Appendix F: To Memorial XXI

Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Originally published by Harrison, London, 1875.

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'Appendix F: To Memorial XXI', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London, ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].

'Appendix F: To Memorial XXI', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Edited by C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,

"Appendix F: To Memorial XXI". Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.

In this section



Extracts from manuscript Account Books as to Payments for the Lord Mayor's Civic Expenses, 1412–1458 (rendered by T. R. Martin, esq.)

f. 73.; f. 80.

The only payments I have seen in the First Account Book referring to the Mayor are,—

"2 Henry V. (1412–3.) Expenses of riding with the Mayor to Windsor.—Given to the Mayor, a pipe of wine, price 53s. 4d. To his butler, 20d.

"3 Henry V. To the Mayor and his wife, 12 yards of green cloth at 6s. 8d."

In some years the Mayor is allowed a gown and hood, in others a hood alone, in others no allowance. There is sometimes a hood for the Recorder.

In the Second Book there are annual entries for the expenses of attending on the Mayor. Allowances of cloth to the serjeant and swordbearer of the Mayor (sometimes this is a money reward, among necessary expenses, 6s. 8d. "for his good service in Tailors' Hall at the Feast of St. John).

23 Henry VI. Swans were presented to the Lord Mayor, and this entry occurs in 36–37 Henry VI. (1457–8):—

f. 160.

"Pro uno dentrice (fn. 1) dato Majori, 3s. 8d."

[It is clear, from several entries in "Liber Albus," that the "several mysteries" were usually attendant upon the Lord Mayor on public occasions, as on his proceeding to the Exchequer at Westminster to be sworn in as Escheator (p. 23), to Church at St. Paul's (p. 25), and elsewhere.

The "Livery" of the Lord Mayor for his year of office was settled shortly before the Feast of Pentecost, and it was no small compliment to bestow the "livery," &c., adopted upon their friends and dependents (p. 26). As the Merchant Taylors Company had a distinctive livery with which they were evidently pleased, their importunity to the Lord Mayor was that none but men of their own Guild should be allowed to wear it.—C. M. C.]



The Company used to create liverymen much as the Crown did knights, viz., to cover the expense of any extraordinary occasion. The entry of the calling of the Livery to cover the expenses of Sir Robert Lee's election as Lord Mayor in 1602 may be given as an illustration, and after the "dreadful fire," 1,000l. was raised by the Company in this way.

"Be it remembered that these several persons hereafter named (viz.), Robert Lee the younger, Raphe Smith, John Proude, Peter Goures, Richard Tennant, John Erle, William Adderley. Henry Moody, George Wynne, Otho Mawdytt, Robert Gore, Raphe Gore, George Sotherton, Jacob Procter, Edwd. Davenant, James Graves, Edmd. Creetch, Wm. Bond, Wm. Brett, John Harrison, Matthew Beadles, Edwd. Katcher, Anthony Sprott, John Haughton, Thos. Offley, Henry Polsted and Wm. Speight, being lately (as appeareth by former Courtes) taken & called into the Clothing and Lyvery of this Society, did upon Summons and Warning unto them given, make theire p'sonal appearance before our Master and Wardens and other Worshipfull Assistants of this Company in the Common Hall of this Societie upon a certen daie appoynted for that purpose, and they were informed by Mr. Robt. Dowe, a grave & worll Member of this Company that the Master, Wardens, and Assistants having received sufficient testimony of theire habylities, wysdom, and civill conversations, had elected and chosen them to be of the Clothing & Lyvery of this Societie; and withal they were informed that accordinge to a late decree every of them that had not supplied the place of a Warden Substitute, was to pay Twenty-ffve poundes a-piece, and those that had executed the same place onlye Thirty-three shillings and fourpence, which they were appoynted to send within a few daies. Also they were appoynted to p'pare their I.yverie Gowns and Hoods in a readiness within ffourteen dayes, and upon a certen daie appoynted, to resort hither agayne, to receive and take the usuall Othe, upon Admittance into the Lyvery; and they were all appoyted to provide theire Livery Hoods suitable, all of one Cloth, and not to provyde any olde Hoods. They were also informed that they of this Lyvery sholde bestowe on the Clerk and Beadle, to either of them a new Hood, beside such further Gratuitie as they thought fitt. They were further advertized by the Wardens, that it hath been an auncient and usual custome and curtesy that those that be called into the Lyverie shoulde present and helpe our Master with Venison agaynst his ffeaste. After which they departed, and all the said p'sons agaynst the day appoynted either brought or sent in their money due upon their said admyttance.

"On the speciall day appointed they were sent for to the Hall to take theire Othes. In the presence therefore of the Master & Wardens, together with Mr. Dow, Mr. Offley, Mr. Procter, and Mr. Plomer, old Masters, and all the old Masters, with theire Hoods upon their shoulders and kneeling upon theire knees, did receive and take the usual Othe upon admittance into theire Livery, and then were taken by the hand, saluted and hartielye bid welcome by the Master, the olde Masters and the Wardens.

"Mr. John Swinnerton (whoe was now elected to be one of the said Lyvery) before suche tyme as the Lyvery were sworne, was elected Alderman and Sheriff of London, soe as by reason of the said worll calling, he did overleape the said other inferior place, and soe was never of the Livery, nor paid any ffine for the same."— [10th July 1602.]

After Sir Thomas Rowe there appears to have been no Lord Mayor of the Company until 1602, when, after raising money to meet expenses, the Court resolved as follows:—

"Itt is concluded and agreed that against Symon and Jude's Day for the triumph before the Lord Maior, there shalbe preparacion made of a Pageon, a Ship, a Lyon, and a Cammell. The Pageon being a thing ordynary, and th'other three doe properly belong unto our Companie, and are very fitt and answerable for this tyme, namely, the Ship in regard two Worll. Members of this Company are to beare great offyces in this Cittie for this nexte yeare ensuing, viz., Mr. Robt. Lee, Alderman, the honble. place of Lord Maior, and Mr. John Swinnerton, Alderman, the place of one of the Sheriffes of this Cittie, and they both being merchants. And we, as well in regard of the Companies' Incorporacion and name of Merchantailors, as also in regard, the said two Worll. persons are merchants by profession, the shippe is proper and very apte for this occasion and tyme, and the Lyon being part of the Companie's Armes, and the Cammell the Companie's supporters. And our Master and Wardens are entreated to have a speciall care, that every thing maye be very sufficientlie p'formed, to the worship and creditt of the Company, being long free from the same chardge not havinge had a Maior of our Company sithence Sir Thomas Rowe was Lord Mayor, beinge now thirty and three yeares since."—[23rd September 1602.]

Another custom is illustrated by this entry:—

"At this Quarter day the Right Hon. Sir Robt. Lee, Lord Maior, by virtue of his p'rogatyve, and according to ancient custome, did drink to Mr. Alderman Rumney, one of the Sheriffes London and Middlesex, for the next year ensuing."—[5th July 1603.]



