Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660

The full text of legislation passed into law during the Interregnum. Contains over 900 pieces of legislation. ranging from that concerning the trial and execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury to the regulation of trade in currants, and from the propagation of the Gospel in the New World to the draining of the Great Fen. Originally published in three volumes, it is here given together, along with a table of acts passed and a substantial introduction.

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Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait (London, 1911), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.

Table of Contents

Title Page(s)
May 1643: An Ordinance for maintenance of the Garison of Portsmouth, Hurst Castle, Cashiot Castle, and South-Sea Castle. 141-143
May 1643: An Ordinance concerning 23000l. lately lent by the Lord Major, Aldermen and Commons of London, to be repaid out of the Debts, and Rents of Houses gathered by the Collectors. 143-144
May 1643: An Ordinance concerning Debts, and Rents of Houses to be gathered and paid to Collectors. 144-145
May 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising and levying of money...for the relief of the Common-wealth, by taxing such as have not at all contributed or lent... 145-155
May 1643: Order to redress the Abuses in taking Horses for Supply of the Army. 155-156
May 1643: An Ordinance concerning Colonel James Mauleverer. 156-157
May 1643: An Ordinance concerning the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, who by reason of many great and weighty businesses, cannot as yet be brought to his Tryall. 157-158
May 1643: An Ordinance whereby the Commissioners named in a late Act of Parliament for raising the Subsidy of 400000.l. in the severall Counties of this Kingdom... 158-160
May 1643: An Ordinance appointing such monies as shall be raised...for such Forces as are raised out of the associated Counties of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Hertford and County of the City of Norwich. 160
May 1643: An Ordinance and Declaration Authorizing Colonell Walter Long to take and collect such Moneys as have been formerly by him and others vertue of a Commission from his Excellency the Earle of Essex. 161-162
May 1643: An Ordinance for raising Horses in the Counties for the service of the Army. Horses taken from persons well-affected shall be valued, and repayment secured upon the Publike Faith 162-163
May 1643: An Ordinance that the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, shall have power to call before them and appoint Assessors, to Sesse all such persons as have not contributed proportionably upon the Propositions... 163
May 1643: An Ordinance whereby Commissioners are appointed for the prevention of divers practices used of late by Merchants and others, to deceive his Majesty and the Parliament, of such Customes and Duties as are due... 163-165
May 1643: A Declaration and Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the better securing and settling of the Peace of the County of Kent, and for enabling them to associate with the City of London, or any other Counties adjacent. 165-168
June 1643: An Ordinance for Addition of Committees in severall Counties for execution of severall Ordinances of Parliament. 168-171
June 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Forces by Sea and Land to reduce the Town of Newcastle to Obedience to the King and Parliament. 171-174
June 1643: The Covenant to be taken by the whole Kingdom. 175-176
June 1643: An Ordinance that all the Temporal Livings, Dignities and Ecclesiastical promotions belonging unto William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, be forthwith Sequestered by and unto the Parliament. 176
June 1643: An Ordinance for reducing to obedience of Parliament, and for securing of the Counties of Denbigh, Mountgomery, Flint, Merioneth, Carnarvon, and Anglesey. 177-180
June 1643: An Ordinance for the calling of an Assembly of Learned and Godly Divines, to be consulted with by the Parliament, for the setling of the Government of the Church. 180-184
June 1643: An Ordinance for the Regulating of Printing. 184-186
June 1643: A Particular of the Names of the Licensers, who are appointed by the House of Commons for Printing; According to an Order of the Lords and Commons, Dated the [14th June 1643] 186-187
June 1643: An Ordinance for raising men for the defence of the Isle of Wight. 187-188
July 1643: Ordinance for Money for the Scotch Army in Ireland, and to the Lord General, &c. 188-189
July 1643: Ordinance for securing Lynn. 190
July 1643: Ordinance for Indemnity of the Mayor of Hull, and also for seizing the Forts, and the Persons of Sir John Hotham. 190-191
July 1643: Ordinance for adjourning the Assizes. 191-192
July 1643: An Ordinance for the encouragement of Adventurers, to make new Subscriptions for Towns, Cities, and Lands in Ireland. 192-197
July 1643: Ordinance for Committees to go to Scotland. 197-202
July 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy Rising and Leavying of Moneys, set by way of Charge or new Impost, on the severall Commodities mentioned in the Schedule hereunto annexed; Aswell for the better securing of Trade... 202-214
July 1643: A Declaration and Ordinance for the speedy raising of a Body of Horse, for the preservation, Safety,and Peace of the Kingdome, to resist the Insolencies and Outrages committed by the Souldiers of the Kings Army... 215-219
