Volume 22: May 3-June 30, 1693

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Volume 22: May 3-June 30, 1693', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696, ed. Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp290-303 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Volume 22: May 3-June 30, 1693', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Edited by Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp290-303.

"Volume 22: May 3-June 30, 1693". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Ed. Joseph Redington(London, 1868), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp290-303.


May 3–June 30, 1693

May 3.
1. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a memorial annexed, of Doctor Alix, praying liberty to import (custom free) paper, for printing a new edition of “Ecclesiastical Councils,” referring it to their Lordships' consideration. The amount for which remission was prayed was 592l. 17s. 6d. upon 6,000 reams of demy paper. Dated 3 May 1693.
Minuted:—“The petitioner to have 200li.”
Also the memorial referred to, in which he says the same favour was granted for “the Polyglott Bible, the volumes of the Critik commentators, Mr. Pool's Synopsis, and other such burdensome public works.” 3 pages and 2 lines.
May 4. 2. Petition of William Howell, messenger in ordinary to King Charles the Second, addressed to the King, for the grant of one moiety of the estate of 80l. per ann. belonging to Robert and Richard Petre, both Romish priests at Stanvod [Stanford] Rivers, Essex, he having been at great expense in outlawing them, and obtaining a decree.
Minuted:—(1st) “Recd 4 May 1693. Read ye same day in Councill & referred to the Lords of the Treasury,” and (2nd) “27 June '99. The estates were not vested in K. Charles ye 2d, by vertue of any information from ye petr, but by ye attainder of ye Petres.” Also two enclosures, one of which is the copy of the decree. 4½ pages.
[? About
May 4.]
3. An address to [Her] Majesty of [Her] dutiful and loyal subjects, “Ar. Shallett, John Travers, and Antho. Wilkes,” upon the accompanying report, signifying that the report afforded no satisfaction to her almost undone subjects, except interest for part of their money; but they would do what they could to content the numerous families concerned throughout the nation, in hopes (if nothing towards the principal could be presently paid,) an order might be made for a present payment of national interest, from the [time of the] discharge of the respective ships, &c. Without date, but about the time of the report.
Report of the Lords of the Treasury, to the [Queen], on an Order in Council, requiring them to consider the petition of the distressed widows, masters, owners, and others concerned in the transport ships employed in the reduction of Ireland; certifying that the debt owing to the petitioners amounted to about 320,000l., which had not been provided for by Parliament. They had presented a scheme to the King, before his going to Holland, out of which the expense of the war was to be supported. The estimates were short of what the service would require, and the funds provided by Parliament would also fall short of the estimates. Expressing the opinion that interest for some part of the debt would be a relief, but [Her] Majesty must charge her own revenue therewith, which was already very far anticipated. Dated 4 May 1693.
Minuted:—“6 months' interest to bee paid to these.”
The Order in Council and the petition referred to. 2 pages and 2 halves.
May 4.]
4. Petition of Martha Peirce, whose husband, John Peirce, being eldest serjeant to Capt. John Hawkins' company, lost his life in their Majesties' service in Ireland, addressed to Sir Stephen Fox, praying him to order her husband's arrears to be paid to her, as she and her three children were reduced to a deplorable condition.
Minuted:—“4 May '93. Referred to Mr. Fox.” 1 page.
May 4.]
5. Petition of the officers of the marine regiments, praying payment of their arrears, now of above three years' standing; stating that they had subsisted their men at the expense of all their fortunes during the necessity of the Treasury.
Minuted:—“4 May '93. The agents to send the state of their arrears.” 1 page.
May 6. 6. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Noades, late surgeon of the first regiment of Guards, praying for 59l. due for medicaments for that regiment, for half a year, ended the last of June 1690, at the rate of 12d. per man; not objecting to the allowance. Dated 6 May 1693.
Minuted:—“8 May '93. A letter to my Lord Ranelagh, to put it on his memoriall.” 1 page.