It is interesting to contrast Sir Thomas Rowe's pageant with another which is more generally known, and prepared by John Webster the Dramatist, for the Mayoralty of Sir John Gore, (fn. 1) citizen and merchant, in the year 1624. This work he intituled "Monuments of Honor, Derived from remarkable antiquity, and celebrated in the Honorable City of London, at the sole munificent charge and expences of the Right Worthy and Worshipfull Fraternity of the Eminent Merchant Taylors. Directed in their most affectionate love, at the Confirmation of their Right Worthy Brother John Gore in the High Office of His Majesty's Lieutenant over this his Royall Chamber. Expressing in a magnificent Tryumph all the Pageants, Chariots of Glory, Temples of Honor, besides a specious of goodly sea Tryumph, as well particularly to the honor of the City as generally to the glory of our Kingdom. Invented and written by John Webster, Merchant Taylor. Non norunt hæc monumenta mori. Printed at London by Nicholas Okes. 1624. 4to."

The work itself, with the Dedication to Sir John Gore, I have had printed from the edition of Webster's works by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, and published by Moxon in 1857. The only original copy is that in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, from which Mr. Dyce's edition was printed. My attention was drawn to this work by the Rev. George Christian, M.A., of Balliol College, Oxford, one of the Assistant Masters at Uppingham.

To the Right Worthy Deserver Of This So Noble A Ceremony This Day Conferred Upon Him, John Gore, Lord Mayor And Chancellor Of The Renowned City Of London.

My worthy lord,
These presentments, which were intended principally for your honour, and for illustrating the worth of that worthy corporation whereof you are a member, come now humbly to kiss your lordship's hands, and to present the inventor of them to that service which my ability expressed in this may call me to, under your lordship's favour, to do you (fn. 2) honour, and the city service, in the quality of a scholar; assuring your lordship I shall never either to your ear or table press unmannerly or impertinently. My endeavours this way have received grace and allowance from your worthy brothers that were supervisors of the cost of these Triumphs; and my hope is, that they shall stand no less respected in your eye, nor undervalued in your worthy judgment: which favours done to one born free of your company, (fn. 3) and your servant, shall ever be acknowledged by him stands interested
To your lordship in all duty,


I could in this my preface, by as great light of learning as any formerly employed in this service can attain to, deliver to you the original and cause of all Triumphs, their excessive cost in the time of the Romans; I could likewise with so noble amplification make a survey of the worth and glory of the Triumphs of the precedent times in this honourable city of London, that, were my work of a bigger bulk, they should remain to all posterity. But both my pen and ability this way are confined in too narrow a circle; nor have I space enough in this so short a volume to express only with rough lines and a faint shadow, as the painter's phrase is, first, the great care and alacrity of the right worshipful the Master and Wardens, and the rest of the selected and industrious committees, both for the curious and judging election of the subject for the present spectacles, and next that the working or mechanic part of it might be answerable to the invention. Leaving, therefore, these worthy gentlemen to the embraces and thanks of the right honourable and worthy Pretor, (fn. 4) and myself under the shadow of their crest, which is a safe one, for 'tis the Holy Lamb in the Sunbeams, I do present to all modest and indifferent judges these my present endeavours.

I fashioned, for the more amplifying the show upon the water, two eminent spectacles in manner of a Sea-triumph. The first furnished with four persons: in the front Oceanus and Thetis; behind them, Thamesis and Medway, the two rivers on whom the Lord Mayor extends his power as far as from Staines to Rochester. The other show is of a fair Terrestrial Globe, circled about, in convenient seats, with seven of our most famous navigators; as Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Martin Frobisher, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Captain Thomas Cavendish, Captain Christopher Carlisle, and Captain John Davis. The conceit of this device to be, that, in regard the two rivers pay due tribute of waters to the seas, Oceanus in grateful recompense returns the memory of these seven worthy captains, who have made England so famous in remotest parts of the world. These two spectacles, at my Lord Mayor's taking water at the Three Cranes, approaching my Lord's barge, after a peal of sea-thunder from the other side the water, these speeches between Oceanus and Thetis follow:

Oceanus And Thetis.


What brave sea-music bids us welcome, hark! Sure, this is Venice, and the day Saint Mark, In which the Duke and Senates their course hold To wed our empire with a ring of gold.


No, Thetis, you're mistaken: we are led With infinite delight from the land's head In ken of goodly shipping and yon bridge: Venice had ne'er the like: survey that ridge Of stately buildings which the river hem, And grace the silver stream as the stream them. That beauteous seat is London, so much fam'd Where any navigable sea is nam'd; And in that bottom eminent merchants plac'd, As rich and venturous as ever grac'd Venice or Europe: these two rivers here, Our followers, may tell you where we are; This Thamesis, that Medway, who are sent To yon (fn. 5) most worthy Pretor, to present Acknowledgement of duty ne'er shall err From Staines unto the ancient Rochester. And now to grace their Triumph, in respect These pay us tribute, we are pleas'd to select Seven worthy navigators out by name, Seated beneath this Globe; whose ample fame In the remotest part o' the earth is found, And some of them have circled the globe round. These, you observe, are living in your eye, And so they ought, for worthy men ne'er die; Drake, Hawkins, Frobisher, Gilbert, brave knights, That brought home gold and honour from sea-fights, Ca'ndish, Carlisle, and Davis; and to these So many worthies I could add at seas Of this bold nation, it would envy strike I' the rest o' the world who cannot show the like: 'Tis action values honour, as the flint Look[s] black and feels like ice, yet from within't There are struck sparks which to the darkest nights Yield quick and piercing food for several lights.


You have quicken'd well my memory; and now Of this your grateful Triumph I allow. Honour looks clear, and spreads her beams at large From the grave Senate seated in that barge.— Rich lading swell your bottoms! a blest gale Follow your ventures, that they never fail! And may you live successively to wear The joy of this day, each man his whole year!

This show, having tendered this service to my Lord upon the water, is after to be conveyed ashore, and in convenient place employed for adorning the rest of the Triumph. After my Lord Mayor's landing, and coming past Paul's-Chain, there first attends for his honour, in Paul's Church-yard, a beautiful spectacle called the Temple of Honour; the pillars of which are bound about with roses and other beautiful flowers, which shoot up to the adorning of the King's Majesty's Arms on the top of the Temple.

In the highest seat a person representing Troynovant or the City, enthroned, in rich habiliments: beneath her, as admiring her peace and felicity, sit five eminent cities, as Antwerp, Paris, Rome, Venice, and Constantinople: under these sit five famous scholars and poets of this our kingdom, as Sir Geoffrey Chaucer, the learned Gower, the excellent John Lydgate, the sharp-witted Sir Thomas More, and last, as worthy both soldier and scholar, Sir Philip Sidney,—these being celebrators of honour, and the preservers both of the names of men and memories of cities above to posterity.

I present, riding afore this Temple, Henry de Royal, the first pilgrim or gatherer of quarterage for this Company, and John of Yeacksley, King Edward the Third's pavilion-maker, who purchased our Hall in the sixth year of the aforesaid king's government. These lived in Edward the First's time likewise; in the sixth of whose reign this Company was confirmed a guild or corporation by the name of Tailors and Linen-armour[er]s, with power to choose a Master and Wardens at midsummer. These are decently habited and hooded according to the ancient manner. My Lord is here saluted with two speeches; first by Troynovant in these lines following:

The Spech of Troynovant.

