Extracts from the Records: 1561, Jan-June

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1875.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1561, Jan-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1875), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp97-118 [accessed 19 January 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1561, Jan-June', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1875), British History Online, accessed January 19, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp97-118.

"Extracts from the Records: 1561, Jan-June". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 19 January 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1557-71/pp97-118.

1561, Jan-June

3 January 1560.

Anent the payment of burges and gyldschippis.

The baillies and counsall ordanis maister James Watsoun dene of gyld to ressaue sic nychtbouris of this burgh as is knawyn, or salbe thocht be the said counsall or ballies, nocht of puissance to pay thair haill burges or gyldschipps in hand, actit for the half of thair dewitie, and to ressaue reddy payment of the other half. And als that he aduerteis the counsall or he begyn to ony new wark in the kirk or other pairt, and to tak thair awys anent the furthsetting thairof.


The baillies ordanis Andro Lyndesay, javellour, to rander agane the warklomes tane fra the quariouris for douncasting of the Freris, and thai obleis thame selffis neuir to be fund doing the lyk vnder the pane of the wanting of thair rycht hand, quhilkis ar Alexander Reid, Andro Reid, Hew Reid, James Galbrayth, with otheris thair complices to the normer of xvj men.

Precept, Barroun, Carnis.

The baillies and counsall ordanis James Barroun to deliuer to Jhone Cairnis the sowme of fourtye pund money for his expenssis maid and seruice in tymes bigane, and to be maid quhill the feist of Fastrenis ewyn nyxtocum, and that of the reddiest of the money quhilk be restis awand to the guid toun.

15 January 1560.

Schole maile

[The treasurer "to pay to Maister Alexander Mauchane the sowme of viij li. for the Mertymes termes male last bipast of the grammer scule."]

17 January 1560.

Dowgall villa.

[Johne Dowgall, elder, merchant, being charged to give up the jewels and ornaments in his keeping pertaining to the "Halie Blude aulter," delivered to the bailies and council "ane syluer challice with ane syluer croce that stude vpone the aulter, all weyit to thre scoire fyftene vnces syluer."]

4 February 1560.


The provest baillies and counsale ordanis Dauid Corsbe to produce before thame vpoun Friday nixt the siluer chelleis and vtheris ornamentis of the Halie Blude altare quhilk he hes in keeping, vnder the pane of warding.

Precept, Prouost.

[The treasurer ordained the sum of two hundred merks to be paid to "Archibald Dowglas, provest, in consideratioun of his seruice and large expenssis in the tounis effaris."]


The provest baillies and counsale ordanis Luce Wilsoun, thesaurare, to pay to the beidmen of St Andros hospitale the soume of fyve poundis as for thair pensioun of the Mertymes last bipast.

Calsay makar.

In presence of the provest baillies and counsale foirsaid, Michael Bre, Frencheman, calsay makar, bindis and obleissis him that incontinent heirefter he, togidder with his sone and samony seruandis as he may get, sall enter to the making and mending of the tovnis calsayis, and begin at sic place as pleissis thame to appoint him, continualie to remane and laubour thairat without taking vpoun him of ony vther menis laubouris, quhill the haill calsayis of the toun be compleitlie endit and mendit or quhill he be dischargeit be thame, and sall furneis stane sand and all maner of thingis necessar for the said work vpoun his awin expenssis; for the quhilk caus Luce Wilsoun, thesaurar, sall pay to him ouklie on Setterday at evin for ilk rude of new work the soume of xlviij s., and for ilk rude of auld work xxxviij s.; and the rudis to be met be Alexander Pery, Jhonne Wilsoun or James Edmund, and the said Michell grantis him to haue ressauit at thir presentis iij lib. in pairt of payment of the said work.

7 February 1560.

Kirk Wark.

The prouest baillies and counsale foresaid ordanis maister James Watsoun, dene of gild, with all deligence to begyn and compleit the stane gavill ordanit of before at the west end of Sanct Gelis Kirk within the west gavill of the samyn, conforme to the said ordinance; and siclike to proceid in the vther necessar warkis within the said kirk.

Toun wallis.

The prouest baillies and counsale foresaid ordanis Louke Wilsoun, thesaurer, with all diligence possebill to by lyme and sand and all vther necessaris for the completing of the toun wall at the Blakfreris, and to proceid and go fordwert with the samyn as it salbe appoynttit be the counsale.

12 February 1560.

Precept, knox

[The dean of guild ordained to pay to "Johne Knox, minister, the sowme of fyftie poundis for supporting of his chargeis;" and the treasurer to pay "Robert Mowbray, heretour of the hous occupyit be Johne Knox," ten merks, as the duty thereof to the preceding Martinmas, "and fra thinefurth to pay him termelie according to fyftie merkis in the yeir sa lang as the samyne sall be occupyit be him."]

19 February 1560.

Thesaurer, toun wark.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Louke Wilsoun, thesaurer, with deligence to put to workmen to the doun taking of the Blackfreir wallis and dikis, and gadder in all stanys of the samyn intromettit with be quhatsumeuir persoun, and big the toun wall thairwith, and oblissis thame and thair successouris to releif and keip him skaythles thairof in all tymes cuming at all handis quhome efferis.

21 February 1560.

Dene gyld, Corsbye.