May 6. 7. Letter of Secretary Trenchard, about Mr. Mackay's having the usual allowance belonging to a riding surveyor. Dated 6 May 1693. 1 page (quarto).
May 8. 8. Memorial of Tracy Paunceforte to the Lords of the Treasury, in answer to their Lordships' commands about the providing for physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, and all things relating to the serving their Majesties' hospitals, for this campaign in Flanders, offering his reasons for declining to comply with their Lordships' commands, in relation to the “Phisick part,” but offering to provide nourishment for the sick.
On the back, 8 May 1693. 1 page.
May 8. 9. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Captain Francis Hammon, praying for an allowance, as Deputy Governor of Languard Fort, for the time past, and a settlement for the time to come; recommending an allowance. Dated 8 May 1693.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“31 May '93. To make it up 8 shillings a day, from the 1st of January 1692.” 2 pages (quarto.)
May 11. 10. Order in Council, referring to the Lords of the Treasury, for their report, the petition of Lancelot Simpson, Gent., which set forth that in 1687 he had a lease for 31 years granted to him by the Queen Dowager, and her trustees, of several parcels of land, concealed from the Crown, in the honour of Penreth and forest of Inglewood, in the county of Cumberland, at 5l. per ann. when he should recover and be in possession of them, and prayed that he might have a concurrent lease thereof for 99 years. Dated 11 May 1693.
Minuted:—“The petitioner to show his title already had [sic] & what probability hee hath of recovering what he desires.”
Accompanied by the petition. 1½ pages.
May 11. 11. Order in Council, referring the annexed petition of several officers and attendants of their Majesties' sea train (who had received no pay for their last service, and expected to be shipped for the next sea expedition,) to the Lords of the Treasury, to examine the same and report to the Queen what they judge fit to be done. Dated 11 May 1693.
Minuted:—“To speake with the officers of the Ordnance.” 2 parts of pages.
May 12. 12. Report signed S. Travers, Surveyor-General, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, on “the petition of Thomas Neale, Esq., to be admitted to purchase the term in being, made up 99 years, or the fee of the late Duke of Monmouth's house in Sohoe, at the rate it is really worth.” Minutely describing the descent of the property from 1672; and advising what reservations should be made, if the prayer of the petitioner be granted. Dated 12 May 1693.
Also the petition. 3 pages.
May 13. 13. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Mathews, Gent., Receiver-General of the second twelve months' aid and quarterly poll, for the county and city of Hereford; in favour of allowing him 213l. 18s. 4d. for his extraordinary charges. Dated 13 May 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.”
Also the petition. 3 pages.
May 15. 14. Report of Wm. Lowndes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Mr. Henry Herbert; praying that Mr. Bevis Lloyd, receiver of South Wales, might be suspended from the execution of his office until he paid or secured the sums of 2,181l. 4s.d. and 824l. 4s.; certifying as to the state of the accounts and advising that if, upon the precedents referred to, their Lordships should suspend Mr. Lloyd, a fit person should be appointed to receive the revenue; and adding that Mr. Herbert desired that the person appointed might be accountable to him. Dated 15 May 1693.
Minuted:—“A copy of this report to Mr. Lloyd, and look out Mr. Chetwinde's report, concerning what is due to the Duke of Beaufort.”
Also the memorial. 3 pages.
May 15. 15. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the case of Geo. Dunt, merchant, concerning a parcel of latin wire, landed by mistake; advantage being taken thereof to seize the same, stating that they had awarded that the officers should make restitution of their part and moving their Lordships to remit the King's part. Dated 15 May 1693.
Also two affidavits. 5 pages.
May 15. 16. Letter of William Blathwayt, Esq., to Mr. Guy, stating that Lord Galway had presented to the King the enclosed memorial (of Col. Henry Conyngham, praying for permission to ship, custom free, 250 horses from England, for the new raised regiment of dragoons under his command in Ireland), and His Majesty ordered that the necessary directions should be given. Dated “Camp at Dighem, 15/25 May 1693.”
Accompanied by the memorial. 2 pages (quarto).
