
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Madley', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Madley', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Madley". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west. (London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

In this section

47 MADLEY (C.b.).

(O.S. 6 in. (a)XXXII, S.E., (b)XXXVIII, N.E.)

Madley is a large parish and small village, on the right bank of the Wye, 6 m. W. of Hereford. The church and cross are the principal monuments.


Madley, the Parish Church of St Mary

b(1). Parish Church of St. Mary (Plate 178) stands near the middle of the parish. The walls of the chancel and crypt and the E. and S. walls of the Chilstone chapel are of local sandstone ashlar; the walls of the aisles and porch are of rubble and the walls of the W. tower are of coursed rubble; all the dressings are of sandstone ashlar; the roofs are covered with stone slates, modern tiles and lead. The earliest part of the building is the North Porch which originally formed part of the N. transept of a former mid 12th-century church. This church, the foundations of which were discovered during a restoration about 40 years ago, consisted of a chancel, aisleless nave, north and south transepts and possibly a low tower at the crossing. Early in the 13th century an extensive enlargement was undertaken and work was begun to the E. of the transepts and crossing. Arcades of three bays each were built eastwards of the crossing in continuation with the side walls of the former nave, North and South Aisles were added to this extension and a new chancel was built to the E. of it. When this was completed the arcades were continued westward three bays and a long Nave of six bays thus formed. At the same time a West Tower was erected at the end of this nave and within the W. end of the former nave, the N. and S. aisles were also continued westward cutting through the former transepts and extending to the W. wall of the tower, and the remaining N. and S. ends of the respective transepts were converted into N. and S. porches. About 1310–20 the 13th-century chancel was pulled down and the present Chancel was erected, the rapid fall in the ground at the E. end of the site being utilised to build a Crypt below the new chancel. A record in the Cathedral archives under the date 1318 stating that the offerings made before the statue of the Virgin in the church of Madley were intended for the fabric of the "new chancel," without doubt refers to the existing chancel. About ten years later, c. 1330, the Chilstone Chapel was added on the S. side of the S. aisle which necessitated the demolition of the S. porch. At the same time new windows were inserted in the E. end of the N. wall of the N. aisle, and this wall eastward of the N. porch was heightened. No further structural work of any importance appears to have been made to the building. In 1870 the chancel was restored, a thorough restoration took place in 1878, and the Chilstone chapel was restored in 1883.

The church is of considerable size and architectural interest. The 14th-century chancel with its apsidal E. end and crypt (both uncommon features) and the Chilstone chapel are good examples of their period, as is also the 13th-century W. tower. Among the fittings the glass in the E. window of the chancel and the Willison tomb in the Chilstone chapel, and the Churchyard Cross are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (48½ ft. by 21½ ft.) has a semi-octagonal E. end. Externally (Plate 178) it has a moulded plinth to the walls of the crypt, a moulded cornice at the eaves enriched with 'ball-flower' ornament, and a projecting string below the windows, all of which are carried round the buttresses at the angles of the apse; these buttresses are carried up above the eaves in pinnacles with 'ball-flower' ornament at the angles and terminate in carved finials; the buttresses to the side walls stop below the eaves. At the W. end of both side walls are low projections with weathered tops; within are the staircases and passages to the crypt. The E. window is of three trefoiled ogee lights with net-tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded rear-arch and internal and external labels; the mullions are modern and the tracery has been restored. The N.E. and S.E. windows are both similar, but each of two cinque-foiled lights with tracery in a two-centred head; the former has the mullions and tracery restored and the latter has restored jambs and mullion. In the N. wall are three windows all of the same date and similar detail to those described and all with modern mullions; the two easternmost are each of two trefoiled lights with a trefoil in a two-centred head and the westernmost is of three lights and of the same design as the E. window; the W. end of the wall to the level of the apex of the chancel-arch is skewed off towards the S. and is pierced by a two-centred arch of two sunk-chamfered orders with a moulded label on either side. The arch is contemporary with the chancel, but the inner order is carried on re-set 13th-century twin corbel-capitals belonging to former shafts; the W. jamb is of 13th-century date and is stop-chamfered; the E. respond is partly splayed and is continued northwards on the inner face of the E. wall of the N. aisle. In the S. wall are four two-light windows similar to the two easternmost windows in the opposite wall and all with modern mullions and restored tracery and heads; the W. end of the wall is treated in a similar manner to the W. end of the N. wall. The chancel-arch belonged to the former chancel and is of early 13th-century date; it is two-centred and of two chamfered orders, the outer continuous and the inner carried on triple-shafted responds, with a fillet to the central shaft, and with moulded capitals and 'hold-water' bases; the upper mouldings of the capitals are common to all three shafts and are semi-octagonal on plan. In the angles made at the junction of the side walls with the W. wall are the bases of 13th-century vaulting shafts and the W. wall is recessed above the upper order of the arch on the E. face, indicating that the arch was built to receive the web of the vaulting to the former chancel. Above the arch, looking into the nave, is an opening with moulded jambs and two-centred head with a two-centred segmental rear-arch towards the chancel.