In presens of the baillies and hale counsale, Dauid Corsby burges of Edinburgh, presentit and deliuerit to maister James Watsoun, dene of gild, at thair command, conforme to thair ordinance of before, ane siluer challice, our gilt, weyand twenty vnces and half ane vnce wecht, quhilk pertenit to the Hally Blude alter, given to him in keiping be the maisteris and brether thairof.

Charge, dene gyld, Sauchie.

The baillies and counsale foresaid ordanis the dene of gild to call Alexander Sauchye, tailyeour, for the thre bras pillaris quhilkis he hes confessit him to haue of Sant Anthonis Ile, and ordanis the said dene of gyld to be chargit with the samyn in his compttis, and siclike with the hale vther pillaris and bellis resauit be him.

5 March 1560.

Foullertoun, dene gild, charge.

Maister James Watsoun dene of gild, being demandit quhat money he had resauit fra Adam Foullertoun, baillie, for the bellis and brasin pillaris of the kirk, confessit him to haue resauit fra the said baillie the sowme of tuelf score of pundis, and the said baillie askit instrumentis.

12 March 1560.

Toun wall, Blakfreris.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Luk Wilsoun, thesaurer, with all diligence possible, to caus begyn and big the town wall at the Blak freirs, quhair the samyne wes left be maister James Lyndsey, and tak doun and intromett with the rest of the stanis and wallis of the Blak freirs kirk and yardis, and siclik to seik throuch all the towne quhair ony of the stanis of the said freirs ar caryeit, and caus bring the samyne agane to the said towne wark, and with the saidis haill stanyis big vp the said wall.

Franche ambassadour

The ballies and counsall ordanis Louk Wilsoun, thesaurer, to deliuer to Andro Williamsoun, wrycht, the sowme of xj s. vj d. for his laubouris in doun taking and vpsetting of certane beddis and vther necessar besynes, in maister Jhone Robertsonis hous preparit for the Franche ambassatour.

The ballies and counsall ordanis Louk Wilsoun thesaurer to deliuer for four elnis and ane quarter of swttis grene bocht to be ane covering to the Franche ambassatouris buird, the sowme of iij li. iiij s. ix d.

24 March 1560.

Proclamatioun, preistis, freris.

Forsamekill as it is nocht vnknawin that, be the brute of the preistis monkis freris and vtheris of that vngodlie sort and that opinioun, it wes doung in the eiris of all pepill of this realme, and speciallie of the inhabitantis of this burgh, that albeit thai war willing to heir the trew worde precheit thai durst nocht resorte to this burgh for feir of pvnisment, and sua be croweltie war debarrit and haldin abak frome hering of the sermounis now publeist; for remeid heirof, and satefeing of all faithfull, frie licence wes gevin to all preistis monkis freris channonis nunnis and vtheris of thair sorte sectis and opinioun, frelie without impediment or ony kynde of iniurie, to resorte to the saidis sermonis, and thair place appointit, and all vtheris forbiddin to occupy the same, and siklike of all sic thingis as thai war in dowte of the samyn to be opinit to thame be word or writ as thai sykd tgubj naust gude, and albeit the sort foirsaid hes be the space of thre monethis past had libertie and fredome as said is, na signe nor apperance is or can be found of thair amendment, bot rather hes done and dailie dois that may ly in thame to hald the sempill pepill in blindnes and errour, ganging maist bisselie, as is surelie knawin to vse, the magistratis of this burgh, [into] all the pairtis of the said toun, sawing thair vngodlie opinionis and detestable [workis.] Qyharefore sen trew it is that, be the infallable word of the eternale and [trew] God, we ar commandit to rute owte from the middis of ws oure toun and commoun weill the wikit and vngodlie, and in speciale quhen the workis of the samin dois appeir to the hurte thairof, as we will eschew the wrath and indignatioun threitnit vpoun ws gif we do nocht oure dewitie, for pureging of our said toun of sic vngodlie peple thair errouris and detestabill workis, I command and charge in our Souerane Ladeis name, and in name and behalf of the lordis of secreit counsale, provest and bailles of this burgh, that within xlviij houreis nixt heirefter all prestis monkis freris channonis nunnis and vtheris of the vngodlie sectis and opinionis, quhilkis heirtofore hes joisit the priuilege and liberte abone writtin, and hes nocht gevin thair repentence of thair formar iniquiteis and opinionis, as alssua all mes sayaris and mes manteinaris, huremongairs, adulteraris and frnicatouris, despesche thame of this toun fredome liberte boundis and suberbbis thairof, and that thai nothir hant resorte nor frequent sa lang as thai remane abstinat; yitt nochtwithstanding the said toun being anis purgeit of thame, quhen it sall pleis the Almychttie to move thair hartis to acknawlege thair ignorance, and to crave to be hard and ressauit in the fallowschip of the faithfull, vpoun apperance of thair repentence, efter obtening of the saidis provest and baillies licence, thai sall nocht be refusit nor denyit, sua that it salbe knawin to all peple that we the saidis provest baillies and counsale and hail faithfull within this burgh thristis na thing mare than thair godlie conversioun and repentence. And this to all quhome it efferis we mak knawin and requiris yow witnes. Quhilk proclamatioun being red in presens of the saidis provest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis, the saidis dekynnis approvit the same and thocht the same maist ressonable to be allowit and put to executioun, and all in ane voce ordanis the samyn to be proclamyt at the mercat croce, and the execution to follow vpoun the contempnaris.