May 16. 17. Report of John Knight, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury, upon the petition of Samuel Pett, Esq., who held by a lease from the late Archbishop of Canterbury, dated 1687, several parcels of marsh land in the island of Thanet, at a quit rent of 75l. per ann., discharging all taxes, &c.; advising that abatements should be made for scots and taxes, as the lands in those parts had fallen from 20s. an acre to 16s. Dated 16 May 1693.
Minuted:—“The Lords will not discharge this arrear.”
Accompanied by the petition. 1½ pages.
May 16. 18. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes made to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Child, Gent., Receiver-General of the second 12 months' aid and quarterly poll in the county of Wilts; praying that 376l. 13s.d., overpaid on that aid, might be transferred to his account of the quarterly poll; expressing their opinion that it might be so done. Dated 16 May 1693.
Also the petition and the Auditor's certificate. 2¼ pages. (In perishing condition.)
May 16. 19. The Attorney-General's opinion concerning the grant of the office of Chamberlain in the Exchequer to Mr. Cole. Dated 16 May 1693. 1 page. (A large portion decayed away.)
May 16. 20. Representation of the Comrs for sick and wounded seamen, &c., to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the debt for that service was then 45,460l. 1s.d.; urgently seeking for a speedy supply, without which numbers must undoubtedly perish, if set on shore in the approaching action, especially on the western coast, viz., Portsmouth, Dartmouth, Plymouth, &c., from which they had weekly deplorable accounts; 15,000l. being at least due to those ports. Dated 16 May 1693. 1 page.
May 17. 21. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Edward Mitchell, Gent., Receiver-General of the second 12 months' aid, for the county and city of Gloucester, in favour of allowing him 210l. for his extraordinary charges; he having paid into the Exchequer 43,780l., which he brought up in four journeys, with 20 men well mounted and armed for his guard, by reason the highways were so infested with robbers. Dated 17 May 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.”
Also the petition and his account of disbursements. 3 pages.
May 17. 22. Petition endorsed “The Gunmakers' Petition, 17 May '93;” viz., of the gunmakers of the city of London, who had been employed in working for the Office of Ordnance; complaining that they were to have received ready money for their work, but were then offered tallies, on which they could not raise money, and that they were ready to perish; praying for speedy relief. Numerously signed. 1 large page.
May 17. 23. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Martin Elkin and James Cropp, merchants, touching a seizure of pearl ashes; advising a “noli prosequi,” as was desired. Dated 17 May 1693.
Minuted:—“10 July '93. Agreed to.”
Also the petition and an affidavit. 3 pages.
May 17.]
24. Memorial of Brigadier Levison to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the regiment was ordered to march from its quarters in Dorsetshire and Somersetshire to the borders of Scotland; praying for three months' pay, for the officers to provide equipage, there being great arrears due to them.
Minuted:—“17 May '93. Their accounts to bee perfected.” ½ page.
May 18. 25. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor-General, to the Lords [of the Treasury], finding the allegations in the annexed petition of Aderana Webb to be true, viz., that King Charles II. purchased an equitable interest which one Jolley (an old servant to King Charles I.) had in a long strip of ground on the east side of St. James's Park wall, which included the house in which the petitioner's husband then inhabited, and extended southward to that wherein William Storey lived, and paid 260l. for the same interest. The piece of ground was granted to the trustees of Sir Henry Fane, for 50 years, in A.D. 1690, by the Duke of Albemarle, at 6s. 8d. rent, excepting the house; advising that buildings should not be allowed to be erected to the injury of the petitioner and her neighbours. Dated 18 May 1693. 3 pages.
March 21
and May 18.
26. Two certificates of Francisco Antonio (?) Havarro of the sums due to the Foreign Letter Office, for letters from Spain, Holland, and Flanders, from the late Spanish Ambassador, Don Pedro Ronquillo, before his death. The first relates to what was due up to 25 May 1691, and the second from 25 March 1691 to the last of May 1692. Dated 21 March 1692–3, and 18 May 1693.