The Crypt (24 ft. by 21¼ ft.) (Plate 183) is built under the E. end of the chancel and has a semi-octagonal E. end. It is vaulted and has a central octagonal pier with a moulded base and square sub-base, and from the pier spring two-centred moulded vaulting ribs to corbels on the surrounding walls set about 2½ ft. above the floor level. The four corbels in the angles of the apse are trefoiled on plan with moulded capitals and taper below the necking to a common point; the remaining corbels which divide the side walls each into two bays and the W. wall into three bays are similar to those described but have no moulded caps. The wall-ribs are moulded and two-centred, but as the space vaulted is of irregular geometrical form some of the arches are distorted; the webs of the vault are largely of tufa, plastered. In each bay of the apse and each bay of the side walls is a single trefoiled light with jambs and two-centred heads of two sunk-chamfered orders with moulded external labels; all the trefoiled inner heads are modern, and the light in the S.E. wall of the apse has had the inner order of the head and jambs cut away and the splays and jambs carried down to the ground to form a doorway. In the W. end of the western bay of each of the side walls is a doorway with chamfered jambs and two-centred head opening into a passage with steps up to the main body of the church; these passages are lighted by small rectangular loops. The crypt is now used as a heating-chamber.

The Nave (84½ ft. by 16½ ft.) (Plate 179) has a N. arcade of early 13th-century date of six bays with two-centred arches of two chamfered orders with chamfered labels on both sides; the three eastern bays are slightly earlier in date than the three western arches; the piers are circular, except the middle pier, and the E. respond is semi-circular and all have moulded capitals, the upper parts of which are octagonal on plan with the cardinal faces shorter than those of the splays, and 'hold-water' bases on square sub-bases; the middle pier marks the junction of the earlier with the later work and is in the form of two attached responds with a straight joint between them on the S. side, showing where the E. half was built into the wall of the 12th-century N. transept, when the building was lengthened early in the 13th century; the pier projects towards the nave in the form of a buttress; the W. respond of the arcade is incorporated in the N.E. pier of the tower and has a flat fillet on the E. face of the attached semi-circular shaft. The S. arcade is also in six bays and is generally similar to the N. arcade, but the capital to the earlier or E. half of the central pier is carved with 'stiff-leaf' foliage. The clearstorey has on each side a range of seven single-light windows with chamfered jambs and two-centred heads; the four easternmost on each side are longer than the three westernmost; on the N. side all have been restored and the heads of the 1st, 3rd and 7th from the E. are externally modern. The 5th window on each side cuts through the weathering where the former roofs of the respective N. and S. 12th-century transepts met the walls at the former crossing. The E. wall of the nave has at the bottom of the gable on each side a pinnacle, each with shafted angles and a pyramidal top surmounted by a foliated finial.

