Extracts from the Records: 1535

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1535', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp68-72 [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1535', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp68-72.

"Extracts from the Records: 1535". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp68-72.


12 March 1534–5.

Villa Myllaris.

The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Jhonne Cvnynghame and Dauid Myllar ar feit myllaris to the sclait myln to the firmoraris of the commoun mylnis fra Witsounday furth for ane yeir to cum, and thay to pay thame sic feis and dewteis as vse is, and thay ar oblist and sworne to be leill and trew to the fermoraris, and to tak thair leill multer, and to keip and deliuer the samyn, and to lay on stanys and to mak the coggis, and do all thingis apertenyng to thame and quhen thai failye.

17 March 1534–5.

Patrik Barroun, watter baillie.

The quhilk day, the prouest, Maister James Lawsoun, Symon Prestoun, William Vddert, Jhonne Mauchane, baillies, Maister Frances Bothuell, Robert Logane, Hew Douglas, Thomas Scott, Gilbert Lauder, George Kant, Alexander Spens, Maister Dauid Ireland, William Rynde, Allane Mosman, Thomas Rynde, William Aikinheid, George Leith, George Burt, Alexander Young, Henry Cranstoun, Dauid Gillaspye, Robert Symsoun, James Litiljhonne, Thomas Myrraleis, James Wallace, masoun, Patrik Vrye, Jhonne Kyle, Andro Edzer, William Elphinstoun, William Raa, and James Vr, quhilkis personis aboue writtin gevis and grantis till Patrik Barroun the office of watter baillierie of thair port and havin of Leyth, with all and sindrye proffittis and dewiteis pertenyng tenyng thairto for all the dayis of his lyfe, and granttis to him thair commoun seill thairupoun, etc.

26 May 1535.

Donatio prebend. St Andree.

Gevis till Sir William Cady the prebend of St Androis altare in Sanct Geillis kirk as vacand, becaus Mr Andro Jhonestoun last prebendar left the land for heresy.

St Eloyes altar.

The same tyme, disponit to Sir Jhone Wilsoun the prebend at St Eloys alter in St Geillis Kirk.—(In ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

28 May 1535.

[Auditors of accounts.]

The auditoures of compts, the provest and baillies, Mungo Tennent thesaurer, Jhone Purves dene, Mr Frances Bothwell, Nicoll Cairnecors, Hew Dowglas, Gilbert Lawder, Mr Jhone Chisholme, Mr Dauid Irland, William Aikinheid, Allane Mosman. The quhilk day, it is diuisit and ordanit that thir auditouris of compts abouewrittin begynand resaif the compts of this towne, in the first Robert Henrysouns compt and fute the samyn, and thairafter William Adamesouns compt, and syne the compt of the calsay and taxt, and swa furth ay and quhill the compts of the towne be compleitly endit.— (In ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

28 July 1535.

Donatioun of St Dyoneis chaiplenry and our Ladyes in St Paules wark.

The quhilk day, in presence of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Sir James Barroun chaiplane of St Dyoneis altare situat within the College Kirk of St Geill resignit his said chaiplenry in the said prouest and baillies hands as patrones to the samyn, quhilk gaif the said chaiplenry with all proffitts thairof to Sir Jhone Ker chaiplane, after the forme of thair fundatioun.

The sam tyme, the seruice and chaiplenry of our Lady altare gevin be thame to Sir James Barroun. This in St Pawls wark.—(In ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

31 July 1535.

That nane sell guids frie on buirde.

The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na maner of persoun nychtbour within this burgh sell till ony straynger woll hyde skynis clayth or vther merchandice frie on burde, and specially woll, without it be vnderstandin that the samin be lang lyand besyde thame, and nocht to be coft of new in the mercatt nor vtherwayes to that effect, vnder the payne of fyve li. to be tane of thame that dois in the contrar, to be applyet to the kirkwark or commoun werk of the towne, but favoures.— (In the lowse leiffis.—Tr.)

7 August 1535.

[Justice Courts.]

(The towne haldis mony justice courts as Justice Deputts, and sum as Justice and Schereffs. In the convict buik, begynand in June 1535.—Tr.)

3 September 1535.

Executioun supersedit.

(Katherein Mayne convict to deid for airt and pairt of the slawchter of Alexander Cant hir husband, the dome gevin, and executioun deferrit quhill scho werlichter. In the convict buik of that daitt.—Tr.)

Confessioun of theft

(Ane Marioun Lokart, confessand thift, adiugeit to be brunt on the cheik and banist.—Tr.)

7 October 1535.

[Meal sellers.]

(Ane greitt nummer meill sellares fyndand cawtioun to keip the towne statutes vnder the payne of xx s.; and ane Bessie Hendersoun oblist nocht to be fund in the meill merkat metting meill, vnder the pane of banesing, of hir awin consent. In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

15 October 1535.

Burgesschip making; Burgessis maid to beir chairges.

It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that the acts of parliament maid anent the making of burgessis be obseruit and kepit in all tymes to cum, that is to say, that na burges be maid fra this tyme furth bot in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale in jugement; and als ordanis that oppin proclamatioun be maid chargeing all persouns quhilkis ar maid burgessis before that thai cum and remane personallie within this towne and hald stob and staik within the samyn, and to beir all portable chairges of this burgh as vthers nichtbouris dois, within xl dayes nixttocum, vnder the payne of tynsale of thair fredome; certefeing thame that and thai compeir nocht within the said xl dayes that thai sall be haldin to pay thair customes and dewteis till the towne as vnfremen dois within the samyn.—(In the end of the said buik.—Tr.)

16 November 1535.


The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the deykin and brether of the baxters within this burgh till baik thair breid sufficient stufe weill baikin and dryit; and at the ij d. laif wey xvij vnce, and the broun breid efferand thar to, and at the land breid wey xxxviij vnces the iiij d. laif, guid sufficient and fresche stufe.—(In the convict buik end.—Tr.)

Prouest convoying.

It is statute and ordanit [be] the provest baillies and counsale that all nichtboures within this towne, merchandis and craftismen, as thai ar of power, till furnis cortise till pas and convoy the provest fra the kirk till his awin hows after evin sang in the haly dayes of Yule, New Yeir day, and Vphaly day, vnder the payne of xviij shillingis to be tane of thame that wanttis cortise, and at euery deykin haif power till poynd his craft for the samyn.—(In the end of ane convict buik.—Tr.)

29 December 1535.

Burgessis dewty; Absents tyning thair fredome.

It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and deikins of craftis, that euery man that beis maid burges and freman in this guid towne frae this tyme sall pay to the dene of gild for his fredome and burgesrie the sowm of ten pund, vnforgevin, except burges bairnis till bruik thair awld priuelegeis; and that euery craftisman that wald be burges to that effect to be maid maister and frie to his craft and nocht ellis, he to pay to the dene of gild the sowm of fyve pund for his fredome, without favouris. And als decernis and ordanis that all thai persouns quhilks wer maid burges of before, and remanis furth of the towne contrar the act maid the xv of October last, tyll haif tynt thair fredome, because thai come nocht to remayne within the towne efter the forme of the said act, and ordanis the customeris of the towne and kepers of the ports of the samyn till tak custome of all guids brocht in be thame within this towne fra this tyme furth as for ane vnfreman.

December 1535.

Extent to the calsayes.

It is statute and ordanit that euery riche man within burgh that hes na fre land of his awin, till stent be his geir with the vther persouns that hes land, for till pay the calsaymakeris for the making of the calsay.—(In the end of the convict buik.—Tr.)