Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660

The full text of legislation passed into law during the Interregnum. Contains over 900 pieces of legislation. ranging from that concerning the trial and execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury to the regulation of trade in currants, and from the propagation of the Gospel in the New World to the draining of the Great Fen. Originally published in three volumes, it is here given together, along with a table of acts passed and a substantial introduction.

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Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth, R S Rait ( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 12 September 2024].

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Edited by C H Firth, R S Rait( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 12, 2024,

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Ed. C H Firth, R S Rait(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 12 September 2024.

Table of Contents

Title Page(s)
January 1644: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning the making and swearing of High Sheriffs of Counties. 373-374
January 1644: An Ordinance Authorizing the call before them all Officers, Ministers, and other Attendants on the great Seale… 374-375
January 1644: Ordinance to allow the Importation of Currants from the Turks Dominions. 375
February 1644: An Ordinance for the present recruiting of the Army under the immediate Command of his Excellency the Lord General. 375-376
February 1644: An Ordinance, enjoyning the taking of the late Solemn League and Covenant, throughout the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales. 376-378
February 1644: An Ordinance to enable Sir Thomas Middleton Knight, Sarjeant Major-General for the Six Counties of North-Wales, to take Subscriptions br the raising of Forces...and prevention of the access of Irish Forces into those parts. 378-381
February 1644: An Ordinance for the appointing a Committee of both Houses of Parliament, to join with the Committees and Commissioners of Scotland... 381-382
February 1644: An Ordinance for the raising of a new Loan and Assessment in the County of Middlosex, for the maintenance of Forces for the defence of the Cities of London and Westminster, and County of Middlesex... 383-387
February 1644: An Ordinance for taking and receiving of the Accompts of the whole Kingdom. 387-391
February 1644: An Ordinance for encouragement of Merchants, and importers of Bullion or Coyne into this Kingdome. 391
February 1644: An Ordinance giving power to the Lord Fairfax to appoint and place able learned and godly Divines in the Northerne parts 391-392
February 1644: An Ordinance for the selling and disposing of all Ships and Goods taken by Reprisal, and belonging to the State. 392-393
February 1644: An Ordinance for payment of Reformado Officers out of Zant Currans. 393-394
March 1644: An Ordinance for the regulating of the Rates on the Customes and Excise of Tobacco. 394-395
March 1644: An Ordinance for the upholding the Government and Fellowship of Merchants of England, Trading in the Levant Seas, for the maintenance of Clothing and Woollen Manufactures, the venting of Lead, Tin, and sundry other Commodities of this Kingdom. 395-396
March 1644: An Ordinance concerning Currans. 396-397
March 1644: An Ordinance for free Trade to Sunderland or Blith, and to carry corn for our Brethren of Scotland. 397-398
March 1644: An Ordinance for the speedy compleating and maintaining of the Army under the immediate Command of Robert Earle of Essex, Lord Generall of the Forces raised by the Parliament. 398-405
March 1644: An Ordinance for the Contribution of the value of one Meale in the week, towards the charge of arming and forming into Regiments the Auxiliarie forces now in raysing within the Lines of Communication. 405-409
March 1644: An Ordinance to enable Sir William Brereton Baronet, one of the Members of the House of Commons, to execute the several Ordinances of Parliament for advance of money within the County of Chester, and County and City of Chester... 409-413
March 1644: An Ordinance for the Raising, Maintaining, Paying and Regulating of 3000. Foot; 1200. Horse, & 500 Dragoones, to be commanded by Sir William Waller as Serjeant Major Generall... 413-418
April 1644: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, for the making of Salt-petre, &c. 418-420
April 1644: An Ordinance for the better observation of the Lords-Day. 420-422
April 1644: An Ordinance for felling of Tymber Trees in Waltham Forrest for the use of his Majesties Navy Royall. 422-423
April 1644: An Ordinance for felling of Tymber Trees in the Woods of severall Delinquents for the use of his Majesties Navy Royall. 423-424
April 1644: Ordinance empowering the Committee of Both Kingdoms to prepare Propositions for a Peace. 425
May 1644: Ordinance concerning appointing Escheators. 425
May 1644: An Ordinance for the further demolishing of Monuments of Idolatry and Superstition. 425-426
May 1644: Ordinance for the Auxiliary Forces of London to march out. 426-428
May 1644: An Ordinance for raising and maintaining of Horse and Foot for the Garrison of Glocester, and for the Counties of Glocester, etc. 428-431
May 1644: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the Maintenance of the Forces of the Sevne associated Counties under the Command of Edward Earl of Manchester. 432-434