The North Aisle (10½ ft. wide) has in the E. wall an early 13th-century lancet with externally rebated chamfered jambs and a semi-octagonal label; in the S. end of the wall is a doorway, with chamfered jambs and two-centred head, opening into the passage leading to the crypt and a spiral staircase up to the former rood-loft; higher up in the wall is a doorway with chamfered jambs and three-centred head which no doubt originally opened into the rood-loft. In the N. wall are eight windows; the four easternmost were inserted about the time the existing chancel was built and are all of three trefoiled ogee lights with tracery in a two-centred head, all similar in design and detail to the E. window of the apse; all have had the tracery restored or repaired, and some of the mullions are modern; the four westernmost windows are each of a small single lancet with rebated chamfered jambs; the two westernmost of these have been scraped and are modern externally; in the wall opposite the middle pier of the nave arcade are two straight joints showing where the E. wall of the original N. transept was cut through when the aisle was added; the 13th-century N. doorway has moulded jambs and two-centred head with defaced head-stops and mutilated moulded bases to the angles of the jambs; to the W. of the doorway projecting about 8 inches into the porch and with the sill about 2½ ft. above the floor-level is another doorway with chamfered jambs and triangular head. At the E. end of the S. wall the upper part projects on 14th-century corbelling, to carry the upper part of the W. end of the N. wall of the chancel where it continues in a straight line with the main wall above the skewed part. Across the aisle springing from the N.E. pier of the W. tower to the N. wall of the aisle is an early 13th-century arch, two-centred and of a single chamfered order with a chamfered label on both sides; on the N. side it is carried on a triple-shafted tapering corbel with a moulded capital and on the S. on a half-round shaft attached to the main N.E. pier of the W. tower; this shaft has a flat fillet on the N. face, a moulded capital with a series of panelled scallops and a 'hold-water' base.

The South Aisle (9¾ ft. wide) has in the E. wall an early 14th-century window of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with a moulded label; to the N. of it is a doorway as in the corresponding position in the N. aisle opening into the passage to the crypt. In the eastern half of the S. wall, opening into the Chilstone chapel, is an arcade of c. 1330, of five bays with two-centred arches, each of two sunk chamfered orders with moulded labels; the piers are quatre-foiled on plan with moulded capitals enriched with 'ball-flower' ornament and moulded bases; the responds correspond to the piers. The arcade is of rough ashlar except over the W. half of the westernmost arch where the walling is of rubble; W. of the arcade are three windows; the easternmost is of 15th-century date and of three cinque-foiled lights with vertical tracery in a flat segmental-pointed head with a moulded label with carved head-stops; the jambs have been restored and the mullions, tracery and all the label except the W. head-stop with a portion above it, are modern; the two other windows are each a small early 13th-century lancet; the early 13th-century S. doorway has a two-centred head of two moulded orders with a chamfered label; the inner order is continuous and the outer order is carried on modern shafts with original moulded capitals and 'hold-water' bases. In the W. wall is an early 13th-century lancet-window with a chamfered label. Across the W. end of the aisle is an arch similar in all respects to the corresponding arch across the N. aisle; both these arches help to spread the thrust of the E. arch of the tower, and, opposite them, on the outer faces of the respective aisles, are flat projecting buttresses.

The Chilstone Chapel (74 ft. by 16¼ ft.) (Plate 182) was added c. 1330, and all the windows are of that date. The walls have a moulded plinth, a moulded string-course below the windows, and a moulded cornice at the eaves. The end walls are gabled, and the E. wall is surmounted by an original gable-cross, but on the W. wall only the stump remains. At either end of the E. wall and dividing the S. wall into six bays are two-stage buttresses. The E. window is of five trefoiled ogee lights with net-tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded label. In the S. wall are five windows, each of three trefoiled lights with net-tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded label; all have been slightly repaired in cement; the W. mullion of the fourth window from the E. is modern, and the tracery of the westernmost window is rather decayed, while the E. mullion is partly modern. The lower part of the W. wall is probably the W. wall of the 12th-century S. transept; in it are the splays of a blocked window, and in the upper part of the wall is a window of c. 1330, and of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head; the tracery and mullions are modern.

