Volume 37: March 21-May 14, 1696

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Volume 37: March 21-May 14, 1696', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696, ed. Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp496-509 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Volume 37: March 21-May 14, 1696', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Edited by Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp496-509.

"Volume 37: March 21-May 14, 1696". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Ed. Joseph Redington(London, 1868), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp496-509.


March 21–May 14, 1696

March 21.
1. Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the King, on the petition of Bridget Ellingworth, widow of Charles Ellingworth, chaplain and physician to Col. Monroe's regiment, during the siege of Londonderry, who died there; praying payment of 140l. due for her husband's pay, or that the King would some other way consider her poor condition; having been deprived of all her substance by the enemy, and left with an aged mother and eight small children; suggesting that 106l. would be due to her if she were considered in both capacities.
Minuted:—“Wts done for 106li.”
The petition and two other papers. 4 pages.
March 23. 2. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the sisters and porter of the Hospital of the Savoy, for payment of 172l. 10s, for five years and three-quarters allowance of 30l. per ann., in consideration of their quitting their dwellings there for the convenience of the company of the foot guards, &c.; finding that there was no warrant for the payment signed by His present Majesty, but leaving it to their Lordships. Dated 23 March 1695–6.
Minuted:—“A warrt on the ptent dormt.”
Also the petition and copy of the warrant for the grant of the 30l. per ann. 3 pages.
March 23. 3. The opinion of Sir Thos. Trevor, Attorney-General, upon the case of the officers of the Navy at Portsmouth, as to the payment of the four shillings in the pound on their salaries. Dated 23 March 1695.
Also a letter from the Mayor of Portsmouth and another from Mr. Loundes, on the same subject. 3 pages.
March 24. 4. Letter of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, sending a copy of the instructions forwarded to the Comrs of the Revenue, in relation to their management of the forfeited estates there; stating that he had ordered lists of arrears of rent and other sums due to the Crown to be prepared. The arrear for the county of Dublin was certified to be 10,962l. 16s. 11½d., and that of Kildare 8,012l. 12s. 8d.; and if a third part of the arrears proved solvent, it would amount to a large sum. The late Comrs of Forfeitures would not be prevailed with to call their collectors to account, or to issue process against persons in arrear, though the Lord Lieutenant had often positively commanded them to do it; the Commissioners were first to get in the arrears. There was another considerable debt due to the King. The Earl of Longford and others, on the victory of the Boyne, were empowered to seize goods, &c. to the value of 30,000l., and little or no part had come to the King's receipt, and he feared it was too late to recover it. The forts and fortifications were generally out of repair, the guns unmounted, the palisadoes wanting, and some of the breaches not sufficiently made up since the war. Other works, especially for Galway, had been begun, but not finished. He had (upon intimation that the French had some designs on the kingdom) issued warrants for supplying Galway, Kinsale, and the Fort of Duncannon (being the places most likely to be insulted on) with a month's provisions; other garrisons must be put in a condition to prevent a surprise. He proposed that 6,000l. should be allowed of the forfeited arrears for carrying on the service. &c. Dated Dublin Castle, 24 March 1695–6.
Minuted:—“For Kensington. 14 Ap. '97. My Lords to read this.”
The copy of instructions is not now with it. 7 pages.
March 24. 5. Report of Samuel Travers, Esq., Surveyor-General, and Sir Christopher Wren, Knight, Surveyor-General of Works, on the petition of the Duke of Ormond, respecting certain lodgings adjoining to the first gate-house, leading towards King Street, Westminster, built at the charge of the petitioner's grandfather, at a cost (with alterations) of 1,800l.; recommending that that sum might be reasonably allowed, on a clause of reassumption, to be inserted in any grant of the premises to this nobleman, &c. Dated 24 March 1695–6.
Letter signed Ste. Fox, addressed to the Surveyor-General, approving of the above report; also a plan of the premises and the petition referred to. 3 pages and the plan.
March 25. 6. Report of Lord Ranelagh on the petition of … Cooper relict and widow of Col. Arnolt [Cooper], who was Governor of Yarmouth Castle [in the Isle of Wight] during the civil wars; recommending her to the royal bounty. Dated 25 March 1696.
