Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1901.
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'Parochial Records: Vestry Book of St John's, Cardiff, 1708-62', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Parochial Records: Vestry Book of St John's, Cardiff, 1708-62', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
"Parochial Records: Vestry Book of St John's, Cardiff, 1708-62". Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
Vestry Book of the Parish of St. John Baptist, Cardiff.
Vol. I. Folio, calf, binding dilapidated.
The weight of the Bells of St John Baptist in Cardiff Cast by Abraham Rudhall the Elder, of Glocester. In the year 1708.
Ct. | Qr. | l. | |||||||
Tenor | - | - | - | - | 18 | . | 2 | . | 4 |
5th | - | - | - | - | 13 | . | 2 | . | 8 |
4th | - | - | - | - | 9 | . | 3 | . | 26 |
3d | - | - | - | - | 9 | . | 0 | . | 1 |
2d | - | - | - | - | 7 | . | 2 | . | 13 |
Treble | - | - | - | - | 6 | . | 1 | . | 25 |
The whole Weight | - | - | - | - | 65 | . | 0 | . | 21 |
[N.B.—The Churchwardens' Accounts from 1711 to 1725 will be found in our next Volume, at the commencement of the earliest Town Book, or Minutes of Council. Chronological lists of Churchwardens and other parish officers will be found in our Index Supplement.]
18th June 1731.
Cardiff Vill ss
At a Vestry this day duely held at the parish Church of St John the Baptist It ys hereby ordered that no Church Warden or Church Wardens of either parish in this Town shal spend or lay out any more than twenty shillings at both generalls at Landaff for feasting or for their Entertainment at the Expence of the parish (Court ffees excepted) and If any Churchwardens shal lay out or Spend any more money on the account aforesaid such Churchwardens shal bear such expence out of their own pocketts without Charging the parish any thing for the same.
Tho: Colerick vicr; Arthr Williams; Alexr Purcel; Will: Richds; Will: Mathew; David Owen; George Lewis; Thos Mathews; Will: Lambert; Hen: Llewellin; Charles Gibbon; Edwd Herbert; J. Thomas; Geo. Watkins; Evan Price; Hen: Morgan; Phillip Stephens; Hen: Lewis; Hen: Cornish.
18o June 1731.
We agree at a Vestry that the several sum[m]es of money in the hands of Mr Chas Gibbon & all other Churchwardens due to this Town shal remain as a Deposite in their hands till the Demand & expente of sums & prosecuteing Richard Jones pursuant to a former order be settled & adjusted & all proper allowances on that account shal be made to the parish & to Mr Geo: Watkins The account Between the parish & Mr Watkins to be Settled with all Convenient Speed and the Ballance to be directly paid then the money remaining to be pd to the present Churchwardens and the Vestry to be adjourned by Consent to this day fortnight for settling a Rate without further Notice.
[To the above signatures add William Richards; Thos Glascott senr; Thos Rosser; Henry Parry; Lle: Traherne.]
25th June 1731.
Thomas John Swears that he is a parishioner in St Mary's haveing paid ye poors Rate there.
Edwd Trueman has p'ued (fn. 2) himself a parishonr in St John's.
Wm James has p'ued himself a parishonr in St Maryes.
2d July 1731.
Agreed at a Vestry that the Costs for p'secuteing Richard Jones shal be Taxed by ye propper officers and It is ordered that the money in the hands of the seueral Church Wardens be forthwith paid into ye hands of Wm Richards Esqr for Dischargeing what shal appear to be justly due on the above menconed account and afterwards to be applyed as a future Vestry shal direct. (fn. 3)
[To the above signatures add Jn°ree; Tanner; Thos Meredith; Will: Lambert; Jn°ree; Oakey; Gabriel Lewis.]
2d July 1731.
Agreed by us the Majority of the Vestry that a parish Rate be made for the year 1731 at 2s. pr Pound and that Mr Richard Leigh be Continued organist if he Behave himself with Civillity & Sobriety, the sallary to Com[m]ence from last Midsummer Day.
Evan Deer; Rich: Hopkin; Richard Leigh [new signatures.]
1st Septr 1731.
Wee the Majority at a Vestry agree that Wm Richards Esqr shal pay to Mr Edwd Herbert the sum[m]e of 17l 7s. 10d. being Costs taxed by the Prothonotary to ye sd Mr Herbert for prsenting Richard Jones of the Unicorn at the Suit of Mr George Watkins on account of St John's parish in this Town.
[Add to the above signatures that of John Greenefield.]
15th Sept. 1731.
Agreed & Ordered by the Majority at a Vestry that the North Porch of St John's Church & the Window over it be putt in good & sufficient Order at the discretion of the Churchwardens & that the South Porch be likewise Repaired with all Convenient Speed.
[Add the mark of John Jones.]
17th Aprill 1732.
Wee the Majority at a vestry Do Agree to anull & make void an Ordr made the 18th of June last whereby it is Ordered that the Churchwardens of either parish in this Town shal Spend but 20s. for Entertainment at ye both Generalls. And Wee Do allow & agree that the Churchwardens of St John's shal be at Liberty to Spend Two Guineas at such Generalls at ye expence of this parish and that John Tanner, Thos Mathews & Chas Gibbon be Refunded & Repaid Thirty Shills Between them being what they were out of their own Pocketts on ye account afd while they were Churchwardens.
St John's Parish in Cardiff
At a Vestry 13th July 1732. Agreed by us the Subscribers being all or the Majority present that Richard Leigh Organist be not paid any Sallary from this Parish from the 24th day of June last.
[Additional signatures: MichII Richards; Humphrey Jones; Wil: Lewis; Robert Priest junior; Robt Priest.]
John Tanner, Bailiff, 1731.
To ye Town Clerk for Entring Church Wardens accounts pr 1731—6s. 8d.
Wee likewise agree to allow the Town Clerk five Shillings for every Order of Vestry & that there is now due to him for Eleven Orders being 2l 15s. 0d. which Wee ordr the present Church Wardens to pay him. Wee likewise allow Mr Henry Morgan 6s. 8d. for taking an ord[e]r Date 9th May last.
