The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640

This project provides abstracts, calendars and transcript of the surviving material relating to 738 cases heard in the Court of Chivalry (otherwise known as the Court of Honour or the Earl Marshal’s Court) between 1634 and 1640. The original case papers are located at the College of Arms in London and the Earl Marshal’s archive at Arundel Castle, Sussex. The cases cover a wide variety of topics relating to the social, political and cultural history of the period, from ship money and the Bishops Wars to pew disputes and duelling, from heralds’ visitations and grants of arms to brawls in the street and quarrels at race meetings.

British History Online (no series).

This free content was Born digital. CC-NC-BY.


Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].

Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Edited by Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,

Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper. The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640. Ed. Richard Cust, Andrew Hopper, British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.

Table of Contents

Title Page(s)
Introduction: the project
Introduction: guide to users
Introduction: the archives
Introduction: the court in the 17th century
1 Allen v Axtell
2 Allen v Northam
3 Amcotts v Shuttleworth
4 Andrewes v Farmer
5 Andrews v Morris
6 Argent v Crayford
7 Arscott v Vosper
8 Arundell v Buller
9 Arundell v Cosworth
10 Ashenhurst v Middlemore
11 Asheton v Heskett
12 Astfield v Borne
13 Aston v Oakes
14 Atkinson v Powell
15 Attwood v Frogmer
16 Audley v Maleing
17 Babington v Atkyns
18 Backus v Mountford
19 Bacon v Webb
20 Badcock v Comyns
21 Badd v Rigges
22 Bagot v Fitzgarrett
23 Balleston v Snell
24 Baker v Spenser
25 Bale v Butcher
26 Ballard v Kestian
27 Bambridge v Lilburne
28 Banaster v Humberston
29 Bannester v Nicholls
30 Barker v Hoden
31 Barnes v Elkened
32 Baron v Waters
33 Barrow v Bullard
34 Barrow v Casborne
35 Bawde v Dawson
36 Beale v Harland
37 Beale v Smith
38 Belgrave v Farmer
39 Bellwood v Suckling
40 Bendish v Perry
41 Benion v Higham
42 Bere v Flamock
43 Bethell v Allenson
44 Beverley v Gardiner
45 Billiard v Robinson
46 Bingham v Joyce
47 Bisley v Bradford and Williams
48 Bisley v Southby
49 Blagrave v Noye
50 Bland v Clarke
51 Bland v Garton
52 Blayney v Price alias Rees
53 Blount v Anyan
54 Bodurda v Griffith
55 Bollard v Ellis
56 Bolle v Lambert
57 Bond v Pomeroy
58 Bosville v Savage
59 Bowen v Moulsworth and Gartfoote
60 Bowen v Nichols
61 Bowne v Throgmorton
62 Brabant v Vincent
63 Bradshawe v Greaves
64 Brandling v Southgate
65 Bray v Wenlowe
66 Brayne v Moulder
67 Breton v Bruer
68 Brome v Woodman
69 Bromfield v Venetian
70 Brooke v Brodripp
71 Brooke v Gutch
72 Broughton v Bridgnorth
73 Broughton v Deodate
74 Broughton v Farre
75 Browne v Atkinson
76 Browne v Horton
77 Browne v Presley
78 Browne v Searle
79 Bucknell v Leyfield
80 Buckworth v Furnace
81 Buggs v Norton
82 Bullard v Barrow
83 Bullock v Blackhall
84 Bunting v Burnham
85 Bunting v Hughes
86 Burdet v Oxley
87 Burges v Doncastle
88 Burghill v Gunter
89 Burnett v Prior
90 Cage v Smithson
91 Callow v Heane
92 Camarden v Lynley
93 Carew v Hellin
94 Carew v Middleton
95 Carew v Rew
96 Carew v Weekes