History, Truth, and Virtue seek by name To celebrate the Merchant-Tailors' fame. That Henry de Royal, this we call Worthy John Yeacksley purchas'd first this Hall: And thus from low beginnings there oft springs Societies claim brotherhoods of kings. I, Troynovant, plac'd eminent in the eye Of these admire at my felicity, (fn. 6) Five cities, Antwerp, and the spacious Paris, Rome, Venice, and the Turk's metropolis: Beneath these, five learn'd poets, worthy men, Who do eternize brave acts by their pen, Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate, More, and for our time Sir Philip Sidney, glory of our clime: These beyond death a fame to monarchs give, And these make cities and societies live.

The next delivered by him represents Sir Philip Sydney:

To honour by our writings worthy men, Flows as a duty from a judging pen; And when we are employ'd in such sweet praise, Bees swarm and leave their honey on our bays: Ever more musically verses run When the loath'd vein of flattery they shun. Survey, most noble Pretor, what succeeds, Virtue low-bred aspiring to high deeds.

These passing on, in the next place my Lord is encountered with the person of Sir John Hawkwood, in complete armour, his plume, and feather for his horses chaffron, (fn. 7) of the Company's colours, white and watchet. (fn. 8) This worthy knight did most worthy service, in the time of Edward the Third, in France; after, served as general divers princes of Italy; went to the Holy Land; and in his return back died at Florence, and there lies buried with a fair monument over him. This worthy gentleman was free of our Company; and thus I prepare him to give my Lord entertainment:

Sir John Hawkwood's Speech.

My birth was mean, yet my deservings grew To eminence, and in France a high pitch flew: From a poor common soldier I attain'd The style of Captain, and then knighthood gain'd; Serv'd the Black Prince in France in all his wars; Then went i'the Holy Land; thence brought my scars, And wearied body which no danger fear'd, To Florence, where it nobly lies inteer'd: (fn. 9) There Sir John Hawkwood's memory doth live, And to the Merchant-Tailors fame doth give.

After him follows a Triumphant Chariot with the Arms of the MerchantTailours coloured and gilt in several places of it: and over it there is supported for a canopy, a rich and very spacious Pavilion coloured crimson, with a Lion Passant: this is drawn with four horses; for porters would have made it move tottering and improperly. In the Chariot I place for the honour of the Company, of which records remain in the Hall, eight famous kings of this land, that have been free of this worshipful Company.

First, the victorious Edward the Third, that first quartered the arms of France with England: next, the munificent Richard the Second, that kept ten thousand daily in his court in checkroll: by him, the grave and discreet Henry the Fourth: in the next chairs, the scourge and terror of France, Henry the Fifth, and by him, his religious though unfortunate son, Henry the Sixth: the two next chairs are supplied with the persons of the amorous and personable Edward the Fourth, for so Philip Commineus and Sir Thomas More describe him; the other with the bad man but the good king, Richard the Third, for so the laws he made in his short government do illustrate him: but lastly in the most eminent part of the Chariot I place the wise and politic Henry the Seventh, holding the charter by which the Company was improved from the title of Linen-armourers into the name of Master and Wardens of Merchant-Tailors of Saint John Baptist. The chairs of these kings that were of the house of Lancaster are garnished with artificial red roses, the rest with white; but the uniter of the division and houses, Henry the Seventh, both with white and red; from whence his Royal Majesty now reigning took his motto for one piece of his coin, Henricus rosas, regna Jacobus.

The speaker in this Pageant is Edward the Third: the last line of his speech is repeated by all the rest in the Chariot:

Edward the Third.

View whence the Merchant-Tailors' honour springs,— From this most royal conventicle of kings: Eight that successively wore England's crown, Held it a special honour and renown, (The Society was so worthy and so good,) T'unite themselves into their Brotherhood. Thus time and industry attain the prize, As seas from brooks, as brooks from hillocks rise Let all good men this sentence oft repeat,— By unity the smallest things grow great.

The Kings.

By unity the smallest things grow great: and this repetition was proper, for it is the Company's motto, Concordiâ parvæ res crescunt.

After this pageant, rides Queen Anne, wife to Richard the Second, free likewise of this Company: nor let it seem strange; for, besides her, there were two duchesse[s], five countesses, and two baronesses, free of this Society, seventeen princes and dukes, one archbishop, one-and-thirty earls, besides those made with noble Prince Henry, one viscount, twenty-four bishops, sixty-six barons, seven abbots, seven priors or sub-prior[s]; and with Prince Henry, in the year 1607, (fn. 10) the Duke of Lennox, the Earls of Nottingham, Suffolk, Arundel, Oxford, Worcester, Pembroke, Essex, Northampton, Salisbury, Montgomery, the Earl of Perth, Viscount Cranbourne, barons the Lord Eures, Hunsdon, Hayes, (fn. 11) Burleigh, Master Howard, Master Sheffield, Sir John Harington, Sir Thomas Chaloner, besides states (fn. 12) of the Low-Countries, and Sir Noel Caroon their lieger (fn. 13) ambassador.

And in regard our Company are styled Brethren of the Fraternity of Saint John Baptist, and that the ancient Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem,—to which nowdemolished house in Saint John's Street our Company then using to go to offer, it is recorded Henry the Seventh, then accompanying them, gave our Master the upperhand,—because these knights, I say, were instituted to secure the way for pilgrims in the desert, I present therefore two of the worthiest Brothers of this Society of Saint John Baptist I can find out in history; the first, Amade le Grand, by whose aid Rhodes was recovered from the Turks, and the Order of Annuntiade or Salutation instituted with that of four letters, Fert, signifying Fortitudo ejus Rhodum tenuit; and the other, Monsieur (fn. 14) Jean Valet, who defended Malta from the Turks' invasion, and expelled them from that impregnable key of Christendom; this styled Great Master of Malta, that Governor of Rhodes.

Next I bring our two Sea-Triumphs; and after that, the Ship called the Holy Lamb, which brings hanging in her shrouds the Golden Fleece; the conceit of this being, that God is the guide and protector of all prosperous ventures.

To second this, follow the two beasts, the Lion and Camel, proper to the Arms of the Company: on a Camel rides a Turk, such as use to travel with caravans; and on the Lion a Moor or wild Numidian.

The fourth eminent Pageant I call the Monument of Charity and Learning: this fashioned like a beautiful Garden with all kinds of flowers; at the four corners four artificial birdcages with variety of birds in them; this for the beauty of the flowers and melody of the birds to represent a spring in winter. In the midst of the Garden, under an elm-tree, sits the famous and worthy patriot, Sir Thomas White: who had a dream that he should build a college where two bodies of an elm sprang from one root; and being inspired to it by God, first rode to Cambridge to see if he could find any such; failing of it there, went to Oxford, and surveying all the grounds in and near the University, at last in Gloster-Hall-garden he found one that somewhat resembled it; upon which he resolved to endow it with larger revenue and to increase the foundation: having set men at work upon it, and riding one day at the North-Gate at Oxford, he spied on his right-hand the self-same elm had been figured him in his dream; whereupon he gives o'er his former purpose of so amply enlarging Gloster-Hall (yet not without a large exhibition to it), purchases the ground where the elm stood, and in the same place built the College of Saint John Baptist; and to this day the elm grows in the garden carefully preserved, as being, under God, a motive to their worthy foundation.