May 1644: An Ordinance for the relief of the Subjects who have been prejudiced by stopping and discontinuing of Writs of Error; which said Writs are to be sealed with the Great Seal of England, Ordained and Established by both Houses of Parliament. 434-435
May 1644: Ordinance for paying Monies to Sir Tho. Middleton, due by Bond to Hilton. 435-436
May 1644: An Ordinance for the appointing a Committee of both Houses, to join with the Committees and Commissioners of Scotland, for the better managing the Affairs of both Nations... 436-437
May 1644: An Ordinance for the better execution of the former Ordinance for Sequestration of Delinquents and Papists Estates. 437-441
May 1644: Ordinance for Mr. Soliciter St. John to execute the Place of Attorney-General. 441-442
June 1644: An Ordinance for encouragement of Marriners. 442-443
June 1644: An Ordinance For Associating of the Counties of Pembrooke, Carmarthen and Cardigan. 443-445
June 1644: An Ordinance Constituting and appointing Serjeant Major Generall Richard Brown...for the reducing of the City or Oxford, the Town and Castle of Wallingford... 445-446
June 1644: An Ordinance for raising of Moneys for the maintenance of such Forces, as are, and shall be raised in the County of Salop, for the service of the Parliament. 446-450
June 1644: An Ordinance for continuance of a former Ordinance for foure Moneths longer, from the time of the expiration of the said Ordinance, For the Raising, maintaining, paying, and regulating of 3000. Foot, 1200. Horse, and 500. Dragoons… 450-452
June 1644: An Ordinance that the Committee for the Militia of London; shall have power to impose upon all such Persons as have any stocks going in Trade, within the Line of Communication… 452-454
June 1644: An Ordinance enabling the Militia of London, to send three Regiments of Auxiliaries under Major Generall Browne. 454-455
June 1644: An Ordinance to appoint and enable Committees in the severall Counties of Buckingham, Oxon, and Berks, to put in execution this present Ordinance, and severall other Ordinances 455-458
June 1644: An Ordinance for the excluding of the Members of either House of Parliament, that have deserted the Parliament, and adhered to those that leavie Warre against the Parliament. 458-459
July 1644: An Ordinance for the enabling the Committees herein named, to put in execution severall Ordinances of Parliament in the Counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, the Cities of Bristoll and Exeter, and the Town and County of Poole 459-461
July 1644: An Ordinance for putting the Associated Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Huntington, Hertford, Cambridge, Lincoln, the Isle of Ely, and the Cities of Lincoln and Norwich... 462-466
July 1644: An Ordinance concerning a new Excise upon Allum, Copperas, Monmouth-caps, and Hats of all sorts, Hopps, Saffron, Starch, and all manner of Silks or Stuffes, made in this Kingdome... 466-468
July 1644: An Ordinance for the explanation of a former Ordinance for the taking and receiving of the Accompts of the Kingdom. 468-470
July 1644: An Ordinance of setling the Militia in the County of Leicester. 470-472
July 1644: An Ordinance for Raising an Army of Horse and Foot in the severall Counties and Cities herein mentioned. 472-475
July 1644: An Ordinance for raising and maintaining of Horse and Foot for the defence and preservation of the County of Wilts, and the Garrison of Malmsbury. 475-478
July 1644: An Ordinance for Impresting Soldiers for Reducing of Oxon. 478-479
July 1644: An Ordinance for directing the Proceedings of the Committee of both Houses, appointed to join with the Committees and Commissioners of Scotland. 479-480
July 1644: An Ordinance for the provision of Turf and Peate for the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs thereof. 481-483
August 1644: An Ordinance for payments of Money unto Handicrafts-men and Others out of the Ordinance of the eighth of July, 1644. for additional Excise. 484
August 1644: An Ordinance for the better Regulating and Leavying of the Excise of Flesh, within the Cities of London and Westminster, Suburbs, and Lines of Communication. 484-486
August 1644: An Ordinance for the speedy establishing of a Court Martiall, within the Cities of London, Westminster, or Lines of Cornmunication, together with the names of such Commissioners as are appointed for the Execution thereof. 486-488
August 1644: An Ordinance for the Associating the Counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, and the Cities of Bristoll and Exeter, and the Town and County of Poole. And for the putting them into a Posture of Defence. 489-496
August 1644: An Ordinance for a new Impost or Excise upon Herring. 496-497
August 1644: An Ordinance to amend the late Ordinance for the establishing of a Court Martiall. 498
August 1644: An Ordinance Declaring, That it shall and may be lawfull for all Forraigners and Strangers, in amity with this Kingdome, to have free Trade and Commerce... 498-501
August 1644: An Ordinance establishing certaine Rules and Instructions to be observed by the Commissioners of Excise; The Auditors in taking their accompts, And others imployed about the Collection of the Excise. 501-502
September 1644: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appointing and authorizing of Henry Brooke Esquire to be High Sheriff of the County Palatine of Chester... 503-505
