Henry IV: March 1406, Part 1

Parliament Rolls of Medieval England. Originally published by Boydell, Woodbridge, 2005.

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'Henry IV: March 1406, Part 1', in Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, (Woodbridge, 2005) pp. . British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/parliament-rolls-medieval/march-1406-pt-1 [accessed 23 April 2024]

In this section

Part 1

Text and translation

[p. iii-567]
[col. a]
[memb. 23]
Pronunciatioun du parlement. [The opening of parliament].
1. Lundy le primer jour de Marce, qe feust le primere jour du parlement, en la chambre depeynte dedeins le palois roial de Westm', Thomas de Longley, clerk, chaunceller d'Engleterre, en la presence du roy, et des seignours et communes venuz au parlement, en pronounceant et declarant la cause del sommons de mesme le parlement en la fourme q'ensuit, exposoit, primerement, a toutz les ditz estates, coment nostre seignour le roy luy avoit commandez a dire, qe mesme nostre seignour le roy aiant bien en memoire les excellentes graces qe Dieu luy avoit done, et les grandes naturesses et affeccioun qe mesmes les estates ont a luy portez, et de jour en autre portent en continuance, voet primerement, al honur de Dieu, qe seinte esglise soit maintenuz et sustenuz come ele ad este en temps de ses nobles progenitours et predecessours rois d'Engleterre, et qe seinte esglise ait et enjoise entierment toutz ses libertees, et franchises, come ele ad eue et usee en temps de mesmes les progenitours et predecessours: et qe pur les suisditz naturesses et affeccioun, toutz les seignours espirituelx et temporelx, citees et burghs, eient et enjoisent toutz lour libertees et fraunchises et custumes, queux ils ount eues et usez resonablement de grant de ses ditz progenitours et predecessours. 1. Opening of Parliament. On Monday 1 March, which was the first day of parliament, in the Painted Chamber within the royal palace of Westminster, Thomas of Langley, clerk, chancellor of England, in the presence of the king and of the lords and commons summoned to parliament, announcing and declaring the reason for the summons of the same parliament in the following manner, explained firstly to all the said estates that our lord the king had ordered him to say that our same lord the king, bearing in mind the excellent virtues which God has given him, and the great kindness and affection which the same estates have shown him and continue to show daily, wishes firstly, to the honour of God, that holy church should be maintained and supported as it was in the time of his noble progenitors and predecessors, the kings of England; and that holy church should have and fully enjoy all the liberties and franchises which it had had and exercised in the time of the same progenitors and predecessors: and that in return for the aforesaid kindness and affection, all the lords spiritual and temporal, cities and boroughs should have and enjoy all the liberties and franchises and customs which they had had and reasonably exercised by grant of the said progenitors and predecessors.
2. Et en apres mesme le chanceller procedant a la declaracioun del sommons de mesme le parlement, prist pur soun theame cestes parols, Multorum consilia requiruntur in magnis. (fn. iii-567-8-1) Disant sur ceo mesme le chanceller, qe pur tant qe le roy nostre seignour avoit si chiers a coer, sibien la bone governance de ses loies dedeins soun roialme pur l'aise et tranquillite de ses lieges et inhabitantes d'icel qi molt sont grevez par diverses voies et en especial par les rebelx de Gales, come la defens de ses loialx < subgietz > par delea qe molt sont offenduz par ses enemys sibien en les parties de Guyen, Caleys et Irland, come en les marches d'Escoce; si voloit nostre dit seignour le roi en si grand bosoigne avoir l'advis et conseil de plusours et pluis notables persones de soun roialme, come sont les estatz d'icel en cest present parlement assemblez, [et] en soy conformant nostre dit seignour le roy a la doctrine del sage, disant, Fili, nichil sine consilio facias, et tunc post factum non penitebis. (fn. iii-567-8-2) Et auxi enpreignant ensample le dit nostre seignour le roy de la bone governance del roy d'Assuer, Rex Assuerus sapientes interrogavit, et illorum cuncta faciebat consilia. (fn. iii-567-8-3) Tout ensi nostre dit seignour le roi, se vuillant governer en les suisdites causes par l'advis des sages, ad fait assembler en cest present parlement les suisditz estatz. 2. Afterwards the same chancellor, moving on to an explanation for the summons of the same parliament, took as his theme these words, 'The advice of many is required in great matters.' (fn. iii-567-8-1) With regard to which the same chancellor said that because the king our lord held close to his heart both the upholding of the laws within his kingdom for the comfort and tranquillity of the lieges and inhabitants of the same, who are greatly grieved for various reasons and especially by the Welsh rebels, as well as the defence of his loyal subjects overseas who are greatly injured by his enemies both in the parts of Guyenne, Calais and Ireland, as well as in the Scottish marches; so our said lord the king wished in so important a matter to have the advice and counsel of many of the most notable persons in his kingdom, as represented by the estates of the same assembled in this present parliament, and in this our said lord the king was adhering to the doctrine of the wise man who said, 'Son, never do anything without advice, and then you shall not repent after the deed.' (fn. iii-567-8-2) The said our lord the king also took the example of the good governance of King Xerxes, 'King Xerxes asked wise men, and did everything with their advice.' (fn. iii-567-8-3) Thus, our said lord the king, wishing to govern in the aforesaid matters with the advice of wise men, had caused the aforesaid estates to be assembled in this present parliament.
3.Espoirantz toutdis nostre dit seignour le roi, qe [s'il,] en demandant des ditz estates lour boun advis, et ils en ceo donantz lour bone et sage conseil, bon ordre et communicacioun se preigne, la meillour et pluis brief appointement se prendra es choses qe sont necessairement a purvoire. C'est a dire, si le roy nostre seignour, et toutz les estates du roialme aient primerement en memoire, et bien gardent les loies et preceptz [col. b] de Dieu, adonqes ils aueront bien pees dedeinz le roialme, et victorie de leurs enemys des toutz partz. Et par tant qe mesme nostre seignour le roy voet, qe bone et ouele justice soit fait as ceux qe se voillent compleindre d'aucuns griefs a eux faitz sibien depardecea le meer come pardelea, ad ordeignez certeines receivours et triours des petitions, en la fourme qe enseute: 3. Our said lord the king, forever hoping that if he, in demanding of the said estates their good advice, and they giving their good and wisecounsel in this, should bring about good order and governance, the better and more swift a decision would result in matters which needed to be considered. That is to say, if the king our lord and all the estates of the realm keep at the forefront of their minds and fully preserve the laws and precepts [col. b] of God, then they shall have great peace within the kingdom and victory over their enemies on all sides. And because our same lord the king wishes that good and impartial justice shall be done to those who wish to complain of any crimes committed against them both on this side of the sea as well as overseas, he has ordained certain receivers and triers of petitions, as follows:
4. Receivours des peticions d'Engleterre, Irland, Gales et Escoce:

  • Sire Johan Wakeryng
  • Sire Johan Roderham
  • Sire Johan Rome.
4. Receivers of petitions from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland:

  • Sir John Wakering
  • Sir John Roderham
  • Sir John Rome.
5. Receivours des peticions de Gascoigne, et des autres terres et paiis depardelea le meer, et des Isles:

  • Sire Johan Chitterne
  • Sire Johan Hertilpole
  • Maistre Johan Kyngton'.
5. Receivers of petitions from Gascony, and from other lands and countries overseas, and from the Channel Islands:

  • Sir John Chittern
  • Sir John Hartlepool
  • Master John Kington.
Et ceux qi veullent liverer lour peticions, les baillent avaunt parentre cy et maresdy a oept jours proschein. And those who wish to submit their petitions should hand them in between now and Tuesday eight days hence.
6. Et sont assignez triours des peticions d'Engleterre, Irland, Gales et Escoce:

  • L'ercevesqe de Canterbirs
  • L'evesqe d'Excestre
  • L'evesqe de Wircestre
  • L'abbe de Seint Alban
  • L'abbe de Westm'
  • Le count de Warr'
  • Le count de Westmerl'
  • Le sire de Burnell'
  • Le sire de Lovell'
  • William Gascoigne
  • Monsire William Thirnyng
  • Johan Markham.
6. The following are assigned to be triers of petitions for England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland:

  • The archbishop of Canterbury
  • The bishop of Exeter
  • The bishop of Worcester
  • The abbot of St Albans
  • The abbot of Westminster
  • The earl of Warwick,
  • The earl of Westmorland
  • Lord Burnell
  • Lord Lovell
  • William Gascoigne
  • Sir William Thirning
  • John Markham.
Toutz ensemble, ou sys des prelatz et seignours avauntditz au meyns; appellez a eux chanceller, tresorer, seneschalle et chamberleyn, et auxint les sergeantz le [sic: read 'du'] roy quant y bosoignera. Et tiendront lour place en la chambre du chamberleyn, pres la chambre depeynte. To act all together, or at least six of the aforesaid prelates and lords, consulting with the chancellor, treasurer, steward and chamberlain, and also the king's serjeants when necessary. And let them hold their session in the chamberlain's room, near the Painted Chamber.
[p. iii-568]
[col. a]
7. Et sont assignez triours des petitions de Gascoigne, et des autres terres et paiis depardelea de meer, et des Isles:

  • L'evesqe de Wyncestre
  • L'evesqe d'Ely
  • L'evesqe de Bathe
  • L'abbe de Waltham
  • L'abbe de Wynchecombe
  • Le cont de Somersete
  • Le cont d'Arundell'
  • Le sire de Roos
  • Le sire de Berkeley
  • Monsire Johan Hull'
  • Monsire Hugh Huls
  • Monsire William Hankeford.
7. The following are assigned to be triers of petitions for Gascony and for the other lands and countries overseas, and for the Channel Islands:

  • The bishop of Winchester
  • The bishop of Ely
  • The bishop of Bath
  • The abbot of Waltham
  • The abbot of Winchcombe,
  • The earl of Somerset
  • The earl of Arundel
  • Lord Roos
  • Lord Berkeley
  • Sir John Hull
  • Sir Hugh Huls
  • Sir William Hankford.
Toutz ensemble, ou sys des prelatz et seignours avauntditz au meyns; appellez a eux chanceller, tresorer, seneschalle et chamberleyn, et auxint les sergeantz le roy quant y bosoignera. Et tiendront lour place en la chambre marcolf. To act all together, or at least six of the aforesaid prelates and lords, consulting with the chancellor, treasurer, steward and chamberlain, and also the king's serjeants when necessary. And they shall holdtheir session in the Marcolf Chamber.
Presentacioun de parlour. [The presentation of the speaker].
8. Item, maresdy le seconde jour de Marce, les communes viendrent devant le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illoeqes presenterent monsire Johan Tibetot pur lour commune parlour et procuratour en mesme le parlement. Et combien qe le dit monsire Johan se voroit avoir excusez de celle occupacioun, sibien par cause de sa juvente, et pur defaute de seen et discrecioun, come par plusours autres voies, mesme nostre seignour le roy s'agrea bien a la electioun fait par les ditz communes sur le dit monsire Johan. Et sur ceo le chanceller d'Engleterre dona en charge depar le roi as ditz communes, qe pur l'esploit du dit parlement ils soient assemblez en lour maison accustumez deinz l'abbeie de Westm', chescun jour durant le parlement a oept del clocke: et semblable charge il dona as seignours du parlement, q'ils de lour partie pur mesme l'esploit se assemblent en lour lieu accustume a noef del clocke. 8. Presentation of the speaker. Also, on Tuesday 2 March, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament and there presented Sir John Tiptoft as their common speaker and proctor in the same parliament. And although the said Sir John wished himself to be excused from this task, both on account of his youth and his lack of wisdom and discretion, as well as for many other reasons, our same lord the king fully upheld the election of the said Sir John carried out by the said commons. Whereupon the chancellor of England instructed the said commons on behalf of the king that for the business of the said parliament they should be assembled in their customary house within the abbey of Westminster, each day for the duration of the parliament at eight o'clock: and he similarly charged the lords of parliament that they, for their part in the same business, should assemble in their customary place at 9 o'clock.
[memb. 22]
Le grant del xv me et de le subside. [The grant of the fifteenth and of the subsidy].
[memb. 22]
9. Al reverence de Dieu, et pur le graunt amour et affeccion queux voz poevers comunes de vostre roiaume d'Engleterre ount a vous, nostre tressoveraigne et tresgracious seignour le roy, et pur la graunt affiance de voz ditz comunes ount en les seignours ore esluz et ordeinez de vostre conseil continuel pur meillour governance avoir qe y n'ad este, voz ditz poevres comunes, par assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx, grauntont a vous, tressoverayne seignour, pur salvacion et defens de vostre roiaume d'Engleterre encountre enemys et rebeux qeconqes, et pur la savegarde de mere, le .xxij. jour de Decembre, l'an de vostre regne oeptisme, grauntont a vous, tresredoute seignour, une entier quinzisme et disme pur estre levez des layes gentz en manere accustume, et estre paiez le lundy en la primer semayne de Quarresme proschein venant. Et auxi voz ditz poevers comunes, par assent suisdit, grauntont a vous, tresgracious seignour, pur mesme la defens, la subside des leyns, quirs, et peaux lanutz, pur estre levez des marchantz deniszeins pur la sak de layne xliij s. iiij d. et de chescun .ccxl. peaux lanuz xliij s. iiij d. et de chescun last de quirs c s. et des marchantz aliens, de chescun sak de leyne liij s. iiij d. et de chescun < .cclx. [sic: read 'ccxl'] > pealx lanutz liij s. iiij d. et de chescun last de quirs cvi s. viij d. de le fest de Seint Michelle proschein a venir en un an lors proschein ensuant. Et xij d. de la livre de chescun manere marchandise entrant en le dit roialme et passant hors d'icelle, forspris leyns, quirs et pealx lanutz, et forspris chescun manere de blee, floure, et pesson rees, et bestaille entrantz le dit roialme; et forspris cervoise q'est amesner hors du roialme pur vitailler vostre ville de Caleys par gentz des villes de Baudesey, Faltenham et Alderton sur Gosford, et aillours, come ils sont chargez et assignez puis le conquest du dite ville de Caleys. Et auxint [col. b] les ditz comunes grauntont a vous, pur la defens et sauf-garde suisditz, trois souldz de chescun tonelle de vyn entrant en le dit roialme et passant hors d'icelle, forspris les tonelx des vyns queux serront pris a vostre oeps pur la prise. A prendre et receiver mesmes les xijd. de livre et trois souldz de tonelle, de le feste de Seint Michelle proschein avenir en un an lors proschein ensuant. Sur condicioun, qe les ditz .xv. e et .x. me et subsides, ensemble ovesqe ceo qe remeint nient despenduz de le grant darrein fait a Coventre, soient dispoisez et dispenduz par advis des seignours et officers encest present parlement nommez et esluz du conseil par nostre seignour le roi, en defens du roialme, et sauf-garde de mere, es lieux pluis busoignables, et en nulle autre manere. Et qe les ditz seignurs et officers a ceo soient jurrez en mesme cest parlement. Forspris la somme de sys mille livres, queux les ditz comunes, pur la graunt amour et affeccion q'ils ount a vostre roiale persone, tresredoute seignour, grauntont a vous pur estre disposez a voz comandement et pleisir, et d'estre levez et paiez a vostre oeps de les primers deniers provenantz des subsides des leyns, quirs et pealx lanutz, et del tonage et poundage suisditz. Et sur condicioun, qe meindres portz d'eskippesoun des leins soient assignez, et qe l'eskippesoun des leyns en toutz les crykes et portulettes du roialme soient defenduz tanq'al fyn du proschein parlement. (fn. iii-567-34-1) Et qe suffisantz countrerollours de chevalers et esquiers qe ne sont pas marchantz soient ordeignez es ditz portz pur l'eskippeson des ditz leins loialment surveier et contreroller; eiantz pur lour travailx et expenses suffisantz regardes, par avis du conseil. 9. The grant of the fifteenth and of the subsidy. Out of reverence for God, and because of the great love and affection which the poor commons of your kingdom of England have for you, our most sovereign and most gracious lord the king, and because of the great trust which your said commons have in the lords recently elected and ordained on to your continual council for the bringing about of better governance than there has been before, your said poor commons, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, for the salvation and defence of your kingdom of England against enemies and rebels of any kind, and for the safeguard of the sea, on 22 December in the eighth year of your reign grant to you, most feared lord, one whole fifteenth and tenth, to be levied on the laity in the customary manner and to be paid on the Monday of the first week of Lent next year [14 February 1407]. Furthermore, your said poor commons, with the aforesaid consent, grant to you, most gracious lord, for the same defence, the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells at the rate of 43s. 4d. per sack of wool to be levied on denizen merchants, and for every 240 woolfells 43s. 4d. and for every last of hides 100s.; and from alien merchants, 53s. 4d. per sack of wool, and for every 240 woolfells 53s. 4d., and for every last of hides 106s. 8d., from the feast of Michaelmas next [29 September 1407] for the whole of the following year. And 12d. in the pound on every type of merchandise entering the said kingdom and passing outside it, except for wools, hides and woolfells, and except for every kind of corn, flour and fresh fish and beast entering the said realm; and except for the beer which is exported from the realm to provision your town of Calais by the people of the towns of Bawdsey, Falkenham and Alderton on Gosford, and elsewhere, as they have been charged and assigned to do since the conquest of the said town of Calais. In addition, [col. b] the said commons grant to you, for the aforesaid defence and safeguard, three shillings per tun of wine entering the said realm and passing outside it, except for the tuns of wine which will be taken for your use by right of prise; to take and receive the same 12d. in the pound and three shillings per tun from the feast of Michaelmas next and for the whole of the following year. On condition that the said fifteenth and tenth and the subsidies, together with that which remains unspent from the last grant made at Coventry, shall be disposed of and spent, with the advice of the lords and officers named and elected to the council in this present parliament by our lord the king, on the defence of the kingdom and the safeguard of the sea in those places most requiring it, and in no other manner. And that the said lords and officers shall be sworn to this in this same parliament. Except for the sum of £6,000, which the said commons, out of the great love and affection which they have for your royal person, most feared lord, grant to you to be spent according to your will and pleasure, and to be levied and paid for your use from the first sums to be received from the subsidies on wool, hides and woolfells, and from the aforesaid tunnage and poundage. And on the condition that fewer ports are assigned for the shipment of wools, and that the shipment of wools in all the creeks and little ports of the realm shall be prohibited until the end of the next parliament. (fn. iii-567-34-1) And that worthy controllers from amongst the knights and esquires, who are not merchants, shall be assigned to the said ports to loyally survey and control the shipment of the said wool; receiving for their trouble and expense adequate remuneration, on the advice of the council.
Touchant ceux de Pruys et de Hans. [Agreement made with the Prussian and Hanseatic merchants].
10. Item, mesquardy le tierce jour de Marce, le chaunceller d'Engleterre monstra as seignours, coment les ambassiatours du roy avoient este en Pruys et Hans, et autres parties depar delea, pur traiter de paix et de concorde: et coment, sur un certein appointement illoeqes fait, proclamacion se ferroit, qe les lieges du roy q'avoient attemptez envers ceux de Pruce et de Hans deussent faire restitucioun des ditz attemptatz. Sur quoi accordez est par les ditz seignours, qe proclamacion soit fait par brief solonc le purport du dit appointement, come par l'enrollement en la chauncellerie des ditz briefs et des autres severalx briefs directz as ditz lieges et autres, et auxi de diverses commissions faitz as diverses persones celle partie, y purra pluis pleinement apparoir. (fn. iii-567-37-1) 10. Concerning those of Prussia and the Hanse. Also, on Wednesday 3 March, the chancellor of England informed the lords that the king's ambassadors had been in Prussia and the Hanseatic lands and other parts overseas, to treat for peace and concord: and that, following a certain decision reached there, proclamation would be made that the king's lieges who had committed outrages against those of Prussia and the Hanseatic lands should compensate them for the said outrages. Thereupon it was agreed by the said lords that proclamation should be made by writ in accordance with the tenor of the said decision, which can be viewed in more detail in the chancery enrolment of the said writs and several other writs addressed to the said lieges and others, and also of various commissions made to various people in this matter. (fn. iii-567-37-1)
Protestacioun de parlour. [The protestation of the speaker].
11. Item, maresdy le xxiji jour de Marce, les communes viendrent devant le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illoeqes le dit monsire Johan, come commune parlour, en noun des ditz communes, pria au roy, q'il purroit avoir auxi grantz privileges et liberte a cause de protestacioun, sicome ascun autre parlour pur les communes unqes avoit eue par devaunt. Et pria auxint, qe si riens serroit dit par luy autrement qe ne feust assentuz et accordez par ses compaignons, q'il se purroit ent corriger, et le reformer par bone deliberacioun de ses ditz compaignons. Et outre ceo pria le dit monsire Johan, depar les ditz communes, qe si riens serroit deliverez par eux en escript, q'ils purront re-avoir mesme l'escript, a quel heure qe lour plerroit durant le dit parlement; a l'entent qe la matire comprise en ycel escript purroit par eux estre refourmez et amendez s'il embosoigneroit. Queux priers le roy graciousement ottroia, et dist outre, q'il voloit q'il ait auxi large et bone protestacioun come ascuns autres parlours de parlement avoient eue devaunt luy en temps passe. 11. The protestation of the speaker. Also, on Tuesday 23 March, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, and there the said John, as common speaker in the name of the said commons, requested of the king that he might have as great a number of privileges and as much liberty on account of his protestation, as other speakers for the commons had had previously. He further prayed that if anything should be said by him in any way which had not received the assent and agreement of his companions, that he might correct and alter it after adequate consultation with his said companions. In addition, the said Sir John requested on behalf of the said commons that if anything should be submitted by them in writing, that they might have that document back at whatever time they chose during the said parliament; with the intention that the matter dealt with in that document might be altered and amended by them, if necessary. To these requests the king graciously agreed, adding that he was willing for him to have as free and as full a protestation as any other speaker of parliament had had before him in time past.
Diverses requestes faitz par les communes. [Various requests made by the commons].
12. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, pria a nostre dit seignour le roy, q'ils [p. iii-569][col. a] purront avoir bone governance habundante; et rehercea auxi, coment le primer jour de parlement, le roi granta a seinte esglise et a toutz les seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et auxi as citees et burghes, leur franchises et libertees a eux grantez devaunt ces heures par les nobles progenitours et predecessours nostre seignour le roy, ou par luy mesmes grauntez ou confermez, come le chanceller d'Engleterre avoit monstrez le dit primer jour de parlement: de quelle grace les ditz communes molt humblement remercierent mesme nostre seignour le roi. Et outre ceo, le dit monsire Johan monstra depar les ditz communes, coment qe pur la pluis seure et saufe governance de le roialme d'Engleterre, sibien dedeins come dehors, lour semble, qe bone ordinance et sauf-garde se ferroit sur le meer, ove tout le hast possible. Et qe bone ordinance soit fait par temps pur la terre de Guyen, q'est en voie de perdicione s'il ne soit le pluis hastisment eaidez et socurrez. Et auxi, qe bone et sufficeant ordinance se face par temps pur resister la malice de les rebelx de Gales. 12. Various requests made by the commons. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, requested of our said lord the king that they [p. iii-569][col. a] might have good government in abundance; and he also recalled how on the first day of parliament the king granted to holy church and to all the lords spiritual and temporal, and also to the cities and boroughs, their franchises and liberties granted to them in the past by the noble progenitors and predecessors of our lord the king, or granted or confirmed by them, as the chancellor of England had explained on the said first day of parliament: for which grant the said commons most humbly thanked our same lord the king. Furthermore, the said Sir John stated on behalf of the said commons that for the more safe and secure governance of the kingdom of England, both within as well as without, it seemed to them that an effective ordinance and safeguard with regard to the sea should be put into practice as swiftly as possible. And that a proper ordinance should be made in the near future for the land of Guyenne, which is in danger of ruin if it is not sent help and aid soon. And also, that an adequate and effective ordinance should soon be made for the resisting of the malice of the Welsh rebels.
[editorial note: Reherceail del protestacioun.] [editorial note: Reiteration of the protestation.]
13. Item, le tierce jour d'Aprille, qe feust la veille des Palmes, les communes vindrent devaunt le roy et les seignours du parlement, et illoeqes le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy, q'il purra parler dessoutz lour protestacioun autre foitz fait en mesme cest parlement: et qe mesme la protestacioun lour soit sauvez et gardez, et entrez de record en rolle du parlement; quelle prier le roy graciousement leur ottroia. 13. Also, on 3 April, which was the eve of Palm Sunday, the commons came before the king and the lords of parliament, and there the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, requested of our same lord the king that he might speak under their protestation made on another occasion in this same parliament: and that the same protestation might be saved and preserved for them, and entered on record in the roll of parliament; to which request the king graciously agreed.
Diverses requestes faitz par les ditz communes par bouche. [Further oral requests made by the said commons].
14. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria depar les ditz communes, qe pur la saufe-garde des lieges du roy, et pur resister la malice des rebelx < de Gales, > monseignour le prince soit continuelment receant et demurant sur les guerres illoeqes. Et de le poair grantee a moun dit seignour le prince en les parties de Gales certeine commission feust fait, come par l'enrollement d'icelle en la chancellerie y purra pluis pleinement apparoir. 14. Various oral requests made by the said commons. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John prayed on behalf of the said commons that for the safeguard of the king's lieges, and for the resisting of the malice of the Welsh rebels, our lord the prince should continually reside and dwell there for the wars. And a certain commission was drawn up concerning the power granted to my said lord the prince in the parts of Wales, as can be seen in more detail in the enrolment of the same in the chancery.
15. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria depar les ditz communes, qe les chastelx, seignouries, terres, et tenementz en la terre de Gales, qe desore par la grace de Dieu serront conquiz ou gaignez sur les ditz rebelx, ne soient donez a nully par l'espace d'un quarter d'un an apres ceo q'ils serront ensi conquis ou gaignez; a quoi le roy respondi, q'il se < voilloit > abstenir d'ascun tiel doun faire a nully tanq'al temps q'il serroit enfourmez de la value d'icelles. Et si ascun tiel doun deslors se ferroit, q'il le vorroit faire as tielx persones qe voillent demurer sur la conquest de la terre de Gales suisdite. Et pria outre le dit monsire Johan, qe les contrerollours en les parties de Gales, qe feurent ordeinez a darrein parlement tenuz a Coventre, purront estre envoiez de certifier les monstres q'ils avoient receuz, et qe autres contrerollours soient ordeinez en lour lieu. Quel prier le roy granta et ottroia. Et outre ceo pria le dit monsire Johan depar les ditz communes a nostre dit seignour le roy, qe luy pleust envoier ses honurables lettres du prive seal a moun dit seignour le prince, luy enmerciant de les bones et continuelx labour et diligence queux il ad eue et sustenue continuelment en soun honurable persone pur conquester la dite terre de Gales, et pur chastesir et punir les rebelx illoeqes, et pur la resistence de lour graund malice ensy par eux purposez, encountre lour ligeaunce et obeissance. 15. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested on behalf of the said commons that the castles, lordships, lands and tenements in the land of Wales which might henceforth, with the grace of God, be conquered or won from the said rebels, should not be given to anyone for the space of three months from the time when they were conquered or won; to which the king replied that he would abstain from making any such grant to anyone until such time as he had been informed of the value of the same. And if any such grant should henceforth be made, he would wish to make it to such persons as would wish to remain behind there after the conquest of the aforesaid land of Wales. The said Sir John also requested that the controllers in the parts of Wales who were ordained at the last parliament held at Coventry might be sent for to attest to the musters they had received, and that other controllers might be ordained in their place. The king granted and agreed to this request. In addition, the said Sir John requested of our said lord the king on behalf of the said commons that it might please him to send his honourable letters of privy seal to my said lord the prince, thanking him for theeffective and continual labour and diligence which he had undertaken and shown in his honourable person for the conquest of the said land of Wales and for the chastisement and punishment of the rebels there, and for the resisting of the great evil thus planned by them, contrary to their allegiance and obedience.
[col. b]
16. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, monstra a nostre dit seignour le roy, coment as diverses foitz en cest parlement il avoit suppliez depar les ditz communes a mesme nostre seignour le roy, qe pur plusours diverses causes pardevant monstrez, y serroit expedient et molt necessarie, qe les aliens Bretons et Franceois serroient remoevez hors du roialme, dount nulle execucioun est unqore faite. Par quoi pleise a mesme nostre seignour le roy de grauntir, qe mesmes les communes puissent avoir conissance ore en cest parlement de temps de remoevement des ditz aliens: et feust responduz depar nostre dit seignour le roy as ditz communes, qe ceo serroit fait ove toute le hast possible. 16. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, explained to our said lord the king that on various occasions in this parliament it had been requested of our same lord the king on behalf of the said commons that, for numerous reasons previously explained, it would be expedient and most necessary to remove all the alien Bretons and Frenchmen from the realm, the carrying out of which request has still to be done. For which reason, may it please our same lord the king to grant that the same commons might be informed now in this parliament of the date for the removal of the said aliens. Reply was given to the said commons on behalf of our said lord the king that this would be done as soon as possible.
17. Item, porce qe sinistre report avoit este fait par ascuns a nostre dit seignour le roy, qe les ditz communes deussent avoir parlez de la persone roial nostre seignour le roy autrement q'ils ne deussent, paront mesme nostre seignour le roy deust avoir poisant coer envers ses ditz communes, a ceo q'ils avoient entenduz; le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, monstra, mesme le jour, q'ils n'avoient riens fait ne dit touchant sa dite persone roiale, autrement qe ses loialx lieges ne deussent faire et parler pur l'onur et profit de nostre dit seignour le roy, et de tout soun roialme. Et par tant ils prierent a mesme nostre seignour le roy, q'il les vorroit ent avoir pur excusez, et eux reputer et tenir pur ses loialx lieges. Et le roy les avoit bien excusez, et eux tient et repute come ses loialx lieges, en manere come ils ont mesmes declarez. 17. Also, because a sinister report has been communicated by certain persons to our said lord the king to the effect that the said commons have spoken of the royal person of our lord the king other than they should have, as a result of which our same lord the king bears a heavy heart towards the said commons, so they have heard; the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, stated on the same day that they had never said anything touching his royal person which his loyal lieges ought not to have done or said, for the honour and benefit of our said lord the king and all his realm. Whereupon they prayed of our same lord the king that he might excuse them, and hold and consider them his loyal lieges. And the king fully excused them, and considered and held them to be his loyal lieges, just as they themselves desired.
[memb. 21]
Touchant les marchantz pur la saufe-garde du mier. [Agreement with the merchants for the keeping of the sea].
18. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan rehercea, coment sur la traite qu'avoit estee parentre nostre seignour le roi et soun conseil d'une parte, et les marchantz d'Engleterre d'autre parte, touchant la sauf-garde du meer, mesme la bosoigne ne purra a cel jour estre finalment terminez, a cause des plusours difficultes comprises en les actes et articles du dit traitee; et par tant qe le temps feust si brief, pur ceo qe la solempne fest de Pasqe feust si pres, qe le parlement ne purra attendre pur finalment terminer celle matire, il pria a mesme nostre seignour le roi, qe pur l'engrossement des dites actes et articles, et pur le pluis hastif esploit d'icelle, y pleust a mesme nostre seignour le roy de chargier et assigner certeines persones des ditz communes, de traiter ovesqe le conseil mesme nostre seignour le roy de les matires suisdites, et d'ent faire fyn a lour poair. A quel bosoigne parfournir feurent assignez des ditz communes les persones deinsescriptz, c'est assavoir: 18. Concerning the merchants for the safeguard of the sea. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John recalled how, with regard to the treaty which had been made between our lord the king and his council on one side and the English merchants on the other, concerning the safeguard of the sea, the same matter had not been finally concluded on that day because of numerous points of difficulty in the acts and articles of the said treaty; and because time was so short - the solemn feast of Easter being so close, that the parliament could not be extended to allow for a final settlement of this matter - he requested of our same lord the king that for the engrossment of the said acts and articles, and for the speedier conclusion of this matter, it might please our same lord the king to charge and assign certain persons from amongst the said commons to treat with the council of our same lord the king concerning the aforesaid matters, and to bring them to a conclusion as far as they were able. For the performing of which business the persons listed below were appointed from amongst the said commons, namely:
De quele traitee le tenure s'enseute: The tenor of this treaty is as follows:
19. C'est l'ordinance faite en parlement, par advys des seignours espirituelx et temporelx et les communes en le dit parlement assemblez. En primes, qe les marchantz, mariners, et possessours des niefs d'Engleterre, mettront lour loial poair pur la sauf-garde de la mier encountre les enemys nostre seignou r le roy et soun roialme, except poair roialle des enemys nostre dit seignour le roy, del primer jour de Maii proschein venant tanq'al fest de Seint Michel l'arcaungel alors proschein ensuant, et del dit fest de Seint Michel tanq'al fest de Seint Michell' archaungel proschein ensuant par un an entier, ove atauntz des niefs, barges et balingers estuffez ove deux mille hommes combatantz, et ascun foitz plusours, et ascun [p. iii-570][col. a] foitz meins, come leur semblera suffisantz et busoignables pur la dite sauf-garde de mier; et issint de temps en temps, et come les sesons del an requirent durant le temps suisdit. 19. This is the ordinance made in parliament with the advice of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons assembled in the said parliament. Firstly, that the merchants, mariners and owners of English ships should devote their loyal capabilities to the safeguard of the sea against the enemies of our lord the king and his kingdom (excepting the royal power of the enemies of our said lord the king) from 1 May next until the following feast of St Michael the archangel [29 September 1406], and from the said feast of Michaelmas for one whole year until the following feast of St Michael the archangel, with as many ships, boats and balingers as shall seem to them adequate and necessary for the safeguard of the sea, provisioned with 2,000 fighting men, sometimes more, and sometimes [p. iii-570][col. a] less, to be decided from time to time and in accordance with the seasons of the year for the duration of the aforesaid period.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Primerement, qaunt al primere article, accordez est, qe les marchantz du roialme d'Engleterre aueront la garde del mier du primere jour de Maii proschein venant tanq'al fest de Seint Michell' proschein ensuant, et de mesme le fest de Seint Michell' tanq'al fest de Seint Michell deslors proschein ensuant par un an entier: et qe du dit primere jour de Maii tanq'al primere jour de Novembre proschein venaunt ils auerount deux mille combatantz suffisantement arraiez pur le guerre, outre competent et sufficiant nombre des mariners pur la governance des niefs en temps de guerre; et du dit primere jour de Novembre tanq'al primere jour de Maii deslors proschein ensuant mille combatantz covenablement arraiez; et de mesme le primere jour de May tanq'al fest de Seint Michell' alors proschein ensuant deux mille < combatantz, outre competent > et suffisant noumbre de mariners, come dessuis; et ascuns foitz plusours combatauntz, solonc ceo q'enbusoignera. Firstly, with regard to the first article, it is agreed that the merchants of the kingdom of England shall be responsible for the guarding of the sea from 1 May next until the following feast of Michaelmas, and from the same feast of Michaelmas for one whole year until the next feast of Michaelmas: and that from the said 1 May until 1 November next they shall have 2,000 fighting men adequately equipped for war, in addition to a satisfactory and sufficient number of mariners for the manning of the ships in time of war; and from the said 1 November until the following 1 May, 1,000 fighting men suitably arrayed; and from the same 1 May until the following feast of St Michael, 2,000 fighting men, in addition to a satisfactory and sufficient number of mariners, as above; and sometimes more fighting men, as needs be.
20. Sur quoy demaundent les marchauntz, mariners et possessours suisditz, pur la dite garde du mier xij d. de la livre, iij s. del tonelle de vyn, et la quarte partie del subside des lains, peaux lanutz et quirs, eskippez ou eskippiers parmy tout le roialme d'Engleterre, graunte par les communes a le darrein < parlement tenuz a Coventre pur la defense du > roialme, del jour de Chaundelure darrein passe jesqes a fest de Seint Michell' l'archaungel adonqes proschein ensuant, et del dit fest de Seint Michell' l'archaungel tan q'al fest de Seint Michell' l'archaungel alors proschein ensuant par un an entier, saunz accompt rendre. 20. Whereupon the said merchants, mariners and aforesaid shipowners demanded for the said guarding of the sea 12d. in the pound, 3s. per tun of wine, and a quarter of the subsidy on wool, woolfells and hides shipped or to be shipped throughout all the kingdom of England, which had been granted by the commons at the last parliament held at Coventry for the defence of the realm, from the day of Candlemas past [2 February 1406] until the following feast of St Michael the archangel, and from the said feast of St Michael the archangel for one whole year until the next feast of St Michael the archangel, without having to render account.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Et quaunt al seconde article, il est accordez, qe les suisditz marchantz aueront pur la garde du meer, come desuis, iij s. de tonell', et xij d. de la livre, et auxi la quarte partie del subside des lains, quirs et peaux lanutz, du primere jour de cest present mois d'Averill', tanq'al fest de Seint Michell qe vient en un an. Et qe ataunt de somme come les ditz tonage, poundage et quart partie du dit subside, amounteront de la Chaundeleure darrein passez jesqes a suisdit primere jour d'Averille, les suisditz marchantz auerount et prendront de les autres trois parties de mesme le subside des lains, quirs et peaux lanutz, a estre eskippez apres le primere jour de Maii proschein venaunt. Et qe les ditz marchantz loial accompt rendront de tout ce q'ils eient receuz des ditz tonage, poundage et quarte partie del subside par le temps suisdit. Et qe l'un des custumers des ditz tonage, poundage et subside, en chescun port du roialme d'Engleterre soit fait al nominacioun du roy, et l'autre al nominacion des ditz marchauntz. With regard to the second article, it is agreed that the aforesaid merchants shall have, for the guarding of the sea, the sums mentioned above, namely 3s. per tun, and 12d. in the pound, and also a quarter of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells, from the first day of this present month of April until the feast of Michaelmas next year [1407]. And whatever sum the said tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the said subsidy from Candlemas past until the aforesaid 1 April would amount to, the aforesaid merchants shall have and take from the other three quarters of the same subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells shipped after 1 May next. And that the said merchants shall render loyal account for all that they have received from the said tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the subsidy during the aforesaid time. And that in each port of the English kingdom one of the customs officers for the said tunnage and poundage and subsidy shall be appointed at the nomination of the king, and the other at the nomination of the said merchants.
21. Item, demaundent les ditz marchauntz, mariners, et possessours, pur aver atauntz des garrantz desoutz le grand seal, et prive seal, come lour semblera busoignables pur coiller et resceiver les xij d. de la livre, iij s. de tonelle de vin, et la quarte partie del subsidie des lains, quirs et peaux lanutz, durant le temps avauntdit; et afaire de lour ordinance et volunte de novelle tieux officers, coillours et contrerollours, en toutz les portes et lieux ou marchandises entrount ou passeront parmy le roialme d'Engleterre, pur coiller les subsidies avauntditz, et de artier toutz maners des officers, coillours et countrollours ore esteantz en les ditz portes, d'accompter as ditz marchauntz, mariners et possessours, ou a lour deputees, assignez del dit fest de Chaundeleure tanq'al primere jour de Maii suisdit. Ascuns estatuitz ou ordeignaunces faitz [col. b] a dit parlement de Coventre, ou ascunes assignementz en generalle ou especialle faitz ou affairs, nientcountresteantz. Et qe les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, auerount commissions, lettres et briefs, desoutz le grand seal et prive seal atauntz come busoigneront, sibien pur arester niefs et mariners, come pur toutz autres choses profitables a parfournir la garde suisdit. 21. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners requested that they might have as many warrants under the great and privy seals as might seem necessary to them for the collecting and receiving of this 12d. in the pound, 3s. per tun of wine, and the quarter of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells during the aforesaid time; and for the appointment by their ordinance and in accordance with their wishes of new officers, collectors and controllers in all the ports and places where merchandise is imported or exported throughout the realm of England, to collect the aforesaid subsidies; and to oblige all kinds of officers, collectors and controllers recently installed in the said ports to account to the said merchants, mariners and shipowners, or to their deputies, from the said feast of Candlemas until 1 May; notwithstanding any statutes or ordinances made [col. b] at the said parliament of Coventry, or any assignments in general or particular which have been or might be made. And that the said merchants, mariners and shipowners shall have as many commissions, letters and writs under the great and privy seal as they shall need, both for the seizing of ships and mariners as well as for all things essential for the performing of the aforesaid guard.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quaunt al tierce article, il est accorde, qe pur la levee des deniers provenauntz des ditz tonage, poundage et quarte partie du dit subsidie, en manere come desuis est declare, serront faitz maundementz desouthe la graund et prive seal, tieux et atauntz come serrount busoignables. With regard to the third article, it is agreed that for the levying of the money arising from the said tunnage, poundage and quarter of the said subsidy in the manner noted above, as many and whatever mandates shall be made under the great and privy seal as shall be necessary.
22. Item, demaundent les ditz marchauntz, mariners et possessours, tout ceo qe serra par eux gayne par voie de guerre des enemys nostre dit seignour le roy durant le dit temps; ascune prerogative ou privilege nostre dit seignour le roy, sez admiralx, ou ascuns autres, nientcontresteantz; pur estre distributz par eux ou par lour deputes en manere accustumez. 22. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners request whatever might be gained by them by means of war from the enemies of our said lord the king during the said time; notwithstanding any prerogative or privilege of our said lord the king, his admirals, or any others; to be distributed by them or by their deputies in the customary manner.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quaunt al quarte article, accorde est, qe les suisditz marchantz aueront ce q'ils puissent gayner des enemys du roy par le dit temps. Purveux toutes foitz, qe le roy nostre dit seignour eit les cheveteyns, si ascuns soient pris, enfesauntz pur iceux cheveteins resonable [regarde] a ceux qi les preignount. With regard to the fourth article, it is agreed that the aforesaid merchants shall retain whatever they gain from the king's enemies during the said time. Provided always that the king our said lord shall have the captains, if any are taken, after giving adequate reward for these captains to those who captured them.
23. Item, demaundent les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, considerez le graund power et envasioun des enemyes avauntditz, ore esteantz, et de jour en autre en le dit meer encreceantz; et ce par la graund gain q'ils ount ewe des marchantz sibien de lour marchandises come de lour raunceouns, d'avoir prest paiement de .iiij. mille livres en doun et regarde de nostre seignour le roy, pur afforcer la garde avauntdite. 23. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners, considering the great power and presence of the aforesaid enemies recently established and increasing daily on the sea - and this as a result of the considerable gains they have made from the merchants and their merchandise as well as from their ransoms - demand immediate payment of £4,000 as a gift and reward from our lord the king for the enforcement of the aforesaid guard.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quaunt al quint article, il n'y ad de quoy. With regard to the fifth article, the wherewithal does not exist.
24. Item, demaundent les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, qe si aveigne, qe Dieux defende, qe si roial poair des enemyes nostre dit seignour le roy survient sur la meer durant le temps avauntdit, et nostre seignour le roy envoie ascun power a la meer pur resistre la malice des enemys avauntditz; qe les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours purront avoir resonable garnisement pur assembler al power suisdit. 24. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners demand that if it should happen, God forbid, that the royal power of the enemies of our said lord the king should appear on the sea during the aforesaid time, and our lord the king should send a force to sea to resist the malice of the aforesaid enemies, that the said merchants, mariners and shipowners might receive adequate notice for the gathering of the aforesaid force.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quaunt al sisme article, il est accorde qe les ditz marchantz aueront garnisement deinz [un] mois, si tiel cas aveigne. With regard to the sixth article, it is agreed that the said merchants shall have a warning of one month, if such a case arises.
25. Item, demaundent les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, q'en cas qe pees ou paisible trewes par meer soient ordeignez, qe Dieux le doigne, issint qe ne bosoigne d'aver garde sur le meer suisdit, q'adonqes les marchantz, mariners et possessours suisditz, et lour deputees, puissent avoir resonable garnisement de les pees et trievs avauntditz; et q'ils puissent aver, coiller, lever et resceiver de les subsidies avauntditz, apres la garnisement suisdit fait, toutz lour maners, costages et expenses ewez a cause du dit garde, et d'icelles accompter par lour deputees al proschein parlement a tenir apres le garnisement suisdit, et par auctoritee de parlement suisdit ent aver due allouance. 25. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners demand that in case a peace or a peaceable truce should be ordained at sea, God grant it, so that there is no need to guard the aforesaid sea, that then the merchants, mariners and aforesaid shipowners and their deputies might be given reasonable notice of the aforesaid peace and truce; and that they might have, collect, levy and receive from the aforesaid subsidies, after the giving of the aforesaid notice, all the costs and expenses incurred by them in the course of the said guard, and to account for the same through their deputies at the next parliament to be held after the aforesaid notice, and to have due allowance for them by the authority of the aforesaid parliament.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quaunt al septisme article, accordez est, qe les ditz marchantz serrount garnys de la pees ou des trievs si ascun se preignent d'entre les deux roialmes; et qe apres tielx garnisement fait ils auerount les ditz tonage, < et poundage, > par le quarter d'un an: et qe par mesme le quarter ils auerount la levee des ditz tonage et poundage. [p. iii-571][col. a] Et en cas qe par lour accompt renduz, come desuis, puisse estre trovez, qe mesmes les tonage et poundage par le dit quarter ne se voillent suffisre a la satisfaccioun des costages des suisditz marchauntz, adonqes ils aueront paiement ou suffisant assignement de ce q'en faudra, par advys des seignours et communes du roialme qe s'assemblerount en le parlement deslors proschein a tenir. With regard to the seventh article, it is agreed that the said merchants shall be forewarned of any peace or truces which are to be arranged between the two kingdoms; and that after the giving of such notice they shall have the said tunnage and poundage for a quarter of a year: and that during the same quarter they shall have the levy of the said tunnage and poundage. [p. iii-571][col. a] And if it is found when their account is rendered, as mentioned above, that the same tunnage and poundage for the said quarter have not sufficed for the costs of the aforesaid merchants, then they shall receive payment or an adequate assignment for whatever they are lacking, with the advice of the lords and commons of the kingdom who shall be assembled in the next parliament to be held.
26. Item, demaundent les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, d'avoir commissions desoutz le grand seal d'attendantz as toutz persones busoignables parmy les portes du roialme, par proclamacioun ent affaire, et de punier et justifier toutz les countrevenauntz et trespassantz encountre l'ordinance avauntdite, solonc ce qe la ley et custume du meer demaundent. Et en cas q'ascune robberie ou injurie soit fait as amyes et allies nostre seignour le roy par ascuns marchantz, ou autres qe ne sount partie a ceste ordeignance, ne dedeinz lour flete, qe les ditz marchantz, mariners et possessours, ne soient molestez, empeschiez, ne grevez par lour defaute devers nostre dit seignour le roy: mes qe la ville, ou villes, de quelx vesselle, ou vesselx, sount, qe fount tiel robberie, respoigne ou respoignent, pur lour defaute, sibien a nostre dit seignour le roy, come as parties eux compleignantz. 26. Also, the said merchants, mariners and shipowners ask for commissions under the great seal addressed to all the necessary persons in the kingdom's ports, to make a proclamation on this, and to punish and bring to justice all contravenors of and trespassers against the aforesaid ordinance, as maritime law and custom require. And if any robbery or injury should be committed against the friends and allies of our lord the king by any merchants or others who are not party to this ordinance, or in their fleet, that the said merchants, mariners and shipowners shall not be harassed, accused, or blamed for their failure towards our said lord the king: but that the town or towns from which any such vessel or vessels which carried out the robbery come shall answer for their crime, both to our said lord the king as well as to the plaintiffs.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quant al oeptisme article, il est accordez, qe par les suisditz marchantz serront nommez deux suffisantz persones, l'un depar le southe, et l'autre de par le northe; les queux auerount par commissioun du roy a tiel power come autres admiralx ount ewe resonablement devaunt ces heures, et ferrount justifier les malfaisours si ascuns y soient. With regard to the eighth article, it is agreed that two worthy persons shall be nominated by the aforesaid merchants, one in the north and the other in the south; and they shall have by commision of the king such authority as other admirals have reasonably exercised in the past, and they shall bring malefactors to justice, if there are any.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Quant al noefisme article, il est responduz en le septisme article. (fn. iii-567-105-1) With regard to the ninth article, answer has been given in the seventh article. (fn. iii-567-105-1)
Adjournement du parlement. [Adjournment of parliament, 3 April].
27. Item, mesme le tierce jour < d'Aprill, nostre seignour le roi > considerant les plusours grantz et chargeantz bosoignes de parlement, les queux par nulle possibilitee purront effectuelment estre terminez n'esploitez a ceste foitz, a cause de briefte de temps: et auxi a cause qe l'onurable et solempne fest de Pasqe est bien pres; a quel temps chescun Cristien desire, pur la salute de s'alme, d'approchier ses parties propres, pur illoeqes refourmer soun conscience, et mesme le feste honurer a soun poair. Et pur la greindre ease des seignours et communes dessuisdites, et pur pluseurs autres causes necessaries moevantz mesme nostre seignour le roy, il ad adjournez ycest parlement de ceste tierce jour d'Aprille tanq'al quinszeine de Pasqe proschein advenir, d'estre tenuz a ycest lieu de Westm', et dona congie as ditz seignours et communes pur departir a ceste foitz a lour plaisir. 27. Adjournment of parliament. Also, on the same 3 April, our lord the king, considering the numerous great and burdensome matters of parliament, which could by no means be effectively concluded or dealt with on this occasion because of the lack of time: and also because the honourable and solemn feast of Easter was very close, at which time every Christian wishes, for the salvation of his soul, to return to his own parts, there to examine his conscience and honour the same feast as best he is able; and for the greater convenience of the above mentioned lords and commons, and for many other important reasons concerning our same lord the king, he adjourned this parliament from this third day of April until a fortnight after Easter next, to be held in this place at Westminster, and he gave the said lords and commons permission to leave at this time according to their wish.
[memb. 20]
Reassemble du parlement [The reconvening of parliament].
28. Item, lundy en la quinzeine de Pasqe, c'est assavoir le .xxv. jour d'Aprill', tanq'a quel jour mesme cest parlement feust continuez et adjournez, par tant qe la solemnpnitee del fest de Seint George feust tenuz a Wyndesore dymenge proschein devant le dit < lundy, > et par cause qe nostre seignour le roi, ne plusours autres seignours qi feurent illoeqes ovesqe luy, et auxi pur ceo qe plusours des autres seignours et communes ne feurent venuz au parlement le lundy suisdit, mesme le parlement feust continuez tanq'a maresdy ensuant. A quel maresdy mesme le parlement feust continuez par les causes suisdites tanq'a mesquardy ensuant. A quel mesquardy mesme le parlement feust continuez par mesmes les causes tanq'a joefdy ensuant. A quel joefdy mesme le parlement feust continuez, come dessuis, tanq'a vendredy ensuant. A quel vendredy feurent venuz en parlement l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs, et pleuseurs autres seignours espirituelx, et le duc d'Everwyk, et plusours autres [col. b] seignours temporelx: et illoeqes entrecommunerent des diverses matires pur l'esploit du parlement. 28. The reassembling of parliament. Also, on Monday a fortnight after Easter, namely [26] April, the day until which this same parliament had been deferred and adjourned, because the solemn feast of St George had been held at Windsor on the Sunday just before the said Monday, and because neither our lord the king nor many of the lords who had been with him, nor indeed many of the other lords and commons, had arrived at parliament on the aforesaid Monday, the same parliament was adjourned until the following Tuesday. On which Tuesday the same parliament was adjourned for the aforesaid reasons until the following Wednesday. On which Wednesday the same parliament was adjourned for the same reasons until the following Thursday. On which Thursday the same parliament was adjourned, as above, until the following Friday. On which Friday [30 April] there arrived in parliament the archbishop of Canterbury and many other lords spiritual, together with the duke of York and many other [col. b] lords temporal: and there they consulted with each other on various matters to do with the business of parliament.
Remoevement des aliens Bretons et Franceois. [The expulsion of alien Bretons and Frenchmen].
29. Item, samady le .viij. me jour de Maii, a les sovent priers et requestes des communes accordez feust par nostre seignour le roy, et les seignours espirituelx et temporelx, qe toutz les aliens des queux les nouns sont comprises en une cedule, la quele feust livere al seneschalle del hostiel du roy, voident la roialme devaunt un certein jour compris en le brief de proclamacioun ent fait, come par le tenure d'icelle brief enrolle en la chauncellerie y purra apparoir. Et puis, pur certeines causes moevantz nostre dit seignour le roy, le dit jour de remoevement des ditz aliens, de l'assent des seignours esteantz en parlement, feust prorogez tanq'al .xxiiij. jour de Maii lors proschein ensuant, come par le tenure d'un autre brief de proclamacioun, ovesqe les nouns contenuz en la dite cedule sur ceo faitz et enrollez en ceste rolle de parlement, pluis pleinement appiert, dont les paroles cy ensuent: 29. Expulsion of alien Bretons and Frenchmen. Also, on Saturday 8 May, following numerous prayers and requests on the part of the commons, it was agreed by our lord the king and the lords spiritual and temporal that all the aliens whose names were contained in a schedule which had been delivered to the steward of the king's household should leave the kingdom before a certain day stated in the writ of proclamation made on this, as can be seen in the copy of this same writ enrolled in the chancery. Later, however, for certain reasons concerning our said lord the king, the said day for the expulsion of the said aliens, by the assent of the lords present in parliament, was prorogued until 24 May next, as is more fully apparent from the tenor of another writ of proclamation, together with the names contained in the said schedule made on this and enrolled in this roll of parliament, the words of which here follow:
Rex, vicecomitibus London', salutem. Cum nos nuper, de assensu prelatorum, procerum, et magnatum regni nostri Anglie nobis in presenti parliamento nostro assistencium, ad supplicacionem communitatis ejusdem regni nostri in eodem parliamento nostro factam, per breve nostrum vobis preceperimus, quod in civitate nostra predicta, et suburbiis ejusdem ubi necesse foret, publice proclamari faceretis, quod omnes et singuli alienigene, quorum nomina in quadam cedula senescallo hospicii nostri liberata continentur, ac omnes et singuli alienigene, qui post incepcionem presentis parliamenti nostri in regnum nostrum predictum advenerunt, cum omnibus et singulis servientibus et familiaribus suis de alterius ligeantia quam nostra oriundis, parati essent in portu civitatis nostre predicte ad proficiscendum versus partes exteras quintodecimo die Maii tunc proximo futuro ad ultimum, et exinde ad easdem partes quamcito commode possent proficiscerentur, prout in brevi nostro predicto plenius continetur. Nos tamen accipientes, quod dicti alienigene diversis ligeis nostris regni nostri predicti indebitati existunt; volentesque eisdem ligeis nostris per predictos alienigenas de debitis suis hujusmodi satisfieri, ac quibusdem aliis certis de causis nos moventibus, dictum diem sive terminum recessus eorumdem usque vicesimum quartum diem Maii proximo futuro, de assensu prelatorum, procerum et magnatum, ac communitatis predictorum duximus prorogandum. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod statim visis presentibus, in civitate et suburbiis predictis ubi necesse fuerit, ex parte nostra publice proclamari faceris, quod omnes et singuli alienigene, quorum nomina in quadam cedula presentibus interclusa continentur, cum omnibus et singulis servientibus et familiaribus suis alienigenis, < ac omnes > et singuli alii alienigene de Britannia et Francie, qui post incepcionem presentis parliamenti nostri in regnum nostrum predictum advenerunt, parati sint in portu ville nostre Suthamt', ad proficiscendum versus partes exteras dicto vicesimo quarto die Maii proximo futuro ad ultimum, et exinde ad easdem partes quamcito poterunt proficiscantur; quodque omnes et singuli alienigene < predicti, > qui aliqua terras, tenementa, annuitates, sive concessiones quecumque, in feodo simplici vel talliato, sive ad terminum vite vel annorum, ex concessione nostra, sive ex concessione carissime consortis nostre regine Anglie, sive aliorum ligeorum nostrorum, per literas sive scripta eis inde facta optinent quovis modo, hujusmodi literas sive scripta nobis in cancellaria nostra liberent indilate, ad finem quod visis literis et scriptis predictis inde fieri jubere valeamus quod de jure et secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Anglie fore viderimus faciendum. Dumtamen aliqua arma, armaturas sive artillarias, secum non deferant quovis modo. Proviso semper, quod omnes et singuli Theotonici, et omnes alii tam mercatores quam alii alienigene infra regnum nostrum predictum jam existentes sive commorantes, [p. iii-572][col. a] pretextu proclamacionis hujusmodi versus partes exteras transire aliqualiter non compellantur, sive teneantur. Teste rege apud Westm' .xiiij. die Maii. (fn. iii-567-116-1) The king to the sheriffs of London, greetings. Whereas we recently, by the assent of the prelates, nobles and magnates of our kingdom of England attending our present parliament, at the request of the community of our same kingdom made in the same parliament, ordered you by our writ to make a public proclamation in our aforesaid town and in the suburbs of the same, wherever necessary, that each and every alien whose name was contained in a certain schedule submitted to the steward of our household, and each and every alien who arrived in our aforesaid kingdom after the beginning of our present parliament, with all their servants and relatives bound to any allegiance other than our own, should be ready in the port in our aforesaid town to leave for foreign parts by the approaching 15 May at the latest, to travel from there to those same parts as swiftly as possible, as is contained more fully in our aforesaid writ. We, acknowledging however that the said foreigners are indebted to various lieges of our aforesaid kingdom; and wishing the debts owed to our same lieges to be satisfied by the aforesaid foreigners, and being moved by certain other valid concerns, prorogued the set day or deadline for their departure until 24 May next, by the assent of the prelates, nobles and magnates, and the aforesaid community. And so we order you that as soon as you have seen this, you make a public proclamation on our behalf in the town and aforesaid suburbs, wherever necessary, that each and every alien whose name is included on the enclosed schedule, with all their foreign servants and relatives, and each and every other Breton or French foreigner who arrived in our aforesaid kingdom after the beginning of the present parliament, should be ready in the port of our town of Southampton to leave for foreign parts by the said 24 May coming at the latest, to travel from there as swiftly as they are able to those parts; and that each and every aforesaid foreigner who has obtained by any means lands, tenements, annuities or concessions of any kind, in fee simple or tail, whether for life or a term of years, by our concession, or by the concession of our most beloved consort, the queen of England, or any other lieges of ours, through letters or writings made on them, should submit all these letters or writings to us in our chancery without delay, so that, having seen the aforesaid letters and writings we can order to be done that which we feel ought to be done by right and according to the law and custom of our kingdom of England. Provided that they do not take away with them any arms, armour or artillery of any sort. And provided always that each and every German, and all other foreigners, merchants as well as others, already living or dwelling in our kingdom, [p. iii-572][col. a] should not be compelled or obliged to leave for foreign parts by the terms of this proclamation. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 14 May. (fn. iii-567-116-1)
Les nouns des ditz aliens pur estre voidez hors du roialme d'Engleterre cy ensuent: The names of the said aliens to be expelled from the kingdom of England here follow:
Diverses requestes faitz par les communes par bouche. [Further oral requests made by the commons].