This I have heard Fellows of the House, of approved credit and no way superstitiously given, affirm to have been delivered from man to man since the first building of it; and that Sir Thomas White, inviting the Abbot of Osney to dinner in the aforesaid Hall, in the Abbot's presence and the hearing of divers other grave persons, affirmed, by God's inspiration, in the former-recited manner, he built and endowed the College.

This relation is somewhat with the largest; only to give you better light of the figure, the chief person in this is Thomas White, sitting in his eminent habit of Lord Mayor: on the one hand sits Charity with a pelican on her head; on the other, Learning with a book in one hand and a laurel-wreath in the other: behind him is the College of Saint John Baptist in Oxford exactly modelled: two cornets, which for more pleasure answer one and another interchangeably; and round about the Pageant sit twelve of the four-and-twenty Cities (for more would have overburdened it) to which this worthy gentleman had been a charitable benefactor. When my Lord approaches to the front of this piece, Learning humbles herself to him in these ensuing verses:

The Speech Of Learning.

To express what happiness the country yields, The poets feign'd heaven in th'Elysian fields: We figure here a Garden fresh and new, In which the chiefest of our blessings grew. This worthy patriot here, Sir Thomas White, Whilst he was living, had a dream one night He had built a college and given living to't, Where two elm-bodies sprang up from one root: And as he dream'd, most certain 'tis he found The elm near Oxford; and upon that ground Built Saint John's College. Truth can testify His merit, whilst his Faith and Charity Was the true compass, measur'd every part, And took the latitude of his Christian heart; Faith kept the centre, Charity walk'd this round Until a truer circumference was found: And may the impression of this figure strike Each worthy senator to do the like!

The last I call the Monument of Gratitude, which thus dilates itself:

Upon an Artificial Rock, set with mother-of-pearl and such other precious stones as are found in quarries, are placed four curious Pyramids, charged with the Prince's Arms, the Three Feathers; which by day, yield a glorious show; and by night a more goodly, for they have lights in them, that, at such time as my Lord Mayor returns from Paul's, shall make certain ovals and squares resemble precious stones. The Rock expresses the richness of the kingdom Prince Henry was born heir to; the Pyramids, which are monuments for the dead, that he is deceased. (fn. 15) On the top of this rests half a Celestial Globe; in the midst of this hangs the Holy Lamb in the Sunbeams; on either side of these an Angel. Upon a pedestal of gold stands the figure of Prince Henry with his coronet, george, and garter: in his left hand he holds a circlet of crimson velvet, charged with four Holy Lambs, such as our Company choose Masters with. In several cants (fn. 16) beneath sits, first, Magistracy, tending a Bee-hive; to express his gravity in youth and forward industry to have proved an absolute governor: next Liberality, by her a Dromedary; showing his speed and alacrity in gratifying his followers: Navigation with a Jacob's-staff and Compass; expressing his (fn. 17) desire that his reading that way might in time grow to the practice and building to that purpose one of the goodliest ships was ever launched in the river: in the next: Unanimity with a Chaplet of Lilies, in her lap a Sheaf of Arrows; showing he loved nobility and commonalty with an entire heart: next, Industry on a hill where Ants are hoarding up corn; expressing his forward inclination to all noble exercise: next, Chastity, by her a Unicorn; showing it is guide to all other virtues, and clears the fountain-head from all poison: Justice, with her properties: then Obedience, by her an Elephant, the strongest beast, but most observant to man of any creature: then Peace sleeping upon a Cannon; alluding to the eternal peace he now possesses: Fortitude, a Pillar in one hand, a Serpent wreathed about the other; to express (fn. 18) his height of mind and the expectation of an undaunted resolution. These twelve thus seated, I figure Loyalty, as well sworn servant to this City as to this Company; and at my Lord Mayor's coming from Paul's and going down Wood-street, Amade le Grand delivers this speech unto him:

The Speech Of Amade Le Grand.

Of all the Triumphs which your eye has view'd, This the fair Monument of Gratitude, This chiefly should your eye and ear employ, That was of all your Brotherhood the joy; Worthy Prince Henry, fame's best president, Call'd to a higher court of parliament In his full strength of youth and height of blood, And, which crown'd all, when he was truly good; On virtue and on worth he still was throwing Most bounteous showers, where'er he found them growing; He never did disguise his ways by art, But suited his intents unto his heart; And lov'd to do good more for goodness' sake Than any retribution man could make. Such was this Prince: such are the noble hearts Who, when they die, yet die not in all parts, But from the integrity of a brave mind Leave a most clear and eminent fame behind: Thus hath this jewel not quite lost his ray, Only cas'd-up 'gainst a more glorious day. And be't remember'd that our Company Have not forgot him who ought ne'er to die: Yet wherefore should our sorrow give him dead, When a new Phœnix (fn. 19) springs up in his stead, That, as he seconds him in every grace, May second him in brotherhood and place?

Good rest, my Lord! Integrity, that keeps The safest watch and breeds the soundest sleeps, Make the last day of this your holding seat Joyful as this, or rather, more complete!

I could a more curious and elaborate way have expressed myself in these my endeavours; but to have been rather too tedious in my speeches, or too weighty, might have troubled my noble Lord and puzzled the understanding of the common people: suffice it, I hope 'tis well: and if it please his Lordship and my worthy employers, I am satisfied.

The records of the Fraternity show the usual gift of 100 (fn. 20) marks to the Lord Mayor, the appointment of the Committee for raising subscriptions, and the manner in which these subscriptions when raised were expended. Mr. Hopkirk has supplied me with the following particulars:—

"In the afternoon of 1st October 1624 (22nd James I.), temp. Edmund Crich, Master.

"First at this Court it was ordered yt these Woorll persons hereafter named, vizt the Mr and Wardens, Mr. Marsham, Mr. Streete, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Slany, Mr. Towers, Mr. Raph Gore, last Master, being old Masters; Edward Catcher, Henry Poulsteed, Bartholomew Ellnor, Jeramy Gay, Richard Bigg, Edward Warner and Nicholas Elton, of the Assistants or any eight of them, calling to them the Wardens' Substitutes, new and old, and such and so many of the sixteene men as they shall thinke fit, shall have full power and authority to rate, taxe and assesse, all such of the Brothers of the Batchlors Company as they in their wisdomes shall thinke sufficient and able to be contributors to all such paymts and charge as the Company shall defraye and expend in preparacions and other necessaries against ye right honoble John Gore, Knight, Lord Mayor electe, and a worthy member of this Society, shall take his oath at Westminster, and to appoint Batchlors both for Ffoynes and Budge, and Gentlemen Ushers, otherwise called Whiflers, and all other Officers to be imployed in such service, in like manner and forme as heretofore in such cases hath been accustomed when there hath been a Lord Mayor of ye Company, and to make preparacions of all necessaries and to defray and disburse money, and in every respect to order and dispose that busines as in their wisdomes shalbe thought fitt. And whatsoever they shall order and direct, the whole Assistants will approve and allowe, And that to their best understanding, they impose no charge upon any brother of the Company towards this shew and service, but such as shalbe of ability to beare the same."