13 July 1732.
Ordered [inter alia] that two new Windows be made on the North side next the Chancel of the Parish Church, and that what shal remain in the Churchwardens hands after making all necessary payment be applyed towards paying a new Organist.
The Accompts of Mr George Lewis and Mr Phillp Stephens Church Wardens for the Parish of St John the Baptist in Cardiff for the year 1731.
To ye charges at Landaff £1.
To ye Book articles 1s. 1d.
Paid the Court 5s.
A Hedghog to Mr Morgans man 2d.
do. to William Williams 2d.
do. to Mr Morgans man 2d.
A fitcher (fn. 1) to Edward Jenkins 4d.
do. to Richard James 4d.
Mr Minit a Hedghog 2d.
Mr Herbert Church Rate 6s. 8d.
A fitcher George Thomas man 4d. do. to Michel Brewer 4d.
A Hedghog to Williams ye Currier 2d.
A man to ye eves of the Church 8d.
A Hedghog to ye man of ye Angell 2d.
To Mr Thomas for an oak Board 2s. 3d.
To Mr Preist (fn. 4) for freight of ye Lead 3s.
To Hezekia Hopkin for carrying earth 2s. 6d.
for carrying rubbish from ye Ch: Porch twice 2s. 6d.
Antony Williams a Hedgehog 2d.
To Ringing ye Bells at Christmas 12s.
To cleaning the south Porch 6d.
To William Evans for a fitcher 4d.
To a man from ye Heath for ditto 4d.
To the Church fees at Landaff 3s. 10d.
To Bread for the Sacrament 7d.
To cleaning the Church Plate 3s.
To Gabriel Lewis son for two Hedghogs 4d.
To William Miles Granson for one ditto 2d.
To Anthony Williams for ditto 2d.
To ditto for a fitcher 4d.
To Ale for the Masons at several times according to agreement in doeing the south Porch 5s.
To file the Barrs in the south Windows 2s.
To sawing two Boards 8d.
To A bushell of Hair 3s.
Paid by Bills.
Mrs Morgan Red House 12s.
Mr William Mathewes 2s. 9d.
Thomas Mathews £2.
Joseph Bryant 9s. 4d.
Vacancies and non Payments.
John Abbis a house 8s.
Edward Pursell 1s. 6d.
John Cornish 6s.
Docter Williams house ½ Vacant 2s.
Mrs Loyd 3s. 2d.
John Tanner Esqr house ½ Vacant 1s. 6d.
Thomas Powell do ½ Vacant 1s. 6d.
Mrs Mayo house 5s.
Henry William 6s.
Edward Reese shop 1s. 3d.
Benjn Stephens shop 11d.
Thomas Mathews shop 1s. 3d.
William Ward faculty 10s.
David Lewis ditto 6s.
Morgan Richard ½ vacancy 3s.
Edward Mashman 6s.
John Hewin 6s.
East Ward.
George Jones a house 5s.
Mr William Mathewes ½ Vacant 2s.
Catherine Morgan a house 2s.
Walter Hall do. 6d.
Allexr Purcell Esqr a Stable 6d.
Willm Morgan Esqr 2 Houses 2s. 6d.
Grace Grandfeild 1s. 6d.
Jonathan Lambert 1s.
fflorance Price 1s. 2d.
Mrs Sedgwick 2s.
Thomas Morgan Esqr house 1s. 6d.
John Sweet a house 1s. 6d.
George Thomas a house 1s. 6d.
Allexr Purcell Esqr barn & 2 Houses 2s. 6d.
John Minnitt a house 2s.
Sr George Howells do. 2s.
Mary Grandfeild do. 10d.
Mr Sweet do. 1s. 6d.
John Price ½ vacant 9d.
Thomas Lewis do. 3s.
Reese Parry a House 1s. 6d.
Mr Herbert do. 4s.
John Coyder do. 7d.
John David do. 6d.
Anne Powell do. 6d.
Widdow fox do. 6d.
John Powell do. 7d.
West Ward.
Jane Mathews do. 1s.
Mr Richard Mathews do. 4s
Elizabeth Osburn 9d.
Samson Stone a house 1s. 6d.
Elizabeth Thomas do. 9d.
John Dukes do. 1s.
Joseph Thomas £1. 7. 0.
William Cornish 3s. 1d.
Reese Howard 6s.
James Thomas 4s.
Mr George Watkins £1. 0. 9.
23d October 1732.
At a Vestry duly Sum[m]oned & held at the Parish Church of St John the Baptist in Cardiff Wee the Majority of the Parishonrs whose names are hereunto Subscribed Do Nominate & Elect Abraham Smalley Gent to be Organist of the said parish Church at the Rate & Sallary of Twenty four Pounds p' ann? To Com[m]ence from the 29th day of September last and to be paid him Quarterly by the Churchwardens of the said parish out of the sd Church Rate as often as the same shal become due & payable, Together with Two Guineas & an half which Wee allow him for his Jorney in Coming hither from Bristol.
20s. a year allowed to Henry Parry Sexton for Blowing ye Organ Bellows & Keeping it Clean The parish being at ye expence of Oyl.
1733. "The Poor in ye Alms house," to receive 9d. per week each, were Elizabeth Jones, Margaret Bembrick, Elizabeth Reese, Elizabeth Nowell, Sarah Russell, Gwenllian David and Mary fford.
Rate of two shillings levied "for the Service of the Church."
Account of Humphrey Jones & Nicholas Jane, Overseers.
To Anne Lewis at 9d. p' week £1. 17. 6.
To Sundry p'ticulars in her Last Sickness and for her funeral £1. 0. 7.
To Gwenllian Lewis at 12d. p' week and to Sundry other expences in her last Sickness and for her funeral £1. 19. 0.
To Eliz. Morgan & Child and to Geo. Penrys Child, to Anne Ailworth and to Willm Vere £15. 12. 0.
To Edward Williams £3. 13. 0.
Paid Docter Williams for cureing his Legg £5. 5. 0.
To Sarah new for maintaining Sarah Heath (fn. 5) from the 7th of December to the 10th of March at 2 shillings p' week £1. 6. 0.
To Ditto from ye 10th of March to ye 1st of Aprill 3s. 6d.