Minuted:—“Referred to the Governours of the Post Office.” 2 half pages.
May 24. 27. Report of J. Richards to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition “of their Majesties' vocal musick,” stating that the vocal and instrumental music were joined in the late reigns of King Charles and King James, with an allowance of 40l. per ann. each, and they were sworn in indifferently and directed to be paid to Lady Day 1690, since which the instrumental only had been paid. Dated 24 May 1693.
Minuted:—“To bee respited till the establishment is altered.”
Accompanied by the petition. 2 pages.
May 24. 28. Copy of the foregoing report, wrongly dated 23 May 1693. 1 page.
May 24. 29. Representation of the Comrs of Excise and arrears of hearth money to the Lords of the Treasury, as to credit having been given to Mr. William Probert, Receiver-General of hearth money in North Wales and part of South Wales, for 188l. 13s. more than was paid in by him; that sum having been advanced by Mr. Nathaniel Horneby. Dated 24 May 1693.
Minuted:—“A warrant to be prepared according to the report.”
Accompanied by the balance sheet of the Receiver-General and three receipts. 3 pages 3 halves.
May 24. 30. Letter from the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that the principal officers of the Navy had informed them that they had not heard that any tallies had been turned into money, for the payment of half a year's wages to the workmen of the yards; earnestly desiring that their Lordships would take care that the money might be forthwith provided, or the works would be at a stand. Dated 24 May 1693. 1 page.
May 24. 31. Letter of the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring they would order a supply of money to the Comrs of the sick and wounded on account of the great arrears due for quarters, as the nurses at Portsmouth, Gosport, &c. refused to receive any more sick and wounded men until their arrears were paid, &c. Dated 24 May 1693. 1 page.
May 24. 32. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mr. Perry, Mr. Richards, and others, Virginia tobacco merchants, for allowance of discount on their bonds. Dated 24 May 1693.
Minuted:—“30 May '93. It cannot be done.”
Also the petition. 2½ pages.
May 24. 33. Letter from the Comrs of sick and wounded seamen to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that their agents tell them plainly that from all, and especially the western ports, viz., Portsmouth, Gosport, Dartmouth, &c., they can no longer procure quarters, and the seamen are daily sent on shore in great numbers; sending copy of the memorial of 16th inst., since which about 600 more had been sent on shore. Dated 24 May 1693.
The copy of the memorial referred to. 2 pages.
May 25. 34. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Barker and others, employed by Captain Shales when Commissary-General, in the years 1687 and 1688, finding that there was due to them 1,390l. 18s. 2d., which ought long since to have been paid. Dated 25 May 1693.
Also the petition. 2 pages.
May 25. 35. Report of Lord Ranelagh on the following report and on other papers relating thereto. Dated 25 May 1693.
Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Col. John Hales, late colonel of the regiment of foot now commanded by Col. Robert Goodwin, and gone for the West Indies, praying payment of 1,650l. due for clothing and other accoutrements, for some of which he was arrested, and was in danger of being sued for the whole; giving the result of the reporter's examination into the clothing accounts, and recommending that he be discharged. Dated 20 April 1693.
Minuted:—“31 May '93. To speake with Coll. Hales & the agent of the regiment together.”
Also a letter of Col. Hales. 4 pages.
May 26.]
36. Petition of William Ashwin to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that divers persons had been condemned and executed in the time of King Charles II. for treason committed in the late Popish plot, and the profits of their possessions were not accounted for to the Exchequer; praying for an order that he might receive the moiety of what he recovered.
Minuted:—“26 May '93. My Lords will give him a third, hee being at all charges of prosecution.” 1 page (decayed).
May 28. 37. Report of Sir Robert Cotton, Knt., and Thomas Frankland, Esq., Postmasters General, on the petition of Mr. James Vickars, which stated that the “Grace,” dogger, a packet boat belonging to the petitioner, was seized by two privateers in the bay of Dublin, who took everything out of her, but allowed the petitioner to redeem her for 50 guineas; recommending the allowance to him of 150l. for his loss. Dated 28 May 1693.
