
Displaying 651 - 660 of 737
A History of the County of Essex
… hide of land held in 1066 by Esgar and in 1086 by Geoffrey Martel as tenant of Geoffrey de Mandeville. 41 In 1093 Martel, with Mandeville's consent, granted it to Bermondsey …
A History of the County of Worcester
A History of the County of Buckingham
… with Eaton Bray in Bedfordshire, in the hands of Osbert Martel, 8 and it was certainly given to Adulf de Braci before …
Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire
A History of the County of Oxford
… with Sherborne (Dorset), which was surrendered by William Martel, 71 and another mis-statement that the insurgent …
A History of the County of Berkshire
… received a quitclaim of 5 hides in Beckett from Gilbert Martel, 97 who elsewhere (cf. Marlston in Bucklebury) was a … abbey by the family of Esturmy or Sturmy. In 1198 Geoffrey Martel quitclaimed 5 virgates of land in Watchfield to Ralph … 10 Ric. I, no. 23 [case 7, file 1]); cf. for Geoffrey Martel granting half a hide in Watchfield to William Martel
The Cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate
… chancellor, Arnulf archdeacon of Ses ( Sagiensi), William Martel dapifer, Robert de Curcy, Alberic de Ver, Geoffrey de …
A History of the County of Huntingdon
The Cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate
… William and his heirs to acquit that rent to William Martel of 1 1b. of pepper; William gave Ralph 12 marks …
A History of the County of Gloucester
… in the lord of Bradley hundred, Thomas Parry. 42 Geoffrey Martel held the manor of STOWELL as knight's fee in 1236. 43 It passed later to Richard Martel, apparently Geoffrey's son, 44 and Richard's heir held it in 1272. 45 Adam Martel held it in 1285, 46 and by 1307 it belonged to another …
Displaying 651 - 660 of 737