The result of the levy of contributions towards the expense of the "shew and service" in accordance with the above order, was as follows, viz.:—

£ s. d.
"Received of the Batchlors in Ffoynes," 72 at 3l. 6s. 8d. each 240 0 0
"Batchelers in Budge," 48 at 2l. 6s. 8d. each 112 0 0
"Contributions by Assessment" of various amounts from 231 other persons (who under the foregoing Order of Court must have been brethren of the "Bachelors Company," otherwise "Freemen") 416 2 0
Making the total contributions of the "Bachelors" 768 2 0
Added to which the Company gave out of their Corporate Funds 450 0 0
And the Lord Mayor gave 20 0 0
In all 1,238 2 0
The sum expended in and about the Entertainment was 1,099 5 11
And the Stewards handed over as unexpended 88 16 1
Leaving unaccounted for (fn. 21) 50 0 0
1,238 2 0

It will be seen from the foregoing that 351 persons contributed to the cost of this entertainment, but these must not be taken to be the whole Company at that time, for the Assistants and Livery are not included, and some of the Bachelors (fn. 22) (or Freemen) may have been, and no doubt were, as Webster was, exempted from the levy by reason of their inability to bear any part of it.

The name of Webster does not appear among the contributories to the cost of this entertainment, so that he was either a Liveryman or came under the exemption clause of the Order directing the levy. The account of the expenditure shows a payment to him as "John Webster the Poet."

It is a curious fact that (contrary to the custom of the time) the account of the Stewards appointed for the purpose of this entertainment escaped audit, with the result of a sum of about 35l. received by them not being accounted for.

Extracted from the Master's Accounts By Mr. N. Stephens.

The accompte of John Mannyson, Thomas Harmar, Walter Lee, and Elias Roberts, Wardens Substitutes of the Batchlors Company of Merchaunttailors of London, of all receipts and payments had and made concerning the triumph before the Right Honorable John Gore, Lord Mayor of London, at his returne from Westminster where he tooke his oathe, the morrow after Simon and Jude's day, Anno Dom. 1624.

The Charge.

Sma total of these acomptants whole receipts cometh to the some of One thousand one hundred ffower score and eight pounds, two shillings, we say 1,188l. 2s.

Examined by us

The discharge of the said accompte by payments made by the said accomptants.

Imprimis paid for nineteene Azures which made a 122 poor men's gownes, 36 blew coates, 26 cassocks, and 26 paires of hose for ye streamer bearers, at the rate of 7l. 17s. 6d. the azure the some one hundred fforty nine pounds twelve shillings and six pence, 149l. 12s. 6d.

Item paid for 26 yard of Broad Phillipp and Cheyney at 4s. ye yarde, 5l. 4s., 26 yards and a halfe of narrow Phillip and Cheyney at 3s. the yard, 3l. 19s. 6d.: more 26 yards of the same at 3s. the yard, 3l. 12s., being all crimson, and to make 122 paire of sleeves for the blew gownes, and for 16 yards and a qter of white calicoe to face the blew coates, 13s., we say paid in toto as by bill, 17l. 6s. 6d.

Item paid for making 122 poore men's gownes, at 12d. a peece, ye some of 6l. 2s.

Item paid for making 35 blew coates at 12d. a peece, 1l. 15s.

Item paid for making 122 paire of sleeves at 2d. a paire, the some of 1l. 0s. 4d.

Item paid for making 26 cassocks and 26 paire of hose at 2s. 8d. the sewte, 3l. 9s. 4d.

Item paid for Teen dozen and two round red capps wth bands, at 24s. the dozen, the some of 12l. 4s.

Item paid for six dozen of long red capps wth ribbins, at 24s., the some of 7l. 4s.

Item paid for 27 blew and white feathers for ye streamer bearers, 1l. 7s.

Item paid to John Terry, painter, for painting and gilding three greate Pavises, at 6s. 8d. a peece, 1l.

Item paid more to him for painting 55 targetts, at 16d. a peece, 3l. 13s. 4d.

Item paid more to him for painting and gilding 12 new targetts, at 22d. a peece, 1l. 2s.

Item paid more to him for painting and gilding 2 new scutchions for the Companies barge, 18s.

Sma pay 206l. 14s.

Item paid more to him for paynting 12 greate streamer staves and theire supporters, also 19 other small staves, 2l. 15s.

Item paid for painting the Hall gates and posts, 1l.

Item paid more to him for new gilding and painting 12 new scutcheons of some of the old Mrs and Assistants armes wch were left undone before the triumph day, at 16d. a peece, 16s.

Item paid to Lilley, painter, for paynting and gilding three greate Pavises, one of the King's Armes, one of ye citty armes, and one of the Lord Mayor's Armes, at 7s. a peece; and for painting and gilding 55 targetts, at 16d. a piece, I say paid as by bill in toto, 4l. 13s. 4d.

Item paid for 313 yards Watchett and white ffringes waying 7 lb. one ounce, at 2s. 8d. ye ounce, 15l. 1s. 4d.

Item paid for 9 ounces and a half culler silke, at 2s. ye ounce, 19s.

Item paid for 6 grose of 7a white and whatcett ribbin fane, at 3l. the grose, 18l.

Item paid for 26 yards of strong ffustian for sockets for the banneres and streamers, at 2s. a yard, 2l. 12s.

Item paid for 4 dozen of 4a ferrett ribbin, 16s.

Item paid for 3 dozen of 3a ferrett ribbin, 9s.

Item paid for double discharging one hundred and fforty chambers and ffireworks in the little shipp upon ye triumph day, 33l. 6s. 8d.

Item paid to the waits of the citty for their service upon the triumph day, 2l. 13s. 4d.

Item paid to John Webster, ye Poet, (fn. 23) and to John Terry, painter, and William Patten and George Lovett, for ye device making, painting and gilding all the land and water shewes, pageantes, chariott, green men, and theire ffireworkes apparell, porters to carry them, and for all other necessaries belonging unto them, the sum of two hundred three score and tenn pounds, as by the agreemt in writing, made betweene ye Company and ye parties above named, more at large appeareth, we said paid the some of, 270l.

Sma pay 353l. 1s. 8d.

Item paid more unto them over and above the agreemt wch the Company gave them by way of gratuity, the some of tenn pounds, 10l.

Item paid to James Hindley and Tilberry Straunge for making and furnishing the galley and galley ffoist, and for powder and shott and for men to row in them, and for twice rigging the little ship in the hall, the some of thirty three pounds, we say paid 33l.

Item paid to the twelve watermen wch did rowe in the Comp. barge upon ye triumph day, ye some of 12l.

Item paid more to James Hendley for cartage of the little shipp from ye Hall to the barne in Golding Lane; for 37 new gunns for carpenter's work, top masts and blocks, and for hanging her up in ye hall after ye triumph day, the some of 1l. 11s.

Item paid to Xpofer Deage, wax chandler, for 14 dozen and 3 torches, at 16s. ye dozen, 11l. 8s.

Item paid more to him for 1 dozen and a half of small torches, at 10s. ye dozen, ye some of 15s.

Item paid more to him for a dozen and a half of links, at 3s. ye dozen, 4s. 6d.