Accompanied by the petition. 2 pages.
May 30. 38. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Richards, Gent., Receiver General of the second 12 months aid, for the county of Hertford, in favour of allowing him 60l. for his extraordinary charges, he having paid into the Exchequer 32,299l. 10s., which he brought up at four journeys, with 20 men well mounted and armed for his guard, by reason the highways were so infested with robbers. Dated 30 May 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
May 31. 39. Representation by the Comrs of the sick and wounded seamen to the Lords of the Treasury, stating their design to remit the 2,000l. ordered by their Lordships to Portsmouth and Gosport, towards payment of one half year's arrears, due 25 March 1692; but the poor people could not entertain the sick and wounded for the future, as those who did so after the engagement in Midsummer quarter, 1692, were not in course to receive any part of this money, &c. Dated 31 May 1693. 1 page.
May 31. 40. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, as to the examination of cockets and other despatches from the several ports of England, produced in Holland, for tobacco and other plantation commodities, enumerated in the Acts of Trade and Navigation, to which duty Mr. Abraham Kick, a merchant in Rotterdam, had been appointed. Dated 31 May 1693. 1 page.
[May.] 41. Petition of Robert Rodway, Thomas Hawgood, Robert Lord, and other tradesmen, concerned in clothing their Majesties' first regiment of Foot Guards, for the years 1691 and 1692; praying that “the new clothiers may not postpone the old by commencing their pay before the first of this instant May 1693.”
Minuted:—“7 June '93. Referred to my L. Ranelagh.” 1 page.
June 2. 42. Letter of Viscount Sydney to the Earl of Nottingham as to the payment of the judges who held their courts in Michaelmas Term, 1690, in Ireland. Dated 2 June 1693.
Minuted:—“4 Oct. '93. A letter to ye Lds. Justices yt it be don accordingly, unless they have any objection to ye contrary.”
With a note that Her Majesty referred it to the Treasury. 1 page.
June 2. 43. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Francis Boggest, one of the patent waiters in the port of London; praying to resign his office, having to attend the Right Hon. the Lord Capell in Ireland, who was appointed one of the Lords Justices, and that the office might be granted to Nicholas Raynton. In favour of the transfer. Dated 2 June 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 2 pages.
June 3.]
44. Petition of Anthony Dun and Anthony St. Leger to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that for several years they had made it their whole business to bring to justice the clippers and counterfeiters of the coin, and at their own costs had brought to trial above four-score persons, and above 40 were convicted and punished, and they had seized clippings, false money, tools, and other goods, to the value of about 1,000l.; praying an order for their expenses, and a reward for their pains.
A recommendation of their case by the Mayor and Recorder [of London] and one other, stating that the petitioners had been eminently serviceable to the Government. Dated 31 May 1693.
Also at the foot an affidavit of the truth contained in the recommendation. Dated 3 June 1693. 2 pages.
June 5. 45. Letter from the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing extracts from two letters, one from the Comrs of the Navy and the other from Sir Edward Gregory, Comr at Chatham, by which it appears that if money were not immediately supplied for paying the yards, the works would be at a stand. Dated 5 June 1693. 3 pages.
June 7.]
46. Petition of Gideon Godet, a French Protestant refugee, addressed to the Queen, stating that after having served three different envoys extraordinary of the Crown in the Court of France, in the quality of French secretary, he was obliged to flee to England to endeavour to obtain some recompence for his services. The death of King Charles II. prevented his obtaining it; the disposition in the last reign was not favourable to him, and in the present various circumstances had interrupted the settlement. The Duke of Schomberg had recommended him to the King for his services rendered to ministers of the Crown, in the Court of France, at the risk of his life, to discover the practices and intrigues of emissaries of the Court of France; praying for a pension and a present aid. [French.]