30. Item, samady le .xv. me jour de Maii, les communes vindrent devant le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illoeqes le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy, q'il purroit parler dessoutz protestacioun auxi avant et entierment come ascun autre parlour de parlement avoit fait devaunt ces heures, combien q'il avoit riens parlez de les prerogatif ou estate roiale mesme nostre seignour le roy. Quel prier le roi luy ottroia de temps en temps, quant il vorroit tiel protestacioun faire. Et pria outre le dit monsire Johan, qe pleust a mesme nostre seignour le roy de doner congie a Richard Clyderowe, l'un des admiralx sur le meer, q'il purroit < aler a le > meer ove soun retenue. Et si riens serroit parlez a roy nostre seignour, en sa absence, d'accusacioun de luy, qe mesme nostre seignour le roy ne vorroit doner [credence] a nul tiel parole, ne luy blamer, jesqes atant q'il purroit estre a son response. Et auxint qe pleust a mesme nostre seignour le roy, et as seignours du parlement, d'accepter Robert Clifford compaignon a dit Richard esluz pur le counte de Kent, de comparer en parlement en lour deux nouns, si avaunt come ils feussent ambedeux presentz. A quel prier le roy s'agrea bien et l'ottroia. 30. Various oral requests made by the commons. Also, on Saturday 15 May, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, and there the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, requested of our said lord the king that he might speak under protestation as often and as fully as any other speaker of parliament had done in the past, even if he said things relating to the prerogative or royal estate of our same lord the king. This request the king granted from time to time, when he wished to make such a protestation. The said Sir John also prayed that it might please our same lord the king to give permission for Richard Clitheroe, one of the sea admirals, to go to sea with his retinue. And if anything should be said to our lord the king in his absence, in accusation of him, that our same lord the king would not lend credence to a single word, or blame him, until he had had a chance to put his case. In addition, that it might please our same lord the king and the lords of the parliament to agree to Robert Clifford, companion of the said Richard, who had been elected for the county of Kent, appearing before parliament in both their names, as if they were both present. To this request the king fully agreed, and he granted it.
[col. b]
Les seignours assignez du connseil le roy. [Appointment of the king's councillors].
31. Item, samady le .xxij. jour de Maii, les communes viendrent devant le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illoeqes le dit monsire Johan rehercea, coment il avoit priez au roy, au commencement de parlement, et puis encea, de governance habundante; et pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy de le mettre en execucioun. Et rehercea outre, coment l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs lour avoit fait report, qe le roi vorroit estre conseillez par les pluis sages seignours du roialme, les queux deussent avoir survieu de tout ceo qe serroit fait pur la bone governance de son roialme. A quel chose faire le roy s'agrea, et rehercea par soun bouche propre, q'il feust sa voluntee entier. Et sur ceo feust lue une bille faite par le roy mesmes, et de sa volunte propre, de les nouns des seignours qi serront de soun conseil. De quelle bille la tenure cy ensuit: 31. The lords appointed to the king's council. Also, on Saturday 22 May, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, and there the said Sir John recalled how he had requested of the king abundant governance at the beginning of parliament, and subsequently; and he prayed of our same lord the king that he put this into practice. Furthermore, he recalled how the archbishop of Canterbury had reported to them that the king wished to be advised by the most wise lords of the kingdom, who ought to oversee all that might be done for the good governance of his kingdom. The king agreed to carry this out, and he himself reminded people that it had been his earnest wish. Whereupon a bill was read, drawn up by the king himself, and of his own accord, giving the names of the lords who would be of his council. The tenor of this bill here follows:
Fait a remembrer, qe nostre sovereigne seignour le roy considerant les grauntz labours, occupations, et diligences, les quelles il faut necessairement mettre entour la bone governance de soun roiaume, et d'autres ses possessions, sibien decea la meer come delea; primerement, pur la conservacioun des droitz de nostre dit seignour le roi, et de sa corone, et qe les revenues d'icelle soient meulx coillez a soun profit, et encrecez en tant come homme poet justement le faire, au fyn q'il en poet le meulz soun honurable estat sustenir. Et secondement, pur la conservacioun de les loies et estatutz du roialme, au fyn qe ouel droit poet estre fait a chescuny, sibien as povres come as riches, nostre dit seignour le roy, de sa propre et bone volunte, desirant d'estre supportez en les suisdites causes, porceo q'il ne [poet] bien [vaquer] a icelles en sa propre persone, ne tant come il voldroit, pur la grand amour et bone affiance q'il ad, entre les autres, au tresreverent et reverentz [piers en Dieu,] et treshonures seignours, l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs, l'evesqe de Wyncestre, l'evesqe d'Excestre, le duk d'Everwyk, [le count de] Somersete, le sire de Roos, le sire de Burnell', le sire de Lovell', le sire de Wilughby, les chaunceller, tresorer, [gardein du prive seal, les seneschalle et chamberleyn,] Monsire Hugh Waterton, Monsire Johan Cheyne, et Monsire Arnaut Savage, yceux ad esluz, [chargez d'estre de soun conseil. En lour priant et commandant, q'en] toutz les suisdites causes ils veullent mettre lour entiers diligences, pur le [profit mesme nostre seignour le roy, et pur la conservation de les loies et estatutz] suisditz. Parensi toutes voies, qe parmy lour bones labours et diligences il [puisse le meulx estre desportez en sa roiale persone de les occupations suisditz.] Et aufyn qe les suisditz reverentz piers, et autres seignours, doient le [pluis voluntiers estre de son conseil, le suisdit nostre seignour le roy l'ad fait estre dit en soun] parlement publique, q'ils soient de son conseil: et lour voet [supporter en toutz les suisditz choses, et chescun d'icelles, en aiant tout dis] affiance, q'ils ferront pur le bien et profit de luy et de soun roialme, sanz [faire ne soeffrer estre fait chose en empeschement de bone conclusion] qe purra avenir par lour bones labours et diligences. Et qe billes a endorserz par le chamberleyns, [et lettres dessoutz le signet de nostre dit seignour le roy, a adressers, et autres] mandementz a doner, as chanceller, tresorer, et gardeyn du prive seal, et autres officers [queconqes, desore en avaunt, en tielx causes come desuis, serront endorsez ou faites] par advis du counsail. Et, qe les ditz chanceller, tresorer, et gardeyn du [prive seal, et autres officers, ne facent en celles causes sinoun] par advis du dit consail. Toutes voies de chartres, pardoun de cryme, et de collacioun de benefices [qe serront voides de fait, et des offices, voet nostre dit seignour le] roy faire soun plaisir. Et voet nostre dit seignour le roy, qe si ceux de soun suisdit conseil soient destourbez q'ils ne [purront faire le profit de nostre dit seignour le roy, ne faire estre gardez les] suisditz loyes et estatuitz, q'il bien lirra a ceux de soun dit conseil, et chescun de eux, en departir saunz indignacioun du roy nostre seignour [ suisdit. Et [p. iii-573][col. a] est auxi ] la volunte du roy, qe si nul de leur, qe Dieu defende, fist chose acontriaire du bien, honur et profit du roy, ses loyes, ou soun roiaume, qe cele persone qi ensi serroit trouvez, soit corrigez duement, ou mys hors de conseil. Entre quelles nouns ensi assignez de conseil du roy nostre dit seignour, le sire de Louvell' fuist un. Mes le chanceller d'Engleterre rehercea illeoqes, coment le dit sire le Louvell' avoit sovent foitz pursuy au roy pur luy avoir excusez de soun dit conseil, purce qe certeines plees furent pendantz es courtes du roy qe luy toucherent; par quoy il ne purroit honestement occupier celle charge. Pur queux causes le roy luy avoit bonement purexcusez pendantz mesmes les plees. Et les autres seignours ensi esluz pur estre du dit counseil prierent au roy d'estre excusez de mesme le conseil, et le roy leur pria d'estre de soun conseil, come il < lour > avoit priez pardevaunt: et ensi ils obeierent le mandement du roy. Et sur ce les ditz seignours prierent au roy, qe depuis ceste bille fuist la volunte du roy et de sa mocioun propre, et nemye a lour seute, qe mesme la bille purroit estre entrez de recorde en rolle de parlement. Et auxint prierent, qe toute la matere comprise el dite bille purroit estre execute solonc la contenue d'icelle; le quel le roy granta. Et auxint le roy commanda, qe sibien la dite bille come la request des ditz seignours serroient enactez et enrollez en mesme le rolle de parlement. Et prierent auxi les ditz seignours du counseil, qe durant le temps du dit parlement tout ce dont mesmes les seignours se purroient remembrer ou estre advisez pur l'onur et profit du roy et de soun roiaume, purra estre adjoustez au dite bille, et qe ceo serroit auxi entrez de record en rolle de parlement. A quoy le roy s'agrea bien. Be it remembered that our sovereign lord the king, bearing in mind the great labours, efforts and diligence it would be necessary to invest in pursuit of the good governance of his kingdom and of his other possessions, both on this side of the sea and overseas; firstly, to preserve the rights of our said lord the king and his crown, and to ensure that the revenues of the same would be more efficiently collected to his benefit, and increased as much as could be justified, so that he might better support his honourable estate; and secondly, for the preservation of the laws and statutes of the kingdom, with the aim that impartial justice might be done to all, poor men as well as rich; our said lord the king, of his own good will, wishing to be supported in the aforesaid causes, because he alone would not be able fully to devote his attentions to the same as much as he would like, and because of the great love and complete trust he has, amongst other things, in these most reverent and revered fathers in God, and the most honoured lords; has chosen the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishop of Winchester, the bishop of Exeter, the duke of York, the earl of Somerset, Lord Roos, Lord Burnell, Lord Lovell, Lord Willoughby, the chancellor, treasurer, keeper of the privy seal, the steward and chamberlain, Sir Hugh Waterton, Sir John Cheyne and Sir Arnold Savage, and charged them to be of his council. And he prays and requests of them that in all the aforesaid causes they might invest all their efforts, for the benefit of our lord the king and for the preservation of the aforesaid laws and statutes, in such a way that through their diligent labours and efforts he might be further relieved in his royal person of the aforesaid concerns. And so that the aforesaid reverent fathers and other lords might the more willingly be of his council, the aforesaid lord our king has caused it to be publicly announced in his parliament that they would be of his council: and he wishes to support them in all the aforesaid matters, and each one of them, having complete trust that they will act for the good and benefit of him and his kingdom, without doing or causing to be done anything which would jeopardize the reaching of a sound conclusion through their diligent labours and efforts. And that bills to be endorsed by the chamberlain, and letters under the signet of our said lord the king which are addressed, and other mandates to be issued, by the chancellor, treasurer and keeper of the privy seal, and other officers of any kind, shall henceforth, for the reasons outlined above, be endorsed or made with the advice of the council. And that the said chancellor, treasurer and keeper of the privy seal as well as the other officers shall not act in these matters without the advice of the said council. All kinds of charters, pardons for crimes and conferments of benefices which shall become vacant in actuality, and offices, our said lord the king shall grant as he pleases. And our said lord the king wishes that if those of his aforesaid council are prevented from acting for the benefit of our said lord the king, or ensuring that the aforesaid laws and statutes are preserved, then those of his council and each one of them will be allowed to leave freely without incurring the anger of the king, our aforesaid lord. And [p. iii-573][col. a] it is also the wish of the king that if any one of them, God forbid, should do anything contrary to the wellbeing, honour and benefit of the king, his laws, or his kingdom, that any person who shall be discovered doing this shall be duly corrected and evicted from the council. Amongst the names of those thus appointed to the council of the our said lord the king, Lord Lovell was one. But the chancellor of England there recalled how the said Lord Lovell had on many an occasion asked the king to excuse him from his said council, because certain pleas touching him were pending in the king's courts; by reason of which he could not with honesty accept this responsibility. For these reasons the king had fully excused him for the duration of the same pleas. And the other lords thus elected to be of the said council also requested of the king that they might be excused from the same council, but the king prayed that they might remain on his council, as he had previously prayed of them: and so they obeyed the king's order. Whereupon the said lords asked of the king that since this bill had been drawn up at the king's will and of his own accord, and not at their suit, that the same bill might be entered on record in the roll of parliament. They also requested that the entire substance of the said bill be enforced in accordance with the content of the same; this the king granted. Moreover, the king ordered that both the said bill as well as the request of the said lords should be enacted and enrolled on the same roll of parliament. And the said lords of the council further requested that while the said parliament lasted, whatever the said lords might remember or wish to communicate for the honour and benefit of the king and his kingdom might be added to the said bill, and that this would also be entered on record in the roll of parliament. To this the king fully agreed.
[memb. 19]
Diverses requestes faitz par les communes par bouche. [Further oral requests made by the commons].
32. Item, lundy le .xxiiij. jour de Maii, les comunes vindrent devaunt le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illeoqes le dit Monsire Johan rehercea, coment, samady darrein passe, le roy s'agrea et desira la bone governance, et pur execucion et esploit d'icelle il avoit esluz l'ercevesqe de Cantirbirs, et autres seignours, pur estre de soun counseil; et pria le dit monsire Johan, qe les communes purroient avoir conussance si mesmes les seignours vouldroient prendre sur eux d'estre du dit counseil, ou noun. A quoy le dit ercevesqe respondy, sibien pur luy mesmes come pur les autres seignours esluz du dit counseil, qe si sufficiantie de biens purroit estre trovez sur quel bone governance purra estre fait, ils vouldroient prendre sur eux d'estre du dit counseil, et sur ce faire lour poaire et diligence pur profit du roy et de roiaume; et autrement nemye. 32. Various oral requests made by the commons. Also, on Monday 24 May, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, and there the said Sir John recounted how, on the Saturday just passed, the king had desired and agreed to good governance, and in order to execute and bring about the same he had chosen the archbishop of Canterbury and other lords to be on his council; and the said Sir John requested that the commons might be informed as to whether the same lords wished to take it upon themselves to be on the said council or not. To which the said archbishop replied, on his own behalf as well as that of the other lords elected to the said council, that if adequate revenue could be found with which to carry out good governance, they would take it upon themselves to be on the said council, and would subsequently do their utmost for the benefit of the king and the kingdom; and otherwise, not.
33. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan rehercea touchant la governance de la ville de Caleys, et de la chiertee des vitailles illeoqes, et coment la dite ville est en point d'estre assegez et mys a grand disease; si meillour purviance ne soit ordeignez par temps. Et auxi, coment la terre de Guyen est a grand meschief, et coment l'an darrein passe furent perduz deinz mesme la terre .iiij. xx et .xvi. chastelx et villes, paront mesme celle terre est en point d'estre destruite, s'il ne soit par temps eaidez et succurrez. Et auxi, coment grand partie de la terre d'Irland est perduz, et greindres sommes unqes ne furent donez pur la saufe-garde d'icelle qe ne sont a present, et unqore la dite terre n'est mys en nul meilloure ordenance, saufe-garde, ne disposicioun. Et auxi, coment pur la saufe-garde de les marches d'Escoce plusours grandes sommes sont donez, autrement qe ne soloient estre fait devant ces heures. Et auxi, coment sur la rebellioun de ceux de Gales, plusours seignours, gentiles, et communes de roiaume aient diverses foitz travaillez, a leur grantz costages et labours, paront ils sont [col. b] ensi empoverez q'ils ne purront pluis outre travailler. Et auxi, coment ore tarde plusours des communes en les parties de north sont outrement destruitz et anientiz en diverse manere. Et auxint, coment les gentz enhabitantz sur les costes du meer ont fait et mys grantz costages et labours sur la saufe-garde d'icelle. Et auxi plusours contees et villes en my lieu d'Engleterre ont supportez grantz charges et imposicions, pur trover gentz d'armes et archiers as diverses parties, et par tant ils sont molt grandement abeissez et empoveriz. Et outre ce, considere la grande poverte q'y ad a present, sibien des seignours, chivalers et autres gentiles, come des marchantz, et de tout la comunalte de roiaume, pluis qe n'ad este vieu devaunt ces heures. 33. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John recalled, concerning the governance of the town of Calais and the dearth of provisions there, that the said town was on the point of being besieged and suffering great harm if better provisioning were not soon ordained. And also, that the land of Guyenne was in great trouble, and that last year ninety-six castles and towns were lost within the same land, as a result of which this land is on the point of being ruined, if it is not given swift aid and support. Furthermore, that a great part of the land of Ireland is lost, and great sums used to be spent on the safeguard of the same which are not at present, and the said land has yet to be placed under proper governance, safeguard and arrangement. In addition, that for the safeguard of the Scottish marches great sums have been spent, as was never customary before this time. And also, that during the rebellion of those of Wales, many lords, nobles and commons of the realm laboured in various ways, at great trouble and expense to themselves, as a result of which they are [col. b] so impoverished that they cannot labour any further. Moreover, that recently many of the commons in the northern parts have been utterly destroyed and annihilated in various ways. And also that the people inhabiting the coasts have incurred great expenses and been put to much trouble in the safeguard of the same. And many counties and towns in the English midlands as well have borne great burdens and impositions in finding armed men and archers in various parts, as a consequence of which they have been greatly impoverished and ruined. Furthermore, he considered the great poverty there was at present, both amongst the lords, knights and other nobles, as well as among the merchants and all the community of the realm, more than had ever been seen before.
Par quoy le dit monsire Johan pria en noun des ditz communes, qe eue consideracioun a les meschiefs suisditz, et as autres semblables advenirs, qe Dieu defende, si remede ne soit mys, qe plese a mesme nostre seignour le roy ordeiner, qe bone governance et habundante purra estre eue et ordeinez en descharge des communes dessuisditz. A quoy le roy respondy, q'il vorroit charger et commander soun conseil d'ent purvoir et ordeiner de remede, come mieultz leur semblera par lours sagez advyses et discrecions celle partie. By reason of which the said Sir John prayed in the name of the said commons that, having lent consideration to the aforesaid troubles, and to other similar troubles which may occur in the future, which God forbid, if a remedy is not provided, that it might please our lord the king to ordain that good and abundant governance be ordained for the relief of the aforesaid commons. To which the king replied that he would instruct and charge his council with providing and ordaining a remedy for this, as would seem best to them, according to their wise opinions and discretion in this matter.
34. Item, mesme le jour, pria le dit monsire Johan, qe come le count de Somersete s'avoit purposez ove tout le hast d'aler vers la ville de Caleys, qe plese a nostre dit seignour le roy de doner en charge a toutz autres capiteins de l'autre part la meer, d'aler a leur chastelx et fortresses, pur les saufement garder en semblable manere. 34. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested that since the earl of Somerset intended to hasten to the town of Calais, that it might please our said lord the king to direct all other captains on other parts of the sea to go to their castles and fortresses, to safeguard them in a similar way.
Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria a nostre dit seignour le roy, q'en cas q'il avoit riens parlez qe serroit desplesance a nostre seignour le roy, ou as seignours du parlement, q'il purroit toutditz avoir recours et resort a soun protestacioun par luy fait pardevant. Quel prier le roy ottroia. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested of our said lord the king that if he had said anything which displeased our lord the king or the lords of parliament, he might always have recourse and resort to his protestation made previously. The king agreed to this request.
Touchant le seignour de Lovell' et William Doyle. [The dispute between Lord Lovell and William Doyly].
35. Item, maresdy le .xxv. jour de May, le seignour de Louvell', et William Doyle vindrent devaunt les seignours en parlement, ovesqe plusours de lour counseil, et rehercerent, coment touchant le plee q'est pendante parentre eux del manoir de Hynton' joust Brakkeley en le countee de Northamt', ensemblement ovesqe l'advoesoun de l'esglise de Hynton', et de .vi. mees et .vi. verges de terre ove les appurtinances en mesme la ville de Hynton'; par lour commune assent ils sont condescenduz d'esteer al arbitrement de .vi. persones par eux esluz: c'est assavoir, mounsire Thomas Grene, Rauf Parles, Thomas Chaucer, Johan Tyndale, Johan Warrewyk et Aleyn Gyot, en cas q'ils purront accorder parentre cy et le fest de Seint Pier ad vincula proschein advenir; et en cas q'ils ne purront accorder devaunt le suisdit fest, q'adonqes monsire l'ercevesqe de Cantirbirs, et monsire le duc d'Everwyk, serront nomperes d'ent faire accord devaunt le fest de Nowel proschein advenir; et de ce faire, et d'esteer sibien al arbitration des ditz .vi. persones en cas q'ils purront accorder, come devaunt, come de les suisditz seignours de Canterbirs et d'Everwyk, les ditz seignour de Louvell et William Doyle sont assurez par lour serement en plein parlement. Et surce accordez est, qe briefs soient directz as ditz .vi. persones, eux chargeantz q'ils leur assemblent a Loundres a les oetaves de Seint Johan proschein advenir, pur treter de la dit accord, en manere come dessuis est dit. (fn. iii-567-140-1) 35. Concerning Lord Lovell and William Doyly. Also, on Tuesday 25 May, Lord Lovell and William Doyly came before the lords in parliament, with various members of their councils, and recounted how, concerning the plea that was pending between them for the manor of Hinton near Brackley in the county of Northampton, together with the advowson of the church of Hinton, and the six messuages and six virgates of land with appurtenances in the same town of Hinton; by their common assent they had deigned to submit to the arbitration of six people chosen by themselves: namely, Sir Thomas Green, Ralph Parles, Thomas Chaucer, John Tyndale, John Warwick and Alan Ayot, hoping that they might come to a decision between now and the feast of St Peter ad Vincula next [1 August]; and if they could not agree before the aforesaid feast, that then my lord the archbishop of Canterbury and my lord the duke of York would be arbiters in the reaching of a decision before Christmas next; and the said Lord Lovell and William Doyly are sworn by their oath in full parliament to do this, and to submit to the arbitration of the said six people if they can agree, as above, as well as to the aforesaid lords of Canterbury and York. Whereupon it was agreed that writs should be addressed to the said six people, instructing them to assemble at London on the octaves of St John next [1 July], to work towards the said agreement in the manner outlined above. (fn. iii-567-140-1)
De faire excepcioun pur le clergie en la commissioun de l'arraie. [The clergy excluded from the commission of array].
36. Item, vendredy le quart jour de Juyn, accordez est en parlement, q'en la commission de l'arraie, [p. iii-574][col. a] dont le tenure fuist enrolle en rolle de parlement tenuz a Westm'l'an quint nostre seignour le roy q'orest, soit excepcioun expressement fait de la clergie desore enavant; au fyn qe mesme le clergie ne soit ascunement chargiez entre les laies gentz pur nule tiele arraie faire, ne pur nulle contribucioun faire ascunement entre les laies gentz pur l'arraie dessuisdite. (fn. iii-567-143-1) 36. To make exception for the clergy in the commission of array. Also, on Friday 4 June, it was agreed in parliament that in the commission of array, [p. iii-574][col. a] the tenor of which was enrolled on the roll of the parliament held at Westminster in the fifth year of our lord the present king, (fn. iii-567-143-1) express exception should be made for the clergy from henceforth; so that the same clergy are not in any way charged alongside the laity with making any array, or making a contribution of any sort alongside the laity for the aforesaid array.
D'oier et terminer pur ceux de Pruys et de Hans. [Enquiries concerning the Prussian and Hanseatic merchants].
37. Item, mesme le jour, accordez fuist en parlement, qe par taunt qe devaunt ces heures un commissioun fuist fait par auctoritee de parlement as certeines persones, pur enquerer et certifier de certeines grevances et mesprisions qe furent faitz a ceux de Pruys et de Hans par les lieges du roy, et par ceux de Pruys et de Hans a les lieges du roy, come par le tenure du dit commissioun enrolle en la chancellerye pluis pleinement appiert. Par cause de quel commissioun les parties furent grandement delaiez, porce qe les commissaires nommez en la dit commissioun n'avoient poair de terminer sur les materes comprises en ycelle. Accordez est en parlement, qe l'evesqe d'Excestre, l'evesqe de Baa, le priour de l'Hospitall', le sire de Burnell', William Rikhill', et William Hankford, aient poair par commissioun d'oier et terminer en cel cas, come par le tenure d'icelle commissioun auxint enrolle en la chancellerie y purra apparoir. (fn. iii-567-146-1) 37. To hear and determine on behalf of those from Prussia and the Hanse. Also, on the same day, it was agreed in parliament that whereas a commission had previously been issued by the authority of parliament to certain people to enquire into and verify various grievances and misprisions which had been committed against those of Prussia and the Hanse by the king's lieges, and by those of Prussia and the Hanse against the king's lieges, the details of which may be gathered from the tenor of the said commission enrolled in the chancery. Because of this commission the parties had been seriously delayed, because the commissaries named in the said commission did not have the power to determine the matters dealt with in the same. It was thus agreed in parliament that the bishop of Exeter, the bishop of Bath, the prior of the Hospital [of St John of Jerusalem], Lord Burnell, William Rickhill and William Hankford should have the power by commission to hear and determine this matter, as may be gathered from the tenor of the same commission also enrolled in the chancery. (fn. iii-567-146-1)
Protestacioun de parlour. [The protestation of the speaker].
[memb. 18]
38. Item, lundy le .vij. e jour de Juyn, les communes vindrent devaunt le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illeoqes monsire Johan Tybtot, parlour pur les communes, pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy, q'il purra avoir resort a sa primere protestacioun fait en parlement, auxi franchement et entierment come unqes avoit ascun autre parlour pur les communes devant ces heures. Quel prier le roy ottroia. 38. The protestation of the speaker. Also, on Monday 7 June, the commons came before the king and lords in parliament, and there Sir John Tiptoft, speaker for the commons, requested of our same lord the king that he might resort to his first protestation made in parliament, as freely and as fully as any other speaker for the commons had ever done in the past. To which request the king agreed.
L'enheritance de la corone. [Act for the inheritance of the crown].
[editorial note: This heading has been struck through and beneath, a contemporary hand has written 'Vacat quia aliter inferius'. The subsequent section as far as 'septimo die Junii anno regni nostri septimo' has been crossed out.] Item, mesme le jour, seant nostre seignour le roy en soun see roiale, en presence des seignours en parlement le dit monsire Johan fist commendacioun de les plusours bontees et vertues qe reposerent en l'onurable persone de monsire le prince, et par especialle del humblesse et obeissance q'il porte envers nostre soverein seignour le roy soun pier, q'a poye y ne ad nule persone d'ascun degree qi face ou monstre pluis d'onur et reverence, de humblesse ou obeissance, a soun pier, q'il ne face mesmes en soun honurable persone. Secondement, coment Dieux luy ad ottroiez et endowez de bone coer et corage a tant come il embusoigne en ascun tiel prince de monde. Et tiercement, d'une grante vertue qe Dieu luy ad ottroiez en especiale, qe combien q'il empreigne ascun foitz purpos pur le mieultz a soun entencioun, unqore pur la grande affiance q'il ad en soun counseil, et en leur loialtee, seens et discrecions, il voet bonement et graciousement estre remoevez, et soi conformer a soun dit conseil et a leur ordinance, solonc ceo qe mieultz leur semblera, entrelessant toutoutrement sa volentee propre; paront il est vraisemblable, par la grace de Dieu, qe grantz bien, comfort, honur et profit ent aviendra enapres. De quoy les ditz communes humblement regracierent nostre seignour Jehsu Crist, et prierent de bone continuance. Et outrece, le dit monsire Johan rehercea, coment a un conseil nadgairs tenuz a Wircestre, et puis a un autre conseil tenuz a Westm', et puis apres au parlement tenuz a Westm' l'an quint nostre seignour le roy, les seignours espirituelx et temporelx avoient fait diverses serementz a mesme nostre seignour le roy de luy conustre et obeier come lour soverein seignour lige, et apres soun deces monsire le prince soun eisnez fitz, come heir apparant a la corone d'Engleterre; come en un peticioun mys avaunt par les ditz communes, et lue en parlement, pluis pleinement est contenuz. The inheritance of the crown. Also, on the same day, with our lord the king sitting on his royal throne, the said Sir John in the presence of the lords in parliament commended the many qualities and virtues inherent in the honourable person of our lord the prince, and especially the humility and obedience which he showed towards our sovereign lord the king his father, believing there to be no other person of any status who paid or showed more honour and reverence, humility and obedience to his father as did this same honourable person. Secondly, that God had bestowed and endowed him with a good heart and as much courage as any worldly prince could need. And thirdly, there was one great virtue which God had granted him in particular, that although he sometimes made a decision with the best intention, he still, on account of the great trust he had in his council, and in their loyalty, sense and discretion, was genuinely and graciously willing to be contradicted, and to conform to the wishes of his said council and their ordinance, in accordance with whatever seemed best to them, setting aside entirely his own will; for which reason it is truly through the grace of God that great good, comfort, honour and profit arise from this subsequently. For which the said commons humbly thanked our lord Jesus Christ, and prayed for its worthy continuation. In addition to this, the said Sir John recounted how at a council previously held at Worcester, and then at another held at Westminster, and then later at the parliament held at Westminster in the fifth year of our lord the king [January 1404], the lords spiritual and temporal had made various oaths to our same lord the king to regard and obey him as their sovereign liege lord, and after his death my lord the prince hiseldest son as heir apparent to the crown of England; as is more fully stated in a petition submitted by the said commons and read in parliament.
Quel peticioun lue et entendue, et chescun seignour illoeqes severalment examinez sur la contenue de mesme [col. b] la peticioun d'ent dire pleinement soun advys, s'acorderent generalment et severalement, qe l'eritage ou l'enheritance de la corone, et des roiaumes d'Engleterre et de France, et de toutz autres seignouries pardelea la meer, ove toutz leur appurtinances, soit mys en la persone mesme nostre seignour le roy, et en les heirs masles de son corps issantz. Et outre ce, mesme nostre seignour le roy, de l'advys des ditz seignours et a la request des communes dessuisditz, ad ordeinez, prononciez, decerniz et declarez, et par estatuit establiz, moun dit seignour le prince soun eisne fitz soun heir apparant, pur luy succeder en les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, pur les avoir ove toutz leur appurtinances apres la deces mesme nostre seignour le roy, a luy et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a monseignour monsire Thomas le second fitz mesme nostre seignour le roy, et a les heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie sanz issue masle de soun corps issant, q'adqonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a monseignour monsire Johan le tierce fitz nostre dit seignour le roy, et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie sanz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adqonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, remaignent a monseignour monsire Humfrey le quart fitz mesme nostre seignour le roy, et a les heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et par tant q'en le dit parlement tenuz le dit an quint ordeinez estoit, qe l'enheritement de la corone et del roiaume d'Engleterre s'extenderoit a monseignour le prince, et les heirs de soun corps issantz. Et pur defaut d'issue, a mes ditz seignours ses freres, et a les heirs de lour < corps > issantz successivement et enheritablement; come en le rolle de parlement du dit an quint pluis pleinement est contenuz. Suppliez estoit par les ditz comunes a nostre dit seignour le roy, et a moun dit seignour le prince, qe leur pleust overtement declarer en parlement, s'ils leur agreassent a mesme ceste ordinance ore fait en parlement. This petition having been read and heard, and each lord present having individually examined the content of the same [col. b] petition in order to give his full advice, it was generally and mutually agreed that the heritage or inheritance of the crown, and of the realms of England and France, and of all other lordships overseas, with their appurtenances, should be attached to the person of our same lord the king and the male heirs issuing from him. Furthermore our same lord the king, with the advice of the said lords and at the request of the aforesaid commons, ordained, announced, stated, declared and established, through a statute, my said lord the prince, his eldest son, as heir apparent to succeed him to the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, to receive them together with their appurtenances after the death of our same lord the king, to him and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without producing male heirs, then the aforesaid crown, and all the realms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, would fall to our lord Sir Thomas the second son of our same lord the king, and his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without male issue, that then the aforesaid crown and all the realms and lordships, with their appurtenances, would fall to our lord Sir John, the third son of our said lord the king, and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, then the aforesaid crown and all the realms and lordships would fall to our lord Sir Humphrey, the fourth son of our same lord the king, and his male heirs issuing from his body. Yet, since it had been ordained in the said parliament held in the said fifth year that the inheritance of the crown and kingdom of England should extend to our lord the prince, and to his heirs issuing from his body; and, in the absence of heirs, to my said lords his brothers, and to their heirs issuing from their bodies in succession and by hereditary right - as is more fully detailed in the roll of the parliament of the said fifth year - it was now requested by the said commons of our said lord the king, and of my said lord the prince, that it might please them to openly declare this in parliament, if they agreed to this same ordinance now made in parliament.
A quoy < responduz fuist > par nostre dit seignour le roy, qe pur certeines causes par luy devaunt monstrez as seignours, sa volente feust, et s'agrea bien, qe la dite enheritance demureroit en luy mesmes, et en ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz: et en especiale, qe monseignour le prince serroit soun heir apparant, pur luy succeder en les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, pur les avoir, ove toutz les appurtinances, apres soun deces, a moun dit seignour le prince, et a ses heires masles de soun corps issantz. Et pur defaute de soun issue masle, a mes autres seignours ses freres, et leur heirs masles successivement et enheritablement, come dessuis est dit. Et semblablement, moun dit seignour le prince de soun bouche propre dist en plein parlement, q'il se tenoit pur bien content, et s'agrea bien a mesme ceste ordinance ore faite en ycest parlement. Et au fyn qe toutz cestes ordinances, prononciacioun, decree, declaracioun et estatuit purront estre overtement publiez et conuz as toutz roialmes, terres et seignouries quielconqes, accordez est et assentuz par le roy et les seignours en parlement, qe mesmes les ordinances, prononciacioun, decree, declaration et estatuit, soient exemplifiez dessoutz le grand seal du roy, et auxi ensealez dessoutz les sealx des ditz seignours, et le seal des armes de dit monsire Johan Tybetot commune parlour pur les communes, pur et en les nouns de les communes d'Engleterre avaunt ditz. Laquel exemplification fuist lue et pleinement accordez devaunt le roy et les seignours et communes, et enseale en la forme suisdite. De quel exemplification le tenure s'enseute: To which reply was made by our said lord the king that, for certain reasons explained by him before the lords, it was his wish, and he fully agreed, that the said inheritance should remain with himself and any male heirs issuing from his body; and especially, that my lord the prince should be his heir apparent, succeeding him to the aforesaid crown, realms and lordships, so that all of these with their appurtenances, after his death, should fall to my said lord the prince and to the male heirs issuing from his body. And in the absence of any male heirs, to my other lords, his brothers, and their male heirs in succession and by hereditary right, as said above. Similarly, my said lord the prince personally announced in full parliament that he was wholly contented with and fully agreed to this ordinance recently now made in this parliament. And so that all these ordinances, pronouncement, decree, declaration and statute might be openly published and made known to all realms, lands and lordships wheresoever, it was agreed and assented by the king and lords in parliament that the same ordinances, pronouncement, decree, declaration and statute should be copied under the king's great seal, and also sealed under the seals of the said lords and the seal of arms of the said Sir John Tiptoft, common speaker for the commons, on behalf of and in the name of the aforesaid commons of England. This copy was read and given full agreement before the king, lords and commons, and sealedin the aforesaid manner. The tenor of which copy follows:
Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Anglie et Francie, et Dominus Hibernie, universis et singulis regibus, archiepiscopis, episcopis, aliisque prelatis quibuscumque necnon principibus, ducibus, marchionibus, comitibus, baronibus, militibus, vicecomitibus, prepositis, presidentibus, comitatibus, universitatibus, [p. iii-575][col. a] ac aliis personis quibuscumque ubilibet constitutis, ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem, et infra scriptis fidem indubiam adhibere. Sciatis, quod in parliamento nostro, infra palacium nostrum Westm' communi assensu regni nostri juxta morem et stilum ejusdem regni legitime prefixo, inchoato et pendente, pro diversis materiis et articulis nos et regnum nostrum contingentibus inibi communicandis, disponendis ac determinandis, ad laudem Dei et commodum regni nostri [...] . Primitus ad utilitatem ejusdem regni in eodem parliamento variis communicatis materiis et discussis, procuratores et attornati alias juxta morem vocati, milites omnium et singulorum comitatum, et civitatum, burgorum, ac totius populi regni nostri Anglie, per universitates et communitates eorumdem comitatum et civitatum, burgorum, et per totum populum eorumdem legitime constituti, juxta stilum, morem et observacionem nostri regni antedicti, coram nobis, prelatisque, et proceribus ipsius regni, omnibusque aliis et singulis qui in hujusmodi parliamento debuerunt, potuerunt et voluerunt commode interesse, tunc personaliter presentibus et sedentibus, ut est moris, suo communi, unanimi ac deliberato consensu, nomine suo et tocius communitatis et universitatis regni, nostri, quandam certi tenoris peticionem sive supplicacionem in scriptis conceptam presentarunt, et realiter obtulerunt, tenoris et continentie subsequentis: Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all the kings, archbishops, bishops and other prelates together with princes, dukes, marquises, earls, barons, knights, sheriffs, reeves, leaders, counties, commonalties, [p. iii-575][col. a] and other persons wherever they may be, whom these letters reach, greetings, and place complete trust in that which is written below. Know that in our parliament within our palace of Westminster, by the common assent of our kingdom legitimately summoned, begun and continuing according to the custom and style of this kingdom, for the communicating, arranging and determining there of various matters and articles touching us and our kingdom, to the praise of God and the benefit of our kingdom: first, for the benefit of this kingdom, various matters having been communicated and discussed in this same parliament, and proctors and attorneys having previously been summoned according to custom, that is the knights of each and every county, town and borough, and all the people of our kingdom of England, through the universalities and communities of their same counties and towns, boroughs, and through all the people legitimately comprising the same, according to the aforesaid style, custom and tradition of our kingdom; and in the presence of us and the prelates and nobles of this same kingdom, and all others who ought, can and should properly be present in this same parliament, then personally present and seated, as is the custom, by its common, unanimous and considered consent, in its own name and the name of all the community and universality of our kingdom, present and truly offer a certain petition or supplication in written form and of clear tenor, the tenor and content of which follow:
Au roy nostre tressoveraine seignour lige, supplie la comune de cest present parlement, qe come le samady le noefisme jour de Feverer, l'an de vostre regne quint, seant vous, tressoveraigne seignour, en vostre see roiale, et les seignours espirituelx et temporelx en leur estates, en la blanke sale dedeins vostre paloys de Westm', la comune auxi de vostre roiaume y esteant assemblez en vostre parlement, reherceant, coment a vostre counseil tenuz a Wircestre, et puis apres a vostre grand conseil qe depuis tenuz estoit a vostre dit paloys de Westm' devaunt le fest de Noel lors darrein passez; a quel heure les heraldes de France y furent presentz pur ouster toutes aweroustees, ambiguitees et malvois entencion qe purroient ascunement estre supposez; les ditz seignours et autres voz liges y esteantz presentz, en declaracioun de leur estates, et en demonstrance de leurs entiers coers et loialtee, a vous firent certeinez serementz come a leur seignour liege. Et lors de novel le tierce foitz en vostre dit parlement, en l'onur de la Trinitee, les suisditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et la commune suisdit, d'un volunte, et d'un assent, [memb. 18] coment q'il n'enbusoignoit my, affermerent les suisditz serementz, et conustrent vous, tressoverein seignour, lour soverein seignour liege, pur vous obeier come a lour roy. Et auxi conustrent moun treshonure seignour le prince vostre fitz aisne comeheir apparant et enheritable a la corone d'Engleterre, a luy et a ses heirs de soun corps issantz: et pur defaute d'issue de soun corps, a mes treshonures seignours ses freres, et a leur issue successivement et enheritablement solonc la ley d'Engleterre, pur vivre et morir encontre toutz les gentz de monde, come en les actes de vostre dit parlement tenuz l'an de vostre regne quint il est contenuz pluis au plein. Et nientcontresteant toutz les < ditz > serementz, affermances, et conussances de toutz les suisditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et de la commune en levauntdit vostre parlement l'an de vostre regne quint, certeines persones, de leur malvois entencions et malice purpense ymaginantz la destruccioun de vous, tressoverein seignour, et la disheritesoun de voz heirs, ont, par leur fauxes informacions, a leurs povoirs fait amoesver a ce les coers de voz foialx lieges, dont plusours commocions et riotes ont este faitz en vostre poeple, et plusours persones en ont este destruitz dedeinz vostre roiaume; et plusours sinistres enformacions ont este reportez a plusours parties pardelea, a grant comfort de voz enemys, qi par ce ont pris le greindre corage de faire grevance a voz foialx subgitz, sibien pardecea la meer come pardelea. To the king our most sovereign liege lord, the commons of this present parliament pray that whereas, on Saturday 9 February, in the fifth year of your reign [1404], your most sovereign lord being seated on your royal throne and the lords spiritual and temporal in their estates in the white hall within your palace of Westminster, the commons of your realm also being there assembled in your parliament, as at your council held at Worcester, and subsequently at your great council which was later held at your said palace of Westminster before last Christmas; at which time the heralds of France were there present for the removal of all doubts, ambiguities and evil intention which might be in any way suspected; the said lords and other lieges of yours were there present, and in the declaration of their estates, and as a demonstration of their whole-hearted love and loyalty, they made certain oaths to you as their liege lord. Then, once again, for the third time in your said parliament, in honour of the Trinity, the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal and the aforesaid commons, of one will and assent, affirmed the aforesaid oaths [memb. 18] (although it was not necessary even once) and acknowledged you, most sovereign lord, as their sovereign liege lord, to obey you as their king. And they also acknowledged my most honoured lord the prince your eldest son as heir apparent, and that the crown of England should fall to him and any heirs issuing from his body: and, in the event of him failing to leave any heirs, to my most honoured lords his brothers and to their heirs in succession and inheritance in accordance with the law of England, to live and die against all the people in the world; as is contained more fully in the acts of your said parliament held in the fifth year of your reign. Yet, notwithstanding all the said oaths, confirmations and acknowledgements of all the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal, and of the aforesaid commons of your parliament in the fifth yearof your reign, certain people, plotting your destruction with evil intention and malice, most sovereign lord, and the disinheritance of your heirs, have, through false information, done their best to cause the hearts of your faithful lieges to be swayed, as a result of which numerous commotions and riots have occurred amongst your people, and many people have been ruined within your realm; and several pieces of false information have been reported in various places overseas, to the great joy of your enemies, who on account of this have felt more greatly inclined to harass your faithful subjects, both on this side of the sea as well as overseas.
Par quoy, pur ouster toutes maneres de doutes, aweroustees, ambiguitees, et [col. b] malvois entencions en temps advenir, plese a vous, tressoverein seignour, a la request de vostre dit commune, et de l'assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx a ycest present parlement assemblez, par estatuit ordeiner, et en vous mesmes, tressoverein seignour, et en les heirs masles de vostre corps issantz, mettre l'enheritement de vostre corone, et de vostres roialmes d'Engleterre et de France, et de toutz voz autres seignouries pardelea la meer, ovesqe toutz les appurtinances. Et, en especial, a la request et de l'assent suisditz, par mesme l'estatuit ordeiner, prononcier, decernir et declarer, levauntdit mounseignour le prince vostre heir apparant pur vous succeder en voz suisditz corone, roialmes et seignouries, pur les avoir, ovesqe toutes les appurtinances, apres vostre decesse, a luy et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roialmes, et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a mounseignour mounsire Thomas vostre second fitz, et a les heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz issue masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roialmes et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a mounseignour mounsire Johan vostre tierce fitz, et a les heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, remaignent a monseignour monsire Umfrey vostre quart fitz, et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. For this reason, to eradicate all such doubt, uncertainties, ambiguities and [col. b] wicked plans in the future, may it please your most sovereign lord, at the request of your said commons, and by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in this present parliament, to ordain by statute the investment of the inheritance of your crown and of your kingdoms of France and England and of all your other lordships overseas, with all their appurtenances, in you yourself, most sovereign lord, and in the male heirs issuing from your body. And in particular, at the request and by the assent of the aforesaid, to ordain, announce, proclaim and declare through the same statute that the aforesaid our lord the prince your heir apparent will succeed you to your aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, and receive them, with all their appurtenances, after your death, for himself and any male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, that then the aforesaid crown and all the kingdoms and lordships, with their appurtenances, shall fall to our lord Sir Thomas, your second son, and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without having produced a male heir, that then the aforesaid crown and all the aforesaid kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to our lord Sir John your third son, and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, that then the aforesaid crown and all the kingdoms and lordships shall fall to our lord Sir Humphrey, your fourth son, and to his male heirs issuing from hs body.
Qua quidem peticione sive supplicacione coram nobis, prelatisque, et proceribus, et eisdem procuratoribus, attornatis, seu militibus, publice prelecta, et super contentis in eadem matura et diligentissima deliberacione ac avisamento cum eisdem prehabitis et assumptis, de ipsorum omnium et singulorum communi peticione, supplicacione, consilio, ac consensu spontaneo et expresso, ac instancia, ad disponendum, ordinandum, discernendum et statuendum contenta in dicta peticione nobis oblata, processimus in hunc modum.: Ad laudem omnipotentis Dei, et omnium sanctorum suorum, et pro solida firmacione pacis continue regni nostri, deliberacione ac avisamento prehabitis, de consilio, consensu expresso et spontaneo, ac instante peticione omnium et singulorum prelatorum et procerum, ac communitatis et universitatis regni nostri, in presenti parliamento nostro ordinamus, quod hereditas sive hereditacio corone nostre, ac regnorum nostrorum Anglie et Francie, ac omnium aliorum dominorum [nostrorum] ultra mare, cum omnibus eorum pertinenciis, nobis, et heredibus nostris masculis de corpore nostro exeuntibus, resideat. Ac ulterius, in speciali, ad requisicionem et de assensu predictis, ordinamus, pronunciamus, discernimus et declaramus, prefatum principem filium nostrum primogenitum heredem nostrum apparentem, nobis in corona, regnis, et dominiis predictis successurum; habendum cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, post decessum nostrum, sibi et heredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus: ita quod si ipse sine herede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna et dominia, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis, Thome secundo filio nostro et heredibus masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant. Et si ipse sine herede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna et dominia, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis, Johannii tercio filio nostro et heredibus masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant. Et si ipse sine herede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna et dominia, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, Humfrido quarto filio nostro et heredibus masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant. Et hec omnia et singula, ne aliquibus premissorum veritas lateat, seu latere valeat aliqualiter in futurum, vobis universis et singulis, ac aliis quorum interest, patefacimus et innotescimus per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium tam magnum sigillum nostrum, quam sigilla dominorum spiritualium et temporalium dicti regni nostri Anglie, quorum nomina inferius recitantur, ac etiam sigillum Johannis Typtot, militis, prelocutoris [p. iii-576][col. a] communitatis predicte in dicto parliamento nostro, pro se ac nomine suo, et nomine ejusdem communitatis, de ipsius communitatis plenario et deliberato assensu, voluntate, auctoritate et mandato, presentibus sunt appensa; videlicet, venerabilium patrum Thome archiepiscopi Cantuar', totius Anglie primatis, H. Wynton', J. Elien', E. Exon', R. Cicestr', G. Meneven', R. Wygorn', H. Bathon' et Wellen', R. Hereford', P. Lincoln', T. Landaven', et T. Karlioll', episcoporum; ac abbatis Westm', abbatis de Sancto Albano, abbatis de Waltham et abbatis Salop'; necnon Edwardi ducis Ebor', Johannis Somerset, Edmundi Kanc', Thome Arundell', Ricardi Warr' et Michaelis Suff', comitum; ac Walteri, prioris < Hospitalis > Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglie; Willielmi domini de Roos, Ricardi domini de Grey de Codenore, Henrici domini de Beaumont, Reginaldi domini de Grey de Ruthyn, Willielmi domini de Ferrers, Thome domini de Furnyvall', Willielmi domini de Wyloghby, Hugonis domini de Burnell, Willielmi domini de Clynton', Thome domini de Morley, Johannis domini de Darcy, Johannis domini de Lovell, Bartholomei domini de Burghchier, Gilberti domini de Talbot, Willielmi domini la Zouche, Thome domini de Camoys, Ricardi domini Seymore, Henrici Fitz-Hugh, et Henrici le Scrope de Masham. Data in presenti parliamento nostro, infra palacium nostrum Westm', septimo die Junii, anno regni nostri septimo. (fn. iii-567-161-1) This petition or supplication having been read aloud in the presence of us and the prelates and nobles, as well as the same proctors, attorneys or knights, and when it had been considered and most diligent deliberation and consultation had been had with the same, we proceed in the following manner to settle, ordain, declare and decree concerning the contents of the said petition presented to us, by the common petition, supplication and advice of each and every one of them, and with express and willing consent and agreement: To the praise of almighty God and all his saints, and to ensure continual peace in our kingdom, discussion and consultation having been had, with the advice, express and willing consent, and at the instance and petition of each and every one of the prelates and nobles and the community and universality of our kingdom, we ordain in our present parliament that the heredity or inheritance of our crown and our kingdoms of England and France and all our lordships overseas, with all their appurtenances, shall reside with us and our male heirs issuing from our body. Furthermore and in particular, at the request and by the assent of the aforesaid, we ordain, announce, proclaim and declare that our aforementioned first son, our first-born heir apparent, shall succeed us to the crown, the kingdoms and the aforesaid lordships, to receive them with all their appurtenances after our death, for himself and his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships,with all their appurtenances, shall fall to Thomas our second son and any male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to John our third son and any male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to Humphrey our fourth son and any male heirs issuing from his body. Through this we make known and notify each and every one of you and others present of all these matters, lest the truth of these promises becomes obscured in some way, or may be obscured somehow in the future. In testimony of which both our great seal, as well as the seals of the lords spiritual and temporal of our said kingdom of England, whose names are given below, and also the seal of John Tiptoft, knight, speaker [p. iii-576][col. a] for the aforesaid commons in our said parliament, on behalf of himself and in his name, and in the name of the same commons, by the full and considered assent, will, authority and mandate of these commons, are appended to the present document; namely, the venerable father Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and the bishops, Henry of Winchester, John of Ely, Edmund of Exeter, Robert of Chichester, Guy of St David's, Richard of Worcester, Henry of Bath and Wells, Robert of Hereford, Philip of Lincoln, Thomas of Llandaff, and [William] of Carlisle; and the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of St Albans, the abbot of Waltham and the abbot of Shrewsbury; also Edward duke of York; and John of Somerset, Edmund of Kent, Thomas of Arundel, Richard of Warwick and Michael of Suffolk, earls; and Walter, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England; William Lord Roos, Richard Lord Grey of Codnor, Henry Lord Beaumont, Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthin, William Lord Ferrers, Thomas Lord Furnivall, William Lord Willoughby, Hugh Lord Burnell, William Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Morley, John Lord Darcy, John Lord Lovell, Bartholomew Lord Bourchier, Gilbert Lord Talbot, William Lord la Zouche, Thomas Lord Camoys, Richard Lord Seymour, Henry FitzHugh, and Henry Lescrope of Masham. Given in our present parliament, within our palace of Westminster, on 7 June, in the seventh year of our reign. (fn. iii-567-161-1)
Et surce, de l'advys et assent avantditz, feust faite et ensealce une autre lettre patente dessoutz le grand seal mesme nostre seignour le roy, et de les seignours, et le commune parlour suisditz, briefment contenante la substance de la matere comprise en la dite exemplificacioun; la quele lettre patente fuist auxi lue et pleinement accordez devaunt le roy, et les ditz seignours et communes, dont le tenure auxi s'enseute. Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Anglie et Francie, et Dominus Hibernie, omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem in Domino, et fidem indubiam presentibus adhibere. Noverit universitas vestra, quod nos, de consensu et assensu dominorum spiritualium et temporalium, prelatorum, videlicet magnatu m, procerum et cleri, necnon ad instanciam peticionis communitatis regni nostri Anglie in presenti parliamento nostro existencium et convocatorum, auctoritate ejusdem parliamenti nostri, ex certis causis nos ac dictos dominos spirituales et temporales, clerum et communitatem predictos ad id moventibus, et specialiter ad obstruendum ora quorundam obloquencium, et ad ammovendum penitus materiam disceptacionis future, et omne ambiguitatis dubium in hac parte tollendum, Henricum, eadem gratia, principem Wall', ducem Aquitan', Lancastr', et Cornub' et comitem Cestrie, filium nostrum primogenitum, nostrum verum et legitimum, certum et indubitatum heredem, ac universalem successorem in corona et regnis nostris Anglie et Francie, ac dominiis nostris quibuscumque ultra mare ubilibet constitutis, cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis, fore et esse, ac fore et esse debere, necnon jus nobis universaliter succedendi in dictis corona, regnis et dominiis, prefato Henrico filio nostro primogenito, et ad eum; et post eum successive liberis suis masculis legitime procreandis, et ad eos imperpetuum competere et pertinere, competereque et pertinere debere, tenore presencium pronunciamus, decernimus et declaramus. Thereupon, by the advice and assent of the aforesaid, another letter patent was made and sealed under the great seal of our same lord the king and of the lords, and of the aforesaid common speaker, containing a concise summary of the matter dealt with in the said copy; which letter patent was also read and given full agreement before the king and the said lords and commons, the tenor of which is also given here: Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all whom these present letters shall reach, greetings in the Lord, and place undoubting faith in these present letters. Be it known to you all that we, by the consent and assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, namely, prelates, magnates, nobles and clerics, and also at the instance and petition of the commons of our kingdom of England assembled and gathered in our present parliament, by the authority of this our parliament, for certain reasons moving us and our said lords spiritual and temporal, and the aforesaid clerics and commons, and especially to silence those who might argue to the contrary, and for the thorough removal of any means of deception in the future and of any doubt or ambiguity pertaining to this matter, in this present summary pronounce, proclaim and declare Henry, by the grace of God prince of Wales, duke of Aquitaine, Lancaster and Cornwall and earl of Chester, our first-born son, to be our true, legitimate, certain and undoubted heir, and the universal successor to our crown and kingdoms of England and France and our lordships wherever they are located overseas, with all their rights and appurtenances, which are or may be or which ought to be; and also that our right of universal succession to the said crown, kingdoms and lordships should fall to the aforementioned Henry, our first-born son; and after him in succession to the legitimate male heirs issuing from his body; and by the tenor of the present letters we declare, proclaim and pronounce that these things belong and pertain to them, and ought to belong and pertain to them, forever.
Et in eventum quo [sic: read 'quod'] prefatus Henricus filius noster primogenitus absque herede masculo naturali et legitimo < ab hac luce migraverit, > volumus, concedimus, statuimus et ordinamus, de consensu, assensu et < auctoritate > quibus supra, quod universale jus successionis hujusmodi in dictis corona, regnis, et dominiis nostris, cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis, ad Thomam secundogenitum nostrum et post eum successive ad liberos suos masculos legitime nascituros plene ac libere transeat et remaneat pro perpetuo. Quod si prefatum Thomam absque herede masculo naturali et legitimo diem claudere contingat extremum, ad Johannem tertiogenitum [col. b] nostrum, liberosque suos masculos legitime procreandos. Et si ipsum Johannem sine liberis hujusmodi decedere contigerit, ad Humfridum quartogenitum nostrum, et ejus liberos masculos jus successionis hujusmodi in corona, regnis, et dominiis antedictis, absque strepitu contradiccionis cujuscumque libere devolvatur. Proviso, quod quamdiu aliquis in linea per virilem sexum descendens a prefato Henrico primogenito nostro superstes fuerit, ad dictum Thomam secundogenitum nostrum vel ejus liberos hujusmodi successio nullatenus deferatur; quod similiter observari volumus in personis dictorum filiorum nostrorum Thome, Johannis et Humfridi, ac liberorum eorundem. Ita tamen, quod si ex liberis masculis alicujus filiorum nostrorum predictorum plures persone masculini sexus in eodem gradu invente fuerint, prior semper in etate quo ad successionem hujusmodi posterioribus preferatur. Proviso eciam, quod jus successionis in ducatu nostro Lancastr' illi, vel illis, cui, vel quibus, de jure et consuetudine regni nostri Anglie debeatur, seu < debebitur, > in futurum istis non obstantibus salvum omnino maneat et illesum. In cujus rei testimonium, non solum [sigillum] nostrum, set eciam dictorum dominorum spiritualium et temporalium pro < se, > clero et communitate predictis, sigilla, cum interposicione juramenti, presentibus sunt appensa. Et nos, Thomas Cantuarien' archiepiscopus, tocius Anglie primas, H. Wynton', J. Elien', E. Exon', R. Cicestr', G. Meneven', R. Wygorn', H. Bathon' et Wellen', R. Hereford', P. Lincoln', T. Landaven', et T. Karlioll', episcopi; ac abbas Westm', abbas de Sancto Albano, abbas de Waltham et abbas Salop', pro nobis, et nomine nostro ac cleri predicti; necnon nos Edwardus dux Ebor', Johannes Somers', Edmundus Kane', Thomas Arundell, Ricardus Warr', et Michael Suff', comites; ac Walterus, prior Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglie; Willielmus dominus de Roos, Ricardus dominus de Grey de Codenore, Henricus dominus de Beaumont, Reginaldus dominus de Grey de Ruthyn,Willielmus dominus de Ferrers, Thomas dominus de Furnyvale, Willielmus dominus de Wylughby, Hugo dominus de Burnell, Willielmus dominus de Clynton, Thomas dominus de Morley, Johannes dominus de Darcy, Johannes dominus de Lovell, Bartholomeus dominus de Burghchier, Gilbertus dominus de Talbot, Willielmus dominus la Zouche, Thomas dominus de Camoys, Ricardus dominus de Seymour, Henricus Fitz-Hugh, et Henricus le Scrop de Masham, pro nobis et nostro nomine, ac Johannes Typtot, miles, prelocutor communitatis predicte in parliamento presenti, meo et ipsius communitatis nomine, omnibus supradictis nostrum presentem concensum pariter et assensum juramus ad Sancta Dei Evangelia, per nos et quemlibet nostrum corporaliter tacta, omnia et singula premissa perpetuis temporibus per nos et nostros quantum in nobis est inconcusse et inviolabiliter observare, ne quicquam incontrarium, re vel verbo, publice vel occulte, directe vel indirecte, facere vel attemptare, seu fieri vel attemptari facere vel procurare quovis modo. In quorum omnium et singulorum plenam fidem, sigilla nostra fecimus hiis apponi.' Date in presenti parliamento, infra palatium Westm', septimo die Junii, anno regni nostri septimo. And in the event that the aforementioned Henry our first-born son dies without a natural and legitimate male heir, we wish, concede, order and ordain, by the consent, assent and authority of those given above, that the universal right to this succession to our said crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all rights and appurtenances, shall fully and freely pass to and reside in perpetuity with Thomas, our second-born son, and after him to his legitimate male heirs in succession. And if the aforementioned Thomas should die without a natural and legitimate male heir, this right of succession to the crown, kingdoms and aforesaid lordships should freely devolve to John our third-born son, [col. b] and to the male children legitimately borne of him. And if this John should die without children of this kind, to Humphrey our fourth-born, and to his male heirs, without the hindrance of any contradiction. On condition that as long as someone in the male line descended from the aforementioned Henry our first-born survives, this succession will never be transferred to the said Thomas our second-born; and this we wish to be similarly observed with regard to our said sons Thomas, John and Humphrey, and their sons. So that if from the male children of any of our sons other persons of the male sex and of the same status are produced, the eldest shall always be preferred in the succession over those born later. Provided also that the right of succession to our duchy of Lancaster shall remain completely safe and secure with him or them to whom it devolves or shall devolve in the future by the right and custom of our kingdom of England, notwithstanding these things. In testimony of which, not only our seal, but also the seals of the said lords spiritual and temporal on behalf of themselves, the clergy and aforesaid commons, with the accompaniment of an oath, are here appended. And we, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, bishops Henry of Winchester, John of Ely, Edmund of Exeter, Robert of Chichester, Guy of St David's, Richard of Worcester, Henry of Bath and Wells, Robert of Hereford, Philip of Lincoln, Thomas of Llandaff and [William] of Carlisle; and the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of St Albans, the abbot of Waltham and abbot of Shrewsbury, on behalf of us, and in our name and that of the aforesaid clerics; and also Edward duke of York; and John of Somerset, Edmund of Kent, Thomas of Arundel, Richard of Warwick and Michael of Suffolk, earls; and Walter, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England; William Lord Roos, Richard Lord Grey of Codnor, Henry Lord Beaumont, Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthin, William Lord Ferrers, Thomas Lord Furnivall, William Lord Willoughby, Hugh Lord Burnell, William Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Morley, John Lord Darcy, John Lord Lovell, Bartholomew Lord Bourchier, Gilbert Lord Talbot, William Lord la Zouche, Thomas Lord Camoys, Richard Lord Seymour, Henry FitzHugh, and Henry Lescrope of Masham, on behalf of us and in our name, and John Tiptoft, knight, speaker for the aforesaid commons in the present parliament, in my name and that of this community; to all the above things we swear our present consent and equally our assent on the holy gospels of God, corporally touched by us and each of us, and we swear to observe each and all of the foregoing in perpetuity, for us and our heirs as far as we are able, firmly andinviolably, lest anything to the contrary, by word or deed, openly or secretly, directly or indirectly, is done or attempted, or caused to be done or procured in any way. Having complete faith in all the aforesaid, we affix our seals to this. Given in the present parliament, within the palace of Westminster, on 7 June, in the seventh year of our reign.