July 1643: An Ordinance for imploying such Moneys on the County of Huntington, as shall be raised in the said County upon the Ordinance of such as have not lent and contributed according to their abilitie. 219-220
July 1643: Ordinance appointing Commissioners to receive Subscriptions in Holland for Ireland. 220-221
July 1643: An Ordinance Concerning the Militia of the City of London, 221-223
August 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy Raising and Levying of Money, for the Maintenance of the Army raised by the Parliament, and other great Affairs of the Commonwealth. 223-241
August 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy Raising and Impresting of men, for the Defence of the Kmgdom. 241-242
August 1643: An Ordinance for naming a Committee for the Associated Counties, of Norfolke, Suffolke, Essex, Cambridge, Hertford, and Huntington. 242-245
August 1643: Ordinance for Raising Dragoons in the County of Essex. 245-246
August 1643: An Ordinance concerning the late Rebellious Insurrection in the County of Kent. 247-248
August 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy Pressing of 20000 shall be thought fit by the Committees for the six associated Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Hertford-shire and Huntingtonshire… 248-249
August 1643: An Ordinance with an Oath or Covenant, To be taken by all Persons within the City of London, or Line of Communication. 249-251
August 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy supply of Monies within the City of London, and Liberties thereof, for the reliefe and maintenance of the Armies raised and to be raised for the necessary defence of the City, and Liberties aforesaid. 251-254
August 1643: An Ordinance for Explanation of a former Ordinance for Sequestration of Delinquents Estates with some Enlargements. 254-260
August 1643: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, concerning Forces to be sent, by the Committee of the Militia of the City of London, for the Relief of Gloucester. 260-261
August 1643: An Ordinance Explaining the former Ordinance for the raising of a Body of Horse for the preservation, peace and safety of the Kingdom, wherein the Tenants in their respective places and habitations... 261-262
August 1643: An Ordinance for protecting of such as bring in Bullion and Coin into the Ports of London and Dover. 262
August 1643: Ordinance for disposing of the Houses of Persons gone away who have not paid the Weekly Assessments. 262-263
August 1643: Ordinance concerning an Engine, for Recovery of things out of the Sea, contrived by Delicques and Fancault. 263-264
August 1643: An Ordinance for the utter demolishing, removing and taking away of all Monuments of Superstition or Idolatry. 265-266
August 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy raising of Monyes, and furnishing of one, or more Magazine, or Magazines of Armes an Ammunition, and other necessary charges, for and concerning the raising of Horse, and other Military Forces... 267-271
September 1643: An Ordinance giving power to the Committee of the Militia or London, to raise Forces to goe under the Command of Sir William Wailer. 271-272
September 1643: An Ordinance enabling Lievtenant Colonel Owen Rowe to provide Arms to the value of five thousand pounds. 272-273
September 1643: An Ordinance for Leavying of monies by a weekly taxe upon the sixe associated Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, &c. 273
September 1643: An Ordinance for the speedy Raising and Leavying of Moneys by way of Charge and New-Impost, upon the severall Commodities, in a Schedule hereunto annexed contained, as well for the better securing of Trade... 274-283
September 1643: An Ordinance to prevent the coming over of the Irish Rebells. 283-284
September 1643: An Ordinance for raising Money by way of Loane at Ipswich for the Navy. 284-285
September 1643: An Ordinance for Listing Apprentices unto watermen, under Sir William Waller. 285
September 1643: An Ordinance for the releife of the distressed Clergie of Ireland. 285-287
September 1643: An Ordinance and Declaration Touching the Sallery and Allowance to be made to the Commissioners and Auditors for the Excise. Together with the severall Oaths to be taken by them... 287-289
September 1643: An Ordinance concerning the associating of the County of Hertford with the City of London, and such other Towns and Parishes in the neighbour Counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Buckingham. 289-291
September 1643: An Ordinance wherein the County of Lincolne is added in the Association of the six Counties of Norfolke, Suffolke, Essex, Cambridge, Hertford, Huntington, for the mutuall defence each of other against the Popish Army in the North... 291-298
September 1643: Declaration, That no one shall have any Command under the Parliament, till he has taken the Covenant.. 298
September 1643: An Ordinance for the due and orderly receiving and collecting of the Kings, Queens and Princes Revenue, and the arrears thereof. 299-303
October 1643: An Ordinance to supply the poore, and all other degrees and sorts of people with wood. 303-305
October 1643: An Ordinance That all Sellers of Wines who shall pay the Excise, shall and may take for all Spanish Wines sold, for every Quart fourteen pence; and for all French Wines, eight pence a Quart, and so proportionably after that rate. 305-306