Also a duplicate and a certificate relating thereto.
One is minuted:—“Read 3 Apr. '96. It cannot be granted;” the other, “20 Apr. 1698. Read, the K. orders nothing.” The remains of 3 pages greatly decayed.
March 25. 7. Memorial of “Sal. de Medina,” to the King, praying that advances should be put into his hands without delay to pay the bills drawn on him by his friends “Machado and Pereyra.” Also stating that his friends prayed the King to direct Mr. Hill to stop out of the respective regiments the amount they were indebted for bread in the last year. Dated 25 March 1696.
Accompanied by a list of the amounts due for bread.
There is the following minute respecting Mr. Medina, in the Minute Book, Vol. VI., p. 346, 17 July 1696:—
“Mr. Medina will furnish mo to the E. of Ranelagh, for paymt of some of Mr. Hill's bills, for wch he is to have tallys deposited per the E. of Ranelagh, & my Lords will take care that he be repd in about six weeks.” 3 pages.
March 26. 8. Certificate of Lord Cutts, as to Captain Moore being well affected to the Government, stating that he was at considerable charge in the Revolution in raising men, whilst captain of a regiment of foot, under the command of the Lord Cutts. Dated 26 March 1696. (Very brief.) 8 lines.
March 27. 9. Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Lieutenant Col. William Tatton, late of Brigadier Stuart's regiment of foot, and then in that commanded by the Marquis de Puisars, praying payment of what was due to the 1st of Jan. 1691; in favour of his claim for 440l. 19s. 9d., in consideration of his losses in the expedition to the Straits, and to fit him for the ensuing campaign. Dated 27 March 1696. 2 pages.
March 27. 10. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the salt-makers of Droitwich, who maintained that the stock of salt which they had in hand on 25 March 1694 (16,436 bushels), and which was made before that date, was not chargeable with the duty of 1½d. a gallon; advising that the bonds for the payment should be given up, and the money, amounting to 754l. 3s.d., ought not to be demanded. Dated 27 March 1696.
The petition and a detailed account of the salt made, and the bonds sealed, for the salt made before 25 March 1694.
Minuted:—“A warrt according to ye report.” 5 pages.
March 28. 11. Letter from the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, desiring an order for the immediate felling of oak timber, demanded for Portsmouth out of the New Forest. Dated 28 March '96.
Minuted:—“1 May '96. The King saies 'tis too late.”
There is the following in the Minute Book, Vol. VI., p. 197, 17 June 1697:—
“A sign manual to be prepared for 1,000 trees in the New Forest, for the works of ye Navy at Portsmouth.” 1 page.
March 29. 12. A list of the marks and numbers of the bales of lace taken out of the “St. Peter” prize, on 29 March 1696, by the command of Capt. Crass and Capt. Caldwell. 1 page.
March 30. 13. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Ellinor Wren, widow of Capt. Ralph Wren, deceased, who died in the King's service in the West Indies, but who was previously commander of the ship, the “Coronation,” which brought sugars from Barbadoes by order of Col. Kendall, then Governor of the island; the freight of which the Capt. received, but only paid part to the Treasurer of the Navy; the remainder being stopped out of his and his servant's wages, and ought to be so, as the Commissioners conceived, for his breach of trust. Dated 30 March '96.
Also two petitions of Ellinor Wrenn, who was imprisoned for his debts, and her children turned out of doors.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VI., p. 326, 19 June 1696, is:—
“Mrs. Ellinor Wrenn, to have 40li out of the 1,000l for widdows.” 3 pages.
March 30. 14. Letter of the Duke of Shrewsbury to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting the accounts between Sir George St. George and Sir Matthew Bridges; sending the petition of Sir George, and a letter from the Lord Deputy of Ireland thereon, for the King's directions. Dated 30 March 1696.
The petition and letter. 3¼ pages.
March 30.]
15. “An abstract of what the Lords of the Treasury layd before His Matie, relateinge to Mr Butts his petition.”