[memb. 17]
Diverses requestes faitz par les communes par bouche. [Further oral requests made by the commons].
39. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria, qe monseignour le prince soit ordeinez ove toute le hast possible d'aler en Gales; considerez les novelles qe viegnent de jour en autre de la rebellioun de counte de Northumbr', et des autres rebealx celles parties. 39. Various oral requests made by the commons. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested that our lord the prince should be instructed to go to Wales with all possible haste; considering the news which was arriving daily concerning the rebellion of the earl of Northumberland and the other rebels thereabouts.
40. Item, mesme le jour, < le dit > monsire Johan Tibetot rehercea, coment le roy est en diverse manere deceu, sibien par ses custumers et contrerollours es diverses portes de roiaume, come < de > les gages paiez pur les ville et chastelle de Caleys, et les soldeours illeoqes nulle paiement purront avoir: et coment a les monstres [p. iii-577][col. a] faites illeoqes devaunt ces heures, sibien diverses garsons des niefs qi ne scievent chivacher, come aliens deinz la dite ville, ont este armez et arraiez en lieu des vaillantz et sufficientz gentz, pur accomplir le nombre de tiel monstre; et quaunt bosoigne serra le nombre s'ad faille, et unqore le roy porte le charge, et ensi le roy est meschevousment deceuz. Et auxi, coment grande somme et excessive est ore donez pur la saufe-garde de la terre d'Irland' plus qe n'ad este acustumez devaunt ces heures, et nientmeyns la dite terre est en voie de perdicioun, et en pointe d'estre tout outrement destruyt, s'il ne soit remediez le plus en hast. Et outre ceo, le dit monsire Johan rehercea les plusours grandes charges < qe sont de jour en autre ne en l'ostell nostre seignour le roy, plus qe n'ad estee en temps des progenitours nostre dit seignour > le roy; et coment il est meyns honurable et plus de charge qe ne soloit estre, et unqore y ne ad nulle substance des persones vaillantz, et suffisantz, si bosoigne y serroit, mes de raskaile pur la greindre partie. 40. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John Tiptoft recounted how the king was deceived in various ways, both by his customs officers and controllers in various ports of the kingdom, as well as with regard to the wages paid for the town of Calais, for the soldiers there cannot get any payment; and how at the musters [p. iii-577][col. a] made there in the past various sons of bondsmen who do not know how to ride, as well as aliens within the said town, have been armed and equipped instead of brave and worthy people, to make up the numbers of those musters; and whenever they were needed the number was still short, so the king bore the cost yet again, and thus the king was wickedly deceived. Furthermore, how a great and excessive sum had now been given for the safeguard of the land of Ireland, more than had been customary in time past, and even so the said land was on the verge of ruin and on the point of being utterly destroyed, if no remedy was supplied speedily. In addition, the said Sir John recalled the numerous great expenses incurred from day to day in the running of the household of our lord the king, more than had been incurred in the time of the predecessors of our said lord the king; and how it was now less honourable and more of a burden than it used to be, and still had no core of brave and worthy persons should need arise, but rascals for the most part.
Par qoy pria le dit monsire Johan a mesme nostre seignour le roy, qe pur l'onur de son estate roiale, et pur le bien et profit de luy et de tout soun roiaume, il vorroit considerer les meschiefs suisditz, et sur ceo, par advys de soun tressage conseil, purvoire de remedie ove tout le hast qe bonement faire se purra. In consequence of which the said Sir John requested of our same lord the king that, for the honour of his royal estate, and for the welfare and benefit of himself and all his kingdom, he would consider the aforesaid evils, and thereupon, with the advice of his most wise council, supply an effective remedy as quickly as he was able to do.
Protestacion de parlour. [The protestation of the speaker].
41. Item, samady le .xix. me jour de Juyn, les communes viendrent devaunt le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illeoqes le dit monsire Johan pria, q'il purroit avoir resorte a soun protestacioun faite pardevant. Et pria outre a mesme nostre seignour le roy de bone et habundante governance: et qe luy plese de chargier soun honurable conseille de le mettre en execucioun a tout lour poair. Et qe les ditz seignours du conseil purront estre resonablement guerdonez pur lour labour et diligences: queux priers le roy ottroia. 41. The protestation of the speaker. Also, on Saturday 19 June, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, and there the said Sir John prayed that he might have recourse to his protestation made in the past. He also prayed for good and abundant governance from our same lord the king: and that it might please him to charge his honourable council with bringing this about to the best of their abilities. And that the said lords of the council might be reasonably compensated for their labour and diligence: these requests the king granted.
Pur la roigne. [Petition concerning the queen's dower].
42. Item, mesme la samady, pria le dit mounsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, qe come ordeinez estoit, qe la roigne serroit endowez de .x.mille marcz annuelx, come autres roignes ont este endowez pardevaunt; quelle endowement n'est pas unquore mys en certeyne, mais des gardes et mariages, et autres casueltees, qe n'amontent a nulle tiele somme annuele. 42. On behalf of the queen. Also, on the same Saturday, the saidSir John requested in the name of the said commons that, whereas it was ordained that the queen should be endowed with 10,000 marks annually, as other queens had been endowed in the past; yet this endowment had still not been secured, except from wardships, marriages and other casualties which do not amount to anything like that sum annually.
Qe plese a nostre seignour le roy d'ordeigner, qe la dite roigne soit sufficiantment endowez, come dessuis est dit, en manere come autres roignes ont este endowez devaunt ces heures, faisante come autres roignes ont faite pardevaunt pur l'oustelle du roy. May it please our lord the king to ordain that the said queen shall be adequately endowed, as mentioned above, in the manner in which other queens have been endowed in the past, contributing to the king's household what other queens have in the past.
Recommendacioun des fitz du roy, et autres. [Commendation of the king's sons and others].
43. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria a nostre dit seignour le roy, qe luy plust aver pur recommendez en especiale mes treshonures seignours ses fitz, et les autres persones dessouthe escriptz; c'est assaver, le sire de Greye, et monsire Johan Greindore, et autres q'avoient euez et sustenuz grandes labours et disseases pur resister les rebealx de Gales. 43. Commendation of the king's sons and others. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested of our said lord the king that it might please him to accept the commendation in particular of my most honoured lords his sons, and the other people listed below; namely, Lord Grey, and Sir John Greyndour, and others who had performed great labours and suffered much hardship in the course of resisting the Welsh rebels.
Item, de remercier et avoir pur recomendez le sire de Powys, et les contes de Cestre et de Salop', q'ore tarde ont faite bone et graciouse journee sur les rebealx suisditz. Also, to thank and accept commendations for the lord of Powys and the counties of Chester and Shropshire, who recently carried out an effective sortie against the aforesaid rebels.
Item, d'avoir pur recommendez monsire Thomas de Erpyngham, q'ad fait molt bone service a nostre dit seignour le roy, et plusours foitz s'ad mys en aventure pur l'onur et profyte du roy et de roialme. Also, to accept a commendation for Sir Thomas Erpingham, who has performed much good service for our said lord the king, and who has on many an occasion placed himself at risk for the honour and benefit of the king and his kingdom.
Pur le seignour de Furnyvale, et mounsire Johan Pelham. [Concerning Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham, treasurers of war].
44. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan monstra depar les ditz communes, coment au parlement [col. b] nadgairs tenuz a Coventre, Thomas sire de Furnyvale, et monsire Johan Pelham, furent assignez tresorers pur les guerres, come piert de record en rolle de parlement; puis quel temps les ditz tresorers ont desirez, et molt diligealment pursuis as diverses foitz a nostre seignour le roy et as toutz les estates de cest present parlement, d'estre deschargiez de lour dit office; et auxint ont suppliez as ditz communes, qe leur pleust de faire instance et request pur mesmes les tresorers a mesme nostre seignour le roy, et as toutz les estates suisditz, pur eux finalment et outrement deschargier de leur dit office. Sur qoy pria le dit monsire Johan Tibetot, en noun des ditz communes, a mesme nostre seignour le roy, qe les ditz tresorers soient outrement et finalment dischargiez de leur dit office, et qe leur heirs, executours, ne terre-tenantz, ne soient aucunement en temps advener grevez, molestez, enquietez ou empeschez a cause du ditoffice, ou pur l'excercise d'icelle, et qe cestes prier et request soient entreez de record en rolle de parlement. Queux prier et request nostre dit seignour le roy graciousement ottroia. Et par tant q'il ad pleu a nostre dit seignour le roy, qe les ditz tresorers soient deschargiez de lour dit office, et d'assigner certeines auditours, c'est assaver, le seignour de Roos, et le chief baron de escheqer; et q'il est la voluntee du roy, a ceo qe les ditz communes ont entenduz, qe mesmes les communes deussent nommer autres auditours d'oier et terminer les accomptes de ditz tresorers du temps passe; mesmes yceux communes ont nommez certeines persones, comprises en une cedule livere par les ditz communes en parlement, tielx come leur semble necessaires en ceo cas, pur le povere estate de les communes dessuisditz. C'est assaver: 44. On behalf of Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John explained on behalf of the said commons how at the parliament [col. b] recently held at Coventry [October 1404], Thomas Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham had been appointed treasurers of war, as can be seen on record in the roll of that parliament; since which time the said treasurers have asked and most diligently sought from our lord the king on various occasions and from all the estates of this present parliament to be discharged from their said office; and they have also requested of the said commons that it might please them to put their case and request this on behalf of the same treasurers from our same lord the king, and from all the aforesaid estates, so as to finally and completely release them from their said office. Whereupon the said Sir John Tiptoft, in the name of the said commons, requested of our same lord the king that the said treasurers might be completely and finally discharged from their said office, and that neither their heirs, executors, nor land-tenants should be in any way molested, harassed, troubled or accused in time to come in connection with the said office or for the exercise of the same; and that this prayer and request should be entered on record on the roll of parliament. To this prayer and request our said lord the king graciously agreed. And because he had pleaded to our same lord the king that the said treasurers should be discharged from their said office, and certain auditors appointed, namely Lord Roos and the chief baron of the exchequer; and that it was the king's wish, as the said commons understood it, that the same commons should nominate other auditors to hear and determine the accounts kept by the said treasurers in the past; these same commons nominated certain people, listed in a schedule submitted by the said commons to parliament, as many as seemed to them most necessary in this matter, to represent the poor estate of the aforesaid commons. Namely:
Cynk, quatre, trois, ou deux de eux. Five, four, three, or two of them.
Pur Richard frier a duc d'Everwyk. [On behalf of Richard, brother of the duke of York].
45. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria a nostre seignour le roy pur Monsire Richard friere a duc d'Everwyk, qe plese a mesme nostre seignour le roy de luy aver pur recomendez, et qe restitution et satisfaction luy soient faitz de ses biens et joialx qe feurent en la garde de Richard nadgairs roy d'Engleterre. 45. On behalf of Richard, brother of the duke of York. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John asked of our lord the king on behalf of Sir Richard, brother of the duke of York, that it might please our same lord the king to accept a commendation for him, and that restitution and compensation might be made to him for his possessions and jewels which were in the keeping of Richard, formerly king of England.
Touchant le duc d'Everwyk et ses parceners, et Monsire Hugh Lutrell. [Dispute between the duke of York and his parceners, and Sir Hugh Luttrell].
46. Item, mesme le jour, pria le dit monsire Johan depar les ditz communes, qe la matire q'est pendant parentre le duc d'Everwyk et Phelippe sa femme, une des files et heirs Johan sire de Mohun et Johanne sa femme, et Elizabethe countesse de Saresbirs, et Richard le Straunge de Knokyn, autres coheirs as ditz Johan sire de Mohun et Johanne, et Monsire Hugh Lutrell, touchant les chastelle et manoir de Dunsterre, et les manoirs de Mynhevede, Culveton', et Carampton', ovesqe le hundred de Carampton, ove les appurtenances, en le counte de Somers', purront estre mys en agarde et juggement de quatre seignours du roialme et de toutz les justices. A quoy le dit duc s'agrea, sibien pur luy mesmes come pur ces parceners dessuisdites, parensy qe les ditz quatre seignours et les justices soient jurrez en especiale devaunt le roy en parlement, de faire fyne parentre les parties de leur droit solonc les loies du roiaume devaunt une certeine jour a limiter, et q'ils ferront droit as parties, entrelessant toute manere de favour ou affeccioun d'aucune partie. Et sur ceo furent esluz depar le dit duc et ses < ditz > [parceners,] les seignours de Roos et de Furnyvale; et depar le dit monsire Hugh', les evesqes d'Excestre et de Seint David. Et le dit duc pria outre, qe sibien les ditz quatre seignours, come les justices suisditz, [p. iii-578][col. a] soient serementez devaunt le roy et les seignours en parlement, et qe leur serementz soient entrez de record en rolle de parlement. Et surce sibien le dit duc pur luy et ses parceners dessuisdites, come le dit monsire Hugh pur sa partie, s'agreroient bien. Sur quoy leur feust done jour d'ent faire fyne, et de le finalment terminer et discusser, solonc les loies du roialme, devaunt le fest de Toutz Seintz proschein advenir, sanz outre delaye. Et outre ce, al prier du dit duc, l'evesqe d'Excestr', et les seignours de Roos et de Furnyvalle illeoqes presentz, furent assurez en les mayns du roy de faire fyn de la dit matire en la forme suisdite, sanz favour ou affeccioun queconqe. Et pur ce qe l'evesqe de Seint David et les justices dessuisditz ne feurent presentz en parlement a cel foitz, accordez est en parlement, qe les seignours de conseil du roy aient poaire par auctorite de parlement, de prendre semblable serement de l'evesqe de Seint David, et de les justices dessuisdites, a parfaire ceste bosoigne, en manere come dessuis est dit, ovesqe l'evesqe d'Excestre, et les seignours de < Roos et de > Furnyvale avauntditz. 46. Concerning the duke of York and his parceners, and Sir Hugh Luttrell. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested on behalf of the said commons that the matter which was pending between the duke of York and Phillippa his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of John Lord Mohun and Joanna, his wife, and Elizabeth, countess of Salisbury and Richard le Strange of Knockin, the other coheirs of the said John Lord Mohun and Joanna, and Sir Hugh Luttrell, concerning the castle and manor of Dunster, and the manors of Minehead, Culveton, and Carhampton, together with the hundred of Carhampton with its appurtenances, in the county of Somerset, might be surrendered to the decision and judgment of four lords of the realm and all the justices. To which the said duke agreed, both on behalf of himself and on behalf of the aforesaid parceners, on condition that the said four lords and the justices might be especially sworn before the king in parliament to bring about a conclusion between the two parties legally and in accordance with the laws of the realm before a certain day to be fixed, and that they would do right by the parties, setting aside any kind of favour or affection for either party. Whereupon, on behalf of the said duke and his parceners, Lords Roos and Furnivall were elected; and on behalf of the said Sir Hugh, the bishops of Exeter and St Davids. And the said duke further requested that not only the said four lords but also the aforesaid justices [p. iii-578][col. a] be sworn before the king and the lords in parliament, and that their oaths be entered on record in the roll of parliament. To which both the said duke on behalf of himself and his aforesaid parceners, as well as the said Sir Hugh for his part, fully agreed. A day was then given them for drawing this matter to a close and for finally discussing and settling it in accordance with the laws of the kingdom, that is, before the feast of All Saints next [1 November], without further delay. Furthermore, at the request of the said duke, the bishop of Exeter and Lords Roos and Furnivall, there present, were sworn in the king's hands to reach a conclusion in the said matter in the aforesaid manner without favour or affection to anyone. And because the bishop of St Davids and the aforesaid justices were not present in parliament at this time, it was agreed in parliament that the lords of the king's council should have the power by authority of parliament to take a similar oath from the bishop of St Davids and the aforesaid justices to perform this business in the manner mentioned above, together with the bishop of Exeter and the aforesaid Lords Roos and Furnivall.
Et fait a remembrer, qe samady le tierce jour de Juyl, le roy envoia pur les justices q'alors feurent presentz en Loundres, de venir devaunt luy a soun hostelle ou il demurra pur le temps, c'est assaver a l'oustelle de l'evesqe de Duresme, et illeoqes le chanceller d'Engleterre, en presence du roy dona en charge as ditz justices, q'ils, sur leur ligeance et sur le serement q'il avoient fait a mesme nostre seignour le roy pardevaunt, ferroient leur loiale poaire pur l'esploit de la matere suisdite, pur ent faire fyn a leur escience, sanz favour ou affeccioun d'aucune partie. Et q'ils ent ferroient leur diligence sanz attendre la venue de William Gascoigne chief justice du roy, q'a cel temps feust absent et hors de courte. Les nouns des queux justices lors presentz cy ensuent: And be it remembered that on Saturday 3 July the king sent for the justices who were then present in London to come before him at the hostel where he was staying for the time, namely the hostel of the bishop of Durham; and there the chancellor of England in the king's presence instructed the said justices that they, in accordance with their allegiance and on the oath they had made previously to our same lord the king, should do all in their loyal power to settle the aforesaid matter and to draw it to a close employing the best of their knowledge, without favour or affection to either party. And that they should set to work without waiting for the arrival of William Gascoigne, the king's chief justice, who at that time was absent and away from court. The names of those justices then present follows here:
Et puis apres, durant le dit parlement, c'est assaver le .xxij. jour d'Octobre, porce qe le dit evesqe d'Excestre feust excusez de son venue a parlement par certeines causes raisonables, le roy, de l'advys et assent sibien de dit duc et de ces parceners come de dit monsire Hugh, chargea Laurence Drue en lieu du dit evesqe d'Excestr', d'entendre pur l'esploit du dit bosoigne, ovesqe l'evesqe de Seint David et les sires de Roos et de Furnyvall avauntditz. Les queux evesqe de Seint David, et Laurence, mesme le jour, en presence de l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs et des autres seignours de conseil, furent serementez et jurrez de faire leur loial poair et diligence en la matire suisdite, en manere et fourme come dessuis est dit. Et sur ceo, diverses jours furent donez, et la matire ent continuez, par assent des parties, tanq'a temps qe les communes du roiaume mistrent avant entre autres leur communes peticions une peticione pur le dit monsire Hugh; quele peticione, ovesqe le responce d'icelle, est enrollez entre les communes peticiones baillez en parlement par les communes dessuisdites. Subsequently, during the said parliament, namely on 22 October, because the said bishop of Exeter had been excused from attending parliament for certain justifiable reasons, the king, by the advice and assent both of the said duke and his parceners, as well as of the said Sir Hugh, charged Lawrence Drue in place of the said bishop of Exeter with attending to the said business, along with the bishop of St Davids and the aforesaid Lords Roos and Furnivall. Which bishop of St Davids and Lawrence, on the same day, in the presence of the archbishop of Canterbury and of other lords of the council, took an oath and swore loyally to devote their abilities and attention to the aforesaid matter, in the manner and form given above. Whereupon various days were fixed, and the matter adjourned, by the assent of the parties, until such time as the commons of the realm could submit, amongst their other common petitions, a petition on behalf of the said Sir Hugh; which petition, together with the response to it, is enrolled amongst the common petitions submitted to parliament by the aforesaid commons.
Pur Monsire Bertilmewe Verdon', et ses compaignons. [On behalf of Sir Bartholomew Verdun and his companions].
47. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan pria a nostre seignour le roy, qe les peticions mises avant en parlement par Monsire Bertilmewe Verdon', et ses compaignons, purront graciousement estre esploitez par auctorite de parlement, considerez leur bones services et labours q'ils ont [col. b] fait a nostre dit seignour le roy, sibien en ses guerres de Gales come aillours. Sur quoy nostre dit seignour le roy, de l'advys et assent des seignours en parlement, et ala request des ditz communes, ad ottroiez les ditz peticions, come par l'endorsement d'icelles peticions, filaceez entre autres especiales peticiones de parlement, y purra apparoir. (fn. iii-567-205-1) 47. On behalf of Sir Bartholomew Verdun and his companions. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John prayed of our lord the king that the petitions delivered to parliament by Sir Bartholomew Verdun and his companions might be graciously dealt with by authority of parliament, considering the good service and labour they had [col. b] performed for our said lord the king both in his wars in Wales and elsewhere. Whereupon our said lord the king, by the advice and assent of the lords in parliament, and at the request of the said commons, granted the said petitions, as can be seen in the endorsement of the same petitions filed amongst other special petitions of parliament. (fn. iii-567-205-1)
La grante del subside fait en parlement. [The grant of tunnage and poundage].
48. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, myst avaunt en parlement une petitione contenante diverses articles, desqueux ascuns furent luez en parlement, et aucuns, de commune assent du roy et des seignours et communes, ne feurent luez. Nientmeins, le dit monsire Johan pria, en noune des ditz communes, qe toutes les articles comprises en la dite peticione, sibien ceux qi furent lues come ceux qi ne furent luez, soient entreez de recorde en rolle du parlement; quelle prier le roy ottroia. De quele peticione, ovesqe toutz les ditz articles, le tenure s'enseute: 48. The grant of the subsidy made in parliament. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, submitted a petition to parliament containing various articles, some of which were read in parliament, and some, by common assent of the king and his lords and commons, were not read. Nevertheless, the said Sir John requested, in the name of the said commons, that all the articles contained in the said petition, both those which had been read as well as those which had not, should be entered on record on the roll of parliament; to this request the king agreed. The tenor of this petition with all the said articles follows:
Les communes du roiaume, par assent et advys des seignours espirituelx et temporelx assemblez en cest present parlement, le .xiij. me jour de Juyn', l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy septisme, grauntont a nostre dit seignour le roy dusze deniers de la livre de chescun manere marchandise entrant en la roiaume d'Engleterre, et passant hors d'icelle; forspris leines, quirs, peaux lanutz, et vynes, outre le subside de dusze deniers de la livre darreinement graunte a parlement tenuz a Coventre: pur estre levez et coillez de les marchantz aliens nient faitz denzeins tant soulement, et nemye de denzeins, de la fest de Seint Johan le Baptistre proschein avenir en une an entiere lors proschein ensuyant. Purveu toutfoitz, qe ceux de Hans ne soient contributoirs de lour marchandises a yceste subside ore de novelle grant; sauvant, come lour fraunchise en cest cas doit estre allowe. The commons of the kingdom, by the assent and advice of the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in this present parliament, on 13 June in the seventh year of the reign of our lord the king, grant to our said lord the king twelve pence in the pound on every kind of merchandise entering the said kingdom of England, and passing outside it; except wool, hides, woolfells and wine; in addition to the subsidy of twelve pence in the pound previously granted at the parliament held at Coventry: to be levied and collected only from alien merchants who have not been made denizens, and not from denizens themselves, for one whole year from the feast of St John the Baptist next [24 June]. Provided at all times that those from the Hanse do not contribute from their merchandise to this subsidy recently granted again, except inasmuch as their franchise permits in such matters.
[memb. 16]
Diverses articles baillez par les communes en escript. [Various articles submitted by the commons in writing].
49. [Et ensement, qe nostre] dit seignour le roy eit une noble de les trois parties de la subside des leynes darreinement graunte a Coventre, c'est assaver de xliij s. iiij d., comensant apres qe les marchantz soient serviez et paiez de lour covenantz et duitee a euz grantez pur la sauf garde du meer, adurer tansoulement tanq'al fest de Seint Michell' proschein advenir. Et qe les trois parties entiers de dit subside, apres qe les ditz marchantz soient serviez, soient despenduz et desposez en defense et bone governance de roiaume, par entier avys de toutz seignours d'estate de conseil ordeinez par nostre dit seignour le roy en cest present parlement; parensy qe si les ditz seignours soient deschargiez du conseil, ou lessent le [sic: read 'de'] conseil en aucune manere tanq'al fyn du terme du dit subside grante, q'adonqes l'estatut et l'ordinance ent faitz a Coventre estoisent en sa force qant a les ditz trois parties, nonobstantz cestes modificacioun, et declaracioun. 49. Various articles submitted by the commons in writing. Similarly, that our said lord the king shall have one noble from the three quarters of the subsidy on wool previously granted at Coventry, namely, from the 43s. 4d., beginning after the merchants have been reimbursed and paid according to the covenant and payment granted to them for the safeguard of the sea, to last only until the feast of Michaelmas next. And that the entire three quarters of the said subsidy, once the merchants have been satisfied, shall be spent and used for the defence and good governance of the kingdom, on the advice of all the lords of estate appointed to the council by our said lord the king in this present parliament; so that if the said lords are discharged from the council, or leave the council for any reason before the end of the term of the said subsidy granted, that then the statute and ordinance made on this in Coventry shall remain in force with regard to the said three quarters, notwithstanding this modification and declaration.
50. Et priont les communes, pur profit du roy et du roiaume, qe toutz aliens nient lieges soient voidez hors de roiaume, ou facent fyn au roy, forspris ceux qe sont faitz denzeines devaunt le primer jour de cest present parlement, ou institutz et inductz es benefices de seinte esglise. Et forspris ducheman, qe sont chivalers, esquiers et lour servantz, qe serviont nostre dit seignour le roy et autres seignours du roiaume, et ceux qe sont exceptz par parlement adevaunt. Et forspris ceux qe pur veillesse sont impotentz, et ce par discrecioun du conseil. Purveu toutesfoitz, qe les Bretons, et autres contenuz en une rolle, proclamez de voider le roiaume, ne soient receuz a fyn en nule manere pur demurrer en Engleterre. (fn. iii-567-215-1) 50. The commons also prayed that, for the benefit of the king and the kingdom, all aliens who are not lieges should be evicted from the realm, or pay a fine to the king, except those who were made denizens before the first day of this present parliament or who have been instituted and inducted into benefices of holy church; and except Dutchmen who are knights or esquires and their servants, who serve our said lord the king and other lords of the kingdom, and those who were previously exempted by parliament. And except those who are incapable on account of old age, which shall be at the council's discretion. Provided always that the Bretons and the others listed on a roll and instructed to leave the kingdom shall not have their fine received in any way in exchange for them remaining in England. (fn. iii-567-215-1)
51. Item, qe le counseil le roy face enquerrer par toutz les voies q'ils purront, parentre cy et le dit fest [p. iii-579][col. a] de Seint Michell', de la value de toutz maneres seignouries, manoirs terres, tenementz, priories alienes, gardes, mariages, ou autres possessions lessez a ferme ou grantez par nostre seignour le roy ou ses predecessours, a terme de vie, ou des ans, ou durant la guerre, pur une certeine somme annuelment paier, ou sanz rien rendre. Et si soit trove de greindre value qe sont lessez a ferme, ou grantez en value, qe bien lise a dit counseil ycelles lesser a ferme, et les encrecer racionablement par lour advys et discrecioun, pur le profit et avantage de nostre dit seignour le roy, apres le fest de Seint Michell' proschein advener enavaunt, et ceo par auctorite de parlement. Parensi, qe ceux qe ont ascuns fees ou annuitees issantz hors des ditz seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz ou priories aliens, de graunte ou confirmacioun du roy ou ses progenitours, ne soient forsbarrez de lour fees et annuitees en mesme le lieu par vertue de ceste ordinance ou enquerre. Purveu toutfoitz, si les fermours ou occupiours des ditz seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz ou priories aliens, et gardes, par rationable [...] garnissement a eux ent affaire par breve nostre dit seignour le roy, voillent doner atant pur les seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, priories, gardes et possessiones suisditz come autres proferont, et voillent doner et paier de fait sanz fraude, q'ils ne soient mye oustez d'icelles, eins soient preferrez devaunt toutz autres. Et s'ils ne vuillent doner atant, et soient oustez de lour fermes, qe lour coustages rationables, par avys du conseil, mys sur les ditz fermes soient satisfiez as ditz fermours. Et qe toutz ceux qe desore prendront fermes par avys du conseil, par avaunt lessez, ne soient oustez d'icelles en temps avenir. Purveu toutes foitz, qe eux q'ont seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz ou priories aliens, de grante le roy ou ses progenitours, sanz rien rendre, ou ceux q'ont achatez gardes ou mariages pur certeine somme de deniers tant soulement paiez ou paiers, ne soient grevez, molestez, ne empeschez par ceste ordinance. 51. Also, that the king's council shall make enquiries by all possible methods between now and the said feast [p. iii-579][col. a] of Michaelmas into the value of all kinds of lordships, manors, lands, tenements, alien priories, wardships, marriages, or other possessions leased at farm or granted by our said lord the king or his predecessors, for a term of life or years, or during the war, for a certain sum to be paid annually, or with nothing being rendered. And if it should be found that they are of greater value than the sum for which they are leased at farm, or have increased in value, it should be fully permissible for the said council to lease the same at farm, and reasonably increase them at their discretion for the benefit and advantage of our said lord the king, after the feast of Michaelmas next, and this by the authority of parliament. Provided that those who have any fees or annuities issuing from the said lordships, manors, lands, tenements or alien prioires by grant or confirmation of the king or his progenitors should not be deprived of their fees and annuities there by virtue of this ordinance or enquiry. And provided always that if the farmers or occupants of the said lordships, manors, lands, tenements or alien prioires, and wardships, as a result of reasonable notice being given them to do this by writ of our said lord the king, wish to give as much for the aforesaid lordships, manors, lands, tenements, priories, wardships and possessions as others offer, and they are prepared to give and pay this in reality and without fraud, that they shall certainly not be ousted from the same, but shall be preferred above all others. And if they do not wish to give as much, and are ousted from their farms, that their reasonable expenses, with the council's advice, which they have invested in the said farms, shall be repaid to the said farmers. And that all those who henceforth, with the council's advice, take farms which have been previously leased shall not be ousted from them in time to come. Provided at all times that those who have lordships, manors, lands, tenements or alien priories by grant of the king or his progenitors without rendering anything, or those who have bought wardships or marriages for a certain sum of money paid or to be paid, shall not be molested, harassed, or accused as a result of this ordinance.
52. Sur condicioun, qe les seignours d'estates esluz du counseil empreignent sur eux d'estre de continuel counseil; et qe toutz douns et grantz faitz par nostre seignour le roy a aucune persone forspris a nostre treshonure dame la roigne, et les fitz du roy, des revenues et commoditees du roiaume, puis le primer jour de comencement de cest present parlement, soient repellez et adnullez, et les ditz revenues et commodites reservez pur l'ostelle le roy. Et qe toutz les revenues du roiaume qe cherront es mayns du roy en temps avener, soient gardez et despenduz pur l'ostiel le roy, saunz estre donez ou grantez a nully, avaunt ceo qe les dettes du dit houstell soient acquitez. Et qe les articles des marchantz soient enactez en cest present parlement. Et qe l'ostiel le roy soit modifie ove tout le hast qe purra, en eschuir de les outrageouses et excessives despenses en ycelle. (fn. iii-567-219-1) 52. On condition that the lords of estate elected to the council shall undertake to provide continual counsel; and that all gifts and grants made by our lord the king to anyone, except to our most honoured lady the queen and to the king's sons, from the revenues and commodities of the kingdom since the opening day of this parliament, shall be repealed and annulled, and the said revenues and commodities reserved for the king's household. And that all revenues of the kingdom which fall into the king's hands in future shall be kept and spent on the king's household, without being given or granted to anyone, until the debts of the said household have been cleared. And that the articles of the merchants shall be enacted in this present parliament. And that the king's household should be reformed with all possible haste, to reduce the exorbitant and excessive expenses of the same. (fn. iii-567-219-1)
Adiournement de parlement. [Adjournment of parliament, 19 June].
53. Item, mesme le .xix. me jour de Juyn, considerez les grandes laboures et diligences queux sibien les seignours espirituelx et temporelx come les communes venuz au parlement ont euez et sustenuz pur l'esploit d'icelle, et unquore nulle fyn effectuel ent se purra prendre sanz plus longe deliberacioun et avys. Et auxi considerez le sesoun de l'an q'est bien pres qe bosoignable est, qe chescun homme se purpose de purvoir et ordeiner pur ses feyns et pur ses blees. Et auxi cosiderez coment le temps del an est bien chaude. Et auxi coment les ennemys et rebealx du roy se purposent sibien par terre come par meer a leur poair de grever le roiaume, et y faire le male q'ils purront, si remede ne soit purveuz par temps; nostre soveraigne seignour le roy, veullant par tant ordeiner sibien pur l'ease et quiete des ditz seignours come de toutz ses lieges, et pur la greindre seuretee de toutz partz de [col. b] soun dit roiaume, ad adjournez ycest parlement de cest .xix. me jour de Juyn tanq'al quinszeine de Seint Michell' proschein advenir, d'estre tenuz a ycest lieu de Westm'. Et dona congie as ditz seignours et communes pur departir a cest foitz, pur leur solacer et desporter a leur pleiser. 53. Adjournment of parliament. Also, on the same 19 June, bearing in mind the great effort and labour which both the lords spiritual and temporal as well as the commons summoned to parliament had invested and contributed to the business of the same, and that no effective conclusion could yet be reached in this without lengthier deliberation and consultation. And also considering that the season of the year was very close when it was necessary for every man to plan and make arrangements for his hay and corn. And considering also that this time of year was extremely hot. And also that the king's enemies and rebels were planning to harass the kingdom both by land and sea as far as lay within their power, and to carry out as much evil as they were able, if remedy were not soon provided; our sovereign lord the king wished for this reason to ordain, both for the comfort and tranquillity of the said lords as well as his other lieges, and for the greater security of all parts of [col. b] his said kingdom, the adjournment of this parliament from 19 June until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next [13 October], to be held at this place of Westminster. And he gave the said lords and commons permission to depart on this occasion, to take their rest and relaxation at their pleasure.
Reassemble de parlement. [The reconvening of parliament, and the protestation of the speaker].
54. Item, mesquardy en la quinszein de Seint Michell', qe feust le quinszisme jour d'Octobre, et le jour de Seint Edward le roy et confessour, tanq'a quelle jour mesme ceste parlement feust adjournez, c'est assaver l'an oeptisme nostre seignour le roy q'orest, proclamacioun feust fait en la chancellerie nostre seignour le roy, qe toutz les chivalers des contees, citezeins des citees et burgeys des burghes, qi furent venuz a ycest parlement, s'adresseroient a respondre pur leur nouns en manere come ils serroient appellez al huse del chambre depeinte. Et par tant qe la greindre partie des ditz communes ne comparerent illoeqes en manere come ils furent appellez, et auxi par tant qe a celle jour la grande solempnitee de la fest de Seint Edward fuist si honurablement tenuz en l'abbeie de Westm' par le roy et plusours seignours ovesqe luy illeoqes esteantz: et auxi par cause qe diverses autres seignours ne furent venuz a mesme le jour, le dit parlement feust continuez tanq'a Joedy ensuant. A quel Joedy, mesme le parlement, par cause sibien de la nonvenue des seignours come des communes dessuisdites, fuist adjournez tanq'a vendredy ensuant. Quel vendredy et le samady ensuantz, le parlement fuist auxi continuez par les causes suisdites tanq'a lundy ensuant. 54. The reassembly of parliament. Also, on Wednesday in the quinzaine of Michaelmas, which was [13] October, and the feast of St Edward the king and confessor, until which day this same parliament had been adjourned, namely in the eighth year of our lord the present king, proclamation was made in the chancery of our lord the king that all the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities and burgesses of the boroughs who had been summoned to this parliament should prepare themselves to answer to their names as they would be called out in the house of the Painted Chamber. And because a great number of the said commons did not appear there in accordance with their summons, and also because on that day the great celebration of the feast of St Edward was being honourably held in the abbey of Westminster by the king with many lords accompanying him: and also because many other lords had not arrived on that same day, the said parliament was adjourned until the following Thursday. On which Thursday the same parliament, because of the non-arrival of the lords as well as the aforesaid commons, was adjourned until the following Friday. On which Friday and the following Saturday, the parliament was again adjourned for the aforesaid reasons until the following Monday.
55. Item, le .xviij. me de Novembre, (fn. iii-567-227-1) viendrent les communes devaunt le roy, et pria Monsire Johan Tipetot, en noun des ditz communes, q'il purroit parler dessoutz protestacioun, come autres qi ont occupie mesme l'office ont fait devaunt ces heures. Et s'il parlerroit riens qe serroit en derogacioun de l'onurable estate du roy, ou displeisance de luy, qe Dieu defende, q'il purroit aver resort a sa primere protestacioun. Quel prier le roy ottroia. 55. Also, on 18 November, (fn. iii-567-227-1) the commons came before the king, and Sir John Tiptoft requested in the name of the commons that he might speak under protestation, as others had done who had occupied this office in the past. And if he should say anything derogatory to the royal estate of the king, or which displeased him, which God forbid, that he might have recourse to his first protestation. To this the king agreed.
56. Item, pria, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan, qe le roy vorroit chargier les seignours sur leur ligeance q'ils se vorront acquiter particulerment au roy de la male governance du roiaume, et en quelle partie mesme cele male governance y feusse. Et leur feust responduz, q'al comencement de parlement, sibien les seignours come les communes furent chargiez sur lour ligeance, de leur acquiter et monstrer a roy ceo qe serroit le meultz pur luy et soun roiaume. Et unqore en semblable manere le roy voet et charge les seignours suisditz sur leur ligeance, q'ils leur ent acquitent particulerment; et les communes auxint en tant q'appertient a leur estates; et les juges et les sergeantz auxint chescun solonc soun degree. Et pria outre le dit monsire Johan, qe les autres seignours qi ne sont pas presentz serroient chargiez en mesme le manere come les autres qi feurent presentz. A quoy le roy s'agrea bien. 56. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John prayed that the king might charge the lords on their allegiance with declaring individually before the king concerning the evil governance of the realm, and how this same evil governance had occurred. Reply was given to them that at the commencement of parliament both the lords as well as the commons had been charged on their allegiance with declaring and proposing to the king whatever would be best for him and his kingdom. So the king again, in a similar manner, wished and charged the aforesaid lords on their allegiance to declare this individually; and also the commons in as far as it pertained to their estate; and also the judges and the serjeants, each in accordance with his degree. The said Sir John further requested that the other lords who were not present should be charged in the same manner as those who were present. To this the king wholly agreed.
Reherceail del protestacioun, ove diverses requestes faites par les communes. [Further requests made by the commons].
57. Item, monstra, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan, coment le chastelle de Maulyon', q'est le chef de trois roiaumes, est en mayns de Monsire Charles de Navarre q'est alien, et coment mesme le chastelle est enhabitez ovesqe diverses aliens nient lieges au roy. Et par tant il pria, q'un Englois purroit estre lieutenant et capitaigne illeoqes, et qe les Engloises et autres de la ligeance du roy purront demurrer el dit chastelle, pur la salvacioun d'icell', et del pais enviroun. 57. Rehearsal of the protestation, with various requests made by the commons. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John explained that the castle of Mauleon, which was at the meeting point of three realms, was in the hands of Sir Charles of Navarre, who is a foreigner, and that the same castle was inhabited by numerous foreigners who were not lieges of the king. On account of which he prayed that an Englishman might be appointed lieutenant and captain there, and that Englishmen and others of the king's allegiance might dwell in the said castle, for the salvation of the same and the peace of the surrounding territory.
[p. iii-580]
[col. a]
58. Item, mesme le jour, pria le dit monsire Johan, qe les tresorers qe serront assignez en Gales, et les countrerollours, soient assignez par advys du counseille; al entent, qe ceo qe serra assignez pur les guerres illeoqes, ou resceuz de les Galoises pur leur redempcioun, purra estre loialment expenduz sur les guerres en celles parties. 58. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested that the treasurers and controllers who were to be appointed for Wales might be appointed with the advice of the council; with the intention that the money which would be designated for the wars there, or received from the Welsh for their freedom, might be spent solely on the wars in these parts.
59. Item, touchant le counte Douglas, le dit monsire Johan, mesme le jour, pria, qe certeines chastelx purront estre mys en hostage pur luy; et qe le roy vorroit ordeigner pur les autres Escotz, q'ils n'aillent a large, ne q'ils ne soient legerement deliverez, considere, coment le flour de leur chivalrie d'Escoce est a present en les mayns du roy, loiez soit Dieu. 59. Also, concerning Earl Douglas, the said Sir John requested on the same day that certain castles might be put in pledge on his behalf; and that the king would ordain for the other Scots that they should not go free, nor that they should be lightly surrendered, considering how the flower of the chivalry of Scotland was at that moment in the king's hands, by God's will.
L'enheritance de la corone. [Act for the inheritance of the crown].
[memb. 15]
60. Item, mesquardy le .xxij. jour de Decembre, les communes vindrent devaunt le roy et les seignours en parlement, et illeosqes esteantz mesmes les communes, le [dit monsire] Johan Tybetot pria en lour noun a mesme nostre seignour le roy, qe mesmes les communes purroient avoir illeosqes communicacioun ovesqe toutz les seignours espirituelx et temporelx; quel prier le roy leur ottroia. Sur quoy mesmes les seignours, eue advyse et deliberacioun ovesqe les ditz communes, l'ercevesqe de Cantirbirs, el noun des mesmes les seignours et communes, myst avaunt un peticioun touchant l'enheritance et la successioun de la corone d'Engleterre, et pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy q'il luy plerroit affermer la dit peticioun en parlement, et qe mesme la peticioun purroit estre enactez et enrollez en rolle de parlement, et tenuz et proclamez pur estatut. Fesantz protestacioun, qe ne fuist pas leur entencioun de parler riens celle partie touchant la duchie, ne l'eritage de Lancastre; quel prier le roy lour ottroia. Et au fyn qe les ditz enheritances et successioun purront overtement estre publiez et conuz as toutz roialmes, terres et seignouries queconqes, accordez est et assentuz par le roy et les seignours en parlement, qe la dit peticioun soit exemplifiez dessouthe le grant seal du roy, et auxi ensealez dessouthe les sealx des ditz seignours, et le seal des armes du dit Monsire Johan Tybetot commune parlour pur les communes, < pur > et en les nouns de les communes d'Engleterre avauntditz. La quel exemplificacioun fuist lue et pleinement accordez devaunt le roy et les seignours et communes, et ensealee en la fourme suisdit. De quel exemplificacioun le tenure s'enseut en cestes parols: 60. The inheritance of the crown. Also, on Wednesday 22 December, the commons came before the king and the lords in parliament, the commons also being in attendance there, and the said Sir John Tiptoft requested of our same lord the king on their behalf that the commons might consult there with all the lords spiritual and temporal; to this request the king agreed. Whereupon, when the same lords had had a consultation and discussion with the said commons, the archbishop of Canterbury, in the name of the same lords and commons, submitted a petition concerning the inheritance and succession of the crown of England, and he requested of our same lord the king that it might please him to affirm the said petition in parliament, and that the same petition might be enacted and enrolled on the roll of parliament and considered and proclaimed a statute (including a protestation that it was not their intention to say anything on this matter regarding the duchy or the inheritance of Lancaster); which request the king granted. And so that the said inheritance and succession might be openly published and made known to all kingdoms, lands and lordships wheresoever, it was agreed and assented by the king and lords in parliament that the said petition would be copied under the king's great seal, and also sealed under the seals of the said lords and the seal of arms ofthe said Sir John Tiptoft, common speaker for the commons, for and in the name of the aforesaid commons of England. This copy was read and given full agreement before the king, the lords and the commons, and sealed in the aforesaid manner. The tenor of this copy is worded as follows:
Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie, omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod in presenti parliamento nostro infra palacium nostrum Westm' communi sensu [sic: read 'consensu'] regni nostri, juxta < morem > ejusdem regni pro diversis materiis et articulis nos et regnum nostrum contingentibus inibi communicandis, disponendis et terminandis, legitime prefixo, inchoato, tento et ordinato, communitas dicti regni nostri quandam peticionem nobis tunc, videlicet septimo die Junii ultimo preterito, ibidem personaliter residenti realiter exhibebat; cujus tenor sequitur, in hec verba: Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all whom these present letters shall reach, greetings. Know that in our present parliament at Westminster which, within our palace of Westminster, with the common consent of our kingdom, according to the custom of the same kingdom, has been lawfully summoned, held and ordained for the communication, arrangement and settlement of various matters and articles touching us and our kingdom, the commons of our said kingdom showed to us, personally present at that time, a certain petition, namely on 7 June last; the tenor of which is contained in the following words:
Au roy nostre tressoverein seignour lige supplie la commune de cest present parlement, qe come le samady le noefisme jour de Feverer, l'an de vostre regne quint, seant vous, tressoveraigne seignour, en vostre see roiale, et les seignours espirituelx et temporelx en leur estates, en la blank sale dedeins vostre paloys de Westm', la commune auxi de vostre roiaume y esteant assemblez en vostre parlement, reherceant, coment a vostre conseil nadgairs tenuz a Wircestre, et puis apres a vostre grand counseil qe depuis tenuz estoit a vostre dit paloys de Westm' devaunt le fest de Noel lors darrein passez; a quel heure les heraldes de France y furent presents pur oustier toutes aweroustees, [col. b] ambiguitees et malvoys entencioun qe purroient ascunement estre supposez; les ditz seignours et autres voz lieges y esteantz presentz, en declaracioun de leur estates, et en demonstrance de leurs entiers coers et loialte, a vous firent certeines < serementz > come a leur seignour lige. Et lors de novelle le tierce foitz en vostre dit parlement, en l'onur de la Trinite, les suisditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et la comune suisdit, d'un volente et d'un assent, coment q'il n'enbusoignoit my, affermerent les suisditz serementz, et conustrent vous, tressoverein seignour, lour soverein seignour liege, pur vous obeier come a lour roy: et auxi coignoistrent moun treshonure seignour le prince vostre fitz eisne come heir apparant, et enheritable a la corone d'Engleterre, a luy et a ses heirs de son corps issantz. Et pur defaut d'issue de soun corps, a mes treshonures seignours ses freres, et a leur issue successivement et enheritablement, solonc la leye d'Engleterre, pur viver et morir encontre toutz les gentz de monde, come en les actes de vostre dit parlement tenuz l'an de vostre regne quint il est contenuz pluis au pleine. Et nientcontresteant toutz les ditz serementz, affermances et congnoissances de toutz les suisditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et de la comune, en levauntdit vostre parlement l'an de vostre regne quint, certeines persones, de leur malvoys entencions et malice purpense ymaginantz la destruccioun de vous, tressoverein seignour, et la disheritesoun de voz heirs, ont par leurs fauxes informacions a leurs poairs fait esmoever a ce les cuers de voz foialx lieges, dont plusours commocions et riotes ont este faites en vostre poeple, et plusours persones en ont este destruitz dedeins vostre roialme; et plusours sinistres informacions ont este reportez as plusours parties depardelea, a grant comfort de voz enemys, qi par ce ont pris le greindre corage de faire grevance a voz foialx subgitz, sibien pardecea la meer come pardelea. To the king our most sovereign liege lord, the commons of this present parliament pray that, whereas on Saturday 9 February, in the fifth year of your reign [1404], you, most sovereign lord, being seated on your royal throne, and the lords spiritual and temporal in their places, in the white hall within your palace of Westminster, the commons also of your realm having assembled in your parliament, recounted how, at your council held at Worcester, and later, at your great council which was then held at your said palace of Westminster before the feast of Christmas past - at which time the heralds of France had been present to remove all doubts, [col. b] ambiguities and evil intention which might in any way be suspected - the said lords and your other lieges there present, as a declaration of their estates, and as a demonstration of their wholehearted love and loyalty, swore certain oaths to you as their liege lord. And then, once again, for the third time in your said parliament, in honour of the Trinity, the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal and the aforesaid commons, of their unanimous will and consent, affirmed the aforesaid oaths, even though they had no need to, and acknowledged, most sovereign lord, as their sovereign liege, to obey you as their king: and they also acknowledged my most honoured lord the prince your eldest son as heir apparent, the right to inherit the crown of England falling to him and any heirs issuing from his body. And in the event of him leaving no heirs, to my most honoured lords his brothers, and to their heirs in succession and by right of inheritance, in accordance with the law of England; to live and die against all people in the world, as the acts of your said parliament held in the fifth year of your reign more clearly state. Yet notwithstanding all the said oaths, confirmations and acknowledgements made by all the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal and the commons in your aforesaid parliament in the fifth year of your reign, certain people, with a wicked purpose and evil thoughts plotting your destruction, most sovereign lord, and the disinheritance of your heirs, have swayed the hearts of your faithful lieges with their false information to the best of their ability, as a result of which numerous commotions and riots have occurred amongst your people, and numerous people have been ruined within your kingdom; and much false information has been reported to many parties overseas, to the great pleasure of your enemies, who as a result of it have been encouraged to harass your faithful subjects both on this side of the sea as well as overseas.
Par quoy, pur ouster toutz maneres de doutes, awerousetes, ambiguites et malvois ententions en temps advenir, plese a vous, tressoverein seignour, a la request de vostre dit commune, et de l'assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx a ycest present parlement assemblez, par estatuit ordeigner, et en vous mesmes, tressoverein seignour, et en les heirs masles de vostre corps issantz, mettre l'enheritement de vostre corone, et de vostres roialmes d'Engleterre et de France, et de toutz voz autres seignouries depardela la meer, ovesqe toutz les appurtinances. Et, en especiale, a la request et de l'assent suisditz, par mesme l'estatuit ordeiner, pronuncier, decerner, et declarer, levauntdit monseignour le prince vostre heir apparant, pur vous succeder en voz suisditz corone, roialmes, et seignouries, pur les avoir, ovesqe toutz les appurtinances, apres vostre decesse, a luy et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie sanz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a monseignour monsire Thomas vostre second filz, et a les heirs masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie sanz heir masle de soun [corps] issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtenances, remaignent a monseignour monsire Johan vostre tierce fitz, et a ses heires masles de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir masle de soun corps issant, q'adonqes toutes les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, remaignent a monseignour monsire Humfrey vostre quart fitz, et a ses heirs masles de soun corps issantz. On account of which, in order to remove all kinds of doubts, uncertainties, ambiguities and evil intention in the future, may it please you, most sovere ign lord, at the request of your said commons, and by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in this present parliament, to ordain by statute that the inheritance of your crown and of your realms of England and France, and of all your other lordships overseas, with all their appurtenances, should be invested in you yourself, most sovereign lord and in the male heirs issuing from your body. And in particular, at the request and by the assent of the aforesaid, to ordain, announce, proclaim and declare by the same statute the aforesaid lord the prince, your heir apparent, to be your successor to the aforesaid crown, realms and lordships, to receive them, with all their appurtenances, after your death, for himself and his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, that then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to our lord Sir Thomas, your second son, and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, that then all the aforesaid crown and all the realms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to our lord Sir John, your third son, and to his male heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving a male heir, that then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships shall fall to our lord Sir Humphrey, your fourth son, and the male heirs issuing from his body.
Ac dicta peticione nobis sic in presenti parliamento exhibita, in eodem parliamento juxta tenorem ejusdem concessa et inactitata; tandem, videlicet hac instanti vicesimo < secundo > die Decembre, domini spirituales et temporales, ac communitas predicta, habitis super contentis in dicta peticione in presenti parliamento nobis sic porrecta, ac inactitacione ejusdem, colloquio et deliberacione pleniori, in eodem parliamento nobis in regia sede nostra inibi assistenti quandam aliam peticionem sub nominibus eorundem dominorum et communitatis confectam porrexerunt. [p. iii-581][col. a] Quam adtunc receperimus eo qui sequitur sub tenore: The said petition having been shown to us in the present parliament, and having been granted and enacted in the same parliament according to the tenor of the same; at length, on this day, 22 December, the lords spiritual and temporal, and the aforesaid commons, having thus informed us concerning the content of the said petition in the present parliament, and the enactment of the same, after lengthy discussion and deliberation in the same parliament, with us seated there on our royal throne, they presented us with another petition compiled in the name of the lords and commons. [p. iii-581][col. a] And the tenor of that which we then received follows here:
A nostre soverein seignour le roy supplient humblement les seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et la commune de vostre roiaume, esteantz en cest present parlement, qe come depuis la comencement de mesme le parlement, c'est assavoir le .vij. jour de Juyn darrein passe, a vous, tressoverein seignour, lors seant en vostre see roiale en parlement, ou furent lors presentz plusours seignours espirituelx et temporelx de vostre dit roiaume, estoit baillie par la dit comune un petition touchant l'enheritement et successioun de vostre corone, et de voz roialmes d'Engleterre et de France, et de toutz voz autres seignouries depardelea, sicome en mesme la peticioun il est contenuz pluis au plein. To our sovereign lord the king, the humble request of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons of your kingdom attending this present parliament: whereas, since the beginning of the same parliament, namely on 7 June last, to you, most sovereign lord, then seated on your royal throne in parliament, with numerous lords spiritual and temporal of your said realm being then present, there was submitted by the said commons a petition concerning the inheritance of and succession to your crown, and to your kingdoms of England and of France and to your other lordships overseas, as is more fully detailed in the same petition.
La quelle peticioun y feu leuz, et par vous, tressoverein seignour, ottroie, et a ce donerent leurs assents toutz les ditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx par manere come est enactez en cest present parlement, sicome en mesme l'act il est contenuz pluis au plein. Nientmeins les ditz seignours, et commune, aiantz en memoire, coment en vostre parlement tenuz a Westm' l'an de vostre regne quint, toutes les estates de vostre roialme, esteantz en mesme le parlement tenuz l'an de vostre regne quint, cognoistrent vous leur roy et soveraigne seignour lige, pur vous obeier come a leur roy: et auxi cognoistrent moun treshonure seignour le prince, vostre fitz aisne, come heir apparant, et enheritable a la corone d'Engleterre, a luy et a ses heirs de soun corps issantz: et pur defaut d'issue de soun corps, a mes treshonures seignours ses freres, et a lour issue successivement et enheritablement, solonc la leye d'Engleterre, pur vivre et morir encountre toutz gentz de monde; come en l'act de vostre dit parlement tenuz l'an de vostre regne quint, fait celle partie, est contenuz pluis au plain. Considerantz, qe par force d'icel act fait l'an de vostre regne quint, le suisdit monseignour le prince, et les ditz meseignours ses friers avoient, et avoir purroient, meillour et pluis fort estate en la successioun de droit de vostre corone, et l'enheritement d'icel, q'ils avoir purroient par force ou effect de la suisdit supplicacioun et act en cest present parlement; et vueillantz les ditz seignours et commune pluis tost faire et procurer chose qe purra tourner en honour et encres de vous, tressoverein seignour, et du dit monseignour le prince, et des ditz meseignours ses freres, voz treshonurables filz, qe de la successioun de mesmes voz filz de droit de la corone ascun restriccioun demaunder; et considerantz, qe par force de la protestacioun fait par la dit commune en cest present parlement devaunt le suisdit .vij. jour, par vous, soveraigne seignour, grante, et ottroie, le suisdit act fait sur la continue de levauntdit supplicacioun par le dit commune en cest present parlement baille, purra estre < changiez, > amendez, et en meillour fourme redigez. This petition was read there and granted by you, most sovereign lord, and all the lords spiritual and temporal gave their assent to this in the manner which was enacted in this present parliament, as is stated more fully in the same act. Nevertheless the said lords and commons, recalling to mind how, in your parliament held at Westminster in the fifth year of your reign, all the estates of your realm, who were present at the same parliament held in the fifth year of your reign, acknowledged you as their king and sovereign liege lord, promising to obey you as their king: and also acknowledged my most honoured lord the prince, your eldest son, as heir apparent, the right of inheritance to the crown of England falling to him and his heirs issuing from his body: and if he failed to produce an heir, to my most honoured lords his brothers, and to their heirs in succession and by right of inheritance, in accordance with the law ofEnglan d, to live and die against all people of the world; as can be seen more fully in the act made on this matter in your said parliament held in the fifth year of your reign. Considering that, by force of this same act made in the fifth year of your reign, our aforesaid lord the prince and our said lords his brothers shall and can have a better and firmer claim to succession by right to your crown, and the inheritance of the same, than they might have by force and effect of the aforesaid supplication and act in this present parliament; and the said lords and commons wishing to effect and procure more swiftly things which might turn to your honour and advantage, most sovereign lord, and that of our said lord the prince and of our said lords his brothers, your honourable sons, than might be imposed by any restriction on the succession of your same sons by right to the crown; and considering that by force of the protestation made by the said commons in this present parliament before the aforesaid seventh day [of June], which was granted and agreed to by you, most sovereign lord, the aforesaid act which was made following the aforesaid supplication, submitted by the said commons in this present parliament, might be changed, amended and rendered in a better form.
Sur quoy plese a vostre roiale mageste faire mesme l'act de cest present parlement, de l'assent de voz ditz seignours et communes, estre cassez et dampnez, et tout soun effect perde, et qe les lettres patentes sur ce faites, ensemblement ovesqe les enrollements d'icelles, soient cancellez toutoutrement, et adnullez: et surce, a la request et de l'assent des ditz seignours et commune en cest present parlement, par estatuit ordeiner, et en vous mesmes, tressoverein seignour, et en les heirs de vostre corps issantz mettre l'enheritement de vostre corone, et de voz roialmes d'Engleterre et de France, et de toutz voz autres seignouries pardela meer, ovesqe toutz leur appurtinances. Et en especiale, a la request et de l'assent suisditz, par mesme l'estatuit ordeiner, pronuncier, decernir et declarer, levauntdit monseignour le prince Henry vostre eisne fitz, vostre heir apparant, pur vous succeder en voz suisditz corone, roialmes et seignouries, pur les avoir ove toutz leur appurtinances, apres vostre decesse, a luy et a ses heirs de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir de soun corps issant, [col. b] q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, ove toutz les appurtinances, remaignent a Monseignour Thomas vostre seconde fitz, et a les heirs de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz issue de son corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes, et seignouries, ove toutz leurs appurtinances, remaignent a Monseignour Monsire Johan vostre tierce fitz, et a ses heirs de soun corps issantz. Et s'il devie saunz heir de son corps issant, q'adonqes toutz les suisditz corone, roiaumes et seignouries, ove toutz leurs appurtinances, remaignent a Monseignour Humfrey vostre quart fitz, et a ses heirs de soun corps issantz. Et q'il plese a vostre roiale mageste commander estre faites desoubz vostre grande seale, et desoubz les sealx de toutz les seignours espirituelx et temporelx de roialme, sibien presentz come absentz, et desouthe le seal de Monsire Johan Typtot parlour pur la dit comune, pour et en noun de mesme la comune, lettres patentes en due fourme, tesmoignant ycest present act, sibien a la court de France, come aillours pardela. Whereupon, may it please your royal majesty to render the same act of this present parliament null and void, and its effect invalid, by the assent of your said lords and commons; and that the letters patent made on this, together with the enrolments of the same, should be completely cancelled and annulled: and thereupon, at the request and with the consent of the said lords and commons in this present parliament, to ordain by statute that the inheritance of your crown, and of your realms of England and France and of your other lordships overseas, together with their appurtenances, shall be invested in you yourself, most sovereign lord, and in your heirs. And in particular, at the request and with the consent of the aforesaid, through the same statute to ordain, announce, proclaim and declare our aforesaid lord the Prince Henry, your eldest son, as your heir apparent, to succeed you in your aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, to receive them with all their appurtenances, after your death, for himself and his heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving an heir, [col. b] then the aforesaid crown and all the kingdoms and lordships with all their appurtenances shall fall to Sir Thomas, your second son, and to the heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving an heir, then the aforesaid crown and all the kingdoms and lordships, together with all their appurtenances, shall fall to our lord Sir John, your third son, and to his heirs issuing from his body. And if he should die without leaving an heir, then the aforesaid crown and all the kingdoms and lordships, together with their appurtenances, shall fall to Sir Humphrey, your fourth son, and to his heirs issuing from his body. And that it might please your royal majesty to order to be made under your great seal, and under the seals of all the lords spiritual and temporal of the kingdom, those present as well as absent, and under the seal of Sir John Tiptoft, speaker for the said commons, on behalf of and in the name of the same commons, letters patent in proper form testifying to this present act, both for the court of France and elsewhere overseas.