October 1643: An Ordinance concerning Forces to be sent by the Committee of the Militia of the City of London, for the Recovering of Reading, agreed upon the 9 day of October, 1643. 306-307
October 1643: An Ordinance for Assessing all such Members of either of the Houses of Parliament, as have or shall absent themselves therefrom, or are in actual War against the Parliament. 307-309
September 1643: An Ordinance to enable the Right Honorable, Edward Earl of Manchester, to put in execution all former Ordinances for sequestring Delinquents estates... 309-310
October 1643: An Ordinance for the upholding the Government of the Fellowship of Merchant-Adventurers of England, to the better maintenance of the Trade of Clothing and Woollen Manufacture of the Kingdom. 310-311
October 1643: An Ordinance, for the repayment, of all such sums of money, as are, or shall be lent by any person or persons for the speedy bringing of our Brethren of Scotland into this Realme, for our Assistance in this present War. 311-315
October 1643: An Ordinance shewing; That all Brewers of Beere, Ale, Cider or Perry, shall pay the Excise imposed by a former Ordinance of parliament, before the delivering, upon paine of forfeiting double the value of the said Commodities. 315-316
October 1643: An Ordinance for the more speedy raising of the Monies formerly Imposed, and yet unpaid, within the City of London and Liberties thereof. 316-320
October 1643: Ordinance to provide Salt-petre for making Gunpowder. 320-321
October 1643: An Ordinance for the further enlargement of a former ordinance made for the speedy raising of monyes, and furnishing one or more Magazine or Magazines of Arms and Ammunition... 321-322
October 1643: An Ordinance for the raising of 66,666l. 13s. 4d. by way of loane for the better enabling of our brethren of Scotland, for our assistance and defence, in this common cause of our Religion and Liberty. 322-327
October 1643: An Ordinance for the better prevention of Spies and Intelligencers. 327-328
October 1643: An Ordinance for the Reliefe and maintenance of sicke and maimed Souldiers, and of poore Widowes and children of Souldiers, slaine in the Service of the Parliament. 328-330
November 1643: Ordinance for the Government of the Plantations in the West Indies 331-333
Novembris 1643: A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That all Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, with all other well-affected Persons, inhabiting in the several Counties of... 333-339
November 1643: An Ordinance whereby all Vintners are required to bring in the Money due for the half Excise of all wines remaining in their hands, at, or before the eleventh of September last… 339
November 1643: Ordinance for making a New Great Seal, and for annulling the King's. 340-342
November 1643: An Ordinance touching Customes for Plymouth. 342-343
November 1643: An Ordinance for the preservation and keeping together for Publique use, such Books, Evidences, Records, and Writings Sequestred or taken by Distress or otherwise, as are fit to be preserved. 343-345
November 1643: Air Ordinance for Defence of the Towne and Countie of Southampton. 345-346
November 1643: Additional Articles of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, to the Ordinance of Excise. 346-347
December 1643: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Enabling all persons approved of by Parliament, to set forth Ships in War-like manner, for the guarding of the Seas, and defence of His Majesties Dominions. 347-351
December 1643: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, to make Robert Earl of Warwick Lord High Admiral of England. 351-352
December 1643: An Ordinance for the Erecting and maintaining of a Garrison at New-Port-Pagnell, in the County of Buckingham. 352-355
December 1643: An Ordinance for further addition of Power to the Committee for the County of Hertfordshire. 356-358
December 1643: An Ordinance to disable any person within the City of London and Liberties thereof, to be of the Common-Councell, or in any Office of trust within the said City, that shall not take the late solemne League and Covenant. 359
December 1643: An Ordinance to enable the Militia of London, to send out Forces under Major Generall Browne. 359-360
December 1643: An Ordinance directing the payment of all Duties upon the Revenue to be made to the several Receivers appointed or to be appointed. 360-361
Septemer 1643: An Ordinance concerning the Excise of Tobacco. 361-362
December 1643: An Ordinance for the making void of the places of Clerks of Record at Westminster that have contributed against the two Houses of Parliament. 362-363
January 1644: A Declaration concerning the Estates, Rents, and Revenues, belonging to all the Colledges and Halls of the University of Cambridge. 363-364
January 1644: An Ordinance Touching the Excise of Flesh-Victuals, and salt. 364-366
January 1644: An Ordinance for the better raising and leavying of Mariners Saylers, and others, for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary Defence of the Realme and other His Majesties Dominions. 366-368
January 1644: An Ordinance for the Recruiting, maintaining, and regulating of the Forces of the seven Associated Counties, under the Command of Edward Earle of Manchester. 368-371
January 1644: An Ordinance for Regulating the University of Cambridge, and for removing of Scandalous Ministers in the seven Associated Counties. 371-372
January 1644: An Ordinance for prevention of the Adjournment of the Courts of Justice, without consent of both Housts of Parliament. 372-373