Memorial XXX: The Lottery of 1585

Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Originally published by Harrison, London, 1875.

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'Memorial XXX: The Lottery of 1585', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London, ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Memorial XXX: The Lottery of 1585', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Edited by C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Memorial XXX: The Lottery of 1585". Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

XXX. THE LOTTERY OF 1585. (fn. 1)

July 26th, 1585.

A letter from Her Maties Privy Council to the Lord Mayor upon the Lottery which was sent to this Company to persuade its members to adventure in it.

After o' hartie comendac[i]ons, we are greaved to understande by suche as by us are apointed as Treasurors to receave suche money as shoulde be brought into the Lotterie now open and published by virtue of Her Maties tres patent, and granted to John Calthrop, Merchante and Citizen of London, that since the publicac[i]on of the same the proceadinges and cominge in of the adventurors are very slacke, by reason of the hard opinion and distruste conceived of the last lotterie, and the length of tyme set downe for the execuc[i]on of this nowe in hande. We therefore to whome by authoritie of Her Majties tres it apperteyneth to order and directe the proceedings of the same, knowinge the purpose of Her Majties graunte of the Lotterie to have tended speciallie to the benefitting of the said John Calthrop havinge soe well deserved in bringinge the same into the Realme, and management of others in the like service have, for the better comoditie of the said John Calthrop, and satisfac[i]on of such as are disposed to adventure in the said lotterie, redeemed the tyme of the execuc[i]on and performance thereof, unto the Eighth daie of November nexte at the furtheste, for the execuc[i]on whereof and trewe delivery of the pryces to the wynners. We meane to appoynt certaine p'sonnes of credite and trust, to whom the care thereof shalbe committed, that noe man shalbe defrauded of such part or p'rtes of the armor as shall befall unto him by the event of the said lottery; and to th'ende the same may be the more speadilie furthered and advanced by your good meanes, the rather wee thinke yt meete, partelie uppon the receipt thereof, you call the Aldermen, yo' Brethren together, and to p'swade every man to adventure in some reasonable proporc[i]on in the said lottery for themselves, and thereupon with the like p'suasion to deale with the Maister and Wardens of all the Companies within the Citie to assemble theire severall Companies together, and to make them adventure, either particularly or generallie, for the whole Companie soe many lotteries as they shall thinke convenient, and to bring in their adventure within the tyme prefixed. And yf you, the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs, shall by yo' own forwardness and industry to be further used amongst the citizens out of the Companies, procure and encrease of th'adventure, whether the somme of money required by the tres patent may by, or within the tyme lymitted for the execuc[i]on of the lottery be brought in there shalbe bestowed upon you the Lord Maior, as of Her Majties gift and liberalitie in respecte of the foresaid service of the said Lotterie, one bason and ewre of 100l., and to other of you the Sheriffs, one bason and ewre of 100 markes, to remayne to you the Maior and Sheriffs, and to yo' successors Mayor and Sheriffs within the Cittie for ever. And nothing doubtinge of yo' forwardness herein wee bidd you hartilie farewell from Greenwiche, xii of Julye 1585.

Yo' very Lovinge Frends, Tho. Bromley, Cancel.

Ff. Bedford.

Christr. Hatton.

S. Shrewsbury.

R. Leicester.

H. Hunsdon.

Ff. Walsingham.

Ch. Howarde.

H. Darbye.

August 18th, 1585.

The Livery called and recommended to try their fortune in the Lottery.

It is agreed that the Livery of this Mistery be called accordinge to a copie of a letter sente from my Lorde Maior to the Maister and Wardens concerninge the Lottery, to move them to adventure therein, which l're was sent f'om the Lord Maior to the Councell's. It is also ordered and agreed that the Warden Substitutes shall lykewise call before them the Bachelors' Companie, and to cawse the said l're to be redd unto them, and to move them to adventure in the said Lottery likewise.

June 28th, 1586.

The Drawing of the Lottery.

It is agreed by the Master, Wardens, and Assistants that Oliver Thomas Pearson, Richd Prockter and Roger Abdye, Lovinge Brethren of this Misterie, shall give theire attendance in the Lotterie Howse, sett up at the west dore in Pawle's Churche Yarde, where the Lotterie shall be cawled out on Thursday, in the morninge next ensuinge the date hereof, and their to remayne from eight of the clocke of the said morninge until xii of the clocke at noone, and soe uppon everye warninge to p'cede dowards in the Companie untill the same Lottery be called out.


  • 1. See Court Minutes, August 1568 [Appendix A (7), p. 532].