September 1644: Ordinance for a Duty of One and a Half per Cent. on Goods, for Relief of Plymouth. 505-506
September 1644: An Ordinance for raising and maintaining of Horse and Foot, for reducing and continuing the County and City of Worcester, into, and under the obedience and Service of the King and Parliament. 507-511
September 1644: An Ordinance for mitigation of the Excise upon strong Waters. 511-512
September 1644: An Ordinance for the Continuance of a former Ordinance Concerning the Excise. 513
September 1644: An Order for raising eleven hundred horse for his Excellencie the Earle of Essex. 513-514
September 1644: An Ordinance fo[r] three thousand pounds for Sir Thomas Middleton. 514-515
October 1644: An Ordinance for the Conduct of the several Forces of Parliament. 515
October 1644: An Ordinance for the maintaining of the Forces of the seven Associated Counties under the Command of Edward Earle of Manchester... 515-518
October 1644: An Ordinance for a weekly Assessment on the County of Glocester, and on the City and County of the City of Glocester. 518-520
October 1644: An Ordinance for sending forth five Regiments out of the City of London, and parts adjacent. 520-521
October 1644: An Ordinance after the Advice had with the Assembly of Divines, for the Ordination of Ministers pro Tempore, according to the Directory for Ordination, and rules for Examination, therein expressed. 521-526
October 1644: An Ordinance for the raising and leavying of Moneys, for the Advance and Maintenance of the Forces...from the City of London and Liberties thereof, and from the Parishes mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortality. 526-528
October 1644: An Ordinance for a weekly Assessment upon the County of Northampton. 528-530
October 1644: Ordinance for raising Monies out of the Seven associated Counties of Essex, Suffolk, etc. for Arms for General Cromwell's Regiment. 530
October 1644: An Ordinance for an Assessment through the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, for the present relief of the British Army in Ireland, to continue for twelve Moneths from the first of Septemb. 1644. 531-553
October 1644: Ordinance for Redemption of the Captives at Algiers. 553-554
October 1644: An Ordinance Commanding that no Officer or Soldier either by Sea or Land, shall give any Quarter to any Irishman, or to any papist born in Ireland, which shall be taken in Arms against the Parliament in England. 554-555
October 1644: An additional Ordinance to a former Ordinance of the 19. of February last past, granted to divers persons of the County of Middlesex therein named, for putting the said County into a posture of Defence. 555-563
November 1644: An Ordinance of Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the Fining and Banishment of Edmond Waller Esquire. 563-564
November 1644: An Ordinance for the constituting of Sir Nathanael Brent Judge of the prerogative-Court of Canterbury. 564-566
November 1644: An Ordinance to enable the Associated Counties, with the County of Northampton, to make such Works as shall Reduce the Town of Crowland to the obedience of King and Parliament. 566-567
November 1644: An Ordinance for the true payment of Tythes, and other such Duties, according to the Laws and Custom of this Realm. 567-569
November 1644: Qrdinance for opening the Trade to Newcastle. 569-570
November 1644: An Ordinance for the freeing and discharging of all Rents and Revenues (belonging to the Hospitalls of Saint Bartholomew, Bridewell, Saint Thomas, and Bethlem) from any Assessments, Taxes and Charges whatsoever. 570-571
November 1644: Ordinance concerning Goods exported and imported from New England. 571
December 1644: An Ordinance for the raising of 66666 pounds 13 shillings foure pence, by way of Loane, for the better inabling of our Brethren of Scotland, for our Assistance and defence in this common cause of Religion and Libertie. 571-573
December 1644: An Ordinance for the Raising of Money to pay the Charge of the Fortifications and Guards, and for other necessary uses. 574-578
December 1644: An Ordinance for continuance of the Excise and New-Impost upon Flesh-Victuals, and Salt, for one whole yeare longer; To commence the ninth of lanuary, 1644. 578
December 1644: Ordinance for Provision of Salt-petre and Ammunition. 578-579
December 1644: An Ordinance for Ordaining Ministers in the County of Lancaster. 579
December 1644: An Ordinance for establishing a new Seale for the County Palatine of Lancaster. 579-580
December 1644: An Ordinance for the better observation of the monethly Fast; and more especially the next Wednesday, commonly called The Feast of the Nativity of Christ, Thorowout the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales. 580
December 1644: An Ordinance for bringing in the Areares of the Monethly Assessment, formerly charged upon the Cities of London and Westminster, and all other Parishes and places within the Lines of Communication and County of Middlesex. 580-582
January 1645: An Ordinance for taking away the Book of Common Prayer, and for establishing and putting in execution of the Directory for the publique worship of God. 582-607
January 1645: Ordinance for the Attainder of the Archbishop of Canterbury. 608
January 1645: Ordinance for beheading the Archbishop of Canterbury. 608-609