The pure.

The provest, baillies, dene of gild, thesaurare, [council, assessors and deacons of crafts,] all in ane voce grantis and consentis that the ordour takin for the sustenyng of the pure, that is to say, that all maner of man induellaris within this burgh, baith merchandis and craftismen, quhilkis refussis to gif oulklie almous be compellit be the saidis provest baillies and counsale, with avise of the saidis dekynnis, to gif of thair gudis for the caus foirsaid according to thair power and substance, and gif neid be the reddiest gudis of the refusar to be poindit and distrinyeit thairfore.


[The council ordained the decreet against the fleshers, for payment of their mails and duties, to be put in force, and appointed "the Blakfreir kirk yarde for the saidis flesheouris thair to [sett] and place thair flesch stokkis, and to be dischargeit of [the flesh] marcat that now is, and to flit and remove thair flesche stokkis thairfra vnder all hiest pane and charge."]

2 April 1561.

The pure.

The ballies and counsall ordanis to convene the dekynnis on Fryday nyxt, and to desyre and haif thair awys and counsall to the furthsetting of certane statutis devisit for ordoring of the towne, the pure of the samyne, in compleitting of certane gude warkis ellis begowne and nocht endit in the said towne.


James Barroun deliuerit, in presens of the counsall, the pece of clayth of gold with Sanct Gelis coit ressauit be him in keeping; . . . . . . . Andro Sclattar deliuerit the vestment dekyne and subdekyne of clayth of gold quhilk be had in keping; . . . . Thomas Jaksoun, massoun, deliuerit the chesobell of red welott myxt with gold, with the pertinentis thairof.

The pure.

The ballies and counsall, haifing consideratioun of the pure within this burgh, and movit of petie according to thair bunding dewtie towrt thame, hes thocht gude that certane honest men of this towne, merchandis and craftismen, be chosin furth to the nvmer of thre personis within ewery quartar to pas to the hussis and buthis of euery gud and godly nychtbor and requyre of thame thair almos and support to the said pure, and samekle as beis gottin to be distributit to thame euery Setterday efternone be the eldaris and dekynnis sworne thairto, and compt to be maid of the money collectit, befoir the minister ballies eldaris and dekynnis euery moneth anis, be the saidis collectouris and dispositouris, and this ordour to be obseruit for the said pure quhill it sall pleis God that better be prouidit; and thir collectouris following to indure for the first quartar of yeir, begynnand the said secund of Apryle, that is to say:—[Here follow names.]

5 April 1561.


Williame Lausoun, in presens of the ballies dene of gyld and counsall, presentit and deliuerit the westment dekyne and subdekyne of grene dalmes with the pertinentis, quhilk he had in keeping.


[The bailies and council] ordanis maister James Watsoun, dene of gild, to deliuer and pay to the minister, Jhone Knox, the sowme of fyftie pundis as for the compleit payment [for a quarter.]


The ballies and counsall ordanis the vestmentis and kirk geir to be gadderit in and sauld with diligence, and of the reddiest money thairof the fyfty pund debursit and deliuerit be maister James Watsoun to Jhone Knox to be refundit and payit to him agane.


[Proclamation to be made forbidding any freeman of the flesher craft to sell their flesh "in ony vther place within this burgh bot at the overend of the Tolbuith passand vpwart to the over Bow; and that na vnfreman sell ony fleshce bot in the Vinell and passage lyand on the sowthe pairt of the Cowgait passand fra the commoun calsay of the Bow to the place of the Blakfreris."]

9 April 1561.

Propositiouns of the dekynnis for the fleschouris.

[Referring to a previous act of the council as to the removing of the fleshers from the fleshmarket, Robert Henrisoun, on behalf of the deacons of crafts, alleged "that in sa far as the saidis fleschouris wer removit by the avise and consent of the dekynnis, [thay had been] evill done to, forsamekle as in tymes past in transporting of all merkettis or placeing of thame the saidis dekynnis consenttis and voittis wer requyrit, as is notour be the speciall actis maid vpoun the transporting of the clayth market, in the yeiris of God jmvc lv and lvij yeris," and therefore any act as to removal of the fleshmarket passed without consent of the deacons was contrary to their privileges; "quhairfor he in name foresaid desyrit it to be votit of new concernyng the changing of the merket and thair voittis hard thairintill." The deacons thereupon ratified and approved "the ordinance and decreit laitlie set furth and pronouncit aganis the flesheouris," "for the common weill."

Decreit aganis Fleschouris.

The provost bailies and council, knowing the disobedience of the fleshers in refusing to pay their mails and duties or to remove from the fleshmarket, decerned them to remove, "and to place thair said stokis and hald merket at the west pairt and end of the tolbuth stairs quhair the landis merket stude of before."]

Victuell merkett.