Item paid to Abraham Guy for 14 dozen and three torches, at 16s. ye dozen, 11l. 8s.

Item paid more to him for a dozen and a half of small torches, at 10s. ye dozen, 15s.

Item paid more to him for a dozen and a half of links, at 3s. ye dozen, 4s. 6d.

Item paid to Henry Adey for 14 dozen and three torches, at 16s. the dozen, 11l. 8s.

Item paid more to him for a dozen and a half of small torches, at 10s. ye dozen, ye some of 15s.

Item paid more to him for 18 links, 4s. 6d.

(Sma pay, 82l. 5s. 6d.)

Item paid to Henry Bishop for 14 dozen and three torches, at 16s. ye dozen, 11l. 8s.

Item paid to him for a dozen and a half of small torches, ye some of 15s.

Item paid more to him for 18 links, 4s. 6d.

Item paid to nine drums and ffower fifes for their service upon the triumph day, 12l. 10s.

Item paid to Captaine Henshaw's fife for his services that day, 1l.

Item given to a little boy that went in ye Company's barge wth his drum, 5s.

Item paid to Captaine Langham's, Captaine Venus, and Captaine Henshawe's antient bearers, for their service upon the Triumph day, to each of them 10s. memorand they brought their Captaine's Cullors and wore their owne scarffes, we say paid, 1l. 10s.

Item paid the porters of Blackwell hall for their paines, 13s. 4d.

Item paid and given to Josias Broome, of the Princs Trumpeters, and to his five fellowes by way of gratuity, the some of 10s.

Item paid to Richard Rodway and Jeremy Rawsterne, the Stewards of ye Batchlors breakefast, ye some of 25l. 14s. 6d.

Item paid to John Hayman and William Price being Stewards for the Batchlors Dynner, the some of fforty nine pounds eleaven shillings and two pence, whereof the some of 20l. was sent by the Lord Maior and 29l. 9s. 2d. paid out of the money collected, we say paid in toto, 49l. 9s. 2d.

Item paid to Richard Allnutt, the foote Marshall, for his service and six men for the five daies, he finding his men, hatts and feathers, and Company allowe them Ribbens and himselfe scarffes, we say paid the sum of 6l.

Sma Pay, 110l. 1s. 6d.

Item paid to John Bradshawe, Mr of the noble science of Defence, for sixteene fencers, wch did serve with handswords, and for their breakefast upon the Triumph, 7l.

Item paid Mr Sergeant Trumpeter for the service of 32 trumpeters upon ye triumph day, and for points, the some of 26l.

Item paid to Mr Sergeant Trumpeter in regard the scarffes wch ye Company gave him, were but of Leven Taffata, we say paid him ye sum of 10s.

Item paid to Nicholas Edmonds, ye citty carpenter, for taking down and setting up 23 signes, 14 signe posts, and six Taverne Bushes, in diverse streets where ye Pageants were to passe, and for lincks and nailes, &cs., as by the Bill of perticulers, ye some of 16s.

Item paid to fforty eight gentlemen ushers and 26 streamer bearers for their breakfasts, at 12d. a peece, 3l. 14s.

Item paid to the poore men in blew gownes for their breakefast, at 6d. a peece, 3l.

Item paid to 13 poor Merchaunttailors that had blew coats, each 12d., in toto ye some of 13s.

Item paid the 3rd of November 1624, to Robert Swaine, Keeper of the Guildhall, for the hire of hangings, for ye hire of ye King's picture and a velvet chaine, and for his paines, ye some of 2l. 17s. 8d.

Item paid to Warden Brown for taffata and sarsnetts to make the streamers and banners as by a Bill expressing the perticulers may appear, ye some of 43l. 8s. 9d.

Item paid for 3 ells, qter and halfe of Crimson taffata sarsnett to make a banner of England's Armes, at 9s. the ell, 1t. 17s.

Item paid more for 3 ells, qter and halfe of Crimson taffata sarsnett for ye Lorde Mayor's Banner at the same rate, ye some of 1l. 17s.

To make Banners and Streamers for the Little Shipp:

Item paid for two ells of Crimson flo. taffata sarsnett, 1l. 2s.

Item paid for two ells of watchett taffata sarsnett, 1l. 3s.

Item paid for halfe an ell of watchett and halfe an ell of white, 7s.

Sma Pay, 94l. 5s. 5d.

Item paid to John Withers for painting and gilding ye silke worke as by the Articles of agreemt in writing made between the Company and him, and as by his acquittance appeareth the some of three score and sixteene pounds tenn shillings, we say paid 76l. 10s.

Item paid and given to John Turner, a poore Merchaunttailor, towards his relief, 2s. 6d.

Item paid to Marshall Davis for his owne service and three men upon he Triumph day, 2l. 10s.

Item paid to Mr. Edwards for hire of Javelyns at 6d. a peece 2l. 10s.; for 30 dozen of white staves at 3s. a dozen, 4l. 10s.: a faire large auntient staffe wth a gilt head, 10s.; another auntient staffe 3s. 4d.; a staffe for the Standerd, 28 foote long and three staves of 13 foote long a peece, for supporters wth ye iron worke, 20s.; for a Javelyn that was lost, 7s. 6d.; a paire of Tassells for the auntient, 3s. 4d.; 3 dozen of truncheons, 3 rowlers to rowle up the streamers, as by a bill pticulers appeareth, 10l. 3s.

Item paid to Richard Gludd, mercer, for 13 ells ¾ watchett Taffata sarsnett, at 6s. 8d. ye ell, 4l. 7s., and for 3 ells of white taffata sarsnett at 6s. 8d., 20s., in toto 5l. 7s.

Item paid to Richard Grace, a brother of ye Company, for carrying the Companies auntient in their bardge and through the streetes upon the Triumph day, 13s. 4d.

Item paid to Leverett, ye Joyner, for making 12 new Scutcheons, for setting up the two beasts over the skreene, for nailes, iron worke, &c., as by bill, 1l. 3s.

Item paid to the Beadle of ye Livery for wood, coles, billetts, and Candles in the tyme the Committees satt upon ye Lord Mayor's business, as by bill, 2l. 2s.

Item paid to John Stanger for going by water at severall times to the Companies barge and for paper, 1l. 2s.

Item paid to John Withers, Painter, for painting and gilding the Lord Mayor's Banner, fower Banners for the shipp, and 30 large Pendants, and for making six paire of sheeres in the great streamer, and for sowinge the new Auntient, as by bill of pticulers appeareth, the some of Eight pounds, we say 8l.

Sma pay, 106l. 12s. 8d.

Item paid and spent by Mr. Pennell and Mr. Price at sewall tymes for boate hire in going to viewe the Galley and Galley ffoist, 6l. 6s.

Item paid and given by Mr. Lane and Mr. Pennell to the workmen that made ye Pageants, 1s. 6d.

Item spent by Mr. Harman for boathire in going to see the Chambers twice discharged, 3s. 6d.

Item paid for sowinge Ribbin about the streamers to keep them from tearinge, 3s.

Item paid to Clement Mosse, Comon Clerke of the Company, for his gowne and extraordinary paines, 5l.