To Mr Colrick for Baptizeing the said Sarah Heath 1s. 6d.
To Expences in goeing in Quest of the sd Sarahs Mother £1. 2. 6.
To the funerall and Severall Expences laid out on the late John David £2. 3. 4.
Accts of Alexr Purcel & Geo. Watkins for this year (St Johns.)
Paid for Two Fitch Hogs 4d.
Paid Henry Jones and Roger Jones their Bill for whiteliming and painting £6. 11. 9½.
Paid Henry Parry his Bill for work and two Quarters Sallary for the Organ £1. 6. 0.
Paid Henry Jones, Roger Jones for tileing and pointing the Church £4. 4. 8.
Paid Henry Williams Chandler his Bill for Candles 9s. 2d.
Paid Mrs Sheers for washing and Mending ye Surplice 17s. 6d.
Paid Phillip Meredith for Leather for the Bells 2s. 6d.
Paid John Griffith for Ale 1s. and Soap for washing the Pillars 1s. 6d.
Paid Henry Parry for Cleansing the Sconces and two Quarters Sallary 17s. 6d.
Paid Mrs Morgan and William Evan for Sixteen Bottles of Tent £2. 8. 0.
Paid for Six Bell Ropes £1. 7. 11.
Paid Richard Price for drawing the last Vacants 2s. 6d.
Paid the free-Stone Mason for mending and fixing an Iron Bar in the Battlements 2s.
Paid Mrs Dorothy Brewer for 3 whole deal Boards 5s. 6d.
Paid Mr Thomas Mathews for work with the Bells and Chimes as p' Receipt £2. 19. 6.
Paid for fifteen Bottles of Tent for the By Sacraments £2. 5. 0.
Churchwardens' Account.
Paid William Evan for Six Bottles of Tent for ye Sacrament 18s.
Paid John Price for mending the Common Prayer Book 2s.
Paid Henry Parry a Quarters Sallary for blowing ye Organ 5s.
Paid for Bread 1s. 8d. and for the Transcript and Presentment 8s. 8d.
Paid at the Generals at Landaffe 3s. 10d.
Paid Mr Morgan Jenkins for Candles as p' Receipt 6s. 10½d.
Paid to William Jenkins for Ale and people Setting up the Catches and cleaning the dirt from among the Bells 2s.
Paid Mr Purcel for cleansing the Church Plate two Years 6s.
Paid the Porter for taking down the battlemts 2s.
Paid Thomas Watkins for gathering ye tile 1s.
Paid Richard Price for entering in the parish book the Church Wardens Accounts 5s.
In the rates this year Lionel Stibbs appears; also "John Lewis Black Sturton." Places named are Maindy Farm, Crossbychan, Bontcanna, Cuttlers Closes, Dawbinpits.
Accounts of Alexr Purcel jnr. and Henry Lewis, Churchwardens of St John's.
To Cash at the Generals and a Book £1. 11. 0.
To John Henry for crying the Church yard 2d.
To Roger Jones Nicholas and William Williams for tyling and whiteliming the Church £2. 12. 0.
To Mr James Williams for Laths £2. 16. 0.
To Jane Thomas for Crests (fn. 6) 6s.
To George Williams for Bread 1s. 11d.
To Henry Lewis for Cloth 1s. 9d.
To Mrs Martha Lewis a register Book £1.
To Mrs Sheers for washing 16s. 6d.
To John Price for Oyl 3s. 6d.
To Richard Price Clerk 15s. 8d.
To Mr Purcel Senior for an Expente abt ye Organ 4s.
To William Jenkins in Ale for the Workmen 3s. 8d.
Vacancies, &c.
Henry Lewis corner house.
Mr Purcels house in Crockerton.
George Williams lately ye Bakehouse.
Mrs Jones Blue Anchor.
Thomas Herbert Esqr the Crow.
Mr Lloyd Corner house.
William Thomas Fisherman.
Mr Sweet new Angel.
Kings Castle.
John Lewis Black Sturton.
"The Man of the Kings Castle for ye white house Farm."
At a Vestry held the 11th Day of August 1736 between the Hours of Eleaven and twelve o'th Clock in the forenoon in the Parish Church of St John Baptist pursuant to a Notice Given on Sunday the 8th Instant We the persons hereunto Subscribed do unanimously Agree for A rate to be made of two shillings and Six pence p' pound for the year 1736 for and towards Repairing the Tower of the said Church and Other necessary repairs of the said Church And its also at the same time agreed that the Church Wardens shall employ one of the procters of Landaffe to Cite John William, Edward William, George Thomas for not paying the Church Rate for the Year 1735 And that the Church Wardens shall be Indemnified for what they do In pursuance of this Order out of their Rate.
Accounts of Alexr Purcel jnr. and Henry Lewis, Churchwardens of St John's for the year 1736.
Paid to Isaac Mullins, James Sinclin and George Raisonn for work on the Tower p' Receipts £28. 13. 0.
To George Williams Stays maker for Lead £1. 7. 5.
To George Williams for Bread 1s. 9d.
To William Evan for wine £2. 14. 8.
To William Gibbs for Spliceing the Ropes 1s. 8d.
To Carrying the Sparrs from and to Landaffe 6s.
To moving the Tile 2s. 6d.
To a Presentment and Book for the Parson 4s. 10d.
To Thomas Austin for three Poul Cats 1s.
3s. 4d. received for the burial of "Mrs Morgan of the white horse."
"Mr Williams of the George ffishers Bridge" was rated at 1s. 1½d. for lands; and Mr David Owen 3s. 9d. for "part of the Cathays."
1737. Rate of 2s. 6d. "towards repairing the windows and newing or repairing the Bell."
1738. William Evans and Robert Jones chosen "Side Men" of Saint John's church.
Phillip Moutier, Organist, is to be allowed, beyond his salary, 6s. 9½d. "for money by him Expended for ye use of the Organ," and is to "have leave to be Absent two Sundays on Extraordinary Bussiness."
Accounts of Henry Lewis and Richard Jones, Churchwardens of St John's.
Paid for the Rate and a purse 7s.
Paid Mr Richards Cust: ho: officer £1. 5. 0.