The prouest baillies counsale and [hale dekynnis], vnderstanding the place quhair the victuell merkettis is presentlie haldin, viz., vpoun the Hie Streit abone the tolbuth, to be na convenient place in respect of the thrang of merkettis haldin thair, and for vtheris diuers caussis moving thame concernyng the commoun weill, findis gude and all in ane voce decernis concludis and granttis the said victuell merket be changit and transporttit to the biggit place quhair the flesche merket is presentlie haldin sa sone as ane convenient vther place may be gottin bocht and bigit for the saidis fleschouris.

Levingstonis yard.

The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis, efter aduisement, findis that the yaird and biggit land liand at the fute of the flesche merket pertenyng heretablie to Jonet Wycht and Dauid Levingstoun hir spous salbe the maist meit and convenient place for ane flesche merket. [The council agree to take steps for acquiring the property.]

23 April 1561.

Leyth Wynde.

[Sums resting of the extent granted for bigging of the town walls to be gathered in and to be delivered "to Dauid Somer, baillie, to be wairrit vpoun the bigging of the wallis in Leyth Wynde."]

[Articles proposed to the council.]

The articulis following proponit to the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis for the commoun and commoun policie of this burgh, quhilk thay ordane to be registrat:—

[Rents and annuals payable to papists.]

Item, in the first, it is thocht gude that the renttis annuellis and vtheris emolimentis quhilkis of before war payit furth of landis and tenementis within this burgh to papistis, preistis, feris, monkis, nonis, and vtheris of that wikit sort, for manteinyng of idolatrie and vane superstitioun, seing it hes plesit the Almychti to oppin the eis of all pepill and to gyf thame the knaulege of sic vane abussis, thairfor that the saidis renttis and emolimentis be applyit to mair profitable and godlie vssis, sic as for sustenyng of the trew ministerris of Goddis word, founding and biging of hospitalis for the pure and collegis for leirnyng and vpbring of the youth, and sic vther godlie warkis.

[Deceasesd's goods.]

Item, becaus it apertenis to the maiestratis as commandit of God to defend and procure the caussis of the wedow and peple, heirfor, that ane ordinance be maid for the ayd and support of pupillis and infanttis quha ar destitute be inlaik of thair parenttis, that the just inventure being takin be ane of the juges, with the clerk, of the hale guddis quhilkis pertenit to the deid, thairefter the samyn to be registrat in the townis bukeis to be furthcummand to the vtelite of the bairnys, and sufficent cautioun to be taikin of the tutour curatour or intromettouris thairwith for the samyn and avale thairof to the bairnys weill as said is, and iiij d. to be granttit of euerye pound of the dedis pairt to the support and vphald of the misterfull and puir.

[Duty on wine.]

Item, quhair of before, in the tyme of ignorance and blindnes, thair wes ane choppin of wyne granttit and gevin for the mantenyng the wikitnes and idolatrie of Sanct Anthonis Ile, of the tvn of wyne, that now of euery tvn of wyne thair be vplifit be the dene of gild present and to cum xij d. allanerlie, to be put in ane box and dispoint for sustenyng of the pure and fallit brethering marchanttis and craftismen of this burgh.

[Burial place.]

Item, becaus it is thocht gude that thair be na buriell within the kirk, and that the kirk yard is nocht of sufficient rowme for bureing of the died, and for eschewing of the savour and inconuenientis that may follow thairupoun in the heit of somer, it wald be prouidit that ane buriall place be maid farer fra the myddis of the toun, sic as in the Gray Freir yaird, and the samyn biggit and maid close.


Item, for exercing and vsing of the youth in honest and neidfull gammys at lauchfull tymes, thair wald be maid in sum convenient place diuerss pairris of buttis for hand bow corse bowe and culvering.

[Swearers and blasphemers.]

Item, that the name of God may be had in sic reuerence as in his awin maist blissit scriptouris is commandit, and for eschewing of the curse and plaigis hinging our the heidis of all townis cuntreis cieteis and peple quhair the samyn his blissit name is contempnit and blasphemyt, ane ordoure wald be establischit for pvnischeing of all proud vane and vngodlie aithis and sueraris thairof without fauouris.

[Prayers and preaching.]

Item, siclik ordoure wald be taiken for compelling of the stubburne and abstinat inimeis to the treuth to cum to the prayerris and preiching of the worde of God.

Quhilkis articules being red in presens of the prouest baillies and dekynnis, it wes concludit that euery dekin sould haue ane copye thairof to be schewin to his craft and ansuer reporttit the nixt counsale day.


The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis ordanis Louke Wilsoun, thesaurer, and certane of the counsale to pas to my lord Arskin, capitane of the castell, and in the name of the said prouest baillies counsale and hale communitie ask and reassaue fra him the townys artailye pulder bullet, and all vther thing thairto pertenyng, quhilk he ressauit in keiping the first tyme of the cuming of the congregatioun to this burgh, and gyf he refussis to report his ansuer the nixt counsale day.

Proclamatioun anent prentissis.