The North Porch (13¾ ft. by 18¾ ft.) is the N. end of the original 12th-century N. transept. In the E. wall is a single original light with rebated and chamfered jambs and semi-circular head; farther S. is the N. jamb of an arch to a former chapel or recess. In the W. wall is a similar light. The N. wall is gabled, the upper part being modern; the N. doorway is of early to mid 13th-century date and has jambs of two moulded orders and a two-centred head with a moulded label; above the doorway is a late 13th-century single-light window with a trefoiled head.

The West Tower (16 ft. square) is of early to mid 13th-century date and in three stages (Plate 181) with a battered plinth and an embattled parapet. There are clasping buttresses at the W. end, within the southern one of which is the stair-turret which is carried up above the main parapet and also finishes with an embattled parapet; on the parapet, on each face except the E., are two carved beast-gargoyles. At the E. corner of the tower, within the body of the church, are massive octagonal piers with an attached filleted half-round shaft on each face with moulded or scalloped capitals and 'holdwater' bases on square sub-bases. The capitals of the northernmost shaft of the N. pier and the southernmost shaft of the S. pier are at a lower level than the others and support the arches across the aisles. The easternmost shaft of both piers acts as the W. respond to the N. and S. arcades of the nave. The E. arch of the tower is two-centred and of three chamfered orders with a chamfered label on both sides; the outer order is continued vertically down the face of the side walls of the nave. The responds to the N. and S. arches opening into the aisles have each a semi-circular attached shaft with a moulded capital and 'hold-water' base on a square sub-base; the two-centred arches are each of three chamfered orders with a chamfered label on each side; the inner order is carried on the attached shafts. Above the E. arch, opening from the ringing-stage into the nave, are two windows each with a two-centred head. The W. doorway has a two-centred arch of two moulded orders, the inner continuous and the outer carried on modern shafts with original moulded capitals and defaced 'hold-water' bases; the arch has a moulded label; the doorway is set in a slight projection which is weathered back to the main wall-face; the W. window is of three lancets with heads of two chamfered orders, the inner continuous and the outer carried on shafted jambs, dying on to the sloping sills; above the arches are chamfered labels. The second stage or ringing-chamber has in the N. and S. walls a window of two pointed lights with chamfered jambs, the lights being grouped under a common chamfered label in the form of a two-centred arch. In the W. wall are two similar windows, both of which are modern externally. The belfry has in each wall a group of three pointed lights with jambs of two chamfered orders and chamfered labels.

The Roof over the chancel is of trussed-rafter type with arched braces below the collars; it has moulded wall-plates and moulded arched ribs springing from the angles of the apse and meeting at a carved and painted foliated boss; it is of 14th-century date and was at one time ceiled, but has been restored and all the boarding is modern. The nave-roof is of the trussed-rafter type and is in five wide and one narrow bay; it has moulded tie-beams and has been largely restored but may incorporate old rafters though all the boarding is modern. The largely modern low-pitched pent-roof to the S. aisle has the S. wall-plate carried on original shaped corbels. The roof to the Chilstone chapel is of trussed-rafter type with arched braces below the collars; it was at one time ceiled; it is probably of 14th-century date with modern boarding and cornices to the wall-plates. The roof to the N. porch is of trussed-rafter form and is mostly modern.

