Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660

The full text of legislation passed into law during the Interregnum. Contains over 900 pieces of legislation. ranging from that concerning the trial and execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury to the regulation of trade in currants, and from the propagation of the Gospel in the New World to the draining of the Great Fen. Originally published in three volumes, it is here given together, along with a table of acts passed and a substantial introduction.

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Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait ( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.

Table of Contents

Title Page(s)
December 1645: An Ordinance for raising moneys in the Eastern Association. 809-811
December 1645: An Ordinance for the Constituting and appointing of Sergeant-Major General Philip Skippon, to be Governor of the City and Garison of Bristol. 811-812
December 1645: An Ordinance for maintenance of divers Preaching-Ministers in the North. 812-813
January 1646: An Ordinance for the making of the Precinct of Covent-Garden Parochial. 814-817
January 1646: An Ordinance for the continuance of Treasurers at Wars, and the Committee of the Army. 817-819
January 1646: An Ordinance for punishing Imprested Souldiers that run away from their Colours. 820-821
January 1646: An Ordinance enabling the Militia of London to Press Soldiers. 821-822
January 1646: An Ordinance for raising Horse for the Defence of the City of London. 822-825
January 1646: Ordinance regarding Reprisals. 825-827
January 1646: An Ordinance for Explanation of a former Ordinance for the making of the Precinct of Covent Garden Parochial. 827-828
February 1646: An Ordinance enabling Saltpeter-men to make Gun-Powder. 828-830
February 1646: An Ordinance for Regulating the University of Cambridge. 830-831
February 1646: An Ordinance whereby Sir George Vane Knight is appointed and authorized to be high Sheriffe of his County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge, ...arid supply of Justice in that County. 831-833
February 1646: Ordinance for removing the Court of Wards. 833
March 1646: An Ordinance for Keeping of Scandalous persons from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the enabling of Congregations for the choice of Elders...Directions of Parliament concerning Church Government. 833-838
March 1646: Ordinance to prevent Abuses in Heraldry. 838-839
March 1646: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for committing the Great Seal of England into the Hands and Custody of Commissioners therein named, and appointed by both Houses of Parliament. 839-840
March 1646: Ordinance to continue and amend the One concerning Foreign Plantations. 840
March 1646: An Ordinance for maintenance for Preaching-Ministers in the city and county of Hereford. 840-841
April 1646: Ordinance excluding Papists and others from the Cities of London and Westminster. 841-842
April 1646: An Ordinance for the speedy establishing of a Court-Martial within the Cities of London, Westminster, and Lines of Communication. 842-845
April 1646: An Ordinance for the erecting of a French or Walloone Church in the Town and Port of Dover. 845-846
April 1646: Ordinance to reserve Crooked Timber for the Use of the Navy. 846
April 1646: An Ordinance for the Continuation of Excise or New-Impost, until the 29. of September, 1648. 846-847
May 1646: An Ordinance to command all Papists, Officers and Soldiers of Fortune, and such as have born Arms against the Parliament, to depart and remove themselves twenty miles at the least distant from the City of London, &c. by May 12. 164. 847-848
May 1646: Ordinance to secure the Money advanced for Ireland. 848-852
June 1646: An Ordinance to exclude improper persons from the Sacrament. 852-855
June 1646: An Ordinance for the Sessions of Assizes to be held in the Castle of Lancaster, on the 3. day of August next ensuing. 855-857
June 1646: An Ordinance for the settling and establishing of the Pay of the Garrison of Kingston upon Hull. 857-861
July 1646: An Ordinance for discharge of the Commissioners for one years Accompt, ending the Eleventh of September, 1644. 861-862
August 1646: An Ordinance for the sleighting and demolishing of several GariSons; and for a speedy supply of Forces to be sent to the relief of the Protestants in Ireland. 862-863
August 1646: An Ordinance for Explanation of a former Ordinance of 24 Nov. 1645. for Additional Excize to pay Artificers. 863-865
August 1646: An Ordinance for the Ordination of Ministers by the Classicall Presbyteries, Within their respective Bounds for the severall Congregations in the Kingdom of England. 865-870
