
Displaying 101 - 110 of 123
Middlesex county records
… sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of Robert Thornell at the next G. Q. S. P. for the City and Liberty of …
The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham
… Pykering, 17 Tunstall. 53 s. 4 d. fee. Demise to Laurence Thornell, Gent. of the Low Parke of Darlington and the …
The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham
… 1546 Anthony Tunstall 16, Serviens Episcopi. 1559 John Thornell. 1561 John Taylfare. 1589 Anthony Craggs. John Thornell. Barnabas Pilkington 17. 1607 Robert Cooper 18, of …
A History of the County of Buckingham
A History of the County of Durham
… Arch. Ael. xvii, 239. 'She was the dowghter of Laurence Thornell of Darlington, gent., and late wyfe of Parsevel …
A History of the County of Hertford
… of Standon National Schools. In 1878 William Rolph Thornell, by his will proved 23 October, left a legacy, now …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… pardon from burning in the hand, for manslaughter of Rich. Thornell; subscribed by the Lord Chief Justice and Attorney …
County of Middlesex. Calendar to the sessions records: new series
… his wife to keep the peace towards John Thornehill [Thornell] of Clerkenwell, spinster; and of Luke Parker of the …
A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe
… have been there in person. And when you had seized coll. Thornell, &c. then his thoughts were on Norfolke and … from Flushing to Feversham, to one mr. Trowt, for Thornell, and sir Thomas Peyton. At Dover all passe by the …
London Inhabitants Outside the Walls, 1695
… 103.15 Thomas, 102.114 Thomas; Margaret, w, 98.73 THORNELL: Mary, 107C.10 THORNTON: Agnus, 99.19 Alice, 101.69 …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 123