Item paid to Robert Churchman, the Beadle of the Livery, for his Gowne and paynes, 3l. 6s. 8d.

Item paid to George Lull, Clerke of the Batchelors Company, for his Gowne, hood, and paynes, 4l. 16s.

Item paid to Henry Croshaw, Beadle of the Batchelor's Company, for his Gowne, hood and paines, 3l. 16s.

Item paid to Mr. Brerton, Mrcer, for 28½ yards of white levin taffata, at 20d. the yard, 47s. 6d., and for 10 ells of watchett sarsnett at 5s. 4d., to make silk coats and scarffs, the some of 5l. 2s., we say paid 5l. 2s.

Item paid by Mr. Innkeeper, of Blackwell Hall, for a dinner and the dressing of it, and for the men and children being there that went in the Pageants, we say paid, 2l.

Item paid for 44 dozen of white and watchett lace, at 18s. the dozen, 3l. 6s.

Item paid for 9 dozen and 5 yards of tape, at 16d. the dozen, 12s. 8d.

Item paid for 30 ouncs of White thread at 4d. the ounce, 10s.

Item paid for hooks and eies, 2s. 4d.

Item disbursed chardges of 21 dynners when the Committee did meet together to conferr concerning the provision of shewes, collection of mony, and other necessaries against the Triumph day, as by 21 severall bills more at large appeareth, the some of 57l. 1s. 2d.

Sma pay, 86l. 6s. 4d.

Item paid to Clerke of St. Peter's Church, Cheapside, for candles and his attendance upon the Cytty Waites, when they stand to play on the leads, as in former years hath been allowed, the some of 3s. 4d.

Item given to Waldrond, the Cytty Marshal, for his service upon the Triumph day, 10s.

Item paid to Francis Ashman, the Clerke's man of the Livery, for his extraordinary paynes in this business, 2l.

Item paid to Thomas Saule, one of the Lord Mayor's officers, for his greate and extraordinary attendance, and paynes taken this business, 4l.

Item paid for a dynner for the 16 men which was kept in the Batchlor's gallery upon the Triumph day, as by bill, 2l. 18s.

Item, these accomptants are to be allowed the some of twenty seven pounds tenn shillings, for that they repaid the same to the right worshipful Mr. Edward Crich, now Mr, 27l. 10s.

Item paid for paper and twice writing this accompt, 2l.

Item paid Mr. Recorder's Clerk for two warrants, 4s.

Item paid more for 12 dozen of white staves, 1l. 16s.

Item paid to Henry Croshawe for Lincks and going by water severall tymes about the Lord Mayor's business, the some of 11s. 6d.

Item paid to ye Porter of ye Gate at the heralds yard, where the Batchelors names were called and set in order against the Lord Mayor returned from Westminster, the some of 2s. 6d.

Item paid to the Sexton of St. John Zacharies Church, when the Batchlors met to dine with the Lord Mayor, the sum of 2s. 6d.

Item paid to 16 Beadles for the breakfast on ye triumph day, at 12d. a peece, in toto 16s.

Item paid and given to a drumer at the request of Mr. Humphrey Street, ye some of 5s.

Sma pay 42l. 18s. 10d.

Item paid for the charge of a dynner for the Mr, Wardens, Assistants, and Committees for the Lord Mayor's business, as by bill, 3l. 10s.

Memorandum there was given and paid to the severall officers belonging to the Company, whose names hereafter follows, for their extraordinary paines taken in the Lord Mayor's business (but not hereafter to be a precedent) the severall somes following, viz.:—

£ s. d.
To George Lull 4 0 0
" Henry Croshaw 2 0 0
" Thomas Saule 3 0 0
" Robert Milbourn 1 10 0
" Richard Hull 1 0 0
" Cotton Bradford 1 0 0
" John Stanger 1 0 0

Sma pay, 17l.

Sma total of these accomts whole paymts amounteth to the some of One thousand ffowre score nineteen pounds five shillings and eleven pence, we say 1,099l. 5s. 11d.

Whereby it appeareth these accompts have received more than was disbursed, the some of Ffower score and eight pounds sixteen shillings and one penny, we say, 88l. 16s. 1d.

Examined by us Auditors.


Extracts from Court Minutes As To Civic Expenses (1607–1785).

It is still needful that the Lord Mayor should be a member of some City Guild; and in former times (if not at present) he was thought to have some claim upon his Guild to aid him in carrying out the social duties of his office. Until the Mansion House was provided, in 1739, the Guilds (fn. 24) held houses fit—if one should be selected —for the residence of any member who was chosen to this high office. It was usual, in the case of the Merchant Tailors' Company, to award to a Lord Mayor or Sheriff a sum for decorative repairs, and to grant him a loan of plate for his use during his year of office. See Appendix A (6).

The following extracts from the Court Minutes have reference to these grants:—

"Agreed that the some of 33l. 6s. 8d. be presented to Mr Jeffrey Elves, Alderman and Sheriffe elect, towards the trymming of his house, as a token of the Companies love.

"Dyverse parcells of Plate taken out of the Thory and lent Mr Sheriff Elves, of the total weight of 1,553 ounces and ¾."—[26th September 1607.]

"Committee, consisting of Mr and Wardens and several Assistants, with power and authority to rate, tax, and assess all such of the brothers of the Batchelors' Company as in their wisdoms shall think sufficient and able to contribute to all such charges as the Company shall expend in preparations for Sir Jno Swynerton, Lord Mayor elect, to take his oath at Westminster.

"Ordered, that 100 Marks shall be bestowed on the Lord Mayor elect, being the like some which was lately given to Sir William Craven in the tyme of his Mayoralty." —[1st October 1612.]

"Eight of the Livery appointed, according to aincyent custome when a Lord Mayor or Sheriffe hapeneth to be of this Company, to provide at their owne charge such plate for the Two Sheriffs, being both worll members of this Society, against the Lord Mayor's ffeast at the Guildhall as shalbe needfully required at their hands."—[16th October 1615.]

"Our Mr giving this Court to understand that there is Tenn pounds five shillings and eight pence usually allowed out of the stock of this house yerely to the Mr and Wardens to give by way of gratificacon to the Lord Mayor and two Sheriffs of this Citty, and desiring the same may be made Eleaven pounds, wch wilbe even money, It is ordered and agreed that from henceforth the said Mr and Wardens shalbe allowed Tenn double peeces out of the Stock of this house, wch amounteth to the sum of eleaven pounds, the same to be paid, &c."—[22nd November 1618.]

"The Company's Plate lent to Henry Platt, Esq., Sheriff of London:—

"4 Basons and Ewers, parcell guilt, of Mr. Willm Offley.
" Henry Lees.
" Wilkes.
"8 Cups and Cover, all guilt, of Mr. Price.
" Hawes.
" Albany.
" T. Gifford.
" H. Offley.
" F. Pendleton.
" Baron Sotherton.
" Laners.
"1 Dozen of Apples Spoones of Mr. Wilkinson's.
"3 Salts, all guilt " Mr. Wright's.
"1 Salte and Cover " Mr. Clark's.
"1 Neast of broad Bowles without Covers " Mr. Hullson's.
"1 Trencher Salte, all guilt " Mrs. Rodwaie's.
"1 Flaggon, all guilt " Sir John Percivall's.
"3 Tankards, all guilt " Mr. John Swynnerton's.
"2 Dozn Spoones, all guilte " Mr. Dowe's.