Fittings—Brass: In chancel—on S. wall, to John Gough, 1618, inscription only. Chests: In S. aisle— (1) of oak, with hinged lid on two strap-hinges with shaped ends and similar iron angle-straps, possibly mediæval; (2) at W. end of aisle, with panelled front, moulded edge to lid, three iron locks and four ballfeet, late 17th-century. Churchyard Cross: (Plate 33) In churchyard—on S. side of church, of sandstone, on step, with square to octagonal base with round-headed niche on W. side, tapering octagonal shaft with stops and square base; moulded necking at head of shaft and cross-head carved with Crucifixion on E. face and Virgin and Child on W. face, but whole of front of figure on W. face worn away; head surmounted by stone gableroof with rolls at apex and at lower ends, late 14th-century; head restored to shaft only in recent years, Communion Table: In Chilstone chapel, of oak, with turned legs, moulded bottom rails and fluted top rails with small shaped brackets below, initials I.G. and A.C. cut on two legs, early 17th-century, top modern. Doors: In W. tower—to doorway to staircase (Plate 34), of oak planks with semi-circular head, hung on two strap-hinges and strengthened with three pieces of ornamental ironwork with fleur-de-lis ends, 13th-century; to W. doorway (Plate 34), of oak planks, in two leaves with two-centred head, each leaf hung on two hinges, lower one plain, upper one ornamented and with shaped ends, and each leaf strengthened with ornamental ironwork; ironwork 13th-century refixed on later door. Font: large circular bowl ovolo-curved in section with rounded top, circular stem of sandstone, and chamfered base, late 12th or early 13th-century, restored; said to have been broken to pieces by the Scots in 1645. Glass: In chancel—in E. window of apse (Plate 130), in top quatrefoil, within outer border of white and inner border of green decorated with gold quatrefoils, on background of blue with red trellis, shield of the leopards of England; in top N. quatrefoil, similar glass but with background of white instead of blue and shield of the arms of Bohun; in top S. quatrefoil, as in N. quatrefoil but with shield of the arms of Warenne; remaining tracery in head of window with white borders, blue ground and red trellis, all in situ, c. 1320. In main lights, in top of northernmost, (a) round panel of the Death of St. John, man in yellow gown, lying in coffin and four other figures. In top of middle light, (b) vesicashaped panel of the Women at the Sepulchre, figure of Virgin on left, angel before her in red and white robe and green halo; heads of two other figures on either side of the Virgin, and in front the sepulchre, below, fragments of mixed glass including the arms and legs of a mailed figure. In top southernmost light, (c) round panel of the Presentation in the Temple, figure of the Virgin presenting the Child to figure on the right; behind the Virgin is another figure. In northernmost light below (a), round panel (d) of St. John and the poison, on right a king menacing the saint; below the king the figure of a dead man, and between the king and the saint are heads of two figures, one representing Aristodemus touching the dead man with St. John's robe; behind the saint a figure of a tormentor in white robe and yellow stockings; a piece of modern white glass is substituted for the saint's body. In middle light, below (b), round panel (e) of St. John reclining on the breast of Christ at the Last Supper, figure of Christ in middle, two figures on right of central figure, one on left and two smaller figures in front of the table. In southernmost light, below (c), similar panel (f) of the Adoration of the Magi, with figure of the Virgin on the right, holding in her lap the Infant pointing with his right hand towards the Magi. All these circular panels have backgrounds of blue glass on circles of red and white with surrounds of ruby with foliated patterns in the corners; the vesica is within an inner border of ruby; all have fragments missing and are of early 13th-century date but are patched in places with fragments of old and modern glass; (g), (h) and (i) below (d), (e) and (f) respectively parts of a Jesse window and of early 14th-century date, (g) figure of a king with scroll inscribed in Lombardic capitals "OZIAS: REX" all within a vesica out of which issue branches with green leaves on background of ruby; (h) figure of bearded man with blue cap, and behind it a scroll inscribed in Lombardic capitals [EZE]CHIEL PRO.; (i) generally similar to (g) in design and character, with seated figure of a king; modern white glass for head and part of vesica, scroll with last letter of name, L. In bottom of these lights fragments of re-set glass including decorated bordered foils from tracery with leaf-enrichment, portions of border of covered