Paid Edward Powis who Sustained a loss by ffire 5s.
Paid Mr Priest for a Pole for the use of the Church 4d.
Paid for Carrying the Iron of the windows to be weighed 1s.
Paid for a Baskett for the use of the Church 6d.
Paid Mr Moses Morgan for ye freight of the Bell ropes 6d.
Rate lists &c.
"Thomas Rees or housemate."
The Tenant at Kings castle.
Mr William Cornish for Cutlers Close.
John Oakey for Cutthroats feild.
Hugh Lewis a house in hewl Cawl.
George Thomas Maindy.
"Mr Williams Apoth'ry."
13s. 10d. was "received of Mr Chas Jones for Kings Castle and White-house farm."
"Mrs Thomas of Stile" paid 6s. 8d. for her husband's burial.
We whose names Are hereunto Subscribed being the Parishoners of the Parish of Saint John the Baptist in the Town of Cardiffe being assembled at a Vestry duly summoned and held for the said parish on ffriday the Eleventh day of August 1738 do unanimously Agree that Phillip Moutier late Organist of the said parish be discontinued and turned out of his office of Organist he having neglected his Duty and Absented himself from the said Church five Sundays contrary to the Leave and Directions of the said Parishoners And it is farther Agreed that the present Church Wardens be at Liberty to send for or Advertise the Vacancy of an Organist in the said Town in Order to Chuse such Organist by the approbation of the Majority of the said parishoners if they find him Duly qualified.
1738. James Nooth, gent., elected Organist at a salary of £24 per annum, "upon Condition that no other person offer himself and shall be approved of as a better performer or more Capable of Serving the same by this Day fortnight."
At a Parish Meeting Duely summoned on Monday the fifth Day of March 1738 at the Parish Church of St John Baptist In Cardiffe It is Agreed Upon by the Consent of the Majority of the parishioners Then present that Mr Thomas Glascot and Arthur Tanner the present Overseers of the poor of the said parish shall Imediately send for John Cornish painter his wife and four Children who are now at peterborough In North hamptonshire, and whatever Expences they will be at in Bringing and Conveying the said John Cornish his wife and four Children will be allowed them Imediately either In their present accounts or out of a new Rate to be granted them for that purpose.
1739. Ordered that Henry Parry Sexton be allowed forty Shillings for Keeping the Clock the Chimes and blowing the Organ Bellows.
Account of Michael Richards and William Richards.
To Cash paid Mr Chas Jones Procter for Defending a Law Suit against Mr Okey and others £7. 4. 4.
To ° paid Mr Greenly Procter in the Arches £19. 11. 11.
Vacancies, etc. Edwd Evans the Great Swan. Gabriel Lewis Kae puddur.
Recd. 3s. 4d. of John Edward Apoth'ry for burying his Child in Church 3s. 4d.
1743. The Churchwardens are authorised to lay out 2s. 6d. in purchase of a new surplice.
Account of Roger Powell and Alexander Purcel.
Paid Mr Hill for mending the Clapper of the little Bell 8d.
Paid Mr Watkins for Wine for the Sacrament 15s.
Paid Sampson Stone for Oyl 1s. 2d.
Paid Mr Bowen for Sacrament Wine £2. 17. 0.
Paid Mrs Mathews for Washing ye Church linnen 11s.
Among the Vacancies occurs "the Society room 1s. 11½d."
Account of Henry Williams and George Williams.
ffor a book and clearing the Court 4s. 10d.
ffor cleaning the plate 3s.
for mending a Lanthorn at Bristoll 1s. 2d.
paid for Ale in pitching the Engine 1s.
To Sampson Stone for killing a hedgehog 2d.
To Mr d.
for cleaning the street 1s.
Alexander Purcell was in possession of Little Troy.
"Mrs Stephens the Style" occurs among the Vacancies.
Lands unpaid: Wm Richards Esqe Kaevidvole 4 acres 5s. 3d.
Mrs Mathews 8 acres Arles 7s.
Mich. Richards Esqe 12 acres "twallud" [? Ty Llwyd] 10s. 6d.
° Six Acres of heathland 5s. 3d.
Account of Richard Jones anStibbs for ° 4d Alexander Pursell jnr.
To a Book of the Homilies 12s. 8d.
To Court ffees and 2 Books for ye fast 5s. 4d.
Nonpayments in East Ward. The Church Garden 3d. Eliz. Jenkins Town land 9d. Catherine Thomas ° 6d. Mr Okey overcharged for Cutthroat 3d.
West Ward. Ld Mansel for Kings Castle 1s. 9d.
Land. Mr Okey for Kaebuddwr 2s. Anne Williams for the Hays 9d.
Vacancies. East Ward: Spring Garden 2s. West Ward: The Lamb, 5s. 6d.
Account of Richard Jones and Alexander Purcell.
Rec'ed rent for the Church Garden 5s.
To John Lewis for a pick Ax 2s.
To the Kings & poors tax for ye Church storehouse 3s. 1d.
Vacancies The old Cock.
Account of Henry Lewis and Arthur Tanner 1747.
Paid at Michas. Gen'alls the Court ffees at Landaffe 3s. 10d.
Paid for a Register Book £2. 4. 0.
Paid for a Dinner at Michas. Generalls 10s.
Paid Mr William Richards for the Storehouse £1.
The Parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe
At a Vestry duly summoned and held for the said parish in the Parish Church of the said parish on Munday the twentyninth day of August 1748 It appearing to us the Majority of the parishoners in said Vestry so summoned as aforesaid that the great Window in the West ffront of the Tower of the said Church is much gone to decay and Out of repair We do therefore Order Consent and Agree that Henry Lewis Mercer and Arthur Tanner Currier the present Church Wardens for the said parish and parish Church Do Agree and Contract with proper Workmen to repair the same after the same Model that it now stands in and the Expences thereof to be defrayed out of the Church rate for this present year 1748.
1748 Janry 9. At a Vestry &c. it appearing "upon Viewing and Measuring the Glazing Work done on the West Window of the Tower of the said Church by John Jenkin of Cardiffe Glazier and Isaac Rosser of the same Glazier" Ordered that the present Church Wardens pay for the same work £7. 7. 0. in full, and no more.
