordinary service in stating and balancing the public accounts [of Ireland] for the Parliament in that kingdom for the two Sessions held in 1710 and 1711: being 300l. for each Session: as recommended in two Addresses of the House of Commons of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 267.
Same to same for a pension of 100l. per an. on the Irish Establishment to Lawrence Stanyan, late one of the Farmers of the Revenue, Ireland: the Barons of the Exchequer, Ireland, having (upon a petition of the said Farmers) reported a very great debt due to them, but the length of time and the war of that kingdom had rendered it too difficult to advise the issuing of process against [persons in arrear in] the country for the recovery of those arrears, but proposed some composition to be made with the said Farmers for the same; and that in particular the case of said Stanyan deserves consideration, he being a person of good birth and formerly lived in a very plentiful condition, but is now extremely reduced by his attendance and solicitation of the said debt or arrears. Ibid., p. 268.
Same to same for a pension of 3s. a day on the Irish Establishment to Katherine Codray, widow of Capt. Noah Codray, late a Captain in the Earl of Peterborough's Regiment of Dragoons, and killed in the battle of Almanza, she with her daughter being left by her said husband without any support and her case being recommended by several members of the Parliament of Ireland: same being advised by the Lord Lieutenant as in lieu of an allowance of 26l. per an. paid her in England as an Officer's widow, which is inconvenient to receive by reason of her living in Ireland and too small for her support. Ibid., pp. 268–9.
April 10. Same to same to restore Lieut. William Gunter to the Establishment of half pay in Ireland for 2s. a day as from 1712 Lady day: he being unjustly struck off. Ibid., p. 270.
Same to same to similarly restore Capt. William Hamilton to 3s. a day half pay: he having been unjustly struck off. Ibid.
Same to same to order the Paymaster General of the Forces, Ireland, to remit to England 540l. 18s. 6d. to be paid into the Exchequer, England, in the names and upon the accounts of the respective Receivers General of Taxes [in England] as in satisfaction of moneys paid by them for account of recruits raised for Regiments [on the Irish Establishment] as follows.
Appending: certificate by Auditor Thomas Jett to Henry, Earl of Rochester, and Arthur, Earl of Anglesea, Paymasters General of the Forces in Ireland, of the moneys advanced by several Receivers General for recruits to several Regiments out of the Tax moneys for the years 1709 and 1710 [under the provisions respectively of the Recruiting Acts of 7 Anne, c. 2, for the year 1709 and 8 Anne, c. 13, for the year 1710]: viz.
on the twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709.
Thomas Brougham, Receiver for Westmorland and Cumberland: 17l. 6s. 6d. for Col. Delaune's Regiment and 2l. for Col. Caulfeild's Regiment.
John Thornton, Receiver for Co. Lancs.: 12l. for Col. Creighton's Regiment; 316l. 8s. 0d. for Major General Gorge's Regiment, and 56l. 17s. 6d. for Lieut. Gen. Tidcomb's Regiment.
Geo. Hosier, Receiver for Co. Salop: 4l. for Lieut. Gen. Tidcomb's Regiment.
Robert Longdon, Receiver General for Co. Worcester: 8l. for Lieut. Gen. Stewart's Regiment.
Sam. Clarke, Receiver General for Co. Hereford, 28l. 2s. 0d. for Lieut. Gen. Stewart's Regiment.
John Rogers, Receiver General for part of Co. Bucks: 48l. for same Regiment.
Alexander Horton, Receiver General for other part of Co. Bucks: 12l. for same Regiment.
Samuel Bayly, Receiver General for Co. Stafford: 28l. 3s. 6d. for same Regiment.
Miles Parker, Receiver General for Co. Oxford: 8l. 1s. 0d. for same Regiment.
Ibid., p. 271.