Mr. Butts was commissary to the Danish forces, and on the capitulation of Limerick the Earl of Athlone appointed him to attend the Irish troops into France, and to receive the money due from them for provisions, which money he received and for the greater security thereof took bills of Sarsfield's friends, who had embarked goods in the transport ships, freight free, which goods were chargeable for the same; but the goods were then seized and rifled, to the value of above 30,000 livres, by His Majesty's ships of war, and the parties on whom the bills were drawn refused to pay. Lord Coningsby and Mr. Clarke, to whom the matter was referred, state that some of the transport ships were seized on account of a French ship having been taken, contrary to the articles of Limerick. They otherwise confirm the petitioner's statement and do not object to his claims for compensation. Read 30 March '96. 1 page.
April 3. 16. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Richard Butler, for 50l., for his extraordinary care in saving the stores of the “Success,” frigate, cast away on the coast of Cuba, &c.; advising that this debt formed part of the debt of 40,000l. which accrued before 1686, and that the whole debt should be satisfied in course. Dated 3 April '96.
Accompanied by the case of the petitioner, the petition and copies of two other documents relating thereto. 5 pages.
April 7. 17. Two papers, the first docquetted:—“Money for land-service including 250,000l. on Mr. Blathwaite's paper.”
And the second:—“Money for land-service, including 439,154l. 8s., remaining unpaid upon Mr. Blathwayt's papers,” being of the nature of estimates. Dated 7 April 1696. 2 pages.
April 9. 18. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the question whether 436l. 16s. 8d. due to Doctor Patrick Dunn, for his pay as physician to the hospital during the war in Ireland, could not then be paid out of the fund for the hospital there. Dated 9 April 1696.
A certificate thereon.
Also the petition, which prayed for a lease or custodiam of the lands of Dirpatrick or any other forfeited lands and
A list of lands in lease to Major Delamare. 4 pages.
April 10. 19. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Clarke, mariner, master of a small sloop of 15 tons burthen, employed for the seizure of stores, which vessel was seized by the collector of customs at Harwich. They acquaint their Lordships that if the vessel were lost it was the petitioner's own fault, as he might have had her again, and might have been satisfied for the time she was in the King's service. Dated 10 April '96. 3 pages.
April 13. 20. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Jane Wagstaff, widow of John Wagstaff, praying payment of 91l. 11s. 11d., due to her husband for his arrears as lieutenant in Sir John Jacob's regiment, allowing that that sum was due. Dated 13 April 1696.
Minuted:—“28 June '99. There is no provision made for these arrears.” 2 pages.
April 13.]
21. Petitions of Mary Dodsworth, widow, to the King, seeking an allowance for the loss of her husband Robert Dodsworth, Esq., who made a discovery of a treasonable design carried on in Lancashire against the King's person and government, and so frustrated it, but was afterwards assassinated, leaving six children.
Referred to the Lords of the Treasury 13 April 1696. 1 page.
April 14. 22. Letter from Mr. William Trumbull to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing a paper signed Ralph Blackhall, in which he states that there was lost to the revenue 14,000l. by the transmission of gazettes and other papers and news-letters post free, besides 10,000l. for letters, &c. conveyed by the carriers; offering five suggestions for the prevention thereof. Dated 14 April 1696. 2 pages.
April 15. 23. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of the Duke of Schomberg and Leinster, setting forth the great difficulties he had met with in stating the accounts of his regiment, to the 1st of Jan. 1691–2, by reason the balance of their accounts to that time was not found sufficient to answer the demands of the several troops, occasioned by the great number of cheques upon them, and the misapplication of part of the money received by some of the commanding officers in Ireland; praying that the respites might be taken off those which were most unreasonable.
The report finds that the cheques upon the regiment amounted to more than 2,000l., of which those in an annexed abstract seemed most reasonable to be removed. Dated 15 April 1696.
Also the petition and an abstract of the cheques. 3½ pages.
April 16.]