Signed: ° Tanner, Em1 Lewis, John Lewis, Cradock Glascott, David Prichard, James Jones, Howell Davies.
1749. James Nooth having died, Henry Webber Chilcott was appointed Organist; and Mrs Willey, who played during the vacancy, was remunerated.
The Parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe
At a Vestry duly summoned and held for the said parish in the said parish Church on ffriday the fifth of May in the Year of our Lord 1749 for the Election of an Organist for the said parish in the room of the late
Accounts of Henry Lewis and Arthur Tanner 1748.
paid for 12lb of Wire to mend the Chimes 8s. 8d.
pd Wm Robert for killing five hedgehogs 10d.
pd for two Sacks of Coal for melting the Lead 9d.
pd the Ringers at Christmas 10s.
pd Thomas Jones for cleaning before the Church 6d.
paid Mr Roberts the freestone Mason £6. 8. 0.
Paid the Organist to Easter £1. 10. 0.
Nonpayments. High Street Ward.
Madm Morgan of Lanrumney a house ½ Vac. 1s. 10½d.
Vacancies. East Ward.
Mr Okey for Cutthroats house 1s. 3d.
The Parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe
We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed being the Majority of the parishoners of the said parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe aforesaid at a Vestry duly summoned and held for the said parish on Monday the fourteenth day of January 1750 for the choosing of a Sexton for the said parish Church of Saint John the Baptist aforesaid In the room of Henry Parry the late Sexton deceased do hereby choose elect and Nominate John Wilson of the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe aforesaid to be Sexton of the said Parish and parish Church aforesaid hereby giving and allowing to the said John Wilson all lawfull fees and perquisites of Antient time due and Accustomed with full power to ask demand and receive and Enjoy the same.
Lle: Traherne; Ralph Bowen; Edmund Lloyd; Tho: Mathews; Phill: Stephens; Henry Yeomans; Em1 Lewis. Jas Owen; Thomas Williams; Gab1 Lewis; Alexr Purcel.
The parish of St John the Baptist in Cardiffe
We whose names are hereunto Subscribed being the Majority of the parishoners of the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiffe aforesaid at a Vestry duly Summoned and held for the said parish at the parish Church on Monday the Eighth day of April 1700 and ffifty one Do Elect Choose and Nominate Mr Wm Jones & Mr Henry Williams Two Substantial householders of the said parish to be Church Wardens for the said parish and parish Church for the said Year 1751 and for Sidesmen we do Choose Nominate and elect John King and Eustance (fn. 7) Evans.
Thomas Colerick Vicr; Hum. Jones; John Priest; Crad. Glascott; Arthur Tanner; Richd Jones; Ra. Bowen; Gabl Lewis.
Ordered that the Church Wardens for the Year 1751 do stop or deduct out of the Sallary of Mr Chillcot for his Absence witht the Consent of the Church Wardens for three Sundays to be proportioned according to his quarterly payments.
Wm: Richards; Wil. Lewellin; Hen. Lewis; Michll Brewer; John Cary.
The parish of St John the Baptist in Cardiffe.
We whose names are hereunto Subscribed being the Majority of the parishoners of the said parish of St John the Baptist aforesaid at a Vestry duly Summoned and held for the said parish in the Church of the said parish on ffriday the 9th of November 1753 do approve of the Work done upon the Bells by David Prichard and John Watkin and that the Same are compleatly hung Stocked and Brassed and that they have fully and perfectly performed the Contract by them Entered into to the Church Wardens of the said parish for the doing thereof And whereas the Setting up of the said Bells was by the Contract agreed to be done for fifteen pounds which upon perusing the Accounts of the said David Prichard and John Watkin which amount to fourteen pounds & twelve shillings and eleven pence and that the Same is by them expended in materials to put the said Bells up and that they have lost their trouble thereby We do therefore Order that the Church Wardens Do pay them the Sume of Seventeen pounds which is fforty shillings more than they agreed for.
1755. Account of Henry Yeomans and Howell Davies.
Paid Mr Chilcott for tuneing & cleaning the Organ 10s. 6d.
pd for killing 22 hedgehogs at 4d. each 7s. 4d.
pd for killing five fitchhogs at 6d. each 2s. 6d.
paid for a small hamper 6d.
pd for Oyl and a bottle 1s. 8d.
paid for three pound of thrums 1s. 6d.
paid for two notices in Church 1s.
paid for brooms 4d.
1757. "having had it reported to us in the said Vestry by Mr Chilcott the Organist of the said Church of St John the Baptist that the said Organ is much out of repair and wants much mending it is therefore Ordered that Mr John Priest and Mr Arthur Tanner the present Church Wardens of the said Church do agree with Thomas Warne thoroughly to repair and amend the same."
[Heading as usual.] At a Vestry duly held in the Parish Church of Saint John Baptist in Cardiff on Wednesday the tenth day of January 1759. We the parishoners of the said parish of St John Baptist aforesaid having agreed to enter upon a poll whither or no Henry Webber Chilcott the present Organist of the said parish Church of Saint John Baptist be turned out from the place of Organist of the said Church or Whither he shall be continued in the said office of an Organist.
for turning him out
Cradk Nowell
William Llewellin Geo: Watkins Bloom Williams Richd Jenkins Richd Jones Hen: Lewis Rowland Cary John Lewis Mich1 Brewer Henry Williams
for continuing him in Richd ? Powell Wm ? Richard Thomas Rowland James William Jno. Carey Wm Lewis Edwd. Lewis John ? Rowland Thos Young Thos Morgan
[Another hand.]
We whose names are hereunto Subscribed being Inhabitants paying Scott and Lott within the said parish of Saint John the Baptist in Cardiff aforesaid do hereby enter our protest to the above Order and Declare that we are for Continuing Henry Webber Chilcott in the office of Organist and Do further Declare that he ought not to be removed from ye same at this Vestry for the following reasons.
First for that the notice of this Vestry was signed by one Church Warden only Vizt Mr Arthur Tanner.
Secondly For that the notice of this Vestry was only to Inquire into the behaviour of Henry Webber Chilcott the Organist witht any notice that it was for removing him from the said office of Organist.