On the dorse, in addition to an epitome of the above, it states as follows:—“He enumerates several spys & pensioners he hath detected, as Christien, a spy who receiv'd 100 crowns per month from Monsr Louvois [French Secretary of State], & was seis'd here upon ye petrs informaçon & his papers decipher'd by ye petr. The Chevalier de Beaujen Mazot, an English gentleman (whose name must be conceald), who receiv'd a pençon from France by ye hand of Du Livier, a French banquier in London; his letters were intercepted by ye petr. This service Mr Vernon can testifie.
“Likewise ye Jesuit Abercrombe, going from France into Scotland, upon ye petrs notice to my Ld Nott[ingham], and his Lo[r]ps advice to Secretary Johnson, ye Jesuites letters were intercepted, and his whole design discovered and frustrated. For wch services he hath yet receiv'd nothing from ye Governmt, tho' very expensive to ye petr.”
Her Majesty referred the petition to the Lords of the Treasury to report on it, 7 June 1693.
Minuted:—“To bee considered when the King comes, & in the meane [time] the Queene to bee moved to give him 20l.” 3 pages.
June 7. 47. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Richard Johnson, one of the apothecary's mates belonging to the Royal Hospital of Dublin, in favour of his claim for 61l. 5s., due to him since 19 Nov. 1691. Dated 7 June 1693.
Minuted:—“10 June '93. To be considered when ye arrears of Ireld are paid.”
On the back of the petition.
Also a statement of the account. 3 pages.
June 8. 48. Report of Philip Ryley, Surveyor-General of Woods, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mr. Rider, lieutenant of the forest of Whittlewood, and master keeper of Wakefield Walk there, as to the extent of certain ground desired to be enclosed with pales, and the expense of the same. Dated 8 June 1693.
Minuted:—“27 July '94. Agreed to the report.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
June 9. 49. Letter from Mr. Benjn. Overton to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them the proceedings of the Sheriffs of London, in relation to “clippers,” and the damage which happened by their seizing, violently, all things brought into Court for evidence, as well as the goods, moneys, &c. of such offenders. If their Lordships had the clippings and forfeited goods to dispose of, according to the Privy Seal, 50 would be convicted in place of one. The insolence of the Sheriffs ought to receive some discountenance. Recommending that the clippings, &c. should be deposited in indifferent hands, and that the Bailiff of Westminster should be summoned to account for what clippings, &c. he had received belonging to Middleton, lately executed for treason, &c. Dated 9 June 1693.
Also another letter from him to their Lordships, desiring that Mr. Aaron Smith should be summoned to give an account of his proceedings with the Sheriffs on this subject. Undated. 2 pages.
June 9. 50. Letter of the Lords of the Council in Ireland to the Earl of Nottingham on an application made to them by Capt. Hobson, their Majesties' Chief Surveyor in the port of Dublin, setting forth his services and sufferings in the late troubles, for part of which he had received a recompence, with an assurance of further consideration; recommending him strongly to his Lordship's favour that he would move Her Majesty in his behalf. Dated 9 June 1693.
With a note referring it to the Lords of the Treasury.
Also copies of two petitions, and divers other papers relating to the case.
[Capt. Hobson, in the late revolution, by means of a small vessel of his own, supplied Londonderry with powder and other stores, and was afterwards employed by the Lords of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, in a message to Major-General Kirke, in the river of Londonderry. He was taken by the French, and committed close prisoner to Dublin for above 11 weeks.]
It appears by a letter, dated 24 Jan. 1695–6, accompanying the above, that this business was not then settled. 11 pages (very decayed).
June 9. 51. Letter of the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that the Comrs of the Navy cannot dispose of the tallies furnished by their Lordships for the payment of the yards; desiring their Lordships to think of some method for the speedy payment of the men. Dated 9 June 1693. 1 page.
June 12. 52. Letter from the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, touching the want of money for imprests and answering bills of exchange; also the want of half a year's pay for the men of the yards. Dated 12 June 1693.
Also the copy of the letter from the Navy Board thereon; an extract from a letter of Sir Edwd. Gregory, and a copy of a letter from the master shipwright at Woolwich. 3½ pages.