September 1646: A List of the names of such persons as shall be, and are hereby Ordained to be Tryers and Judges of the integrity and ability of such as are to be chosen Elders in the Twelve Classis within the Province of London... 870-874
September 1646: An Ordinance for the dividing of the Church of Holland in the County of Lancaster, with the Precincts thereof, from the rest of the Parish of Wigan; And making it a distinct Church and Parish of it self. 874-876
October 1646: Ordinance concerning Chester. 876-879
October 1646: An Ordinance for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees, for the use of the Commonwealth. 879-883
October 1646: An Ordinance for securing of all those that shall advance the Two hundred thousand pounds for the service of the State. 884
October 1646: An Ordinance concerning the Peers of Parliament, and other Honours and Titles. 884-885
October 1646: An Ordinance appointing the Speakers of both Houses of Parliament Commissioners of the Great Seal, With the Commission for hearing Causes in Chancery. 885-887
November 1646: An Ordinance for the setling of the Lands of all the Bishops in the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, for the Service of the Commonwealth...for the speedy execution of the same. 887-904
November 1646: An Ordinance for explanation and better putting in execution the late Ordinance, Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for appointing th sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Commonwealth. 904-905
December 1646: An Ordinance for the better Observation of the Monethly Fast. 905-907
December 1646: Ordinance to prevent the Committee of Oxford from seizing any of the Libraries, &c. belonging to any of the Masters, Students, &c. of the University. 907
December 1646: Ordinance for the Treasurers for Sale of Bishops Lands, to send 200,000l. into the North, for payment of the Scots. 907-908
December 1646: An Ordinance for justifying the Proceedings of Parliament. 908-909
December 1646: An Ordinance concerning the Treaties between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. 909
December 1646: An Ordinance concerning the Cessation of Arms in Ireland, and Grants under the Great Seal of Ireland. 910
December 1646: An Ordinance touching the alteration and explanation of the Oath formerly appointed to be taken by the Surveyors of Bishops Lands. 910-911
January 1647: An Ordinance for encouragement of Adventurers to the several Plantations of Virginia, Bermudas, Barbados, and other places of America. 912-913
February 1647: An Ordinance, concerning the growth and spreading of Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies, and for setting apart a day of Publike Humiliation, to seeke Gods assistance for the suppressing and preventing the same. 913-914
February 1647: An Ordinance for establishing Commissioners of Lords and Commons to sit at Goldsmith Hall to Compound with Delinquents...already made by both Houses of Parliament concerning the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall. 914-915
February 1647: Ordinance to grant Archbishop Bancroft's Books to Cambridge University. 915
February 1647: Ordinance for Preservation of Game. 915-916
February 1647: An Ordinance concerning the Excise, with Additional Instructions for the better regulating the same. 916-920
March 1647: An Ordinance for the better explaining and executing the Ordinance for sale of Bishops Lands. 920-921
March 1647: An Ordinance for lessening the number of the Trustees for sale of Bishops Lands. 921-924
March 1647: Ordinance to give to the University of Cambridge books added to Archbishop Bancroft's Library. 924
April 1647: Ordinance to settle the Militia of London, &c. 924-925
May 1647: An Ordinance for the Visitation and Reformation of the University of Oxford and the several Colledges and Halls therein. 925-927
May 1647: Ordinance for the Persons chosen by the City of London to have the Power of their Militia. 928
May 1647: An Ordinance for securing of all those that advance 200,000l. for the service of this Kingdom and of the Kingdom of Ireland. 928-935
May 1647: An Ordinance for lndempnity or saving harmless all those that have acted or done any thing by Sea or Land for Authority of Parliament. 936-938
May 1647: An Ordinance for Relief of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and the Widows and Orphans of such as have died in the service of the Parliament during these late Wars. 938-940
May 1647: An Ordinance for taking the accompts of the Soldiery of the whole Kingdom, with Instructions concerning the same. 940
May 1647: Declaration and Instructions for taking the Accounts of the Souldiery of the Kingdome. 941-948