Thirdly for that no charge hath been alledged against him relating to his Office as Organist only as to his private behaviour and private Quarrels with Several of the Inhabitants.
Fourthly For That the Churchwardens of the Church of St John aforesaid vizt Arthur Tanner and Richard Priest do dissent to and Dissaprove of the removing of the said Henry Webber Chilcott from being Organist of the said Church.
Richard Priest Church Warden
Arthur Tanner
Phillip Stephens senr Bayliffe
Rob. Savours Bailiff
Hen. Yeomans
Thos Mathews
Thos Edwards
Will. Richards
John Priest
Lewis Morgan
Thomas Lewis
John ? Powell
Jas Owen
Edwd Waters
William Newton
Robt Watkins
John ? Jenkin
William ? Bowen
Trevor X Jones
Thos Richard
Evan X David
Thos Williams
Ln Thomas
1759. Account of Richard Priest and Robert Savours.
paid for Wire for the Clock 6s. 8d.
paid John James for killing a feachock 4d.
paid for a Dle Deal board for the Tower 2s. 8d.
paid for one Do for a bench 3s.
paid the Bellman & Constables on Christmas day £2. 2. 0.
paid Mr Thomas the Town Clerk £1. 3. 4.
Paid at Landaff Visitation £1. 10. 0.
paid for killing a fetch hock 4d.
paid for killing a fetchock 4d.
paid for killing Six ° 1s.
paid the ringers at Xmas. 10s.
paid Thomas Llewellin for Crests 2s. 3d.
paid for takeing two Kites 8d.
paid Thos Meredith for killing a fetchock 8d.
paid Mr Durbrow for wine £3. 15. 0.
paid for a purse 3s. 6d.
Account of Robert Savours and Arthur Williams 1760.
Paid Mr Chilcott as p' rect £6.
Paid Mr Warne £1. 15. 0. [mending organ ?]
pd John of the Lamb for killing hedgehogs 1s. 4d.
To the Constables for Xmas Day 2s.
To the Ringers 18s.
To Goods for the use of the Church £5. 14. 8.
To Thos Lewis of ye Redhouse £6. 15. 0.
To killing 4 hedgehogs 8d.
To killing three fitchogs 1s.
To 7 Basil skins 12s. 10d.
To making the Surplice £1. 1. 0.
To a purse 6d.
1762. Ordered: "that the sum of five pounds and no more be allowed Mr Wilson the Clerk and Sexton for looking after chimes and Clock blowing the Bellows cleansing the Church and Sconces . . . . . and that Notice be given to several persons returned for nonpaymm[en]t of the rate for 1761 to pay in the same immediately and that upon neglect or refusal to pay the several Sums on them rated for the said year 1761 that they be Sued in the Spiritual Court."
Owen Jenkins Vicar.
Hen: Yeomans. Thos Edwards. Geo. Watkins.
[Vestry headed and prefaced as usual.] Wedn. 5 Jany 1753. (fn. 8)
Whereas Owen Jenkins Clerk the now Vicar of the Parish of St. John the Baptist in the Town of Cardiff hath thought proper to Deprive Jn° Wilson from his late Office of Clerkship of the said Parish We whose names are hereunto Subscribed being the Major part of the Parishoners of the said Parish of St John the Baptist in Vestry Duly assembled do hereby Nominate appoint and Confirm the said John Wilson in the Office of Sexton Bellfry man and Organ Blower of the said parish of St John the Baptist hereby Otherizing and Impowering the said John Wilson to Receive to his own Use and Benefit all Dues and Fees arriseing from Burials Christenings and Marriages or otherwise appertaining to his said Several Offices of Sexton Belfryman and Organ Blower or to his Care of the Ropes Clock Chimes Bells Fire Ingine Sconces Candles Seats or any other matter or thing belonging to the Parishioners of the said Parish of St John the Baptist. And we do farther order and agree that if any Person shall molest Distrurb or hinder the said Jno Wilson in Receiveing his said Fees and Dues or in any other Matter or thing Relative to his said Office of Sexton Bllfryman or Organ Blower that then the said ° Wilson shall be protected defended and supported at the Cost and Expense of the said Parish.
Phillip Stephens; Geo: Watkins; Hen. Yeomans; Arthur Tanner; Thos Mathews; Davd Prichard; Francis Minnitt; Alexr Purcel; Phil. Lewis; Will. Richds.; Hen. Lewis; William Powell; Thomas Deere; Henry Durbrow; John Jenkin; Richd Powel; Jno James.
[The consecutive entries end in 1765 and meet writing upside down continued from the other end of the book. To that other end I now turn.]:—
Church Wardens account 1726
To Mr Leigh organist as p' Rect £24.
To White lymeing the Church £2. 14. 0.
To a Woman for Washing the Church 5s. 6d.
To Jon Abbis for Nails &c. £1. 17. 6.
To Mrs Sheers Washing & mending the Linnen 16s.
To the Chymes a new Rope 14s.
To Jon Griffith for ale at setting ye New Rope to Chymes 2s.
To Jas Morgan Tyler Chrest & Tile 2s. 2d.
To Jas the Sawyer 5s. 9d.
To Rob: Watkin Cleaning ye Church yard 2s. 6d.
To makeing ye Rate & a purse 7s.
To Easter Generalls to ffees 3s. 10d.
To Coppy Court Roll 5s.
To Bread & Wine at Whitsunday 12s. 3d.
To Do at Mich. 9s. 2d.
To Do at christmas 12s. 3d.
To Do at Easter 12s. 3d.
To Buryings above Spikes 2–13s. 4d.
To Do below ye Spikes 7—£1. 5. 4.
Allowed by Thos. Colerick Vicr; Tho. Meredith; Alexr Pursell Senr; Will. Mathew; Da: Owen; Thos Mathews; Jas Thomas.
1730. Agreed "that Mr Richard Liegh shall not be Continued an Organist in this parish no Longer then till Easter Day Next and that he shall not be allowd any More than four Pounds p' Quarter till the aforesd Eastr Day."