June 13. 53. “An estimate of the ordnance, carriages, armes, powder, shott, and other stores and habiliaments of warr to be sent to the island of Jersey for their Maties service there, by order of Councill, dated the 25th of May 1693.” Dated 13 June 1693. 2 pages.
June 13. 54. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, recommending as in former reports, the establishment of some small frigates on the coast of Kent and Sussex, to prevent a dangerous correspondence being carried on between the French and the disaffected in this kingdom, and for the seizure of French goods imported and English wool exported, &c. Dated 13 June 1693.
[The enclosures have been separated.] 1½ pages.
June 16.]
55. Particulars of victualling for men and horse transported to Holland and Flanders.
Endorsed:—“Accompt of provisions, No. 1. Recd the 16th June 1693, from the Commissioners of the transport shipps, being 5 papers, numbered from 1 to 5.”
[The other four not now with this paper.] 1 page.
June 20. 56. Report of Mr. Aaron Smith to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mr. Henry Killigrew, and on a memorial of Mr. Peter Stepkins and Mr. Buckley Wilsford, concerning the estate of one Edmund Robinson, of Bankend, in the county of York, clerk, attainted and executed for treason; viz., as to the rights of the parties in the estate. Dated 20 June 1693.
Minuted:—“Mr Killigrew to have what was promised to him.”
Also the petitions and other papers relating thereto. 9 pages and parts of pages.
June 21. 57. Letter from the Lords of the Council in Ireland to Lord Nottingham, transmitting the petition of Dionisia Hull, widow, which sets forth that several of her houses in Cork were made use of for their Majesties' service, and prays payment for the same; desiring their Lordships to lay the accompanying report of the Comrs of the Revenue, to whom the matter had been referred, before Her Majesty. Dated 21 June 1693.
Referred by the Queen to the Lords of the Treasury, 12 Aug. 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to ye Comrs report.”
The petition, the Commissioners' report, and some other papers. 8 pages or parts of pages (much injured).
June 21. 58. Letter of the Comrs for sick and wounded seamen, &c., to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that they had paid the half year's charge up to 25 March 1692, at Portsmouth and Gosport; but not being able to pay to the ensuing Midsummer, in which the late sea engagement took place, the poor people were almost distracted. Southampton, Fareham, and the Isle of Wight, (whose debts were contracted in the Midsummer season,) had not received a farthing, and Dartmouth, Totness, and other western ports resolved not to quarter a man for the future, &c. Expressing their inability to provide for the seamen, who would be set on shore after the “present expedition.” Dated 21 June 1693.
“To be considered on next Wednesday.” 1 page.
June 21.]
59. Memorial of the Earl of Oxford to the Queen, showing that the royal regiment of horse under his command was ready to be clothed but had no trumpets, coats, and banners ordered; praying that the King's troop might be furnished out of the Wardrobe as was customary, and that 1,000l. might be paid towards the furniture of the other troops.
Minuted:—“21 June '93. The Lords will speak with the officers of ye Wardrobe, for so much as concerns that office, and with the agent as to ye rest.” 1 page.
[? About
June 21
60. Petition of the Right Hon. John Lord Roche, Viscount Fermoy, of the kingdom of Ireland, addressed to the Queen; showing that he had received a pension of 250l. per ann., by a grant from King Charles II., until the late war in Ireland began; that his father and brother, both Lords des Roche, and the petitioner, had been sufferers for King Charles I., even to the unheard of cruelty of the petitioner's mother being hanged at her own door by the regicides; that the petitioner's brother followed King Charles II. in all his exile, and after the Restoration rendered service to the Crown, by assembling 80 officers to suppress the fifth-monarchy men; and kept guard until they were totally subdued. Praying the Queen to direct the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to re-establish his pension, or that he might receive the royal bounty
Minuted:—“21 June '93. There is no confirmaçon as yet of ye old list of pencions.” 1 page.
[? About
June 21.]