cups, fleur-de-lis, leaves, a leopard's head, and a head of a bearded saint; mostly 14th-century. In N.E. window of apse, collection of miscellaneous fragments re-set, including portions of tabernacle and canopy-work, parts of the beasts of St. Luke and St. Mark, three heads, part of an angel's wing, etc., mostly 15th-century. In S.E. window of apse, collection of miscellaneous fragments including heads of two bishops, one within a trefoiled canopy-head, portions of four heads, one probably from Jesse tree in middle window, portion of borders, inscription S. Johannes, etc., 14th-century. Lockers: In chancel—(1) in N.E. wall of apse below window, rectangular, rebated for and fitted with modern door, probably c. 1320. In N. aisle— in N. wall (2) square with rebate for door. Monuments and Floor-slabs: Monuments: In chancel—on N. wall, (1) to Peter Garnons, 16 . ., Anne his wife, 1626, Magdalen his heir and only daughter, 1622, and William Vaughan, husband of Magdalen, 1626, painted stone monument with carved and painted figure of man and his wife kneeling on either side of a desk, both wearing ruffs, and the man in top-boots and cape, the woman in widow's hood and with hands missing; below painted panel with man and three sons, woman and daughter, all kneeling at desk, the whole flanked by Corinthian columns on supporting entablature and cartouche-of-arms; on S. wall (2) to Richard Willison, 17th-century, carved stone panel. In Chilstone chapel—at W. end (3) of Richard Willison, 1574–5, and Anne [Elton] his wife, stone altar-tomb (Plates 45, 48) with defaced recumbent effigies of man in armour, lower part missing and wife in costume of the period, with small animal at feet; tomb with moulded base and inscription on bevelled edge, partly transposed and dislocated, sides and ends of tomb enriched with arched panels enclosing shields-of-arms, except N. side, which has kneeling figures of Anne and John Willison; tomb inscribed "This Towm John Gildo made." In churchyard—N. side of N. aisle, (4) to Eliz Powles, 1700, headstone with ornamental border at sides and cherub's head at top; N. of N. porch, (5) to Elinor wife of John Watkins, 1704, headstone. Painting: Over chancel-arch, traces of large figure-subject, probably a Doom. Piscinæ: In chancel (Plate 60)— with chamfered jambs, soffit-cusped, trefoiled head, moulded label, projecting moulded sill and quatre-foiled drain c. 1320. In Chilstone chapel—in sill of easternmost window in S. wall, with octagonal drain, c. 1330. Below same window, with sunk chamfered jambs and trefoiled ogee head with octagonal drain c. 1330. Rood-Beam: across E. end of N. aisle, moulded and embattled, late 15th-century. Screen: In N. aisle—at E. end re-used to enclose pew (Plate 180) with panelled back against E. wall of aisle, N. and S. sides each with lower part in three solid panels, upper part in seven open divisions with cinque-foiled ogee arches with rosettes at points of cusps and tracery, in square heads; W. front with doorway at S. end with trefoiled and sub-cusped arch with rosettes at points of cusps and vertical tracery in square head; N. of doorway with solid panels in lower part and above, three open divisions as in sides; against posts on either side of door and against W. post of S. side, attached turned baluster posts fluted and enriched, with upper part tapering and surmounted by carved finials; exposed sides of screen surmounted by moulded and embattled cornices supporting at W. angles acorn-finials. Incorporated in inner panelling on S. side small arabesque panel of 17th-century date. Reconstructed in 17th century incorporating 15th-century material. Seating: (Plate 64) In chancel —on N. side, against N. wall, range of seven stalls in two blocks, of four and two with extra seat between, formed by incorporating piece of old panelling with fixed seat; stalls separated by shaped and moulded divisions with shaped and moulded top rail and plain semi-hexagonal misericordes with foliated side bosses to all except one. W. bench—end of front to W. block, with top panelled with two trefoiled heads with foliated spandrels; front of desks divided into twelve bays with seven of the styles panelled. Similar range of stalls against S. wall in two blocks of four and two seats with re-used panel between to make extra seat; two of the misericordes are plain; all dividing styles to fronts of desks panelled, all late 15th or early 16th-century. Sedilia: (Plate 60) In chancel—in S. wall, in three bays with two-centred trefoiled heads moulded and decorated with ball-flowers and with moulded labels above; outer jambs shafted and bays divided by quatrefoil shafts, all with moulded capitals and bases, c. 1320. Miscellanea: Masons' Marks on E. pier of W. tower, on piers of nave-arcade and jambs of western windows of N. and S. aisle, 13th-century.