24. The docquet only of the case of Alexander Stewart, Deputy Lieutenant of the Ordnance in Ireland, to the effect that he delivered up his employment in that office, worth 350l. per ann., to King James, in order to escape, in the year 1688; that in attempting to escape from Dublin he was taken and committed to prison for 12 months, until the battle of the Boyne; that he lost 1,100l. by the shutting of the gates of Derry: praying for a grant of the forfeited lands in a list annexed, amounting to about 260l. per ann. The Lord Deputy referred his petition to the Attorney General, who reported that it was true. The Comrs of Revenue reported the lands to be worth 200l. per ann., whereupon the Lord Deputy advised that the King might gratify the petitioner.
Minuted:—“Read, 16 Ap. '96. Granted.” Part of a page.
April 17. 25. Report signed J. Taylour to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Benjamin Overton, Esq., who prayed that his patent as a Comr of Customs might be paid for out of secret service or otherwise, as their Lordships thought fit; as it would cost above 200l.; advising that such commissions had [sometimes] been passed at the public charge and allowed by way of incidents. Dated 17 April '96.
Minuted:—“To be pd per incidts.”
The above is written on the petition. 1 page.
April 20. 26. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Robert Billing in behalf of his brother Lieut.-Col. Richard Billing, setting forth that the Colonel served as major of brigade during the war in Ireland; admitting that 350l. 10s. was due to him for arrears of pay. Dated 20 April 1696.
Copy of the memorial and two certificates. 4 pages and 2 halves (quarto).
April 20. 27. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mark Bingham, gent., to His Majesty, praying a grant of the forfeitures mentioned in a schedule annexed; analyzing his claims to those forfeitures, &c. Dated 20 April 1696.
The petition and five other papers connected therewith. 6 pages or parts of pages.
April 21.]
28. Letter of Samuel Brewster to the Right Hon. Charles Montague, Chancellor of the Court of Exchequer; seeking a letter from his Lordship for the payment of arrears to the usher and messengers of the Court of Exchequer.
Also two certificates relating thereto. Dated 21 April 1696. Quarters of 3 pages.
April 21.]
29. Letter of the Lady R[ebecca] Falkland, without address, commencing, “My Lord;” stating her surprise that process was issuing against her from the Exchequer in respect of the accounts of Lord Falkland when he was Treasurer of the Navy, and reminding his Lordship that the accounts were before the Comrs of the Navy, and that she was anxious to have them passed. Without date, but Lord Falkland died in 1694.
On 21 April 1696, by the Minute Book, Vol. VI. p. 279, it appears Mr. Maddocks had to go to the Navy Board with the vouchers to these accounts, and they were to represent wherein they found them defective. 1 page.
April 21. 30. Letter signed W. Beeston, dated at Jamaica, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting the account of the money received and paid on the credit given by Sir Joseph Herne and Sir Stephen Evance for the subsistence of Col. Lillington's regiment in that island, &c. Dated 21 April 1696. 1 page (quarto).
April 22. 31. Letter of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing the reports of the Solicitor-General and the Comrs for the Revenue for Ireland, on the petition of Edward May, Esq., praying for a grant of part of the forfeited estate of the Lord Galmoy, at a “crown” rent of 40l. per ann.; recommending the grant to be made, as it Was of little value beyond the incumbrances. Dated 22 April 1696.
Minuted:—“14 Apr. '97. Rejected.”
Also the reports, the petition, and a schedule of the lands. 8 pages.
April 23. 32. Copy of a letter from the Duke of Shrewsbury to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting the petition of Mrs. Willoughby, to whom, on the stopping her pension in Ireland, the late Queen had allowed 50l. a quarter, which she prayed might be continued: referring the matter to their Lordships' consideration. Dated 23 April 1696. 1 page.
April 23. 33. Letter from the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, stating that the East Country and other merchants refused to undertake the supply of hemp, tar, and other stores, the tallies lately appointed being such as could not be discounted. Dated 23 April 1696.