The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstanding that the prentissis and seruandis of merchanttis and craftismen and vtheris within this burgh ar of mynd vpoun Sounday nixt to mak convocatioun and assemblie efter the auld wikit maner of Robene Hude, nocht regarding the pvnisment thretnit in Goddis word vpoun the braikaris of the Saboth, nor having feir of the temporale pvnischment content in our Souerane actis vpoun the vsurparris of sic vane pastymes, quhairfor they all in ane voce, as cairfull fadderis our their commontie, and for eschewing of the pvnismentis and dangerris abone written, ordanis ane proclamatioun to be maid at the foure principale pairttis of this burgh, in our Souerane Ladeis and thair names, dischargeing all sic conventionis and assemblais within this burgh and boundis of the samyn, and of all bering of armour, wappinnis, striking of suesche, sounding of trumpt, bering of baner standert or ansenye, or like instrument, for sic vane besynes, certefeing the maister quhais seruand sall happin to be found cumand in the contrair heirof that he sall tyne his fredome of this burgh for euir, the seruand prentise or vther apprehendit or notat to tyne the armour and abulyement apprehendit with him and banist the toun for euer; the lenneris of armour wappinnis and abulyement to be reput and haldin as manteinaris of the wikit inemeis to all gude ordour, and thairfor pvnist in thair personis and guddis at the will of the said prouest baillies and counsale; and siclik that na assemblay nor convocatioun be found within this burgh with armour and wappinnis of the inhabitantis of the samyn, nor of the tounis adiacent, bot euerye man to gang and behaif him self in honest and sempill maner without multitude or gaddering, vnder the said pane of warding and pwnisment at the saidis jugis will.

Dewtie of wyne.

Item, the samyn day, the prouest baillies and counsale foresaid, vpoun consideratioun of the maist godlie articule proponit for collecting of xij d. of euerye tvn of wyne for sustenyng of the misterfull and faillit brethering, all in ane voce consenttis and approvis the samyn, and ordanis proclamatioun to be maid dischargeing the auld dewite granttit for mantenyng the wikitnes of Sanct Anthonis Ile and all confrareis bandis and premissis thairof, vnder all hieast panys and charge.

24 April 1561.

Levingstonis yarde.

In presens of [the bailies and council], comperit Dauid Levingstoun and offerit his yaird and landis diuisit for the flesche merket for the soume of ane thousand pundis and to mak the gude toun sure thairof for the said sowme, and Dauid Somer baillie at command and in name of the prouest baillies counsale and communite offerit him thairfor the sowme of vij' merkis quhilk the said Dauid Levingstoun refusit, quhairfor the baillies and counsale foresaid constitute and nominat the personys following to be comprisaris of the saidis landis and yard, and ordanis thair aithis to be taikin for just comprysing according to the ordour in sic caissis within burgh and conforme to the ordinance maid of before, and the said Dauid Levingstoun dissasentit and protestit for remeid in caise thai procedit in comprising and askit instrumentis.

The samyn day, the baillies and counsale foresaid desyrit the said Dauid Levingstoun to cheis for his pairt tua honest men and thay vther tua for the pairt of thame, and the commonytie with ane discreit ourman to pas vpoun the comprising of the saidis landis and yairdis, to be sworne to comprise according to the just avale, and thay in lik maner sworne to abide at thair deliuerance, quhilk the said Levingstoun refusit, and instrumentis being taiken thairof be the said Dauid Somer baillie in maner forsaid, ordanis as of befoire to proceid in comprising according to the ordour abone written.

The names of the comprisaris: [here follow twelve names.]


The prouest baillies and counsale ordams Louk Wilsoun, thesaurer, deliuer to Johnne Carnys the sowme of ten pundis to ane compt of his dewtie for his seruice.

25 April 1561.


The prouest baillies and counsale, efter the forme tenour and desyre of the secund article befoir writin, and according to thair bundin dewtie towert the fatherles and desolait youth, statutis and ordanis that fra this furth all testamentis that salhappin to be maid within this burgh of craftisman merchant or vther inhabitant quhatsumeuir be presentit and deliuerit to the vesitouris chosin for the yeir and to the commoun clerk of the burgh to be registrat in the townis bukeis, to be furthcumand to the bairnys and freindis of the depairtit and vtheris havand rycht thairto, and gyf it happinnis ony to depairt vntestit that incontinent the saidis vesitouris pas to the houssis buthis and vtheris places quhair the guddis and geir of the depairtit sall happin to be, requyre and call for the narrest and vnsuspect freindis gyf thay may be, and failyeing of the saidis freindis that they put in writ and mak just inventour off all guddis quhilk thai may apprehand out of lokfast lvmes, and seill and lok the saidis lokfast lvmes, and gif neid be tak the keyis of the samin with thame, and be thair avise it be aggreit be the narrest freindis thai sall nocht be opinit for the weill of the bairnis and vthiris haifand rycht and iust intromettouris thairwith as of befoir togidder with diuisioun according to the ordour, and gif it beis fundin gude that the gudeis and geir be rowpit to the just avale sauld and disponit to the weill of the saidis bairnis and vthiris haifand richt as said is the saidis visitouris tobe settaris thairof, thai being sworne thairto. This inventure to be registrat in the tovnis bukis tobe gevin furth to all parteis haifand richt, vnder the subscriptioun of the commoun clerk. And the saidis visitouris, as thai will ansuer in the presens of God, without respect of gude proffet hatrent or affectioun, tak diligent laubour and care that the will of the deid in the testamentis maid be fulfillit and obseruit, and this present ordour takin for the barnis and (blank) of thaim that deis vntestit inlikmaner be thame be obseruit and at thair power set furth, and gif neid be the provest and baillies to assist thame, and yeirlie as the visitouris salbe chosin thair aith of faithfull administratioun to be taikin.