Qua quidem ultima peticione, sive supplicacione, coram nobis, ac dominis et communitate predictis publice perlecta, et super contentis in eadem matura et diligentissima deliberacione ac avisamento cum eisdem prehabitis et assumptis, ad instantem peticionem, et deassensu dominorum et communitatis predictorum in < dicto > parliamento nostro existencium, volumus, decernimus et ordinamus, quod dicta inactitacio predicte prime petitionis, sic nobis in presenti parliamento exhibite, cassetur, dampnetur, et omnem effectum suum de cetero amittat et vigorem: quodque litere nostre patentes super inactitacione predicta confecte, una cum irrotulamentis earundem, cancellentur et penitus adnullentur. Et ulterius, ad pias intenciones et motiones notabiles dictorum dominorum et communitatis in dicta ultima peticione recitatas, presertim cum nostri et regni nostri ac heredum nostrorum predictorum pacis bonum et utilitatem non modicam manifeste concernant, consideracionem habentes, et volentes proinde < dicte eorum > supplicacioni, tanquam juri et racioni consone, prout dignum duximus, annuere et inclinare, de ipsorum dominorum et communitatis communi < peticione, > supplicacione, consilio ac assensu spontaneo et expresso, ac instancia, ad disponendum, ordinandum, decernendum, et statuendum contenta in dicta ultima peticione, nobis per eos sic oblata, processimus in hunc modum: This last petition or supplication having been read aloud in our presence and in the presence of the aforesaid lords and community, and lengthy and thorough deliberation and consultation between them having been had on the contents of the same, as a result of the petition, and by the assent of the lords and aforesaid commons attending our said parliament, we wish, decree and ordain that the said enactment of the aforesaid first petition submitted to us in the present parliament shall be cancelled, annulled, and all its force and effect rendered invalid: and that our letters patent made concerning the aforesaid enactment, together with the enrolment of the same, shall be cancelled and completely annulled. And moreover, having consideration for the pious aims and laudable motivation of the aforesaid lords and commons recited in the said last petition - which are clearly and especially concerned with the benefit and value of peace to us and our kingdom and our aforesaid heirs - and thus wishing to lend support and favour to their said supplication, as is consonant with right and reason, and as we consider worthy on account of the common petition, supplication, advice and willing and express consent and at the instance of the lords and community, we proceed in the following manner to arrange, ordain, decree and order the contents of the said final petition, thus presented by them to us:
Ad laudem Dei omnipotentis, < ac > gloriose Virginis matris sue, et omnium sanctorum suorum, et pro solida firmatione pacis continue regni nostri, deliberacione ac avisamento prehabitis, de consilio, concensu expresso et spontaneo, ac instanti peticione omnium et singulorum prelatorum, et procerum, ac communitatis et universitatis regni nostri in presenti parliamento nostro, volumus, ordinamus, et statuimus, quod hereditas, sive hereditacio, corone nostre, ac regnorum nostrorum Anglie et Francie, ac omnium aliorum dominiorum nostrorum ultra mare, cum omnibus eorum pertinenciis, nobis et heredibus de corpore nostro exeuntibus resideat. Ac ulterius in speciali, ad requisicionem et de assensu predicto ordinamus, pronunciamus, decernimus et declaramus, prefatum principem Henricum filium nostrum primogenitum heredem nostrum apparentem, nobis in corona, regnis, et dominiis predictis successurum. Habendum cum omnibus pertinenciis suis post decessum nostrum sibi et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus: ita quod si ipse sine herede de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna, et dominia, cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, Thome secundo filio nostro et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant. Et si ipse sine herede de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna et dominia, cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, Johanni tercio filio nostro et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant. Et si ipse sine herede de corpore suo exeunte obierit, tunc predicta corona, regna et dominia, cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, Humfrido [p. iii-582][col. a] quarto filio nostro, et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus remaneant imperpetuum. Proviso semper, quod castra, honores, maneria, terre, tenementa ac alia dominia et possessiones quecumque hereditatis nostre Lancastr', in eadem natura, statu, gubernacione, et conditione, ac taliter in omnibus, presentibus non obstantibus, permaneant, habeantur, et teneantur, sicut ante incepcionem presentis parliamenti nostri extiterunt. Et hec omnia et singula, ne aliquibus premissorum veritas lateat seu latere valeat aliqualiter in futurum, omnibus quorum interest patefacimus et innotescimus per presentes. To the praise of almighty God, and the glorious Virgin his mother, and all his saints, and to ensure the continuance of peace in our kingdom, deliberation and consultation having been had previously, with the advice, express and willing consent, and at the instance and petition, of each and every one of the prelates and nobles and the community and universality of our kingdom in our present parliament; we ordain and order that the heredity or inheritance of our crown and our kingdoms of England and France, and of all our lordships overseas, with all their appurtenances, shall reside with us and our heirs issuing from our body. And moreover, and in particular, by the aforesaid request and assent, we ordain, announce, proclaim and declare the aforesaid Prince Henry, our first-born son and our heir apparent, to be our successor to the crown, kingdoms and aforesaid lordships, to receive them with all their appurtenances after our death, for him and his heirs issuing from his body; and if he should die without an heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to Thomas our second son and his heirs issuing from his body; and if he should die without an heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to John, our third son and his heirs issuing from his body; and if he should die without an heir, then the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall fall to Humphrey, [p. iii-582][col. a] our fourth son, and his heirs issuing from his body, in perpetuity. Provided always that the castles, honours, manors, lands, tenements and other lordships and other possessions of any kind of our inheritance of Lancaster shall remain and continue and be held in the same way and state and under the same governance and terms (and this to apply to everything), notwithstanding present matters, as they were before the beginning of this our parliament. And we declare and make known each and every one of these matters to all present through these documents, lest the truth of any of the aforesaid is hidden or comes to be hidden somehow in the future.
In cujus rei testimonium tam magnum sigillum nostrum, quam sigilla dictorum dominorum spiritualium et temporalium dicti regni nostri Anglie, quorum nomina inferius recitantur, ac eciam sigillum Johannis Typtot, militis, prelocutoris communitatis predicte in dicto presenti parliamento nostro, pro se ac nomine suo, et nomine ejusdem communitatis de ipsius communitatis plenarum [et deliberato] assensu, voluntate, auctoritate et mandato,presentibus sunt appensa; videlicet, venerabilium patrum Thome archiepiscopi Cantuar', tocius Anglie primatis, N. London', [H. Wynton',] J. Elien', E. Exon', T. Dunolmen', R. Cicestren', R. Sarum, G. Meneven', J. Coventren' et Lich', R. Wygorn', H. Bathon' et Wellen', R. Hereford', P. Lincoln', T. Landaven' et W. Karliolen', episcoporum; custodis spiritualitatis archiepiscopatus Ebor', custodis spiritualitatis episcopatus Norwicen', custodis spiritualitatis episcopatus Roffen'; abbatis Westm', abbatis de Sancto Albano, abbatis de Waltham, abbatis Salop', abbatis de Burgo Sancti Petri, abbatis beati Johannis Colcestr', abbatis de Sancto Edmundo de Bury, abbatis de Abyndon', abbatis beate Marie Ebor', abbatis de Croyland, abbatis de Berdenay, abbatis Sancti Benedicti de Hulmo, abbatis Glaston', abbatis de Malmesbury, abbatis de Redyng, abbatis de Selby, abbatis de Thorney, abbatis de Bello, abbatis de Cirencestr', abbatis Sancti Petri Gloucestr', abbatis de Evesham, abbatis de Rameseye, abbatis de Hida juxta Wynton', abbatis de Wynchecombe, et prioris de Coventre; necnon Edwardi ducis Ebor'; Johannis Somers', Edmundi Kanc', Thome Arundell', Ricardi Warr', Edwardi Devon', Michelis Suff', Ricardi Oxon', et Radulphi Westmoreland', comitum; ac Walteri prioris Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem' in Anglie; Willielmi domini de Roos, Ricardi domini de Grey de Codenore, Henrici domini de Beaumont, Reginaldi domini de Grey de Ruthyn, Willielmi domini de Ferrers, Thome domini de Furnyvale, Willielmi domini de Wylughby, Hugonis domini de Burnell, Willielmi domini de Clynton, Thome domini de Morley, Johannis domini de Darcy, Johannis domini de Lovell', Bartholomei domini de Burghchier, Gilberti domini de Talbot, Willielmi domini la Zouche, Thome domini de Camoys, Ricardi domini de Seymour, Henrici Fitz Hugh, Henrici le Scrope de Masham, Johannis de Welles, Johannis Cobham, Petri de Malolacu, Johannis de Latymer, Edwardi de Charleton' de Powys, Magistri Thome de la Warre, Thome Berkeley de Berkeley, Radulfi de Crumwell, Radulfi de Greistok, Willielmi Beauchamp de Bergevenny, Johannis Tochet, Roberti Ponynges, Johannis de Haryngton', et Ricardi Lestrange. Data in presenti parliamento nostro infra palacium nostrum Westm', vicesimo secundo die Decembre, anno regni nostri octavo. In testimony of which both our great seal, as well as the seals of the said lords spiritual and temporal of our said realm of England whose names are listed below, and also the seal of Sir John Tiptoft, knight, speaker for the aforesaid commons in our said present parliament, on behalf of himself and in his name, and in the name of the commons, for the entire community and with their deliberation, assent, expression of will, authority and mandate, are affixed to the present documents: namely, the venerable father Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, bishops Nicholas of London, [Henry of Winchester,] John of Ely, Edmund of Exeter, Thomas of Durham, Robert of Chichester, Richard of Salisbury, Guy of St Davids, John of Coventry and Lichfield, Richard of Worcester, Henry of Bath and Wells, Robert of Hereford, Philip of Lincoln, Thomas of Llandaff and William of Carlisle; the keeper of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of York, the keeper of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Norwich, the keeper of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Rochester; the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of St Albans, the abbot of Waltham, the abbot of Shrewsbury, the abbot of Peterborough, the abbot of St John's at Colchester, the abbot of Bury St Edmunds, the abbot of Abingdon, the abbot of St Mary's at York, the abbot of Croyland, the abbot of Bardney, the abbot of St Benet Hulme, the abbot of Glastonbury, the abbot of Malmesbury, the abbot of Reading, the abbot of Selby, the abbot of Thorney, the abbot of Battle, the abbot of Cirencester, the abbot of St Peter's at Gloucester, the abbot of Evesham, the abbot of Ramsey, the abbot of Hyde near Winchester, the abbot of Winchcombe, and the prior of Coventry; and also Edward, duke of York; John of Somerset, Edmund of Kent, Thomas of Arundel, Richard of Warwick, Edward of Devon, Michael of Suffolk, Richard of Oxford, and Ralph of Westmorland, earls; and Walter prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England; William Lord Roos, Richard Lord Grey of Codnor, Henry Lord Beaumont, Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthin, William Lord Ferrers, Thomas Lord Furnivall, William Lord Willoughby, Hugh Lord Burnell, William Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Morley, John Lord Darcy, John Lord Lovell, Bartholomew Lord Bourchier, Gilbert Lord Talbot, William Lord la Zouche, Thomas Lord Camoys, Richard Lord Seymour, Henry FitzHugh, Henry Lescrope of Masham, John of Wells, John of Cobham, Peter of Mauley, John Latimer, Edward Charlton of Powys, Master Thomas de la Warre, Thomas Berkeley of Berkeley, Ralph Cromwell, Ralph Greystock, William Beauchamp of Bergavenny, John Tuchet, Robert Poynings, John Harrington and Richard Lestrange. Given in our present parliament within our palace of Westminster, 22 December, in the eighth year of our reign.
Et surce, de l'advys et assent avauntditz, fuist faite et ensealee un autre lettre patente dessouthe le grande seal mesme nostre seignour le roy, et de les seignours et le commune parlour suisditz, briefment contenant la substance de la matere comprise en la dit exemplificacioun; la quele lettre patente fuist auxi lue et pleinement accordez devant le roy et les ditz seignours et communes, dont le [tenure] auxi s'ensuite: Whereupon, by the advice and assent of the aforesaid, another letter patent was made and sealed under the great seal of our same lord the king and of the aforesaid lords and common speaker, containing a concise summary of the matter dealt with in the said copy; this letter patent was also read and given full agreement before the king and the said lords and commons, and the tenor of it is as follows:
Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Anglie et Francie, et Dominus Hibernie, omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem < in Domino sempiternam. > Noverit universitas vestra, quod [col. b] licet in parliamento nostro apud Westm', septimo die Junii, anno regni nostri septimo, per nos, de consensu et avisamento omnium prelatorum, magnatum, et procerum, ac cleri et communitatis regni nostri Anglie, fuerit statutum et ordinatum, quod jus successionis post decessum nostrum in corona, et regnis nostris Anglie et Francie, et dominiis < nostris > quibuscumque ultra mare ubilibet constitutis, cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis, ad Henricum, eadem gratia, principem Wallie, Ducem Aquitan', Lancastrie et Cornubie, et Comitem Cestr', filium nostrum primogenitum, ejusque liberos masculos legitime procreandos: ipsoque Henrico primogenito nostro sine herede masculo decedente, jus successionis predicte ad Thomam secundo-genitum; Johannemtert io-genitum; et Humfridum quarto-genitum nostros, eorumque liberos masculos successive pertineret, modo et forma in literis nostris inde confectis plenius expressatis, que omnia hic habere volumus pro insertis. Nichilominus tamen, prelati, magnates, proceres, clerus, et communitas [memb. 14] ante dicti, attendentes, quod [statutum et ordinatio hujusmodi jus successionis eorundem filiorum nostrorum ac liberorum eorum, sexum excludendo] feminium, nimium restringebat, quod [aliquo modo diminuere non intendebant, set potius adaugere.] Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all whom these present letters shall reach, eternal greetings in the Lord. Know you all that [col. b] whereas, in our parliament at Westminster, on 7 June in the seventh year of our reign, it was ordered and ordained by us, with the consent and advice of all the prelates, magnates, nobles, clergy and community of our kingdom of England, that the right of succession after our death to the crown and our kingdoms of England and France and our lordships overseas, wherever located, with all their rights and appurtenances, should pertain to Henry, by this same grace prince of Wales, duke of Aquitaine, Lancaster and Cornwall, and earl of Chester, our first-born son, and to the male heirs legitimately born of him: and if Henry our first-born should die without leaving a male heir, the aforesaid right of succession would fall to Thomas, our second-born; John, our third-born; and Humphrey, our fourth-born; and to their male heirs in succession, in the form and manner more fully expressed in our letters made on this, all of which we wish to have included here. Nevertheless, however, the prelates, magnates, nobles, clerics and the the aforesaid commons [memb. 14] were concerned that this statute and ordinance concerning the right of succession of our same sons and their children, in excluding the female sex, greatly restricted that which they by no means intended to diminish but rather to increase.
[Nobis cum instantia non modica unanimiter supplicarunt, quatinus statutum] et ordinacionem hujusmodi cassare et adnullare, [jusque successionis predicte ad dictum primogenitum nostrum et alios filios nostros supra dictos] eorumque heredes de corporibus suis legitime procreandos, post nostrum decessum successive pertinere, ordinare et statuere dignaremur; nos igitur supplicando hujusmodi [tanquam juri consone inclinati,] ad instantem petitionem eorundem prelatorum, magnatum, procerum, cleri, et communitatis supradictorum, et de eorum omnium et singulorum voluntate et assensu expresso necnon nostra et presentis parliamenti nostri auctoritate, statutum et ordinacionem predictos cassamus et annullamus. Necnon ad eorundem prelatorum, magnatum, procerum, cleri, et communitatis predictorum peticionem et rogatum, ac de eorum concensu, concordi et auctoritate qua supra, prefatum Henricum nostrum primogenitum nostrum verum, legitimum, certum, et indubitatum heredem, ac universalem successorem in corona et regnis nostris Anglie et Francie, ac dominiis nostris quibuscumque ultra mare ubilibet constitutis, cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis, fore et esse, ac fore et esse debere; necnon jus nobis universaliter succedendi in dictis corona, regnis, et dominiis, prefato Henrico nostro primogenito, et ad eum et post ipsum successive heredibus suis de ipsius corpore legitime procreandis, et ad eos imperpetuum competere et pertinere, competereque et pertinere debere, tenore presencium statuimus, ordinamus, decernimus et etiam declaramus. Et in eventum quo prefatus Henricus primogenitus noster absque herede naturali et legitimo de corpore suo legitime procreato ab hac luce migraverit, statuimus, ordinamus, decernimus et declaramus, ad peticionem et rogatum predictum, ac de consensu, voluntate, et auctoritate quibus supra, quod universale jus successionis hujusmodi in dicta corona, regnis et dominiis nostris, cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis, ad Thomam secundogenitum nostrum; et post eum successive ad heredes suos de ejus corpore legitime nascituros plene ac libere transeat ac remaneat pro perpetuo. Quod si prefatum Thomam absque herede naturali et legitimo de corpore suo legitime procreato diem claudere contingat extremum, ad Johannem tertiogenitum nostrum, heredesque suos de ejus corpore legitime procreandos. Et si ipsum Johannem sine herede hujusmodi decedere contigerit, ad Humfridum quartogenitum nostrum, et ejus heredes de corpore suo legitime procreandos, jus successionis hujusmodi in corona, regnis et dominiis antedictis, cum eorum pertinenciis, absque contradictione quacumque libere devolvatur. They therefore unanimously requested of us, with no small degree of perseverance, that this statute and ordinance be quashed and annulled, and that we deign to order and decree that the aforesaid right of succession pertain to our said first-born and our other aforesaid sons and the legitimate heirs born of them, in succession, after our death; we therefore, being inclined to favour this supplication as consonant with right, in response to the petition of the same prelates, magnates, nobles, clerics and aforesaid commons, and at the express consent and will of each and every one of them, and also by our authority and that of our present parliament, quash and annul the aforesaid statute and ordinance. Furthermore, in response to the petition and request of the aforesaid prelates, magnates, nobles, clerics and commons, and by their consent, agreement and authority as given above, in the tenor of the present document we order, ordain, decree and also declare the aforementioned Henry our first-born to be our true, legitimate, certain and undoubted heir, and universal successor to our crown and kingdoms of England and France, and to our lordships wherever they are located overseas, with all their rights and appurtenances; and also that the universal right of succeeding us in the said crown, kingdoms and lordships shall belong and pertain in perpetuity to the aforementioned Henry, our first-born, to him, and after his death to his legitimate heirs of his body in succession. And if the aforementioned Henry our first-born should die without leaving a natural and legitimate heir of his body, we order, ordain, decree and declare, in response to the petition and request of the aforesaid, and by the consent, wish and authority mentioned above, that this universal right of succession to our said crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their rights and appurtenances shall be fully and freely transferred and remain in perpetuity to Thomas, our second-born; and after him to the legitimate heirs of his body born of him in succession. And if the aforesaid Thomas should die without leaving a natural and legitimate heir of his body, this right of succession to the aforesaid crown, kingdoms and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall without contradiction freely devolve upon John our third-born, and his legitimate heirs of his body. And if this John should happen to die without leaving an heir of this kind, this right of succession to the aforesaid crown, kingdom and lordships, with all their appurtenances, shall without contradiction devolve freely upon Humphrey our fourth-born, and his legitimate heirs of his body.
61. Per hoc tamen statutum sive ordinacionem quo ad ducatum Lancastr' ejusque jura, possessiones, honores et consuetudines, cum suis pertinenciis universis, ac successionem et modum [p. iii-583][col. a] succedendi in ducatu predicto sive in capite vel in membris, nichil immutare vel innovare intendimus, set in omnibus premissis, et aliis quibuscumque modis et formis quibus ante hoc statutum ducatus ipse regi, administrari, et gubernari solebat, antiqua jura, statuta et consuetudines ejusdem ducatus teneri, exequi, et illibate observari imposterum, volumus, statuimus, decernimus et declaramus; hoc nostro statuto, et quocumque alio in hoc parliamento edito nonobstante. 61. By this statute or ordinance, however, we do not intend to change or alter anything with regard to the duchy of Lancaster and its rights, possessions, honours and customs, with all their apurtenances, or the succession and manner [p. iii-583][col. a] of succession to the aforesaid duchy, whether in chief or in part; but in all the aforesaid, and in all the other methods and ways by which, before this statute was enacted, this royal duchy used to be administered and governed, we wish, order, decree and declare the ancient rights, statutes and customs of this same duchy to be preserved, upheld and observed unchanged for posterity; notwithstanding this our statute, or any other promulgated in this parliament.
In cujus rei testimonium, non solum sigillum nostrum, set eciam omnium dominorum spiritualium et temporalium predictorum, pro se, clero, et communitate predictis, sigilla presentibus sunt appensa. Et nos Thomas Cantuarien' archiepiscopus, tocius Anglie primas, Nicholus London', H. Wynton', J. Elien', E. Exon', T. Dunolmen', Robertus Cicestr', Ricardus Sarum, Guido Meneven', Johannes Coventren' et Lich', Ricardus Wygorn', H. Bathon' et Wellen', Robertus Hereforden', Phillipus Lincoln', Thomas Landaven', et Willielmus Karliolen', episcopi; custos spiritualitatis archiepiscopatus Ebor', custos episcopatus Norwic', et custos episcopatus Roffen'; abbas Westm', abbas de Sancto Albano, abbas de Waltham, abbas Salop', abbas de Burgo Sancti [Petri,] abbas beati [Johannis] Colcestr', abbas de Sancto Edmundo de Bury, abbas de Abyndon', abbas beate Marie Ebor', abbas de Croyland, abbas de Bardoney, abbas Sancti Benedicti de Hulmo, abbas Glaston', abbas de Malmesbury, abbas de Redyng, abbas de Selby, abbas de Thorney, abbas de Bello, abbas de Cirencestre, abbas beati Petri Gloucestr', abbas de Evesham, abbas de Rameseye, abbas de Hida juxta Wynton', abbas de Wynchecombe, et prior de Coventre; Edwardus dux Ebor', Johannes Somers', Edmundus Kanc', Thomas Arrundell', Ricardus Warr', Edwardus Devon', Michael Suff', Ricardus Oxon' et Radulfus Westmerland', comites; ac Walterus prior Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia; Willielmus dominus de Roos, Ricardus dominus de Grey de Codenore, Henr' dominus de Beaumont, Reginaldus dominus de Grey de Ruthyn, Willielmus dominus de Ferrers, Thomas dominus de Furnyvale, Willielmus dominus de Wylughby, Hugo dominus de Burnell, Willielmus dominus de Clynton', Thomas dominus de Morley, Johannes dominus de Darcy, Johannes dominus de Lovell', Bartholomeus dominus de Burghchier, Gilbertus dominus de Talbot, Willielmus dominus la Zouche, Thomas dominus de Camoys, Ricardus dominus de Seymour, Henricus Fitz-Hugh, Henricus le Scrop' de Masham, Johannes de Welles, Johannes Cobham, Petrus de Malolacu, Johannes de Latymer, Edwardus de Charleton' de Powys, Magister Thomas de la Warre, Thomas de Berkeley, Radulfus de Crumwell', Radulfus de Greystok, Willielmus Beauchamp de Bergeveny, Johannes Touchet, Robertus Ponynges, Johannes Haryngton', et Ricardus Lestraunge; ac Johannes Typtot, miles, prelocutor communitatis predicte in parliamento presenti, meo et ipsius communitatis nomine, omnibus supradictis nostrum prebentes concensum pariter et assensum, juramus ad Sancta Dei Evangelia, per nos et quemlibet nostrum corporaliter tacta, omnia et singula premissa perpetuis temporibus per nos, et nostros, quantum in nobis est, inconcusse et inviolabiliter observare, nec quicquam incontrarium, re vel verbo, publice vel occulte, directe vel indirecte, facere vel attemptare, seu fieri vel attemptari facere vel procurare quovis modo. Data in presenti parliamento nostro infra palacium nostrum Westm', vicesimo secundo die Decembris, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexto, et regni nostri octavo. (fn. iii-567-262-1) In testimony of which, not only our seal, but also the seals of all the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal, on behalf of themselves, the clergy and the aforesaid commons, are appendedto these documents. And Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, bishops Nicholas of London, Henry of Winchester, John of Ely, Edmund of Exeter, Thomas of Durham, Robert of Chichester, Richard of Salisbury, Guy of St Davids, John of Coventry and Lichfield, Richard of Worcester, Henry of Bath and Wells, Robert of Hereford, Philip of Lincoln, Thomas of Llandaff, and William of Carlisle; the keeper of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of York, the keeper of the bishopric of Norwich, and the keeper of the bishopric of Rochester; the abbot of Westminster, abbot of St Albans, abbot of Waltham, abbot of Shrewsbury, abbot of Peterborough, abbot of St John's of Colchester, abbot of Bury St Edmunds, abbot of Abingdon, abbot of St Mary's of York, abbot of Croyland, abbot of Bardney, abbot of St Benet Hulme, abbot of Glastonbury, abbot of Malmesbury, abbot of Reading, abbot of Selby, abbot of Thorney, abbot of Battle, abbot of Cirencester, abbot of St Peter's at Gloucester, abbot of Evesham, abbot of Ramsey, abbot of Hyde near Winchester, abbot of Winchcombe, and the prior of Coventry; Edward, duke of York; John of Somerset, Edmund of Kent, Thomas of Arundel, Richard of Warwick, Edward of Devon, Michael of Suffolk, Richard of Oxford and Ralph of Westmorland, earls; Walter, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England; William Lord Roos, Richard Lord Grey of Codnor, Henry Lord Beaumont, Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthin, William Lord Ferrers, Thomas Lord Furnivall, William Lord Willoughby, Hugh Lord Burnell, William Lord Clinton, Thomas Lord Morley, John Lord Darcy, John Lord Lovell, Bartholomew Lord Bourchier, Gilbert Lord Talbot, William Lord la Zouche, Thomas Lord Camoys, Richard Lord Seymour, Henry FitzHugh, Henry Lescrope of Masham, John of Wells, John of Cobham, Peter of Mauley, John Latimer, Edward Charlton of Powys, Master Thomas de la Warre, Thomas Berkeley, Ralph Cromwell, Ralph Greystock, William Beauchamp of Bergavenny, John Tuchet, Robert Poynings, John Harrington and Richard Lestrange; and John Tiptoft, knight, speaker for the aforesaid commons in the present parliament, in my name and that of the said commons; we, having confirmed and assented to all the aforesaid points, swear on the Lord's holy gospels, physically touched by us and by each one of us, firmly and inviolably to observe forever each and every one of the foregoing, on behalf of ourselves and our people, as far as we are able, and not to do or attempt or cause to be done or attempted or procured in any way, anything contrary to these, by word or deed, openly or secretly, directly or indirectly. Given in our present parliament within our palace of Westminster, 22 December, 1406 AD, the eighth year of our reign. (fn. iii-567-262-1)
Contre les Lollardes. [The act concerning the Lollards].
62. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan myst avaunt en parlement un peticion touchant les Lollardes, et autres parlours et controvours des novelx et des mensonges, et pria en noun des ditz communes, qe mesme la peticione purroit estre enactez et enrollez en rolle de parlement, et tenuz pur estatuit tanq'al proschein parlement. Quel prier le roy, del advys et assent [col. b] des seignours en parlement, graciousement ottroia. (fn. iii-567-265-1) De quel peticione le tenure s'ensuit en cestes parols: 62. Against the Lollards. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John handed in a petition to parliament concerning the Lollards and other spreaders and contrivers of novelties and falsities, and he requested in the name of the said commons that the same petition might be enacted and enrolled on the roll of parliament and considered a statute until the next parliament. This request, the king, by the advice and assent [col. b] of the lords in parliament, graciously granted. (fn. iii-567-265-1) The tenor of which is included in these words:
A nostre tresredoute et tresgracious seignour le roy supplie humblement vostre humble fitz Henry prince de Gales, et les seignours espirituelx et temporelx a cest present parlement assemblez, qe come en temps de voz tresnobles progenitours roys d'Engleterre, et en le temps des auncestres et predecessours des ditz seignours, en qi temps le noble roialme d'Engleterre ad este pesiblement governez au plesance de Dieu, et en qi temps voz suisditz nobles progenitours ount eu si famouses victories de lour enemys qe y a este conuz par tout le monde, yceux voz nobles progenitours ont este obeisantz a seinte esglise, et fermes en la foye Catholike, et ycel foye [et les sacramentz] de seinte esglise maintenuz et defenduz; et en maintenance, defense et sustentacioun d'icelles l'esglise d'Engleterre ad este, et unqore est, endowe des temporelx possessions, des douns et grauntz sibien de voz ditz nobles progenitours come < des auncestres > des ditz seignours temporelx, pur divines services maintenir, hospitalitee tenir, et autres oevres de charitee faire et parfournir, [al onur de Dieu,] et pur les almes des progenitours de vous et des ditz seignours temporelx. Et ore de novel ascuns, al instigacioun del enemy, purposantz de moever les cuers des bones [Cristians] encountre la suisdite esglise et les prelatz et ministres d'icelle, sibien en sermones publikes, come en conventicles, et lieux secretes appellez escoles, erronousement et mauveisement ont [excitez] et moevez publiquement le poeple de vostre roiaume pur oustier et tollir des ditz prelatz et ministres de seinte esglise lour ditz possessions temporelx, des quelx ils sount [auxi] seurement, loialment, et droiturelment endowez et possessionez come il ad peu este mieux avisee ou ymaginee par les loys et custumes de vostre roiaume, et auxi seurement come sount les suisditz seignours temporelx de lour enheritances possessionez; parount, en cas qe a ceste mauveise purpos et faux instigacioun ne soit par vostre roiale mageste deins brief resistee, il est vraisemblable, qe par proces du temps semblement exciteront et moeveront le poeple de vostre roiaume, pur ouster et tollir des ditz seignours temporelx lour possessions et heritages, et les ensi faire communes, en overte commocion de vostre poeple, et final destruccioun et subversioun de vostre roialme a toutz jours. Et sont auxi plusours autres gentz, ascuns demurantz deinz diverses lieux privilegiez as queux repeirent diverses hommes et femmes, et ascuns ailent parmy le pays, purposantz en aultre manere de mettre dissencioun, divisioun, et discorde entre les suisditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx et voz foialx ligez et subgitz de vostre dit roiaume. Des queux mauveys hommes et femmes ascuns diont, et par faux seurementz et signes, entant come ils purront, publient et fount publier mauveisement, fauxement entre le poeple de vostre roiaume, qe Richard nadgairs roy d'Engleterre, q'est a Dieu commande, et de qi alme Dieu par sa grace eit mercye, duist estre en plein vie. Et ascuns escrivantz, lisauntz et publiantz au poeple diverses fauxes pretenses prophecies, et ent monstrantz cedules et livers a mesme le poeple: et ascuns ycelles pretenses faux prophecies reportantz, a ycelles autres mensounges adjousteantz fauxement, les diont, et mauveisement les publient auxi entre le poeple, en vraisemblable commocioun de voz foialx liges et subgitz, qi peisiblement viver, a Dieu servir et luy honurer, et a vous lour seignour liege foiablement parer et obeier, vorroient a tout lour poair; en semble destruccioun de vostre roiaume suisdit, et par consequence de vous, voz filz, et de toutz seignours espirituelx et temporelx avantditz. To our most feared and most gracious lord the king, the humble request of your humble son Henry Prince of Wales and the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in this present parliament: whereas in the time of your noble progenitors the kings of England, and in the time of the ancestors and predecessors of the same lords, during which time the noble kingdom of England was peaceably governed to the Lord's pleasure, and during which time also your aforesaid progenitors achieved such famous victories over their enemies that they were famed the world over, those noble progenitors of yours were obedient to the holy church and constant in the Catholic faith, and supported and defended this faith and the sacraments of holy church; and for the support, defence and sustenance of the same, the church of England was and still is endowed with temporal possessions by the gift and grant both of your said noble progenitors and the ancestors of the said lords temporal, for the provision of divine services, the offering of hospitality, and the performance and carrying out of other works of charity in honour of God, and for the souls of your progenitors and those of the said lords temporal. Yet, of late, certain persons, at the instigation of the enemy, purposing to turn the hearts of good Christians against the aforesaid church and the prelates and ministers of the same, either by public sermons, or by conventicles, or in secret places called schools, have falsely and wickedly incited and openly influenced the people of your realm to evict and expel the said prelates and ministers of holy church from their said temporal possessions, with which they have been as firmly, loyally and rightfully endowed and possessed as could possibly have been decided and devised according to the laws and customs of your realm, and as firmly as the aforesaid lords temporal are possessed of their inheritances; as a result of which, if this wicked plan and evil influence are not resisted in the near future by your royal majesty, it is probable that in the process of time they will similarly incite and influence the people of your kingdom to evict and expel the said lords temporal from their possessions and inheritances, and do the same to the commons, causing public unrest amongst your people and bringing about the ultimate ruin and subversion of your kingdom forever. And there are many other people, some dwelling within various privileged places to which numerous men and women repair, and some travelling throughout the country, who try in other ways to sow dissension, divisions and discord amongst the aforesaid lords spiritual and temporal and the faithful lieges and subjects of your said kingdom. Some of these evil men and women say, and by false oaths and evidence, wickedly publish and cause it to be broadcast erroneously amongst the people of your realm, that Richard, formerly king of England, who has been called to God, and on whose soul may God in his grace have mercy, is still alive. While others, through the writing, reading or spreading amongst the people of various false alleged prophecies, and by showing tracts and books concerning these to the same people, or by reporting these same false alleged prophecies, craftily adding to the same other lies, tell them, and wickedly disseminate them amongst the people, causing widespread unrest amongst your faithful lieges and subjects who wish to live peaceably, to serve God and worship him, and faithfully honour and obey you, their sovereign lord, to the best of their ability; to the probable destruction of your aforesaid kingdom, and consequently of you, your sons, and all the aforesaid lord spiritual and temporal.
Par quoy plese a vostre roiale mageste et haute discrecioun, en maintenance de l'onur de Dieux, sustentacioun et conservacioun des loies de seinte esglise; des queux vous [estez,] et vous auxi et toutz voz nobles progenitours avez toutditz este, tresnobles protectours et defendours; et [p. iii-584][col. a] auxi en salvacioun de l'estate de vous, et de voz ditz filz, et des seignours suisditz, et pur la quietee de tout vostre roiaume, en salvacioun d'icelle ordeigner par estatuit en cest present parlement, de l'assent des seignours suisditz, et la commune de vostre roiaume, esteantz en mesme le parlement, q'en cas q'ascun homme ou femme, de quel estat ou condicioun q'il soit, preche, publie, ou mainteigne notoirement, ou tiegne, use, ou excercize ascuns escoles d'ascun secte ou [doctrine] desore enavaunt encountre les suisditz foye Catholike, et sacramentz de seinte esglise, et la determinacioun d'icelle; ou preche, publie, ou maynteigne notoirement, ou escrive, ou publie, ascune cedule paront le poeple purra estre moevez pur oustir ou tollir les temporelx possessions de suisditz prelatz et ministres de seinte esglise, encontre les loyes et custumes de vostre roiaume, des queux possessions mesme l'esglise est endowe pur la sustentacioun des ditz foye Catholike, et sacramentz de seinte esglise, saunz quelx nul homme purra estre sauve: ou preche, publie, ou mainteyne notoirement, qe Richard nadgairs roy, qi mort est, serroit en pleine vie; ou qe celuy fool q'est en Escoce, et qi ascuns de voz enemys d'Escoce, desirantz divisioun estre en vostre roiaume, fauxement pretendent d'estre le roy Richard qi mort est: ou qe publie, monstre, ou escrive ascune pretense fauxe prophecie a vostre poeple, en commocion et affraye d'icelle; ils, et chescun de eux, soient arestuz, pris, et mys en prisone saunz estre deliverez [en] baille, ou [autrement, sinoun] par bone et sufficeant mainprise, a prendre devaunt le chaunceller d'Engleterre pur le temps esteant, pur les aver corporelment au proschein parlement lors ensuant, [pur respoundre,] receyver, et attendre [tielx] jugementz come ils aueront deserviz, et de eux serrount renduz par vous et voz heirs et les paires du < vostre > roiaume; en quel mainprise [soit comprise, q'ils] ensi ne precheront, publieront, ou mainteneront en le mesne temps. Et qe les ditz seignours espirituelx et temporelx, les justices d'une banc et de [l'autre, justices et gardeins de pees,] justices as assises prendre, viscountz, mairs, baillifs, et voz autres ministres, par vertue de cest estatuit eient poaire et auctoritee, et soient tenuz de prendre [toutz tielx persones, seruent ils] hommes ou femmes, et pur enquerer et enquestes prendre en celle partie par vertue de mesme l'estatuit saunz aultre commissioun. Et quaunt a ceux qi demoergent [deinz lieux privilegiez,] come dessuis, les seignours, possesours et occupiours de mesmes les lieux, lour ministres et officers, soient tenuz par vertue de cest estatuit de les prendre, mettre [et deteiner en ascune prisone] deinz mesmes les lieux, et issint ordeigner, qe par ycelles persones et lour faux controevementz, et adinvencions des mensounges, vostre poeple ne soit desore enavant [affraye] < ne trouble > en ascune manere. Et qe lettres et briefs desoubz vostre grant seal soient grauntez et faitz de temps en temps, saunz ascun difficultee, pur execucioun de [ceste estatuit, en toutz] pointz tielx come bosoigneront. Et qe cest estatuit soit proclame ove tout le hast possible, et q'il tiegne lieu et effect, et soit execut de le fest de la Tiphanie proschein venant. In view of which may it please your royal majesty and high discretion, in upholding the honour of God and in supporting and conserving the laws of holy church - of which you yourself have been and also your noble progenitors have forever been most noble protectors and defenders - and [p. iii-584][col. a] also in preserving your own estate and that of your said sons and of the aforesaid lords, and for the tranquillity of all your realm, for the salvation of the same; to ordain by statute in this present parliament, by the assent of the aforesaid lords and the commons of your kingdom attending the same parliament, that if any man or woman, of whatever status or condition they may be, should preach, publish or openly maintain or hold, use or run any schools of any sect or doctrine from now on contrary to the aforesaid Catholic faith and the sacraments of holy church and the decrees of the same; or preaches, publishes or openly maintains, or writes or publishes any tract which incites people to remove or seize the temporal possessions of the aforesaid prelates and ministers of holy church, contrary to the laws and customs of your kingdom - with which possessions the same church is endowed for the sustaining of the said Catholic faith and the sacraments of the holy church, without which no man may be saved - or preaches, publishes or openly maintains that Richard, formerly king, who is dead, lives; or that he is that madman who lives in Scotland, and whom some of your enemies of Scotland, desiring there to be discord within your kingdom, foolishly pretend to be King Richard who is dead: or who publish, demonstrate or write any false alleged prophecy for your people, causing trouble and disturbance amongst them; each and every one of them should be arrested, captured and thrown into prison without being released on bail or otherwise (unless it is by good and adequate mainprise to be brought before the chancellor of England at the time, so that they can be brought in person into the next parliament to await, receive and answer such judgments as they have deserved, and which will be passed on them by you and your heirs and the peers of your kingdom; in which mainprise it should be included that they shall not henceforth preach, publish or maintain their doctrines in the meantime). And that the said lords spiritual and temporal, the justices of one bench or the other, the justices and keepers of the peace, the justices of assizes which are held, and the sheriffs, mayors, baillifs and your other ministers, by virtue of this statute, shall have the power and authority and shall be obliged to hold all such persons, whether they be men or women, and to enquire and hold inquests on this matter by virtue of the same statute, without any further commission. And with regard to those who remain within their privileged places, as mentioned above, the lords, owners and holders of the same places, their ministers and officers, shall be obliged by virtue of this statute to sieze them, then throw and detain them in any prison within the same places, and thence to ordain that by such persons and their evil influence and made-up lies, your people shall not henceforth be disturbed or troubled in any way. And that letters and writs under your great seal shall be granted and issued from time to time without any difficulty for the enforcement of this statute on all points such as are required. And that this statute shall be proclaimed with all possible haste, and that it shall be in place and hold force and shall be enforced from the feast of Epiphany next [6 January 1407].
Pur le seignour de Furnyvale, et Monsire Johan Pelham. [On behalf of Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham, treasurers of war].
63. Item, mesme le jour, < le > dit monsire Johan, en noun de les ditz communes, bailla en parlement un peticion pur < le > seignour de Furnyvale, et monsire Johan Pelham, tresorers de guerre; de quele peticione le tenure s'ensuete: Au roy nostre soveraigne seignour, et as seignours du cest present parlement, supplient Thomas sire de Furnyvale, et Johan Pelham, chivaler, qe come en parlement tenuz a Coventre l'an du vostre regne .vi. e , voz communes, par assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx, eiantz consideracion a les Estmarche et Westmarche d'Escoce, a la rebellioun de Gales, et les entre-alliances faitz parentre ceux de Gales et les enemyes d'Escoce, [col. b] de Fraunce, et Bretaigne; et sauf-gard du mier et la marche de Calays, la terre d'Irland, le rescoux de Guyene, et salvacioun et defens de vostre roialme encountre enemys et rebelx queconqes, granterent a vous, nostre dit seignour le roy, en mesme celle parlement, pur defens de vostre dit roialme en especial, deux quinszismes et deux dismes pur estre levez des laies gentz, et autres subsidies southe certeins forme et condicion en le dit grant comprises; des queux quinzismes et dismes et subsides par voz ditz comunes grantes, et auxi de la subside a vous grante pur la dit defens de vostre roialme par les seignours temporelx pur eux et les dames temporelx, les avantditz Thomas et Johan furent a mesme celle parlement ordeignez tresorers de voz guerres, de resceiver les ditz quinzismes, dismes et subsidies, et de les paier et deliverer par especial en defens de vostre dit roialme en temps de lors avenir, solunc la forme et entent du dit grant en la manere avauntdit, et en nul autere oeps, sicome les dites tresorers responderoient < et accompte ent rendroient > a la commune de vostre dit roialme al proschein parlement de lors proschein suyant. Les queux tresorers puis en cea ount occupiez le dit office tanqe le .xix. jour de Juyn l'an du vostre regne .vij. e , a quele jour par my la diligent pursuyte par les ditz tresorers faitz a vous, et a toutes les seignours et estatz de cest present parlement, et al instance et request de voz ditz communes, il ad pleu a vostre tresgracious seignourie, de l'advys et assent des seignours et estates suisditz, de discharger [tout outrement les ditz tresorers de lour dit] office du dit xix. jour de Juyn enavaunt: et coment auxi mesme celle jour en cest present parlement certeines auditours [furent nomez et assignez de oier et terminer] l'accompte par les avauntditz tresorers affaire de lour receites, paiements et deliverances de les quinzismes et dismes [et subsides avauntditz.] 63. On behalf of Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John, in the name of the said commons, submitted to parliament a petition on behalf of Lord Furnivall and Sir John Pelham, treasurers of war; the tenor of which petition follows: To the king our sovereign lord and to the lords of this present parliament, the request of Thomas Lord Furnivall and John Pelham, knight: whereas in the parliament held at Coventry in the sixth year of your reign [October 1404], your commons, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal - lending consideration to the East and West marches of Scotland, to the rebellion of Wales and to the alliances made between those of Wales and the enemies of Scotland, [col. b] France and Brittany; and to the safeguard of the sea and the march of Calais, the land of Ireland, the rescue of Guyenne, and the salvation and defence of your kingdom against enemies and rebels of any kind - granted to you, our said lord the king, in this same parliament, for the defence of your said realm in particular, two fifteenths and two tenths to be levied on the laity, and other subsidies on certain terms and conditions contained in the said grant; concerning which fifteenths, tenths and subsidies granted by your said commons, and also the subsidy granted to you for the said defence of your kingdom by the lords temporal on behalf of themselves and the ladies temporal, the aforesaid Thomas and John were appointed treasurers of war at this same parliament, to receive the said fifteenths, tenths and subsidies, and to spend and devote them in particular to the defence of your said kingdom in the future, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said grant in the aforesaid manner, and to no other use; for which the said treasurers were to answer and render account to the commons of your said kingdom at the next parliament. Whereupon these treasurers thenceforth occupied the said office until 19 June in the seventh year of your reign [1406], on which day, through diligent pursuit made by the said treasurers to you and to all the lords and estates of this present parliament, and at the instance and entreaty of your said commons, it was requested of your most gracious lordship, by the advice and assent of the aforesaid lords and estates, that the said treasurers be completely discharged from their said office from the said 19 June onwards: and moreover, on this same day in this present parliament certain auditors were named and appointed to hear and determine the accounts to be submitted by the aforesaid treasurers of their receipts, payments and expenditure of the aforesaid fifteenths and tenths and subsidies.
[Qi pleise a vostre tresgracious seignourie d'ordiner,] qe les ditz auditours ensi nommes soient auditours de record, eiantz plein poair et auctorite [par parlement d'oier et terminer le dit accompt, et de] faire allouance as avauntditz tresorers, sibien de les paiements et deliverances par eux faitz par vertue et auctorite [de voz lettres et mandementz desouth vostre] seal a eux directz, pur les causes suisditz, et sur les dependantz d'icelle, come de les paiements et deliverances par [mesmes les tresorers par auctorite] de lours office faitz pur semblables causes, et les dependantz d'icelles, parentre le .xij. c jour [de Novembre] l'an de vostre regne .vi. e et le .xix. jour [de Juyn l'an] .vij. e desuisditz: et qe les ditz auditours eient poair et auctorite d'allouer a mesmes les tresorers [en lour] dit accompts au tiel regard pur lours [grandz] labours, travelx, et propres costages et expenses, q'ils ount ewez et sustenuz en le dit office et par cause d'icelle; et auxi resonable regard pur les travelx, costages, et dispenses par les ditz auditours affairs et a sustiners pur le temps q'ils serront occupiez sur les audience et determinacioun de la dite accompte, come purra sembler competents et sufficiantz a vos tressages discrecions et avys: et ce par garant de < vostre > prive seal as ditz auditours par celles causes adressers; laquel accompte par mesmes les auditours oiez et determinez, come desuis, les avauntditz tresorers, lour heirs et executours, et terre-tenantz, soient finalment quietes et dischargez envers vous, nostre dit seignour le roy, les seignours et communes de vostre roialme, et chescun persone d'icell, saunz jammes par cause du dit office, ou pur aucun cause d'icelle dependant, estre empeschez, inquietez, molestez ou en aucun manere grevez en temps avenir: aucune peyne ou condicioun, en le dit parlement tenutz a Coventre countre les ditz tresorers fait ou ordeinez; et ce qe la levee, receite, et paiements des ditz quinzismes, dismes et subsides par advys du vostre counseil et proces de voz courtes ount estee faitz countre la condition du grant suisdit; et autres causes et condicions queconqes, nient contresteant. May it please your most gracious lordship to ordain that the said auditors thus named shall be auditors of record, having full power and authority from parliament to hear and determine the said accounts and to make allowance to the aforesaid treasurers not only for the payments and outlay made by them both by virtue and authority of the letters and mandates under your seal addressed to them for the aforesaid reasons, and for related matters, but also for the payments and outlay made for similar reasons by the same treasurers by authority of their office, and related matters, between 12 November in the sixth year of your reign [1404], and 19 June in the aforesaid seventh year [1406]: and that the said auditors shall have the power and authority to allow to the same treasurers in their said accounts whatever compensation for their great labour, travels and personal costs and expenses they have incurred and sustained in the said office and as a result of it; and also adequate compensation for the travels, costs and expenses to be incurred and sustained by the said auditors during the time when they are busy with the hearing and determining of the said accounts, as shall seem appropriate and adequate according to your most wise discretion and advice: and this by grant of your privy seal to be addressed to the said auditors for these reasons; and when these accounts have been heard and determined by the same auditors, as above, the aforesaid treasurers, their heirs and executors and tenants shall be finally released and discharged from their duties to you, our said lord the king, the lords and the commons of the realm, and each person of the same, without, on account of the said office, or for any related reason, being impeached, troubled, harassed or in any way grieved in time to come: notwithstanding any penalty or condition made or ordained with regard to the said treasurers in the said parliament held at Coventry; nor the fact that the levy, receipt and payments of the said fifteenths, tenths and subsidies by the advice of your council and the process of your courts have been made contrary to the terms of the aforesaid grant; and notwithstanding any other reasons or conditions.
[memb. 13]
[p. iii-585]
[col. a]
Quele peticioun luc et entendue fuist respondue en la fourme q'ensuete: Assentuz est et accordez par le roy et les seignours en parlement, qe les auditours nommes en cest parlement d'oir l'accompt de Thomas seignour de Furnyvale, et Johan Pelham, tresorers des guerres, soient auditours de record, aiantz plein poair et auctoritee du parlement d'oier et terminer le dit accompt, et de faire allouance as avauntditz tresorers, sibien de les paiements et deliverances par eux faitz par vertu et auctoritee des lettres et mandements dessouthe le seal du roy a eux directz pur les causes suisdites, et sur les dependences d'icelle, come de les paiements < et deliverances > par eux faitz de leur office pur semblable cause, et les dependences d'icelle, parentre le .xij. c jour de Novembre l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy sisme, < et le > .xix. me jour de Juyn l'an du regne nostre < dit > seignour le roy septisme. Et soient mesmes les auditours jurrez de loialment oier et terminer le dit accompt, et due allouance, et autres choses en ce case requis, faire et finalment terminer. Et quant a la regard faire as ditz tresorers pur leur labours, < travelx > et costages, q'ils ount sustenuz en leur dit office; et auxi a les ditz auditours pur leur labour sur l'enacte du dit accompt, soit cell regard fait par advys et discrecions de les seignours du counseil. Et quant a les peines ou condicions comprises en le rolle du parlement sur la dit grant fait a Coventre, le roy, de l'advys et assent des ditz seignurs, et a la request des comunes, voet et grante, qe les ditz tresorers, leur heirs et executours et terre-tenantz, ent soient finalment quietez et deschargiez envers nostre dit seignour le roy, et les seignurs et communes de roialme, et chescune persone d'icelle, saunz jammes par cause du dit office, ou pur aucune cause d'icelle dependantz, estre empechiez, inquietez, molestez ou en aucune manere grevez en temps avenir. Purveux toutesfoitz, qe de tout ce q'est aderer nient levez par force du dit grant fait a Coventre, et de les arrerages d'icelle, si nulle y soient, le roy soit responduz resonablement, come affiert. (fn. iii-567-272-1) This petition having been read and heard, reply was given in the following way: It is assented and agreed by the king and the lords in parliament that the auditors named in this parliament to hear the accounts of Thomas Lord Furnivall and John Pelham, treasurers of war, shall be auditors of record, having full power by the authority of parliament to hear and determine the said accounts and to make allowance to the aforesaid treasurers, not only for the payments and issues made by them by virtue and authority of the letters and mandates under the king's great seal addressed to them for the aforesaid reasons, and for matters related to the same, but also for the payments and issues made by them by authority of their office for a similar reason, and related reasons, between 12 November in the sixth year of the reign of our lord the king and 19 June in the seventh year of the reign of our said lord the king. And let the same auditors be sworn to loyally hear and determine the said accounts, and make and finally arrange proper allowance and other things necessary in this case. And with regard to the compensation to be given for the labours, travel and costs of the said treasurers which they have incurred whilst in office, as well as to the said auditors for their labour in registering the said accounts, this compensation shall be made with the advice and at the discretion of the lords of the council. And in relation to the penalties or conditions contained in the roll of parliament in connection with the said grant made at Coventry, the king, by the advice and assent of the said lords and at the request of the commons, wills and grants that the said treasurers, their heirs and executors and tenants shall be finally released and discharged from their duties towards our said lord the king and the lords and commons of the kingdom, and each individual of the same, without, on account of the said office, or for any reason connected with this, being accused, troubled, harassed or grieved in any way in time to come. Provided always that for everything which has still not been levied by force of the said grant made at Coventry, and for the arrears of the same, if there are any, the king shall receive a satisfactory response, as promised. (fn. iii-567-272-1)
Que nully soit grevez pur punisement des insurreccions. [That no-one should be arrested for putting down insurrections].
64. Item, mesme le jour, pria le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, qe nulle des ditz seignurs espirituelx ou temporelx, chivalers ou esquiers de roialme, ne nul autre persone de queconqe estate ou condicion q'il soit, ne soit aucunement grevez, molestez, enquietez ou endamagez, pur ascun chose fait par eux, ou par ascun de eux, ou pur lour chivache ou purseute fait ovesqe le roy, ou a soun commaundement, pur chastiser et punir les riotes et insurreccions q'ount este faitz diversement et as diverses foitz deins le roialme depuis le venue nostre dit seignour le roy en ycelle roialme, mes q'ils, et chescun de eux, ent soient, et soit, outrement quietes, relessez, pardonez, et disdamagez as toutes jours. Quele prier le roy, de l'avys et assent des seignurs espirituelx et temporelx, granta et ottroia, et de la faire et tenir pur estatut. (fn. iii-567-275-1) 64. That no-one shall be troubled for punishment of insurrections. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John requested in the name of the said commons that none of the lords spiritual or temporal, knights or esquires of the kingdom, nor any other person of whatever status or condition they may be, should in any way be grieved, harassed, troubled or injured for anything done by them, or by any one of them, or for their riding or pursuit undertaken with the king, or at his command, to chastise or punish the riots and insurrections which have arisen in various places and at various times within the kingdom since the arrival of our said lord the king in this realm; but that they, and each one of them, should be completely acquitted, released and pardoned forever, and given compensation. This prayer the king, by the advice and assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, granted and conceded, and agreed to enact and hold as a statute. (fn. iii-567-275-1)
Seignours et communes assignes pur l'engrossement de parlement. [The committee of lords and commons appointed for the engrossment of parliament].
65. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan Tibetot, en noun des ditz communes, pria a nostre dit seignour le roy, et as toutes les seignours en parlement, qe certeins des seignours espirituelx et temporelx queux lour plerroit nommer, et auxi certeins de les communes des queux il avoit mys en escrit les nouns en un cedule en parlement, c'est assavoir, Monsire Johan Tibetot, Monsire Thomas Skelton', Monsire Johan Pelham, Monsire Johan Dalynggrug, Laurence Dru, David Holbache, Richard Baynard, Johan Wilycotes, Esmond Brudenell', William Staundon', Henry Somer', Nicholl' Wotton, .xi., .x., .viij., .vij. ou .vi. de eux, purroient estre assignez d'estre a l'enactement et l'engrossement du rolle de parlement. Et pria outre, qe cest prier et peticioun purroit estre enactez de record en rolle du parlement: les queux priers le roy graciousement ad ottroiez. 65. The lords and commons appointed for the engrossment of parliament. Also, on the same day, the said Sir John Tiptoft, in the name of the said commons, requested of our said lord the king and of all the lords in parliament that certain of the lords spiritual and temporal whom it might please him to name, and also a certain number of the commons whose names he had consigned to writing in a schedule in parliament (namely, Sir John Tiptoft, Sir Thomas Skelton, Sir John Pelham, Sir John Dallingridge, Lawrence Drue, David Holbache, Richard Baynard, John Wilycotes, Edmund Brudenell, William Staundon, Henry Somerset, Nicholas Wotton, or any eleven, ten, eight, seven or six of them) might be appointed to be at the recording and engrossment of the roll of parliament. In addition, he requested that this prayer and petition might be placed on record on the roll of parliament: these prayers the king graciously granted.
The rest of m.13 is blank.
[memb. 12]
[col. b]
Diverses articles appointer et jurrez par les seignurs. [The thirty-one articles].