There are two or three minutes in the Minute Book, Vol. VI., in relation to this subject, but the following, at p. 304, 22 May 1696, is the most definite:—
“Comrs of Navy & Eastland, merchants, cal'd in. The merchts say they cannot furnish the hemp without 2/5ths advance, and 1/5th when the goods arrive. My Lords offer 1/3 advance & 2/3d in course. Then the merchts are willing to take 1/3 downe & 1/5 upon the arrival, & the rest in course. My Lords will do what they can as to the 1/5th upon the arrival; but as to the price and quantity they are to contract with ye Navy Board. A letter of this to ye Comrs of ye Navy.” 1 page.
April 23. 34. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to the Lords of the Treasury, acquainting them that they had passed an order to pay Admiral Russell 2,219l. 17s. 5d. on behalf of the sick and wounded seamen, &c. Dated 23 April 1696. 1 page.
April 23. 35. Order in Council on the report of the Comrs of Customs, concerning a complaint against Mr. Clinton, collector of customs at Biddeford, for clearing the ship “Barnstable Merchant,” contrary to the embargo; giving directions to the Comrs to suspend or otherwise punish him. Dated 23 April 1696.
Minuted:—“Read 9 June '96. The Comrs of the Customes to inquire againe into this case, & to represent the same in writing to my Lords.”
Also the report, another Order in Council, a letter, an extract, and an answer to the information against Mr. Clinton. 8 pages or parts of pages.
April 24. 36. A certificate signed Ro. Howard as to the arrear due to William, Earl of Portland, upon his salary as superintendent of the gardens. Dated Exchequer, 24 April 1696.
Minuted:—“To be paid per tally on excise.” ½ page.
April 25. 37. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Richard Owen, merchant, praying to have the remainder of some bonds bestowed on him, on account of his long service, sufferings, and losses. Dated 25 April 1696.
Minuted:—“The debt to be discharged.”
Also the petition and other papers in support of his claim. 7 pages.
April 25. 38. Report of the Comrs of Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mr. Arthur Shallett, for the interest of the freight that was due to the six ships named in the petition, which had been engaged for the descent. Dated 25 Apr. 1696.
Minuted:—“To be pd per tally on ye continued impons.”
The petition & two other documents. 5 pages.
April 25. 39. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Treasurer of the Navy, enclosing an estimate of the charge of building two adviceboats, confirmed by the Comrs of the Admiralty, desiring him to solicit the Lords of the Treasury for the money. Dated 25 April 1696.
Also the estimate. 2 pages.
April 25. 40. Letter from the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, referring to their letter of 23 April, and sending a copy of a letter from Mr. Jos. Martin, one of the most influential dealers in foreign commodities wanted by the Navy, viz., as to his treatment upon his previous contract. Dated 25 April '96.
The copy referred to. 2½ pages.
April 27. 41. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Lord Treasurer of the Navy; praying him to provide money for the workmen at Chatham and Sheerness, who were growing impatient for their wages. Dated 27 April '96. 1 page.
April 27. 42. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, referring to the backwardness of the merchants in treating about the supply of the Navy, and stating that there seemed no other way of supplying the Navy than by employing some person to import goods on commission; enclosing a copy of the order they had received from the Comrs of the Admiralty to supply the same. Dated 27 April '96. 2 pages.
April 27. 43. Memorial from Tho. Neale and Tho. Hall, officers of the Mint, to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that they had delivered the letter from Mr. Lowndes to Lord Lucas and to the Office of Ordnance to surrender the Martin Tower to the porter of the Mint, who formerly lived in it; but they were unwilling to displace their labourer. The memorialists were unwilling to have any dispute about the same. There was in the midst of the Mint a house inhabited by one Mr. Bennet, who belonged to the Ordnance, and they desired their Lordships' directions for his removal, that the porter might dwell in it. Dated 27 April 1696.
Minuted:—“Lay this before ye K. relating to the porter of the Mint's house.” 1 large page.
April 28. 44. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for a renewal of a warrant to free the persons employed under their control, having less than 100l. a year, from the tax of 4s. in the pound. Dated 28 April 1696.
Minuted:—“A warrt.” 1 page.