The provest baillies and counsale ordanis maister James Watsoun, dene of gild, with all diligence, with certane of the counsale depute thairto, to pas and vesie the Grayfreir dykis and yardeis of this burgh, beig vp and mend the same quhair thai ar ruinous and falty, and to mak ane sufficient stark yet for owtehalding of beistis; quhilk place is appointit be the said counsale in all tymes cuming to be the place of buriale as the place maist apt and conuenient thairto.

Dewtie of wyne.

The provest baillies and counsale, according to the desyre of the thrid article before writtin, findis gude that xij d. of euery tvn of wyne that salhappin tobe ventit within this burgh be collectit and takin vp be the dene of gild and put in ane close box, to be disponit and gevin be the avise of the said provest baillies and counsale to the support of pure misterfull falit brethirne, merchandis and craftismen onlie, nychtbouris of this burgh and nane vtheris, and for the sure knawledge heirof that the viij workmen of Leith togidder with Jhonne Pinkertoun, gild officiar, and the workmen of the trone of this burgh be send for and cawsit gif thair aithis for making of trew and sure inuenture of all wynis that cumis to the burgh, and to gif vp the names of the byaris and sellaris togidder with the quantitie of the tvnnis of wyne to the said dene of gild.

Discharge of confrareis.

The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstanding that in the tyme of blindnes and mysknawlege of the treuth thair wes be consent of the nychtbouris of this burgh ane confrarie and bruderheid of ventaris of wyne quhilkis payit of euerye puntioun wyne ane choppoun to Sanct Anthonis alter for sustenyng of idolatrie and wikitnes, and sen at this present it hes plesit the Almychti to oppin the eis of all pepill, sua that it is knawin that all sic confrareis bandis and promissis, inventit be the vngoddlie sort of papistis for filling of thair belleis, ar contrair to the will and glorye of God, thairfor ordanis proclamatioun to be maid at all pairttis of this burgh neidfull, dischargeing the confrarie of Sanct Anthonis, the Hally Blude, and all vther confrareis quhatsumeuir quhilk hes bene heirtofore in tyme of ignorance, and all sic dewiteis as wes gevin thairto according to the statutis maid heiranent, to be vptaikin and applyit to the pure, vnder all hieast pane that to the offender may be imput at the will and plesour of the juges present and to cum.

10 May 1561.

Proclamatioun anent prisses.

The baillies and counsale ordanis the proclamatioun following to be proclamyt and publischit at the mercat croce of this burgh, the schore of Leyth and vther places neidfull, off the quhilk the tenour followis:—Sen it hes plesit the Almychti, of his omnipotent mercye and gudenes, to oppin the lycht of his worde and mak patent to ws, the professouris of his maist hally gospell, our dewtie towert our nychtbouris, and in speciall towert the innocent laying to oure charge, to deill with euerye cristeane broder and nychtbour as we oure selffis wald be delt withall; and hering that laitlie thair is arryvit certane prissis, apprehendit vpoun sic ground as God knawis alwayis, to the apperance of the godlie sic guddis as may nocht be bocht or sauld be ony faythfull with saif conscience, quhairfor I command and charge in oure Souerane Ladeis name, and in name and behalf of my lord prouest and baillies of this burgh, that na maner of persoun, merchant, craftisman nor vther occupear nor induellar within the samyn or boundis thairof, intromet blok by or sell ony of the saidis prisses or guddis being thairintill, nor be participant of the bloking bying or selling thairof, vnder the pane of tinsale of thair fredomes for euir and pvnischement of thair personis without fauouris at the juges will.

Ordinance for the insurrectioun of the prentisses.

The baillies and counsale, togidder with Andro Elphinstoun dekin of the furrouris, Jhonn Robesoun dekin of the smythis, Patrik Schang dekin of the wrychtis, Robert Hog dekyn of the cordineris, James Norvell dekin of the tailyeouris, Hercules Methuen dekin of the baxsteris, Jhonn Loch dekin of the skynnerris, Robert Hendersoun dekin of the barbouris, Murdo [Walker] for the masonis, being convenit within the tolbuth of this burgh, maister Jhonn Spens, baillie, declarit and schew how that yisterday eftirnone, being the Saboth of the Lord, the craftismennis seruandis and prentisses enterit at the Nether Bow with displayit baner in armour and wappinnis and passit throuch the toun to the Castill Hill, nochtwithstanding thay war chargit be the said baillie in our Soueranis name and in name and behalf of the prouest [and] baillies of this burgh; and siclike the samyn nycht, betuix viij and ix houris at evin, enterit in the samyn maner returnyt to the Nether Port and keipit the samyn at thair plesour, in manifest contempt of oure Soueranis autorite and magistratis of this burgh and thair proclamatione set furth in the contrair, quhairfor the said maister Jhonne Spens, for himself the remanent baillies and hale counsale, havand thair speciall command thairto, askit of the saidis dekynnis gyf thay fand that the personis foresaidis had contravenit the proclamatioun and ordinance maid the thrid day of Apprile with all thair cousenttis, and gyf thay had done wrang and deseruit pvnischment for dissobeying of the officeris yisterday and keiping of the porttis and commanding the baillies to pas of the stretis, mannesing thame with wappinnis; quhilkis dekynnis, all in ane voce, declarit the samyn to be expres wrang and inobedience deseruing extreme pvnischment to the exemple of vtheris, and promist faithfullie to the saidis juges thair assistance in apprehending and pvnisching of the saidis contempnaris quhat tyme thay sould be requyrit, and heirupoun the said baillie in name foresaid askit instrumentis.