66. Item, mesme le jour, le dit monsire Johan Tibetot myst avaunt en parlement une < rolle, > contenant plusours < diverses > articles faitz par advys et assent du roy et des seignours et communes suisditz, et pria, qe mesmes les articles purront estre enactez et entrez de record en rolle de parlement. Au quele prier fuist responduz: Le roy le voet, sauvant toutesfoitz a luy soun estat et prerogative de soun corone. Et outre ceo pria le dit monsire Johan, en noun des ditz communes, qe toutes les seignours de conseil soient jurrez devaunt le roy et toutes les estates de parlement, q'ils garderont toutes les articles contenuz en le dit rolle. A quoy l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs pur luy mesmes, et les autres seignours du conseil pur eux mesmes, fierent protestacion severalment, q'ils ne vorroient en nulle manere enprendre celle charge sur eux, si ne soit qe le roy de ses propre volunte et mocion leur vorroit charger en especial de ceo faire. Et auxi q'ils, ne nulle de eux, soient, ne soit, chargez, artez, ne reportez par nulle homme q'ils ont enpris celle charge, ne de la parfourner en nulle manere: mes q'ils voillent faire lour diligence et labour de la faire et parfourner solonc leur discrecions et poair, auxi avant come ils purront avoir des biens ou de monoie de ce faire; et en especial, si avaunt come la grant ore fait en parlement purra suffire. Et surce le roy de ses volunte et mocioun propre comanda les ditz seignours du conseil de ce faire; et leur chargea illoeqes de jurrer de la parfourner en manere come devaunt est dit. Sur quoy mesmes les seignours du conseil illoeqes presentz, c'est assaver, l'ercevesqe de Canterbirs, le duc d'Everwyk, l'evesqe de Loundres, l'evesqe de Wyncestre, l'evesqe de Duresme, chaunceller; le counte de Somersete; le seignour de Furnyvale, tresorer; le seignour de Burnell', le gardein de prive seal; le seignour de Grey, chaumberlein; et les seneschalle et tresorer del hostiel nostre seignour le roy, furent jurrez et serementez severalment sur les seintz evangelx, de garder et observer bien, loialment et fermement les articles contenuz en le dit rolle, a lour poair et esciente. Et en outre, quant a le seignour de Roos nommez du dit conseil, purce qe alors il fue absent, le dit Monsire Johan Tibetot pria a mesme nostre seignour le roy, q'il, et toutes les jugges du roy, et le clerc de rolles, purroient estre jurrez semblablement a leur venu, de garder et observer mesmes les articles en manere come les autres seignours illoeqes presentz avoient este jurrez. Et auxi, qe les autres officers du roy de meindre estate soient chargez de faire bien et loialment ce qe appurtient a eux, au fyn qe nulle persone porte blame pur auteri mesfait. 66. Various articles decided and sworn to by the lords. Also, on the same day the said Sir John Tiptoft submitted to parliament a roll containing numerous and various articles made by the advice and assent of the aforesaid king and lords in parliament, and he requested that the same articles might be registered and entered on record in the roll of parliament. To which request this reply was given: The king wills it, preserving at all times for himself his estate and the prerogative of his crown. In addition, the said Sir John prayed in the name of the said commons that all the lords of the council should be sworn before the king and all the estates of parliament to keep all the articles contained in the said roll. To which the archbishop of Canterbury on his part, and the other lords of the council on their part, made separate protestations that they would not in any way take this responsibility upon themselves unless the king of his own will and account wanted to instruct them especially to do this. And also that neither they, nor any one of them would be charged, forced or ordered by any one to undertake this burden or carry it out in any way: but that they would apply their effort and energies to carrying it out and performing it at their discretion and as far as they were able, as long as they had the money and materials to do this; and in particular, as long as the grant recently made in parliament sufficed. Whereupon the king, of his own wish and initiative, ordered the said lords of the council to do this, and there charged them with swearing to perform it in the manner given above. Following which the same lords of the council there present - namely, the archbishop of Canterbury, the duke of York, the bishop of London, the bishop of Winchester, the bishop of Durham, chancellor; the earl of Somerset; Lord Furnivall, treasurer, Lord Burnell; the keeper of the privy seal; Lord Grey, chamberlain; and the steward and treasurer of the household of our lord the king - were sworn and took individual oaths on the holy gospels to keep and properly, loyally and steadfastly observe the articles contained in the said roll to the best of their knowledge and ability. Furthermore, with regard to Lord Roos, who was also named on the said council, because he was at that time absent, the said Sir John Tiptoft requested of our same lord the king that he, and all the king's judges, and the clerk of the rolls, might be separately sworn, on their arrival, to keep and observe the same articles in the same way in which the other lords there present had been sworn. And also that the king's other officers of lesser status should be charged to do well and loyally that which pertained to them, so that no-one would carry blame for any wrong deed.
As queux priers le roy s'agrea bien, et chargea le clerc du parlement d'entrer les articles suisditz de record en rolle de parlement. Des queux articles les tenures s'ensuent: To these requests the king wholly agreed, and instructed the clerk of parliament to enter the aforesaid articles on record in the roll of parliament. The tenor of which articles follows:
I. I.
67. Primerment, pur tant q'il ad pleu a nostre tressoverain seignour le roy, d'eslier et nommer sez conseillers et officers plesantz a Dieu, et agreables a soun poeple, es queux il se voet bien affier, pur luy conseiller et estre de soun conseil continuel tanq'al proschein parlement, et a resonable nombre dez queux ascuns puissent continuelment demurrer entour sa persone roial; et qe ascuns de eux du dit conseil q'ensy demureront entour sa persone facent report de la volunte de nostre dit seignour le roy de temps en temps a les autres du dit conseil, des matiers q'apparteignent au conseil, et nemy autres; et qe ceux qe serront ensy du conseil puissent avoir covenables regardes par advys du roy solonc lour estates, pur lour travailles, coustages et despensez. 67. First, because it has been requested of our most sovereign lord the king that he elect and nominate counsellors and officers pleasing to God and agreeable to his people, and in whom he can fully trust, to advise him and to be on his council continually until the next parliament, a reasonable number of whom might continually remain alongside his royal person; and that some of those of the said council thus to remain with him might report the wishes of our said lord the king from time to time to the others in the said council, in relation to matters pertaining to the council, and no others; and that those who should hence be appointed to the council should have adequate remuneration, by the advice of the king, according to their estates, for their work, costs and expenses.
Qe please a nostre dit seignour le roy pleinement governer en toutes cases par lour advys, et a ce confier. Et si aucune report autre qe boun soit a luy fait de ascune des ditz conseillers, par aucune du dit conseil, < ou > autres, qe ne luy please ce croier jusqes a ceo qe celuy q'est accusez [p. iii-586][col. a] serra appellez. Et s'il soit excusable, q'il poet estre excusez, et son accusour puniz solom son desert, qe autres y preignent ensample. Et en cas q'il soit convict, soit il puniz et deschargez du conseil, et qe autres loialx du dit conseil ne soient pur soun defaute mys en suspicione. May it please our said lord the king to govern entirely in all cases with their advice, and to trust in this. And if any report other than a good report is made to him regarding one of the said counsellors by anyone from the said council or elsewhere, that it might please him not to believe this until the person who has been accused [p. iii-586][col. a] is summoned. And if it is possible to excuse him, that he might be excused, and his accuser punished as he deserves, as an example to others. And if he is convicted, that he might be punished and discharged from the council, and that other loyal members of the said council might not be placed under suspicion for his failing.
68. Et pur conservacion des loies de roiaume d'Engleterre, Gales, Irland', Guyen et marchees de Caleys, qe le chaunceller d'Engleterre, le gardein du prive seal, ne soeffrent passer, ne nulle de eux soeffre passer, aucunes garantz agardez, grantz par patent, ne juggement, < n'aucune autre > chose dessoutz les sealx du roy en lour garde, ou en garde d'ascune de eux, qe de droit ne loy ne devoit passer. Et ce qe droit et loy deust passer, ne soit restreint ou tariez, ou en nulle manere noun duement delaiez. 68. And, in order to protect the laws of the kingdom of England, Wales, Ireland, Guyenne and the marches of Calais, that the chancellor of England and the keeper of the privy seal are not allowed to issue, or any one of them to issue, any warrants which are granted, grants by patent, judgments or any other thing under the king's seals in their keeping, or in the keeping of any one of them, which neither by right nor by law ought to be issued. And that that which ought by right and law to be passed should not be restrained or hindered or delayed in any improper manner.
69. Item, en cas q'ascunes persones esteantz entour la roial persone nostre dit seignour le roy, ou autres, a luy pursuantz, esmoever verroient soun corage de meller d'ascuns querelles, qe please a nostre dit seignour le roy de signifier les suggestions, et envoier les billes a son dit conseil, par aucunes du dit conseil demurrantz entour sa persone, pur faire examiner les matiers, et pur remittere a la commune ley tielx qe par ceo purront estre < determinez, > et sur les autres purvoir de meillour remedie q'en en ce purra. Et en cas qe ceux du dit conseil purront avoir notice d'ascunes tielx persones, soient hommes ou femmes, entour la roial persone de nostre seignour le roy, ou de nostre dame la roigne, qe pur lour encrees, ou pur lour singuler avantage, ou affeccioun, ou maintenance d'ascune querelle, ferront enfourmer et esmoever la corage de mesme nostre seignour le roy, ou nostre dame la roigne, envers ascunes de ses lieges, et ent soit duement convict, qe tiel enfourmer soit overtement voidez hors de company de nostre dit seignour le roy, et de nostre dame la roigne, saunz retourner; et perde ses fees et annuitees, et paie xxli. al escheker, pur estre paiez as gages de Caleys et des marches illoeqes, ou aillours a l'oeps du roy, par advys du conseil. Sauvant toutesfoitz as chescuns des lieges du roy, q'ils lour acquietent a nostre seignour le roy loialment solonqe lour ligeance. 69. Also, if any persons in the entourage of the royal person of our lord the king, or others who sue to him, try to sway the king's mind to meddle in any quarrels, that it might please the said lord our king to make known any such proposals and send the bills to his council, through those of his council remaining about his person, so that they can investigate this matter and submit to the common law those things that can be determined by it, and to provide the best remedy possible for the others which remain. And if those of the said council are informed of any such persons, be they men or women, in the entourage of the royal person of our lord the king, or of our lady the queen, who for their benefit or for their singular advantage, or favour, or maintenance of any quarrel, cause the mind of our lord the king, or of our lady the queen, to be informed or swayed in relation to certain lieges, and are thus duly convicted, that any such informers shall be publicly evicted from the company of our said lord the king and our said lady the queen, with no chance of reinstatement; and they shall lose their fees and annuities, and pay £20 to the exchequer, to be put towards the wages for Calais and the marches there, or elsewhere for the king's use with the advice of the council. Saving at all times to each of the king's lieges that they might loyally acquit themselves before our lord the king according to their allegiance.
70. Item, purceo qe aucunes subgitz du roy nostre dit seignour en lour propres persones, et acunes par mediacioun des autres, ont fait instance a nostre dit seignour le roy, ou a soun conseil, pur estre viscontz, eschetours et autres officers en diverses offices, les queux ils ont obtenuz et usez nemy pur le profit du roy et du roialme, mais en grant retardacioun de la leve des dettes et profitz de nostre dit seignour le roy, et en derogacioun de les loies et bones estatutz sur ce ordeignez: si please a nostre dit seignour le roy ordeiner, qe tieux officers soient faitz et ordeignez solonqe l'effect et purport de les loies et estatutz suisditz, et nemy par mediacioun et instance appart. 70. Also, because some subjects of the king our said lord have, in person or through the mediation of others, made entreaties to our said lord the king or his council to become sheriffs, escheators and other officers in various offices, which they have obtained and used not for the benefit of the king and kingdom but to delay greatly the levying of the debts and profits of our said lord the king, in derogation of the laws and good statutes ordained on this: may it please our said lord the king to ordain that such officers are made and appointed in accordance with the tenor and effect of the aforesaid laws and statutes, and not by mediation and entreaty alone.
V. V.
71. Item, qe please a nostre dit seignour le roy doner en charge a ses dites conseillers, d'avoir plein conisance et notice de l'estate et governance de ses treshonurables hostielle, chambre, et garderobe et de toutes autres places et offices es queux les revenuz du roialme sont despenduz, et pur y ordeiner le meulx q'ils purront pur le profit nostre dit seignour le roy, sibien dedeins come dehors, sanz offense de ley, de ce qe remaint nient donez, ou qe cherrait es mayns nostre dit seignour le roi puis le primer jour de cest present parlement. Issint qe les lettres patentes d'ascunes dounes, grantz ou pardons, faitz devaunt le commencement de cest present parlement ne soient repellez, mes q'ils estoisent en lour force et effect. 71. Also, that it may please our said lord the king to make his said counsellors responsible for acquainting themselves fully with the state and governance of his most honourable household, chamber and wardrobe, and of all other places and offices in which the revenues of the kingdom are spent, and to there ordain the best they can for the benefit of our said lord the king, both within and without, without contravening the law, concerning that which remains to be given, or which has fallen into the hands of our said lord the king since the first day of this present parliament. Provided that letters patent of any gifts, grants or pardons made before the commencement of this present parliament shall not be repealed, but shall retain their force and effect.
[col. b]
72. Et pur les expenses del hostiel, chambre et garderobe du roy, y please a nostre dit seignour le roi grantier, qe toutes les deniers provenantz des gardes, mariages, voidances des temporaltees des erceveschees, eveschees, eschetes, forfaitures, priories aliens, custumes, et toutes autres commoditees, profitz, revenuz et emolumentz du roiaume, certeins et casuels, nient donez ne grantez devant le primere jour de commencement de cest present parlement; et auxi de toutz tielx gardes, mariages, temporaltees, eschetes, forfaitures, priories aliens, commoditees, revenuz, custumez et emolumentz, nient donez come desuis, qe parentre cy et la fyn du proschein parlement cherront es mains nostre dit seignour le roi, soient entierment resceuz a la resceit de l'escheker nostre dit seignour le roy, sanz estre assignez par tailles hors de resceit ou auterement, du darrein jour de cest present parlement enavant, et d'illoeqes deliverez et paiez pur les despenses d'ostielle, chambre, et garderobe suisditz, et pur les dettes d'icelle. Et qe nulle doun, grant, < ne > pardoun soit fait a nully par patent n'autere garrant, des avauntditz gardez, mariages, voidances des temporaltees, eschetes, forfaitures, priories aliens, commodites, profitz, revenuz, custumez et emolumentz du dit roialme d'Engleterre, ne de les deniers ent provenantz paiables a la dit resceit, come desuis, ne de nulle parcelle d'icelles: ne auxi nulle doun, grant, ne pardon soit fait a nulluy par patent n'autre garrant, des revenuz ou profitz provenantz des terres d'Irland, Gales, Guyen', Caleys et marches d'icelle, nient donez, come desuis, qe ount este es mains du roy, ou cheux puis le primere jour de cest present parlement, ou qe cherront desore tanq'al fin du proschein parlement. Et si ascuns tielx douns, grantz ou pardouns soient, ou serront, faitz du dit commencement du cest present parlement tanq'al fin du proschein parlement a contraire, q'ils soient revokes, repellez et adnullez, et de nulle effect. Forspris ceo qe serra assignez ou donez des suisditz revenuz de roialme a madame la roigne en noun de sa dower, en deduccioun de ce qe a luy est assigne pur mesme sa dower en l'escheqer; et ceo qe serra donez des ditz revenuz a les fitz du roy, et a chescun de eux: les queux assignementz et douns soient faitz apres qe nostre dit seignour le roi ait en mains d'icelles revenuz suffisiantement pur soun dit hostiel, chambre, et garderobe, et soun honurable estate sustiner et continuer. Et forspris ceo q'est done et grante par nostre dit seignour le roy par advys de soun conseil, du dit primer jour de cest present parlement tanq'al vendredy le .xvij. me jour de Decembre, l'an nostre dit seignour le roy,viij. me , a meseignours Thomas, Johan et Humfrey, filz du roy; le duc d'Everwyk; as certeins persones al oeps de les evesqes de Duresme, l'evesqe de Loundres, le count de Somersete, le seignour de Grey, Monsire Johan Tibetot, David Holbeche, Johan Bodenham, Roger Dencourt, Johanne Corby, Hugh Hergest, Robert Frye, Richard Leveson', Richard Gabriell', clerc; Alisaundre de Lounde, chivaler; et a les gentz de la ville de < Suthamt'. > Les queux douns et grantes soient declarez en especiale, et entrez en la rolle du parlement. Et forspris la grant fait as ceux qe ount a ferme les temporaltees del ercheveschee d'Everwyk, parensi qe la dit ferme soit encressez par .d. marcz, ou pluis s'il soit de greindre value, a paier a l'escheqer par advys du conseil. Et forspris la pardoun fait as tenantz rebelx de count d'Arundell' en Gales, pur un certein fyn fait au roy, parainsi qe le dit fin soit encressez resonablement par advys du conseil. Purveux toutesfoitz qe nostre dit seignour le roi, par advys du son conseil purra faire grace et pardoun a les viscontz des countees d'Engleterre, pur queux les viscontz ount ewe et soloient avoir pardon de les perdes q'ils susteignont en lour ditz offices. Et qe le tresorer d'Engleterre pur le temps esteant puisse franchement lesser a ferme et vendre, par advys du conseil, toutes maners gardes, manoirs, seignouries, terres et tenementz, eschetes, [p. iii-587][col. a] forfaitures, et toutes autres choses q'a soun office appurtient faire et executer duement en manere devant accustumez. Mes l'entencioun du roy et des seignours et communes de cest present parlement si est, qe non obstante cest article ordeinez et assentuz, les annuitees, douns et grantz as lieges et subgitz du roy devaunt le primer jour de cest present parlement, ne les douns ne les grantez faitz en cest present parlement as persones desuis nommez, ne soient pas restreintz par ycest article, eins q'ils estoisent en lour force et effect, et puissent estre paiez solonc l'effect et contenu des lettres patentes du roi ent faitz, sibien celles annuitees qe sont grantez simplement en fee, ou a terme de vie ou d'annes, et autrement, come auteres grantz par le roi, par advys de son conseil, par lees et cancellement des patentes du roy a auteri oeps. Et qe sur les ditz lettres patentes le chanceller d'Engleterre pur le temps esteant face faire briefs de liberate et allocate, sanz aucune pursuite faire au roy. Et quant a la pardoun fait as tenauntz de count d'Arrundell', come desuis, soit ordeinez, qe nulle seignour q'ad seignourie en Gales, des queux ses tenauntz ount estee rebelles, soit resceu de faire fin pur ses tenauntz generalment, mais qe chescun tiel rebelle face fin au roi pur luy mesmes. Et qe noun-obstant cest article, le roy purra, par advys de soun conseil, faire grace et pardoun as persones qe sont ou serront utlagez pur dette ou trespas en foreins countes par faux pursuyte d'ascuny. 72. And for the expenses of the household, chamber and wardrobe of the king, may it please our said lord the king to grant that all money arising from wardships, marriages, the vacancies of temporalities, or archbishoprics, bishoprics, escheats, forfeitures, alien priories, customs, and all other commodities, profits, revenues and emoluments of the realm, fixed and casual, not given or granted before the first day of the opening of this present parliament; and also of all such wardships, marriages, temporalites, escheats, forfeitures, alien priories, commodities, revenues, customs and emoluments not given as above, that between now and the end of the next parliament fall into the hands of our said lord the king, shall all be received at the receipt of the exchequer of our said lord the king, without being assigned by tally outside the receipt or otherwise, from the last day of this present parliament henceforth, and from there used and spent on the expenses of the household, chamber and aforesaid wardrobe, and for the debts of the same. And that no gift, grant, or pardon shall be given to any one by patent or any other warrant of the aforesaid wardships, marriages, vacancies of temporalities, escheats, forfeitures, alien priories, commodities, profits, revenues, customs and emoluments from the said realm of England, nor from the money arising from them and payable at the receipt, as mentioned above, nor from any part of the same: nor should any gift, grant, or pardon be made to any one by patent or other warrant of the revenues or profits arising from the lands of Ireland, Wales, Guyenne, Calais and the marches of the same, not yet given, as mentioned above, which have been in the king's hands or have fallen into his hands since the first day of this present parliament, or which shall fall into his hands henceforth until the end of the next parliament. And if any gifts, grants or pardons are or shall be made from the beginning of this present parliament until the end of the next parliament, contrary to the above, they shall be revoked, repealed and annulled, and their effect invalidated. Except for whatever will be set aside or given from the aforesaid revenues of the realm to our lady the queen in consideration of her dower, which should be deducted from that which was assigned to her for her same dower in the exchequer; and that which shall be given from the said revenues to the king's sons, and to each one of them: which assignments and gifts shall be made after our said lord the king has received revenues sufficient for his said household, chamber and wardrobe, and to sustain and continue his honourable estate. And except for that which has been given and granted by our said lord the king with the advice of his council between the first day of this present parliament and Friday 17 December in the eighth year of the reign of our said lord the king, to our lords Thomas, John and Humphrey, the king's sons, the duke of York, to certain persons for the use of the bishop of Durham, to the bishop of London, the earl of Somerset, Lord Grey, Sir John Tiptoft, David Holbache, John Bodenham, Roger Deyncourt, John Corby, Hugh Hergest, Robert Fry, Richard Leveson, Richard Gabriel, clerk, Alexander of London, knight, or the people of the town of Southampton; which gifts and grants shall be declared special cases, and entered on the roll of parliament. And except for the grants made to those who have at farm the temporalities of the archbishopric of York, so that the said farm can be increased by 500 marks, or more if it is of greater value, to be paid to the exchequer by advice of the council. And except for the pardon made to the rebel tenants of the earl of Arundel in Wales for a certain fine to be paid to the king, so that the said fine might be reasonably increased with the advice of the council. Provided at all times that our said lord the king, with the advice of his council, might allow grace and pardon to the sheriffs of the counties of England, through which the sheriffs have and might have pardon for the losses they have sustained in their said offices. And that the treasurer of England in office might freely lease at farm and sell, with the advice of the council, all kinds of wardships, manors, lordships, lands and tenements, escheats, [p. iii-587][col. a] forfeitures, and all other things that it is his duty properly to carry out and execute according to past custom as part of his office. The intention of the king, lords and commons of this present parliament is, however, that notwithstanding this article ordained and agreed, neither the annuities, gifts and grants made to the king's lieges and subjects before the first day of this present parliament, nor the gifts or grants made in this present parliament to the persons named above, should be restrained by this article, but should retain their force and effect, and should be paid in accordance with the tenor and content of the king's letters patent made on this, both those annuities which have been granted simply in fee or for a term of life or years, or otherwise, and the other grants made by the king with the advice of the council which change or cancel the king's patents to different effect. And that with regard to the said letters patent the chancellor of England then in office might issue writs of liberate and allocate without the need for any suit to the king. And with regard to the pardon made to the tenants of the earl of Arundel, as above, it should be ordained that no lord who has a lordship in Wales, the tenants ofwhich have been rebels, should be forced to pay a fine for his tenants in general, but that each such rebel should himself pay a fine to the king. And that notwithstanding this article the king might, with the advice of his council, grant grace and pardon to people who are or shall be outlawed for debt or trespass in different counties through a false suit by anyone.
[memb. 11]
73. Item, qe nulle homme ne femme ne preigne ne resceive de doun le roy, de le .xvij. me jour de Decembre l'an du regne nostre dit seignour le roy .viij. me tanq'al fyn du proschein parlement, des revenuz, profitz, et autres commodites du roialme suisditz, ou ascune parcelle d'icelles, nient donez a devaunt le commencement de cest present parlement, sur peine de perdre et paier la double value de ceo qe la chose ensy pris ou receu countre la fourme suisdit s'amountera, a l'escheqer du roy, pur ent paier les gages de Caleys et des marches illeoqes, et a nulle autre oeps, saunz mitigacioun avoir, ou ent estre respitz ou pardonez en aucun manere. Et si ascun doun, grant ou pardon soit fait, ou serra fait, a contraire, qe ceo soit voide, disalowable et disalowez en chescun court et place du roy. 73. Also, that no man or woman shall take or receive as a gift from the king, from 17 December in the eighth year of the reign of our said lord the king [1406] until the end of the next parliament, anything from the revenues, profits and other commodities of the aforesaid kingdom, or any part of the same, which had not been granted before the beginning of this present parliament, on pain of them losing and paying twice the value of that to which the thing which they have thus accepted or received, contrary to the aforesaid stipulation, amounts, to the king's exchequer, to be put towards the wages for Calais and the marches there, and to no other use; without any mitigation or any respite or pardon for this in any way. And if any gift, grant or pardon is given, or shall be given, in contradiction of this, it shall be invalid, disallowable and disallowed in every court and place of the king.
74. Item, purce q'il est chose moultz honest et necessarie, qe ceux de les lieges nostre dit tressoverain seignour le roi queux a luy pursuir voillent [soient oiez en] lour peticions, si please a mesme nostre seignour le roy considerer la sage governance d'autres princes Cristiens bien governez; et soi en confourmant a tiel governance, luy pleise assigner deux jours le semaine pur la receptione des tielx petitions; c'est assaver, le mesqerdy, et venderdy, et qe de ce soit fait intimacion as toutes les estates du roialme en cest [present] parlement, au fin qe les ditz autres jours de la semayne nostre dit seignour le roy se puisse le meulx desporter, sanz estre distourbez par tielx suytes; et qe, les jours de la recepcion de tielx peticions, soient entour nostre dit seignour le roy ceux du dit conseil assignez d'estre entour sa persone, ou aucunes de eux au meyns, pur mesmes les peticions resceiver, et apres les examiner et departier. Et celles peticions par les queles hommes demaunde offices, corrodes, benefices voidez de fait, ou autere chose ou profit qe nostre dit seignour le roy ne puisse reteiner a soun oeps demesne, puisse yceluy nostre seignour le roy grantier a son pleiser. Purveux toutesfoitz, qe les custumers, contrerollours des custumes du roy, sercheours, trovours, poisours, pakkers de draps, et autres ministres al office de tresorer d'Engleterre regardantz, soient nommez et faitz par le tresorer d'Engleterre qe pur le temps serra, par advys du conseil, solonc la fourme de les estatutz ent faitz. Et qe les ditz officers occupient lour offices en lour propres persones sanz depute [col. b] ou substitut faire, et nient autrement, et sanz les lesser a ferme. Et qe nulle tiel office soit grante a nulle persone a terme de vie, ou a terme d'ans: et qe si aucun tiel officer ou ministre soit fait a contraire, par patent du roi ou autrement, q'il soit remuez, et les patents ent faitz repellez et revokez. En mesme le manere face le chaunceller, officers et ministres desoutz luy a soun office regardantz. Et en mesme la manere facent les seneschal, chamberlein et tresorer de l'hostiel, officers et ministres desoutz eux a lour offices regardantz, si avant come a lour office appurtient. 74. Also, because it is a most honest and necessary thing that any lieges of our said most sovereign lord the king who wish to sue to him should have their petitions heard, so may it please our same lord the king to consider the wise governance of other Christian princes; and in order that he may conform to such methods of governance, may it please him to designate two days a week for the receiving of such petitions, namely Wednesday and Friday, and that all the estates of the realm in this present parliament be made aware of this, so that on the other days of the week our said lord the king can better please himself, without being disturbed by such suits; and that on the days for the receiving of such petitions, those of the said council appointed to be in the king's entourage should accompany our said lord the king, or some of them at least, to receive the same petitions and thereupon to examine and settle them. And as to those petitions in which people demand offices, corrodies, vacant benefices, or other things or benefits which our said lord the king cannot retain for his own use, our said lord the king should grant them as he pleases. Provided always that the customs officers, controllers of the king's customs, searchers, finders, weighers, packers of cloth and other ministers associated with the office of treasurer of England shall be named and appointed by the treasurer of England then in office, with the advice of the council, in accordance with the form of the statutes made on this. And that the said officers shall perform their duties in person without using a deputy [col. b] or substitute, or in any other way, and without leasing them at farm. And that no such office shall be granted to anyone for a term of life or years: and that if any such officer or minister should act to the contrary, by the king's patent or otherwise, that he should be removed from office, and the patents made on this repealed and revoked. Let the same apply to the chancellor and the officers and ministers under him associated with his office. And let the same apply to the steward, chamberlain and treasurer of the household and the officers and ministers under them associated with their offices, as far as pertains to their office.
75. Item, qe de par nostre dit seignour < le roi > soit fait prohibicion et defense a toutes ses familiers en son hostiel demurrantz, qe nulle de eux, sur grevouse peine, soit hardyz de bailler ou presenter, pur luy mesmes ne pur nulle autre persone, aucun supplicacioun a nostre dit soveraigne seignour le roy aucun autere jour de la semaigne forsqe les jours desuis limitez; parainsi qe ycelles supplicacions soient determinez et discussez par l'advys du counseil. 75. Also, that on behalf of our said lord the king a prohibition should be made and an order issued in connection with all the familiars dwelling in his household, that no single one of them, on pain of grievous penalty, should presume to submit or present, on his own behalf or for any other person, any supplication to our said sovereign on any day of the week other than those specified above; so that these supplications are determined and discussed with the advice of the council.
X. X.
76. Item, qe pleise a nostre dit seignour le roy commaunder ceux de soun conseil, q'ils ne traient devaunt eux, pur y estre determinez, aucunes matiers ne querelles determinables a la commune ley, si ce ne soit pur cause resonable, et par advys des justices. 76. Also, may it please our said lord the king to order those of his council not to bring before him to be determined any matters or complaints which are determinable by the common law, unless there is good reason and the justices have advised it.
77. Item, purce qe grantz clamours et pitouse compleintz sourdent en la commune poeple du roiaume, a cause de diverses grevouses oppressions a eux faitz, et par especiale a eux qe sont prees del hostiel nostre dit seignour le roy demurrantz, par aucunes < des > achatours, purveours et autres officers de mesme l'ostielle; si pleise a suisdit nostre seignour le roy assenter et ordeiner, qe sibien les aunciens estatutz et ordinances de soun hostiel, come auteres ordinances depuis faitz d'icelles en parlement, soient en cest present parlement affermez. Et qe le seneschal et tresorer, et autres officers du dit houstielle, qe sont, ou pur le temps serront, soient serementez de mettre les ditz estatutz et ordinances en bone et due execucioun, et les faire estre tenuz et gardez desorenavant solonc l'effect et contenue d'icelles, come ils en voillent respondre a lour peril, et eschuer l'empechement de qi qe se vorra compleindre a la proschein parlement. 77. Also, because great unhappiness and piteous complaints have arisen amongst the common people of the kingdom on account of of various harsh oppressions inflicted on them, and particularly on those living near the household of our said lord the king, by certain buyers, purveyors and other officers of the same household; may it please our aforesaid lord the king to assent and ordain that both the ancient statutes and ordinances of his household, as well as other ordinances since made on the same in parliament, should be confirmed in this present parliament. And that the steward and treasurer and other officers of the said household who are in office now or in the future shall be sworn to properly and effectively enforce the said statutes and ordinances and to cause them to be upheld and protected from now on in accordance with the tenor and content of the same, since they will have to answer for them at their peril and reply to the accusations of those who wish to complain at the next parliament.
78. Item, touchantz toutes matiers qi serront pursuyes au counseil, ou par ycelle determinez, nulle de mesme le counseil, ne null des officers, face comfort a part a < le > pursuyant d'avoir esploit de sa demande, ne luy done aucun enformacioun tanqe ce soit determinez par mesme le conseil. Et qe apres tiel determinacioun null des ditz conseillers et officers se excuse, n'auteri accuse, de la dit determinacioun, en tant come a dit conseil appurtient. 78. Also, concerning matters which shall be referred to the council or determined by it, that no-one who is on the same council, nor any of the officers, shall give favour or advice to a suitor as to how to achieve his end, or give him any information until this shall have been determined by the same council. And that after an agreement has been made none of the said councillors and officers shall excuse himself or accuse another with regard to the said agreement, in as much as it pertains to the said council.
79. Item, qe toutes les choses et matiers qi serront par le counseil desore passez, serront passez par toutes yceux de counseil en leur propres persones: si ce ne soit qe la cause demande grant hast, et en tiel cas doient eux du conseil qi serront presents signifier la matier, ovesqe la circumstances, ovesqe lour advys, a ceux du conseil qe serront absentz, les queux en doient rescrier, ou suffisiantement signifier lour advys as ditz du conseil qi serrontz presentz, au fyn toutes voies, qe par la consent de toutes, les choses et matiers soient passez. Purveux toutesfoitz, qe les presentes, ne les certificatz de monseignour le prince, ne de nulle autre seignour du counseil, esteant pur le temps hors de roiaume, ne aillours en les marches [p. iii-588][col. a] de guerre, ne serront attenduz, si ne soit en grandes et chargeantz matiers, en les quelles il semble as autres du counseil presentz necessaire d'avoir l'avys de toutz. 79. Also, that all the items and matters which shall henceforth be passed by the council shall be passed by all those belonging to the council in person: unless the matter requires great haste, in which case those of the council who are present ought to communicate the matter, with its circumstances and their advice, to those of the council who are absent, and the latter ought to write back or firmly indicate their opinion to those of the said council who are present, so that by all means possible, items and matters shall be passed with the consent of all. Provided always that it shall not be necessary to wait for either the opinions or the endorsement of our lord the prince or of any other lord of the council who is at that time outside the kingdom, or elsewhere in the marches [p. iii-588][col. a] at war, unless in matters of great importance, in which it appears necessary to all those of the council who are present to have the advice of all.
Item, s'il aviegne qe ascun singuler persone du dit counseil eit a pursuir aucune chose pur luy mesmes, ou aucune autere persone devers luy, qe ne poet estre determinez par la commune ley, dont il coviendra avoir l'avys de tout le counseil, q'adonqes < soit > celle chose determine par mesme le counseil, en absence du dit seignour du counseil. Also, if it should happen that any individual member of the said council has something to pursue on behalf of himself, or another person is acting on his behalf, which cannot be determined according to common law, and regarding which he wishes to have the advice of all the council, that this matter shall be determined by the same council in the absence of the aforesaid lord of the council.
80. Item, qe le chaunceller et tresorer d'Engleterre, et gardein du prive seal, q'ore sont, ou pur le temps serront, facent duement et diligialment lour offices, sanz riens faire pur carnel affeccioun, encountre ley et resoun, ou riens prendre pur lour ditz offices faire ou executer, de nully, forqe du roy; et ce fees et regardez a lour ditz offices appurtenantz de droit et accustumez. 80. Also, that the chancellor and treasurer of England and the keeper of the privy seal who are in office now or in the future shall carry out their duties properly and diligently, without acting under the influence of physical affection, contrary to law and reason, or taking anything for the performance and execution of their said duties from anyone except the king; and these shall be the fees and payments pertaining to their said offices by right and custom.
Item, en mesme le manere face le chaunceller de l'escheqer, chief baroun et toutes les barouns et chamberleins de l'escheker, le clerc du tresorer, les deux remembranciers, le clerc du pype, les auditours, et toutes autres officers et ministers de l'escheker et de la resceit, q'ore sont, ou pur le temps serront. Also, let the same apply to the chancellor of the exchequer, the chief baron and all the barons and chamberlains of the exchequer, the treasurer's clerk, the two remembrancers, the clerk of the pipe, the auditors and all other officers and ministers of the exchequer and of the receipt who are in office now or in the future.
Item, en mesme la manere en la chauncellerie nostre seignour le roy clerc du rolles, les maistres de la chancellerie, clerc del hanaper, bouchiers, et les clercs de corone, facent duement et diligialment lour office; et q'ils ne preignent de nulluy excessive regard pur lour labours; et q'ils ne soient du conseil de nulluy encountre le roy. Purveu toutesfoitz, qe bien life a eux, et as clercs del chauncellerie, de prendre pur escrire des briefs et lettres patents solonc l'estatutz ent ordeinez. Also, in the same way, in the chancery of our lord the king, the clerk of the rolls, the masters of the chancery, the clerk of the hanaper, the bougiers and the clerks of the crown shall properly carry out and perform their duties; and they shall not take excessive payment from anyone for their labours; and they shall not be of anyone's council in opposition to the king. Provided always that it is permissible for them and for the clerks of the chancery to take payment for the writing of writs and letters patent in accordance with the statutes ordained on this.
Item, en banc du roy, et en commune bank, ceux qe preignent fees ou regardes du roy pur lour offices faire, ne preignent riens pur lour offices faire de nulluy forsqe du roy, sinon fees a lour offices de droit appurtenantz. Also, in the King's Bench and in the Common Bench, those who take fees or wages from the king for the performance of their office shall not take anything for the performance of their office from anyone except the king, unless they are fees pertaining to their office by right.
Item, en mesme le manere le seneschalle, chamberlein, tresorer, countrollour et coffrer del hostiel du roy, facent duement et diligialment lour offices en la forme suisdit, sanz riens prendre du nulluy pur loure offices faire, contre la fourme suisditz. Also, in the same way, the steward, chamberlain, treasurer, controller and cofferer of the king's household shall properly and diligently carry out their duties in the aforesaid manner, without taking anything from anyone for the performance of their duties which is contrary to the aforesaid stipulation.
Item, qe nulle des officers suisditz ne preigne < ne > teigne en offices desoutz eux, ne nulle de eux, nulle officer ne ministre qe a lour ditz offices doit entendre, qe prent fee ou regard d'autere qe du roy. Also, that none of the aforesaid officers shall accept or maintain in the offices under them, nor any of them, any officer or minister who ought to attend to his said office but who takes a fee or payment from someone other than the king.
81. Item, qe madame la royne paie pur la journe, al hostiel du roy tant come ele demura en ycelle, par manere come dame Philippe nadgairs roigne d'Engleterre paia pur le journe en son temps. Et qe celle paiement soit rebatuz de ce qe ma dit dame prent en l'escheqer, tanqe elle soit pleinement endowez solom l'afferant. Et qe le counseil du royne enpreigne sur eux de ceo pleinement paier, et a ce soient jurrez. 81. Also, that our lady the queen shall make daily payments to the king's household as often as she resides there, in the way in which lady Phillippa, formerly queen of England, paid on a daily basis in her time. And that this payment shall be rebated against whatever my said lady takes in the exchequer until such time as she is fully endowed with her proper allowance. And that the queen's council shall take it upon themselves to pay this in full, and be sworn to this.
[memb. 10]
82. Item, qe les deputees, substitutz, ou ministrez du seneschal du mareschalcie del hostiel le roy, [col. b] teignent, ne nulle de eux teigne, nulle plee, ne face proces envers nulluy, sinoun [...] d'antiquite en temps du roy Edward primere feust ordeinez et use: et ne facent, ne null de eux face, extorcioun ne tort a nulluy. Et semblablement face le clerc du [market] soun office come en temps du dit roi Edward fuist ordeigne et use. Et a ce tenir, parfournir, et executer, les ditz deputees, et le seneschalle, et auxi le clerc du market, et [...] de eux soient jurrez come affiert celle partie. 82. Also, that the deputies, substitutes, or ministers of the steward of the marshalsea of the king's household [col. b] shall not hold, nor any one of them hold, any plea, or bring a process against anyone, unless it was ordained and practised of old in the time of Edward I: and they should not commit, nor any one of them commit, any extortion or crime against anyone. And let the clerk of the market similarly administer his office as was ordained and practised in the time of the said king Edward. And to uphold, perform and execute this, the said deputies and the steward, and also the clerk of the market, and [each] of them shall be sworn as is appropriate in this matter.
83. Item, purce qe les viscountz retornent chivalers du countees pur venir au parlement nounduement esluz, qe ordeine soit, q'en toutes tielx briefs qe isseront desore hors de la chauncellrie direct as viscountz pur tielx chivalers eslire pur venir au parlement, soit contenuz, qe proclamacioun soit fait en toutes les villes marches du countee du jour et lieu ou les ditz chivalers serront esluz .xv. jour devaunt le jour d'eleccioun; au fin qe les suffisiantz persones enhabitantz en le dit countee y puissent estre, pur faire eleccioun suisdit en due manere, et qe les ditz viscontz q'ore sont, et qe pur le temps serront, soient serementez a ce tenir et executer, sanz fraude ou affeccioun de nulluy. (fn. iii-567-353-1) 83. Also, because the sheriffs return knights of the counties to parliament who have not been properly elected, it should be ordained that in all such writs which are henceforth issued from the chancery directing the sheriffs to elect such knights to parliament, it is mentioned that proclamation should be made in all the market towns of the county concerning the time and place at which the said knights shall be elected, fifteen days before the day of the election; so that worthy persons residing in the said county might be there, to carry out the aforesaid election in the proper manner; and let the said sheriffs who are in office now or in the future be sworn to uphold and execute this, without defrauding or showing favour to anyone. (fn. iii-567-353-1)
84. Item, soient toutes ceux du grand counseil du roy, et auxi les chiefs officers, c'est assavoir, chaunceller, tresorer d'Engleterre, seneschalle, chamberlein, gardein de prive seal, tresorer et countrollour d'ostiel le roy, assurez et jurrez en cest present parlement, q'ils, et chescun d'eux, en quanqe a luy appurtient ou purra appurtenir, accomplerra et perfournera, et ferra executer, a son loial poair, la comune ley de la terre, et les estatutz et ordinances devant faitz et ordenez, sibien pur l'ostiel du roi, come pur la bone governance du roialme d'Engleterre. Et en especial, toutes les estatutz, appointementz et ordinances, en cest present parlement faitz, et accordez et assentuz par le roi, les seignurs, et communes, saunz eux ent excuser en nulle manere de lour devoir ou offices faire, sinon q'ils soient destourbez q'ils ne les purront, ne purra, en nul manere bonement parfaire, qe Dieu defende. Et s'ils, ou aucun d'eux, soient, ou soit, ensi destourbez q'ils ne purront en nul manere parfaire lour offices et devoirs, qe celuy q'ensy serra destourbez suisreindra au roy son office ou charge, sanz pluis ent meller en aucun manere. 84. Also, all those of the king's great council, as well as the chief officers - namely, the chancellor, treasurer of England, steward, chamberlain, keeper of the privy seal, treasurer and controller of the king's household - should promise and swear in this present parliament that they and each one of them, in as far as it pertains or might pertain to them, shall carry out, perform and cause to be enforced to the best of his loyal power the common law of the land and the statutes and ordinances made and ordained in the past, both for the king's household as well as for the good governance of the kingdom of England. And especially all the statutes, decisions and ordinances made in this present parliament and given agreement and assent by the king, lords and commons, without excusing themselves in any way from the performance of their duties and office, unless they are so troubled that they cannot effectively carry them out in any way, which God forbid. And if they, or any one of them, are or is so troubled that he cannot perform his offices or duties in any way, that he who is thus troubled shall surrender to the king his office or charge, without interfering any further with it in any way.
85. Item, qe toutes les aliens, nient lieges a nostre seignour le roy, ne denszeins, demurantz deinz le roialme countre l'ordinance et proclamacion fait en cest parlement, qe ne ont fait fin au present pur lour demure, facent fyn parentre cy et le fest du Pasqe proschein venant a pluis tarde, sur peine d'emprisonement, et forfaiture de lour biens et possessions queconqes. Et qe les ditz fins et forfaitures soient levez et resceux par le tresorer d'Engleterre, et deliverez a le tresorer d'ostiel < du roi, > pur les despenses d'icelle, et a nulle autere oeps. Et qe les ditz fins soient faitz devaunt le counseil, et paiez al hostiel du roy, sur les despenses d'icelle. 85. Also, that all aliens who are not lieges of our lord the king or denizens, and who are still dwelling within the kingdom contrary to the ordinance and proclamation made in this parliament, and who have not yet paid a fine to remain here, shall pay a fine between now and next Easter at the latest, on pain of imprisonment and forfeiture of all their goods and possessions. And that the said fines and forfeitures shall be levied and received by the treasurer of England and delivered to the treasurer of the king's household for the expenses of the same, and put to no other use. And that the said fines shall be paid before the council, and given to the king's household, for the expenses of the same.
86. Item, pur seurte de bone governance, pleise a nostre seignour le roi ordener en cest present parlement, qe les seneschalle et tresorer d'oustiel le roi eient plein poair pur descharger de lour offices, et auxint punir, toutes maners sergeantz et officers du dit hostiel pur lour defautes, qi desore ferront la contraire des articles et ordinances suisditz. 86. Also, as a guarantee of good governance, may it please our lord the king to ordain in this present parliament that the steward and treasurer of the king's household shall have complete authority to discharge from their offices, and also to punish, all kinds of serjeants and officers of the said household for their faults if they should henceforth act contrary to the aforesaid articles and ordinances.
87. Item, qe < le > chamberlein du roy eit pleinement soun office et surveu et governance d'icelle en toutes [p. iii-589][col. a] pointz, en mesme le manere come estoit ordene en les aunciens estatutz ent faitz d'ostiel du roy. Et en mesme la manere eient les seneschalle et tresorer d'ostiel avauntdit plein surveu et governance de lour offices, solonc l'effect de les estatuitz suisditz. 87. Also, that the king's chamberlain shall hold full responsibility for his office, and for the supervision and administering of the same in all [p. iii-589][col. a] points, in the way in which it was ordained in the ancient statutes made on this in the king's household. And in the same way the steward and treasurer of the aforesaid household shall have full supervision and control of their offices in accordance with the tenor of the aforesaid statutes.
88. Item, qe a nul officer judiciel, n'autre officer ou ministre deins l'ostiel du roy, ne deins nul des courtes du roy, desore soit fait estate en soun office a terme de vie, ne d'ans, eins soulement al volunte du roy. Et si ascun grant serra fait desore enavant a terme de vie, ou d'ans, a aucune homme ou femme, de tiel office, qe le dit grant soit de tout voide et sanz force. Et si nul q'ad aucunes des ditz offices deins l'ostiel du roy a terme de vie, ou d'ans, soit duement convict devant les ditz seneschalle et tresorer des mesprisions ou injuries par luy en soun office faitz, forface soun office. Et si nulle officers ou ministres des courtes du roy, q'ont estate des offices deins les courtes avauntditz a terme < de > vie, ou d'ans, facent mesprisions ou injuries en fesantz lour offices, et de ce duement convict, qe celuy qe serra ensi convict forfase soun office. 88. Also, that no judicial officer or other officer or minister within the king's household, or within the king's courts, shall be given tenure of his office for the term of life or of years, except at the express wish of the king. And if any grant shall be made henceforth for a term of life or of years, to any man or woman, of any such office, that the said grant shall be completely annulled and rendered invalid. And if anyone holding any such office within the king's household for the term of life or of years is duly convicted before the said steward and treasurer for misprisions or wrongs committed by him whilst in office, he shall forfeit his office. And if officers or ministers of the king's courts who hold offices within the aforesaid courts for a term of life, or of years, commit misprisions or wrongs in carrying out their offices, and are duly convicted of this, that those who are thus convicted shall forfeit their office.
89. Item, qe le chaunceller et tresorer d'Engleterre, seneschal et tresorer d'oustiel < le > roy, justice d'un bank et d'autre, et les barouns de l'escheqer, soient jurrez de faire plein et loial serche, chescun en soun place et office, de toutes maners mesprisions, tortes, oppressions et defautes, faitz au people q'ont ewe affaire es courtes, hostiel, et places suiz ditz, sibien sur colour de lour fees come autrement par les officers et ministres des mesmes les courtz, hostiel et places suisditz, et de toutz tielx mesprisions, tortes, oppressions et defautes, de certifier la grand counseil nostre dit seignour le roy, au fin qe le dit counseil face plein et due correccioun parentre cy et le fest de Pasqe proschein avenir, qe au proschein parlement la report soit fait au roy, et si luy pleise ycelle report poet estre declarez a toutes les estates du parlement. 89. Also, that the chancellor and treasurer of England, the steward and treasurer of the king's household, the justice of one bench and the other, and the barons of the exchequer shall be sworn to carry out a full and loyal inspection, each in his respective office and area of responsibility, into all kinds of misprisions, crimes, oppressions and wrongs committed against people who have business in the courts, household and aforesaid places, whether under pretext of their fees or otherwise by the officers and ministers of those courts, household and aforesaid places; and, concerning all such misprisions, crimes, oppressions, and wrongs, to notify the great council of our said lord the king, so that the said council can order full and proper redress between now and Easter next, so that a report can be made to the king at the next parliament; and if it pleases him the same report can be announced to all the estates of parliament.
90. Item, qe l'ou par l'estatut fait l'an du regne le roy nostre seignour quarte est ordene, qe le chaunceller d'Engleterre pur le temps esteant eit poair par sa discrecioun de grantier especials assises, sanz pursuir au roy. (fn. iii-567-374-1) 90. Also, whereas, by the statute made in the fourth year of the reign of our lord the king it was ordained that the chancellor of England then in office should have the power at his discretion to grant special assizes, without suing to the king. (fn. iii-567-374-1)
Pleise ordener en cest parlement, qe le chaunceller d'Engleterre pur le temps esteant ne grante desore nul especiale assise, tanq'al fin du proschein parlement; et qe les especials assises grantes devant ces heures soient tenuz as jours et lieux ou les countees serront tenuz. Et qe les triours de l'arraie q'est affaire de l'assise especial, si l'arraie soit chalenge, soit l'arraie fait et trie a large come en assises generalx. Et qe les viscountz, ne le south-viscountz, ne preignent riens a nul temps pur fesance du panelles, ou de panel affairs entre partie et partie, par luy ne par mesne persone. Et qe les viscountz et south-viscountz pur le temps esteantz soient serementez pur tenir, accompler et executer toutes les pointes contenuz en ycest article, come a eux affiert. May it please you to ordain in this parliament that the chancellor of England now in office shall not grant any special assizes from now on, until the end of the next parliament; and that the special assizes granted before this time shall be held on the same days and in the same places where the county courts are held. And that as to triers of the array which is to be carried out for the special assize, if the array is challenged, the array shall be carried out and tried openly as in general assizes. And that neither the sheriffs nor the deputy sheriffs shall take anything at any time for appointing the panels, or for the appointing of a panel between party and party, either himself or through a middleman. And that the sheriffs and deputy sheriffs in office shall be sworn to uphold, carry out and execute all the points contained in this said article, as appropriate.
91. Item, ordeine soit et assentuz, qe toutes les suisditz articles, et les contenuz en ycelles, en la fourme et par manere come ils sount declarez, estoisent et teignent lour force et effect, de commencement de cest present parlement jusqes au fin du proschein parlement tant soulement. 91. Also, it was ordained and agreed that all the aforesaid articles and the contents of the same, in the style and manner in which they were pronounced, should come into force and effect from the beginning of this present parliament only until the end of the next parliament.
Et fait a remembrer, qe les < douns et grantes faitz a les > persones excepts paramont en le sisme article puis le [col. b] primere jour de cest parlement, s'ensuent, c'est assavoir: And be it remembered that the gifts and grants made to the persons who are excepted above in the sixth article since the [col. b] first day of this parliament follow here, namely:
Pur l'evesqe de Duresme. [On behalf of the bishop of Durham].
92. Rex, omnibus ad quos etc. salutem. Licet nos, vicesimo die Marcii proximo preterito, per literas nostras patentes commiserimus carissimo filio nostro Johanni de Lancastre custodiam omnium temporalium episcopatus Deniolm', vacantis per mortem Walteri nuper episcopi ejusdem loci, in manu nostra existencium, habendum, una cum exitibus inde a tempore mortis prefati episcopi perceptis, quamdiu temporalia illa in manu nostra occasione predicta contingerent remanere; ita quod de exitibus et proficuis inde provenientibus nobis responderet ad scaccarium nostrum, prout in literis predictis plenius continetur. Nos tamen considerantes, qualiter carissimo clerico nostro Thome Longley de ecclesia predicta in curia Romana est provisum, ut accepimus; < et volentes > proinde, ob Dei reverenciam, ac sinceram et specialem affeccionem quam ad prefatum Thomam [habemus] , suis multimodis exigentibus meritis, ne temporalia vel alie possessiones dicti episcopatus, quousque eadem temporalia et possessiones sibi liberari faciamus, vasta vel detrimenta aliqua paciantur, in quantum possumus providere; de gratia nostra speciali, ex certa sciencia, et proprio motu nostro, ac de assensu consilii nostri, necnon pro sexcentis libris quas predictus Thomas nobis in camera nostra solvit, dedimus et concessimus dilecto et fideli nostro Radulpho de Euer, et Petro de la Hay, custodiam omnium temporalium predictorum, cum suis pertinentiis, habendam ad usum et proficuum predicti Thome, una cum omnibus exitibus, proficuis, et commoditatibus quibuscumque, de predictis temporalibus quovismodo provenientibus a tempore mortis prefati nuper episcopi, quamdiu temporalia illa in manu nostra ex causa predicta contigerent remanere, absque aliquo nobis ultra summam predictam inde reddendo sive solvendo, seu aliquo compoto et ratiocinio inde reddendo. Volentes ulterius et concedentes, quod prefatus filius noster de custodia predicta, ac omni compoto et ratiocinio nobis inde reddendo, a toto tempore quo sic custodiam illam habuit, erga nos penitus exoneretur, et sit quietus, ex causa supradicta. In cujus etc. Teste rege apud Westm', primo die Julii. 92. On behalf of the bishop of Durham: The king, to all whom etc. greetings. Whereas we, on 20 March last, by our letters patent granted to our beloved son John of Lancaster custody of all the temporalities of the bishopric of Durham, vacant on account of the death of Walter formerly bishop of that same place and thus in our hands, to be held together with the profits received from the time of the death of the aforesaid bishop, for as long as these temporalities happened to remain in our hands for the aforesaid reason; so that for the issues and profits thus arising he should answer to us at our treasury, as is more fully stated in the aforesaid letters. We, however, considering that our beloved clerk Thomas Langley was provided in the Roman curia with the aforesaid church, as we have accepted; and wishing therefore, out of reverence for God and the sincere and special affection which we have for the aforementioned Thomas, on account of his many merits, to provide for him as far as we are able, lest the temporalities or other possessions of the said see should suffer any waste or loss before the time when we deliver the same temporalities and possessions to him; by our special grace, out of certain knowledge and of our own accord, and with the consent of our council, and also in return for the £600 which the aforesaid Thomas has paid to us in our chamber, we grant and concede to our beloved and faithful Ralph of Euer and Peter de la Hay custody of all the aforesaid temporalities, with all their appurtenances, to be held to the use and profit of the aforesaid Thomas, together with all the issues, profits and commodities of any kind arising in any way from the aforesaid temporalities from the time of the death of the aforesaid former bishop, for as long as those temporalities happen to remain in our hands for the aforesaid reason, without any further such sum as above being given or paid to us, or any other account or reckoning being rendered. Wishing furthermore and conceding that our aforementioned son, from the aforesaid custody and the rendering of all accounts and reckonings to us, for all the time that he has had this custody, is completely exonerated towards us, and released, for the aforesaid reason. In testimony of which etc. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 1 July.
Pur l'evesqe de Londres. [On behalf of the bishop of London].
93. Rex, omnibus ad quos etc, salutem. Sciatis, quod cum dominus Edward quondam rex Anglie, progenitor noster, per literas suas nuper concesserit, pro se et heredibus suis, quod tunc decanus et [capitulum] ecclesie cathedralis Sancti Pauli London', et eorum successores, in singulis vacacionibus episcopatus < loci illius, > quociens videlicet ipsum episcopatum extunc vacare contingeret, haberent et tenerent custodiam episcopatus illius, et omnium temporalium ejusdem, cum rebus et bonis ad episcopatum predictum qualitercumque spectantibus, adeo plene et integre sicut episcopi loci illius eundem episcopatum et temporalia ejusdem, cum omnibus rebus et bonis ad eadem pertinentibus, sede plena aliquibus tunc retroactis temporibus habere et tenere consueverunt, vel idem progenitor noster, aut heredes sui, custodiam illam cum omnibus rebus et bonis predictis temporibus vacacionum illarum habere posset, vel deberet, si in manu nostra retenta fuissent; reddendo sibi et heredibus suis pro qualibet vacacione episcopatus illius, si per unum annum integrum duraret, mille libras, ad quas idem episcopatus taxatur annuatim; et si vaccacio episcopatus predicti duraret ultra unum annum, tunc decanus et capitulum ecclesie illius, pro rata temporis quo vacacio illa ultra annum duraverit, de predictis mille libris plus solvant; et si minore tempore duraret quam per unum annum, tunc pro rata temporis illius de predictis mille libris minus solvant, prout in literis predictis plenius continetur. Nos de gratia nostra speciali, ex certa sciencia, et proprio motu nostris, dedimus et concessimus carissimo fratri nostro Henrico episcopo Wynton', ac dilecto clerico nostro Thome Longleye, cancellario Anglie, Nicholo [p. iii-590][col. a] Bradshawe, Armigero et Thome Shelford, clerico, quicquid ad nos pertinet de dicta summa mille librarum, seu de rata ejusdem, a festo Sancti Johannis Baptiste ultimo preterito, quamdiu presens vacacio episcopatus predicti duraverit. Habendum et percipiendum per manus nunc decani et capituli ejusdem ecclesie, ad usum, opus et proficuum dilecti clerici nostri Nicholi Bubbewythe, in episcopum loci predicti electi, de dono nostro. Volentes ulterius et concedentes, quod iidem nunc decanus et capitulum, qui custodiam predictam vigore concessionis prefati progenitoris nostri in presenti vacacione ejusdem ecclesie habent, prefatis episcopo Wynton', Thome, Nicholo et Thome, omne id quod ad nos pertinet, aut pertinere debet, de dicta summa mille librarum, aut de rata ejusdem, a dicto festo Sancti Johannis, quamdiu presens vacacio episcopatus predicti duraverit, ad opus et proficuum predicta a tempore in tempus liberent et persolvant. Quodque prefati nunc decanus et capitulum de dicta summa mille librarum annuarum, et de quacumque rata ejusdem, quas prefatis episcopo Wynton', Thome, Nicholo Bradshawe, et Thome, a dicto festo Sancti Johannis sic solvent, ab eodem Sancti Johannis quamdiu durante presenti vacacione ecclesie predicte prefati decanus et capitulum dictam custodiam habuerint, exnunc erga nos et heredes nostros ad scaccarium nostrum, seu alibi, exonerentur et acquietentur. In cujus etc. Teste rege apud Westm', .xxviij. die Junii, anno septimo. 93. On behalf of the bishop of London: The king, to all whom etc, greetings. Be it known that the Lord Edward, formerly king of England, our progenitor, once conceded by his letters, on behalf of himself and his heirs, that the then dean and chapter of the aforesaid cathedral church of St Paul's of London, and their successors, during all vacancies of the bishopric in that place, namely as many times as that bishopric should happen to fall vacant, should have and receive custody of that bishopric and all the temporalities of the same, with all items and possessions connected in any way with the aforesaid bishopric, as fully and completely as the bishops of that place were accustomed to have and hold the same bishopric and its temporalities, with all items and possessions pertaining to the same, when the see was occupied in past times, or as our same progenitor or his heirs held or could have held custody of the same with all the aforesaid items and possessions during times of vacancy, if it had been retained in our hand; paying to him and his heirs during each vacancy of that bishopric, if it lasted for one whole year, £1,000, at which sum the same bishopric would be taxed annually; and if the vacancy of the aforesaid bishopric lasted longer than one year, then the dean and chapter of this church would pay a percentage of a further £1,000 pro rata for the amount of time by which this vacancy exceeded a year; and if it lasted less than a year, then they would pay pro rata less than £1,000 for this time; as is more fully detailed in the aforesaid letters. We of our special grace, out of firm knowledge and of our own accord, grant and concede to our beloved brother Henry, bishop of Winchester, and our beloved clerk Thomas Langley, chancellor of England, and to Nicholas [p. iii-590][col. a] Bradshaw, esquire, and Thomas Skelford, clerk, whatever pertains to us from the said sum of £1,000, or the percentage of it, from the feast of St John the Baptist last [24 June 1406], for as long as the present vacancy of the aforesaid bishopric lasts; to be taken and received from the dean and chapter of the same church to the use, benefit and profit of our beloved clerk Nicholas Bubwith, elected to be bishop of the aforesaid place, by our gift. Wishing furthermore and conceding, that the same present dean and chapter, who have custody at the moment during the current vacancy of this church by virtue of the firm concession of our aforementioned progenitor, deliver and pay to the aforesaid bishop of Winchester, Thomas, Nicholas and Thomas, from time to time, all that which pertains to us, or ought to pertain to us, of the said sum of £1,000, or of the proportion of the same, from the said feast of St John, for as long as the present vacancy of the aforesaid bishopric lasts, to the use and benefit of the aforesaid. And that the aforesaid present dean and chapter shall now be exonerated and acquitted towards us and our heirs at the aforesaid treasury or elsewhere from the said annual sum of £1,000, and from the percentage of the same, which they thus pay to the aforesaid bishop of Winchester, Thomas, Nicholas Bradshaw, and Thomas, from the said feast of St John, for as long as the said dean and chapter have the custody, while the current vacancy of the aforesaid church continues. In testimony of which etc. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 28 June, in the seventh year [1406].
Per ipsum regem. By the king himself.
[memb. 9]
Pur le duc d'Everwyk. [On behalf of the duke of York].