Arth: Williams; Jno Tanner; Charles Gibbon; Alexr Purcel; Tho: Mathews; John Griffith; Evan Deer; Thos Rosser; Evan Price.
1728. Account of Thomas Mathews and Charles Gibbon.
To the apparitor for a Book 1s.
to Repairing the Chymes 7s. 6d.
to Besoms & a Brush 6d.
to Jon Hart for Cleaning the Sconces 7s. 6d.
to Mr Jenkins for Linsey to make the Baggs for ye Plate & makeing 3s. 10½d.
To Washing the Linen ye sd year 12s. 6d.
To Jas the Clerk for the Presentment 1s.
To a ffitchhogg 4d.
To Mr Meredith for Articles drawn 2s.
To Thomas Jacob for a Fulbert 4d.
To a Prayer Book for the Royal ffamily 1s.
To Mr Morgan Jenkins for Candles 3s. 6d.
To a Thousand of Tile and Portridge 8s. 8d.
To a Regr Book 5s.
To the makeing 12 Cushions 18s.
To 13 yds ¾ of Holland at 10s. p' yard £6. 17. 6.
To make a Surplice £1.
To Jas Jones for Landing the Stones 3s.
To Lewis Jenkin for a Iron Barr 4s. 7½ d.
for 51 yards of paveing Stones £4. 8. 0.
To 2 Hedghoggs 8d.
To the Clark for Drawing ye Transcript 5s.
Nonpayments & Vacancyes for sd year in sd Rate.
Wm Waters in Prison 6s.
Cutt throat old house 6d.
Mrs. Harper ½ vacant by Blunch Gate 2s. 6d.
Sir Geo: (fn. 9) the Green Draggon 2s. 6d.
1728. Account of James Williams and William Mathews, Aldermen.
Paid the Town Clerk for makeing the Church Rate 6s. 8d.
Paid Mr Phillip Monntier Organist an Arrears due £5 6s. 9½d.
paid for Advertising the want of an Organist 2s. 6d.
Paid for a Thousand of Welsh Tile and Carriage £1 11s. 8d.
Paid Rees Watkin Carpenter for Rafters and work to the Roof of the Church £1 1s. 6d.
Paid Arthur the Sawyer for Sawing the Raftors 2s. 6d.
Paid the Tylers for work done on the North side of the Church £3 17s. 6d.
Paid Do for work done on the South Side and Pine end of the Church £2. 1. 6.
Paid Mr Bassett for Mending the Church Lanthorn 1s.
Paid the Register in October Generalls 3s. 10d.
More then laid out at Landaff 6s.
Paid Mr Jas Nooth Organist by Ordr of a Vestry £1. 1. 0.
To Jas Williams Esqr for a Bundle of Heart Laths Lining and Thread &c. 10s. 9d.
Paid at Severall times for Drink to the Tylers and others who assisted in putting right the Bells 5s. 4d.
Paid for Malls to the Church and wire for the Chimes £1. 4. 4.
Paid Edward Noble for large Tile had to the Church 2s.
Paid Thomas Eustance for Leather for the Bells 6d.
Paid Alexr Purcell Esqr for Timber for repairing the Vestry £1. 9. 8½.
Paid Mr Henry Llewellin for Sheet Lead for the Vestry £1. 7. 6.
Paid Mrs Margarett Sheers for washing & mending Church Linning 19s. 6d.
Paid the Town Clerk for attending at three Vestrys 15s.
Paid Mr Bailiff Owen for Wine as p' Note 9s.
Paid George Williams for Bread for the Communion 1s. 10d.
Paid for Entering Our Accounts in the Church Book 6s. 8d.
Paid for killing two hedge hogs 4d.
Vacancies. East Ward. John Price Bookbinder a house 2s. 6d.
Gabriel Lewis for Kaebuwdwr 1s. 3d.
West Ward. Mr Sweet for the Old Angell 10s. 1½d.
Mr Sweet for the New Angell 6s. 3d.
1729. Account of John Tanner and Charles Gibbon.
A Hedghogg 4d.
To Mr Preist for Carriage of the Bell Ropes 6d.
New makeing the old Surplice & Holland 18s.
a Bagg to hold the Surplice and makeing 3s. 6d.
for Bread 6d.
Pd Henry Parry for Cleaning the Chimes & Rubble 13s. 6d.
Pd the paviours £3. 8. 6.
A yard and ½ of Garlick Holland 2s. 3d.
Pd for a Sett of Bell Ropes £1. 10. 0.
for Washing the Linnen the year 10s.
Pd Mrs Morgan for Wine £1. 14. 0.
Pd David Owen Esqr for Wine 12s.
gave to two Disbandd Soldiers 1s. 6d.
Pd for Parchm[en]t to Mr Mathews 1s. 4d.
I. paid for ye Lead £13. 16. 10.
Pd for a Fulbard & 3 Hedgehoggs 10d.
a Book to the use of the organ 7s.
Paid for Cleaning the Porch 1s. 2d.
Paid the apparitor Jon George 3s. 6d.
for Brick 6s. 6d.
gave to poor men 2s.
1730. Account of John Tanner and Charles Gibbon.
To Mr Herbert for the Rate 6s. 8d.
five Hedghoggs 10d.
one Hedgehogg 2d.
To Marmaduke Watkin for bringing of Stone Earth & Sand 7s. 9d.
for Bread 3d.
for mending a Clock & a new Cage 1s.
To Landing gravel & Sifting 1s.
for killing a full bird (fn. 10) 4d.
More 8 Hedgehoggs 1s. 4d.
Vacancies. Madm Herbert ½ [of a house vacant] 1s.
The Accot of the names who have been putt in the hands of Mr Jenkins the Procter.
[16 names follow, among them "Joseph of Blacksturton's Wido' owing £2. 1. 0.]
Received for a Seat of Mr Thos Matthews 15s.
1739. Account of Henry Llewellin and Alexander Purcell.
To William Lewis for Halling the Tile 6s. 3d.
To George Reason for the Stonework of four Windows £3. 2. 0.
To Richd Hopkins for painting the four Windows and the Parsons Pew £1. 3. 6.
To William Thomas for Ale for playing the Engine 2s. 6d.