For convennyng of the craftis.

It is statut and ordanit be the baillies and counsale that the dekynnis of craftis convene thair hale maisteris this efternoue and requyre of thame quhat will be thair pairt in pvnischeing the offendaris before writtin, and to report thair ansuer the morne before none.

13 May 1561.

The answer the craftis.

The baillies and counsale being convenit, comperit the dekynnis of the goldsmythis, barboris, skynnaris, tailyeouris, smythis, wrychtis, cordineris, furrouris, masonis, bonetmakaris, wobstaris, bakstaris and fleschouris, and takand the burding vpoun thame for the hale maisteris of craftis, and desyrit that Robert Hendersoun, dekin of the barbouris, and Mychaell Gilbert, dekyn of the goldsymthis, mycht be hard to report thair and the hale maisteris ansueris, to quhome thay haue gevin full commissioun, and oblissis thame to abide at thair sayingis, quhilk wes acceptit and granttit, and be the saidis Hendersoun reporttit as followis, that is to say, that the hale maisteris and dekynnis, according to thair boundin dewtie, faythfullie promyttis thair assistance fortificatioun and manteinance to the prouest baillies and counsale in the serching and apprehending of the craftismennis seruandis and vtheris quhilkis vpoun Sounday last committit the inobedience abone writtin, and sall be rady to ryse and convene quhen thay ar requyrit, and to fortifie the saidis prouest and baillies in the executioun of justice vpoun thame, alwayis exhorting the saidis juges, sen thai had sufficient power and autorite to execute and pvnise the offenssis committit within thame, that thai wald seik na hiear powerris in this caus and tak the pvnischment and executioun in thayr awin handis, and to be mercyfull to sa monye of the saidis offendaris as wer penitent.

14 May 1561.

To tak the prentissis.

The hale counsale, being convenit, and vnderstanding that the craftis childer had trublit and molestit diners nychtbouris in thair passeg to Leyth, ordanis the baillies with all deligence, with sic nowmer of nychtbouris as thay sall think gude to haue with thame for thair fortificatioun, and pas tak and apprehend the saidis craftis childer quhaireuir thay may be gottin and put thaim within warde within the tolbuth forther ordour be taikin for thair pvnischement.

21 May 1561.

Ordinance for seruing of the jugeis.

The prouest, baillies, [council, and deacons of crafts,] being convenit in the tolbuth, and vnderstanding that the nobelite of this realme ar to convene at this present perliament with greit cumpaneis, and hering of sum variance amangis sum of the said nobelite, for stopping of trublis, ordanis that thre score able men hagbuttaris be listit and put in wages for half ane moneth to await at all tymes of the day and nycht vpoun the prouestis and baillies, and thair wages to be payit of the radeast of the commoun gude, and the samyn to be eikit to the nixt extent that sall be set within this burgh and refoundit to the thesaurer; and siclik ordanis the saidis dekynnis to aduertice the maisteris and seruandis of thair craftis to be in radynes to cum to the said prouest and baillies at the sound of the commoun bell, trumpet or tabroun, in armour and wappinnis, in case of trublis as said is, and that the saidis baillies be thame selffis and officeris pas throuch all buthis of merchanttis and craftismen and vther places neidfull and warne and se the occupiaris thairof be sufficientlie prouidit in armour and lang wappinnis according to the auld ordinances, and to be in radynes as said is.

23 May 1561.

Sir Jhonne Wilsoun.

The baillies and counsale granttis and gevis licence to Jhonn alias Sir Jhonne Wilsoun, sumtyme chaplane of Sanct Katherinis alter within Sanct Gelis Kirt within this burgh, to dispone and set in few, with thair consenttis, to quhatsumeuir persoun he pleissis, all and sundrye landis within this burgh pertenyng to the said alterege, and ordanis onye ane of the baillies, in name and behalf of the prouest baillies and counsale, as lauchfull patronis to the said alterege, to pas with the said Jhone Wilsoun and gif the said sesing, without preiudice of the viij merkis yeirlie ground annuell quhilk thay haue annixt to thair commoun gude of the tenement of land liand in the Cowgate. . . . .

27 May 1561.

Alter grayth.

The baillies and counsale ordanis the kaipis, vestimentis, ornamentis and alter grayth, quhilk pertenit to Sanct Gelys alter presentlie in handis, or sa fer as may be gottin in, to be deliuerit to Dauid Somer, baillie, and to James Barroun, and thay to dispone the samyn to the maist avantage.

Precept, capitane castell.

The baillies and counsale ordanis Louke Wilsoun, thesaurer, to propyne in thair names to my lord Arskin, capitane of the castell of Edinburgh, ane tvn of the best wyne, quhite wyne and claret, can be gottin.