94. Item, Edward duc d'Everwyk ad, du grant du roy, les terres en Glomorgan en Gales, queux Custance dame la Despencer tenoit a ferme du roy, paiant [cccli.] ; quel ferme des cccli. suisditz le dit duc achata du roy nostre seignour, par advys de soun counseil, l'an de soun regne quart, come piert de record par les lettres patentes de nostre seignour le roy a dit duc sur ceo faites. Et auxi, pur tant q'il est aderer, et delaie des sommes par les lettres patentes du roy au dit duc assignez en les portes de Kyngeston' sur Hull, Boteston', et Lynne, par les custumers q'ont este en les ditz portes, ait le dit duc assignement suffisant en les portes de Londres et Suthampton', de tant [come] a luy serra trove due et a derer des ditz assignementz par patent, solonc l'accompt des ditz custumers; et ceo par garant ent affaire soubz le prive seal au tresorer d'Engleterre; considerant qe nostre dit seignour le roy l'ad grante solonc droit et bone foie, en descharge du dit duc envers ses souldeours, as queux il est estroitement obligez. 94. On behalf of the duke of York. Also, Edward duke of York holds, by grant of the king, lands in Glamorgan in Wales, which Constance Lady Despencer held at farm from the king, paying £300; which aforesaid farm of £300 the said duke bought from the king our lord, with the advice of his council, in the fourth year of his reign, as appears on record in the letters patent of our lord the king made on this matter for the said duke. And also, because the sums assigned to the duke by the king's letters patent in the ports of Kingston upon Hull, Boston, and King's Lynn are in arrears and have been delayed by the customs officers in office in the said ports, let the said duke receive an adequate assignment in the ports of London and Southampton for as much as shall be found to be owing to him and in arrears from the said assignments by letters patent, in accordance with the account of the said customs officers; and this by warrant to be made on this under the privy seal of the treasurer of England; considering that our said lord the king granted it in accordance with right and good faith, in discharge of what the said duke owed his soldiers, to whom he was strictly obliged.
Pur le count de Somersete. [On behalf of the earl of Somerset].
95. Item, la garde des diverses manoirs, terres et tenementz qe furent a le seignour Fitz Walter, esteantz en les mains du roy nostre seignour par cause del meindre age le fitz et heir de le dit seignour Fitz Walter, ensemblement ove la mariage de mesme le heir, sont grantez a cont de Somers', come par les lettres patentes ent faites, et enrollez en la chauncellarie, y purra apparoir. 95. On behalf of the earl of Somerset. Also, the wardship of various manors, lands and tenements which belonged to Lord FitzWalter, which were in the hands of the king our lord because of the minority of the son and heir of the said Lord FitzWalter, together with the marriage of the same heir, were granted to the earl of Somerset, as can be seen from the letters patent made on this and enrolled in the chancery.
Pur la duchesse d'Irland', et le cont d'Oxenford'. [Agreement between the duchess of Ireland and the earl of Oxford].
96. Item, pur bien du pees et bone concorde faire parentre Phelipp duchesse d'Irland', et Richard count d'Oxenford', diverses patentes furent faites as ditz duchesse et count, des diverses seignouries, manoirs, terres et tenementz severalment, par advys du roy et des seignours et communes en parlement, come par les ditz lettres patentes et l'enrollement d'icelles en la chauncellarie y purra apparoir. (fn. iii-567-397-1) 96. Concerning the duchess of Ireland and the earl of Oxford. Also, out of a desire for peace and concord between Philippa, duchess of Ireland, and Richard, earl of Oxford, various patents were issued to the said duchess and earl concerning several individual lordships, manors, lands and tenements, with the advice of the king and the lords and commons in parliament, as can be seen from the said letters patent and the enrolment of the same in the chancery. (fn. iii-567-397-1)
Pur Richard sire de Grey. [On behalf of Richard Lord Grey].
97. Item, le chastel de Keventhliz, et les seignouries et manoirs, terres, [...] tenementz, rentz, services et autres possessions, ove toutz leur appurtenauntz de Wertheromon', [col. b] Raidre, < Comtoythur, Mellenyth', > Pilluth', Knyghton', et Knokelace, es marches de Gales; ensemblement ove toutz les regalies, fees, advowesons, gardes, mariages, eschetes, forsfaitures, libertees, fraunchises, custumes, jurisdictions et autres profitz et commoditees et emolumentz queconqes, as ditz chastel, seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, services et autres possessions queconqes, sont grantez par nostre seignour le roy a Richard seignour de Grey, a avoir a dit Richard, tanqe come les ditz chastel, seignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rents, services et autres possessiones suisditz, ove leur appurtenauntz, serront es mains mesme nostre seignour le roy a cause del noun-age Esmond fitz et heir Roger nadgairs cont de la marche, come par les lettres patentes ent faites, et enrollez en la chauncellerie, y purra apparoir. 97. On behalf of Richard Lord Grey. Also, the castle of Cenllys and the lordships and manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and other possessions, with all their appurtenances of Gwrtheyrnion, [col. b] Rhaiadr, Cwmtoyddur, Maelienydd, Pilleth, Knighton and Knucklas, in the marches of Wales; together with all the regalia, fees, advowsons, wardships, marriages, escheats, forfeitures, liberties, franchises, customs, jurisdictions and other profits, commodities and emoluments of any kind pertaining to the said castle, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and other possessions of any kind, were granted by our lord the king to Richard Lord Grey, for the said Richard to have while the said castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and other aforesaid possessions, with their appurtenances, are in the hands of our same lord the king because of the minority of Edmund, son and heir of Roger, formerly earl of March, as may be seen in the letters patent made on this and enrolled in the chancery..
Item, le dit Richard seignour de Grey ad, du grant nostre dit seignour le roy, les garde et mariage du corps et des terres del fitz et heir Johan Brightley, del counte de Devon'; a avoir a dit Richard, solonc les forme et effect des lettres patentes a luy ent faites, et enrollez en la chancellerie. Also, the said Richard Lord Grey has, by grant of our said lord the king, the wardship and marriage of the person and lands of the son and heir of John Brightley of the county of Devon; for the said Richard to have, in accordance with the form and tenor of the letters patent made to him on this and enrolled in the chancery.
Pur Roger Dencourt. [On behalf of Roger Deyncourt].
98. Item, Roger Dencourt ad, du grant nostre seignour le roy, a terme de vie, .xl. marcz par lees et cancellement de les lettres patentes de Richard Stanhop', chivaler, a prendre annuelment par les mains du viscont du counte de Notyngham. 98. On behalf of Roger Deyncourt. Also, Roger Deyncourt has, by grant of our lord the king, for the term of life, forty marks by lease and cancellation of the letters patent of Richard Stanhope, knight, to be received annually from the hands of the sheriff of the county of Nottingham.
Pur David Holbache. [On behalf of David Holbache].
99. Item, David Holbache, de l'advis et assent du roy et des seignours et comunes en parlement, ad lettres patentes del modificacioun et declaracioun del estatuit fait l'an secunde nostre dit seignour le roy, q'il et ses heirs et issues purront estre si francz et ables come autres loialx lieges Englois nostre dit seignour le roy, et d'estre officer et du counseil de chescun seignour, et de purchacer terres, tenementz, rents et possessions deins le roialme d'Engleterre, sibien deins villes Engloises come dehors, et toutz autres choses faire come autres lieges nostre dit seignour le roy font, ou ferront, come par les dites lettres patentes ent faites, et enrollez en la chauncellerie, y purra apparoir. (fn. iii-567-408-1) 99. On behalf of David Holbache. Also, David Holbache, by the advice and assent of the king and the lords and commons in parliament, has letters patent for the modification and declaration of the statute made in the second year of our said lord the king, that he and his heirs and issue might be as free and as able as other loyal English lieges of our said lord the king, and to be an officer and member of the council of any lord, and to purchase lands, tenements, rents and possessions within the kingdom of England, both within English towns and outside them, and do all the other things that other lieges of our said lord the king do or may do, as is made clear in the said letters patent made on this and enrolled in the chancery. (fn. iii-567-408-1)
Pur Richard Gabriel, clerc. [On behalf of Richard Gabriel, clerk].
100. Item, Richard Gabriel, clerc, ad, du grant nostre dit seignour le roy, certeines mees, terres et tenementz en la paroche de Ipplepenne, et en la ville de Chellesword auterement dit Chollesworthy, en counte de Devenshire, esteantz es mains mesme nostre seignour le roy par certeines causes; a avoir a dit Richard pur terme de sa vie, tanqe a la value de xlvi s. viij d. par an, s'ils par tant de temps remeindrent es mains de mesme nostre seignour le roy; sicome par les lettres patentes ent faites, et enrollez en la chauncellarie, y purra apparoir. 100. On behalf of Richard Gabriel, clerk. Also, Richard Gabriel, clerk, has, by grant of our said lord the king, certain holdings, lands and tenements in the parishof Ipplepen and in the town of Chilsworthy otherwise called Chollesworthy, in the county of Devon, which are in the hands of our same lord the king for certain reasons; for the said Richard to have for the term of his life, up to a value of 46s. 8d. a year, if they remain in the hands of our same lord the king for this long; as can be seen in the letters patent made on this, and enrolled in the chancery.
Pur Alexander de Lound', chivaler. [On behalf of Alexander of London, knight].
101. Item, Alexander de Lound', chivaler, ad, du grant nostre seignour le roy, la garde de toutz les terres et tenementz qe furent a Thomas Dayvell', de South-Cave, et furent tenuz del count mareschal par service du chivaler, esteantz en les mayns nostre dit seignour le roy par l'encheasoun de l'insurreccioun du dit count, et par reason de meindre age de Johan Dayvell', frer et heir a dit Thomas; a avoir a dit Alexander durant la meindre age du dit Johan, tanqe a la value de .xx. marcz par an, ensemblement ove la mariage de mesme l'eir; come par les lettres patentes ent faites a dit Alexander, del date de .xviij. jour de Novembre, y purra pluis pleinement apparoir. 101. On behalf of Alexander of London, knight. Also, Alexander of London, knight, has, by grant of our lord the king, the keeping of all the lands and tenements which belonged to Thomas Dayvell of South-Cave, and were held of the earl marshal by knight service, which are in the hands of our said lord the king by reason of the insurrection of the said earl, and by reason of the minority of John Dayvell, brother and heir of the said Thomas; for the said Alexander to have during the minority of the said John, up to a value of twenty marks a year, together with the marriage of the same heir; as the letters patent made on this for the said Alexander, dated 18 November, clearly show.
[p. iii-591]
[col. a]
Pur Robert Frye et autres. [On behalf of Robert Fry and others; and on behalf of John Tiptoft].
102. Item, nostre dit seignour le roy pardona a Robert Frye, William Frye et Annes qe feust la femme de Thomas Ralegh, xvijli. iij s. v d., currantz sur eux en demande a l'escheqer, des arrerages des issues et profitz des terres et tenementz qe furent a dit Thomas, nadgairs seisez es mains du roy Richard par la mort de mesme celuy Thomas, et par reasoun de meindre age du fitz et heir du dit Thomas, et commys par patent as ditz Robert, William et Annes; come par les lettres patentes du pardon ent faites y purra pluis pleinement apparoir. 102. On behalf of Robert Fry and others. Also, our said lord the king pardoned Robert Fry, William Fry, and Ann who was the wife of Thomas Ralegh, £17 3s. 5d. which was outstanding against them in the treasury in the form of arrears of issues and profits on the lands and tenements which had belonged to the said Thomas, formerly seized into the hands of King Richard on the death of the same Thomas, and because of the minority of the son and heir of the said Thomas, and committed by patent to the said Robert, William and Ann; as is more fully apparent from the letters patent concerning the pardon made for this:
103. Rex, omnibus ad quos etc, salutem. Sciatis, quod de gratia nostra speciali, et de assensu consilii nostri, dedimus et concessimus dilecto et fideli nostro Johanni Tiptoft, chivalerus, omnia dominia, maneria, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia, cum pertinenciis, que fuerunt Resi app Griffithe app Llewellyn Voethus, in comitatibus de Karmerden et Cardican, et alibi infra principatum Suthwall', que occasione adhesionis dicti Resi Owyno Glendordi rebelli et proditori nostro nobis forisfacta existunt. Dedimus etiam et concessimus eidem Johanni officium custodis foreste nostre de Wabrigge et Sapeley in comitatu Hunt'. Habendo et tenendo tam dicta dominia, maneria, terras, tenementa, redditus, et servitia, cum pertinentiis, una cum omnibus libertatibus, < franchisiis, > et possessionibus quibuscumque ad eadem dominia, maneria, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia, qualitercumque pertinentibus sive spectantibus, quam dictum officium, cum vadiis, feodis et proficuis ad idem officium spectantibus sive pertinentibus, prefato Johanni, heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum; absque aliquo nobis seu heredibus nostris inde reddendo, eo quod de valore annuo rerum predictarum mencio per prefatum Johannem facta non existat, seu eo quod predictus Johannes habet ex concessione nostra centum marcas per annum de exitibus comitatus Cantebr'; terras, tenementa et boscos in comitatu Leyc' ad valorem viginti marcarum per annum; viginti libras per annum de firma et exitibus comitatus Norwici; ac unum dolium vini per annum in portu ville Gippewici, ad terminum vite ipsius [col. b] Johannis; necnon bona, catalla et debita ad valenciam centum et quinquaginta librarum, que fuerunt Petri Fryswyk, carpenter nobis, eo quod exigende de felonia versus ipsum Petrum adjudicate fuerunt, forisfacta existunt, non obstante. In cujus etc. Teste rege apud Westm', .vij. die Decembris, anno octavo. 103. The king, to all whom etc, greetings: Be it known that by our special grace, and by the assent of our council, we granted and conceded to our beloved and faithful John Tiptoft, knight, all the lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents and services, with appurtenances, which belonged to Rhys ap Griffith ap Llewellyn Voethus in the counties of Carmarthen and Cardigan, and elsewhere within the principality of South Wales, which were forfeited to us on the occasion of the adherence of the said Rhys to the cause of Owen Glendower, rebel and traitor against us. Furthermore, we granted and conceded to the same John the office of custodian of our forests of Waybridge and Sapley in the county of Huntingdon; to have and to hold both the said lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents and services, with appurtenances, together with all the liberties, franchises and possessions of any kind in any way associated with or pertaining to the same lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents and services, and the said office, with the wages, fees and profits connected with or pertaining to this same office; to the aforesaid John, his heirs and assignees forever, without rendering anything for them to us or our heirs; regardless of the fact that no mention was made of the annual value of the aforesaid things by the aforesaid John, or the fact that the aforesaid John had by our grant one hundred marks a year from the issues of the county of Cambridgeshire; lands, tenements and woods in the county of Leicester to the value of twenty marks a year; twenty pounds a year from the farm and issues of the county of Norwich; and one tun of wine a year in the port of Ipswich, until the end of this John's life; [col. b] and also goods, chattels and debts to a value of £150 which belonged to Peter Friswick, our carpenter, forfeited because exigent for felony was adjudged against this Peter. In testimony of which etc. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 7 December, in the eighth year.
Per ipsum regem et consilium in parliamento. By this same king and council in parliament.
Pur Monsire Johan Tiptoft. On behalf of Sir John Tiptoft.
Rex, omnibus ad quos etc. salutem. Sciatis, quod [de] gratia nostra speciali, et de assensu consilii nostri, concessimus dilecto et fideli nostro Johanni Tiptoft, chivalerus, omnia bona, catalla et debita, ad valenciam centum et quinquaginta librarum, que fuerunt Petri Friswyk, carpenter, octavo die Februarii, anno regni nostri quinto, et que nobis forisfacta existunt pro eo quod eodem octavo die exigende de felonia versus eundem Petrum adjudicate fuerunt: habenda de dono nostro absque aliquo nobis inde solvendo, eo quod idem Johannes habet ex concessione nostra omnia dominia, maneria, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia, cum pertinenenciis, que fuerunt Resi app Griffithe app Llewellyn Voethus, in comitatibus Karmerden et Cardican, et alibi infra principatum Suthwall', cum pertinenciis, que occasione adhesionis dicti Resi Owyno Glendordi rebelli et proditori nobis forisfacta existunt: et officium custodis foreste nostre de Wabrigge et Sapeley in comitatu Hunt', cum vadiis, feodis et proficuis ad idem officium spectantibus, sibi, heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum, absque aliquo nobis inde reddendo; seu eo quod de valore annuo dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum, tenementorum, reddituum, servitiorum et officii predictorum mencio per prefatum Johannem facta non existit; aut eo quod predictus Johannes habet ex concessione nostra centum marcas per annum de exitibus comitatu Cantebr'; ac terras, tenementa et boscos in comitatu Leyc' ad valorem viginti marcarum per annum; viginti libras per annum de firma et exitibus comitatu Norwici; ac unum dolium vini per annum in portu ville Gippewici, ad terminum vite ipsius Johannis, non obstante. In cujus etc. Teste rege apud Westm', .viij. die Decembris, anno octavo. The king, to all whom etc. greeting. Know that of our special grace, and by the assent of our council, we granted to our beloved and faithful John Tiptoft, knight, on 8 February in the fifth year of our reign [1404], all the goods, chattels and debts, to a value of £150, which had belonged to Peter Friswick, carpenter, and which were forfeited to us because on the same day of the eighth, exigent for felony was adjudged against the same Peter: to be held of our gift without anything else being paid to us; in addition to which the same John had by our grant all the lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents and services, with appurtenances, which had belonged to Rhys ap Griffith ap Llewellyn Voethus in the counties of Carmarthen and Cardigan and elsewhere within the principality of South Wales, with their appurtenances, which were forfeited to us on the occasion of the adherence of the said Rhys to the cause of Owen Glendower, rebel and traitor against us: and the office of custodian of our forests of Waybridge and Sapley in the county of Huntingdon, with the wages, fees and profits connected with the same office, for himself, his heirs and his assignees, forever, without paying anything to us; regardless of the fact that no mention was made of the annual value of the lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and aforesaid offices by the aforementioned John; or that the aforesaid John has by our grant one hundred marks a year from the issues of the county of Cambridgeshire; and lands, tenements and woods in the county of Leicester to a value of twenty marks a year; twenty pounds a year from the farms and issues of the county of Norwich; and one tun of wine a year from the port of Ipswich, until the end of this John's life. In testimony of which etc. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 8 December, in the eighth year.
[memb. 8]
Per ipsum regem et consilium in parliamento. By this same king and council in parliament.
[col. a]
104. Libertes et franchises. 104. [Liberties and franchises].
Primerement, qe seinte esglise eit toutz ses libertees et fraunchises, et qe toutz les seignours espirituelx et temporelx, et toutz les citees, burghes, et villes enfraunchisez, eient et enjoient toutz lour libertees et fraunchises, queux ils ount du graunt de voz nobles progenitours rois d'Engleterre, et de confirmacion de vous, et de vostre graunt demesne, et qe la graunt chartre, et la chartre de la foreste, et toutz les ordeinances et estatutz faitz en vostre temps demesne, et en temps de voz ditz progenitours, nient repellez, soient fermement tenuz, gardez et duement executz en toutz pointz. Et qe la paix deinz vostre roiaume soit tenuz et gardez, issint qe toutz voz loialx lieges et subgitz purront desore sauvement et pesiblement aler, venir et demurer, solonc les loies et usages de vostre roiaume avauntdit: et qe bone justice et ouel droit soit fait a chescuny. Liberties and franchises. Firstly, that holy church shall have and enjoy all its liberties and franchises, and that all the lords spiritual and temporal, and all the cities, boroughs and enfranchised towns shall have and enjoy all the liberties and franchises which they have by grant of your noble progenitors the kings of England, and with your confirmation and by your own grant; and that the Great Charter, and the charter of the forest, and all the ordinances and statutes made in your own time and in the time of your said progenitors, and not repealed, shall be firmly upheld, preserved and duly executed in all points. And that peace within your kingdom shall be upheld and preserved, so that all your loyal lieges and subjects may henceforth come and go and dwell freely and peaceably in accordance with the laws and usages of your aforesaid kingdom; and that good and impartial justice and right shall be done to everyone.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet, sauvant ses regalie et prerogatif. (fn. iii-567-434-1) The king wills it, saving his royal rights and prerogative. (fn. iii-567-434-1)
[col. b]
Laborers. [Tithes on slates and stones].
105. Item, supplient les communes, qe come y sont plusours laborers preignantz et treyhantz ove lour dure labour peers et sclattes hors de diverses querrers en diverses countees deinz le roiaume, pur certeine value sicome ils purront accorder ove le seignour de la soyl, et sont plusours persones et vicairs des esglises parochielx claymantz a tort d'aver dismes de les peers et sclattes suisditz, c'est assavoir chescun disme pere et sclatt, maliciousement pursuont, et ount longement pursuez les ditz laborers en grevouses maneres, sez importables coustages et vexacions, par diverses citations et censures de seinte esglise, al entent de lour constreindre et enforcer par tieux oppressions et vexacions de paier les ditz dismes, a tort, et encountre la ley, et subvercioun de les loies et usages et custumes dount memorie ne coert. 105. Labourers. Also, the commons pray that, whereas there are many labourers taking great pains to remove and drag stone and slates from various quarries in various counties of the kingdom, for whatever price they can agree with the owner of the land, and there are many parsons and vicars of parochial churches who wrongly claim tithes on the aforesaid stones and slates, namely on every tenth stone and slate, who maliciously pursue and have for a long time pursued the said labourers in injurious ways, demanding intolerable costs and harassing them with numerous citations and censures of holy church, with the intention of constraining them and forcing them through such oppression and harassment to pay the said tithes, wrongly, and contrary to the law, and in subversion of immemorial laws, usages and customs.
Que plese a vostre hautesse considerer la overt subvercioun des loies en ce faite, et surce ordeiner, qe toutz maneres de [p. iii-592][col. a] piers et sclatt soit quite de toutz maneres dismes parmy le roiaume. Et qe chescun homme qi voudra suir, eit prohibicioun de ceste matire, sibien pur temps passe come pur temps advenir, en la chauncellerie nostre seignour le roy. Et qe nulle consultacioun ent soit graunte celle partie. Et si ascun juggement soit rendu en court Cristien, qe soit revoke et repelle en cest present parlement. May it please your highness to consider the blatant subversion of the laws which is thus occurring, and to ordain on this that all kinds of [p. iii-592][col. a] stones and slates shall be quit from all manner of tithes throughout the realm. And that any man who wishes to sue shall have a prohibition in this matter, both for time past and for time to come, in the chancery of our lord the king. And that no consultation shall be granted in this matter. And if any judgment is rendered in a court Christian, that it shall be revoked and repealed in this present parliament.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit tiele disme paiez en lieu ou il ad este usez; et en autre lieu ou il n'ad este use, tiegne cel lieu leur usage acustume. Let such tithes be paid in places where it has been customary. In places where it has not been customary, let these places adhere to their normal procedure.
Communes de countees d'Essex et Hertford, etc. [Sheriffs' farms of the counties].
106. Item, priont les communes de les countees d'Essex', Hertford, Suff', Norff', Surr' et Sussex', et d'autres countees de roiaume, qe come nostre tresgracious et soveraigne seignour le roy, a soun parlement tenuz a Westm' l'an de soun regne primere, a la comune peticion de la comune du roiaume en ycelle, considerant, coment sibien les viscountz du dit counte d'Essex' et Hertf', come autres viscountes dedeins le roiaume, furent chargiez ove l'anxien ferme de mesmes les countees, la ou graunt parcelle des profites d'icelle furent donez diversement as seignours et autres lieges du roy, issint qe mesmes les viscountes ne purront paier lour ferme saunz graunt extorsioun faire en lour ditz countees: et auxint considerant, qe les gentz del counte d'Essex' et Hertf' paierent a Richard nadgairs roy d'Engleterre .mm. marcz pur la dite cause: nostre dit tresgracious seignour le roy ottroiant a lour dite peticione, et pur les causes suisditz, de l'advys et assent des seignours et communes suisditz, ordeina et establist, qe deslors enavaunt les viscountes des countees d'Essex et Hertf' en especial, et les viscountz des autres countees duissent accomptir a soun escheqer, et avoir allouance par lour serement de les issues des ditz countees: (fn. iii-567-444-1) nient obstant quel estatut et ordeinance, les viscountz des ditz countees d'Essex' et Hertf', et les viscountz d'autres countees, sont chargiez d'an en an en le dit escheqer del anxien ferme de lour countees, aucun foitz en .cc. marcz, et aucun foitz en pluis, queux sommes ne purront [sic: read 'poont'] estre levez de droit en lour ditz countees saunz extorcioun, a graunt empoverissement del estate des ditz viscountz pur le temps esteantz, et de lour successours en temps advenir, qe serront viscountz en les countees avauntditz. Pleise mettre le dit estatut en oevere, issint qe les ditz viscountz et lour successours poient estre deschargiez sur lour accompt par lour serement, ascun difficulte ou cause qeconqe nonobstant. 106. The commons of the counties of Essex and Hertford, etc. Also, the prayer of the commons of the counties of Essex, Hertford, Suffolk, Norfolk, Surrey and Sussex, and of other counties of the realm: whereas our most gracious and sovereign lord the king, at his parliament held at Westminster in the first year of his reign [1399], at the common petition of the commons of the kingdom attending the same, considering that not only the sheriffs of the counties of Essex and Hertford, but also other sheriffs within the kingdom, had been charged with the ancient farm of the same counties, whereas a great proportion of the profits of the same had been given variously to lords and other lieges of the king, so that the same sheriffs could not pay their farm without carrying out great extortion in their said counties: and also considering that the people of the counties of Essex and Hertford paid to Richard, formerly king of England, 2,000 marks for the said cause: our said most gracious lord the king granted their said petition, and for the aforesaid reasons, with the advice and consent of the aforesaid lords and commons, ordained and established that henceforth the sheriffs of the counties of Essex and Hertford in particular, and the sheriffs of other counties, would account at his exchequer, and have allowance on their oath for the issues of the said counties: (fn. iii-567-444-1) yet, notwithstanding this statute and ordinance, the sheriffs of the said counties of Essex and Hertford, and the sheriffs of other counties, are charged from year to year in the said exchequer with the ancient farm for their counties, sometimes 200 marks, and sometimes more, which sums they are incapable of levying in their said counties without extortion, to the great impoverishment of the estate of the said sheriffs now in office and their successors in the future, those who will be sheriffs in the aforesaid counties. May it please you to put this statute into effect, so that the said sheriffs and their successors may be discharged on their account by their oath, notwithstanding any difficulty or reason.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet bien qe l'estatut ent fait soit gardez et mys en fait. Et purce q'il semble au roy et as seignours du parlement, eue de ceo l'advys des justices, et des barons del escheqer, qe combien qe l'estatut soit tenuz, nientmeyns ne doient les viscountz par leur serementz en leur accomptes abregger les auncienes fermes des countees, et ensi par force du dit estatut les viscounts de Hertford et Essex', et autres, ne ount [editorial note: 'ount' has been altered from 'fount'.] remediez. Le roy pur tant vuillant en ce cas purveoir de remedie, voet, de l'assent des seignours, qe ceux de soun graunt conseille aient poaire et auctoritee de parlement, de soy enfourmer parentre cy et le proschein parlement, des quels countees les viscounts ne purront en paier les fermes des issues des countees, et de surce faire a chescun viscont ou busoigne serra tiele mitigacioun et abreggement come serra rationable, par la discrecioun du dit counseille; eue sur ceo l'advys des justices et barons del escheqer suisditz. The king earnestly wishes that the statute made on this shall be preserved and put into practice. And because it appears to the king and lords in parliament, having had the advice of the justices on this, and of the barons of the exchequer, that although the statute should be upheld, nevertheless the sheriffs ought not by their oath on their account reduce the ancient farms of the counties; thus, by force of the said statute, the sheriffs of Hertford and Essex and others have not received a remedy. The king, therefore wishing to provide a remedy in this matter, desires, with the assent of the lords, that those of his great council shall have the power and authority of parliament to inform him between now and the next parliament of those counties for which the sheriffs are not able to pay the farms from the issues of the counties, and to allow each sheriff such mitigation as need be and whatever reduction seems reasonable, at the discretion of the said council; having had with regard to this the advice of the aforesaid justices and barons of the exchequer.
Purveyours. [Purveyors of the royal household].
107. Item, priont les communes, qe plese a vostre hautesse considerer, coment les achatours et purveiours pur vostre houstiel ont pris a vostre oeps, de an en an, et jour en jour, puis temps de vostre coronement tanqe en cea, de [col. b] les poveres lieges et communes des countees de Salop, Wyrcestre, Stafford, Warrewyk, Northampton', Bed', Bukyngham, Hereford' et Gloucestre, et d'autres countees de roiaume, boefs, vaches, berbitz, porkes, bestaille, bledz, littre et feyn, saunz paiementz faire accordant a l'estatutz ent faitz. Et les ditz poveres communes ount pursuez, et pursuont de jour en autre, a tresorer du dit hostiel, pur avoir paiement pur lour ditz vitaillez, et nulle paiement ils purront avoir forsqe stikkes, et tailles et billes, a outre < destruccioun > et anientissement de voz ditz povres communes, sicqe ils n'ount riens dount vivre, et sont devenuz mendinantz. Pleise a nostre seignour le roy d'ordeiner, qe paiement ent soit fait a voz ditz povres communes en vostre temps pur les vitailles avauntditz. 107. Purveyors. Also, the commons pray that it may please your highness to consider that the buyers and purveyors for your household have taken for your use, from year to year, and day to day, from the time of your coronation until now, from [col. b] the poor lieges and commons of the counties of Shropshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, and from other counties of the kingdom, oxen, cows, sheep, pigs, cattle, corn, straw and hay, without making payment in accordance with the statute made on this. And that the said poor commons have pursued and daily pursue the treasurer of the said household to have payment for their said victuals, and yet they can receive no payment except for tally sticks, tallies and bills, to the complete ruin and destruction of your said poor commons, to the extent that they have nothing on which to live and are left beggars. May it please our lord the king to ordain that payment shall be made to your said poor commons in your time for the aforesaid victuals.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy ad este toutdys, et unqore est, de bone volunte, qe paiement soit fait pur ses purveances; et en luy ne serra trove defaut en ce cas en temps advenir. Et outre ceo, le roy voet, qe toutz les estatutz faitz devaunt ces heures des purveours soient tenuz et gardez, et mys en execucioun. It always was and still is the wholehearted wish of the king that payment should be made for his purveyances, and fault shall not be found in him with regard to thisin the future. In addition, the king wills that all the statutes made in the past concerning purveyors shall be upheld and maintained, and put into practice.
Fynes et amerciementz, etc. [Estreats for fines and amercements, etc].
108. Item, priont les communes, qe come plusours gentz de roiaume perdont issues, fynes et amerciementz, en la court nostre seignour le roy a la suite d'ascune partie, et auxi issues et amerciementz en enquestes et jurres es queux ils sont empanelez parentre partie et partie en la court avauntdit; sur quoy les baillifs des viscountz et lour receivours, baillifs des fraunchises et lour receivours, qe quylont la vert cyre, levont les issues, fines et amerciamentz avauntditz, par estretes a eux maundez, et liverez hors de la place ou ils furont forfaitz, par obscures et dotifs paroles, contenantz la somme issint perduz, nient fesant mencioun par expresse parole de cause de la perde, ne del jour del terme, n'entre queux parties, ne la nature del brief es queux ils furont perduz; issint qe les ministres avauntditz levont la somme deux foitz, ou trois foitz, et aucun foitz la double somme contenue en leur estretes, a graundz grevances et empoverissement de voz ditz communes. 108. Fines and amercements, etc. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas many people of the kingdom lose issues, fines and amercements in the court of our lord the king at the suit of a certain party, and also issues and amercements in inquests and juries in which they have been empanelled between party and party in the said court; whereupon the bailiffs of sheriffs and their receivers, and the bailiffs of franchises and their receivers, who collect the green wax, levy the aforesaid by estreats sent to them, and sent out from the place where they were forfeit, in obscure and ambiguous words, containing the sums thus lost, not making any clear mention of the reason for the loss, or the day of the term, or between which parties, or of the nature of the writ in which they were lost; so that the aforesaid ministers levy the sum two or three times, and sometimes levy double the sum contained in their estreats, to the great grief and impoverishment of your said commons.
Que plese a vostre roial hautesse d'ordeigner par estatuit, qe les clercs des places hors des queux tieux estretes sont liverez soient jurrez, q'ils facent en lour estretes expresse mencioun en overtes paroles del an, jour et terme del temps, devaunt queux justices, entre queux parties, en quelle manere brief, et la overte cause pur qe tieux issues, fynes et amerciementz ferent forfaitz, al entent qe les ditz perdantz, qe soy sentent et entendent d'estre grevez, puissent avoir recours a les rolles et autres recordes en les places hors des queux tieles estretes isseront, de faire la serche d'icelles, issint q'ils puissent avoir remedie devers les ministres avauntditz de lour grevances et oppressions suisditz. Et qe le baillif, ou le receivour qi fait la cuillet, livere la copie del estrete a la partie perdant sur le paiement s'il le voet demaunder: et si le baillif, ou le receivour, refuse de liverer la copie del estrete avauntdite, qe la partie perdant soit dischargie tanqe la copie soit livere, come devaunt est dit, et le cuillour charge de la somme devers soun meistre pur sa lachesse. May it please your royal highness to ordain by statute that the clerks of the places from which such estreats are sent out shall swear that they shall make in their estreats express mention in plain words of the year, day and term, before which justices, between which parties, in what type of writ, and the clear reason for which such issues, fines and amercements have been forfeited, so that the said victims who feel and believe themselves to be aggrieved might have recourse to the rolls and other records in the places from which such estreats are issued, and carry out a search of the same, so that they might have remedy from the aforesaid ministers for their said grievances and oppressions. And that the bailiff, or the receiver who makes the collection, shall deliver the copy of the estreat to the aggrieved party upon payment, if he wishes to demand it: and if the bailiff or the receiver refuses to deliver the copy of the aforesaid estreat, that the aggrieved party shall be discharged until the copy is delivered, as said above, and the collector charged for the sum on behalf of his master, for his negligence.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe les justices et juges devaunt queux issues et amerciamentz sont et serront forfaitz en temps advenir, chargent les clercs des estretes, en les places en les queux les issues et amerciementz sont ou serront forfaitz, par lour serementz, de faire, et q'ils facent, les rolles des estretes des ditz issues et amerciementz distinctement, par expresse parole, del cause del perde, del terme, del an, et de la nature del brief, et parentre queux parties tiels issues et amerciementz sont ou serront perduz, sibien en la suite du roy, come en la suite de partie. Et qe l'estatut fait el temps du roy Edward tierce, [p. iii-593][col. a] l'an de soun regne .xlij., de coillet de vert cyre, soit tenuz et gardez en toutz pointz. (fn. iii-567-460-1) The king wills that the justices and judges before whom issues and amercements are and shall be forfeited in time to come shall charge the clerks of the estreats, in the places in which the issues and amercements are or shall be forfeited, by their oaths, to mention distinctly in plain words in the rolls of the estreats of the said issues and amercements the reason for the loss, the term of the year, the nature of the writ, and between which parties such issues and amercements are or shall be lost, both in the suit of the king, as well as in the suit of the party. And that the statute made in the time of Edward III, [p. iii-593][col. a] in the forty-third year of his reign, concerning the collection of green wax, shall be upheld and preserved in all points. (fn. iii-567-460-1)
Dettours. [Imprisonment of debtors].
109. Item, priont les communes, et eux compleignont, de ceo qe par la ou quaunt diverses gentz dettours soient condempnez a lour creditours par due proces de ley, et commys au prisone, c'est assavoir as gaoles del marschalcye, banc du roy, Flete, et aillours as autres prisones, en diverses citees, villes et burghs deinz le roiaume, les gardeins des gaoles et prisons suisditz de lour propre auctorite lessent les dettours suisditz aler a large a lour volunte. Et la ou par estatuit est ordeine, qe si ascun gaoler lesseroit tiel prisoner aler a large par mainprise ou en baille, qe adonqes le persone envers qi le dit prisoner estoit condempne aueroit sa accioun et recoverir envers le dit gaoler, mesmes yceux gardeins purchacent a eux mesmes proteccions du roy, parensi qe les creditours suisditz par ycelles proteccions sont delaiez et targez de lour duetee et droiturele recoverer, sibien envers les ditz gardeins des gaoles come les prisoners suisditz, a tresgrand prejudice et damage al commune poeple, et derogacioun de la commune ley. 109. Debtors. Also, the prayer and complaint of the commons: whereas, when various debtors are condemned with regard to their creditors by due process of the law, and put in prison, namely in the gaols of the marshalsea, King's Bench, Fleet, or in other prisons elsewhere in various cities, towns and boroughs within the kingdom, the wardens of the aforesaid gaols and prisons, of their own authority, let the debtors go free as they wish. And although it was ordained by statute that if any gaoler should free such a prisoner by mainprise or on bail, that then the person by whose action the said prisoner was condemned would have his action and recovery against the said gaoler, nevertheless those same wardens purchase for themselves the king's protections, so that the aforesaid creditors are delayed and impeded in their duty and rightful recovery by these protections, with regard to both the said wardens in the gaols, as well as the aforesaid prisoners, to the very great prejudice and injury of the common people, and in derogation of the common law.
Par quoy pleise ordeiner d'icest matire en ycest present parlement remedie covenable, au fyn q'il puisse estre ordeine et establie en mesme le parlement, qe nulle tiel proteccioun soit en tiel manere enapres graunte a nul gardein d'ascun gaole ne prisoner deinz le roiaume, en le cas avauntdit. Et si ensi soit, qe ascun tiel protection en manere suisdit soit ou serra graunte a ascun gardein des gaoles ou prisoners suisditz, q'adonqes tiel protection soit a tout temps outrement voide et adnulle, et nemye a nulle tiel gardein de gaole, ne de prisoners, en null manere vaillable. On account of which may it please you to ordain a suitable remedy in this matter in this present parliament, so that it might be ordained and established in the same parliament that no such protection shall henceforth be granted in this way to any warden of any gaol nor any prisoner within the kingdom, in the aforesaid case. And if it should happen that some such protection is or shall be granted in the aforesaid manner to any of the aforesaid wardens of gaols or prisoners, that this protection shall be forever invalidated and annulled, and not in any way valid for any such warden of a gaol or for prisoners.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe nulle proteccioun soit vaillable ne allouable, n'aucunement alloue en tiel cas. (fn. iii-567-466-1) The king wills that no protection shall be valid or permissible or allowed under any circumstances in such a case. (fn. iii-567-466-1)
Draps d'or, de velvett ou cremosyn, etc. [Wearing of various kinds of cloth, etc.]
[memb. 7]
110. Item, priont les communes, qe pleise ordeiner par estatuit en cest present parlement, qe nulle homme, s'il ne soit baneret, ou de greindre estate, use draps d'or, de velvet, draps de cremosyn, draps de velvet motle, grosses maunches pendantz overetz ne closes, ne nulle long gounes qe touche la terre, ne furrure d'ermyn, letuce, ne de martryn. Savez toutesfoitz as gentz d'armes, qant ils sont armez en le chaump, q'ils purront user vesture, et en tiel guyse come leur plerra. Et qe nulle clerc use grosses chaparons furrez ne linez, qi passent les pointz de l'espaules, s'il ne soit ercevesqe, evesqe, dean ou archideaken es esglises cathedrales ou collegiales, ou chanons residencers en ycelles, ou meistres de la chauncellerie nostre seignour le roy, chaunceller et barons de l'escheqer, et autres graundes officers, clercs esteantz en lour offices en les courtes du roy. Purveux toutesfoitz, qe les justices de l'un banc et de l'autre, et les serjeantz du roy, purront user lour chaparons come lour semblera meultz pur l'onour du roy et de lour estate. Et forspris auxi maistres de divinitee, doctours de l'un loy et l'autre, ou regentz deinz les universitees, et maistres de fisyk. Et qe nulle clerc use furrure de meniver, ne de pure, ne de grey, ne de byce; ne null manere de hernois endorrez, s'il ne < soit > d'estate ou degree avauntditz: ne qe nulle clerc use purfaile d'ermyne, ne de letuce, s'il ne soit ercevesqe ou evesqe. Et qe nulle chapellein nient avancez use ceynture, ne baselard, n'autre hernoys, garnisez d'argent. Et qe nulle esquier apprentice de loy, ne clerc del chauncellarie ne de l'escheqer, ou des autres places de courte, ou deinz le tinel du roy, ou demurantz ovesqe autres seignours du roiaume nient avancez, use furrure de grey, cristegrey, menyver, ou byce, ne q'ils, ne nulle de eux, use perree ou perle, ouches ou bedes, ou autre hernoys d'or, ou dorrez quelconqe; mais qe bien lise as mairs de Loundres et d'Everwyk, [col. b] et d'autres bones villes enfraunchisez, q'ore sont, ou q'ont este, ou qi pur le temps serront en ycelles, de user furrure de grey, cristegrey, meniver, ou byce, a lour volunte. Et qe < nul > vadlet appellez yoman use nulle furrure forsqe tant soulement d'aignelle, gopyll, ou [conyng.] Et qe nulle homme, de quelle condicioun q'il soit, use aucun goune ou autre vesture trenchez des peces, come des lettres, foiles, roses et autres diverses poisez [sic: read 'poitez'] et soleins divises, sur peine de forfaiture de mesmes les goune et vesture. Et qe nulle taillour face aucun tiel goune, ou autre vesture, sur peine d'emprisonement, et de faire fyn et raunceoun a la volunte du roy. Et qe nulle homme, de quelle condicioun q'il soit, use espees, baselardes, dagers, ceyntures ou cornes, hernoysez d'argent, s'il n'eit terres, tenementz ou rentz, a la value de xxli. par an, ou biens et chateux a la value de ccli. les emfantz des gentz eiantz terres, tenementz ou enheritance, a la value de .l. marcz par an, ou biens et chateux a la value de dli., tant soulement exceptz. Et en especiale, qe nulle vadlet appelle yoman use ouche, ou bedes d'or, ne dorrez. Et qe nulle femme d'ascun esquier, si ele ne soit dame, use nulle furrure d'ermyne, letuce, menyver ou pure de grey, forspris les femmes des ditz mairs, et les gentiles femmes du roigne, et la chief damoiselle de chescun princesse, duchesse ou countesse. Et au fyne qe cest estatuit, et toutz les articles comprises en ycelle, et chescun parcelle d'icelles, soient le meultz tenuz et gardez, et mys en due execucioun, soit ordeine, qe atant des foitz qe busoigne serra, le seneschall de soun hostiel deins mesme l'ostiel, les chaunceller d'Engleterre, et tresorer, et les justices de l'un banc et de l'autre, en quelle lieu q'ils soient par lour discrecions, et les justices de la pees en paiis, les mairs, viscountz ou baillifs, deins citees et burghes, et autres lieux enfraunchisez, ent facent severalment due et diligente inquisicioun de temps en temps, des toutz les contrariantz le dit estatuit, ou ascun article d'icelle, sibien a la suyte du roy come a la suyte de chescuny qi voudra suir. Et si aucun persone ent soit duement atteint, soit il homme ou femme, q'il, ou ele, forface au roy les draps, furrures, hernoys et autres choses desuis nomes, ensi usez countre la forme du dit estatuit, et paie au roy c s.; de quelle somme eit le roy l'un moite, et celuy q'ensi suera l'autre moite. Et qe chescun ercevesqe, et evesqe, en lour province et diocis deins le roiaume d'Engleterre, facent overtement excomenger toutz les contrevenantz d'icestes ordinances et estatuitz. 110. Cloth of gold, of velvet or crimson, etc. Also, the commons pray that it may please you to ordain by statute in this present parliament that no man, unless he is a banneret or of greater status, shall use cloth of gold, of velvet, cloth of crimson, cloth of mottled velvet, great hanging sleeves, open or closed, or long gowns touching the ground, or cloaks of ermine, weasel, or marten. Saving always to men at arms when they are armed in the field that they might wear clothing of whatever style pleases them. And that no clerks shall wear large, lined or fur hoods which fall below shoulder-level, unless they are an archbishop, bishop, dean or archdeacon in cathedral churches or colleges, or canons resident in the same, or a master of the chancery of our lord the king, chancellor or baron of the exchequer, or other important officer or clerk fulfilling his duties in the king's courts. Provided always that the justices of one bench and the other, and the king's serjeants, may wear their hoods as seems best to them for the honour of the king and of their estate. And excepting also masters of divinity, doctors of one law or the other, or regents within the universities, and masters of physic. And that no clerk shall wear a cloak of miniver, or of fur, or of grise, or of satin; or any kind of gilded attire, if he is not of the aforesaid status or degree: nor shall any clerk wear a trimming of ermine or weasel unless he is an archbishop or bishop. And that no unpromoted chaplain shall wear a belt, or dagger, or other adornment trimmed with silver. And that no esquire apprentice of law, or clerk of the chancery, exchequer, or other places in court or within the king's household, or dwelling unpromoted with any other lord of the kingdom, shall wear any cloak of grise, squirrel-fur, miniver or satin; nor shall they, or any one of them, wear precious stones or pearls, brooches or beads, or other garnishment of gold, or gilded in any way; but that it is permissible for the mayors of London and York [col. b] and other great and enfranchised towns, now in office or who were once in office, or who will be in office in the same, to wear a cloak of grise, squirrel-fur, miniver or satin, as they please. And that no valet called a yeoman shall wear any cloak except one made of lambswool, fox-fur or rabbit-fur. And that no man, of whatever status he may be, shall wear any gown or other garment with patterns cut into the cloth, like letters, leaves, roses and various other designs or personal devices, on pain of forfeiting the same gown and garment. And that no tailor shall make any gown or other garment in this fashion, on pain of imprisonment and the payment of a fine and ransom at the king's will. And that no man, of whatever status he may be, shall carry swords, knives, daggers, belts or horns decorated with silver, if they do not have lands, tenements or rents to the value of £20 a year, or goods and chattels to the value of £200, excepting only the offspring of people who have lands, tenements or an inheritance to the value of fifty marks a year, or goods and chattels to the value of £500. And in particular that no valet called a yeoman shall wear a brooch or beads of gold or gilt. And that no wife of an esquire, unless she is a lady, shall wear a cloak of ermine, weasel, miniver or fur of grise, except the wives of the said mayors, and the queen's noblewomen and the ladies in waiting of each princess, duchess or countess. And so that this statute and all the articles contained in the same and all parts of the same are upheld and maintained as well as possible and properly enforced, it is ordained that as many times as shall be necessary the steward of the king's household within the same household, the chancellor of England, the treasurer and the justices of the one bench or the other, in whichever place they are, by their discretion; and the justices of the peace in the country, and the mayors, sheriffs or baillifs within the cities and boroughs and other enfranchised places, shall individually carry out a proper and diligent enquiry into this from time to time concerning all things done contrary to the said statute, or any article of the same, either at the suit of the king or at the suit of anyone who wishes to sue. And anyone who is duly attainted of this, be they man or woman, he or she shall forfeit to the king the cloth, cloaks, linings and other things named above which are thus being worn contrary to the form of the said statute, and they shall pay the king 100s.; of which sum the king shall have one half, and whoever has thus sued the other half. And that every archbishop and bishop, in their provinces and dioceses within the kingdom of England, shall publicly excommunicate all the contravenors of these ordinances and statutes.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy s'advisera, et ent ferra, par advys de soun counseille, tiele ordinance come mieultz luy semblera en ce cas. The king will consider this further, and will make on this an ordinance such as seems most appropriate to him in this matter, with the advice of his council.
Northumbr'. [The earl of Northumberland and Lord Bardolf].
111. Item, priont les communes, qe nulles des chastelx, manoirs, terres, tenementz, fees, advowesons, ne nulle parcelle d'icelles, des queux Henry Percy jadys count de Northumbr', ou Thomas jadys sire de Bardolf, estoient seisez, ou aucun de eux estoit seisi, jointement ovesqe autres, ou soulement par eux mesmes, ou ascun de eux soulement par luy mesmes, del feffement des autres, a autri oeps, ou pur la graunde affiance qe gentz qi eux enfefferont avoient a eux de faire ou parfournir lour volunte, et dont ils ne furent enfeffes d'estre enheriteez a lour propre oeps, mes de parfournir la volunte de lour feffours, ou la volunte des feffours de lour feffours; combien qe tieux feffementz soient faitz par fyn, ou autrement, saunz monstrer fait provant la condicioun, soient, ou soit, ascunement seisez es voz tresgraciouses mains, ne a vous forfaitz, nostre tresredoute seignour le roy. Et si ascuns douns ou graunts soient faitz par vous, nostre tresgraciouse seignour le roy, des ditz chastelx, manoirs, terres, tenementz, fees ou advowesons, ou ascun parcelle d'icelle, a ferme ou autrement, qe tielx douns ou graunts soient de tout voidez, et de nulle value a [p. iii-594][col. a] toutz jours. Considerantz, qe autiel < estatuit > fuist ordeine de la forfaiture de Henry Percy, chivaler, et Thomas Percy nadgairs count de Wircestre, l'an de vostre regne quint. 111. Northumberland. Also, the commons pray that none of the castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees, advowsons, or any part of the same of which Henry Percy, formerly earl of Northumberland, or Thomas, formerly Lord Bardolf, were seised, or either one of them was seised, jointly with others, or themselves alone, or either one of them alone, of the feoffment of others, to another's use, or because of the great trust that the people who enfeoffed them had in them to do or carry our their will, and whereof they were not enfeoffed to inherit them for their own use, but to carry out the will of their feoffors, or the will of the feoffors of their feoffors; even if such feoffments were made by fine, or otherwise, without there being any deed specifying the conditions; shall be in any way seized into your most gracious hands or forfeited to you, our most feared lord the king. And if any gifts or grants have been made by you, our most gracious lord the king, of the said castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees or advowsons, or any part of the same, at farm or otherwise, that such gifts or grants shall be completely invalidated and of no value [p. iii-594][col. a] forever. Considering that a similar statute was ordained following the forfeiture of Henry Percy, knight, and Thomas Percy, formerly earl of Worcester, in the fifth year of your reign.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet; purveux toutesfoitz qe nostre dit seignour le roy ait la forfaiture des chastelx, manoirs, terres, tenementz, fees et advowesons, des queux les ditz nadgairs cont de Northumbr', ou le dit sire de Bardolf, ou ascun de eux, furent, ou fuist, par eux mesmes, ou severalement, enheritables, ou enheritable, par descent, ou par droit, purchace, ou des queux autres furent enfeoffez joint ovesqe eux, ou autres soulement a leur oeps, par fyne, ou en autre manere quielconqe. (fn. iii-567-478-1) The king wills it; provided always that our said lord the king has the forfeiture of the castles, manors, lands, tenements, fees and advowsons of which the said former earl of Northumberland or the said Lord Bardolf, or either one of them, were or was, by themselves, or separately, the heirs by descent or by right or purchase, or of which others were enfeoffed jointly with them, or others solely, to their use, by fine, or in any way whatsoever. (fn. iii-567-478-1)
Pour Thomas Corston. [On behalf of Thomas Corston].
112. Item, suppliont les communes, qe come un Thomas Corston' eit pursue devaunt justices nostre seignour le roy de commune bank, par brief de trespas envers certeines persones, les queux defendantz furont condempnez par juggement devaunt les ditz justices al suyte du dit Thomas en cent marcz par accioun trie par enquest, come pleinement appiert en le dit banc de recorde de l'execucioun del dit juggement, le dit Thomas est delaie, a sez grandez damages, a cause qe les ditz defendantz en la suyte suisdite ont fait venir le dit record devaunt nostre seignour le roy en soun banck par brief d'errour, et ont assigne pur errour, en tant qe en le venire facias de panelle du dit enquest un William Congrove fuist enpanelle, et en le habeas corpora, et briefs de distreint, le surnoun du dit William fuist chaunge, et escript par le noun de William Gongrove, l'ou le dit William ne fuist unqes jurrez en la dit enquest: a cause de quele variaunce les justices du dit banc le roy sount en diverses ambiguitees et oppinions, issint qe < pur > lour ambiguiteez et oppinions les ditz justices ne voillent mye agarder al dit Thomas execucioun du dit juggement. 112. On behalf of Thomas Corston. Also, the commons pray that, whereas one Thomas Corston has sued to the justices of our lord the king of the Common Bench by a writ of trespass against certain persons, which defendants have been condemned by a judgment before the said justices at the suit of the said Thomas to one hundred marks, by action of try by inquest, as appears more fully in the record of the said bench concerning the passing of the said judgment; the said Thomas has been delayed, to his great injury, because the said defendants in the aforesaid suit have caused the said record to be brought before our lord the king in his bench by writ of error, and have claimed error to exist in as much as in the venire facias of the panel of the said inquest one William Congrove was empanelled, yet in the habeas corpora and the writs of distraint the surname of the said William was changed, and written as William Gongrove; yet this particular William was never sworn in the said inquest: because of which discrepancy the justices of the said King's Bench are of various minds and opinions, so that, on account of their confusion and differing views the said justices would not award the said Thomas execution of the said judgment.
Que plese a vostre hautesse de considerer les matires suisditz, et surce ordeiner, par assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx en ycest parlement suisdit, qe en tiel cas generalment l'ou un jurrour est nomme en le venire facias par un surnoun, et apres en autres briefs judiciels sur mesme le proces soun surnoun chaunge par l'escript d'un lettre trope poy ou trop graunde, ou son surnoune en tout chaunge, l'ou le dit jurrour n'est mye jurre, qe par taunt nulle proces soit discontinue, ne nulle juggement done par tiel defaute reverse, ne null execution de null tiel juggement par ascun tiel cause delaie. Et ceo sibien des juggementz avaunt ces heures donez, come des juggements qe serront en temps advenir a doners. May it please your highness to consider the aforesaid matters, and to ordain on this, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal in this aforesaid parliament, that in such cases in general where a juror is named in the venire facias by one surname, and later in other judicial writs on the same process his name has been changed by the writing of one letter too few or one too many, or his name has been changed completely, when this said juror was not sworn, that because of this, no process shall be discontinued nor any judgment reversed because of such a fault, nor any execution of any such judgment delayed for this kind of reason. And this to apply to judgments passed before this time as well as judgments which shall be given in time to come.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe les justices en ceste matere s'acordent, et surceo facent la ley. The king wills that the justices shall come to an agreement in this matter and subsequently enforce the law.
Bulles, etc. [Bulls of exemption from tithes, etc].
113. Item, priont les communes, qe soit ordeigne et establie en cest present parlement, qe si ascune persone religiouse ou seculere, de quele estate ou condicioun q'ele soit, qe par colour d'ascuns bulles contenantz tiele privilege d'estre quitez des dismes appurtenantz as esglises parochiels, prebendes, hospitals ou vicaries, devaunt l'an du regne le roy Richard nadgairs roy d'Engleterre le second puis le conquest primere, purchacez, nient executz, eit destourbe, et ne soeffray point, ou, par ascuns bulles en temps advenir a purchaciers, destourbe, et ne soeffre ascune persone de seinte esglise, soit il persone del esglise, prebender de prebende, gardein del hospitalle, vicaire, ou autre persone quecunqe, de prendre et enjoier les dismes a mesmes les esglises, prebendes, hospitals, vicaries ou autres benefices de seinte esglise aucunement duez, qe mesmes les destourbours soient puniz par autielx proces et peyne come est ordeine par estatuit vers ceux del ordre de Cisteux l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy q'orest second. (fn. iii-567-488-1) 113. Bulls, etc. Also, the commons pray that it be ordained and established in this present parliament that if any person, religious or secular, of whatever standing or status he may be, who by colour of any bull containing a privilege to be quit from tithes pertaining to parochial churches, prebends, hospitals or vicarages, purchased but not executed before the first year of the reign of King Richard, formerly king of England, the second since the conquest [1377], has prevented, or not allowed in any way - or by any future bull to be purchased, hinders or does not allow - any person of holy church, be he a parson of a church, prebendary of a prebend, warden of a hospital, vicar, or other person whatsoever, to take and enjoy the tithes owed in any way to the same churches, prebends, hospitals, vicarages or other benefices of holy church, that those who thus prevent this shall be punished by such process and penalty as was ordained by the statute relating to those of the Cistercian order in the second year of the reign of our lord the present king. (fn. iii-567-488-1)
[col. b]
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe nulle persone, de quele estate ou condicioun q'il soit, mette en execucioun ascunes tiels bulles purchaces devaunt l'an primere le roy Richard second, ou depuis, ou ascuns tiels bulles a purchaciers en temps advenir. Et qe si desore null persone religiouse ou seculere, de quele estate ou condicioun q'il soit, par colour de tiels bulles destourbe ascunes tieles persones de seinte esglise, parainsi q'ils ne purront prendre et enjoier les dismes a eux duez ou regardantz de leur dites benefices, qe tiel destourbour encourge autiels proces et peine come est ordeignez par estatuit fait vers ceux de l'ordre de Cisteux l'an second nostre seignour le roy qu'orest. (fn. iii-567-491-1) The king wills that no person, of whatever standing or status he may be, shall execute any such bulls purchased before the first year of King Richard II, or since, or any bulls to be purchased in the future. And that if henceforth any person, religious or secular, or whatever standing or status he may be, by colour of such bulls troubles any such persons of holy church so that they cannot receive and enjoy the tithes due or pertaining to them from their said benefices, that this person should incur the process and penalty that was ordained by statute made in relation to those of the Cistercian order in the second year of our lord the present king. (fn. iii-567-491-1)
Esglises parochieles, etc. [Parochial churches and non-resident curates, etc].
114. Item, supplient les communes d'Engleterre, pur honour de Dieu, et en salvacioun des almes en ycelle roiaume, auxi en revelacioun de toutz ordinaries de mesme le roiaume avauntdit, que plise ordeigner en cest present parlement pur toutz maneres des esglises parochiels deins le roiaume nemy appropriez, et toutes autres benefices ove cure, c'estassavoir de eux qe sont governez par simples ou singulers curates queux ne sont pas demurrantz corporalment ou personalment en ycelles benefices, mes aillours, ou ils fount graunt dispercioun, depopulacioun, et destruccioun des biens de seinte esglise, a graunt peril de lour propres almes et de parochiens, auxi en graunt esclaundre d'autres persones espirituels de seinte esglise, en contempt de Dieu, et suffocacioun et destruccioun de divine service, et soy mesmes absentent a cause qe ne purposont faire distribucioun de lours biens entre ses poveres parochiens, en obprobriouse et dampnable ensample as autres Cristiens; que en relevacioun de nostre seignour le roy, et defence de soun roialme, voilletz stablicement faire, et ordeiner un estatut ensemble, qe le roy nostre seignour poet avoir et rejoier d'an en an, par tout temps advenir, la moite de toutz maneres des fruites et profits provenauntz de toutz tielx esglises, en quels lour curats ne sont pas residents, come desuis est dit. Et auxi qe mesme nostre dit seignour le roy avoit et rejoie toutz maneres fruytes et profitz provenantz de quecunqes benefices curates ou noune-curates, dignitees, prebendes, et de toutz autres benefices de seinte esglise occupies par < alienes, > hors demourants du roiaume d'Engleterre, queux ne facent a le roiaume ascun profit temporel ne spirituel, et en lours benefices divine service est outrement suistret. Et auxi voillez ordeiner et establir tiel ordinance et estatuit sur les < non- > residencers de vostre roiaume d'Engleterre, come est ordeine de les curates qe ne sont residentz sur ses benefices, mes aillours, en la seignourie d'Irland', et outre la mere hors de roiaume. 114. Parochial churches, etc. Also, the commons of England request, for the honour of God and the salvation of the souls of this kingdom, and also to relieve all the ordinary people of the same kingdom, that it might please you to ordain in this present parliament for all kinds of parochial churches within the kingdom which are not appropriated, and all other benefices with cure - namely those which are cared for by simple and single curates who do not personally or physically reside on those benefices, but elsewhere, where they effect a great dispersal, reduction and waste of the goods of holy church, to the great peril of their own souls and those of the parishioners, and also to the great shame of other persons spiritual of holy church, in contempt of God, thereby stifling and destroying the divine service (and the reason why they are absent is because they do not intend to distribute their goods amongst their poor parishioners, which is a wicked and damnable example to other Christians); which thing, for the relief of our lord the king and the defence of his kingdom, he might wish to rectify and also to ordain a statute - that the king our lord should have and enjoy from one year to the next, for all time to come, half of all kinds of issues and profits arising from all such churches in which the curates are not resident, as mentioned above. And also that our same lord the king should have and enjoy all kinds of issues and profits arising from any type of benefice, with cure or not, dignities, prebends, and all other benefices of holy church which are occupied by aliens who live outside the kingdom of England, who do not bring to the kingdom any temporal or spiritual benefit, and in whose benefices divine service has been completely abandoned. And also that he might wish to ordain and establish such an ordinance and statute concerning the non-resident curates of your kingdom of England as is ordained for the curates who are not resident on their benefices, but live elsewhere, in the lordship of Ireland, and overseas, beyond the realm.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Facent les ordinairs leur offices et devoir en cel cas. Et par cause qe les pluralitees q'ount este grauntees devaunt ces heures sont, et ont este, la greindre cause de l'absence des tieles curates, y plest au roy nostre seignour, de l'advys et assent des seignours en parlement, escrire par ses honurables lettres a nostre seint pier le pape, de revoker et repeller toutes tieles pluralities generalment. Et qe desore enavaunt nulle pluralitee soit grantee a ascuny en temps advenir. Let the ordinaries carry out their office and duties in this case. And because the pluralities which have been granted before this time are and have been the main reason for the absence of such curates, may it please the king our lord, by the advice and assent of the lords in parliament, to write one of his honourable letters to our holy father the pope to revoke and repeal all such pluralities in general. And that henceforth no plurality shall be granted to anyone in the future.