To Isaac Rosser for Glaziers work to the four Windows £10. 10. 11.
To George Reason for pointing and scraping the Walls 6s.
To Mr Thos Glasscott for the Iron Work of ffour windows &c. £17. 17. 0.
To Mr William Mathews for Soap and Oil 3s. 9d.
To Mr Bowen for Wine for the Sacraments £3. 12. 0.
To George Williams for Bread for the Sacraments 1s. 9d.
To Rees Watkin for Wainscoating the Parsons Pew 13s. 3d.
To Roger and Nicholas Jones for white Limeing the Church £1. 8. 4.
To Mr John Thomas Town Clerk for makeing the Rate &c 18s. 4d.
To Richard Hopkins for Painting 14 Arches the Door & Irons 12s.
To Nicholas Jayne for Iron Work 3s. 2d.
Vacancies. John Brewer a house by the Cross 3s. 9d.
Edward Evans Esqe the Great Swan 6s. 3d.
Thos Lewis Esqe a house near the Hayes 1s. 3d.
The heirs of Esqre Herbert a ruin near the Northgate 5s.
Nonpayments. East Ward. Mrs Jenkins Old Post House.
Land. Thos Austin for Tye Lloyd.
" " " Heath Lands.
Wm Lewis of Pontcanna 18 acres of upland.
Wm Cornish Cutlers Closes.
1740. "Ordered at the Same time that from henceforward the Churchwns do never permitt or Suffer Any person to ring the Bells on Account of Any Marriage or Any persons Coming to Town or on Any rejoycing whatsoever above one day."
1740. Account of William Richards Esqe and Mr. Richard Jenkins.
Rece'd for a Graveplate for Eliz: Jenkins 3s. 4d.
By Cash paid John King Mason for work on the Pavement 1s. 6d.
ffor two Yards of Ribbon for the Church Book 4d.
Paid the Town Clerk for Entering this Account 6s. 8d.
Vacancies and Nonpayments.
The Dissenting Teacher 2s. 7½d.
The Assignees of Grinstead for the Spring Garden 1s. 9d.
Bussy Mansell Esqr for King's Castle 1s. 6¼d.
1749. The Dumb Boy for little Troy 11½d.
1750. Account of Ralph Bowen and Henry Williams.
Paid at Easter Generalls £2.
To Richard Price for calling two Vestrys 8d.
To the same for the presentments 2s.
paid at the Bishops Visitation 10s.
Court ffee 7s.
paid at the Chancellors Visitation 10s.
Court ffees 3s. 10d.
for a purse 6d.
To Thos Jones for Spliceing the Chimes rope 8d.
To Phillip Jones the Cryer
To John Rowland for Hedgehogs 4d.
To John Lewis for the same 4d.
paid for watering the Engine 2s. 6d.
for Cleaning the plate 3s.
To John Wilson for moving the Timber 3d.
1752. Account of William Jones and Richard Jones.
To a Dinner at Easter Generals 16s.
To two hedgehogs 8d.
paid for ale for the workmen when mending the Chancel 1s.
To carrying the Chime rope up the Tower 3d.
To a Baskett for the use of the Chancell 6d.
To the freight and portage of the Chime rope 7d.
To Cleaning the Church plate 3s.
Vacancies &c. Late Mr Morgan of Coedygoras 2 houses 2s. 6d.
Richard the Irishman 2s.
Mrs Williams of Cathays a house 2s.
1753. Account of Richard Jones and Ralph Bowen.
pd Mr Evans (fn. 11) of Chepstow for his Journey & expences £1. 1. 0.
pd Mrs Lewis for cleansing the Churchyard 1s.
paid for 6 Hedgehogs 2s.
Easter ffees 3s. 10d.
A Bottle of Tynte (fn. 12) to qualifie the Bailiffs 3s.
paid Mr Chilcott for repairing the Organ £1. 3. 6.
the Cowbridge Ringers expences £1. 1. 2.
pd for Tynte as p' note £4. 10. 0.
a Marriage Register Book 10s.
ale to the Constables at xmas. 2s.
1757. Account of Arthur Tanner and John Priest.
paid Thomas Warne for repairing the Organ £14. 14. 0.
paid the Ringers 17s.
paid Mr John Thomas the Town Clerk £2.
paid Sundry people for killing Vermin 4s.
1758. Account of Arthur Tanner and Richard Priest.
paid Thomas Vann for mending a pick Axe 6d.
paid ffelix ffox for raising a Ditch under the wall on the East side of the Church Yard 1s.
paid for killing vermin 2s. 4d.
1761. Account of Arthur Williams and David Prichard.
To Mr Wilson for publishing a vestry for the appointing new Church Wardens 6d.
for killing a hedgehog 2d.
for a fitch hog 4d.
for a Letter from Mr Evans (fn. 13) Bellfounder 3½d.
paid Rowld John Harry for haleing the 3ble bell to the Quay 1s. 6d.
paid Richard Driver for ale to ye men that helpt to take the Bell down 1s.
paid at the Visitation Court ffees 4s. 10d.
Dinner 8s.
for a fitchhog 4d.
for cleaning the plate 6 times 9s.
To John Evan for Ale at takeing down the Bell 1s.
for carrying the Bell to the Tower 1s. 6d.
for ale at the riseing of her 2s.
Vacancies late John David Blackware 7½d.
Mr Savours Tent for Cutthroat and Cae Budwr 1s. 3d.
Henry Thomas place Sturton 7d.
Wm Powell of Tennis Court 10s.
Mr Powell o' ffives Court (a ruin).
Wm Powell of ye ffives Court.
Account of David Prichard & ffrancis Minnitt.
Paid William the huntsman for five hedgehogs 1s. 8d.
paid Catwg for a hedgehog 4d.
paid Austons Purcell for a hedgehog 2d.
paid in the Spring Generals £1. 10. 0.
paid Expences at the Visitation 8s.
paid for Discharging the Court 4s. 10d.
paid clearing the Court and books 4s. 10d.
paid for ale for the Women that cleansed the Seats 3d.
paid for cleansing the Church Plate 12s.
Nonpayments. Watkin of the black wares.
Lewis Cox of Roath.
Vacancies. The Greyhound.