April 28. 45. Memorial of the Comrs of the Admiralty to the King, as to the difficulty the Navy Board was under of obtaining contracts for hemp, tar, pitch, and other naval commodities. Amongst other matters it is stated that the factors in Sweden were like to be forced out of the country. Dated 28 April 1696. 2 pages.
April 28. 46. Memorial of Thomas Neale and Thomas Hall of the office of the Mint, to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that they found by the Act that the plate was ordered to be melted down and cast into ingots, but there was no direction how it was to be paid for, &c. Informing their Lordships that the money arising by that Act was not sufficient to answer what was to be paid out of it before, much less to do this, and pay for the “presses” that the people brought in, by direction of the Act. Praying that they would give order thereon. Dated 28 April 1696. 1 page.
April 29. 47. Certificate signed Charles Trelawny, to the effect that Major-General Kirk recommended Col. John Forward to him, to be introduced to the King as a gentleman who was early active in the King's service, and a great sufferer thereby, and a fit object for his favour. Dated 29 April 1696. ½ page (quarto).
April 30. 48. Letter of Mr. Burchett by command of the Lords of the Admiralty to Mr. Loundes, Secretary of the Treasury, sending a letter from the Navy Board, with the copies of others from two East Country merchants, touching their inability to serve the King with naval stores, from the badness of the funds assigned them. Dated 30 April 1696. 2½ pages.
May 1. 49. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to his letter, touching the application of the Right Hon. the Lord Berkeley, for payment of the persons who were employed in clothing his Lordship's marine regiment; enclosing a copy of a reply made by them to the Comrs of the Admiralty on the same subject. Dated 1 May 1696.
Minuted:—“Doe for this as was done for ye other regt.”
Four other papers relating thereto. 6 pages.
[? About
May 1.]
50. Petition of Charles Chapon to the King, showing that there was due to his uncle the late Mons. Lassaigne, deceased, as Governor of Drogheda to the 1st of January 1691–2, 275l., as appeared by Lord Coningsby's report annexed. His uncle's allowance had been omitted in the new establishment for the charge of the kingdom of Ireland, but he had acted in the government until July 1694, about which time he died; and there was further due to him for that service 911l., making together 1,186l., of which only 10 guineas had been paid on account. He had borrowed of the petitioner and other relatives, who were poor people, to support himself in his post. The petitioner prays for the payment of these arrears. Referred to the Lords of the Treasury 1 May 1696.
Minuted:—“Read 28 7br. 1698. My Lords think if there were any such money due as is pretended, ye petr ought to apply in Ireld. 1st Nov. '99.
“Ref. to Lds Justices of Ireld., to doe wt their Lops shall think fit therein.”
Accompanied by the copy of the report referred to. 2 pages.
May 2. 51. Certificate of the prosecution of a suit in the Exchequer, by J. Bernard, who, at the instance of Mr. Pottinger, agent to the Comrs of Prizes in Ireland, laid informations against several captains of the Navy for recovery of embezzlements of wine and other goods, taken from the French King's subjects as prize; and particularly against Capt. George Bing, Sir Cloudesley Shovell, and Capt. Rich. Fitz-Patrick; but by an order of cessat processus he was prevented recovering 7,279l. 18s. 8d., the value of the goods embezzled. Dated 2 May 1696.
(Most likely an enclosure.) 1 page.
May 2. 52. Letter of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing the reports of the Solicitor-General and the Comrs of the Revenues and Forfeitures, on the petition of Arthur Podmore and Joshua Dawson, praying the King's further favour in granting them the forfeited lands, the particulars of which appear in a schedule annexed; in favour of gratifying the petitioners. Dated 2 May 1696.
The petition, the schedule, and the two reports referred to. 10 pages or parts of pages.
May 2. 53. The oath taken by Mr. Isaac Newton, not to “reveal or discover to any person or persons whatsoever, the new invention of rounding the money and making the edges of them with letters or grainings.” Sworn before three of the Lords of the Treasury. 2 May 1696. Signed Isaac Newton. Docquetted:—“Dr Newton's oath as warden of ye Mint.” ¼ page.