30 May 1561.


Maister Alexander Skyne, aduocate, being callit and accusit for taking and ressauing of the diabolicall idoll callit the preistis sacrament at Pasche last, in the contempt of the religioun and the glorie of God now establisched, and expres contrar to the actis of parliament incurrand thairthrow the panys thairintill contenit, confessit the ressauing of the said sacrament efter the auld maner, bot nocht in contempt as wes allegit nor yit within thair jurisdictioun; vpoun this his confessioun Dauid Somer, baillie, askit instrumentis, and the remanent judges ordanit the said maister Alexander to pas in ward within the tolbuith, thair to remane vpoun his awin expenssis quhill farther ordour be taking for the offence abone writting.

Precept, Knox

The ballies and haill counsall ordanis maister James Watsoun, dene of gyld, incontinent to deliuer to Jhone Knox, minister, the sowme of fyftie pundis as for his quartar payment.


The baillies and counsale, yit as of before, ordanis maister Robert Glen, James Barroun, Eduard Hope, Alexander Guthre, to pas and require tbair artailyerie fra the capitane of the castell, and to reporte his ansuer.

11 June 1561.

Warding of prentisses.

The baillies and counsale, vnderstanding the mysrewle of the craftis childer in the Over Tolbuith in frie warde, quhilkis war apprehendit for the lait insurrection, ordanis thame to be put in fast irnis, thair to remane quhill cautioun be found, vnder greit panis, for keping of gude ordour induring thair tyme of the said warde, that thai sall nocht eschew furth of the same induring the said provest and baillies will and quhill forder ordour be takin with thame anent thair offence.

Artailye, Barroun, Killoch.

It being requirit of the provest baillies and counsale, James Barroun and the vthiris direct for requiring of the tovnis artailyerie fra the capitane of the castell quhy the samyn wes nocht deliuerit to thame, James Barroun ansuerand that it wes said to him be the laird of Drvmquhassill that Dauid Kinloch, baxster, had said to him and Alexander Erskene that he thocht nocht gude the artailye suld be deliuerit to them that sutit the same without it war requireit be the haill commvnitie, and that it mycht be applyit to better vse in the castell nor in the toun, and counsalit thame to keip still the samyn; and the said Kinloch, being callit and accuseit heirof, askit instrumentis of the said Baronis reporte, and denyit that he had spokin to the said laird of Drumquhassill to send the said artailye, bot being forder inquireit be his aith that he had spokin the said Alexander Erskine anent the said artailye, confessit that vpoun [blank] lastbipast, he being gangand abone the tollbuith, Alexander Erskene callit vpoun him and said to him that certane of the baillies and counsale had cumit to the castell requiring the tovnis artailyerie, and askit of him quhat his counsale wes thairanent, and the said Dauid said: This is my opinioun, sen trew it is that the castell of Edinburgh in tyme of bissines hes bene worth to the toune jcm lib. be haifing of the haill gudeis of the toun in thair keping, and the same wes randerit and na man wantit worth a penny, quharefore he concludeit that thai suld nocht pairt with the artailye for it wald be als weill keipit thair as better geir is, and thir war the onlie wordis that he said and nocht ellis; vpoun the quhilkis wordis Dauid Somer, baillie, askit instrumentis; and the remanent baillies and counsale commandit the said Dauid in warde quhill forder tryall war tane of his stopping of the said artailyerie to be deliuerit to the toun agane.

16 June 1561.

Skene, aduocat.

At the desyre and requeist of maister William Skene, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis maister Alexander Skene, aduocat, to be put to libertie furth of warde to the x day of Julii nixt, prouiding that in the mene tyme he behaif himself godlie and honestlie within this burgh and to all nychtbouris of the samyn, and resort and keip the sermonttis and prayerris, and to communicat with the minister and vtheris godlie lernyt men for resoluing of his douttis in relegioun, and in speciall tuiching his openioun of the idoll the preistis sacrament; and vpoun the said x day, gyf it sall pleis the Almychti betuix and than to gyf him forther knaulege in the treuth, to cum before the kirk to gyf his penitence and confessioun of his former inniquitie, failling heirof to remove him self and hale familie of this burgh and boundis thairof, and to hawe na enteris thairintill sa lang as thay remane wikit, vnder the panys contenit in the actis of parliament statutis and proclamationis of this burgh maid and proclamyt aganis papistis idolataris and mes mongaris; and this present ordinance beand red to the said maister Alexander Skene that he sould pretend na ignorance gyf he war apprehendit within this burgh or boundis thairof ofter the said x day, ordanis to gif him the copye of the samyn vpone his expenssis gif it be requyrit.

Strauchane, preist.

The samyn day, ordanis Sir George Strauchane, preist, to depesche of this toun and boundis thairof within xij houris nixt heirefter, and that he be nocht found thairintill quhyll thay be surelie certefiit of his publict repentance of his papistrie and former iniquite, vnder the panis contenit in the proclamationis.


The prouest, remanent baillies and counsale, ordanis Dauid Somer and maister Jhonne Spens, baillies, to pas to the Justice Clerk and requyre his lordship to set ane justice court vpoun Wedinsday nixt for accusing the personis apprehendit and in warde for rasing of the tvmult within this burgh vpoun Sounday the [xi] day of Maij last, and the said baillies to caus mak thair dittay and deliuer the samyn to the said Justice Clerk.