[memb. 6]
Arwesmythes. [Arrowsmiths].
115. Item, priont les communes, purce qe les arwesmythes fount plusours testes de seates etquarelles deffectifs, nemy bien ne loialment, ne defensablement, a graunde peril et desceit de poeple et de tout le roialme, soit ordeinez en cest present parlement, qe toutz les testes de seates et quarelles a faires desore en avaunt soient welles ou brases et dures a la point d'asser; et si ascuny des ditz arrwesmythes les facent autrement, q'ils forfacent toutes tiels testes et quarels a roy, et soient emprisonez, et ent facent fyne a la volunte du roy. Et qe chescun teste de seates et quarelles soit signez d'un [p. iii-595][col. a] signe de celuy qe les fist. Et qe poair soit done as justices du pees d'enquerer de toutz tieux fauxes fesours de testes et quarelles en chescun countee, et les punir par manere avauntdit. 115. Arrowsmiths. Also, the commons pray that because arrowsmiths make numerous defective heads for arrows and quarrels, which is neither good, lawful nor defensible, to the great jeopardy and deception of the people of all the kingdom; it should be ordained in this present parliament that all the heads of arrows and quarrels which are made henceforth shall be welded, brassed and hardened at the tip with steel; and if any of the said arrowsmiths acts to the contrary, that he shall forfeit all such heads and quarrels to the king, and shall be imprisoned and pay a fine for this at the king's will. And that every arrow or quarrelhead shall be marked with [p. iii-595][col. a] an indication of who made it. And that power shall be given to justices of the peace to enquire into all such deceitful makers of heads and quarrels in each county, and punish them in the aforesaid manner.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet; adjoustez a ycelle, qe les mairs, viscountz et baillifs des citees et burghes deinz les citees et burghes, aient semblable poair d'enquer et punir en manere come est contenuz en cest peticioun. (fn. iii-567-504-1) The king wills it; adding to this that the mayors, sheriffs and bailiffs of the cities and boroughs shall have similar power of enquiry and punishment within the cities and boroughs, in the manner stated in this petition. (fn. iii-567-504-1)
Collacions ou presentementz. [Collations or presentments to benefices of holy church].
116. Item, priont les communes, qe come vous, sovereigne seignour, eiez faitz, ou vous et voz heirs en temps advenir ferrez, diverses collacions ou presentmentz as diverses gentz de ligeaunce d'Engleterre, des dignitees, offices, prebendes, et autres benefices de seinte esglise, ou qe autres patrons ensi fount ou ferrount as benefices de lour doneson esteantz, diversez provisours, par auctoritee l'appostoille ount acceptez, ou acceptent, ou en temps advenir purposent d'accepter, tieux dignitees, offices, prebendes, ou benefices; coment [tieux provisours,] lour procuratours, notaries, ou amys, meintz foithe sont arestuz et artez par auctorite de voz leyes a trover seurtee en voz courtes, qe jammes riens [attempteront en la court de] Rome chose qe soit acontraire de voz regalie et leyes, ou execucioun ou effect de voz ditz collacions ou presentementz; unquore tieux provisours [facent diverses] [...] envers les ditz presentees ou encumbentz, esteantz en possessioun par auctoritee de tieux collacions ou presentementz, lour procuratours, notories, ou [autres gentz] [...] la court de Rome, sibien par eux mesmes personalment, come par < leur > executours, procuratours, notories et autres gentz de lour amyste, pur respoundre [et discuter les titles des dites] benefices, sibien come de respoundre a eux d'asseurtees trovez par tieux provisours, lour notories, ou procuratours, en voz courts; a le foithe, [sur peine de privacion de toutz] lour benefices, optents ou a optiners, et de inhabilitacioun de lour persones; et a le foithe, sur peine d'excomengement en ceo fesant, [et sur peyne de mille livres, ou plus] ou meyns a lour volunte, dount l'une moite a partie, et l'autre moite a chaumbre de le seint piere le pape d'estre appliez; en derogacioun [de vostre regalie, et encountre] les loies de vostre roiaume et damages importables des ditz presentees ou incumbentz. 116. Collations or presentments. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas you, most sovereign lord, have made, or you and your heirs may make in time to come, various collations or presentments to various people of the allegiance of England, of dignities, offices, prebends and other benefices of holy church (or other patrons have made or will make them, to benefices which are in their gift); various provisors, however, by apostolic authority have accepted, or accept, or intend to accept in the future, these dignities, offices, prebends or benefices; nevertheless, these provisors, their proctors, notaries, or friends, have frequently been arrested and forced by the authority of your laws to give guarantees in your courts that they will never attempt anything in the court of Rome which is contrary to your regality or laws, or the enforcementor intent of your said collations or presentments; yet still such provisors bring various suits against the said presentees or incumbents, who are in possession by authority of such collations or presentments, their proctors, notaries, or other people summoning them to the court of Rome, either themselves personally, or through their executors, proctors, notaries and other people of their affinity, to answer for and dispute the titles of the said benefices, as well as to answer to them with the pledge provided by these provisors, their notaries, or proctors, in your courts; sometimes on pain of deprivation of all their benefices, obtained or yet to be obtained, and the disqualification of their persons; and sometimes on pain of excommunication for doing this and on pain of £1,000, or more or less at their will, of which one half goes to the party, and the other half is to be given to the chamber of the holy father the pope; this being derogatory to your regality, contrary to the laws of your kingdom, and the cause of intolerable damage to the said presentees or incumbents.
Pleise a vous, de vostre roiale mageste, considerant [les meschiefs avaunt ditz, d'ordeiner] et declarer en cest parlement, ove l'assent de les seignours espirituelx et temporelx esteantz en ycelle, en salvacioun de vostre regalie, et pur quiete de voz ditz [lieges, qe si provisour ou] autre persone queconqe pursue, ou face pursuir, ou procure en court de Rome, ou soeffre estre fait pur sa cause, ascun tiel proces, encountre les loies de [vostre corone, et de vostre] roiaume, et nomement encountre la forme d'estatuitz encountre provisours avaunt ses heures faitz, et ceo duement prove, qe si ensi soit qe tiel [provisour, ses notories, procuratours,] executours, fautours, maynteignours et recettours soient dedeins vostre roiaume d'Engleterre, q'alors eux encourgent, et chescun d'eux encourge, les peines contenuz en les estatuitz faitz encountre provisours en temps de darrein roy Richard qe fuist, a soun parlement tenuz a Westm' l'an de sez reignez .xiij. me , [ en toutz pointz. (fn. iii-567-508-1) Et si tiel ] provisour, ses notories, procuratours, executours, fautours, maynteignours, recettours soient depar delea, et issint afferme depart vous, ou voz heirs, ou depart celuy qe ent soi sente grevez, en vostre chauncellerie, ou de voz heirs, par instrument, ou par prove de deux testmoignes deignez de foi, qe il ad attempte tiel proces en la court de Rome, alors soit tiel instrument et tesmoignance illeoqes entres; et surce soit proclamacioun fait, sibien en vostre chauncellerie, come a benefice en debate esteant, de comparer personelment deins le demi an proschein ensuant en levauntdit chauncellerie, sibien eux mesmes come lour procuratours, notories, fautours, [col. b] executours, susteignours et recettours, de respoundre et estre justifiez de lour mesfaitz avauntditz, en ascuns de voz courts, ou de voz heirs, sibien a vostre suite et de voz heirs, come de partie qe se ent sente grevez; a fyn qe s'ils ne veignent dedeins le demi an avauntdit d'estre justifiez, qe alors tiels provisours, lour procuratours, executours, notories, fautours, susteignours et recettours, soient tenuz come convictz en celle partie, et encourgent les peines contenuz en les estatuitz avauntditz: et qe nulles lettres de licence par vous ou voz heirs grauntiez, ou a graunter, a ascune tiel persone, de tieles pursuites faire, ou qe chartre < de pardon > soit graunte a tielx provisours, lour procuratours, executours, notories, fautours, susteignours, et recettours, qe tieux lettres de licence ou de pardon ne soient a eux ne a nully de eux vaillables ne allowables, avaunt ceo qe eux eiont fait plein gree et restitucioun as parties grevez, et a chescun de eux, de lour perdes en toutz parties. Et outre, qe vous, et voz heirs, eiez pur les vies de tieux provisours, lour executours, notories, procuratours, fautours et recettours ensi convictez, les profites et frutes de toutz lour autres benefices et possessions pur lour vies, ent d'estre respondu par les maynes de voz escheatours en countees ou lour benefices et possessions sount. Et en outre qe eux trovent sufficeant [seurtee, qe ja n'attempteront] en temps advenir en nulle court depart delea encountre ceste ordinance; et qe ceste ordinance sibien extende a temps passe come a temps advenir. May it please you, of your royal majesty, considering the aforesaid evils, to ordain and declare in this parliament, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal attending the same, for the salvation of your regality and for the tranquillity of your said lieges, that if a provisor or any other person at all pursues, or causes to be pursued or procured in the court of Rome, or allows to be enforced for his benefit, any such process, contrary to the laws of your crown and of your kingdom, and in particular contrary to the form of the statutes against provisors made in the past, and this is duly proved, that if it should happen that this provisor, his notaries, proctors, executors, supporters, maintainers and receivers are within your kingdom of England, that then they shall incur, and each one of them shall incur, the penalties contained in the statutes made against provisors in the time of the late King Richard, at his parliament held at Westminster in the thirteenth year of his reign [1390], in all points. (fn. iii-567-508-1) And if this provisor, his notaries, proctors, executors, supporters, maintainers and receivers are overseas, and it is still affirmed on your part, or by your heirs, or on the part of him who feels aggrieved, in your chancery or that of your heirs, by instrument, or by the proof of two witnesses given on oath, that he has attempted any such process in the court of Rome, then let that instrument and testimony be there entered; and thereupon let proclamation be made, both in your chancery as well as in the disputed benefice, for him to make a personal appearance within the following half a year in the aforesaid chancery, both himself as well as his proctors, notaries, supporters, [col. b] executors, sustainers and receivers, to answer to and submit to justice for their aforesaid misdeeds, in any of your said courts or those of your heirs, either at the suit of yourself and your heirs, or of the party who feels himself aggrieved; and if they do not appear within the aforesaid half a year to submit to justice, that then these provisors, their proctors, executors, notaries, supporters, sustainers and receivers shall be considered convicted in this matter, and shall incur the penalties contained in the aforesaid statutes: and that no letters of licence granted by you or your heirs, or to be granted, to any such person, for the bringing of any such suits, nor any charter of pardon, shall be granted to these provisors, their proctors, executors, notaries, supporters, sustainers and receivers; and these letters of licence or of pardon shall not be valid nor allowed to them nor any one of them, until they have given full compensation and restitution to the aggrieved parties and to each one of them for their losses in all respects. In addition, that you and your heirs shall have in return, for the lives of such provisors, their executors,notaries, proctors, supporters and receivers thus convicted, the profits and fruits of all their benefices and possessions for the term of their lives; these to be assessed by the hands of your escheators in the counties where their benefices and possessions are located. Furthermore, that they will pledge not to attempt in the future in any court overseas anything contrary to this ordinance; and that this ordinance applies to time past as well as time to come.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soient les estatuitz ent faitz tenuz et gardez; sauvez toutesfoitz a nostre seignour le roy ses prerogatif et libertee, et auxi la moderacioun a luy reservez en ce cas par parliament. Let the statutes on this be upheld and protected; saving at all times to our lord the king his prerogative and liberty, and also the modification reserved for him in this matter by parliament.
Subsidie. [The subsidy granted during the second session of the parliament].
117. Item, priont les communes, qe come le .xiij. me jour de Juyn, l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy septisme, mesmes les communes, par assent et advis des seignours espirituelx et temporelx [assemblez en cestpresent parlement,] aient grauntez a nostre dit seignour le roy dusze deniers de la livre, outre dusze deniers de la livre darreinement grauntez a parlement tenuz a Coventre, pur estre [levez et coillez de les marchantz] aliens nient faitz denzeins tant soulement, et nemye de denzeins, de le fest de Seint Johan Baptistre lors proschein advenir en un an [entier lors proschein ensuant, come en les ditz grantz] enrolle en rolle de < mesme cest > parlement y purra apparoir. 117. The subsidy. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas on 13 June in the seventh year of the reign of our lord the king [1406], the same commons, by the assent and advice of the lords spiritual and temporal assembled in this present parliament, granted to our said lord the king twelve pence in the pound, over and above the twelve pence in the pound previously granted at the parliament held at Coventry, to be levied and collected from alien merchants who have not been made denizens (but not from denizens themselves) from the feast of St John the Baptist next [24 June 1406] for the whole of the following year, as may be seen in the grants enrolled on the roll of this same parliament.
Que plese a nostre dit seignour le roy, de l'advys et assent des seignours en parlement, [s'il lour semble profit du roy et de roiaume,] relesser a les marchantz de Venice, qi viendrent ore tarde ove trois galeys chargiez de marchandise, les ditz dusze deniers de la livre. Et outre ceo, [pardoner et relesser a les autres] marchantz aliens les ditz .xij. deniers de la livre, del .xxij. jour d'Octobre darrein passe: et qe sibien mesmes ceux marchants, come autres tiels aliens [marchantz venantz en le dit roialme] ove lour carykes, galeyes et autres lour vesselx, ovesqe lour marchandise, soient desore quitz et < dischargiez > de les < ditz > .xij. deniers de la livre; et qe riens [ent lour soit demandez en temps advenir.] May it please our said lord the king, by the advice and assent of the lords in parliament, if it appears to them to benefit the king and kingdom, to release the merchants of Venice, who recently arrived with three galleys laden with merchandise, from the said twelve pence in the pound. And also to pardon and release the other alien merchants from the said twelve pence in the pound from 22 October past: and that the same merchants, as well as other alien merchants entering the said kingdom with their carracks, galleys and other vessels laden with their merchandise, shall henceforth be quit and discharged from the said twelve pence in the pound; and that nothing shall be demanded from them in the future.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet. (fn. iii-567-518-1) The king wills it. (fn. iii-567-518-1)
Pour la ville de Suthwerk. [Liberties of the town of Southwark].
118. Item, suppliont les communes, qe come de temps dont memorie ne cuert la ville de Suthwerk ad este tenue et repute pur burghe adherdant et del counte de Surr', paiant, faissant, et supportant a vous, tresredoute seignour, les charges et ferme d'auncien temps ordeignez et accustumez; c'estassavoir x li. par an, come piert de record deins vostre escheqer. Et est ensi, q'ore tarde les mair, viscountz et aldermans del citee de Loundres, sount venuz devers vostre hautesse, et encontre l'effect, ordinance, et contenue de diverses estatutz par advys du parlement a l'encountre faitz, et pur loy establiz, [p. iii-596][col. a] par suggescioun ount impetres par voz tresgraciouses lettres patentes, q'ils, et lour successours, aueront et enjoieront, en taunt come a vostre hautesse appurtient, le dit burghe de Suthwerk, ove toutz les revenuz et profitz a ycelle appurtenantz, pur la ferme de xli. par an. Et ce outre, q'ils et lour successours toutz maneres larons, felons, mesfaisours et pertourbours de pees, trovez deinz mesme burghe de Suthwerk, purront arrester, et tanqe a lour gaole de Newgate amesner, lequel est hors de vostre countee de Surr', illeosqes pur estre justicez; come les felons deins la dit citee pris et trovez, devaunt le mair qi pur le temps soit, et les autres justices par vous, tresredoute seignour, ou voz heirs, pur la deliverance de mesme gaiole assignez, et les autres malfaitours et les desturbours du pees, soient demesnez et justicez. Et qe les ditz mair et comunalte, et lour successours, toutz les biens et chateux appellez wayf et strayf, et le say et l'assise du payn, vyn et cervoise, et de toutz autres vitailles et d'autres choses appurtenants au clerc del market de l'hostell du roy deins le dit burgh, ensemble ove le punisshement d'icelles, qaunt et a quelle temps qe lour soit veuwe affaire, ove les fines, amerciamentz, et toutz autres profites a ycelle appurtenants, aueront aussi et enjoieront, si avaunt qe le dit clerk n'ait nulle interesse touchant soun office deinz le dit burghe. Et qe les ditz mair, comunes et lour successours, par lour ministrours deins le dit burghe aueront le retourne de toutes maneres briefs et [precepts, qe le viscount de Surr'] qi pur le temps soit, ne nulle de ses officers, ne soy entremelle de faire nulle execucioun de nul manere brief ne preceptes, s'il ne soit en defaut [del mair, communes,] [...] ministrours du dite citee; a grant disheritesoun de vous, tresredoute seignour, et de voz heirs, et outre destruccioun des ditz countee et burghe, [si vous de droiture] [...] remede. 118. Concerning the town of Southwark. Also, the commons pray that, whereas from time immemorial the town of Southwark has been considered and treated as a borough belonging to the county of Surrey, paying, granting and giving to you, most feared lord, the charges and farm ordained and customary in ancient times; namely £10 a year, as is on record in your exchequer. Yet recently, the mayor, sheriffs and aldermen of the city of London have come before your highness, and - contrary to the tenor, ordinance, and content of the various statutes made by the advice of parliament which state the opposite, and which are established by law - [p. iii-596][col. a] by dishonest suggestions have procured through your most gracious letters patent that they and their successors might have and enjoy, to the same degree as pertains to your highness, the said borough of Southwark, with all the revenues and profits pertaining to the same, for a farm of £10 a year. And in addition to this, that they and their successors might arrest all kinds of robbers, felons, malefactors and disturbers of the peace found within the same borough of Southwark, and take them as far as their gaol at Newgate, which is outside your county of Surrey, and bring them to justice there; just as felons found and captured within the said city and other malefactors and disturbers of the peace are led and brought to justice before the mayor in office and other justices assigned by you, most feared lord, or your heirs, for the delivery of the said gaol; and that the said mayor and commonalty and their successors should also have and enjoy all the goods and chattels called waif and stray, and the assay and assize of bread, wine and beer, and of all other victuals and other things pertaining to the clerk of the market of the king's household within the said borough, together with the punishment of the same, when and whenever it is incumbent upon them to view these, together with the fines, amercements, and all other profits pertaining to the same, just as if the said clerk had no interest concerning his office within the said borough. And that the said mayor, commons and their successors, through their ministers within the said borough, should have the return of all kinds of writs and precepts, so that neither the sheriff of Surrey in office nor any of his officers may intervene to carry out any execution of any kind of writ or precept unless he is acting as a proxy for the mayor, commons or ministers of the said city; thereby bringing about your disinheritance, most feared lord, and that of your heirs, and the total ruin of the said county and borough, if you of right do not provide remedy.
Que plese considerer les premisses, en salvacioun de vostre heritaunce des ditz counte et burghe de Suthwerk, et voidance des [meschiefs q'ent purroient avenir,] et adnuller les ditz lettres patentes, parency qe mesme le burghe disormes purra estre governe come il ad este governe de temps dount [memorie ne court.] May it please you to consider the aforesaid, for the salvation of your inheritance of the said county and the borough of Southwark, and the prevention of troubles which might arise; and to annul the said letters patent, so that the same borough may from now on be governed as it has been governed from time immemorial.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soient les parties faites venir devaunt le roy et soune counseille, et y monstrent leurs evidences; et surceo le roy voet faire droit. Let the parties be made to come before the king and his council and present their evidence; whereupon the king wishes to do right.
Provisions papales etc. [Papal provisions etc].
119. Item, priont les communes, qe la ou plusours persones de les lieges deins le roiaume d'Engleterre, diverses graces expectatives, et provisions papales, en diverses esglises cathedrales [et collegiales,] et en autres lieux deinz le dit roialme, de le tresseint piere le pape qu'orest, saunz licence de sa roiale mageste, ount impetrez: et adonqe, par un an ou pluis apres la date de lour bulles, mesmes les persones ount ewe licence de mesme sa roialle mageste de user et executer lours graces et provisions, joust les fourme et effect de lour bulles dessuisdites; et issint, parentre la date de lour dit provisioun fait, comme dit est, et le temps de la licence as dites persones graunte, en mesmes les esglises cathedralle et collegialle, et en autres lieux, diverses benefices ount voidees, des quelles benefices, par auctorite ordinaire, et autre auctorite sufficeaunte, as ables persones collacioun loisiblement ad este fait. Et surce les dites persones expectatives, par vertue et force de lour dit licence a eux, come dessuis est specifie, graunte, fount inquieter et molester les incumbentz en les dites benefices; dount contencions, discordes, controversies, turbacions et autres plusours esclaundres, parentre ses ditz lieges de jour en autre sourdount, et verissemblable est a sourder en temps advenir, sinon qe remede par sa dite roiale mageste soit purveu en cest partie. 119. Papal provisions etc. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas numerous people from amongst the lieges of the kingdom of England have obtained various graces in expectation and papal provisions in various cathedral churches and colleges, and in other places within the said kingdom, from the most holy father the present pope, without permission from his royal majesty: and then, a year or more after the date on their bulls, the same people have obtained permission from his same royal majesty to exercise and enforce their graces and provisions according to the form and tenor of their aforesaid bulls; and yet, between the date of their said provision, as was said, and the time of the licence granted to the said people, in the same cathedral churches and colleges, and in other places, various benefices will have fallen vacant, which benefices, by authority of the ordinary or other notable authority will have been lawfully conferred on worthy persons. Whereupon the said expectant persons, by virtue and force of the said licence granted to them, as mentioned above, have molested and harassed the incumbents of the said benefices; as a result of which contentions, discords, controversies, disturbances and many other scandals daily arise between the said lieges, and shall continue to arise in the future unless a remedy isprovided in this matter by his said royal majesty.
Que plese a sa treshaut magnificence, pur quiete et tranquillitee de ses dites lieges, decerner et declarer mesmes les licences, [col. b] a quielconqes persones, dessouz queconqe fourme des paroles grauntees, ou d'estre grauntees, pur extendre, et soi devoient extendre a ycelles benefices que apres la date de sa licence roiale avauntdite ount vakeez, et nemy devaunt. May it please his most high magnificence, for the peace and tranquillity of the said lieges, to announce and declare the same licences, [col. b] to whomsoever they were granted, and in whatever form of words they were granted or will be granted, to apply (and they should only apply) to those benefices which become vacant after the date of his aforesaid royal licence, and not before.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe nulle tiele licence ou pardoun ainsi graunte devaunt ces heures ne a grauntier en temps advenir, s'extende, ne ne soit vaillable, a aucune benefice plein d'aucun incumbent a jour de la date de tielle licence, oupard oun grauntez. (fn. iii-567-532-1) The king wills that no such licence or pardon thus granted in the past or to be granted in time to come shall apply or be valid in the case of any benefice which has an incumbent on the day and date on which that licence or pardon is granted. (fn. iii-567-532-1)
[memb. 5]
Patents etc. [Letters patent].
120. Item, priont les communes, qe pleise a nostre tresgracious seignour le roy graunter et ordeiner par estatuit, qe si ascune persone, de quielconqe estate q'il soit, [pursue par petition ou autre manere] avoir liveree hors des mayns du roy, ou de ouster ses maynes des ascuns terres ou tenementz queux sont commys as autres par patents du roy, [...] qe null proteccioun ne prorogacioun soit allowe devaunt le chaunceller, ou autre juge quielconqe, en delaie del pursuyte avauntdite. 120. Patents etc. Also, the commons pray that it might please our most gracious lord the king to grant and ordain by statute that if any person, of whatever status he may be, sues by petition or in any other way to have livery from the king's hands, or to remove from his hands, any lands or tenements which have been granted to others by the king's patents. . . that no protection or adjournment shall be allowed before the chancellor, or any other judge, to delay the aforesaid suit.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Estoise la comune leye en ce cas. Let the common law be followed in this case.
Tonels et pipes gaugez. [The measurement of tuns and pipes of oil].
121. Item, < monstrent le commune du roiaume, > et eux compleignont de ceo, qe par la ou devaunt ces heures use et acustume fuist, qe les tonels et pipes d'oills venantz dedeins le roiaume serroient gaugez au temps del achat d'icelle, en manere et fourme come accustume est de gauger les vyns, et ceo par le gaugier en celle partie assigne, et jure defaire droit sibien a l'une parte come a l'autre, parency qe toutz maneres gentz queux achatent oille en groos par tonelle ou par pipe puissent par le proef d'icelle gauge savoir, et avoir notice verraie s'ils eient lour mesure plenir d'assise, ou noun. Et par cause qe < par > l'espace d'icestes dys anez ou dousze passetz de necligence, les tonels et pipes d'oille venantz deinz cest roiaume eient este venduz entre partie et partie nient gaugiez, les marchants depardelea ce perceyvaunt, ount en le mesne temps, pur lour singuler avauntage, demenuses les tonels et pipes d'oille graunt quantite de lour droiturele mesure d'assise, a tresgraund disceit, arrerisement a tout le poeple, queux achatent et facent achater lour oille en groos par tonelx et pipe, respoignantz et quidantz qe chescun tonell et pipe a l'achat d'icelle tient sa plenir mesure d'icelle. Et issint sount le poeple en ce cas malement disceives et arrerises, et ceo pur defaute qe les tonels et pipes d'oille ne soient mys au proef pur < l'assaie > del gauge, come il soleit estre fait. 121. The measurement of tuns and pipes. Also, the statement and complaint of the commons of the kingdom: whereas it was the custom and the practice in the past that tuns and pipes of oil entering the said kingdom would be measured at the time of the purchase of the same in the same way and manner in which it is customary to measure wines, and this by the gauger appointed in this matter, who is sworn to do right to one party as much as the other, so that all kinds of people who buy oil in gross by the tun or by the pipe might know by the proof of the same measure and have certain knowledge as to whether they have their full measure according to the assize or not. Yet because there has, through negligence, been a lapse of ten or twelve years during which tuns and pipes of oil entering this kingdom have been sold between parties unmeasured, overseas merchants, perceiving this, have in the meantime, to their singular advantage, removed from the tuns and pipes a great quantity of their rightful measure according to the assize, bringing about the very great deception and injury of all the people who buy and cause to be bought their oil in gross by tuns and pipes, who assume and suppose that each tun and pipe at the time of purchase contains a full measure. And so in this case the people are wickedly deceived and injured, and this because of the failure to test the tuns and pipes of oil through proof of measurement, as used to be done.
Qe plese considerer yceste matere, q'est necessaire a tout le roialme, et surce ordeiner et establir, qe toutz maneres tonelx et pipes d'oille venantz en ycest roiaume soient toutz enapres gauges au temps del vende d'icelle, en mesme la forme come acustume est de gaugier des vyns, et ce par le gaugier en ycelle partie assigne, sur peyne de forfaiture des tonelx et pipes d'oille venduz au contraire nient gaugiees. May it please you to consider this matter, which is important for the whole kingdom, and to ordain and establish on this that all kinds of tuns and pipes of oil entering this kingdom are, forever henceforward, measured at the time of sale in the same manner in which it is customary to measure wines; and thisis to be done by the gauger to be appointed to this, on pain of forfeiting the tuns and pipes of oil sold unmeasured in contradiction of the above.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit l'estatuit fait en ce cas l'an quart le roy Richard tenuz et gardez, et mys en due execucioun. (fn. iii-567-545-1) Let the statute made on this matter in the fourth year of King Richard be upheld and adhered to, and put into proper practice. (fn. iii-567-545-1)
Eschetours. [Escheators' inquests].
122. Item, priont les communes, qe l'ou terres ou tenementz sount seisez en le mayn le roy par enquestes d'office prises devaunt les eschetours, et maundes en la chauncellerie, les queux terres ou tenementz issint seisez sount grauntez et commys apres as estraungez persones a ferme par patent, paiants la ferme pur les ditz terres ou tenementz en l'eschequer. 122. Escheators. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas lands or tenements are seized into the king's hands by ex officio inquests taken before the escheators, and sent to the chancery, which lands or tenements thus seized are later granted and committed to other people to farm by patent, paying the farm for the said lands or tenements to the exchequer.
Pleise a nostre tressoveraigne seignour le roy, qe s'il eit nulle homme q'est issint ouste de ses terres ou tenementz par tiele office, veigne en la chauncellerie, et monstre son droit, et offre a traverser les ditz offices issint prises devaunt les eschetours, qe celuy qi mette clayme as ditz [p. iii-597][col. a] terres ou tenementz issint seisez eit mayntenaunt brief en [la dit] chauncellerie, [direct as] tresorer et barons de l'escheqer, de sursere del ferme lever des ditz terres ou tenementz pendantz en plee nient discusse, de [...] issues as ditz fermers [...] discusse et termine, qi ad droit as ditz terres ou tenementz issint seisez. May it please our most sovereign lord the king that if any man who has been thus ousted from his lands and tenements by such an inquest comes to the chancery, presents his rightful claim, and offers to traverse the said inquest thus taken before the escheators, that he who makes the claim to the said [p. iii-597][col. a] lands and tenements thus seized shall immediately receive a writ in the said chancery directing the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to desist from levying the farm on the said lands and tenements which are pending in pleas not yet discussed, of. . . issues to the said farmers. . .discussed and concluded, who has a right to the said lands and tenements thus seized.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit fait par la discrecioun de chaunceller, et par les loyes faites en ce cas devaunt ces heures. Let it be dealt with at the chancellor's discretion, and by the laws made on this matter in the past.
Coillours de dismes. Salop. [Collectors of the tenths in Shrewsbury].
123. Item, supplient voz poveres lieges Johan Graston, et ses compaignons, coillours de deux dismes a vous grauntees par les laies gentz, l'an de vostre regne sisme, en la ville de Salopiers, et les suberbes et hamelettes deinz la fraunchise du dit ville, qe come les ditz ville, suberbes et hamelettes suisdites, sont assesses et contributoirs ensemble a chescune disme de la somme de iiij xx < et xiiij > li. vi d. obole, dount certeines suberbes et hamelettes queux sont parcelle et deins la fraunchise du dit ville, qe soloient paier a chescune disme deins la dit somme cviij s. i d. obole; c'estassavoir, le suberbe appelle Frankeville xl s. vij d. obole le hamelett de Neuton' q'est parcelle et deinz la fraunchise du dit ville x s.; les hamelettes de Mule-Bracy, Neublad et Eggebaldenham, et Shelton', queux sount parcelles et deins la fraunchise de mesme la ville, lij s. vi d.; et le hamelett de Monokmule, q'est parcelle et deins la fraunchise du dite ville, v s.: queux suberbes et hamelettes sont ars et destruitz, et furent le dit an sisme, par les rebelx de Gales, si qe les ditz coillours riens ount resseuz, ne resseiver purront en ascun manere, de les ditz suberbes et hamelettes qe sount ars et destruitz. 123. Collectors of tenths. Shrewsbury. Also, the request of your poor lieges John Graston and his companions, collectors of the two tenths granted to you by the laity in the sixth year of your reign, in the town of Shrewsbury and the suburbs and hamlets within the franchise of the said town: whereas the said town, suburbs and aforesaid hamlets are assessed and contribute together to each tenth a sum amounting to £94 6d. and a halfpenny, of which certain suburbs and hamlets which are part of and lie within the franchise of the said town are accustomed to pay for each tenth a total of 108s. 1d. and a halfpenny; namely, the suburb called Frankeville 40s. 7d. and a halfpenny, the hamlet of Newton which is part of and within the franchise of the said town 10s.; the hamlets of Meole Bracy, Newbold, Edgebold and Shelton, which are part of and lie within the franchise of the same town, 52s. 6d.; and the hamlet of Monkmeole, which is part of and lies within the franchise of the said town, 5s.: which suburbs and hamlets are in a state of ruin and need, and were reduced to this state in the said sixth year by the Welsh rebels, so that the said collectors receive nothing, and cannot obtain anything by any means from the said suburbs and hamlets which have been thus reduced and ruined.
Qui pleise a vostre tresgracious seignourie considerer les causes suisdites, et de pardoner sibien as hommes de mesme la ville, come a ditz Johan Graston', et ses compaignons, coillours de mesmes les deux dismes xli. xvi s. iij d. de la somme de c iiij xx viijli. xiij d.; et auxi qe les ditz hommes ou coillours de mesme la ville de Salobirs, si ascun graunt du disme ou quinzisme serra graunte en temps advenir a vous par voz lais, qe adonqe les coillours qi pur le temps serrount purront estre dischargies et quites envers vous de chescun disme entier de cviij s. i d. obole, durant le destruccioun de les suberbes et hamelettes avauntdites; ascuns estatuit ou ordinance faitz a contraire nient contresteantz. May it please your most gracious lordship to consider the aforesaid reasons, and to pardon both the men of the same town, as well as the said John Graston and his companions, collectors of the same two tenths, £10 16s. 3d. from the sum of £188 13d.; and also that the said men or collectors of the same town of Shrewsbury, when any grant of a tenth or a fifteenth shall be made to you in time to come by your laity, that the collectors then in office might be discharged and quit towards you, for each whole tenth, of 108s. 1d. and a halfpenny, for as long as the aforesaid suburbs and hamlets remain in a state of ruin; notwithstanding certain statutes or ordinances made to the contrary.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Suent au roy et soune counseille, et droit leur serra fait. Let them sue to the king and his council, and right will be done them.
Pour Johan Skelton, chivaler. [On behalf of John Skelton, knight, captor of a Scottish prisoner].
124. Item, supplient les communes pur Johan Skelton', chivaler, qe come nostre tresredoute seignour le roy, par ses treshonurables lettres chargea le dit Johan, de venir par devers luy, amesnant ovesqe luy Mordok de Fif, Escote, soun prisoner; le quel Johan a soune venue delivera le dit Mordok a l'evesqe de Wyncestre adonqes chaunceller d'Engleterre, le count de Somers', le count de Westmerland', et a Mounsire Thomas Erpyngham; sur condicioun, et par lour asseurance, q'ils agrierent le dit Johan pur soun dit prisoner, ou autrement ils ferroient franc restitucioun a levauntdit Johan de soun dit prisoner a certein jour passe: et coment qe nulle agrement soit fait ovesqe le dit Johan unqore, le dit prisoner luy n'est pas < delivere, a grand > damage de mesme cestuy Johan. Et outre ce, mesme cestuy Mordok est dettour et hostage a dit Johan pur le sire de Grame, Escot, de .cccl. marcz. 124. On behalf of John Skelton, knight. Also, the commons pray on behalf of John Skelton, knight, that, whereas our most feared lord the king, through his most honourable letters, charged the said John with coming before him, bringing with him Murdoch of Fife, a Scot, his prisoner; this John, on his arrival, delivered the said Murdoch to the bishop of Winchester then chancellor of England, the earl of Somerset, the earl of Westmorland, and Sir Thomas Erpingham; on condition and with the assurance that they would reward the said John for his said prisoner, or otherwise they would make a free restitution to the aforesaid John of his said prisoner on a certain date now past; and although no compensation has yet been paid to the said John, the said prisoner has not been delivered to him, to the great injury of this same John. In addition, this same Murdoch is a debtor and hostage of the said John for Lord Graham, a Scot, for 350 marks.
Que plese a nostre tresredoute seignour le roy graunter a dit Johan, q'il puisse avoir restitucioun de soun dit prisoner, ou autrement q'il puisse avoir greable regarde pur le dit prisoner; considerant le longe seute, et graunt costage, queux le dit Johan ad ewe, et soeffre. Purveu toutesfoitz, qe les communes du roialme ne soient en aucune manere chargiez par cause de cest peticioun et request. May it please our most feared lord the king to grant to the said John that he might have his said prisoner returned, or else that he might have adequate reward for the said prisoner; considering the long suit and the great expense the said John has incurred and suffered. Provided always that the commons of the kingdom are not in any way charged on account of this petition and request.
Responsio. Answer.
Sue au roy et soune conseille, et il serra bien oiez en ce cas. Let him sue to the king and his council, and he will be fully heard in this matter.
[col. b]
Parentre le duc d'Everwyk et Hugh Luttrell etc. [Dispute between the duke of York and Hugh Luttrell, etc].
125. Item, priont les communes, qe come debate y soit pendant par une especiale assise parentre le duc d'Everwyk et Philippa sa femme, Elizabeth countesse de Sarum et Richard seignour le Strange, d'une parte, et Hugh Luttrelle, chivaler, et autres, d'autre parte, des chastielle de Dunsterre, et autres manoirs, terres et tenementz, en le counte de Somers', ove lour appurtenaunces, quele debate pur bone accord faire fuist mys en l'ordinance de certeines seignours par auctoritee de cest present parlement, eiantz l'advys de toutz les justices de l'un banc et de l'autre. Les queux seignours et justices ount entreteez, oiez, et veuz les claymes, titles et evidences, d'un part et d'autre, et fyn unqore par eux n'est pas fait, a cause qe les parties sont en travers. 125. Between the duke of York and Hugh Luttrell etc. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas a dispute is pending by a special assize between the duke of York and Philippa his wife, Elizabeth countess of Salisbury and Richard Lord le Strange, on one side, and Hugh Luttrell, knight, and others, on the other side, concerning the castle of Dunster and other manors, lands and tenements in the county of Somerset, with their appurtenances; which debate, in order to reach an effective conclusion, was placed under the ordinance of certain lords by authority of this present parliament, the advice of all the justices of one bench and the other having been sought. These lords and justices having discussed, heard and seen the claims, titles and evidence on one side and then the other, still did not reach a conclusion, because the parties had contradictory cases.
Pleise a vostre haute seignourie de faire venir devaunt vous les ditz justices, et eux demaunder, par lour serement en cest present parlement q'ils ount fait a vous, et come ils vuillent respondre devaunt Dieu, si la dite especiale assise gist en cest cas sur les titles et evidences devaunt eux monstres par les parties avauntditz. Et en cas qe ne gist point, soit la dite assise repelle et voide, et de nulle force, ne nulle autre especiale assise par vous a grauntiers desore en avaunt sur la matere suisdite; considerant le povre estate du dit Hughe, et les graundes estates queux sont encountre luy en cest partie. Et si ency soit qe ascune suyte soit moeve, ou a estre moevez, parentre les ditz parties des tenementz avauntditz, ou parcelle d'icelle; issint qe lour avient a estre en issue d'estre trie par paiis, qe nulle soit empanelle ne jurre en la matere avauntdite, sinoun persones sufficeants, eiants terres ou tenements a la value de xlli. a meynes par an; et les queux soient demurants deins le dit countee. Entendants, tresgracious seignour, qe les terres en demaunde sont < de > graunde value, et puissants persones parties, paront < de > legier meschief et riot surdre purroient, qe Dieu defende, sinoun qe vostre graciouse ordinance soit a meultz purveu en celle partie. May it please your high lordship to cause to be brought before you the said justices, and to demand of them, on their oath that they made to you in this present parliament, and as they would answer before God, whether the said special assize rested in this matter on the titles and evidence displayed before them by the aforesaid parties. And if it did not rest on this at all, that the said assize should be repealed and annulled, and declared of no validity, together with any other special assize to be henceforth granted by you in the aforesaid matter; considering the poor estate of the said Hugh, and the great rank of the persons who are opposing him in this matter. And if it should happen that any suit is started, or about to be started, between the said parties, concerning the aforesaid tenements or part of the same, so that they happen to be at issue to be tried by the country, that no-one should be empanelled or sworn in the aforesaid matter unless he is a worthy person, possessing lands or tenements to a value of at least £40 a year; and that he is resident within the same county. Recognizing, most gracious lord, that the lands and tenements in demand are of great value, and the parties are powerful persons, on account of which trouble and disturbances might easily arise, which God forbid, unless your most gracious ordinance supplies a better remedy in this matter.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit l'estatuit en cest < cas > fait tenuz et gardez, et soit le viscount de counte de Somers' jurrez en especialle devaunt le counseille du roy, q'il ferra enpaneller les pluis sufficiantz et le pluis indifferentz et meins suspectz deinz mesme le countee, et la proschein visne deinz sa baille. Let the statute made on this matter be upheld and preserved, and let the sheriff of the county of Somerset swear in particular before the king's council that he will cause to be empanelled the most worthy, most impartial and least suspect people within the same county and the neighbouring region within his jurisdiction.
Tresorer de Caleys. [Administration of the office of treasurer of Calais].
126. Item, priount les communes, qe come l'office de tresorer de Caleys, a ceo q'ils ont entenduz, de long temps passe n'ad estee, ne unquore ne poet estre, sibien ne profitablement governez ne usez al profit de nostre dit seignour le roy, come il fuist en temps del noble roy Edward vostre aiel, qi Dieux assoille, a tresgraund damage de nostre dit seignour le roy, et perille de les ville et marches illoeqes, si due remedie sur les defautes en ycelle partie ne soit ordeinez; soient les barons del escheqer, et le tresorer de Caleys q'orest, et autres as queux appurtient, chargez de entre eux comuner de la dite governance, au fyn d'avoir plein conisance sibien des defautes en ycelle partie come des remedes del amendement d'iceux necessaires, ent fesantz plein et due relacioun as seignours du counseil de nostre dit seignour le roy. Et soient mesmes les seignours estreitement chargies, de faire mesmes les remedies et amendement estre executz par queconqes briefs ou patents dessoutz le seal de nostre dit seignour le roy a ceo necessairement affaires, solonc qe par les ditz barons moelfs purra estre appointez; au fin, q'entre autres, toutes les profites et revenues de nostre dit seignour le roy en les dites ville et marches, qe soloient estre levees par le tresorer de nostre dit seignour le roy illeoqes sur la supportacioun des charges en mesme l'office, et sont au present disseverez sibien du dit office come del office de vitailler illoeqes, et donez as diverses persones, a graund arrerissement du dit ville, soient pur desore enavaunt entirment rejoignez al dit office, et levez par le tresorer illoeqes pur le temps esteant, sur la supportacioun de les charges suisdites. 126. The treasurer of Calais. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas the office of treasurer of Calais, as they understand, for a long time past has not been, and still is not, either profitably held or administered for the benefit of our said lord the king, as it was in the time of the noble king Edward [III] your grandfather, whom God absolve, to the very great injury of our said lord the king and the peril of the town and marches there, unless a proper remedy for these failings is ordained; let the barons of the exchequer and the present treasurer of Calais, and the others to whom this pertains, be charged with discussing between them the said administration, in order to gain information on the problems in this matter as well as the necessary remedies for the correction of the same, making a full and proper report on this to the lords of the council of our said lord the king. And let the same lords be strictly charged with making sure that the same remedies and correction are executed by whatever writs for patents under the seal of our said lord the king as it shall be necessary to issue, so that better people might be appointed by the said barons; with the aim, amongst others, that all the profits and revenues of our said lord the king in the said town and marches, which used to be levied there by the treasurer of our said lord the king in support of the duties of the same office, and which are at present separated both from the said office as well as from the office of the victualler there and given to various persons, to the great injury of the said town, shall from now on be wholly reunited with the said office and levied there by the treasurer then in office, in support of the aforesaid duties.
[p. iii-598]
[col. a]
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy, par advys de soun counseille et de ceux qi sont nommez en cest peticioun, ferra ceo qe mieultz luy semblera en ce cas. The king, with the advice of his council and those who are named in this petition, shall do what seems best to them in this case.
Drapers etc. [Sales of cloth in London].
[memb. 4]
127. Item, priont les communes, pur le commune profit des seignours espirituelx et temporelx, graciousment considerer, coment d'auncien temps fuist usez et accustumez, qe sibien les draps, et vendours des draps, de queconqe lieu de roiaume repairantz et confluantz al citee de Loundres, come autres marchants diverses marchandises, come de vyn, ferre, oile et cere, et autres choses appurtenants as marchandises excerceantz et repairantz et confluantz al dite citee, ount achatuz et venduz en groos, sibien ove aliens come denzeins, de les draps et autres marchaundises suisdites a lour volunte et pleiser, paiants en ycelle partie tantsoulement custumes et autres devoirs ent resonablement dues, et unqes par mesme le temps ne furont destourbez, ou en ascun manere impedez de vendre ou achater en groos, ove marchants aliens ou denzeins, de tielx draps et marchandises a lour volunte et pleisir, mes soulement a retaille. Et ja soient sibien les ditz drapers, come les autres marchauts suisditz, par les mair, viscontes, aldermans, drapers et marchants de Loundres sount destourbes de jour en autre de vendre et achater en la manere suisdite, sibien en groos come a retaille, et grevousement et continuelment constreints de vendre lour draps et marchandises suisdites tantsoulement as marchants et autres enhabitants la dite citee, a singuler avantage et < profit > d'eux de Loundres, et sibien commune damage et perde des seignours espirituelx et temporelx et les communes du roiaume, come de les ditz drapers et marchants ensi greves, et evident ensample et occasioun as tielx drapers et marchants ensi greves de lour retraher de la dite citee enavaunt, si remedie ne soit purveu le pluis tost en cest partie. 127. Drapers etc. Also, the commons pray, for the common benefit of the lords spiritual and temporal, that you graciously consider, how it was the custom and practice in ancient times that both the cloth as well as the sellers of cloth repairing to and converging upon the city of London from whatever part of the kingdom, as well as other merchants travelling, journeying to and converging upon the said city with various merchandises, like wine, iron, oil and wax, and other items going under the name of merchandise, have bought and sold in gross, both with aliens as well as denizens, the cloth and other aforesaid merchandise at their will and pleasure, paying in the same place only those customs and duties as were reasonable; during which time they were not harassed or in any way prevented from selling or buying in gross, with alien or denizen merchants, such cloth and merchandise at their will and pleasure, or forced only to buy and sell at retail prices. Yet now both the said drapers as well as the other aforesaid merchants are daily harassed by the mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, drapers and merchants of London to sell and buy in the aforesaid manner, both in gross and at retail prices, and they are continuously and grievously obliged to sell their cloth and aforesaid merchandise only to the merchants and other inhabitants of the same city, to the singular advantage of those Londoners and the general injury and loss of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons of the realm, as well as the said drapers and merchants thus grieved; this being a clear reason and occasion for such drapers and merchants thus grieved to avoid the city henceforward, unless a remedy is swiftly provided in this matter.
Que pleise al honour de Dieux, pur profit du roialme, et pur eschuir les damages et perdes suisdites, d'ent ordeiner remedie en celle partie. May it please you, to the honour of God, for the benefit of the kingdom and to prevent the aforesaid injuries and losses, to ordain a solution to this matter.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe les drapers, et les autres marchants dessuisescripts, soient francs de vendre en groos leur draps, ferre, cere et autres marchandises, sibien as quielconqes lieges du roy come a les citezeins de Loundres, nonobstant ascune fraunchise ou libertee grauntez acontraire. (fn. iii-567-585-1) The king wills that the drapers and other merchants mentioned above shall be free to sell their cloth, iron, wax and other merchandise in gross to any of the king's lieges, and not just to the citizens of London, notwithstanding any liberty or franchise granted to the contrary. (fn. iii-567-585-1)
[editorial note: Viscounte.] [editorial note: [Sheriffs' amercements].]
128. Item, suppliont humblement les communes de vostre roiaume, sibien espirituelx come temporelx, et soy compleynont qe plusours visconts de vostre dit roialme feynont et procuront presentements en lour turnes, qe diverses chimyns, pontes et cauces sont defectives pur non-reparacioun, au purpos et entent d'amercier abbes, priours et seculers, aucunfoitz a dys liveres, aucunfoitz a pluis, aucunfoitz au meyns; et les ditz amerciaments levont par lour ministres appellez 'outryders', saunz delaye, ou ascun responce des parties, la ou les dites chimyns, pontes, et caucees sont assetz sufficiantz, ou par aventure nient en charge des ditz amerciez, au graund oppressioun et importable charge des ditz suppliantz si hastief remedie ne soit ent ordeigne. 128. Also, the commons of your kingdom, both spiritual and temporal, humbly request and complain that many sheriffs of your said realm feign and procure presentments on their tourns to the effect that various roads, bridges and causeways are in a defective state through lack of repair, with the purpose and intention of fining the abbots, priors and seculars, sometimes as much as £10, sometimes more, sometimes less; and these amercements are levied by their ministers called 'outriders', without delay, or giving the parties any chance to reply, even though the said roads, bridges and causeways are in an adequate state, or are sometimes not even the responsibility of those who are amerced; thereby bringing about great oppression and an intolerable burden on the said supplicants if a remedy for this is not ordained.
Plese a vostre treshaut discrecioun et seignourie d'ordeigner en cest present parlement, qe les ditz amerciez puissent estre receux de traverser les dites presentments, et eux faire venir en vostre banc pur illeoqes estre triez par voz leyes, devaunt qe les ditz amerciaments soient levez. May it please your most high discretion and lordship to ordain in this present parliament that those who are thus amerced might be permitted to traverse the said presentments and cause them to be brought to your bench to be tried there by your laws, before the said amercements are levied.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit la commune leye tenuz, et les amerciaments resonables en ce cas. Let the common law be upheld, and let the amercements be reasonable in such cases.
[editorial note: Draps de ray.] [editorial note: [Striped cloth.]]
129. Item, priont les communes, qe par l'ou en diverses parlements seignour Edward nadgairs roy d'Engleterre aiel nostre seignour le roy qu'orest, estoit ordeigne, qe le drape [col. b] de ray serroit en longure de .xxviij. auns, et en leaure .vi. quarters; et le entier drape de colour en longure de .xxvi. auns mesure par les doos, et en leaure de .vi. quarters et demi; aufyn qe l'un drape et l'autre entier ewe et tondue serroit en longure de .xxiiij. auns: et ore les fesours des ditz draps fount lour draps subtilement, issint q'a peyne le drape contient .xxi. auns < ou .xxij. auns, > et de meindre leaure qe ne serroit par graunt partie, en decept, et a graunt damage del commune poeple du roiaume. 129. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas in various parliaments of Lord Edward [III], formerly king of England, grandfather of our lord the present king, it was ordained that striped cloth [col. b] should be twenty-eight yards in length and six quarters in width; and whole coloured cloth twenty-six yards in length measured along the back, and six and a half quarters in width; so that the one cloth and the whole of the other, washed and cut, should be twenty-four yards in length: but now the makers of the said cloths make their cloths craftily, so that a cloth scarcely measures twenty-one or twenty-two yards, and is shorter in width by far than it should be, bringing about the deception and great injury of the common people of the kingdom.
Qe pleise a nostre dit seignour le roy et les seignours du cest parlement d'ordeigner desore enavaunt, qe le drape de colour conteigne en longure .xxviij. auns, et le drap de ray atant, mesurez saunz defoler les draps, et en leaure come devaunt fuist ordeine. Et si les fesours des draps facent desore lour draps de meindre longure ou leaure, qe les fesours forsfacent les draps qe serront trovez par l'auneour de meindre longure ou leaure, et qe l'auneour les preigne et les delivere al garderobe, al oeps le roy. May it please our said lord the king and the lords of this parliament to ordain that from henceforth coloured cloth should be of a length of twenty-eight yards, and striped cloth the same, measured without unfolding the cloth, and of the same width as was ordained in the past. And if makers of cloth henceforth make their cloths a shorter length or width, that the makers shall forfeit the cloths which shall be found by the alnager to be of a shorter length or width, and that the alnager shall take them and deliver them to the wardrobe for the king's use.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet. (fn. iii-567-599-1) The king wills it. (fn. iii-567-599-1)
[editorial note: Commissioners.] [editorial note: [Commissioners.]]
130. Item, supplient les communes, coment plusours de voz lieges soient assignez par voz commissions pur faire et parfournir la contenue en ycelles commissions, aucuns d'oier et terminer, et ascuns d'enquerrer et certifier, et autrement. Et ore les ditz commissioners sont grevosement constreintz par proces hors de vostre escheqer par cause de voz ditz commissions, et par celle cause perdount graundes issues, la ou les ditz commissioners unqes furent sachantz des ditz commissions, ne unqes deviendroient en lour maynes. 130. Also, the request of your commons: whereas a number of your lieges have been appointed by your commissions to carry out and execute the content of the same commissions, some of oyer and terminer, and others to enquire and certify, and so forth. Yet now the said commissioners are grievously constrained by processes issued from your exchequer because of your said commissions, and on account of this they lose great issues, even though the said commissioners never knew of the said commissions, which never fell into their hands.
Que plese ordeigner par estatuit, qe toutz tieux commissioners purront estre excusez et dischargiez, saunz d'atteindre briefs, par lour serement devaunt voz barons de vostre escheqer, saunz autre proces faire, ou devaunt justices de l'un banc ou de l'autre, ou justices d'assises, qi purront ceo tesmoigner as ditz barons d'escheqer. May it please you to ordain by statute that all such commissioners might be excused and discharged, without obtaining writs, by their oath before your barons of the exchequer, without bringing any other process, or before the justices of one bench or the other, or the justices of the assizes, who should testify on this to the barons of the said exchequer.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Aient les barons del escheqer poair de receiver les serements des tiels commissioners. Et qe mesmes les barons, et les justices de l'un banc et de l'autre, aient poair par brief de dedimus potestatem, de receiver tielx serements en paiis: et qe mesmes les justices ent certifient les ditz barons en le dit escheqer; et qe surceo mesmes les barons dischargient les ditz commissioners. Et semblablement soit fait pur les heirs, executours, ou terre-tenantz des tieles commissioners. Purveux toutesfoitz, qe tieles serements ne soient prises mais en cas de commissions d'oier et terminer, et d'enquer et certifier tantsoulement. (fn. iii-567-606-1) Let the barons of the exchequer have the power to receive the oaths of such commissioners. And let the same barons and the justices of one bench or the other have the power by writ of dedimus potestatem to receive such oaths in the country: and let the same justices notify the said barons in the said exchequer of this, whereupon the same barons shall discharge the said commissioners. And let the same be done for the heirs, executors, or tenants of such commissioners. Provided at all times that such oaths are not taken except only in the case of commissions of oyer and terminer, and to enquire and certify. (fn. iii-567-606-1)
[editorial note: Suertie de pees.] [editorial note: [Pledges of peace.]]
131. Item, priont les communes, qe l'ou l'ein trove suirte du pees par reconisance en ascun des courtes le roy ou devant justices du pees en certein somme, come la ley demande, et puis il soit convict a suyte du roy par brief de scire facias q'il eit enfreint la pees en certeines pointes et articles, et juggement soit sur ceo renduz, et il devaunt, ou apres, soit endite ou appelle de mort de homme, ou d'autre felonie, ou de mesmes les points et articles dont il < est > issint convict. 131. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas a pledge of peace can be taken by recognizance in any of the king's courts, or before justices of the peace, for a certain sum, as the law requires, and then the suspect is convicted at the suit of the king by writ of scire facias of infringing the peace in certain points and details, and judgment is passed on this and, either before or afterwards, this person is indicted or appealed of homicide or some other felony, or on the same points and articles of which he was thus convicted.
Plese a nostre tresexcellent seignour le roy, par advys et assent des seignours sibien espirituelx come temporelx, ordeiner par estatuit, qe le dit < juggement > pur la pees enfreynt ne soit a luy si prejudiciel, mais q'il soit mys a respoundre a tiel enditement ou appelle, et avoir ent sa deliverance auxi avaunt come si nulle juggement eust este renduz envers luy en celle cas, et nonobstant q'en le dit atteindre de pees enfreint soient compris les causes, matieres, articles et substance contenuz en tiels enditement et appelle, et qe cest estatuit et ordeinance s'extende sibien de temps passe come en temps advener. May it please our most excellent lord the king, by the advice and assent of the lords both spiritual and temporal, to ordain by statute that the said judgment for infringing the peace should not be so prejudicial to him, but that he should be brought to answer for any such indictment or appeal and be given his release as if no judgment had ever been rendered against him in this matter, notwithstanding that in the said attainder for infringing the peace the reasons, matters, articles and substance contained in that indictment and appeal are specified; and let this statute and ordinance apply to time past as well as time to come.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit la commune ley tenuz en ce cas. Let the common law be upheld in this case.