May 5. 54. Memorial of the Lords of the Admiralty to the Lords of the Treasury against Capt. Christopher Billop obtaining the discharge of his recognizances which the King had granted for the benefit of the chest at Chatham, the captain being charged with forgery. Dated 5 May 1696. 1 page.
May 6. 55. Letter of the Lord Lieut. of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing the report of the Solicitor-General, on the petition of Sir John Dillon to the King, praying a custodiam of some forfeited lands in Ireland; also a certificate of the Comrs of Forfeitures as to the quantity and yearly value of the lands; in favour of a custodiam being granted for three years. Dated 6 May 1696.
The report of the Solicitor-General, a report of the Comrs of Revenue, and “A particular of the estate of Peter Martin and Walter Tuit, in the county of Galway, with the number of acres and quitrent payable thereon,” and the petition referred to.
Minuted:—“14 Ap. '97. Rejected.” 5 pages and 2 halves.
May 6. 56. The answer of the Comrs of the Navy to the commands of the Lords of the Treasury, touching the clothing of the first marine regiment. Referring also to their letter of 1 May. Dated 6 May 1696. 1½ pages.
May 6. 57. Memorial of Mr. Isaac Newton and two other officers of the Mint to the Lords of the Treasury, quoting a former memorial touching the plate to be brought into the Mint to be coined, and representing the want of money for that service, and for paying the carpenter and other workmen's bills, amounting to 8,678l., and for salaries of officers and clerks, amounting to 800l., &c. Dated 6 May 1696. 2 pages.
May 7. 58. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Bowles, who had fitted out a privateer with letters of mark to the bank of Newfoundland against the French, where a capture was effected, on which a demand for foreign duty was made by the officers of customs of the port of London. Dated 7 May 1696.
The report also mentions the exchange of prisoners by the master of the said ship.
Minuted:—“Read 9th June 1696. To be admitted to entry as if taken and imported in an English ship.”
Also the petition and an affidavit. 5 pages.
May 8. 59. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, stating that they had hoped that the East Country merchants would have undertaken the importation of the foreign commodities wanting for the King's service, in the usual manner and on moderate terms; Sir Wm. Gore, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Gould only appeared, and Sir Wm. insisted on 36 pounds a ton for hemp and the other two on 35l., at which latter price they bought 450 tons, which was all they could get. Dated 8 May 1696. 1 page.
May 8. 60. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Secretary of the Treasury, stating that there were several hired men-of-war and tenders discharged from the fleet then to be paid, some ships going abroad on foreign service wanting their wages and the recalls were at a stand, the paymaster having no current money to carry on those services; praying him to represent the same to the Lords of the Treasury. Dated 8 May 1696. 1 page.
May 9. 61. Letter from the Comrs of Prizes to Wm. Lowndes, Esq., in answer to a letter directing them to send an account of the names and places of such officers under them as had not signed the “Voluntary Association;” stating that they had sent to the five principal outports, wherein there were sub-commissioners, to send up from each port “an association,” signed by themselves and the several officers in their districts; and they herewith send the three they had received from Dover, Portsmouth, and Plymouth; at Bristol and Hull they had signed it. Their agents in the remote ports had probably signed the associations which had been sent up from the respective towns. Dated 9 May 1696.
The papers alluded to not now with it. 1 page.
May 11. 62. A memorial signed “Tho. Neale,” addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, advising as to the steps to be taken for settling mints at York and Exeter, and further showing what officers would be required. Dated 11 May 1696.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VI., p. 299, 16 May 1696, is the following:—“To Mr. Neal to expedite into ye country the officers for the two mints at York & Exeter.” 1½ pages.
[May 12.] 63. A memorandum of directions given to the officers of the Mint by the Lords of the Treasury as to the appointment of a person to take account of the time of the men employed in coining the clipped moneys, in order that there might be no delay.
With a minute on the back for a letter to be written that the melter could supply 65,000l. a week, and that their Lordships expected that amount to be worked up at least per week, and Mr. Neal was to request the moneyers to prepare more markers' tools.
Undated; but the letter, dated 12 May 1696, setting forth these particulars, is entered in the Letter Book, Vol. IX., p. 98. Parts of two pages.