b(2). Homestead Moat. 400 yards W.S.W. of the church.

b(3). Cross, at junction of cross-roads, 80 yards N. of the church, is of sandstone. It stands on three square steps, the stones of which are clamped together by iron clamps and has a square base with chamfered stops at the top angles. The tapering octagonal shaft is in two stages, the lower being in the form of a plinth. The shaft is surmounted by a fragment of a head, now so damaged as to give no indication of its original form.

Monuments (4–24)

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys, timber-framed with brick or plaster panels; the roofs are covered with stone slates or modern slates. Some of the buildings have exposed ceiling-beams and original chimney-stacks.

Condition—Good or fairly good, unless noted.

b(4). Red Lion Inn, on the N. side of the road, 140 yards N.N.W. of the church, is of T-shaped plan with the cross-wing at the W. end. The front has been refaced with brick, but the timber-framing is exposed on the W. and on part of the N. sides.

b(5). Town House and outbuilding, 150 yards N.E. of the church. The House was built, probably in the 16th century, on an H-shaped plan with the cross-wings at the E. and W. ends. In the 17th century a low addition was made between the wings on the N. side and a wing added at the N. end of the E. cross-wing. The timber-framing is mostly exposed, but the S. end of the E. wing has been cased in modern brick. Inside the building, the staircase has a 17th-century moulded rail and flat shaped balusters. There are two 17th-century panelled doors on the first floor. The E. cross-wing is of four bays with chamfered posts, cambered tie-beams and curved braces.

The Outbuilding, N.E. of the house, is of late 16th or early 17th-century date and of two storeys, timber-framed with brick filling. The tie-beams of the roof have curved braces.

b(6). Church Farm, house, 120 yards S.W. of the church, was built on a half H-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N.E. Late in the 17th century the kitchen was added on the S.W. side. The timber-framing is exposed on the S.E. front. The southernmost room has an original four-light window, with chamfered mullions.

b(7). Farmhouse, 40 yards S. of (6), is of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N.E. and S.E. Some of the timber-framing is exposed but the S.W. front has been refaced with brick.

b(8). Forty Cottage, now two tenements, 560 yards W. of the church, was built late in the 16th or early in the 17th century. The upper part of the building is weather-boarded. Inside the building, the ceiling-beams form square panels with the joists laid, in alternate panels, N. to S. and E. to W.

b(9). House, now Chapel, on the N.W. side of the road, 540 yards S.W. of the church, has exposed timber-framing with brick filling.

b(10). Parkway Farm, house on the S.E. side of the road, about ¾ m. S.W. of the church, has exposed timber-framing on the N.E. side.

b(11). Cottage, on the N.W. side of Stone Street, about ½ m. S. of the church, has most of its timber-framing exposed.

b(12). Castle Farm, house, 1500 yards W.S.W. of the church, is of two storeys with attics and cellars. It was built on an H-shaped plan with the cross-wings at the N.E. and S.W. ends, but the S.W. wing has been re-built. Inside the building, the rooms on the ground floor have open timbered ceilings in square divisions.

b(13). Middle Cublington Farm (Plate 19), house, now two tenements, nearly 1¼ m. W. of the church, is of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the E. and N. Much of the timber-framing is exposed and the porch on the W. front has a doorway with an original moulded frame.

