
Displaying 17081 - 17090 of 17123
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing and associated parishes WORTHING AND ASSOCIATED PARISHES Worthing, a municipal borough from 1890 to 1974, the second …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Charities for the poor CHARITIES FOR THE POOR. 27 … inmates weekly contributions. About 1920 John Pearson of Worthing established Pearson's Retreat Cottage Homes for poor, elderly inhabitants of Worthing at the east end of the town, on the north side of …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Churches CHURCHES. A chapel at Worthing was recorded in 1291, 73 and in 1410 was being used for mass. 74 Two chaplains, possibly of Worthing chapel, occurred in the early 15th century. 75 The …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Communications Communications. The hamlet of Worthing before c. 1800 was linked to Broadwater by a road … was still followed by roads and a footpath in 1978. The Worthing-Broadwater road led to London via Findon and …
A History of the County of Sussex
… ECONOMIC HISTORY. Agriculture. Before 1066 the part of Worthing called Ordinges was held by 7 alodial tenants. In … team. At the same date Mordinges, the other part of Worthing manor, had 1½ hide, worked by 1 villanus and 5 … century 34 free tenants of Broadwater manor were named in Worthing, 14 of whom owed a corn-rent called 'parkseycorn', …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Education EDUCATION. The first schools in Worthing were apparently for visitors' children, and by 1811 … school for a short time 22 before being replaced by the Worthing Church of England girls' and infants' school. 23 Two …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Growth of the town Growth of the town. In the 18th century, and probably earlier, the hamlet of Worthing comprised the modern High, North, and Warwick … in origin. 39 The building of lodging-houses at Worthing is recorded in the 1790s 40 but not their location. …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Local government and public services LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES Manor Court books of Worthing manor's court baron survive from 1544 to 1925. 91 … The court's jurisdiction was presumably over that part of Worthing tithing which lay outside the jurisdiction of …
A History of the County of Sussex
… and other estates MANORS AND OTHER ESTATES. The manor of WORTHING comprised two estates which belonged to William de … parts of the manor from William de Braose in 1086, 51 and Worthing descended with Broadwater until at least 1268. 52 By 1291 Easebourne priory held lands in Broadwater and Worthing 53 which apparently represented Worthing manor. The …
A History of the County of Sussex
Worthing Parliamentary representation PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION. In 1948 Worthing borough became a separate parliamentary constituency, 70 having been part of the Worthing division of the county since 1945. 71 It has always …
Displaying 17081 - 17090 of 17123