May 12. 64. Copy of the Duke of Shrewsbury's letter to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that a petition from the pier wardens of Margate had been presented to the King, which he desired to be sent to their Lordships, with a recommendation to pay the 100l. formerly granted for the repair of the pier. Dated 12 May 1696.
Minuted:—“11 Oct. '99. To be laid before ye King. See whether this money has not been pđ., and if it be now applyed for.” Part of a page (quarto).
[? About
May 12.]
65. Petition of John Ashworth, of Liverpool, gent., to be made the fourth landwaiter in that port.
Minuted:—“12 May '96. To be considered when there is a vacancy, or when ye Comrs of ye Customes shall think it for His Mats service to have another ld wtr in yt port.”
Accompanied by a certificate in his favour. Parts of 2 pages.
May 13. 66. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Lieut. Thomas Meredith and Mr. Robert Davis, executor of Lieut. Carew Meese, as to the respite of the pay of those lieutenants, leaving it to their Lordships if they thought fit to allow the claims, amounting to 182l. 5s. Dated 13 May 1696.
Minuted:—“To Mr. Clerk to prepare a warrt for taking off these respitts.”
Also the petition. 2¼ pages.
May 13. 67. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh, on the petition of Col. Nathaniel Blackeston, late Lieutenant-Governor of the island of “Montserrat in America,” setting forth that there were 25 months' arrears due to him as captain in the regiment, now Col. Holt's; advising their Lordships that 360l. were due to him. Dated 13 May 1696.
Accompanied by an Order in Council and the memorial.
There are four minutes on the back; the last is:—“Read 27 Apr. '98. He will be pd one year when the rest are paid, by the provision making in Parlt.” Parts of 3 pages.
May 14. 68. Report of the Comrs of Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William East, late master of the “Friendship,” as to the payment of freight. Dated 14 May 1696.
Also the petition and copy of the account. 1 page and 3 parts of pages.
May 14. 69. “An account of profit and losse, by makeing of farthings and halfe pence of copper, at 21 pence per pound weight, with a remedy of a half penny on each pound weight, from the 24th of June 1694, to the 25th of March 1696.” According to a patent granted to Sir Joseph Herne “and others,” for seven years from the 24th of June 1694, whereby they are obliged to change all true tynn half-pence and farthings not exceeding 200 pounds a week.”
“Taken out of ye patentees' books by me Andrew Corbett May 14th, 1696.” 2 pages.
May 14.]
70. The case of the contractors for making of half-pence and farthings of copper, showing the conditions of their contract and that they had presumed there would be a sufficiency of English copper at 100l. a ton, at which rate, on the 25th of March 1696, they had lost 3,986l. 5s. 1d., as appeared by an account of the controller. They were then losing 87l. a week. They prayed for a licence to cut their farthings and halfpence to the present value of the copper, and to make use of foreign copper. Without date, but about 14 May 1696, as would appear from the account referred to. 1 page.
May 14. 71. Letter of the Duke of Shrewsbury, dated 14 May 1696, to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing reports on the petition of Col. Cunningham.
The reports are not now with it, but a paper headed “A particular of the forfeited leases annexed to Col. Conyngham's petition,” and a docquet to “Mr. Cunningham's petition, praying a grant of His Mats title to a forfeited mortgage of 1400li & a custodiam of “certain lands.”
Minuted:—“14 Apr. '97. Not granted.” 5 pages.
[? Early in
72. A proposition made by H. Fairfax and George Banister to the Lords of the Treasury, to serve His Majesty in setting up a mint at York, which they said was urgently required; if some gentlemen of note were made commissioners there would be four times the amount of plate brought in to be coined, and that would revive trade, then almost totally decayed; otherwise the forces must suffer, for the greatest part of their clothing was bought there, and lead and iron were supplied from thence; provisions, which were treble the price they had been at the previous Christmas, would also fall. Undated, but see Vol. XXXVII., No. 62.
Minuted:—“This matter is left to ye officers of ye Mint.” 1 page.