Condition—E. wing partly derelict.

b(14). Cottage, on the S. side of the road at Upper Shenmore, nearly 1½ m. W.S.W. of the church, has exposed timber-framing.

b(15). Cottage, 60 yards W. of (14), has exposed timber-framing.

b(16). Cottage, on the E. side of the road at Lower Shenmore, 280 yards S.W. of (15), has exposed timber-framing.

b(17). Cottage, on the S. side of the main road, 1½ m. W. of the church, has exposed timber-framing, with brick filling.

b(18). Lower Chilstone, house and outbuildings, nearly 1 m. N.W. of the church. The House is of two storeys with attics. It consists of a main block with a cross-wing at the S. end and a small projecting wing on the E. side. There are later and modern additions on the E. and W. sides. Some of the timber-framing is exposed but the N. front has been faced with brick. The original central chimney-stack has brick shafts with diagonal ribs. Inside the building, the main block has original moulded ceiling-beams and the doorway in the S.E. wall has a moulded frame; the door in the N.E. wall is original and has twelve moulded panels.

The Outbuilding, N.E. of the house, is of two storeys, and is timber-framed. The Barn, S.W. of the house, is timber-framed and has central posts supporting the tie-beams.

a(19). Carwardine Green Farm, house and outbuildings, 1¾ m. N.W. of the church, has been largely re-built in the 18th century but retains an early 17th-century porch of timber with a projecting upper storey. The free side has a dwarf brick wall to the lower storey with flat shaped balusters standing on it; the angle posts support the moulded bressummers of the upper storey.

The Outbuilding, W. of the house, is L-shaped and of two storeys. It is timber-framed.

a(20). Farmhouse, now three tenements, and barn on the E. side of the road at Lulham, ½ m. N.E. of (19), The House is of L-shaped plan, with the wings extending towards the N.W. and S.W. The N.W. end is of stone and in the other walls much of the timber-framing is exposed.

The Barn, S.W. of the house, is of seven bays with queen-post trusses.

a(21) Cottage, S. of (20), has one room lined with 17th-century panelling.

a(22). Field's Mill, house near the right bank of the Wye, nearly 1¼ m. N. of the church, has 18th-century and modern extensions at the N. end. The original part has exposed timber-framing and retains the millwheel which is no longer in use. In the S.E. angle of the building are some re-used stones with angle-rolls.

a(23) Swinmoor, house and barn 1,500 yards N.N.E. of the church. The House was built probably in the 16th century and consists of a central block with crosswings at the E. and W. ends. There are 18th-century and modern additions on the N. and S. sides and the whole of the S. front has been refaced in brick. The timber-framing is exposed on the other sides.

The Barn, N. of the house, is of brick on a stone base.

a(24). Churchfield Cottage, on the E. side of the road, 1,050 yards N.N.E. of the church, has later additions on the N. and E.


a(25). Earthworks at Upper Chilstone, about 1½ m. W.N.W. of the church, consist of a series of ditches and mounds on the E., W. and S. of the house. The length of dry ditch to the W. is probably connected with the former manor-house. The ditches, to the E. of the house, form a series of oblong 'islands'; there are two small mounds near the E. side of the field. To the S. of the house is a natural knoll on which are a bell-shaped barrow, 33 ft. in diameter, and a disc-barrow, about 64 ft. in diameter with a bank 12 ft. wide; to the N.E., S.E. and S.W. of this, at an average distance of 35 yards, are three small mounds; these mounds are within an enclosure formed by a slight ditch and a scarp. Also within the enclosure and running N. from the ditch is a slight bank; the knoll is approached on the N. by a form of causeway. The site would appear to be that of an early settlement and burial-ground.


b(26). Mound, 250 yards N.W. of the church, is of oval form, 43 yards long by 33½ yards across at the base; it is surrounded by a dry ditch and rises to a maximum height of 9 ft. below the bottom of the ditch. The ditch is continued to enclose a small area to the S.

Condition—Fairly good.

b(27). Mound at Castle Farm, 1 m. W.S.W. of the church, is a slight artificial earthwork on the top of a natural mound. It is about 40 yards in diameter at the base but has been much damaged by the erection of the house and farm-buildings.