61. Petition of Ann, widow of Capt. James Archer deceased, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that two officers of the customs at Bristol were fined at the King's Bench bar, in 200l. each and one in 100l., and had been imprisoned ever since; that the petitioner's husband served the Crown as engineer for 26 years, and she lost her three sons in the service of the Crown; in consideration of which the King granted her the fines set on the above persons. Praying for a remission of the remainder of the fines, “that at length she may have some benefit therefrom, which can be but small, in regard of their great poverty.”
Minuted:—“21 June '93. The Lords resolve never to advise the remitting of this fine.” 1 page.
June 23. 62. Letter signed J. Sotherne, on behalf of the Lords of the Admiralty, to Henry Guy, Esq., Secretary to the Treasury, inclosing the names of the Commissioners appointed to discharge the duties of Lord High Admiral, in order that they might be laid before the Lords of the Treasury, and a privy seal passed for paying their salaries. Dated 23 June 1693.
Also copy of the warrant. 1 page and 2 half pages.
June 27. 63. Petition of Margaret, widow of John Clark, Esq., deceased, addressed to the Queen, for payment of the arrears due to her husband, who was lieutenant to Major Ramsey's company in 1688–9, and further, for 50l. disbursed by him.
Minuted:—“17 Aug. '93. To be considered when the regiment is cleared.”
With a memorandum that it was referred to the Lords of the Treasury. Undated, but referred 27 June 1693. 1 page.
June 27. 64. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a petition of John Tyndale, searcher in the port of Bristol, recommending that he be assisted, at the King's charge, to carry on such actions at law, or suits in equity, as are now depending, or which hereafter the Commissioners should approve, for the recovery of his legal fees, he being in controversy with the merchants of that port about them. Dated 27 June 1693.
The petition referred to. Also,
Copy of “an order of the Commons in Parliament assembled, establishing & confirming fees & allowances to the officers of His Maties customes and subsidies.”
“Order of the Howse of Commons, touching fees of the Custome Howse officers. 17 May 1692.
“The methods of passing & paying debenters, according to law and practice in the port of London, and how that method is ‘preverted’ in the port of Bristol of late.”
Minuted:—“14 July '93. To be heard this day sennight, in the afternoon by councell, and the Comrs of Customs to attend, and in the mean time the execution of the late order is to be suspended.” 6 pages.
June 27. 65. Report of Sir Richard Levinge, Solicitor-General for Ireland, to Henry Viscount Sydney, Lord Lieutenant there, on the petition of Edw. Earl of Meath, as to the value of the lordship of Lea, being part of Sir Patrick Trant's estate, forfeited. Recommending a grant of the lordship (which appeared to be worth 180l. per ann.), as a mark of the Royal favour to the Earl for his services and sufferings. Dated 27 June 1693.
Also the petition referred to.
[There should be other papers with this.] 4½ pages.
June 28. 66. Representation of the Comrs for sick and wounded seamen, &c. to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that the want of money to pay the quarters for the sick and wounded and the dearness of provisions had destroyed the poor people's credit, and they were then unanimously resolved not to trust any longer, so that the wounded seamen set on shore for the future “would be exposed to perish without, or to be starved within doors;” praying for a speedy and proportionable supply. Dated 28 June 1693. 1 page.
June 28. 67. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Benjamin Tomlinson, woollen draper, praying payment of 720l. due to him, for clothing of the first troop of Grenadier Guards. Dated 28 June 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to by my Lords if they will advance, as others have done in the like cases.” 1 page.
June 30. 68. Letter of the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury, touching provision of money for imprests, and answering bills of exchange. Dated 30 June 1693. 1 page.
June 30. 69. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to 160l. per ann, paid to the Bailiffs of Yarmouth, which they find “is not applied to the fishery or distributed to any persons concerned therein, but put into the chamber and made use of to maintain the grandeur of the town,” for which reasons they recommend the payment to be discontinued. Dated 30 June 1693.
Minuted:—“Agreed to this report.”
Also an answer to the same. 2 pages.
Feb. to
70. Memoranda of sums issued to the Commissioners of sick and wounded, by the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy. ½ page.