[p. iii-599]
[col. a]
132. Item, priont les communes, qe come ordeine soit et establiz par un estatuit fait au parlement tenuz a Westm' l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy quint, qe nul des manoirs, terres, ou tenementz, des queux Mounsire Henry Percy, ou Mounsire Thomas Percy count de Wircestre, ou autres < traitours > qi feurent al bataille de Shrouesbury encountre nostre seignour le roy et leur ligeance, estoient seisez, ou ascun de eux estoit seisi, joint ovesqe autres, ou soulement par eux mesmes, del feffement des autres a autri oeps, ou pur la grand affiance qe gentz qi eux enfefferent avoient a eux, de faire et parfournir lour volunte, et dont ils ne furent enfeoffez d'estre enheritez, mes de perfournir la volunte de lour feoffour; ne nulle parcelle d'icelles manoirs, terres, ou tenementz, combien qe tieux feoffements soient faites par fyn, ou autrement saunz monstrer fait provant la condicioun, soient, ou soit, ascunement forsfaitz a nostre dit seignour le roy. Et si ascuns douns ou graunts soient faites par nostre dit seignour le roy des ditz manoirs, terres ou tenementz, ou ascuns parcelles d'icelles, a ferme ou autrement, qe tielx douns ou graunts soient de tout voides et de nulle value as toutz jours. (fn. iii-567-615-1) Q'en semblable manere soit ordeigne et establiz par estatuit en ycest present parliament, qe nulle des manoirs, terres ou tenementz, des quelles Johan count de Salesbury qi fuist decolles a Circestre, ou seignour Thomas Blount, et toutz autres qi furent prises a Circestre, et amesnes a Oxenford' et la adjuggiez traitours, ou autres qi feurent ajuggiez traitours aillours deins le roiaume d'Engleterre puis la venue nostre dit seignour le roy en le dit roiaume, estoient seisiz, ou ascun de eux estoit seisi, joint ovesqe autres, ou soulement par eux mesmes, del feffement des autres a autri oeps, ou pur la grant affiance qe gentz qi eux enfefferent avoient a eux, de faire et parfournir lour volunte, et dont ils ne feurent enfeoffez d'estre enheritez, mes de parfournir la volunte de lour feffour, ne null parcelle d'icelles manoirs, terres, ou tenementz, combien qe tieles feoffements soient faites par fyn ou autrement saunz monstrer fait provant la condicioun, soient, ou soit, ascunement forsfaitz a nostre dit seignour le roy. Et si ascuns douns ou graunts soient faites par nostre dit seignour le roy des ditz manoirs, terres ou tenementz, ou ascunes parcelles d'icelles, a ferme, ou autrement, qe tielx douns et graunts soient de tout voides, et de nulle value a toutz jours. [Forfeitures. Sir Henry Percy and Sir Thomas Percy.] 132. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas it was ordained and established by a statute made at the parliament held at Westminster in the fifth year of the reign of our lord the king that none of the manors, lands or tenements of which Sir Henry Percy or Sir Thomas Percy, earl of Worcester, or other traitors who opposed our lord the king at the battle of Shrewsbury contrary to their allegiance, were seised, or any one of them was seised, jointly with others, or alone by themselves, by the feoffment of others, to the use of another person, or on account of the great trust which the people who had enfeoffed them had in them to do and carry out their will, and with which they had not been enfeoffed in order to inherit, but to carry out the will of their enfeoffer; nor should any part of the same manors, lands or tenements - even if such feoffments were made by fine, or in some other way, without there being a deed stating the terms - be in any way forfeited to our said lord the king. And if any gifts or grants were made by our said lord the king from the said manors, lands or tenements, or any part of the same, at farm or otherwise, that such gifts or grants should be completely invalidated and of no value forever. (fn. iii-567-615-1) May it similarly be ordained and established by statute in this present parliament that none of the manors, lands or tenements of which John earl of Salisbury, who was beheaded at Cirencester, or Sir Thomas Blount, or the others who were captured at Cirencester and taken to Oxford and there adjudged traitors, or the others who were adjudged traitors elsewhere within the realm of England following the arrival of our said lord the king in the said kingdom, were seised, or any one of them was seised, jointly with others, or by themselves, by the feoffment of others to the use of another person, or on account of the great trust which the people who had enfeoffed them had in them to carry out and perform their will, and of which they were not enfeoffed in order to inherit but to carry out the will of their feoffor - or any part of the same manors, lands, or tenements, even if such enfeoffments were made by fine or some other way without there being a deed stating the terms - should be in any way forfeited to our said lord the king. And if any gifts or grants have been made by our said lord the king of the said manors, lands and tenements, or any other part of the same, at farm or otherwise, that such gifts and grants should be completely invalidated and of no value forever.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet: purveux toutesfoitz, qe nostre dit seignour le roy eit la forsfaiture des manoirs, terres et tenementz, des queux le dit nadgairs count de Saresbirs, ou le dit Mounsire Thomas, et les autres dessuisditz, ou ascun de eux, furent, ou fuist, par eux mesmes, ou severalement, enheritables, ou enheritable, par descent, ou par droit, purchace, ou des queux autres furent enfeffez joint ovesqe eux, ou autres soulement a leur oeps, par fyn, ou en autre manere queconqe. (fn. iii-567-618-1) The king wills it: provided at all times that our said lord the king shall have the forfeiture of the manors, lands and tenements of which the said former earl of Salisbury or the said Sir Thomas, and the other aforesaid persons, or any one of them, were or was seised, by themselves, or individually, with hereditary right, by descent or by right or by purchase, or of which others were enfeoffed together with them, or others alone, for their use, by fine, or in any other manner. (fn. iii-567-618-1)
[editorial note: Utlage.] [editorial note: [Outlawry.]]
133. Item, priont les communes, qe come plusours des lieges nostre seignour le roy, ascuns sont utlagez, et aucuns waynes [sic: read 'wayves'] par processe erroigne du ley, et sont si impotents de lour corps par diverses maladies et infirmitees q'ils ne purront en lour propre persone venir devaunt le roy en soun bank, illeosqes a faire lour suite pur tiel proces erroigne reversier; q'ils purront pursuir a reversier tiel utlagaries ou wayneryes erroignement sur eux prononciez par attournee, sibien come eux furent en lour propres persones: purveu toutesfoitz, qe lour dite maladie ou infirmite soit par un des justices nostre seignour le roy devaunt luy en soune banc recorde, ou des justices de la pees. 133. Also, the prayer of the commons: whereas many of the lieges of our lord the king are outlawed, and others evicted, by erroneous process of law, but are so physically weak through various maladies and infirmities that they cannot appear in person before the king in his bench to bring their suit there to reverse that erroneous process; that they should be allowed to sue to reverse such wrongful outlawries or evictions by an attorney as if they were personally present: provided at all times that their said malady or infirmity is recorded by one of the justices of our lord the king before him in his bench, or by one of the justices of the peace.
[memb. 3]
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Ait chescun justice de l'un banc et de l'autre, et auxi le chief baroun del escheqer, poair d'examiner tieles persones eiants tieles maladies et infirmitees overtement conuz; et surce purront mesmes les justices < et baron, > et chescun de eux, par lour discrecions recorder attourne [col. b] en ce cas. Purveux toutesfoitz, q'en brief de capias ad satisfaciendum courge la commune ley. (fn. iii-567-624-1) Let each justice of the one bench and the other, and also the chief baron of the exchequer, have the power to examine any such persons notoriously afflicted with maladies and infirmities; whereupon the same justices and baron, and each one of them, can at their discretion record attornment [col. b] in such cases. Provided at all times that in writs of capias ad satisfaciendum the common law applies. (fn. iii-567-624-1)
[editorial note: Provision.] [editorial note: [Papal provisions.]]
134. Item, supplie la commune, qe come nostre seignour le roy, le .xvij. jour de Juyn, l'an de soun regne tierce, de sa certein science, et de l'assent de soun conseil, revoka generalment et universelment toutes licences de user provision de l'apostoil, desoutz qeconqe fourme conseynes a qeconqes persones, adonqes et enavaunt grauntez, queux ne furent executez, en la forme q'ensuite: Rex omnibus ad quos etc., salutem. Licet nuper per diversas literas nostras patentes concesserimus et licentiam dederimus diversis ligeis nostris, quod ipsi provisiones, sive gratias, sibi per dominum summum pontificem in diversis ecclesiis cathedralibus et colegeatis et conventualibus, ac de et super diversis collacionibus beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum ad collacionem sive presentacionem patronorum spiritualium spectantium factas, exequi possent, sub certis modis et formis in dictis litteris nostris contentis, statutis, ordinacionibus in contrarium editis non-obstantibus: recolentes tamen, et attente considerantes, quod licentie predicte, que sine matura nostra deliberacione emanarunt, execute fuissent, quam plures pecuniarum summe extra regnum nostrum occasione illa mitti et transferri, litesque et dissentiones varie et inutiles infra regnum Anglie oriri deberent, in nostri dispendium, et populi nostri commocionem, ac ejusdem regni depauperacionem manifesta, intendimus, favente domino, in proximo parliamento nostro, de assensu prelatorum, procerum, magnatum et communitatis regni nostri predicti, ad honorem Dei, et ecclesie sue sancte, regnique nostri quietem, tranquillitatem, et utilitatem, remedium in hac parte congruum et oportunum salubriter ordinare, et a concessione hujusmodi licenciarum interim de cetero abstinere. Et ne, quod absit, dissenciones et alia incomoda predicta diutius continuentur, volumus, et tenore presencium concedimus et declaramus, de assensu consilii nostri, quod licentie predicte jam concesse, aut earum aliqua, de cetero nullatenus exequantur, aut exequatur, sub penis in statutis et ordinacionibus predictis contentis. Quas quidem penas omnes et singulos qui premissas voluntatem et declaracionem aliqualiter contravenire presumpserint incurrere volumus ipso facto, easdemque licentias, et earum quamlibet, sic per nos concessas, quarum vigore aliquiligei nostri in beneficiis ecclesiasticis ad presens pacifice possessionati non existunt, de assensu predicto, ex causis predictis, tenore presentium revocamus, cassamus, irritamus et adnullamus. Damus autem universis et singulis justiciariis, officiariis, ministris, et ligeis nostris firmiter in mandatis, quod allocationibus et executionibus licentiarum predictarum, et earum cujuslibet, supersedeant omnino. In cujus etc. Teste rege apud manerium de Kenyngton', .xvij. die Junii, anno tercio. 134. Also, the commons pray that, whereas our lord the king, on 17 June in the third year of his reign [1402], of his certain knowledge and by the assent of his council, revoked generally and universally all licences to implement apostolic provisions conceded to anyone in any form, previously or yet to be granted, which had not been executed, in the following way: The king to all to whom etc., greetings. Although recently, through various of our letters patent we conceded and gave permission to various of our lieges that they could implement provisions or graces granted to them by his lord the pontiff in various cathedral, collegiate and conventual churches, or drawn up concerning various collations of ecclesiastical benefices for the collation or presentation of spiritual patrons, in certain ways and forms specified in our said letters, notwithstanding any statutes or ordinances made to the contrary: bearing in mind nevertheless, and carefully considering, that when the aforesaid licences, which were issued without our lengthy deliberation, were executed, very large sums of money were sent and transferred out of our kingdom on the occasion of these; and that various injurious quarrels and dissensions might arise within the kingdom of England at our expense, which might cause disquiet amongst our people and the clear impoverishment of the kingdom; we intend, with the Lord's favour, in our next parliament, by the assent of the prelates, nobles, magnates and community of our aforesaid kingdom, to the honour of God and his holy church, and for the peace, tranquillity and benefit of our realm, to honestly ordain a remedy which is suitable and fitting in this matter, and in the meanwhile to abstain from granting licences of this kind. And lest, which God forbid, the dissensions and other aforesaid troubles continue any longer, we wish, and by the tenor of the present letters concede and declare, by the assent of our council, that the aforesaid licences already granted, or others of the same, shall not henceforth be executed, under the penalties contained in the aforesaid statutes and ordinances. Which same penalties we wish each and every person who presumes in any way to contravene the aforesaid wish and declaration to incur ipso facto; and the same licences, and any one of them, thus granted by us, by colour of which any of our lieges are not peacefully possessed of their ecclesiastical benefices at the moment, with the aforesaid consent, for the aforesaid reasons, by the tenor of the present letters, we revoke, cancel, invalidate and annul. Moreover, we give firm mandates to each and every one of our justices, officers, ministers, and lieges that they desist entirely from the maintenance or execution of the aforesaid licences, and each of them. In testimony of which etc. Witnessed by the king at the manor of Kennington, 17 June in the third year.
Que plese a vostre roial mageste celle revocacioun, en la forme q'il fuist fait, a tout l'effect qi ent purra advenir, par auctorite de cest present parlement, approver, ratifier et confermer. Et outre, de vostre pluis habundante grace, pur quiete et seurte de qeconqes avances deinz vostre roiaume d'Engleterre, et auxi pur eschuir dissencions et briges qe ent purrent sourdre, par auctorite de cest present parlement ordeiner et declarer, qe toutz et chescun licence roial par vous a grauntier, pur user provision apostoille, a qeconqes persones, de qeconqe degree, condicioun, ou dignite q'ils soient, soi extendre as benefices a vaquer de fait puis la date de voz dites licences, et nemye avaunt. Et si ascun attempt au contraire de cest declaracioun par vertue d'ascun tiele licence, qe en ce faisant sa dite licence soit cassez et adnullez, et q'il encourge toutz les peines contenuz en les estatuitz et ordinances faites envers provisours. May it please your royal majesty to approve, ratify and confirm this revocation in the form in which it was made and in all the effect it might have, by authority of this present parliament. And in addition, of your most abundant grace, in order to promote peace and security throughout your realm of England, and also to prevent any dissensions and ruptures which might arise, by the authority of this present parliament to ordain and declare that each and every royal licence to be granted by you for the implementation of apostolic provisions, to any persons, of whatever degree, status or dignity they may be, shall apply to benefices falling vacant after your said licences, and not before. And if anyone attempts anything in contradiction of this declaration by virtue of any such licence, that on doing this his said licence will be cancelled and annulled, and he will incur all the penalties contained in the statutes and ordinances made against provisors.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy s'advysera. The king will consider this further.
[p. iii-600]
[col. a]
Money d'Escoce. [Forged Scottish money].
135. Item, supplient les communes, qe come les Escotes, desoutz et par colour de sauf-conduyt de roy venantz en Engleterre, portent ovesqe eux faux moneye d'Escoce semblable a la coigne d'Engleterre, et de fauxe allaie; c'estassaver, ascuns chivalers et esquiers d'Escoce c li. et ascuns xlli. des mailes, en deceit de commune poeple d'Engleterre. 135. Scottish money. Also, the commons pray that, whereas the Scots, when they come into England under and by colour of safe-conduct of the king, bring with them forged Scottish money similar to the coinage of England, and of impure alloy; that is to say, some knights and esquires of Scotland bring £100, and some £40, in halfpennies, in deception of the common people of England.
Que plese ordeiner en cest present parlement, qe chescun homme d'Escoce, de quel estate ou condicioun q'il soit, venantz en Engleterre par sauf-conduyt ou autrement, et apport ovesqe luy tieux fauxes moneye en Engleterre; et toutz autres, alienes ou denzeins, qi portent galeyhalpenyes en Engleterre, en deceit du poeple, et ent soient convictz, q'ils, et chescuns de eux, encourgent la peyne de vie et de membre. May it please you to ordain in this present parliament that each Scotsman, of whatever status or condition he may be, entering England by safe-conduct or otherwise and bringing with him such forged money into England; and others, aliens or denizens, who bring galley-halfpennies into England in deception of the people, and are convicted of this, that they, and each one of them, shall incur penalty of life and limb.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soient les estatuitz en tiel cas faitz tenuz et gardez, et mys en due execucioun. Let the statutes made on this matter be upheld and protected, and put into proper practice.
Wevers, etc. [Petition on behalf of the weavers of London].
136. Item, supplient les communes pur les povres lieges nostre seignour le roy les wevers del citee de Loundres, qe come le tresnoble roy Henry, fitz emperice, progenitour nostre seignour le roy, par ses lettres patentes, et puis confermez par ses tresnobles progenitours roys d'Engleterre, grauntast a ses foialx lieges adonqe wevers du dit citee, et a lour successours, q'ils duissent avoir une gylde, et qe null ne deust entremeller de lour mestier en Loundres, ne en Southwerk, n'autres lieux appurtenants a Loundres, s'il ne fuisse de lour dit gylde; rendant a luy et a ses heires rois d'Engleterre annuelment a soun escheqer deux marcz d'or, le quelle amonte et est < determine > chescun an a .xx. marcz, ij s. en argent. Par force des quelles lettres patentes, et confirmacions, les ditz suppliantz et lour predecessours de tout temps ount ewes et usez d'avoir bailliffs, et communalte, governance et correccioun de lour dit mestiere deinz la citee, et lieux suisditz, tanqe a ore tarde, q'en le temps le roy Edward le tierce, encountre les ditz libertees et fraunchises, al instance et supplicacion des wevers aliens, estoit grauntez, q'ils serroient exempts du dite gylde, et q'ils ne rien paierent du dite ferme: et par ycelle cause les ditz aliens supplantent et preignent les profitz du dit mestier et les ditz suppliantz portent les charges, a lour graunt damage, et final destruccioun, paront ils ne serront mye de poaire pur paier la dite ferme, et supporter les autres charges a eux appurtenaunts deins la dite citee, s'ils n'eient graciouse aide et remedie en ycest partie. 136.Weavers, etc. Also, the commons pray on behalf of the poor lieges of our lord the king, the weavers of the city of London, that, whereas the most noble king Henry II, son of the empress, progenitor of our lord the king, by his letters patent, since confirmed by his most noble progenitors the kings of England, granted to his faithful lieges, the then weavers of the said city, and to their successors, that they might have a guild, and that no-one ought to practice their craft in London or in Southwark or in other places adjoining London, unless he belonged to their said guild; rendering to him and his heirs the kings of England annually at his exchequer two marks of gold, which amounts to and is fixed each year at twenty marks and two shillings in silver. By force of which letters patent and confirmations the said supplicants and their predecessors have forever had and been used to having bailiffs, and the commonalty, governance and correction of their said guild within the city and aforesaid places; until recently, that is, when, in the time of Edward III, contrary to the said liberties and franchises, at the instance and request of alien weavers, it was granted that these aliens might be exempt from the said guild and that they need not pay the said farm: and for this reason the said aliens drain and take away the profits of the said guild, and the said supplicants bear the consequences, to their great injury and ultimate ruin, because of which it is not within their power to pay the said farm or fulfil the other responsibilities pertaining to them within the said city, unless they are given gracious aid and a remedy in this matter.
Que plese a nostre dit seignour le roy grauntier en cest present parlement a les ditz suppliantz, et a lour successours, q'ils purront avoir et enjoier toutz les fraunchises et libertees a eux avaunt grauntees, solonc le tenure des lettres patents, et confirmacions par les ditz progenitours nostre seignour le roy a eux faites: et graunter, qe les ditz wevers aliens soient del gylde des ditz wevers Engloys, et desoutz mesmes les governance et correccioun qe les ditz wevers Engloys sount; c'est assavoir, qe les ditz aliens soient desoutz les governance et correccioun des mair et aldermannes de mesme la citee, et les baillifs du dit mestier pur le temps esteantz, et contributoires a dite ferme, sicome les ditz suppliantz sount, nonobstantz ascun estatuit ou graunt fait a l'encontraire as ditz wevers aliens avaunt ses heures. May it please our said lord the king to grant in this present parliament to the said supplicants and their successors that they might have and enjoy all the franchises and liberties previously granted to them in accordance with the tenor of the letters patent and confirmations issued to them by the progenitors of our said lord the king; and to grant that the said alien weavers shall belong to the guild of the said weavers of England and be subject to the same governance and discipline that the said weavers of England are subject to; namely that the said aliens shall be under the governance and discipline of the mayor and aldermen of the same city and the current baillifs of the said guild, and shall be contributors to the said farm as the said supplicants are, notwithstanding any statute or grant made previously to the contrary and granted to the said alien weavers.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Ait le counseille du roy poaire par auctorite du parlement d'apeller devaunt eux ceux qi sount a appellers en ce cas. Et oiez les reasons d'ambe partz, face mesme le counseil droit as parties, solonc la discrecioun de mesme le counseil par l'auctorite suisdit. Let the king's council have the power by authority of parliament to summon before them those who need to be summoned in this matter; and, having heard the arguments on both sides, let the same council do right to the parties at the discretion of the same council by the aforesaid authority.
Livere, ou drap. [Liveries of cloth].
137. Item, suppliont les communes, qe come il soit ordeine par estatuit fait l'an du regne nostre seignour le roy qu'orest primer, qe null ercevesqe, abbe, ne priour, ne nulle autre homme de seinte esglise, ne temporel, de quelle estate ou condicioun q'il soit deins le roiaume, [col. b] doigne ascune livere ou drape a nully, mais soulement a ses maynalx et officers, et a ceux qi sont de lour counseil sibien espirituelx come temporelx, apprisez de l'un ou l'autre loye; sur peyne de faire fyn et raunceoun a la volunte du roy. (fn. iii-567-648-1) Et ore, nient contresteant celle estatuit, plusours banerettes, chivalers, et esquiers, de jour en autre, jointement et severalement doignent liverees de drape, ascun a nombre de .ccc. hommes vadletz, et ascuns a .cc. hommes, et ascuns a meindre nombre, et ascuns a greindre nombre, en susteignance de lour extorcenouses querelles, et pur maintenance, d'ascuns contrester, et oppresser les autres a lour pleiser, siqe eux de dit liveree par colour de ycell font plusours homicides, larcines, murdres, felonies, rapes des femmes, extorsions, oppressions, et injuries, suitez, monstres et assemblez a la poeple en plusours parties du roiaume; vers queux nulle remedie ne purra estre ewe, par cause de la confederacie, entre-alliances, et maintenaunce, de la multitude de eux de compaigny de la livere de draps suisdit. 137. Livery, or cloth. Also, the commons pray that, whereas it was ordained by statute made in the first year of the reign of our lord the present king that no archbishop, abbot or prior, or any other man of holy church, or temporal person, of whatever status or condition he is within the kingdom, [col. b] should give any livery or cloth to anyone, except only his household servants and officers and those who are of his council, whether spiritual or temporal, who are learned in one law of the other; on pain of paying a fine and ransom at the king's will. (fn. iii-567-648-1) Yet now, notwithstanding this statute, many bannerets, knights and esquires from one day to the next jointly and individually give liveries of cloth, sometimes to as many as 300 valets, and sometimes to 200 men, and sometimes to a lesser number, and sometimes to a greater number, in support of their wrongful quarrels, and for maintenance, to resist or oppress people as they please; as a result of which those who wear the said livery by colour of the same carry out numerous homicides, thefts, murders, felonies, rapes of women, extortions, oppressions and injuries, suits, musters and assemblies against the people in many parts of the kingdom; against whom no help can be had because of the confederacy, alliance and support of the multitude of their companions with the aforesaid livery of the cloth.
Que plese ordeiner en cest present parlement, qe null ercevesqe, evesqe, abbe, ne priour, ne nulle autre homme de seinte esglise, ou temporel, de quel estate ou condicioun q'il soit, doigne ascun tiel livere de drape a ascuny, encontre la forme de l'estatuit avauntdit, forspris a ceux forsprisez; sur peyne de paier au roy cli. s'il soit ent duement convict. Et qe nulle homme receive tiel livere de drape, sur peine de paier xl s. a roy, encountre la forme de l'estatuit avauntdit, s'il soit ent duement atteint. Et qe les justices as assises prendre, et justices du peax en chescun counte de roiaume, aient poaire d'enquerrer et terminer en celle partie. Et qe celuy qi voet suir pur le roy < envers tiel donour, > eit la moite de tour ce qe issint serra forfaite, pur soun travaille. Et qe cest estatuit preigne effect de le fest de Nowell proschein advenir enavaunt. May it please you to ordain in this present parliament that no archbishop, bishop, abbot, or prior, or any other man of holy church, or temporal person, of whatever status or condition he may be, shall give any such livery of cloth to anyone contrary to the form of the aforesaid statute, except to those excepted; on pain of paying the king £100 if he is duly convicted of this. And that no man shall receive any such livery of cloth contrary to the form of the aforesaid statute, on pain of paying 40s. to the king if he is duly attainted of this. And that the justices of the assizes which are held, and the justices of the peace in each county of the kingdom, shall have the power to enquire and determine in this matter. And that whoever wishes to sue on behalf of the king against any such giver of livery shall have half of that which shall be forfeit for his labour. And that this statute shall take effect from Christmas next.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Soit l'estatuit en ce cas fait, et auxi l'estatuit fait de liveree des chaperons en temps du roy Richard second, (fn. iii-567-652-1) tenuz et gardez. Adjoustant a ycell, qe si ascun chivaler, ou esquier, ou ascune autre persone de meindre estate, donne ascun tiel liveree de drap, ou des chaperons, countre la forme des ditz estatuitz, q'il encourge la peine de c s. pur chescun tiel liveree de drap ou des chaperons; apaiers au roy atant des foitz q'il ferra la contraire de cest estatuit, ou ordinance. Et qe celuy qi receive aucune tiele liveree de drape, ou des chaperons, encourge semblablement la peine de xl s. apaiers au roy, come dessuis est dit. Et ait celuy qi vorra suir en ce cas la moite des tieles peines, pur soun travaille; et ne soient les dites peines ascunement pardonez. Et outrece, accordez est, qe nulle congregacioun ne compaignie se face de tiele liveree de drape ou des chaperons, as custages propres d'icell congregacioun ou compaignie; sur peine, qe chescun homme d'icelle congregacioun ou compaignie, qi face la contraire de cest ordinance ou estatuit, paie a roy xl s.; les gyldes et fraternitees, et auxi les gentz del mestere des citees et burghes deinz le roialme, qi sount founduz ou ordeignez a bone entent et purpos, tantsoulement exceptz. Et aient les justices as assises prendre poair d'enquer de temps en temps en lour cessions de les matires dessuisdites, et de ce certifier < en > banc le roy. Et qe les bedales soient desore defenduz sur mesme la peine. Purveux < toutesfoitz, q'en temps de guerre bien lise as seignours, chivalers, et esquiers, qi travailleront en tiel guerre, de doner leur liveree de vesture ou des > chaperons, tielx et en tiele guyse come mieultz leur semblera, pur temps de tiel guerre, sanz ascunement estre molestez ou enquietez celle partie. (fn. iii-567-652-2) Let the statute made on this matter, as well as the statute made concerning the livery of hoods in the time of king Richard II, (fn. iii-567-652-1) be upheld and maintained. Adding to the same that if any knight or esquire, or any other person of lesser status, gives any such livery of cloth or of hoods contrary to the form of the said statutes, he shall incur a penalty of 100s. for each such livery of cloth or of hoods, to be paid to the king as many times as he shall act in contradiction of this statute or ordinance. And that anyone who receives any such livery or cloth or of hoods shall similarly incur a penalty of 40s. to be paid to the king, as said above. And let whoever wishes to sue in such cases have a half of these penalties for his labour; and the said penalties should not in any way be pardoned. Furthermore, it is agreed that no congregation or company shall make for itself a livery of cloth or of hoods at the personal expense of the same congregation or company, on pain of every member of the same congregation or company who contravenes this ordinance or statute paying to the king 40s.; only excepting the guilds and fraternities, and also the people of those mysteries of the cities and boroughs of the realm which have been founded or ordained for a good intention and purpose. And let the justices of assizes which are held have the power to enquire from time to time in their sessions into the above-mentioned matters, and to notify the King's Bench of this. And that beadles shall henceforth be prohibited from the above on the same penalty. Provided always that in times of war it is fully permissible for the lords, knights, and esquires who take part in that war to distribute their livery of clothing or of hoods in whatever way seems best to them for the duration of that war, without being harassed or disturbed in any way for that reason. (fn. iii-567-652-2)
Pour David Holbache. [On behalf of David Holbache].
138. Item, suppliont les communes pur David Holbache, qe come il et < ses auncestres ont estez foialx et loialx liges a nostre seignour le roy, et a ses progenitours, > et al [p. iii-601][col. a] corone d'Engleterre de tout temps, sibien devaunt le conquest du Gales come apres, et le dit suppliant par ycest present rebellioun as perduz en Gales de ses terres, et des rents, al value annuelment de .cc. marcz et pluis, et des biens et chateux perduz et destruitz outre la value de .mm. marcz, come il est bien conuz a toutz les gentiles de les ditz marches, a soun grant empoverissement, et perpetuelle anientissement s'il ne soit socourez et relevez par nostre dit tressoverein seignour le roy. Et ore est ensi, qe par cause d'un estatuit fait l'an secunde de nostre tressoverein seignour le roy q'orest, estoit ordeine, 'Qe null entier Galois, eiant pier et mere neez en Gales, serroit fait ministre du roy, ne de nul autre seignour en Engleterre, ne riens doit purchacier deinz les villes Englois, n'aillours en Engleterre; et auxint, q'il ne serroit du conseil d'ascuny.' (fn. iii-567-655-1) Par force de quel estatuit plusours gentz parlont et sont en diverses opinions, qe le dit suppliant, ne ses heirs et issues, ne deveroit purchacer deinz villes Englois, n'aillours en Engleterre; ne q'il ne serroit du counseil de nully; le quel chose serroit moult poisant al dit suppliant, et grant damage et en partie de soun noun et loialte repreve, si issint soit, ou serroit; eiant regarde al tresgraunt damage et destruccion q'il ad ewe et soeffert pur sustenir et salver sa foialte et loial ligeance a nostre dit seignour le roy, et a sa corone. 138. On behalf of David Holbache. Also, the commons pray on behalf of David Holbache that, whereas he and his ancestors have been faithful and loyal lieges of our lord the king and his progenitors, and to the [p. iii-601][col. a] crown of England at all times, both before the conquest of Wales as well as after, nevertheless the said supplicant on account of this present rebellion has lost his lands and rents in Wales to an annual value of 200 marks and more, and his goods and chattels amounting to a further 200 marks are lost and destroyed, as is well known to all the people of the said marches, to his great impoverishment, and thereby risking his perpetual ruin unless he is given aid and relief by our said most sovereign lord the king. Yet now it is the case that because of a statute made in the second year of our most sovereign lord the present king, where it was ordained:- that no full-blooded Welshman who has a father and mother born in Wales shall be made a minister of the king or any other lord in England, or purchase anything within English towns, or elsewhere in England; And also that he shall not be of the council of anyone (fn. iii-567-655-1) - by virtue of which statute people express various opinions, saying that neither the said supplicant nor his heirs and issue should purchase anything within English towns or elsewhere in England; nor that he should be of the council of anyone; which would be most harmful to the said supplicant, causing great damage and no little shame to his name and loyalty, if this is or were to be the case; bearing in mind the very great damage and ruin he has undergone and suffered to support and maintain his faithful and loyal allegiance to our said lord the king and his crown.
Que pleise a vous, treshonurez seignours, de vostre tressages discrecions de considerere la matere suisdite, et supplier nostre dit tressoverein seignour le roy en cest present parlement, de faire modificacioun et declaracioun de l'estatuit suisdit a dit David, si q'il, et ses heirs et issues purront estre si francs et ables come autres loialx lieges Englois nostre dit seignour le roy, et d'estre officer et de conseil de chescun seignour, et de purchacer terres, tenementz, rents et possessions deins le roiaume d'Engleterre, sibien deinz villes Englois come dehors, et toutz autres choses faire come autres lieges nostre dit seignour le roy font, ou ferront. Et qe le dit David, ne nulle de ses heirs et issues, en temps advenir ne soit, ou soient, diseasez, grevez, molestez, ou inquietez par force du dit estatuit; einz soit, et soient, tenuz, reputez, et tretez come verrois Englois lieges nostre dit seignour le roy. Et q'ils ne soient en nulle manere desables ne restreinez de lour abilite, ne de la privilege de lour ligeance, par force du dit estatuit, ne de nulle autre parole en ycelle; mais qe la declaracioun de soun povere estate et loialte soit outrement conu et declare en ycest present parlement, sibien de tout temps passe, come pur temps advenir. May it please you, most honoured lords, with your most wise discretion, to consider the aforesaid matter, and to request of our said most sovereign lord the king in this present parliament that he make a modification and declaration of the aforesaid statute with regard to the said David, so that he and his heirs and issue might be as free and able as other loyal English lieges of our said lord the king, and able to be an officer and of the council of any lord, and to purchase lands, tenements, rents and possessions within the kingdom of England, both within English towns as well as outside them, and do all other things which other lieges of our said lord the king are allowed to do or can do. And that neither the said David nor any of his heirs and issue shall in future be injured, harassed, molested, or troubled by reason of the said statute; but that he and they shall be held, considered and treated as true English lieges of our said lord the king. And that they shall be in no way barred or prevented from exercising their rights or the privilege of their allegiance by force of the said statute, or of any other word in it; but that the declaration of his poor estate and loyalty shall be made publiclyknown and declared in this present parliament, both for time past, and for the time to come.
[memb. 2]
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet. (fn. iii-567-659-1) The king wills it. (fn. iii-567-659-1)
Election de chivalers de countees. [The election of the knights of the shire].
139. Item, prient les communes, qe considerez le noun-due election des chivalers des countees pur le parlement, queux ascun foitz sount faitz d'affeccioun des viscontz, et autrement encontre la forme des briefs as ditz viscontz directz, a graund esclaundre des countees, et retardacioun des busoignes del communalte du dit counte. 139. Election of the knights of the counties. Also, the prayer of the commons: that, considering the irregular elections of knights of the shires for parliament, which are sometimes made in accordance with the sheriffs' preferences or in other ways contrary to the form of the writs addressed to the said sheriffs, to the great disrepute of the counties and the delay of the business of the community of the said county.
Pleise a nostre seignour le roy, de l'assent des seignours espirituelx et temporelx, < ordeiner en cest present parlement, qe desore > enavaunt les eleccions des chivalers soient faites en la fourme q'ensuyt. C'estassavoir, qe al proschein counte atenir apres la liveree du brief du parlement, proclamacioun soit fait en plein countee, de le jour et lieu de parlement. Et qe toutz ceux qi illeoqes sont presents, sibien sueters duement sommonez par celle cause, come < autres, > attendent le eleccion de lour chivalers pur le parlement; et adonqes en plein countee aillent al election, liberalment, et indifferentement, nonobstant ascun prier ou commandement du contraire. Et apres q'ils soient esluz, soient les persones esluz presentz ou absentz, soient lour nouns escriptz en endenture dessoutz les sealx de toutz ceux qi eux eslisent, et tacchez au dit brief du parlement. Quele [col. b] endenture issint ensealez et tacchez soit tenuz pur retourne du dit brief quaunt as chivalers des countees. Et qe en briefs de parlement affaires en temps advenir soit mys cest clause: et eleccionem tuam in pleno comitatu tuo factam, distincte et aperte, sub sigillo tuo, et sigillis eorum qui electioni illi interfuerint, nos in cancellaria nostra ad diem et locum in brevi contenta certifices indilate. May it please our lord the king, by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, to ordain in this present parliament that henceforth the elections of knights shall be carried out in the following manner. Namely, at the next county court to be held after the delivery of the said writ of parliament, proclamation should be made in full county court concerning the day and place of the parliament. And that all those who are there present, both suitors duly summoned for this reason as well as others, shall attend the election of their knights for the parliament; and then let the election be held in full county court, freely and impartially, notwithstanding any request or command to the contrary. And after they have been elected, whether the elected persons are present or absent, let their names be written in an indenture under the seals of all those who elected them and attached to the said writ of parliament. And this [col. b] indenture thus sealed and attached shall be considered to be the return of the said writ with regard to the knights of the counties. And that in writs of parliament in time to come this clause shall be included: And you should notify us in our chancery without delay on the day and in the place given in the writ that your election was conducted in your full county court, openly and publicly, under your seal and the seals of those who were present at this election.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet. (fn. iii-567-665-1) The king wills it. (fn. iii-567-665-1)
Suggestion. [Payment of royal annuities].
140. Item, supplient humblement les communes, qe come nadgairs suggestioun fait a nostre dit seignour le roy en soun parlement tenuz a Westm' en les oetaves de Seint Hillair', l'an de soun regne quart, (fn. iii-567-668-1) par les < communes > adonqes esteantz en le dit parlement, 'Qe par la ou plusours persones avoient, en regarde de lour bone service, sibien du graunt nostre seignour le roy qu'orest, come des graunts du roy Edward aiel mesme nostre seignour le roy, et de roy Richard soun darrein predecessour, certeines annuitees aprendres pur terme de lour vies, des issues et revenuz de diverses countees d'Engleterre, par les mayns des viscountz des ditz countees pur le temps esteantz; et qe autres persones de pluis puisne temps par vertue des lettres patentes a eux grauntees par ascunes des ditz rois, des certeines sommes apprendrez des < issues > des ditz countees, a terme de vie, ou en autre manere, en surcharge de mesmes les countees, par favour ou par doune, ount este paiez, entrelessez les primeres grants, ou plusours de eux, nient paiez, a graunt tort, et countrie droit et reasoun, et veraisemble disheritesoun de ceux ency de primes grauntez; y pluist a nostre dit seignour le roy, qe ceux qi avoient lour primeres lettres patentes de luy ou ses progenitours serroient primerement paiez, solonc la forme de lour lettres patentes. Et ja soit ency, qe par cause qe nulle peine fuist limite ne expresse en les ditz volunte et ordinance nostre dit seignour le roy, les viscounts qi ount depuis esteez, ascuns par favour, et ascuns par doune, ount paiez a ceux qi ount esteez de pluis puisne temps grauntez lour annuitees, et as ceux qi ount esteez de pluis auncien temps riens ou poi paiez, encontre l'ordinance avauntdite. 140. Suggestion. Also, the humble request of the commons: whereas recently a suggestion was made to our said lord the king in his parliament held at Westminster on the octaves of St Hilary in the fourth year of his reign, (fn. iii-567-668-1) by the commons then present in his said parliament, That whereas many people have had, in respect of their good service, both by grant of our lord the present king as well as by the grants of King Edward [III], grandfather of our same lord the king, and of King Richard [II], his late predecessor, various annuities to be received for the term of their lives, from the issues and revenues of various counties of England by the hands of the sheriffs of the said counties then in office; and that other persons, at a more recent time by virtue of letters patent granted to them by some of the said kings, have been granted certain sums to be received from the issues of the said counties for a term of life, or in some other way, thereby over-charging the same counties, by favour or by gift; and they have been paid, leaving the first grants, or some of them, unpaid, which is a great wrong, and contrary to right and reason, and results in the actual disinheritance of those to whom the first grants were made; may it please our said lord the king therefore, that those who received the first letters patent from him or his progenitors should be paid first and foremost, in accordance with the tenor of their letters patent. For it is already the case that, because no penalty was specified or mentioned in the said mandate and ordinance of our said lord the king, the sheriffs who have since been in office, some through favour, and some through bribery, have paid annuities to those who were made grants at a later date, and have paid little or nothing to those who received their grants at an earlier time, contrary to the aforesaid ordinance.
Plese ordeiner en cest present parlement, qe si ascun viscount des ditz countees paie a ascuny de pluis puisne temps sa annuitee, celuy q'est de pluis eisne temps nient paie, qe tiel paiement soit disalowe sur soun accompt, et tenuz pur nulle. Et qe le viscont qi ensi face soit compellez de faire due paiement a celuy qi est de pluis eisne temps issint nient paiez, de ceo q'il est duement a derere en ceste partie'. May it please you to ordain in this present parliament that if any sheriff of the said counties pays his annuity to anyone who received his grant at a later date, so that an earlier one remains unpaid, that any such payment should be disallowed on his account and held at nought. And that the sheriff who thus made it shall be compelled to make due payment to whoever has an earlier grant remaining unpaid of whatever is duly in arrears in this matter.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe ceux q'ont lettres patents effectuelx et de force de eisne date soient primerement paiez, solonc l'effect d'icelles et de les garrantz sufficeantz sur ceo faitz. Sauvant a nostre seignour le roy les profres faitz ou a faires en soun escheqer; et sauvant ceo q'est grante a nostre dame la roigne, et les fitz du roy. Et si ascun viscont, custumer, ou ascun autre, paie a ascuny eiant lettres patents de puisne date, et lesse ascun autre eiant lettres patentes de eisne date nient paiez, exceptz ceux qi devaunt sont exceptz, qe celuy qi ensi face ne soit excusez ne dischargiez envers ceux qi ont lour lettres patentes de eisne date par ascuns tieles paiementz ensi faitz a ceux eiantz lour lettres patentes de puisne date, ne deschargiez hors de l'escheqer, tanqe il ad fait gree a partie solonc ley et resoun, et damages solonc le discrecioun des barons de l'escheqer. (fn. iii-567-671-1) The king wills that those who have genuine and valid letters patent of an older date shall be paid first, in accordance with the tenor of the same and of the appropriate warrants made with regard to the same; saving to our lord the king the payments made or to be made in his exchequer, and saving that which is granted to our lady the queen and to the king's sons. And if any sheriff, customs' officer, or any other, pays anyone possessing letters patent of a later date, and leaves anyone else possessing letters patent of an earlier date unpaid, except those who were previously excepted, that whoever acts thus shall not be excused or discharged with regard to those who have letters patent of an earlier date on the grounds of any such payments thus made to those possessing letters patent of a later date, or discharged from the exchequer, until he has compensated the party in accordance with law and reason and paid damages at the discretion of the barons of the exchequer. (fn. iii-567-671-1)
Laborers, artificers, etc. [Labourers and artificers, etc.]
141. Item, prie tout la commune en cest present parlement, qe les bones estatuitz faitz en temps du noble roy Edward aiel nostre seignour le roy qu'orest, l'an de soun regne .xxv., et les estatuitz faitz a Cantebregg' en temps du Richard nadgairs roy d'Engleterre, l'an de soun regne .xij. e , touchantz laborers, artificers, et autres servantz [p. iii-602][col. a] de husbandrie, puissent estre gardez, observez et executz en toutz pointz. Et come en le dit estatuit de Cantebregge, entre autres articles soit contenuz, Qe celuy ou celle qi use de laborer a la charu ou charette, ou autre labour ou service de husbandrie, tanq'il soit d'age de .xij. ans, qe desore enavaunt il demoerge a cel labour saunz estre mys a mestere, ou artifice. Et si ascune covenante ou lien de apprentice soit fait desore enavaunt acontraire, soit tenuz pur nulle. (fn. iii-567-674-1) Nient obstant quel article, et les bones estatuitz avaunt faitz par toutz les parties du roialme, les enfantz neez dedeinz les villes et seignouries de Uppeland, des queux lour piers et meers n'ount de terre ne rent, n'autre vivre, sinoun lour servise ou mesteer, par lour ditz piers et meers, et autres lour amys, sont mys de servir et lies apprentices as diverses artes dedeins les citees et burghes de vostre roiaume, a le foitz al age de .xij. ans, et a le foitz dedeins le dit age. Et ce pur l'orgoille de vesture, et autres males custumes qe servantz usent en ycelle; parissint q'il ad si graunde chierte de laborers, et autres servantz de husbandrie, qe les gentiles, et autres de vostre roialme qi vivent sur lour terres, sont grandement empovertz par le cause suisdit. 141. Labourers, artificers, etc. Also, all the commons in this present parliament pray that the good statutes made in the time of the noble king Edward, grandfather of our lord the present king, in the twenty-fifth year of his reign [1351], and the statutes made at Cambridge in the time of Richard, formerly king of England, in the twelfth year of his reign [1388], touching labourers, artificers, and other servants [p. iii-602][col. a] of husbandry, should be maintained, observed and enforced in all points. And since in the said statute of Cambridge, amongst other articles is included:- That whoever is accustomed to working with a plough or cart, or carrying out other labour or work of husbandry, up to the age of twelve, shall henceforth remain at this work without being assigned to a trade or craft. And if any covenant or bond of apprenticeship is henceforth made to the contrary, it shall be held at nought (fn. iii-567-674-1) - Notwithstanding which article, and the good statutes previously made throughout the realm, children born within the towns and lordships of Upland, whose parents do not have land or rent or any other living except their service or craft, are placed in service and bound as apprentices in various crafts within the cities and boroughs of your kingdom by their said fathers and mothers and other friends, sometimes at the age of twelve, and sometimes younger. And this is done out of pride in the clothing, and other bad customs which servants are used to in the same; so that there is so great a scarcity of labourers and other servants of husbandry, that the nobles and others of your kingdom who live on their lands are greatly impoverished for the aforesaid reason.
Plese a nostre seignour le roy, et as seignours espirituelx et temporelx en cest present parlement, d'ordeigner, qe nulle homme ou femme, de quel estat ou condicioun q'il soit, mette soun fitz ou file, de quel < age q'il > soit, de servir come prentice a nulle mistere n'autre labour dedeins citee ou burghe dedeins le roialme, sinoun q'il eit terre ou rent a la value de xx s. par an a meyns. Mes q'il soit mys de servier a autiel labour, soit il dedeins citee ou dehors, come soun dit pier et mere usent, ou autre labour come lour estates requirent; sur peine d'emprisonement d'un an, et affaire fyn a volunte du roy: et si ascun covenant, de quel age q'il enfaunt soit, fait a contraire, soit tenuz pur nulle. Purveu toutesfoitz, qe chescun homme [ou femme, de quel] estat ou condicioun q'il soit, soit franc a mettre soun fitz ou file d'apprendre la letterure a quielconqe escole dedeinz le roialme. Et qe desore enavaunt chescun qi voille faire soun fitz ou file prentice a ascun mestere, dedeins citee ou burghe, q'il porte au mair ou baillif un bille ensealez desoutz les sealx de deux des justices du pees del countee en quel enfaunt est nee, tesmoignant la value de terre ou de rent etc. Et qe nulle homme ou femme receive ascun apprentice a contraire de ceste ordinance, sur peyne de paier a roy c s. sibien al suyt du roy, come a chescun qi voille pleyner. Et devaunt les justices du pees, ou en autre court de roy, celuy qi voet suir eit l'un moite, et le roy l'autre moyte. Et qe en chescune lete, soit il en mayn du roy ou d'autre qeconqe liege du roy, soient un foitz par an toutz les laborers et artificers demurantz [dedeinz le dit lete, sermentez,] de servir et prendre pur soun service solonc les ditz estatuitz. Et s'ilsrefusent a ceo faire, soient mys en ceppes deinz la ville ou ils sont [pris par trois jours, saunz baill ou mainpris,] tanq'ils voillent faire de gree, et de illeoqes al proschein gaol; et qe chescun ville < ou > seignourie qe faillent de lour ceppes q'ils ne soient faitz avant le fest de Pasqe proschein, encourge devers le roy c s., d'estre leve en eide de la .xv. me a graunter en temps advenir. May it please our lord the king and the lords spiritual and temporal in this present parliament to ordain that no man or woman, of whatever status or condition they may be, shall place his son or daughter, of whatever age, in service as an apprentice to any craft or trade within cities or boroughs of the kingdom, unless they have land or rent to a value of 20s. a year at least. But that they must be put to whatever kind of work, be it within the city or outside it, in which their father or mother were accustomed to work, or other such labour suitable to their rank; on pain of imprisonment for one year and payment of a fine at the king's will: and if any covenant is made to the contrary, whatever age the child is, it shall be held at nought. Provided always that every man or woman, or whatever status or condition they may be, shall be free to send his son or daughter to learn letters at any school within the kingdom. And that henceforth anyone who wishes to make his son or daughter an apprentice to any craft within a city or borough shall take to the mayor or baillif a bill sealed with the seals of two justices of the peace from the county in which the child was born, testifying to the value of their land or rent etc. And that no man or woman shall receive any apprentice in contradiction of this ordinance, on pain of paying to the king 100s., either at the suit of the king or at that of anyone who wishes to complain. And before the justices of the peace, or in any other court of the king, whoever wishes to sue shall have a half and the king the other half. And that in each leet court, be it in the hands of the king or one of the king's lieges, all the labourers and artificers dwelling within the said leet shall be sworn once a year to serve and receive payment for their service in accordance with the said statutes. And if they refuse to do this they shall be placed in the stocks within the town where they are arrested for three days, without bail or mainprise, until they agree to make amends, and then taken from there to the nearest gaol; and that each town or lordship which has no stocks and which has not made them before next Easter shall incur a fine to the king of 100s., to be levied in aid of the fifteenths which shall be to be granted in time to come.
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy le voet. (fn. iii-567-678-1) The king wills it. (fn. iii-567-678-1)
Marchantz. [Merchants and the keeping of the sea.]
142. Item, supplient humblement les communes de vostre roiaume d'Engleterre, qe come, par auctorite et ordinance de cest present parlement, les marchantz del dit roiaume aueront la garde de la meer, du primer jour de May darrein passe tanqe al fest de Seint Michel adonqes proschein ensuant, et de mesme le fest de Seint Michel tanq'al fest de Seint Michel delors proschein ensuant par un an entier, ovesqe certeines nombres des gentz d'armes et archiers bien et sufficiantment arraiez pur la [col. b] guerre, ensemblement ovesqe sufficiant nombre des mariners pur la governance des niefs en temps de guerre, sicome est continue en l'ordinance suisdit; sur quele garde les ditz marchants aueront la tonage et poundage, et la quarte partie del subside des leynes, quirs et peaux lanutz, del primere jour d'Aprille darrein passe tanq'al dit fest de Seint Michel qe serroit en un an apres; ensemblement ovesqe [atant de] somme come les ditz tonage, poundage et quarte partie du dit subside amonteront, de la chaundelour darrein passe jesqe al suisdit primere jour d'Aprille, de les autres trois parties de mesme la subside des leyns, quirs et pealx lanutz, eskippes, et a eskipper apres le dit primere jour de Maii darrein passe. Et qe mesmes les marchantz renderont lour accompt de tout ceo q'ils receiveront par le temps suisdit de les tonage, poundage et quarte partie suisditz; ensemblement ovesqe tant de somme quant les tonage et poundage et le quarte partie del subside des leyns, quirs et peaux lanutz amontent, < del dit fest > de chaundelour tanq'al dit primere jour d'Aprille. (fn. iii-567-681-1) Pur quels tonage, poundage et subside des leyns, quirs et pealx lanutz lever et receiver, come dessuis est declare, furent certeines persones assignez en toutz les portz d'Engleterre; c'estassavoir, une persone nomme en le noun et pur le roi par le tresorer d'Engleterre, pur les trois parties de la dit subside, et une autre persone par les marchantz, sicome les commissions dessoutz le graund seal < nostre dit seignour le roy > ent faitz fount mencioun. Sur quoy les ditz marchantz ount sustinuz la nombre des gentz sur la dite garde, a lour tresgraundes costages et despenses, solonc l'accorde suisdite, tanq'al .xxix. jour de Novembre ore darrein passe. 142. Also, the humble request of the commons of your kingdom of England: whereas, by the authority and ordinance of this present parliament, the merchants of the said kingdom have had the guarding of the sea from the first day of May last until the feast of Michaelmas next, and then from the same feast of Michaelmas until the feast of Michaelmas a whole year from then, with a specified number of men at arms and archers suitably and adequately arrayed for [col. b] war, together with an adequate number of mariners for the manning of ships in time of war, as is stated in the aforesaid ordinance; for which safeguard the said merchants may have the tunnage and poundage, and a quarter of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells, from the first day of April last until the said feast of Michaelmas a year from then; together with as large a sum as the said tunnage, poundage and the quarter of the said subsidy amount to, from Candlemas last up to the aforesaid first day of April, from the other three quarters of the same subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells shipped or to be shipped after the said first day of May last. And that the same merchants shall render account for all which they have received during the aforesaid time from the tunnage, poundage and aforesaid quarter, together with as large a sum as the tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells amount to from the said feast of Candlemas until the first day of April. (fn. iii-567-681-1) For the levying and receiving of which tunnage, poundage and the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells, as mentioned above, certain people were appointed in all the ports of England; namely, one person appointed in the name of and on behalf of the king by the treasurer of England, for the three quarters of the said subsidy, and another person by the merchants, as the commissions made on this under the great seal of our said lord the king make mention. As a result of which, the said merchants maintained that number of people on the said safeguard, at their very great cost and expense, in accordance with the aforesaid agreement, until 29 November last.
Que plese a vostre treshaut et tresgraciouse seignourie, tresredoute seignour, et a voz tressages discreciouns, treshonurables seignours, qe les ditz coillours issint nommez en les ditz commissions en noun des marchantz pur lever et receiver les tonage et poundage et la quarte partie del dit subsidie des leyns, quirs et peaux lanutz, ensemblement ovesqe tant de somme quant les tonage et poundage, et la quarte partie del dit subside des leyns, quirs et peaux lanutz amontent, del dit fest de chaundelour tanq'al dit primere jour d'Aprill sicome est contenuz en lour ditz commissions; par accord de cest parlement purront lever et receiver mesmes les tonage et poundage, et la quarte partie du dit subside, ensemblement ovesqe tant de somme quant les tonage et poundage et la quarte partie du dit subside amontent, del dit fest de chaundelour jesqe al primere jour d'Aprille suisdit, en noun des ditz marchantz, tanq'al .xxiv. me jour de Novembre darrein passe; nient contresteant ascuns briefs nostre seignour le roy faitz le .xiiij. e jour de Septembre darrein passe de contraire: al fyn qe mesmes les coillours, chescun par soy, issint severalment assignez en diverses ports d'Engleterre, purront accompter en noun des ditz marchantz, et avoir allouance, et estre deschargiez en lour severalx accompts a rendre en vostre escheqer, sibien de toutz les sommes de deniers par eux receuz, et provenauntz de lez tonage, poundage et la quarte partie de subside avauntditz; ensemblement ovesqe tant de somme quant les ditz tonage, poundage, et la quarte partie del subside des leyns, quirs et peaux lanutz amontent, del dit fest de chaundelour tanq'al dit primere jour d'Aprille, come de mesmes les deniers par eux severalment en lour portz deliverez a Richard Cliderowe, admiralle sur la meer vers le southe et west, et Nicholas Blakebourne, admiralle sur la meer vers la northe, nomez par les ditz marchantz, par lour severalx endentures faitz parentre le ditz coillours issint assignez par les ditz marchantz, et les ditz Richard et Nicholas, admiralx vers le southe et northe, sur les gages et regardes des gentz d'armes, archiers et mariners, et autres costages necessairs, queux mesmes les admiralx [p. iii-603][col. a] ont sustenuz et eues en nouns des ditz marchantz sur la salve-garde de la meer suisdit: au fyn qe mesmes les admiralx purront en accomptir en le dit escheqer, sibien de les ditz sommes de deniers par eux issint severalment receuz de les ditz coillours, < come de les > gages et regardes des gentz d'armez, archers, mariners et autrez necessariez costagez pur la garde suisdite, et d'avoir due allouance en mesmes lour severalx accomptes, par lour serements severalmentz affairs, de toutz les paiements q'ils ount severalment issint faitz et paiez, sibien pur lour gages de mesme, come pur les gages et regardez de diverses gentz d'armes, hommes armes, archers et mariners, et louage de tontight des niefs et vesseux, et autres costages necessairs pur la garde suisdite, pur le temps q'ils demureront sur la garde avauntdite, saunz pursuir autre garrant de prive seal, ou de graunt seal nostre dit seignour le roy, pur lour accomptes suisditz. Et en outre, qe les ditz coillours, en lour portz ou ils sont severalement assignez, q'ils, et chescun par soy, purront, et purroit, avoir allouance, et estre regardez pur lour travailx et costages par eux eues et sustenues entour la leve et resceipt de les tonage, poundage et la quarte partie del subside avauntditz, en lour suisditz accomptes, solonc l'advis et discrecioun del tresorer d'Engleterre. Et qe toutz les marchantz, sibien ceux de cest present parlement, come toutz autres marchantz, lour ministres, possessours des niefs, et mariners, desore enavaunt, par auctoritee de cest parlement soient pleinement deschargiez du garde de meer suisdite. May it please your most high and most gracious lordship, most feared lord, and your most wise discretion, most honourable lords, that the said collectors thus appointed in the said commissions in the name of the merchants to levy and receive the tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the said subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells, together with as great a sum as the tunnage and poundage, and the quarter of the said subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells amounted to from the said feast of Candlemas until the first day of April, as is stated in their said commissions; with the agreement of this parliament, might levy and receive the same tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the said subsidy, together with as great a sum as the said tunnage and poundage and the quarter of the said subsidy amounted to from the said feast of Candlemas until the aforesaid first day of April, in the name of the said merchants, until 24 November last; notwithstanding any writs of our lord the king issued to the contrary on 14 September last: with the intention that the same collectors, each for himself, thus individually appointed to various ports in England, might account in the name of the said merchants and have allowance and be discharged in their individual accounts to be rendered in your exchequer, both for all the sums of money received by them and arising from the aforesaid tunnage, poundage and the quarter of the subsidy; together with as large a sum as the said tunnage, poundage and quarter of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells amounted to from the said feast of Candlemas until the first day of April, as well for the money individually delivered by them in their ports to Richard Clitheroe, admiral of the sea towards the south and west, and Nicholas Blackburn, admiral of the sea towards the north (who were appointed by the said merchants, by separate indentures made between the said collectors thus appointed by the said merchants and the said Richard and Nicholas, admirals towards the south and north) for the wages and rewards of the men at arms, archers and mariners, and other necessary costs which the same admirals [p. iii-603][col. a] have sustained and undergone in the name of the said merchants for the safeguard of the aforesaid sea: so that the same admirals can account for this in the said exchequer, both for the sums of money thus individually received by them from the said collectors, as well as the wages and rewards of the men at arms, archers, mariners and other necessary expenses for the aforesaid safeguard, and have due allowance in each of their separate accounts, by oaths to be made by them individually, for all the payments they have each made or given, both for their own wages for this as well as for the wages and rewards of various men at arms, armed men, archers and mariners, and for the hiring of the tonnage of ships and vessels, and other necessary expenses for the aforesaid safeguard, for the time that they would remain on the aforesaid safeguard; without suing any other warrant of privy seal or of the great seal of our lord the king for their aforesaid accounts. And in addition that the said collectors, in the ports to which they were separately appointed, they and each one of them might have allowance and be rewarded for the effort and expense undergone and sustained by them in the course of levying and receiving the said tunnage, poundage and the quarter of the aforesaid subsidy, in their aforesaid accounts, with the advice and at the discretion of the treasurer of England. And that all the merchants, both those of this present parliament as well as all other merchants, their officers, shipowners and mariners, henceforth, by the authority of this parliament, shall be fully discharged from the aforesaid safeguard of the sea.
[memb. 1]
[col. b]
[editorial note: Responsio.] [editorial note: Answer.]
Le roy voet, qe primerement les marchantz soient deschargiez du garde de meer. Et outre ce, ait le counseil du roy poaire par auctoritee de parlement [d'examiner ceste petition, et de faire oier] les accomptes des persones deinz escriptz, et surce faire due allouance a les admiralx, marchantz et coillours deins escriptz. [Et aient mesmes les admiralx, marchantz et] coillours, garrantz sufficiantz, solonc le purport de l'act ent fait en parlement. Et en cas qe mesme l'act ne [soit pas suffisant, ait mesme le counseil poaire par auctorite] de parlement de faire en ce cas ceo qe bone foie, conscience et raisoun demandent, sur les matires [contenuz en ceste peticion.] The king wills, firstly, that the merchants should be discharged from the safeguard of the sea. Furthermore, let the king's council have the power by authority of parliament to examine this petition and cause the accounts of the persons mentioned above to be heard, and thereupon to make due allowance to the admirals, merchants and collectors mentioned above. And let the same admirals, merchants and collectors have sufficient warrants, in accordance with the purport of the act made on this in parliament. And in case the same act is not adequate, let the same council have the power by authority of parliament to do in this case that which good faith, conscience and reason demand, concerning the matters included in this petition
Dissolucioun de parlement. [The dissolution of parliament].
Et puis apres qe les dites communes petitions furent lues et respondues en la forme suisdite, le chaunceller [...] et communes de leur pleuseurs labours et diligences queux ils avoient euez et sustenuz par tout le [...] parlement. Et par consideracioun qe le solempne fest de Nowel est si pres, le roy voet a present dissolver soun [parlement] [...] transporter en soun propre pays come mieultz luy plerra. Et dona outre en mandement le dit chaunceller [as chivalers] [...] venuz par sommons au parlement, de suir briefs pur leur gages de parlement. Et ensi feust le dit parlement fini, et departi le dit mesquerdy [dessuisdite.] The dissolution of parliament. And then, after the said common petitions had been read and replied to in the aforesaid manner, the chancellor. . . [thanked] the commons for the great labour and effort they had undertaken and sustained through all the . .. parliament. And, bearing in mind that it was so close to the solemn feast of Christmas, the king wished to dissolve his parliament at that time . . .[and thus gave them licence] to take themselves off to their own parts as they pleased. And the said chancellor gave a further order to the knights . . . who had come by summons to parliament, to sue writs for their wages of parliament. And so the said parliament ended and broke up on the aforesaid Wednesday [22 December].