"White Plate.

"2 Neasts of Mr. John Merritle's beere bowles.

"1 Neast of Mr. Robt Gore's beere bowles.

"2 Neasts of Mr. Peter Fower's wyne bowles.

"1 Neast of Mr. Richrd Wright's wyne bowles.

"1 Neast of Mr. Robert Gore's wyne bowles.

"3 Salts of Mr. William Parker's.

"1 Neast of Mr. Proctor's beere bowles."—[9th December 1631.]

"Whereas Mr. Aldman Reynardson, a worthy member and brother of this Company, is lately elected to the Office of Lord Maior of this Citty for the yeare ensuing, This Court doth think fitt to present his Lorpp with some gratuity as a token of the Companies love, towards the trimming up of his Lorpps house. And thereupon, with a general consent, it is ordered that there shall be bestowed upen his Lorpp the sume of one hundred markes, being the like sume wch was formerly given to Sir John Gore, also to Sir Robt Ducey, in the several times of their Maioralties. And this Court doth further order that his Lordshipp, if he please, shall be accomodated with such of the Companies' plate as they can spare, and as his Lorpp shall have occasion to use during his Maioralty.—[18th October 1648.]

"Whereas heretofore it hath bin accostomed to allow and give to my Lord Mayor free of our Companie 100 marks towards the beautifieing of his Lordshipp's howse, and the question being put whether it should be allowed to Sir Wm Bolton, now Lord Mayor elect, or not, and after debate therein it was thought fitt that, in regard of the Companie's great losse by the late dismall fire and of theire low condicion, it should not be allowed him, hoping that his Lordship, considering our condicion, will be satisfied and not take it amisse."—[12th October 1666.]

"This Court being purposely called to consider of the allowance of 100 marks to the Lord Mayor of this cittie towards the beautifieing of his Lordshipp's howse, which was lately thought not requisite to be allowed and paid this yeare unto his Lordshipp, but being informed sithence that his Lordshipp hath taken it ill doth therefore order that Forty-six Pounds thirteene shillings foure pence be presented unto my Lord elect with the Twenty Pounds usually allowed from the Lord Mayor out of the Sixty-six Pounds thirteene shillings fourepence for the entertainment of rich Batchellors on Lord Mayor's day wilbe as much as hath byn allowed to any Lord Mayor. And it is further ordered that our Master and Wardens doe attend the Lord Mayor elect with the said Forty-six Pounds thirteene shillings fourepence from this Companie, and that the two Basons and Ewers, and such linnen as his Lordshipp shall have occasion for, be lent unto him during his Mayoralty."—[24th October 1666.]

"Upon our Master's informacion that the Lord Mayor elect, whome he had waited on according to the direccion of this Court with 46l. 16s. 4d. towards the beautifieing of his howse, refuseth to accept of the same unlesse hee may have the full sume of 100 marks, whereupon it is thought fitt that there be presented to his Lordshipp 100 marks by our Master."—[25th October 1666.]

The expenses of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs being provided for from Civic or Municipal sources, the Court, in 1785, came to the following resolution (which is still acted upon):—

"A motion was made and seconded that every person who shall apply to the Master and Wardens to be admitted to the Freedom of this Company by Redemption shall, before his admission to such Freedom, sign an agreement that, in case he shall serve the office of Sheriff and Lord Mayor of the City of London, or either of them, he will take upon himself, bear, and pay all expenses, costs, and charges which this Company shall be put unto, bear, pay, and sustain, on account, or in respect of his being Sheriff and Lord Mayor, or either of them, or of any attendance of the said Company in consequence thereof, or any way relating thereto, and indemnify this Company therefrom; and such question being put was carried unanimously in the affirmative and ordered that such agreement be from henceforth signed by every such Freeman by Redemption who shall be liable to serve such offices at or before the time of his admission to such Freedom."—[12th July 1785.]


  • 1. Dentrix is a sort of fish, I believe.—T. R. M.
  • 2. to do you]. The old ed. "to you, do you.'
  • 3. A John Webster was admitted to the Freedom (by apprenticeship), 10th December 1571, and another 20th January 1576. The Poet might have been the son of either of these Freemen. He is said to have been the Parish Clerk at St. Andrew's, Holborn, and to have "lived in Holywell Street, among the actors"; though his marriage is said to have taken place at St. Leonard's, 25th July 1590, where his daughter Alice was baptized on 9th May 1606. Though the records do not show that he took up his freedom in the Company, he appears as a Freeman in 1603. (See p. 596.)
  • 4. Pretor] i.e. Lord Mayor.
  • 5. yon] The old ed. "you."
  • 6. Of these admire at my felicity, &c.] i.e. of these which admire at my felicity, namely, five cities &c.
  • 7. chaffron] i.e. chamfron, a head-piece with a projecting spike.—Old ed. "shafforne."
  • 8. watchet] i.e. pale blue.
  • 9. inteer'd] So the old ed. for the sake of the rhyme.
  • 10. and with Prince Henry in the year 1607, &c.] The King and Prince Henry dined in MerchantTailors' Hall, July 16th, 1607; on which occasion the Prince and the noblemen, &c., here mentioned, were made free of the Company. See Nichols's Progresses of King James, &c. vol. ii. 140.
  • 11. Eures...Hayes, &c.] Properly "Eure...Hay," &c.
  • 12. states] i.e. persons of high rank.
  • 13. lieger] i.e. resident.
  • 14. the other Monsieur] The old ed. "the other of Monsieur."
  • 15. deceased] See p. 371.
  • 16. cants] i.e. niches.
  • 17. expressing his] The old ed "expressing that his."
  • 18. express] The old ed. "expect."
  • 19. a new Phœnix] i e. Prince Charles.
  • 20. "100 marks presented to Sir Jno. Gore, Lord Mayor elect, as a demonstration of the Companies love, towards the trimming up of his Lordpps. house, and a request that none but Merchaunttailors should enjoy the benefit and guift of blew gowns against my Lord Maiors day.
  • 21. This 50l. is not explained in any way, but from the appearance of the accounts, looks like part of the 450l. given by the Company; there is some very curious arithmetic in the concluding page of the Steward's account.—F. L. H.
  • 22. For the liability of the Bachelors' Company to the performance of the duties and the burden of the expenses "when it happeneth any person of the (same) fraternity to be Maior of the said city," see the 23rd Ordinance; "Bachelors in Foynes" alias "Maister Batchelors of the Barge," "Bachelors in Budge," all the other Bachelors.
  • 23. The plays and poems of Webster are eleven in number, the first being written in the year 1601, and the most celebrated of his dramas, "The Duchess of Malfry," in 1616. Hallam, in "The Literature of Europe," vol. iii., p. 356, remarks of Webster, "that he possessed very considerable powers, and ought to be ranked" amongst our old dramatists "the next below Ford."
  • 24. The Company, writing to Lord Burghley, in March 1574, explained to him they had granted their "largest and stateliest house" to Sir W. Harper for life, and the reversion "to such persons as wore towards offices of worship in the City for their dwelling."