June 1647: An Ordinance for the raising of 42000. l. and for Explanation of the former Ordinance for raising of 200000.l. for the service of this Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ireland. 948-953
June 1647: An Ordinance for the more full Indempnity of the Officers and Soldiers who have acted by the Authority and for the service of the Parliament. 953-954
June 1647: An Ordinance for Abolishing of Festivals. 954
June 1647: An Ordinance for the enabling the Committee of the Militia of London to make Searches, and to raise Horses. 954-956
June 1647: Ordinance enabling the Committee of Safety to raise Forces for Defence of the Parliament. 956
June 1647: An Ordnance for the appointment of Col. Gower, Mr. Anthony Bickerstaffe, Mr. James Stone, Mr. Maximilian Beard, Citizens of London, Treasurers, for the receiving and paying of Monies to the Souldiers. 956-957
June 1647: Order for Indemnity of Officers and Soldiers that come off from the Army. 957-958
June 1647: An Ordinance for the raising of Moneyes to be imployed towards the maintenance of Forces within this Kingdome, under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight... 958-984
June 1647: Order for the Commissioners with the Army to have further Power to treat with Sir T. Fairfax, &c. 984-985
June 1647: An Ordinance concerning days of Recreation allowed unto Scholars, Apprentizes and other Servants. 985-986
July 1647: An Ordinance for disbanded Souldiers and others pretending to be reduced, to depart from the Cities of London and Westminster by the 15 of this instant July, 1647. 986-987
July 1647: An Ordinance to enable the Committee of the Militia of London to make searches, and to raise Six Hundred Horse. 987-989
July 1647: An Ordinance for the disposing of Fines and Forfeitures, levied and raised for non-payment or otherwise touching the Excise. 989-990
July 1647: An Ordinance for Constituting and Setling of the Committee of the Militia of the City of London. With the names of them therein expressed. 990-991
July 1647: Declaration against the Covenant entered into by the Citizens. 991-992
July 1647: An Ordinance for repealing the Ordinance of the 23d of this instant July, Entitled, An Ordinance for setling the Militia of London, and for putting in force the Ordinance of the fourth of May, 1647. 992
July 1647: An Ordinance for repealing the Declaration of the 24th of July instant. 992
July 1647: An Ordinance inabling the Militia of London to punish such as doe not repaire to their Colours, whether they bee Horse or Foot. As also giving power to the Militia to Elect and choose a Major-Generall… 992-994
July 1647: Ordinance for the City Militia Committee to raise Horse. 994
August 1647: Ordinance for the Trinity House to raise Mariners, for Defence of the Kingdom, &c. 994-995
August 1647: Ordinance for the new Speakers to be Commissioners of the Great Seal. 995
August 1647: Ordinance to restore the E. Pembrooke to the Chancellorship of Oxford University. 995-996
August 1647: An Ordinance for the true payment of Tythes and other Duties. 996-997
August 1647: An Ordinance for the Relief and Maintenance of Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and the Widows and Orphans of such as have died in the service of the Parliament during these late Wars. 997-998
August 1647: Ordinance to continue the Speakers Commissioners of the Great Seal. 998
August 1647: An Ordinance for declaring all Votes, Orders and Ordinances passed in one or both Houses since the Force on both Houses, July 26. until the sixth of this present August, 1647. be null and void. 998-999
August 1647: An Ordinance for keeping in Godly Ministers, placed in Livings by authority of Parliament. 999-1000
August 1647: An Ordinance for regulating the sale of Bishops Lands, and expediting the Conveyances thereof. 1000-1001
August 1647: An Additional Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the Visitation and Reformation of the University of Oxford, and the several Colleges and Halls therein. 1001-1002
August 1647: An Ordinance for the reliefe of the distressed Protestants come out of Ireland. 1002-1004
August 1647: An Ordinance for Re-establishing the Duty of Excise upon all Commodities except Flesh and Salt made in the Kingdom. 1004-1007
September 1647: An Ordinance for Constituting and Setling of the Committee of the Militia of the City of London. With the names of them therein expressed. 1007-1008
September 1647: Ordinance to slight the Works about London. 1008
September 1647: An Ordinance that from henceforth no Clipt Moneys, filed or diminished, shall be payable or received in payment withim this Kingdom. 1008-1009